The Brussels Post, 1897-10-15, Page 7OCT. 15, 1997 THF JB U S S X Z, $ P 08T.
Sultmn of Turkey, Uut hex own broLU tsmarad iu Johatnnesbuxg that gip�(�7yilia l3xittah''tor odo-Uoat dosLxa spa tiro 13rltlsh South Qxnerwan L'agipany d81 SUIIDAYg��,,ar, Emporor Al lam of Germany. y_7gyhas in landed throe it[ii1LOn paanrk " aY Ii l$� ��jC1 �(Q�liiLi p;S3Tlr C}( Q (� j�Yrbtr�fyo Iff US IN h � LYnx and TQtrasStnr rounded On �ed fndpmnity Lxom the Govexnrnent of hen the LtlVi $tD WIMS Need Nutrition''
.— 7�esday durLng a log on Doclmans t the Tratwsvaal for Inciting tbo nu- INTERNATIONAL LESSON, OCT, 17.
TYPE VERY LATEST FROM ALI. TM'B all The 7IDt"aslxer Uralta fn inti, tivea °f M:utubo'lsland ,to
andexpected t9Die Lynx will. do tbo company, and for supplying thuja "lhur[ Roti• rp [ha fU+aran t:erorn"r." ,aces
WORLD OVER. 1818 sanrp. Iivp s'tnkars tin of lledasd wit DHi'ma• Wonderful ftz� �, eG:CDV eLw�7 f � Yiaefi� . it � � �
y tip Lnju, a Uy t}se bursttng of u steam ;'1, ao ss,, uo[aau'r'i:t[ ixn. [D r [e.
r [jripe on boazDd ilia TbrasUat shortly A Tj �D7 r 1 �A^ �� n PRACTICAL NOTJ{S,
Snt'Ureat Britain, About Our Own Country, aJ:tar aUa ro - BANK TELLER .ARRESTED Quick 'Respaa�•re of a Depleted Nerve
4Dreat 13rlEaln, ills UNtnd States, and g tended' � V'eisa 10. 1%ie
/ill Part$ o! the 61obe, Zondensgd and TED STATES, � govern -or OfJa .,tetanias '
maorted for haw ReadluS• MA j,1Lewis Glitter, the cigarette kingg, L elix, ' Pracurut0z " of Judea, Sanlar- SYStem
tlYuwg s,6 1Hia home„ near l;ichrrtond, is,, Gullies and Perea, a freedman of rSYSti, m to �' Treatment t Whale a
CWNAD�1' ROBBERY AT NAPAMEE, Lho ISnipaxsr C9audius, uppgiiited ¢haat aC�blelYlZe�LeE L+' sl2allas ed
The asseasmont returns of the cit Bishop Potter ,of Now York ilia ROBBERY A,D. u2, Ansneroil. Jeer the ueausuthrn,
j ,- is suffering tivil h a severe attack of la — pressured by .LerLulllus, n ]earned ad -
27 Hamilton, shanv an. increase of 1,. Nerve Forces.
37"x,530, � grllPpe. 94rr 1'oual; Man a Prime Fstrorl[r„ Hud
The death is announced of George g, ffnpes of 11[s 14 Duroonra I:egerirlly Na• vacate, read the preceding vel -spa,
M Major General Gascoigne has return- Lewis, of Buffalo Itthe extensive and Jorlauied. IAaul:s answer is rain and dignilled, b
;Alo Ottawa from aprolonged stay In ""6141 nmvu coal-acaler. f Na flntlery, no dircumldcution, nC in- f f
leland, iS't. Clair Smmp'sam„ aged 16, accident- A despatch' from Napanee, say No S
Elgin Tufford was sentenced to pen- guy shat rid killed his mathar at the 30th of August the Na.panea Urap,ah vecLive, but soiled argument and an
itentlar for two honest stata'mant of facll, Ire sbawaa
Y years at ]3amiltan their hams in Newark, N,T„ an Wed- of tba Dominion Bank sues entered and
for bigamy. neasdaya robjsd at $32,000, ,file's clever man- hice0o!IL to by an abler pleader than
The design for a new postage stamp The Creek Indaays have signed m nor in whisk tiro cJTIXS clev oC the the professional Oratur. Many years.
