HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-10-15, Page 4r "•� •. ,-., ,. -. ._ _ .. OCT, .1r), 164.
p ,,,w'I.m;,8,8cm8,p='ru,' "srsrr.'ev,m RIDlscsrtsrmttvgryrrtrr7sNn4',Cl' tnwv,.0�u:rN4 ?'^'L_swr..lYb'wrrresv!rrcu'rux^!t+n•"',`e'rvn?vruvsmmn.r'J i-1veF• M.:vS.1Ji" uaiia,,:!4tukmzesswuu,u,envu,,i ttf..a.•,,u
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New AdvertisementS• aail,
tbien,3aJIonblm;rtpleMraltlet e3at>UrgaMriCamp.
sugar, A Carr, W H MoOraolcen ; maple bell, Mise Calder ; glove case, Aare Camp.
Local -Jae. Davie. syrup, A Carr, J MuOnllum ; oolleotion bell, Mise Symington ; tatting, Aare trete
Apples -D, McPherson. aannod fruit, Miss Nett, W H Alcogels. Mies Sperling; fanny uettIng, W
New Goods -3. G. Shane, on ; home made grape wine, R G Mo. ciraoltou, 111 Hartry ; Queen Ann darn,
Pink Pills -Dr. \Vilijama, Govan, Mies H Wise ; tomato catsup, W fug, Mies Nott, Mre Campbell ; gent's
Taylor, W H MoOraoken ; pickles, mix. collar and Duff case, Mise Ottrder, Miss
Symington ; afgan, Mrs Hole, MreOemp•
bell ; table centre piens, W Hartry, Mre
Hole ; table cover, embroidered (6 0'.
cloak) Mias Wise, Mra Hole ; tray ()loth,
Mrs Campbell, Bliss Sperling ; tea coney,
Alias Sporting, Mee Symington ; picture
throw, Mrs Campbell, Mies Sperling ;
Berlin wool work, flat, Mre Campbell,
Mise Symington ; Berlin wool work,
raised, Miss Carder, Mrs Oampbell ;
lamp soreen, Mise Syrniugton, Aline
Carder ; laundry bag, Airs H 11 Walker,
Wee Wiee ; shopping bag, Miee Sperling,
Mise Symington ; etching, Mies Nott,
Miss carder ; knotted bed•epread, W
Hartry, T Bradnock ; mantle drape, W
II MoOraaken, Mise Symington • collec-
tion of ladies' work, Mies Not, Miss
Sperling, Mrs Hele.
Onrnnnus'e DEpdnTanartT.-Half dozen
hemmed handkerchiefs, Mies Hamilton,
Mary Barr ; darning on soaks or stook-
ings, Mies Howrle, Mise Hamilton ;
orochet work in wool, alias Hartry ;
crochet work in cotton, Aries Hamilton ;
bent dressed doll, Martha Barr, Miss
Hamilton • woodwork, Mies. Hartry ;
plain sewing by child under S years of
age, Mise Hartry, Sophia Barr.
Plat AnTe.-Oolleotiou of oil paintings,
Bliss Lane, Bliss McKenzie • collection
of water colors, Mrs Campbell, Mies Mc.
Kenzie ; figure painting in oil, Mies
Lane, Mrs Campbell ; figure painting in
water color, Bliss Corder, Mre Campbell ;
animals grouped or single, in. oil, Mise
Lane, Miss Carder ; atljinala grouped or
Bingle, in water color, Mrs Campbell,
Mies McKenzie ; best single picture, in
oil, Mrs Campbell, Miss Lane ; best single
pioture in water color, Mrs Oampbell,
Mrs Hale ; crayon drawing, Mrs Helix,
Mies Lane ; pencil drawing, Mre Camp,
ball, Miss Carder ; pastelle, any subject,
Mre Campbell, Mrs Bole ; oolleotion of
pen and ink sketches, Mrs Campbell,
Miss Lone ; painting on pottery, Mies
Carder, Mise Lane ; hand painting ca
silk, satin or plush, Mrs Kele, Miss Sym-
ington ; oil painbiug ou gloss, Mise Sym.
ington, Mies Lane ; colleobicn of photos.,
Miss Sutherlaud.
