HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-10-15, Page 30°T. 15, 1897 THE BRUSSELS POST Town Directory. linhymen Coonan.. --:Sabbath Serafino at 11 a m and 7:00 p m, Sunday Sobool at 2;30 p m. Rev. John Rose, 13 A, pastor, Sr. acmes 0111710111, --Sabbath Services pepper, moat, the whose humor is spiel at 11 a m and 7 p m. Salida School at 2;30 p. m, Rev,,Geo. J. Ahoy, imam- en nonm• I , "I dare any fallow," did ary, ent. MTuonisr Czlnaou,—Sabbath Services at 10:30 a in and 7:00 p m. Sunday School ab 2:30 p m, Rev. S, J. Allis, pastor, ROMAN CArnot,co Coonan.—Sabbath Sorvioo third Sunday in every month, at 10:30 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest. SAnv:mem Ansix.—Soevioo at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'olook, at the barracks. Orin FELLOWS' LOn°N every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. Mame Lonen Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W Loners on the 3rd Friday evening of eaoh month, in Blas. hill's block. C 0 F Lomon 2nd and last Tuesday evenings of oath month, in Blashill'a bleak. I 0 7','2nc1 and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L O L let Monday in every month in Orange Hall. Sons or SCOTLAND, lit and 8rd. Tees. days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. O. T. M. LODGE, 2nd and 4th Tues. days of each month, in Odd Fellow'e Hell. Canadian Order of Ohoeen Friends, let and 8r0 Mondays of each month in Blare hill's Heil. A 0 F, 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month in Odd Fellow's Hall. Hous Cancan, 2nd and 4th Friday even - Inge in Blashill's Hall. POST Owren.—Ofiioe hours from 8 a. m. to 6:80 p. m. MEcn. tee' Ixarirnnn.—Library in Holmes' clock, will be open from 6 to 8 Moved by Jae. Lindsay, emended by o'alook i. m. Wodnesda y e and 8:30 to 5 Y a kRob . Li : t v n stouh t t a Samna? McGeorge 3 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mo. andb Jago Kreuter be rb scre in d col - Naughton, Librarian. ]eotOrs for 1897 at the same taalnri°s as last year. Carried. Moved by Jae. Turnbull, seconded by Wm. Brown that the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to renew the note in tee Standard Bank, Brussels, for three months Wean it falls due. Carried. The following amounts were presented, viz.:—John Gill, plank and spikee for culvert at lots 30 and 31, oon. 7, $2.10 ; Ino, Eolimier, rag for cul- verts and repairing meatier, 61.70 ; A. L, Gibson, registering Bylaw No. 107, $2.- 00 ; Christopher Raynard, repairing cul- vert at lot 26, con. 7, $1.25p ; Michael Shine, repairing culvert at lot 1, oon. 11, $1.00 ; Wm, Hudson, undaebrushing at Iot 28, con. 6, 67.60 ; Wm, Hudson, part payment cleaning ditch at lot 28, oon. 4, $4.65 ; David Robertson, grnbbiib; stomps at lot 28, con, 4, $1.00 ; John Beirnee, gravelling at lot 88, con. 4, $4.50 ; John Beirnee, part gravelling oontraot at lot 88, oon. 6, $2.50 ; John Knight, grading and ditching at lob 17, con. 12, 486.76 ; Juhu Knight, grading at l0,tot.il5 and 10, con. 12, $8.00 ; Joseph Knight, tinder - drain on blind line, oon. 11, $4.00 ; An- drew Meehan, gravelling an boundary Grey and Logan, 80.00 ; David Taylor, culverb and gravelling at tote 14 aad 15, con. 15, 47.30 ; Donald Oo iboII, oulvert at lot 16, oon. 15, $4,56 ; G. K. Matheson, cedar for culverts at lot 10, con. 17, $2.