has been approved by the Postmaster- treaty agreetag .to accept lands in sever Six to pigliL. Su LSrut time lfplix had
;General. eiulL•y and to change thoir form of,gov-• vaOIL was 'ch'anged alud ail traces of become acquainted wLLh the all.,- ih d
George Xawrence, of Guelph, cam- etn111811L. the -robbery covered up was remarked
Initted suicide by shooting himself The price of beer In, San' Francisca at Lha thing, For the past month Do- ties of Lha Jews, and Could the More , J
with a revolver. has gasp up fully ams+third tviLhin the Le Lives Dougherty and Wilkes of the readily understand tills, defense of Paul. %y i i,.•s
Lieut. G. P. Thorpe, of the Rifle I3ri- last few weeks and is expected to But according LO most accounts he tins
,gale, England, has been appointed an Climb higher, Pinkerton Dpteetive Agency, Govern -
aide -de -camp to Lard Aberdeen. Wtlliam Pearson while digging in the ment Detective Greer and Inspector a harsh and corrupt ruler, .Paul's in-
The 011ive Mine, near Mine Centre, sand near Covington, Ky., unearthed a Bogart of Toronto have been working
trocluctory copnCllimpnt$ are cautiaualy
has been Gold by Winnipeg parties to skull, which is thought to be the long- on the case, and on Tnedsay evening worded so as to be within Ling limits a '
an English syndicate for 850,000, missing head of Peart Bryan. about 8 o'clock \1illian, Ponton, te11-
g Y $ ,. of truth.
no assessment of St. Catharlues The Slpaelal, Board appointed by the er in the Damini,on Sank was arrested ill But twelve days, Seven spent in
.shows a gain of $375,000 in property IIlnited ales Navy Defpftrtment r� and brow' purification, Acts 21, 27, and five since -�
and :.50 in papuliation over last year, Commends Lhe immediate construction brought before PO;,tce Magistrate bis arrest, Verse I.'a-is departure from
of five QLdw dT r •i k
The Monad b mina u Rat Portage five Inillian do]lara � at goat of Daly, who remxandad him to jail until Caesarea as an honored traveler and 1, ?
has been sold Up the Bullion Company Friday, Wlio arrest caused greet aur -
for $25,000. Q;oronto men erg the par- The finding aE a' burned railroad lease � his return as u Ipxisoner wets but ilia
ohnsers, in the debris of the Newcastle, Col., prise in town, as RE -r. Proton, is a prime days apart. %Vent a to
A cable despatch says ex -Chief Jus- +'reek tells the story of the horrible favorite, and strung hope is expresso11 Ship, Not to Incite tumult, 40; tcc over-
nice HagmrLy and Chief ;1'u$tiee Tait death of Elmer Blank and his bride of that ho ttrJ1 be a'bin to OsLabl[ah iris t �L
of lScntreal have boon Pittsburg. Lrnaooanoe, 1Tr. Ponton is a native of tbcoty the worshilxof the Jews, but to
garetted as worship" In the temple: , Ire chat
HALL ts, Gan Neal Donn, titins great temperance Belleville and is ~yell conyieotad. Tbia
All US recent reports from Da'sysoo Orator ane the euthor of the xVla ne lenges them to 1pxdve that at say time
nature of the evidence that will be ad- I.
City shows that provisions are near- liquor lulu, died Oat, Saturday afternoon loved against in thin ttvetve
1Y vxhausUecl and that lamina is in at PortJnn,d Me,, FIo eves nauety-tlDieo g est him is yet ulnknmvn, The days he Shad committed
vt.table, Monte aC age. Young upon deela.res himself innocent any of the act's Of nvhich he was ac-
of as comiinloit• in the rob- 6 t ��
Four guise of lock- no. 1 of the old llua CoSleatioml of deities on! personal hery. tiny
has beezp.. kkiottm Lor the O dJ'he neither Sound ma �
1Vella.nd Canal were carried away an luggage at New Yomk port umider the past fete weeks that 112x, Ponemi was y �6
Saturday night by the steamer Lake llimgLey tarllff 1 iN' increased last Sep- vAider suspicion. On Friday evening tinting. On this visit Paul had done no