PLANTS AND • FLOwnns.-Oollection of
foliage, Dr Carder ; geraniums in bloom,
D Marsh ; fuohias in bloom, W Carter,
D Marsh ; banging basket, Miss Carder,
D Mareb ; beat display of plants in flow.
er, D Marsh, Mise Carder. Cut flowers-•
Hand bognet, Elise Metcalf, Miss Carder ;
floral design or ornament, D Marsh, 1 &
2 • collection of dahlias, J Denbohn ;
collection of pansies, A.8 Diakeon, Slater
& Sims.
Juocee.-Grain, A Taylor, J Ireland
Roots, 0 Proctor, N Ouming. Dairy, D
E Munroe, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Kelly.
Fruit, A MD Allan, Manufactures, R
Morrison, J Nicholson. Ladies' work,
Miss Hislop, Miss Ella Ross. Fine arts,
Mies Lizzie Graham, Miss R Bowler.
Heavy horses, Jae Spelr, W II Orubok-
shank. Light horses, D 33 Kennedy, 13
Tomlinson. cattle, A. Johnston. Sheep,
Jas Lanes, Thos Anderson. Pigs, E
Bell, J Coultea. Poultry, 0 0 Willson,
W Carter, Walter Ooats. Implements,
Geo Rogers, 0 Johnston,
Millinery-MoKinuon & Co.
To Give Away -G. A, Deadman. ed, Mies Symington, Mre Bale ; pickles,
Boots and Shoes -W. H. Motiraakee. any other kind, Mrs Howrie, Mrs T
A Harvest of Bargains -Bose & Ilalli= Hamilton ; basket of eggs, A Carr.
day. P000lex,-Bronze turkeys, D Showers,
- _ - 0 Irwin ; turkeys, any kind, G Irwin ;
geese, large breed, G Irwin, D Showers ;
Rouen dunks, W Wallace, W Irwin ;
ducks, any kind, G Irwin, 1 & 2 ; Leg-
horns, W Taylor, Mrs Howrie ; IIoudane,
Fairservioe Bros ; Brahma(), G Irwin, 1
& 2 ; blaok Spanish, 0 Irwin, W Irwin ;
Alinoreas, Faireervice Brae, FI Davie ;
Hamburgs, Mrs Iiowrie, J Sherritt ;
Langehaua, W Taylor, Fairservioe Bros,; &
Dorkinge, G Irwin, 1 2 ; Wyandotte,
Appleby & Hester, G Irwin ; Audalusi-
ane, H Davis, W 0 Watson • Black
Breasted Red Game, H Davie, ]9 Hag-
gitt ; Buff Coohins, G Irwin, 1 & 2 ;
Partridge Ooohine, W Wallace ; Bant-
ams, G Irwin Yolanda, E Haggibt ; Red
(laps, W Wallace, Fairaervloe Bros ; Ply-
mouth Rooke, H Davis, W 0 Watson ;
pigeons, H Davis, 1 & 2 ; collection of
fowl, G Irwin, Pairaervice Bros ; guinea
fowl, E Haggitt, J Barr.
IniLsatENTs.-Lumber wagon, Bran-
don & Son, Slater & Sime ; pair bob
sleighs, Slater & Sims, 1 & 2 ; iron beam
sod plow, Bruoadon & Sons, S Sutton ;
iron beam general purpose, and gong
plow. 0 Hamilton, Bruusdun & Sous ;
pair iron harrows, J Phillips ; single
open baggy, D Ewan, Brunadou & Son ;
single covered buggy, J Walker,D Ewan ;
cutter, D Ewan, Slater & Sims ; eat of
horse shoes, and set of trotting horse
shoes, J Phillips, Slater & Sims ; iron
pump, D Showers ; wooden pump, D
Showers, R Morningstar ; farm gate, II
Edwards, J Leary ; stove and furniture,
J G Moser,1 & 2; fanning mill, W Mitob•
ell ; land roller, 5 Sutton ; turnip drill,
0 Iamilton, 1,5 2 ; specimen of cooper's
work, W Taylor ; smeller, Brunsdon &
Son, 0 Hamilton ; ohurn, 0 Elamilton,
W Taylor ; tiles, 0 Fraser ; post hole
auger, J Rlohmond, 0 Hamiton ; fastest
walking team of horses hitched bo a wag"
on and driven once around the ring, W
W Fisher ; merehaut making the best
display at Agricultural hall during the
two days of the Fair, 0 Hamilton ; to
harness horse and hitch to single riand
drive once around the ring, J Salkeld, J
Teo or WAn. Hullett and Morris vs,
East and West Wawauosh, prize, 512 •,
both sides won one pull and they agreed
to deolare it a tier
Lour Diuvans,-The judges neglected
to enter in their books the successful eon.
testants in thfe class.