- 46 ; G. K. Matheson, cedar for culvert at lot 20, oon. 13, $2,00 ; Jae. Bishop, break- ing stone on road at lot 6, con. 2, 40 cents ; Chas, Querengevser, timber for bridges and culverts, $25.00 ; John For- rest, rag bolts for culverts, $7.65 ; Pat- rick Bloke, cleaning oulvert at lot , oon. 13, $1.25 ; Wm. Riley, ditch at lot 5, con. 7, and culvert on aiderond 1, con. 8, $7.70 ; reclward Denyer, gravel, $28.40 ; Wm. Thornton, gravel, $4,00 ; Jae. Fen. peon, gravel, $12.80 ; Wm. Mines, dam- age to baggy and harness, $2.60 ; James Greig, repairing culvert on boundary Grey and .Elms, $2.25 ; Samuel Donn, gravel, 40 cents ; John eirnee, covering oulvert at lot 34, oon. 6. Council thea adjourned, to meet again On the first Saturday in November next. War. SPENOE, Clerk. The °look said was full of old nok, The salt said the dream should be whip- ped, The cinnamon laughed.. -in a rage, The main said the salt wild top froth, And its friend wasn't thought to be sage. 'To oaeter reflection upon sate l" The mirror took up the VI. Then the axe, with a wit Mrp and cut- ting, Declared that the rug leo�] the floor ; While the key eaid the 711M should be worshipped, 'Cause it was the right *tag to adore, The bell, ringing in, said the gook book Must be Wailful, ole wherefore so read ? The above brush, a thing of some polish, Looked down on the saucer aad said It thonghb that the same wee tooahallow, Rut admitted the cup was quite deep ; The coffee tried to climb on the tea leaves Bub dieoovored thermals' were tooebeep. You'd not think a thing that's so holey As the sieve would have mixed in the foes, But it did, for it said that tate butter Was a slippery sort of a e.oee. No one knows how the row would have ended, Had not the nook, Maggie O'Dowd, (IIer work being done) alined the kitchen, And thusly shut up the wisede crowd. Ctroy ]Meting. Council rneb at the Toweahip Hall on Sept, 25bh, 1807, pureueast to adjourn• went ; members were all present, the Reeve in the °heir. Mfnetee of -last meeting were read and confirmed. Win. Mines applied for compensation for damage austained to hie buggy and harems, caused by it defective plank in bridge on con. 2. Moved by Jas. .Lind- say, seconded by Robb. Livingston that the sum of $2.80 be granted, Carried. Y, Town Ceutwin.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; Geo. Backer, Geo. Thomson, R. Lea- therdale and 11. G. Wilson, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; R. Hingston, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the let .Monday in each month. Sonoon Boon.—A. Koenig, (chair- man,) D. C. Roes, J, G. Skene, Jae. Turnbull, A, Cousloy and F. Van. stone. Seo..Treas., R. E. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. Puma Sonoot TEAomios,—J. 11. Cam- eron, Principal, Loon Jaakeon, Miss Downey and Mise Ritchie. Bo.+nn or 1IEALrn.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and Wm. Jewitt, Dr. MoNaughton, Medical Health Officer. IN PURSUIT OF GAME. 'Twee the L'all of the year, and the woods WOW sero ; The dead leaves rustled o'er hill and hollow ; And the birds were taking their South- ward flight, And calling their feathery mates to follow. I saw the meadowlark flying low, 1 beard the rustle of quail and pheasant, And raid to the maid my heart held dear: "There's plenty of game around at present." I was given to sport of another sort, And hod little skill with a gun or rifle, And to tell the truth, was a modest youth, With dangerous weapons not wont to trifle ; And I asked her when was the proper time To go for