HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-10-15, Page 6ttiiz Nruzztts Vat •—ls pu0LI00ID-- EVERY FRIDAY MORNING (in time for the early mails) at. "Tho Post" Steam rublishins houses ',I'DBNBEaBY ST,, BELISSELS, ONT. TEnate ov Snnsomamrox.-0980 dollar a year, in advance, '.'119;date to whiab every subscription Is paid 10 denoted by the date on the address label. A0VEnTf8Ixa Reims. The following rates will be Charged to Omen who advertise by the year: steam 11 lit, I O inn. I8 mo One Ooln'vu 869.00 es0,00 ¢25.00 Half 80.00 20.00 12,00 Quarter " 20.00 15.00 8.00 ight h" ,-.' i 19.00 8.00 6,00 Eight Cants per line for first insertion, and three cents per line for Cash subsequentin- sorti0n. Au advertisements measured as Nonpareil -12 lines to the inch. Bueinoss Cards, eight lines and under, 00 per annum. Advertisements withnxt epeeffio direc- tions, win be inserted until forbid, and obarged accordingly. Instructions to clump or disoontinne an advertisement must be left at the Counting :more of T014200,0 not later than Tuesday of each week Tills is imperative. W. u. Ts%'kZI1, Editor and Proprietor. THE ELMA FAIR. The annual Fall Exhibition of the Elmo Agricultural Sooioty was held on their grounds, Atwood, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 8th and 0th. The weather ou Tuesday and. on Wednesday morning was not inviting. A. perfect hurricane of dust blew about all day toes, J W ltfeliain, J Priest ; white Tuesday, followed by cold winds and elephant potatoes, P Erb, D Douglas ; chewers of rain. However, by 10 o'clock beauty of Hebron, G Lochhead, 0 Eel - pig of 1897, D De0oursey, M Miller ; Looking pigs, J Danbrook, 1 & 2, Any other breed,-13aar pig of 1897, A Miller, A Stevenson ; brood sow, A Simp908, J A Turnbull ; sow pig of 1807, A 0111198', A Simpson ; Looking pigs, G Loobheed, 11 Panbronk, Pont:O M,—Plymouth rooks, H Goddard,, 1 & 2 ; white leghorne, H Goddard, A Ioerger ; brown leghorns, Mies Baker, H Goddard ; Homburgs, D Douglas, A Ioerger ; games, I Ioerger, Miss Baker ; Coohins, A Miller, A Ioerger ; bleak Spanish, H Goddard, 1 & 2 ; light Brttbmns, Beek & lime, 1 & 2 ; Lang. 0haas, Mies Balser, 1 & 2 ; Bantams, H Goddard, A Miller ; geese, J Cowan, R Pride ; ducks, A Ioerger, 1 & 2 ; turkeys, D Douglas, A Miller ; pigeons, Miss Baker. John Houze ; Canary, L Hoath, Chicks of 1897—Plymouth rooks, H God. dard, 1 & 2 ; white loehorns, H Goddard, A Ioerger ; brown legions, H Goddard, 1 & 2 ; Homburgs, D Douglas, 3 Cowan ; games, Buck & Kraus, A Ioerger; Cooh- ine, Aloerger, 1 & 2 ; binok Spanish, Miss Baker, D Douglas ; light Brohmae, Buck & Kraus, A Ioerger ; Langshane, Mies Baker ; Bantams, H Goddard, A Ioerger ; Wyandottes, recommended. Judge -3 Brethaor. AouuonLTIDIAL Pnonocro,—Fall wheat, red, W Hewitt & Son, S Peter, W P Campbell ; fall wheat, white, W P Camp- bell, 8 Peter ; Spring wheat, A Miller, S Peter ; two rowed barley, A Miller, W P Campbell ; six rowed barley, W P Oamp• bell, A Miller ; beardless barley, le Ford ; blank nate, A. Miller, S Peter ; white oats, A Miller, Joe Horn, J Bonze ; peas, large, A Miller, W Peet, S Peter ; peas, smell, A Milner, W P Campbell ; Doll. of grain, S Peter ; clover Beed, J horn ; timothy Beed, Smith Bros, S Peter, VI Peet ; sheaf of flax, G Lochhead ; sheaf of flint Dorn, T Dickson, S Peter ; sheaf of mammoth sweet corn, J Graham, Wm Dowding. Roots—Best variety of pate, on Wednesday the weather commenced to clear np, and the afternoon was all that could be desired. Still the threaten- ing appearance o£ the sky during the forenoon no doubt kept many people from a distance attending, and the gate re- ceipts were not quite up to some former years in consequence. The