Form -Winter apples, J B Tyreman,
Jas Potter ; fall apples, J Potter, A Carr ;
Baldwin, 0 Dale, J 33 Tyreman ; King of
Tompkins, J B Tyreman, J McGregor ;
Northern Spy, 0 Dale, J Sbortreed ;
Rhode Island. greenings, R G McGowan,
A Carr ; Bibston pippin, J' Tabb, W
Dien ; golden russet, 0 Dale, 111 H Har-
rison ; Roxboro' russet, M B Harrison, J
33 Tyreman ; Seek.no•further, R B Laid-
law, A W Sloan ; Swear, A W Sloan ;
Wagner, W Mcllroy, J Brigham ; Ben.
davie, A W Sloan, W Daer ; Vandervere,
A J Tyremau ; Spitzenberg, A W Sloan,
R G McGowan ; Tatman sweet, J B
Tyreman, W Daer ; Monti, 0 Dale, M H
Harrison ; Maiden's blush, J Brigham, G
Quinn ; Snow, J Brigham, A W Sloan ;
Duchess of Oldenberg, A W Sloan, S
Farce ; Wealthy, Mies Spading, R GMo-
Gowan ; Canada red, 3 33 Tyreman, R
G McGowan ; Calvert, J Bhortraed, J
Brigham ; Alexander, A Carr, J Potter ;
20 oz pippins, A W Sloan, A Oarr ; any
other named variety, A Carr, A W Sloan ;
collection of apples, J Brigham, N Oum.
ing ; winter pears, S Furse, W Scott ;
fan pears, A W Sloan, W Daer ; plums,
W H MoCraeken, A Jacob ; tomatoes, F
Metcalf, W H Mooraoken ; eolleobion of
fruit, J B Tyreman, Mise Nott ; grapes,
A Jacob, J B Tyreman ; Drabs, T Brad.
nook, J F Dale ; peaches, A W Sloan, R
13 Laidlaw.
bi alu AOTnuEs.-Home-made all wool
flannel, Miss 13 Wise, Miss Nott ; tion•
nal, ninon, Mies H Wise, Miss Nott •,
bome•made all wool blankets, Mrs T
Hamilton, Mise Wise ; union blankets,
Miss Wise, Mrs D Stewart ; horse blank.
ets, home spun, J Ma0alium, Mrs D
Stewart ; coverlet, home spun, Miss
Wise, Mrs D Stewart ; rag mat, Miss
Nott, airs T Hamilton ; yarn mat, Mrs
H R Walker, Miss Nott ; rag carpet, R
Sprung, Mrs T Hamilton; etooking yarn,
home spun, W H McCracken, Mrs T
Hamilton ; coarse boots, J Sherritt, 1 &
2 ; hand made gents' boots, J Sherritt ;
lady's fur driving mitts, Bainton Bros ;
leather, Baioton Bros.
LAMES' Wonn.-Gent's flannel shirt,
FRIDAY, OCT. 15, 1897.
The annual Fall Fair of the Morris
Branch Agricultural Society was held at
Blyth on Tuesday and Wednesday of last
week. There was a large attendance,
over 5400 being the receipts. The exhi-
bit, both inside and outeide, was first.
class and the competition was keen.
Followiug is the prize list, which will
supply other interesting partioulars :
Uastozs.-heavy Draught -Team, Jas
Forster, C Dale, J Shepherd ; brood mare
and foal, G Dale, J F Dale ; mare foal,
not known, It C McGowan ; horse foal,
Jno Chisholm, 0 Wright ; 2 year old
gelding, Jas Cartuey, 1 & 2 ; 2 year old
filly, N Coming ; year oldelding, W
MoGavan ; year old filly, J'1' Dale, Cx
Dale ; best 4 colts foaled In '97, by any
registered heavy draught horse, A Menz-
ies, General purpose -Team, J & J "Tay-
lor, J F Dale, Jas Sanderson • brood
mare having raised foal, Geo Stephenson,
R Ferris ; mare foal, J F Dale, It Ferris ;
horse foal, G Stephenson, T Remick ; 2
year ofd gelding, 0 W Taylor ; 2 year old
filly, J Carling, Jas McCallum ; year old
filly, C Dale, C W Taylor ; sweepstakes,
J 1' Dale. Carriage -Team, W D Bar-
lett, R Ferris. Roadsters -Team, CV
Weir ; brood mare and foal, A Smith, A
W Sloan ; horse foal, Scott & Wanwjok,
L Tasker ; mare foal, Jas Smith, A W
Sloan ; 2 year old gelding, W Weir, F
McArthur ; 2 year old filly, W Dale ;
year old gelding, Scott & Warwick, 0
Dale ;• year old filly, H Davis, Jas Bail-
ey ; single driver in buggy, R Fitzsimons,
N Yellowlees ; saddle horse, J J Me.