dnoks, or for quail and pheasant, And she eaid with a pout, as if quite put out 'For bagging game there's no time like the present." A hint that she did not °hence to see I took from the maid I had long been wooing, And I said in her ear ; "I am fond of deer, And other game isn't worth pursuing, So tell me the time that will bring me luck 2" She anewored me with a smile most pleasant : 'Tor the capture of either deer or dunk, You'll .find, I think, no time like the present." I spanned her waist with my arm in haste, And kissed her lips in afervent fashion, And then and there, in the oriep, clear in words that were few, declared my passion, And as blushes dyed her checks, she sighed, And said, with a frown that was °van• eseent ; "Yon might have ahooeu some other Erne ;" I answered, "There's no time like the peeeont." A IIITOHEN FRED -OCR -ALL. The fork said the corkscrew was orooked The remade made the flatiron aad ; Tho oteel knife at once lost its temper, And called the telt balder a dad. The tablespoon stood on its mettle Tho kettle exhibited bile ; The stove grew hot at the dieouseion, Bat the ice remained coot all the while. The way that the cabbage and lettuce Kept thole heads was something dab - lime ; The greens dared the soup to mix with them And the latter, while it hadn't much thyme, Got so mad it boiled over—the fire L"eit put out and started to cry l The oven then routed the turke YI And the cook gave the grease spot the lye. The plate gala the stook in the corner Tranettoted its business on tick, And the plate, whiob foe years had been battered, ,READING TIES S11H(ALy. The captain of one of the big schooners that bring ioe from the Kennebec to Washington, tells a story of an Irishman be shipped. Pat wanted to get from Washington to Norfolk and bad no money. His etory excited the sympathy of the ehipmaater, who finally agreed to let him work his passage. Pat was willing, but densely ignorant of all things maritime, and no real sea duty fell to him until the vessel was Bailing down Chesapeake Bay with a fair wind and plenty of esaroom. The dap• twin then told Pat to tante a turn at look- out forward and inetruoted him to promptly report anything be might see. It was a clear night, and soon after the lookout took hie position, he sang out ; "Ah, oaptain." "Well, Pat." "There's smoothing out hero foreninst the boat," "What i0 it ?" sand the captain, to teat Pat's seafaring knowledge, the lights of an approaohing.steamer being visible, ",I rally couldn't nay for ebure, env," gays Pah, "but I oushptot its a drug state. There's a red and a grans light." The family of henry Larivier°, of Pel- ton, had a narrow escape from being poisoned the other day. Shortly after breakfast several of the members of the housdhold becamo violently ill and for hours their nude wore in danger. It was found that only those who had drank from the well had been 7015010d. The well was all tight the previous evening, and their ie a euepieiou that someone poleoned it during the night. The symp- toms were mill ne would he caused by "rough on rate," A young man named George Little met with it very painful aooident in Don - Massenet &aw•mill, at Bayfl°ld, the other day, It seems that hir, Little and his father, John Little, who rosidee in Turn - berry, bear Wioglutm, were on a visit to their friend, John Torrance, of Porter's Hill, Goderiab township. They went to Bayfield, and while there called on Mr. Donaldson