side, tem er, as aamp¢redwitlu the Septem- last Mr. Durand .Lire, cashier in the ai'guLng-neither un Leawllle, nor ayna / \
The Selkirk leper, Godman Christ- ber oClnat year, front $10,050 to $03,709. bank, was transfas'red to Toronto, and, gogue, nor yet in Private b'gltses ; there ,4 `
imnson, bas been conveyed to Tracadie,
The coroner's jury which Investigated an Satiurday, Air, Gaeeny the junior, was tone Line rail u r of tiro e l
N.B. No further cases, it is stated, ex- tiro death of the striking miners at 6070 transfarrad. A story which'comes huts l. p gills in
ist in the province. Hazleton,, Pa., -has returned a verdict from atat iable soulxehad been 'floatin'gl a mob ~vas not Chargeable to him, 4yiLC lr
Captain Cooke, of ilia Royal Military 00"damning the, sheriff, declaring that a'rou'nd town for this, past week Lathe 13, NbILher can they prove, ,Accusa-
Y the killing was '•wantou and unjusti- effect that awarnin;g reached boththe Lion, is not proof, uR FRANK �AUER, BkgLiB, C3lT
College, Kingston, has, it is understood fiahle., DZana;Qrof,tha Domtinion and thelvfan- f Vat haw
been granted a commission in tha lin- Y judge
portal East African service. Rev, Father Wenest, priest of St. ager of 01a rylauahau'ts Banks here, even good acrd true Men on mere re- Y
�2r. Leblanc, one of the license Com PhUOmeDa's R. U, church at Pittaburg, through a Belleville i lawyer, some port, ' Judge not, that ye be not jud t`
missioners of Ottawa, dropped demi Pa., was assauLted at the altar an, Sun- mon'ths previous to the burglary, that ed." I i Perhaps you know him 7 In Water- seemed most hopeless, I heard of s
while fit a meeting of the Reform Club day by a Fremetianan named Gresserson, an attempt would be', made to xob one 1 loo ho is known as one of the most wonderful cure effected in a case
g 1vhD thought' the priest was egremuni ofthe banks. 'Us claimed that hebad 14. But Paul is toady to confess
in that city on Cltursdiip.night• ously irregular. became possessed, of the infoxmatton Christ even berore his enemies, Are popular and successful businessmen of somewhat similar to mine, by the
The official s ontre apha v of the civ- Tha United States war corvette Yan- !ic'rsOnally. lis o.result of this infotixnr we?. The wayf wh ch they aajJ her[ sy, that enterprising town. As -anag- Great South American�ierviae Tonic
it courts in Montreal have Bona. out Lia has been ordered to the teat lakes, a -Lion an extra night avatclimmu was put The aecesod thim' of being ing executor of the Kuntz estat he is and I finally tried that. On tbefira6
on strsko. They refused to take twelve g an at 'dila Maxehan•ts' Baum, but the wg ,e ving- e,
and Is to Up armed, attar her arrival oa leader of the ,sect of Nazarenes," the at the head of a vast business, retire- dap of its use I begmn to feel that ib
cents „H hundred words and demanded tha lakes, with m modern rapid fire bet- authorities of, the Domi ac Sauk, ai-
twenty cents. y p p though CCnt,muniorded with, did not on,:' senting an investment of man thous- was loin what no other medicine
Lary, which may cause eom. liaatians y time this term Is used in the , 7 g
Reports have been recaivod Ln St. between the IIlluted States and Great think it at sufficient imgoxtamoe to
Bible to designate Cl rlsetuns. `the ands of dollars, and known to many had done, The Brat dose relieved the
John's, Nt>xl., that three schooners have Britain, ttaarrauL them in taking any extra pre- Way,,, ]Hare, iris the force of u pro_ people throughout the Province, distress Completely. Before night I
been loaf off the Labrador nor coast, and Up es four oldlsudden
ud ek deaths Friday It been rau'tions, car, naule, and; seems to have been the Solid financially, Mr, Frank Bauer actually felt hungry and ate with an
five man and one tvomun corO chron cled in New Yorc tas [having LGod.f. my fathe adapted, subysm, Christians.