Laughlin, H )avis.
CATTLE.-Th0ro'brecl Durham -Milch
cow and calf, Jas Snell, 1t Corley; 2 year
old heifer, R Corley, Jas Snell ; year old
heifer, Jae Snell, T II Taylor ; heifer
calf, Jas Snell,1 & 2 ; bull, 2 years and
under, Jas Snell ; boll calf, R Corley, 1
& 9. Any other registered breed -Bost
miloh cow, D Denholm, Jno McGregor ;
two year old heifer, R 0 McGowan, A
Jacobs ; year old heifer, lino McGregor, 11
C McGowan ; heifer calf, D Denholm, J
McGregor ; bull, 2 years and under, R 0
McGowan, G A Deadman ; bull calf, R C
McGowan. Grade -Milch cow and calf,
Appleby & Hunter, Jia Sllortreed ; 2 year
old heifer, Appleby & Hunter, D Scott &
Sons ; year old heifer, Appleby & Hunt-
er, D Scott c4 Sons ; heifer raif, Appleby
& Hunter, D Scott & Sons ; steer calf,
Jno Barr, A W Sloan ; 2 year old steer,
Jno Sllortreed, 1 & 2 ; year old steer,
Appleby & Hunter, IIiron Bros ; fat
steer, R Corley ; herd of cattle, Scott &
Sunt: Cotswold-Agel ram, ram
lamb, pair of aged ewes, ewe lambs and
shearling ewes, prizes all won by Jas
Potter. Leicester -Aged ram, N Oum-
ing, Jas Sanderson ; shearling ram, Jas
Sanderson, Jno Quills ; ram lamb, Jno
Canis, N Curring ; pair shearling ewes,
Jas Snell, 1 & 2 ; aged• ewes, Jae Snell,
Jas Sanderson ; pair ewe Iambs, N Cun1-
ing, Jas Snell. Shropshiredown-Aged
ram, Cooper & Son, A Duncan ; shear.
ling ram, A Duncan, Cooper & Son ; ram
lambs, aged ewes, shearling ewes, Cooper
& Son, A Duncan ; ewe lambs, Cooper &
Son, R 13 Laidlaw. Any other breed not
named Aged ram, Jae Bailey, Jas Tabb;
shearling ram, Jas Tabb, L Tasker ; ram
lambs, L Tooker, J Bailey ; aged ewes,
shearling ewes, pair owe lambs, Jas Tabb,
L Tasker ; fat sheep, Jas Sanderson, 1 &
2 ; pen of Oxford•dowu sheep, Jae Tabb,
Pros, -Chester White -Brood sow, W
Daer, Jno Barr ; spring boar, Jno Ellis,
31 Edwards. Any large breed -Aged
boar, W W Fisher, R Nichol ; brood sow,
W W Fisher, W Doer ; spring boar, W
W Fisher, H Edwards ; spring Sow, R
Nichol, W W Fisher. Improved Berk-
shire -Aged boar, W McAllister ; brood
sow, spring boar, spring sow, W AloAllie.
ter, 1 & 2 ; pen of pigs, W McAllister, W
W Fisher,
Giants. -Fall wheat, Jas McCallum, S
Furse ; fall wheat, white, and spring
wheat, red, S Purse, J Salkeld ; winter
wheat, S Furss, H Edwards ; white fife
ening wheat, 5 Purse ; fall wheat, any
kind, S Furse, J Salkeld ; 0 -rowed barley,
S Fusee, J Salkeld ; white oats, S Purse,
M II Harrison ; black opts, S Furse, I3
Edwards ; small peas, 5 Purse, J Salk.
eld ; large peas, J Salkeld, R G McGow-
an ; timothy seed, S Purse, J Salkeld ;
flax seed, J Salkeld, S Furse.