entries in the inside department were neither so filthier so good as last year, particularly in t roots, vegetables and fruit, owing to the wet, unfavorable season. The ladies' department was perhaps a little below some former years, but there were in- dividual exhibits of roots and grain ex- ceptionally fine, notably S. Peter's, who showed some good stuff, and captured the red ticket for best collection of roots and grain. Whatever was lacking in point of num• her and quality in the inaide department was more than made up in the fine ex- hibit of horses, cattle, sheep and pigs. We never saw such a fine lot of these animals at this Fair, especially the sheep and hogs. If it teaohee anything it is that our farmers are going more into thoroughbred stock raising and more fully appreciating the advantages of mix- ed farming. On the whole the Elma Fair was folly 981 to former Fairs and in many respects better. The attendance was large, and the best of order prevailed, Following is the list of prize -winners in the order of merit :— Hokeoe.—Agricultural.—Foal of 1897, W Dickson ; brood mare, with foal, W Dickson, A Miller ; yearling filly, J Duncan ; 2.year•old illy, J Brydone, J Dickson, jr. ; 3 -year-old filly, L McNeil, T Jackson, G Lochhead ; span of horses, T Jackson, 3 B Hamilton, Cz Lochhead. General purpose.—Foal of 1897, R S Bal. lentyne, L Beath, C Ovens brood mere with foal, R S Ballantyne, F Switzer, L Heath ; yearling filly, A Peebles, T Dick- son ; 2.year-old filly, T Dickson, Robb Pride, A Miller ; 8•year-old filly, 3' B Hamilton ; span of horses, T Diokaon, A Stevenson, P McLellan. Roadster.— Pony, Buck & Kraals, 1 & 2, W MoOor- miok ; foal of 1897, H Zinn, J A Turn- bull ; yearling filly, F Switzer, D Shines, W G Inglis ; 2•yeer•old filly, J A Tarn - bull, J Morrison, jr., W J Alexander ; 3.year-old fiily, W G Inglis, W J Alex. ander, W Hewitt & Son ; saddle horse, single roadster, harness, Miller, ISiiPtneeHamilton 0 Struthers, J A Roe, V S ; span of horses, 0 H Holmes, W McCormick. Carriage. —Brood mare, with foal, H Zinn ; year- ling filly, J A Turnbull, H Zinn ; 2 -year. old filly, T Robbie, W G Inglis, Wm Dickson • 3 -year-old filly, J Home, Et Zinn, A Miller ; single carriage horse in harness, H Zinn, W T Thompson, Dr Langrill ; span of horses, J W Boyd, J Watson, Judges.—John Angus, John Shearer and John Burns. C,tTTLE.—Durhams.—Milch cow, 3' Brydone, D Milne, 2 & 3 ; 2.year.old heifer, J Brydone, 1 & 2, D Olilne ; year- ling heifer, J Horne, D Milne, JBrydone; bull calf, D Milne, 1 & 3, Wm .Roy ; heifer Dalt, J Brydone, Wm Roy, D Milne. Ayrehiree.—Milch Cows, T Dick - eon, 1 & 2, W McCormick ; 2 -year-old heifer, T Dickson,1 & 2 ; bull calf, T Dickson. Jerseys.—Milch Cow, A H Wynn ; heifer pelf, 3 Morrison, jr. Grades.—Miloh Cow, D Milne, 1 & 2, J Morrison, sr, ; 2.year-old heifer, Geo Struthers, D Milne ; yearling heifer, 3 Morrison, sr., Jas Dungan, Thos Sweet - on ; heifer Calf, 3 Brydone, 1 & 3, D Milne. Any breed—Three year old steers, W Dickson, Jos Horn, A Stevenson ; 2.year-old steers, W Dickson, 1 & 2 ; yearling steers, G Struthers, A Steven. eon, 3 Duncan ; tat Cow, T Dickson, Judged.—Jam li'orgueon, Brussels ; Jae Shewan, Palmerston, and G Shearer, Poole. Sniei,—Leioesters.