also bas the good fortune of enjoying appetite such as I had not known for
Mr. Charles R. Uevitn, appointed bIt[[peened since eazly in the aiornin xm-Ugion but a. LaMar and amore Paz,- solid good health, and if appearances months, I began to pick u its
some time ago by the Dominion Tlccordimg to mbo monthly statement BETTER NEWS FROM INDIA, fe8t development of the old coven- indicate as thin it ' p
Government Ematgratiom Agent to Ire- issued at Washington on Friday, of .the � y g, is safe to predict strength with surprising rapidity,
land, lies soul his resignation to Ot- Government receipts Had expenditures _ wriLCena ' � Id Sc things hien, °ie that there's w full half century o£ slept well nialtts, and before I knew
taws during September, 1807, the receipts SIO WILLIAM LOCKHART IS NOW the real basis of the Gospel, .To Paul active life still ahead for him, But it T was eating three square meals
Immigration Commissioner Pedley have )eon, $21,938,008, and the expend! IN CONTROL. the Old Tegtalm!Q.nt, was .not less,, but it's only i
and James A. Smart, Deputy Minlster tare 125X8,815; an excess of expend't- moi e, to hast' {.h61n it had )sen hafore nursed as an montfew hs si the Mt,
-regularly 'every day, with as much
of the .Interior, have left on a tour tures over receipts of $3„435,717, For 'm h ;:laved it J'ela i It, relish as ever. I have no hesitation
of the western States to visit immi the three months of the fiscal yea,x4 the '�dV11not ag as 191rne Colu+alls Fran Fe.Un- 15, gape• washer point whereLp he Clemens sanitary resort, when his whatever in saying that the South
grakian agencies. excess of expenditures fats been $29,015,- •Ynr-I'raaxr[f[saa 1 roc[aninfurn by rile is mot u scluiam'akic. His hope is
954. lmrer, friends in Waterloo were dismayed American Nervino Tonic cured me
The Dominion 1fiaister of Customs the same which they "wait for," -abet- with a report that he was at the point when all other remedies failed. I
is satisfied with the first effort to col- .ACcardilag to commercial reports from A despatch. from Loadun says; The ter trawslatLon then; Dillatn;- but with
Seat revenue in the Yukon. Fifteefn the New York agencies is Messrs. Dun mews from the Indian frontier is fu- ilial it W a living and diieceing naw- of death have recovered my old weight—over
thousand dollars have been remitted by and Bradstreet there is a steady ad- vorabie. Sir William . at; with diem it was mere patient There's no telling where I would 200 pounds- and never felt better
Collector Davis in less than a year, Mace all around in tits volume of trade. LOtkbart' JfOr'CQa tvaitiwg. ,Rssurrectiou of the demi. have been had I kept on the old treat- in'm life,"
A special from Winnipeg states that T1Hexe is an Increasing demand for man- wilt aonzmebpce the advance on :l'izah, T1De Cauwdatdon of tiro .Christian hope
this year has witnessed a remarkable Ln , andd goods, prices are steadily xis- the summer headquarters of the Af- -'t imay bel said to be "the hope," for meat," said I4Ir. Bauer, with a merry Mr, Frank Bauer'a experience is
increase in the volume 00 traffic on the g' and labour ixoubles are not sols- " f Cltilst lee not raised thn your laudgh, the other day, wh11e recounting that of all. others who have used the
Canadian Pacific railway and also in hurbl,ng a factor as has been the ease Adis, and the Orazai$, CromPeahatvur, faith Is vale." If Car. 15. 17. BotSD his experiences as a very sick man, South American Nervine Tonic, Its
the total sales of the land delrurtmout, recently. rJio commercial failures in on Pridap next, moving in three got- just anti unjust. "':[Per wo, shadl all +Mt, plamena," he continued, "teas instants
1 he United Staten for the wask just u,mitrs. Sir Z5%Lhliaid',Loekhart a.nd .Ma_ stand before the jucigntent seat of nous action in relieving dis-
Sir Louis Davies, Minister or Marine ended amounted to 104, as compared IOr_ta' .1l LOrcl ,othuall hays al- Christ" 1%em 14.'10, the last resort in my case. For tress and sin is due to the direst
and Fisheries, bas issued a circular to ]visit 200 for the wrrespanriing weak 10. 13ausiw. Qin -this hope, and be- months previous I bad been suffering effect of this great remedy upon the,
the yagthlumbermen h tiro Ottawa river, Iasi year, read,• arrived at Xohat„ amuse of this ]rope. The Christian's
notifying them that there will be no GENL'RAL. t1Ue uvuLiahs of '114n,11, on bearing 'of trust in thevggraoe of God and the eff. Indescribable tortures. Ibegan with nerve centres, whose fagged vitality'
further postponeinsnL• Of the lacy for- Tilt, Queen R "ani• Of . Lhe advance banns racy of the btooil of Jesus does not PP
bidding the dumiping of satvdnst into C3' Spain and the Dnp3n ted, began Lhcir 4 a loss of a elite and sleepless nights. is energized instantly by the very first
the river. Court have arrived at Madrid from San testi him into press" U life. ' CompCare T9en, as the trouble kept tonin
Sebeatian preparations .to Oppose ik, Uut it is notY the si,mtbir expressions' of the apostles w, s *etEinh p growing, I doss. It is a great, a wondrous earn