at his sawmill. The mill wag workingat the time. Young Oita Little was g atandiu on the platform in front t g p eat 1)e the easy carriage, altd, in gutting out of the way of it, ht seine Way or other his left hand came in contact with the atm, which initiated a terrible wound, gutting off a portion of the hand and two of the lingers. Itowick +all SNOW. The annual Fall Show of the Ilowick Agrioultnrel Soalety was held ou Victoria Parts, Guile, on Saturday, Ont. 2nd, and was a great success in every way. Some of the departments worn not as full as might be desired, but, on the whole, t show was 9. good one, and the atbondauce of epoatators wee good. The gate receipts ware away ahead of auy previous year in the history of the Sooiety. The following ie a list of the prizo•winnera :.— Baasss. —Span heavy agrfeultnral heroes, Wilkinson Bros, Jae Bell ; heavy agrinultnral gelding, one year old, A & J Campbell, Harry Faille ; heavy ngrieul• tura! filly, two yeare old, Wm Evans ; heavy agricultural filly, one year old, Thos Harrison ; open general purpose horses, A & J Campbell, W Young ; general purpose filly, two yearn old, Sam• uei Johnston, Derry Z'nllie ; general pur- pose filly, one year old, 1 & 2 Wm Oase- more ; roadeber gelding, two yeare old, Thos Harrison, Alex Robertson, sr ; roadster gelding, one year old, Sas David- son, Robb Edgar ; roadster filly, two years old, Jas Davidson, Robt Edgar ; heavy agricultural brood mare, Geo Bu- rkett, Thee Bardeen ; heavy agricultural foal, Thee Harrison, Edward Sotheran ; general purpose brood mare, A&J Camp. bell, Edward Sotheran ; general purpose foal, Wm Galbraith, Wm Strong; road- ster brood mare, Thee Harrison, Edwin Lambkin ; roadster foal, Tltoe Harrison, Edwin Lambkin ; roadster team, Wm Morley, Jos MoLanghlin, (Palmerston) ; roadster horse, W 11 Huck, Jas McNay ; griddle horde, Thos Davidson, Robt Ed. gar ; special prize given by Geo Brown, for the best foal from the Grove.Victor Stallion, owned by Howiak Shiro Associ- ation of Gorrie, Wm Strong. Immo/mgrs.—Iron beam plow, gang plow, gingle carriage, I& 2 C 0 0 0 Co, (Palmerston.) CAr'LE.—Dnrhams (with pedigree) Beat bull, any age, Smith Bros, Juo Wilson ; bell, three yeare or over, Smith W MalCeuolo, J Satter ; hand made flue shirt, Alre W Melienale, W Dane ; Ilan. nelshirt, Mrs W McKenzie' tog cabin gent, P P Ayloeworth, Mrs W Ruffen• 010; pitched quilt, W ifele, Aire W Mo. Kenzie ; knit quilt, W lisle ; °rootlet quilt, W H McCreeken, P Davidson ; home-made oeverlid, P P Ayloeworth, ,1e W Dane ; croollet in wool, W Hole, W II McCracken ; °rootlet in ootton, W Hole, J pousane & Sons ; embroidery in cotton, W Helo, J Cameos & Sons ; embroidery in cotton muslin, 1V Heir, W Dane ; embroidery in Bills, J Italue ; point laoe, w Hole, J Caueene & Son ; Berlin wool, raised, J Koine, W Hele ; Berlin wool, flat, P P Ayleewcrtb, W Hele ; Berlin wool flowers, P P Aylesworth, J Baine ; wax flowers, J Brethauer, i.' P Aylee. worth ; wax fruit, P P Aylesworth ; moss work, J Salter, P 1' Aylesworth; drawn work, J Cousins & Son, Mrs. W MOKen. zie ; cone work, J 13rethemor, P P Aylos• worth ; arrasene work, W Dane, W Bele; hair work, P P Aylesworth ; leather work, W IIele ; sofa pillow, orazy work, J Kahle, W 71 MoOre.oken; sofa oosbion, W Hole, W H Mo0raoken ; morame bracket work, lir Hele, J Keine ; tinsel work, W II MOCraoken, J Keine ; fanoy knitting in oaten, II Fallis, J Keine ; in wool, T Cousins & Son, W Hole ; braid- ing, 71 Sontheran, Mrs W McKenzie ; rag carpet, P P Aylesworth, J Keine ; toilet mat, W Dane, W lisle ; floor mat, W Hate, Wilkinson Bros ; feather flowers, P P Aylesworth ; shell work, J Breth- auer, P P Aylesworth ; tissue work, W 11 McCracken, W Dane; natural flowers, J Cousins & Son, J Brethauer ; hand bouquet, T Brethauer, W Dane ; table bouquet, W Dane, J Ooceins & Son ; coil of house plants, W Dane. i zNn Airs.