—Aged ram, J H Iiin0man, T Dickson ; ehearling ram, D Milne, Wm Sweeten ; ram lamb, 3' H Kinsman, J Cowan ; pail ewes, T Dick. son, J Cowan; ehearling owee,TDiokeon, T Sweeten ; 0110 lambs, 3 Cowan, 3' H Kinsman. Oxford Downe—Aged ram, T Smith, (14th Con, Elrea ; ehearling ram, Wm Peet ; ram lamb, T Smith, 0 Ovens ; pair ewes, C Ovens, T Smith ; ehearling ewee, I' Smith ; ewe lambs, 8'r Smith, 0 Ovans. Shropshire—Aged ram, ram lamb, 3 Trim, T Newbigging ; pair ewes, J Trfm ; ehearling ewes, J Trim, T New. bigging ; ewe lambs, 3 Trim, T Nowbig- ging ; fat sheep, T Newbiggfng, T Smith. Puke—Berkshire—Aged boar, 0 Kerr, J Cowan ; boar pig of 1897, 0 Mohlano, 3 Cowan ; brood sow, 0 Kerr, J Cowan ; sow pig of 1897, A Miller, L Heath ; suck- ing pigs, J Cowan 1 & 2. Chester white, lar ; rose of Erin, 3' Graham, Smith Bros ; Empire State, A Miller, 3 Outh- bertson ; late potatoes, J Graham, C Heller ; early potatoes, D Douglas, arta Grabam ; Swede turnips, J Cowan, W Hewitt & Son ; any other kind, 8 Peter, J Danbrook ; mangold wurtzels, long red, W H Mo0raoken, J Cowan ; mangold wurtzels, yellow globe, 3 Graham, W H McCracken ; mangold wurtzels, red globe, W H McCracken, S Peter ; mon. gold wortzels, long yellow, W I Mo- Orackeu, J Graham ; field oarrots, G Chapman, W Hewitt & Son ; toll. of roots, W H McCracken, J Cowan. Judges—H M Sohafer, Jas Hamilton. YnaETeoLEe.—Beets, long, W Peet, W H McCracken ; beets, round, H Ronnen- berg, A Miller ; radishes, Summer, S Peter, J A Turnbull ; radishes, Winter, John Cowan, A Miller ; rod cabbage, W H McCracken, Geo Chapman ; Winter Cabbage, Joo Cowan, .0. Miller ; onions, yellow, W H McCracken, Geo Chapman • onions, red, W H MoCraoken, W J TCgheu ; ;Dutch setts, H Ronneuberg, Wm Dowding ; garden carrots, Geo Chapman, Wm Illowdieg ; parsnips, Wm Dowdiug, Geo Chapman 1 Cucumbers, Geo Arnold, T Newbigging ; celery, Geo Chapman, 3 W McBain ; cauliflowers, Geo Chapman, J Morrison, j0. ; corn, A S Taesie, Mrs J Switzer ; black beans, Mrs J Switzer, W Dowding ; white bean, L Heath, R Ronnonbere ; any other variety of beano, W H Mc0raoken, F Switzer ; pumpkin, A Miller, 0 Heller ; squash, John Cowan, A Miller ; Citron, W L Holmes, W Hewitt & Son ; toma- toes, Jae Priest, Joe Horn ; meek melons, W H McCracken, John Graham ; water melons, W Hewitt & Son, W H McCrack- en. Fnorr.—Duoheas of Oldenburg, W P Oampbell, Jas Danbrook ; Alexander, W Hewitt & Son, Sohn Cowan ; St Law. reins, John Cowan, Jas Danbrook ; snow apples, W H McCracken, Wm Dickson ; Northern Spy, A S Taesie, D Douglas ; golden russet, 0 Heller, W Hewitt & Son; Greening, W Hewitt & Son, W P Camp. bell ; Red Canada, NV Hewitt & Son, W H McCracken ; Ben Davie, John Gra- ham, Wm Dickson ; crab apples, Geo Arnold, J W MaBain ; oollection of apples, W Hewitt & Son, W P Campbell; pears, Jae Danbrook, Mies MoLaren ; plume, Jos Horn, Jae Danbrook ; grapes, John Onthberteon,300 Horn. Thum—Fresh butter, D Douglas, Mre A H Wynn ; tub butter, D Douglas, August Steal ; home made bread, Mrs A Simpson, Mrs 3 Switzer ; baker's bread, baker's buns, 3' McKoy ; canned fruit, home made soap, Mrs 3 Switzer, Jno Graham ; honey extracted, honey in oomb, 11 Goddard, 3os Horn ; pfakies, Mrs J Switzer, John Graham. Judges — A W Featherstone, H M Schafer and Jas Hamilton. Domenic Menoy1orunne. — A11 wool tweed, J Houze; blankets, Miss McLaren, H Ronnenberg ; horse blankets, 3 Houze, 0 Steaf; woolen yarn, W H McCracken, J Henze ; rag carpet, Robert Ford, J Howes ; floor mat, Mrs 3 Switzer, Smith Bros. Mechanical Manufactures—Single harneso 1 & 2, double set carriage, team harness, James Hammond ; bee hive, II Goddard. Judge ---H M Schafer. LADIES' DEPART.IIENT. — Crazy quilt, Mise Hall, Mise McLaren ; patched quilt, W H Mo0raeken, Mrs 3' Switzer ; log cabin quilt, Mlle Hall, S Al Smith ; quilt sewed on cotton, Miss Hall, John Gra- ham ; counterpane, knitted, I' Switzer, D Douglas ; oroohet counterpane, Mlles Baker, Thos Dickson ; Counterpane wove, Wm Dioksoc, George Loohheadl; domestio counterpane, H Ronnenberg ; ornamental needlework, S IV1 Smith, Miss Hall ; fine shirt, hand made, Wire John