The Canadian Pacific Railway Com- :rhe now, Italian cruiser Garibaldi also reported that they are prepared Peter and John. 2 Paler 3 14; Il John ' o a weaker, and began losing for all nervous diseases, as well as
pony KI burins al; once into ROSS laud, has been lwanched at Sestri a Poriente, to offer tnnia on, behalf of the Afridis, 3, 3, Exeroisa myself, Note the an_ flesh and strength rapidly. My indigestion and dyapepsia. It goes
and tai 1 furnish tit's xiecessary nitOapy, wear Gep10a. tba Lf-Obmmncls and the bWakand exgy in this word. Tile athlete ;must stomach refused to retain food of any to the real source of trouble direct,
tat to orect a simciLer in the vicinity,
so that the ores of that camp will8 be Ire German Government is taking Lribesman. go chraugh a capstan treeing Doth kind, During all this time I was and the sick always feel its marvel -
the than they can be across at to introduce a bill to increase f Continuous a Careful
it he would g y
the Uordez, ileo beer tux threefold, Slie Aaneer, of AfghalnasLtn' lies pub- succeed. ;There is little hope for tUe under medical treatment, and took loos sustaining and restorative power
George g general manager (Austria offers to give her services liishod all9 Cabal 'hi;s xetnly to the pati,' Christian 'who does moi: "strive to an everything prescribed, but without at once, on the very first dey a its
lir. Hague, g in arranging the trouble betti•een S than of tan Ln." tI eke' 13. 24, \1'e are to
aL the iYJisrahanL's Bfiwlc of Canada, hms pain 011e, A2riK1Ls who solicited hist its- alt diligence,""press
give relief. Just about when my condition tilts,
jeat returned to Montre-A from the and L'he L uttecl States, sasl:oince agathat the British. ,Ire re- toward ire a 1 0"Peteir 3. 5, to
r less
North-1Vest, Ice says, w3t!illle that crup is Several earthquakes have taken place miivrls them that they have never be- aarefwL to merocele good conks" Titus Sold �� Deadman 8s C(riQll
mat aw heavy as Ilmst Year, its extra In Borneo, and a. new island has been fore Coot S. 8. slid to "f'
quality and 4iigDor prices will make thrown up plaimid of British cozDcluCt, "light the ;good fight of
but, on. the contrary, ao u' faith," 7 Tum, 6.12': ,
it twice as V161 able. alio �treported
t h Gerrurtn Turkey
s as no Li lir ills AC 4 tescOd fully, 1.7, Maury 'Not so strong as many," conscience; but tviith little thought of
Canadian artists are to be invited to B Y peoial de Afghan alliance with Briglanda Canyheam and Ebwts'ou, ' Several', -" forsaking tbair sins, g POR. TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS.
Submit proposals to the Government fox feusiva alliance. 3Xa quoted from 'tile Koran: on the sa- Lange. It was five eaz'g. Amts 18, 25. dleasomnd,� Paul sought not DUNN9
a s'tatun of the Queen and one of Ur. The Paris Eolair advocates the form- ored duty of fultilli 21, 22. AGmai , afier! his onv ri. safer through the favor
Aloxandar Mackenzie.. Rath are to be atioti of a FrenallRaissian-American wg agrgem,entq, olp•ac� Of the visit, bath) inconsistent of th,a judge Imt took this opportuuility
.treetad on Parliamont hili, Lire amount agricultural, alliance. Which, he says, the British hava kept wt�'h• thYci of whish he. was. accused. The ,ta
1'Mithfully, and, to coucluallon, he, de- alms were pmobaebly these spoken, of in pi'ea.y h� a syo E4p.i tYh oh
to be expanded on each Using 15,000 The betrothal is announced between waived, by th'e aid at ilio irit, resell
vaned by Paxviaanont last session. Princess Feodota, of Saxe-Meiningen wUmich thoyshn`e ipso hi °f trouble Rom 15. 25. 26; the ofP.eringa these of his conscience. Stigh'teausness. Qhs
It is reported that the Canadian Pa and Prince Henry of RJones. lig upon them- the I3entecost Dowd purification. Acts state oC riq,»1t'L living, jutstice to GodNOWN
0115CRailway Company have offered to The French are encroacbin on the wives, •adding, 'to do so would Using D. 1G, and 21., 26: an d amano Just twhat•• �Xerlix was
g ignominy upon mys'olf and my ppeople." l8. CCrt;%lAr• Jails from Asia. Procan- not doing. T.emSperaucg. Not merely
neat their
abridge system at Quebec to con- British sphere of lot nonce in 'West The Ameer has also isauod through- sr>iar r>,sla, the district around ESrl, a- a�tiT1eneC frbm strong drink, but a
spat their system with the Intercol, Africa,• and trouble is expected to re- ont' Afghatitsltan a Gang proclamation, 'Lls. 'I'Jpase tvihb were ebmittandecl tC ausbibg OC iii aplpotites and
onial! Railway provided that LIDO In Wit• dated Augtzs't 18th, •clad entitllad ' A Appear, Amis 23, 30., 'were' not there. another, home thruist, though Paull may
teroolbmial Railway will give them a Church dignitaries in Bolts are afraid Okar declaration and tvarnin to all Hound mg not hive mulls silly ersontii a ,ia; THE COOKS BEST FRIEND
lease of their road. the Pope, will not rally from the ex- Afahams." Tills is g UulmuSt, but pful ad. ceremonial tang g6 a to come, p tlpl- LARD QST SALE IN CANADA.