—Pearl painting, Wm Hole; oil painting, Wm Yens, P P Aylesworth ; water color painting, Wm Vele ; painting on silk or velvet, P P Aylesworth, Jae Perkins ; painting on satin, Wm Uelo, Jae Perkins; ponoil drawing, crayon drawing, Wm ITele ; apsoimen of pen. manahip, Wm Bele, P P Aylesworth ; painting on pottery, Win Hele ; oollootlon of paintings, John Raine, Wm Tele. Bros ;hull, under two years, Jan L FViI• eon ; female any ago, Smith Bros ; cow, Smith Bros, Jno L Wilson ; heifer, two years old, Jno L Wilson, Samuel John- ston ; yearling heifer, Samuel Johnston, J L Wilson ; buil oast, Samuel Johneton, J L Wilson ; heifer °elf, J L Wilson, Samna( Johnston ; herd, Jan L Wilson. Durham Grades—Cow, J L Wilson, Samuel Johnston ; heifer, two years old, Samuel Johnston ; yearling heifer, heifer calf, fat beast 1 & 2 Samuel Johnston ; miloh cow, Wm Dane. Snnur,—Leioesters,—Aged ram, Wm Brown, Sas Sanderson ; abearliug ram, Sas Sanderson, I & 2 ; ram lamb, Thos Harrison, Wm Brown ; ewe, Jas Sander- son, Wm Brown ; shearling ewe, Jae Sanderson, 1 & 2 ; ewe lamb, Jas Sander- son, Wm Brown ; pan sheep, Jas Sender - son ; ram, any arae, ewe, any age, Jae Sanderson. Oxford Downs.—Aged ram, J Oousens & Son, J Knox ; shearling ram, J Ooueene & Son, 1 & 2 ; ram Iamb, J Omens & Son, 1 & 2 ; ewe, J (loosens & Son, J Knox ; shearling ewe, J Knox, T (loosens & Sn'i ; owe lamb, pen sheep, J Ooueans LC Son, 1 & 2. Shropshiree.— Aged ram, shdarling ram, ram lamb, ewe, shearling ewe, ewe lamb, pen sheep, W H Webber, 1. & 2. Grades—Ram, T Men- derson, E Sotheran ; ram lamb, J Knox, E Sotheran ; two, shearling ewe, ewe lamb, E SOtharan,1 dr 2. SWINE.—Berkshire sow, J Stewart. Chester white.—Boar, T Mendereoil, A Robertson, jr. ; brood sow, 7.' Menderson, 1 & 2 ; spring pigs, A Robertson, T Henderson. Yorkshire white.—Boar, A Robertson, le, E Lambkin ; brood sow, E Lambkin, A Robertson, jr. POULTRY,—Geaee.—P P Ayleewortb, T Alenderson ; tnrkoys, T Menderson ; cloaks, Wm Dane, H Fallis ; light Brahma, J Brethauer 1 & 2 ; Plymouth T Menderoon, J Brethauer ; black Spanish, J Brethauer, 1 & 2 ; penoiled Hamburger, J If Johnston, 1 & 2 ; leg - horns, J Brethauer. GUAM.—Red Winter wheat, P P Ayleewortb, John Campbell ; white Win- ter wheat, Wm Evans, John Campbell ; Spring wheat, Jae Ohowbeit, Harry Fallis ; barley, Was Campbell, Thos Men• derson ; large peas, Jag Campbell ; small peas, Jas Campbell, Geo Burnett ; white oats, Thos Davidson, Wm Evans ; black cats, Jan Campbell, Theo Manderson ; white beans, Wm Strong, W H Modraek. ea ; flour, Wm Dane ; yellow corn, Robb, Edgar, Chas Caudle. DAInS PnonuaE.-50 lbs. tub butter, Robt. Harding ; 20 lbs. tub butter, Robt Harding, Wm Strong ; 6 Ibe. fresh butter, Robt Harding, Wm Brown ; home made bread, Jae Salter, Wm Brown; strained honey, John Brethauer, Booms & VnaEnADLne.