Roors.-Potatoes, named, W Taylor, R
G MoGowan ; early potatoes, W Taylor,
E Haggitt ; oolleotion of potatoes, E Hag•
gift, Mrs T •
Hamilton ; field carrots, P
Willows, J Allaneon ; garden red oarrote,
J Salkeld, P Willows; swede turnips, J
Coultas, R G MoGowan ; any other vert.
ety, 0 Fraser, A W Sloan collection
garden produce, J Allaneon, Walter Tay.
inc ; beets, W H MoOraaken, D Marsh ;
sugar beets, J 13 Tierney, Walter Taylor;
mangold wurtzsts, W 31 MoOraoken, J
Salkeld ; mangold globe, W H McCreak.
en, J Salkeld ; pumpkins, E Haggitb, not
known ; squashes, W II MoOracken, Mrs
Hewrie ; red onions, W 11 McCracken,
Walter Taylor ; yellow onions, W H Mo-
Oracken, F Metcalf ; giver skin onions,
F Metcalf, J Allauson ; potato onions, W
II McCracken, J Allanson ; white field
beans, S Furee, J Salkeld ; ears solo, J
,Salkeld, W 0 Watson ; cirrous, G Henry,
Mrs T Hamilton ; watormolanr, W 13 Mo.
Craoken, J Allaneon ; cabbage, named, J
Salkeld,.1V Gibbs ; red pickling, J Salk-
eld, 0 amnion ; eanlidower, Walter
Taylor, J Allaneon ; canlifiower, W H
McCracken, Walter Taylor ; celery, W
Taylor, J Allaneon ; cucumbers, W Tay.
ler, E Haggitt.
Daum AND Eeovlsloze,-.Tub butter, 60
ibe, J MoOallom, A Our, J Oolbee ; tub
butter, 40 lbs, and tub butter, 60Ibs, Mrs
T Hamilton ;. 20 ibs crook butter, A
Carr ; butter. in 1 Ib prints, J Barr, 3
Stewart ; factory cheese, b McKellar;
60 1b butter, Geo Watt ' dairy aheeae
ECONTINUTt 1'()031 nmol l
the publlo accounts we,e, in fact cooked'
This the Government dans , 1 and they were
willing to abide by the 1 , inion of the elect-
ors after they had been placed in possession
of all the facts. He eubiylbtod a statement
showing that the Province had invested is
drainage debentures and drainage works
6880,000, and that there aro 10200 Bums of
money bearing interact and due by the Dom.
Mimi to the Province, as Grammar School
funds, Upper Canada College buildings and
land improvement funds, amounting to $2,-
758,185, and 5110 Common School funds,
amounting to 81,441,882, malting a total of
$4,200,000, to which must be added 6208800
cash in the bank. After allowing for all the
liabilities presently due and payable the
balance of assets over liabilities amounts to
54,785,050. There are also liabilities outstand-
ing, called railway subsidies, whloh are pay-
able in annual amounts during a period of 40
yearn, I2 tiles° were paid off at ouoe about
urplus0o6 would00001 over (above every
liability, but he contended that this item
as it was omet out rof the gordinary expendi-
ture of each year. The Treasurer's state•
merit shows that last year the Province had
received a stun of 9200,554 on eapltal invest-
ed. If there is no surplus, lie asked, how
was it the Government received interest tip -
en it? Then the Opposition said there are
too many 08101 l0, and that the Government
is spending too muen money. If than is so
why did they not object to the items in the
estimates which contained the name of
every official of the Government'? They on-
ly objected to items amounting to 618,500
out of the whole budget. Heaskecl his Con-
servative friends to obtain an explanation
UM= Mfr• Whitney, why, if be thought the
had denied that there lu mu alliance between
him and sir Charles Tupper, but Mr, hoes
read from the hall to show that Mr, Whtt-
nerdbl not repudiate 111e alliance when
meanie in the Mall ennui with 51r 5lutrios
Topper et al, The Opposition died cub
against the supposed alliance between Mr.
Tarte and tidy, Hardy, 14e douiud teat any
such alliauee oxide, hub 1,0 asked, Is Mr.
Torte as bad as he is said to be ? At all
events , since 110, Tarte had been in the Lib-
eral ranks he had not trauograssed, The
opl'os]ton 0100 complafuod that there are
t00 mew examinations in the schools, bub
that then were 10t aware perhaps that
vhet One now 11,0re lire only eleven under Dr',
Ryerson's lehmui there were twenty-seven,
and lie dc4'',,t to empbiasizo •the fad that a
boy can go t brnugh all bee forms up to the
higlteat wltllotlb going through a mingle ex-
amination except such caths lnspeabor gives.