treme feebleness and exhaustion he elfferab uJx the r Oh to the somas tion. J•ud
Regarding the first Lriall shipment elply to the petition toll servances, 131oCy Slpirit brought these truths home `
of Canadian fruit to England in cold °'aw betrays, the Af°rildist It xf.:eains I1nggland of any 19, '110 o before thee, It atlas the to the c0amteam oL Felix,, ,and. See tea -
store a, a cablegram Etas been rem the Sagasta, the Spanish' Liberal din':byal intention toward Afghanistan Raman, uO it is the modcra 'ulsaga to 411red tb'at he magi glue an account of 21'021 SO BAD AFTER ALL.
eeivad is Ottawa, stating that the leader, has been entrusted by the (ween justifies the adiance as it ",protection bring the accused and tile' accusers flis actions to a Jnadge who acua'd oto First Pretty Girl an! E -
pears, p7A>ms, and tomatoes arrived in R'59 with the task of forming a against foreign inviision," and 'taunts fico Go face; bWL the' Ewallio eomp:uin be bribed, no caplet• Ile .trembled. Hi, 1Ow act to the aisle ought Co tieawhiel
good condition, but ,the new Cabinet. the tr bestuen' yvit'tr, robelllin! at the p-
ants were abson!t, became alarmed, but to quiet his fears lots across the aisle ought to beheTsa-
g'?rapes were tea ripe, andpd d n t ur Sixteen persons were killed by Lnslig'ation Of a fakir of unknown par- 0• '! hese swiL Anail,i6s and his dismissed not his. sins but -at is to ah_ tvliipped. tie has Veen staring at oix
rive In good condition. tbo explosion of u boiler in a fmo- a Lego, after accepting diritish' jl U& J ders. Y
I i I t at. ,A convenient seasoA:, Nt'uny still for iUe last ten' minutes.
MJOhasl' Odrie Jumped out of a sew
factory at ,Batfalu, is Hungary, on aidi.ea, and while pI.JVilding to raise a 21. One voice, "One Dsayying." The deceive themselves by the $tine ex- Socand 1?retty Girl-Wby, my do ,
and -Storey window on St. i'av1 street, Dlonday. J'ehud tviDiSks all 11\ioh¢Ilwmodanis, and cAnfp• charge that aoaHd 'lto sustained Ou0o--eat now, but sdmo mare conveu_ Sou era mrstaken. Ile has boon lra[r;
2Foatxeal. People picked Spain up, and The Icelandic Parliamant having vat- Wittaqh of iiha ] wll. , are taking sides waD his 'IpelOaf, iDa glpii resulereattan of rent time, whDan they are ,tired of Lain ing stead' at you, exce, tin wne
in answer to uerios he said he was not g wtCQD WDe Eyt'gWsh, 'Tiinally, washing' the dead; and his Saddvneaw enemies perhaps, or death, is a little nearer: poi' turned Dn Itis diractiov, .and til
q ecl p semi fox 111 L purpose, a tale- 'his, hands of tdaoir affairs, the Aluper kuOw weld thht iC thVt ship Idtipn the will OaSlp .Bus; God is cu11i : en
litt¢t. Them Ws, re-entered the bulli. graphic cable will Lie lain Wrest sump- addresses rho tribesmen as Cal.lows: „ mg he tvauld look at me to avoid meeting
Lag, find before the crowd held lis- met from Scotland to Iceland, made the mut,R.itudo would proalli0y, ','now," and it mta& 'be with' otheag as Yate• eyes,
��ria0zlsed to came down a g 'Youa'reall object' is to xpiafce mo ftgh'•L, dea:are itself on .dial's aide, it was tv.LLh Ifeltx, the moxa convenient First Pretty Girl, sentimeutall -
Lrom a third storey. Hesw $nipp eked in Ve essn¢,vandils confin d herocii his lied d oaulial),L mltfoorfiahsthini tl t m Sura , o o 22. ill, Inishsixo Perfecteight
kyetv1% mu i FClic time �vi"Jl sever aging. -First r -circ- hC 1, y I
ntDt��pp fearftaMy ituinl;led, and diad shortly Rii is in good spirits and proposes .0 won% asthma Ube posita,an, or ainipla le"Irned much al omtd• y'etha �rtst.lanstl �
afterwards. i - remain for a year to write on Tion- Ispeclattars.. I as' e1 1 R1fdAC32ER'S STORE*, LC1G3 R N77EDID.