Switzer ; gentleman's coarse shirt, Dire John Switzer, Mrs J Morrison, j0. woolen socks, home knit, W H MCCraok. enMiss McLaren) darned stockings, Miss Hall, A S Tame ; etookingo, home knit, Mies McLaren, W H McCracken ; woolen mitts, home knit, 1 & 2 W II Mo. Grunion ; woolen gloves, home knit, Mrs Nixon, 'W H MoOraoken ; tautly knitting, Miss Hall, Mrs Nixon ; Crochet work, Mies Hall, Mies Behar ; panele, worked, W H Mt0reoken, bliss Hall ; panels, painted, Miss Baker, Miss Hall ; table boquet cat flowers, Wm Steveneou, Thos Diokaon ; hand boqueb oat flowers, H Goddard, Thee Dickson ; tray cloth, Mise Hall, Wm Dickoon ; Berlin wool work, raised, W II McCracken ; Berlin wool work, flat, Miss Hall, Mise Baker ; tidy, cotton, Miss Baker, Miss Kalbfleieoh; tidy, wool, Miss Ham, Mise Baker ; table scarf, Mies Kalbfleisoh, Miss Hall ; fanoy pincushion, Miss Ball, Miss MoLaren; pillow shams, Miss MoLaren, John G. loam y whisk holder, Mioe Hall, Miss 1 TETE BRUSSELS POST Balmy ; sofa pillow, Miss MoLaren, Miss Baker ; painting an eating Mise Hall, W H Mo0raokon ; fanoy slippers, Mies Hall, Miss Baker; outline work, Miss Mo. Laren, Miss Hail ; table Centre and doileyo, Miss Ifall, Mies Kalbfleisoh, oolleobion of piotures, S M Smith, Mice Baker; oolleotlon of ladies' work, Mies Baker, Mlee Hall ; lady's band bag, Mise Baker, Mise Hail •,Roman embroidery, Mies legman, Miss Hall i toot stool, Mies McLaren, J W MoBain ; point Iaoe, Mile Ball, M;.N Knlhflaiaoh ; Iloniton lam), Mies Hall, Mies Baker; landeoeapo painting, S M Smith, Mise Hall ; crayon, 8 X Smith, Miss Hall. SPECIALS—Plain ponmemship, 8 Peter ; largest and best collodion of field and garden produce, grain included, S Peter ; loaf of home hada bread, A Simpson ; Carriage team, J W Boyd ; oolleotion of Winter apples, W Hewitt & Son ; Crook of butter, tan pounds, John Graham ; heavy draft team, Thos Jackson ; general purpose team, Thos Dickson, SINGULAR SIGNS. Of unwittingly ludicrous or humorous signs there are plenty. A tinsmith near Exeter, England, has a sign which reads; "Quart measures of ail ebapes and sizes Bold here." At a market town in Rut- landehire the following placard was affix. ed to the shutters of a watchmaker who had decamped, leaving has oreditors mourning : "Wound up andlithei main- spring broke." Equally opposite was one in Thomaston, Ga. On ono of the principal streets the same room was 00. oupied by n physician and a shoemaker— the dieeiple of Galen in front, while he of St. Crispin's trade worked in the rear. Over the door hung the sign : "We re. pair both soul and body." On the win- dows of a London coffee -room there ap- peared the notioe 4"Thio aoffee-room re- moved upstairs till repaired." The pro- prietor of the plane was not an Irishman, though; the framer of the notice over a French burying ground, "Only the dead who live in this parish are buried here," must have hem. One may see in the windowe of a con. feationer in Fourth avenue, New York, "Pies Open All Night." A Bowery placard reads : "Home•Mede Dining. Rooms, Family Oysters," while a West Broadway restaurateur sells "Horne - Mule Pies, Pastry and Oysters," and still another caterer on East Broadway retails "Fresh Salt Oysters and Lager Beer." "Boots Polished Inside," is a frequent sign in New York, and on At. lentis avenue, Brooklyn, there is a "Stationary Library," and the latter is really a circulating library, and the word "stationary" adorns one window and "library" the other. Philadelphia has a sign reading, "Ho Made Pies 1" and a barber's shop in the same city bears this inscription on its window : "G. Washing. ton Smith, tonsorial abattoir." —Aged boar, D becoursey, D Milne ; . Baker ; 00108800 work, W H MoCraok' boar pig of 1807, A Miller, D DeConreoy ; I en, Miss Hall ; table mats, Miss Hall, brood sow, D De0oureey, 13 Peter ; sow bliss Baker ; toilet Bet, Miss Hall, Miss A Kingston Merchant. TELLS OF HIS RELEASE PROM THE PAINS OF RHEUMATISM. 