The comae is broader thau iu either ng -
land or the United States, Mr. Whitney
claims that the Puhlio 130110010 are being
sbarvedfor the High Sollools, but the no -
counts showed that for every clollar in in-
crease In the grants to High Schools the Pub.
lie Sobools had received an Moreno of 8.200.
The Government of 1110 Proviuoe gave bask
to the mnufolpalitlss millions of dollars.
Mi1110ne for legislative 1 ur'pouee but not a
dollar for boodle, was the motto of the On-
tario Government, They wore a leo charged
with having increased the Dost of text hooka
t0 children. What are the teats 1' The 0n•
tiro cost of all the text -books required be a
scholar 15 the 1 00110 1ebools is now only
/pnrdollars and ninety-two cents, With re-
gard to the assertion that the Government
had established too ,nary nigh Seheoia, ho
pointed out that the GO erltmsnt had not
the flower t0 establish these schools, Re-
specting rho (Margo that the Separate
Schools had not advanced, the records show
that in 1580 there were 201 pupils sent up for
High School entrance examination, whereas
in 1607 there were 502 pupils competed, The
address by the MiniOtat' 1005 0 spirited and
masterly defence 01 his department, which
was loudly applauded.
The meeting oouoludod with the usual
f�SX��'+1i: Mis
hand made, Miss Nott, Mrs T Hamilton ; I esponditure was too great, he had not ob-
gent's unwashed white shirt, hand made, jetted to it in the 10n50. Ono of the items
Mrs W MoKenzis, Mrs T Hamilton ; to which the Opposition objected was that
gent mitbs, Mimi Symington, W.r.,. H A'Ia. provid102 rho salary of the Proyiuolal Audit•
00, Dld 5110 elaotors not think that it was
Oraekon ; pillow shams, Mre ole, Airs worth the small aspOndlture to bays tbs
0 Campbell ; patoll quilt in cotton, Mrs municipalities protontnd iu csspsot to rho
W McKenzie, Miss Symington ; patch corrscbuees of their accounts? (ApPPlauso.)
Anut10r ibom to wbloh the Oppooiti00 oh -
0)01 1 in cloth, Mho Nott, Miss I Wise 1 looted wan that 0f the salary of bho Road-
silk quilt, crazy, Mrs 31015, Miss Syming- making instructor. Did the electors desire
ton ; oroohet.quiit, Miss Nott, W 31 Mo- to have good roads ? He thought they did,
Craoken ; knitted quilt, Mrs D Stewart, (Applause.)
Miss Symington ; woollen cooks or stook- Ta10 moaLL nv10 11AnaerN.
Ings, Mre W McKenzie, Mre T Remit. They had doubtless read 1110 reports of arr.
ton ; braidingon wool,Mies Carder, Mies Whitney's msotiug0, and thorn worn fullsr
and better csports of thoao msobfngs in the
Symington ; assess work, Mise Syming• Globo than any other panes, and he noticed
t M's Nott • embroidery on bolting that at every one of his meetings Mr. Whit•
embroidery on 511k or satin, Miss Carder, reference to apolitical opponent, andehould
Mica Symington ; Kensington embroid- only be used when the party applying it was
cry, Mrs Campbell, adios Nott • Roman able to place his finger non t e par y who
embroider Mra Cam bell 11icS H R lad stn en er Show where the money had
y, p been stolen. Who had stolen? what had
Walker • parlor 500000, Mrs Oampbell, been stolen 1 Was it the Government; was
Mre Hale ; sofa ouahion, Mrs Campbell, it hinonep ? ° s of the Hous et not used flet
Mias Symingbon ; fanoy, Panel, Miss word in the Hous0• When tbo veto was IV.