�,aGnoL s lob a fool es there were ClDraetiam soldiers in his NO AS71R0
CrRE9T BIiITAiN, gess suUjeets. to annoy and oi.tlend others foryour; on"a city (AtOts 10), alpd' probably ant Iis-Tile astrologer described ou' as
Mrs. Labgtry amnDtnnees that she The new German Naval 'bill will de- sake,,, izthis own I Like Other MOrtais he fall a \riatim to aetl and said that T would marry,
oil gBuards,. gel therefore knew Y
mend an expenditure of 410,000,000 ti re porfeD.tly t4atn was developed in Diseose-Dr, Agnews Cntaxrhal Pow- You,
lras retired front Lite stage, marks, to ba spread over seven years. _T` the tried„ 1.110 dbotAllnea Of Pawl rind ilia dor Was the Ageht which Restated She -Don't you think it was a waste
It is expected t3ilmt the Itoke and It is expected the bill will be rejected, GOOD jVOiV]AS\ BAD FIErYI{T. Mitred, of the Xetvs. That tl,e. f'hO Rbn to Health and he Gladly rltoted of mons to consult himR
Donbass of York w1ril be sponsors for and that a crisis wi91 be ,theaeaiilt. -- Chrasi:iian rpltgtoni. Seo note. on verse Y BlaiWhy
ting baby MarliUorotugh'. Oruminal proceedings have been When Could the Life of a Loved One 14, also Acts 9, 2f 10. 0„ 23: Ifiz. iia- Ills Name to be Viscid in Tolling ft She -I Could have told you the same
The RulssiiHs� Clzarina wi•'1 wisIt the
cotnaienced against the FrankfoAbzOI- be More Uaicertain Than When At_ farted that i:lta,t is, he adjcmnued the Iltat Others May be Benefited, toll thing myself,
Queen, tncagnito, above the mil dile of tang, on the charge of lese majeste, Lacked by lleat't 1),Imase2-IC You. court, stud deferred the case. Ae had Rev, C1bas. 1. Whitcombe, Rentor
tiho present mu4Ah': Or criticizing' the errutio course of pawar troy dloCer it as lomg Dts lie liked, St, b%n'tthew's Episcopal Of iV1'ND S,POYZ> D T1j;AINS,
Emperor William, Ilavvo n IIi,gL of it .Flava Dr. Agnotv's and Ibis ohjer.L n c$, d0ebtloss, tD tl,vvid Prtnci al of Sir. I i, copal Uhutoli, nnud
The Liberal candidate in fast Den- Chirp for the IloarL 11Iwa s at Hand olCfptDdnng tihie Jaws. V.erscvs 2G, 'd7. p i,Catthptv's 'Church The violence of the }vied on the
Isigg'h�ishiro luso rotuxned on Thursday All arrangements for the cession of Y 28 C!nmtnasl.clecl. Iiia kept Paul School, 3umilton,` was a great silt- Grampian Hillis is so ,great that a
iviGlr aa Increased majority, Y Kassala to Great Britain have been It is Lilo OadY Aillftedy Which Can p t still Corsi•. Dr. A news Ca:tarx+hal. Pa , stat Occasions , it has n, saV
completed, and everything is ready RelIiM Yet', Lnl 30 Aliuutos and Cure, d Prisoner, unxtlar 'the clintge of it sol- cured, him, a ud ho n. oder s brought to a;
London Vami,'ty Fair says that olio ux, t,IDdngh ninth large liberty, 13ue aw pToola'I a to standstill trains traveling from Perth,
screachofthe AmeriCwn emgls iabeaom for the occupation of that town by you Por'manrmtl, , Iia waa maim- selfish ili his , Live, the world that as a amfe, 8, Is and to the north.