1t Hlud Afflicted Him for T'pivards or Fon Sears and 9108)' ltentedtee Were Tried in Titin—Dv. Williams' finis Tills Effected. 0i8 Release, From the Freeman, IU;neaten, Ont. Fifteen years ago Alex ,.,,der O'Brien, the popular Prinoees etr,n; tailor, was one of the most athletic Dung men in Kingston, both as 10 foot raver and other. wise. Eleven years ago he commenced business and shortly afterwards was stricken with rheumatism, which caused him much pain, loss of rest, and neglect of business. He states that be tried many doctors and many medicines, all to no avail. Over a year ago a friend ad. vised him to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and though he had but little confidence in them, or advertised medicine of any description, at the urgent request of Co hie friend he decided to give the pills a trial, and a000rding to lir. O'Brien it was a lucky venture. After the first box had been taken customers noticed the ohange, and when three hawse had boon flniabed the result was marvellous. His strength had returned, impoverished blood renewed, muscles developed, rheumatism almost disappeared, barring a alight stiffness in knee joints, which is gradually going, and in the last six months he has done more work in his tailoring establishment than he had ao- oomplished in the previous four years, A Freeman representative noticing the ohange in Mr. O'Brien's condition, asked him to what he attributed his apparent good health after suoh a long eelge of i11 - nese. Without 'hesitation be replied, "Well, 1 have token no medicine in the past year other than Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, therefere I attribute my present condition solely to their use, They had such a good offset in driving rheumatism out of my eyotemeand building up my shattered constitution, that my wife, whose health was not any too good, also tried the pills. A few boxes remedied her illness tend she, boo, ;s as loud in her praise of them as I am. Many of my dustmen and friends who witnessed the effect of the pills on my Constitution commenced to use them, and they relate the same story as I have told you. I am as well nowlae ever I was in my life." Dr. Williame' Pink Pills euro by going to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nervus, thus driving disease from the Byete0. Avoid imitations by inefeting that every box you purchase is enolosed in a wrapping bearing the full trade Mark Dr. Williams' Pink rills for Palo People. - Tho Jubilee Mine of fiat Portage is re- ported sold at 428,000. SPECIFIC FOR =OF,;.4;IA "Since Childhood, I have !heal afflicted with scrofulous boils and sores, which caused me terrible suffering. Physicians were, unable to help Idle, and 1 only grew wow under their care. At length, I began to take AYER' Sarsaparilla, a d very 0000 gre^yrk ter. After using half a dozen bottles I was complp +. coxed, so that I have not had a bell or pimple on any part of nig betty for the last twelve years. I can cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsa- parilla as the very best blood -purifier in existence." — 0, T. 7,i.EINIYATT, 1flyersville, Texas, THE ONLY WORLD'S IP AM Sarsaparf fl. dyer's Cherry Pectoral cures Coughs and Wilts Wanted—An idea Wsom78t410 tl,lag to 118088/9 Preteen Sour ideas• tbevp�� nmy bring yon wpp1eb Write JOHN wn»nnonDRN 10 00. Patent Sttor- ne3's list obington, D. 0., 0011 their 81,803 tutee piker RIM list or two bundrad iuvoatiooa 110810(1. BRUSSELS PIMP WORKS. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have pur- chased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to trt„xud to all wants in either new work or re1+400 at moderate prices. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. t'Orders taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns. oer Green,. MILL STREET, - BRUSSELS. Are You ale"- BICYCLIST ege00 RICYCR.RSi 2 If you require a Wheel you should oall on the undersigned. As a proof of the fast that we do the business we append the sales already made this emanon : Rev. J. Rose, 3. T. Dodds, E. & D. Geo. Thomson, Gente' " Ladies' J. H. Cameron, Jno. Smith, W. D. Conley, A. Heller, H. Hunter, Mies M. Meadows, J. A. Stewart, D. Straoban, J. Hamilton, 3. Kellington, A. McKay, G. MoKay, L. Williamson, J. Brown, }NEW BARNES 1-BRANTFORD –CLEVELAND SECOND I• HAND WHEELS A. COUSLEY. Wanted—An Idea 0amo08120 Proteot •our Mom they may brag you wealth. Wrtto JOI000 WEDIIIOBD BN a; CC. Patent Atter, 0000 washing on, D. C„ 0011 tholr $1,000 prlao ober and hot or two hundred 1,1,00.01000 won ed. D . CliASE9S 00 THE ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL Ki NEY= LAVER 0 THE ONLY KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS p1LLS_ T. DAMON, Manager Standard Sank, Brad. lord, Ont„ says, C1 sten Kidney.Lit•er Pills are * grind medicine for the kidneys and Liver. w, i2, Gonion, 8',s ,lcCaul St., Toronto, gree tog Tfentrenl StAfr says Cl,asels Pills act like magic 0,0 to tl a relic!' el bun t -oche bilious 0ttndt And coan1lpnuon. ,1 everyalmre, or by mail on roe.ipr't'prim, to 01101380N, 00703 dt 00. :a womitIO 6r 1000kle, DRi' OCT. 15, 1897 Llondon Advertiser The Best Ons Cent Daily in Western Ontario. Cannot bo osoelled aa a bright, enter- prising and popular paper. Hae all the latest nem from all parte of the werld. Supplied by all newsdealere in Western Ontario, or sent direct. THE—�m� Western Advertiser (Weekly Ddilltlert.) ONLY 750. A !YEAR. Equal to and better than many pob- liebed at 131,00 a year. Agents wanted in every district to Can. vase for this publication. Address all orders Advertiser Printing t;o., Limited, LONDON, ONT. 20 ote., 00 oto, and 1,00 Linde, 00 cont a done, • It 111 sold on n elinroutoo by all druggists, 11 euros Incipient Conptlrnpt5on sad to the bent dough and Croup Cure, fold by 4.1.81. LOX, Drums's*, Brussels, NONE/ TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. EON Lfi BRIT S SELS. ILS The undersigned having lately entered into partner- ship and have remodeled their mill to the Hungarian Sys- tem are enabled to manufacture Flour second to none. We have also increased ozar Chopping Cap- acity whish will enable us to live farmers their Chop,77irbe h0772e by waiting' Cb 3h07^t t-iine. By strict attention to business and fair dealing we hope to merit a good share of the public patronage. We are now manufacturing a special brand of Flour, "The Ladies' Choice." Try it. All orders delivered free in town. -.447511 Motto : "Small profits and quick returns." TERMS CASH. Stewart de eebies. To keep out the Flies and be Comic table you must have Screen Dors %NM SMIN It Pays to Buy the Best that is made. Order your Doors from us and get the Best Screen Door on the market. 13R,TTSE-P-1I S. Establishes 1871. H � to P So Ch et i•of ,."'il'ar. -.Ile"- ?Ib',) '0 I? ! 31 LIP f,'t91iUi'ie or •°d .20 o 0 o< o:°. 0 Tho Policy Contrast issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL,. ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE; 10 leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infor- mation furnished on application. 1p •a,atrK'ivy %. a it2, .Agent, Ba ie y