Nett, Miss Wigs ; best plane or table en 50 members voted for the agreement and
scarf, Mrs Campbell, Mrs 13 R Walker ; 20 against it, giving a majority of 30 in favor
drawn work, Mrs McKenzie, Miss Card- 0001, Tlie Government did nob 010101 a neni-
er ; honiton or Dint lane, Miss: S min - eddy o3 00, but every Patron, as well as furry
p Y g euppor.tor of the evornmonb, voted for it,
ton, Mrs Campbell, recommended, Miss Loud applause,; 0110 agreement rosorvea
Nobi ; best novelty in fanny work, W 0;000 a0r05 for the itogiodue syndicate, and
Harty, ,Mise Sporting crochet Work in
tbo reports 0f the dopartmsnt showed tllab
Y g ; the Proviube Mae 22,000 050 aoroo at minoxnl
silk, Mrs Campbell, Miss Carder ; 05001101 lands, The detale Of 1ho agreement were
work in oetton Mrs McKenzie, Miss discussed at length to bho entire satisfaatioir
Lane-; crochet work in wool, Mrs H It nianb ]ice bo n lhnt , la gebnmoaut oe l3riE-
Walker, Miss Nott ; bedroom sljppera, Joh capitalises 00m0 bolo the Province to
Mrs Campbell, Mies Lano ; fancy toilet develop our mining lands, (Loud applause.)
get, Mre H R Walker, Mrs Campbell ; eorvf000in0oto agipointed'101'4° thlovegMowat,
bust foot stool, Mrs D Stewart, Miss Oar. to the unblemiebod of .Hon. Osla,
der ; applique work, Mrs Campbell, Miss Hardy, and Indeed .the electors at the' next
Symington; pinoaebion, Mies Syming= olettiion to return Mr..Melo9 as their mom•
on, wog Sperling ; hanEikerabief case, uinito gips geed govn the ernment to b the Prov
Miss Carder, Miss Symington ; mould inns,
work, Mre Campbell, Miss Symington ,' flow. 0E0, \v, noxa,
suit of lady's nndorwettr, utiles Syming• Hon. 1150, W, Roo said. the Ontario Goy -
ton; knitted lace in ootton, Aires 5ym• lrnmOntwere not now fighting simply for
ington, Mrs D Stewart • knitted or thom5elvesoxagalnsblltr. Whitnsv,but Choy
Mom the to 1 form of
on, Miss
uey had roforrsd to whabhe called bhoEngle-
olotb, Mre 0 Campbell, Miss Symington ; due stool. That was a Strong word to neo in
The Black Diamond Express
The finest train in the world loaves To-
ronto 9 a, m. daily (exospb Sunday), Hamil-
ton 9.55 a, m., arriving in Buffalo at 13 noon,
passing the Grand Trunk now single arch,
double traok steel bridge over Niagara River,
malting close oonneetionw MI the fast Mack
Diamond ldxpr0M leaving Buffalo 19,03 P.
m., arriving at New York at 9.003 p. M.
Pull information at G.T.B. stations.
J. N. ICENDALL, Agent, Bruasels.
GEO. HEYD, " Ethel.
e ' , have arrayed againstt
Mies Bymiugton, Mrs McKenzie ; ex- crochet fancy wool shawl, Mrs 1) Stout• MVO Ooinbivatioae, that of Whitney &pix.
traded honey, J Rlohmond, M Ilam. art, Miss Symington •, one sot of oroohet and that Of sir Chanes Wenn r, Mr. Mouba-
mond ; honey in oomb, W Hartry; home table mats, 'A' Hartry, Zoe Sperling ; gus and Joint Haggart & 00. bfr, Whitney
Tremor's Salo of bands
In Arrears For Taxes.
By virtue of a warrant, under the hand of
the Warden and Seal of the Corporation of
the County of Huron, dated the 18511 day of
Angus1,1897, commanding me to levy upon
the lands hereinafter described, for the ar-
rears of taxes respeotively clue thereon, to.
;other with. costs, notice is hereby given
illui and
ad, I shall, compllnewth the sooner
Assessment Aot, chap. 48, 1802, pro-
ceed to sell by publlo ()nation the said lauds
or so mach thereof as may be necessary to
discharge the same, at the Court House, in
the Town of Goderloh, 0n 'Tuesday, 0105
Seventh Day of Doeelatbor, 1510;, at two
o'clock in the afternoon.
om . e.„;ui o;
Um . P,p E" o
Township of Colborne,
Pt ofA&B LBW 79 Pat $6742&27850020
Prof A&B LRW 101 1040 285 4170
Ptof33 LRW 8 " 213 100 1178
Part of 1 Lake Shore 44 " 2187 100 2827
Township of Hay,
2 1 07 31 85 2 15 84 00
Village of Pordwich in Howiok,
6 Albert Et S 12 unpat 1 78 1 80 9 58
East of 2 Louisa st S i Pat 140 1 80 9 20
Last of 2 Edward N r 20 1 80 2 00
1 Helen 51sli gg unpat 45 1 80 2 25
4Alfred et8 E 45 180 225
Village of Londosboro' in Mallett.