lag sip exasperating that ,British gun. British troops. Y n certaiat gripe it Sin,$ no a nal. ,LL never
Powder may' have to lra used to.silence Tha European cities of Duplin, "'Pitts is to cextify that mty wile b'Optng Paul, or his friends would pu3- fails to relieve catartdi qDm. to min -
to tUAN10�tl.FlIIT.
I'll bean n sufSnrer from chase his liborty. Verse 26,
tt, a arcOlOna, and Madrid are to be om heart dis- L4, Drntsi,lll Dei DLei of Herod A otos, mind, Cures, permunOmtly,
equipped with trolls systems, and all 'Ca'so for Over Twenty Years. After g
Tho n�itislt! L heralts aro vigorously Y y r,Dl�pn. L, marri d to tills Prince of ,lrmesa, Sold by Dgadntfyn .@ MUCOil, Pilcs Cured in 3 to 6 Nigihts-Ite}irn
attacking as ,'Goad Sal3sCowar fargigA the electrical and steam d States Otavimr tried. doctors and remedies in- had soluood from]. him b 11'•015x, throu ly Burning akin Drs g:
wall be s y curedrtiva 1vna of
, Ag o I Wpf i.ustrumohta0% of a, Cypriot $or- bio 'n oases nlalleved in
policy as nvOult and cowardly, A plied b 'United States pro- Y • •Yp g B,ElS' N,TG}Fi'.11 'tt'gLt,II. y,
l'" time, supplied gated two IUottlOs CC Dr. Agmawis (,tire aei.or. She leas a Jewess by bixth, eda- Baca work at night in t
poarIng6 imdlcat'o C11mt nils oaumLrY is for the HbaA, tun•d she has recaivod! the hive, pt. A Decay's O'
turning ones snare to thio Liberal pasty. xt is ropott6d; that a powerful Span- iters bsaafut trent it G'tlan C 0011011 and' beliaf, 'but far bolow t,h.a bundle their combs. g, iilttngnt twill Cu
Is1D sgtLadrOw 1vill tmmadiately proceed tern all, mara4s of •lionast. JudatsDn: As her if n g as porLecl:lY us hisses of Dtaltin ilea i re alt
14ms, nrmj unn'f3dar able actu re t0 Guba an A a retex E the doctors and all, the earns heed here•• Rovol. aunt • n alaCLl'iC It shuns there alt til g 1 n tion tbrCo
former, announced durWg alecture in p t o attending tbrore, .l am,pleased; to co L' las, tinder ver slanilar circuln- Lama. ThO exfsto a to sal. ,ntg,IAs, One aliplicati
No insLaI1ation of the now floating r ify to tile 4tensca, dicard;John - Has oft its young de-, eomfort, For iii d di Urttigi
tVarwiClls0.00 bine the GUrotvn Pxln g axcallence vfl Uhas ivzintlprful turned ha Baptist, acs slie ]fonds on ilio .tepidity of LIM s it 9 n and bleeding it
cess a[ Greece, Pn°tuaess S incl: at .TTcudm,na, but rea[1 as an an$ y dasHrrI to ,hear f'pul„ gOnCerni0g the ins food prosented to t nucha} n is paealoss. Also cures tetter p
ophia of Pros. y AARON' N1:OIl0f CCLi.h tit C'hrfst, flOty many, while li - li h Urm+ ilii tt zheutit, eczema, barber' sett
aim, had told liar that the wozst and lvgn to flip despatd�i oC tiro ?United v g t tvgra nllawod ac0ass to tills it s utclt ami all
moat OxuO1 foe of Crrecoo was slot the States flotilla to Florzda'cyaters, Patarlioxo, Stnibli Tp, hig in sDn, listen la Lh.O Guspel; hoping lvauld in all probability ao xrupturnns OC isle skint. ilaligves in
Sold by Deecltnan .0 �.ICCClI, y p ve fatal to d • p5 gents.
p the hive. Sold Uy Y1r;Daiiutin 3 I&C'oll.
per -haps s to •Near Rome tvorit to cess their the inmates :of .