Hagyard survey 9 120 1 Pat 5 45 1 00 7 05
Village of Centralia in Stephen,
Trivett survey D 1/5 Pat 178 1 60 3 88
Wingbam Town Plot in Turnborry.
200 xPat 2228 180 4418
, 231
Village of Bayfleld.
0 Bayflehl Road 1 Pat 77 100 297
0 MoTaVieh st 4 77 1 00 2 07
vlllago of Blyth.
0 Block',B Pat 210 1 00 8 70
7 Block B 210 100 3 70
11 Block B 210 1 00 8 70
Block B 210 100 870
McDonald survey 89 } " 11 43 105 13 08
villag0 of Brussels,
3rdSu�-0IV, ft Pt rom Pat 885 180 005
Oouuty Treasurer's cillos, War• 1000101100,
Godorish, Aug. 25, 1907, 1 Trsasuror,
The I ona1i.
Fire Engine Works
^c5. at.,
ANOT � i el EENT�A�1�1
rJ 5 jp�t�, � ltrar � �n,(��W1 Rv � �� � �uN
®1' a+yMer7t'S11n,amy�5ty._,e=1 EI MIOROMITOMMEMIMEnotfEara frwnuMUZIEL11 0500
On Thursday and Friday of this week and following
days -We might call it our Fall Opening of Clothing. So
much Newness has recently been added, Richness and
Excellence, with up-to-date Fashions, such as was never
seen in Brussels before,
The advanced position we take in the Clothing trade
demands the best of everything. Recognizing that fact,
we have bought in large quantities direct from the best'
makers in Canada. We buy Clothing that will fit.
Suits for Boys.
Suits fcr Mead
Overcoats for Boys,
Overcoats for Mer.
No matter what other houses may advertise, you're
sure to find prices lower by 10 to 15 per cent., and better
goods at this store.
New Dry Goods, all kinds, New Carpets and Curtains,
New Hats and Tweed Caps, and Furs,
New Gloves, Hosiery and Corsets.
New Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children,
the largest assortment we have ever shown. GOOD VALUES.
Wo arse sole Agents in Brussels for the Justly Celebrated Granby
Rubbers, and have just received our first
consignment of 25 cases.
We aro prepared to do any kind of
Machine Repair Work
with dispatch and on very Rea-
sonable Terms.
When wanting anything in
the lino of Engines and Boilers,
stationary or portable, we would
be glad to have you ask us for
quotations as WO think we can
save you money.
We have also on hand all
kinds of Repairs for Engines,
Boilers, Steam Fittings, and can
also execute any orders for Brass
Niclle Plating a Specialty,
lona Fina Engine Wanks,
After a business experience in Brussels of 20 years I desire to
return my hearty thanks to the Public for their liberal patronage
and at the same time to state that I am in a better position than
ever to sell good goods at low prices. Having two stores, one in
Brussels and the other in Seaforth, and consequently buying in
large quantities enables ,no to purchase a great deal finer than I
could in the past.
You must not compare prices of 5 years ago, or even 1 year
ago, with what they are to -day, and I assure the Public that it will
well repay them to call and see goods and get figures, even if you
don't buy. I cannot give a List of prices here as I carry such
an endless variety of goods consisting of FURNITURE of all styles
from the lowest priced to the best.
XZZ'XialT r te
The largest stock. of Pictures and Picture Framing
goods over shown in Brussels may be found at my Empor'itlm and
they are sold at half the old price.
��0,5'till i c�rotr-
In Organs I have been selling them at from $15 to
$20 lower than other dealers, but I can now sell them cheaper than
ever. Buy the best -the Gocdorich or the Bell -both of which I am
agent for.
"Z -S'
A 9'J n•g7j7Ji M CSI •�`J O
I prefer to say but little about this department, as
I have been with you doing business for many years, and those who
have called on me are best able to say whether I have given satis-
faction or not. I hold a Diploma for Embalming and make apoint
to personally and promptlylattend to this branch of the business.
J i �1� L1 " use e l'; O.%
At this season of the year there are often Lounges,
Sofas, Chairs, &c., requiringattention. All work intrusted to 115
will be neatly and cheaply done.
iA specialty made of Ordered Work and Repairs,
Again thanking my many old customers for past favors and
soliciting a continuance of the same,
I ail, Yours Truly,
R. Leatherdale. ale.