—Early potatoes, Wilkinson Bros, P P Aylesworth ; late potatoes, Wm Dane, Chas Caudle ; aweed turnips, Jas Campbell, Samuel Johnston ; auy other kind of turnips, W II Mo- Oraaken, E D Campbell ; red mangolde, W II MoOraoken, Sohn Brethaur ; yellow mangolde, E D Oampbeli, W H Mo• Craton ; gardou ()errata, Ohms Candle, Alex Roborteon, sr. ; field °erfobe, P P Aylesworth, W H Afio0raokeo ; potato ouionc, W li Modraaken, Ohne Sandie seed onions, 1 & 2, W H 3loOraoken ; paranipe, W 3 Modraokeu, Soo II John- ston ; pumpkins, Alex Robertson, sr., W 13 311o0raaken ; citrons, W kI McCracken, Chas Caudle ; blood beets, J H Johnston, Wm Strong ; tometoos, P P Aylesworth, John Cousins & Sou ; cabbage, John Brethauer, Chas Caudle ; rad pepper, 1 & 2, Jno Brethanor ; cauliflowers, Jno Brethauer, Chas Caudle ; water melons, W II MoOraeken ; squashes, W H Me• draalcen, 5 Vegan. Fnuxr.->•Winter apples, northern spy, 5 Vegan, Wm Strong ; Rhode Inland greening, 5 Vogan, Wm Strong ; king of Tompkins °aunty, John Calming & Son, John H Johnstone russet, Juo Oouoins & Son, Robb Pool ; baldwin, P P Ayles- worth, Robt Peel ; Ben Davis, Robb Peel, Wm Strong ; moon, John Brethauer, ;no dooeins & Son ; telman ewoet, Ino lIol. land, Jno LI Johnston; duohaae of Olden - berg, John H cousins & Son, Wm Strong ; Alexander, Wm Illvene, Robb Peel ; variety of apples, Robb Peel John Holland ; variety of drab apples, Robt Peel ; variety of plume, W 13 MoOraok• en, Robb Peel ; peers, 8 Vogan, .P P Aylesworth ; grapes, 5 Vogan, L . . Hineperger. Lynes' Dammam—Home made flannel, all wool, J Salter ; union, 1' P Aylesworth vorth • home made yarn, W H MAbrnolcgii, P P Ayloeworth ; Homo made blankets, J Salter, SVm Strong ; hand made lediee' stockings, MnrWm McKenzie, W H llfo0raoken ; stand made men's gecko, Mrs Wm MoKeuzie, Davidson ; men's mitre, Mrs 1V Molten.. zi0, W 11 MoOracken ; men'e gloves, Me •. John Auklaud, a well-known 1Vest- minister farmer, who resides on the Bost- wick line, met with a painful eoaident, Wednesday, Oct. 4. He was engaged in moving a corn drib, when it full upon him, breaking both bones in the right leg. 7,800 Given Away To persons who make the greatest num- ber of words out of the phrase, "Patent Attorney Wedderburn." p'or particulars address the National Recorder, Washing. ton, D. 0. 5 8 HLE8 British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles — North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT Tan Brussels. Planing 1Iills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Bnildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. J. & P. AMEN', AIL INC ! G. Richardson. Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. f"-a'Shop over itteSoivan's Stere. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MANN OR BEAST. Oartnlu in its elreeta and nevor•bllotore, Road: proof° bolow, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUREO oD ma,lebaMLn bR ndorson Co„ 111„ Aob. sf'bl. Dear Stra-10:00,10 send mo enc of Your Barad nooks aulobllrt0, Tbaaolnped a groat n0nl of your 1 100ndM1'e Spavin 0,0010111) 0040 euo0css it 10 o 1 wondcrfal medlotno. I eueej,ad n 040,•0 04mtbad 51) noonit 44,401,, and 41 0 11,:.000, ourld 10,, 1 keep a 1)01110 00 head 0,u taotbeo. Yotlretruly, 004,00.'PewEi, , KENDALL'S SPAVINGW ES nr, D. J iiaanALG Co, 0ANrog, sic., Apr.0, 0 . Dena Saiv.•.I Imam used SOreral b01t1ce of your “KoMink the gmein Coro. ever mu : 1 mil su00oes, e - x n1v1,1ttoOnar,10,0llltlr 11\I 0 sod. Rel M re- moved/ono ltonr, Onra, 0e Blond 000011) dud k110, trio I I00 1)g t lad. 11amo fl000l noaelad It to a• ormlcr,n nr10n 9wboa 7 y T d ro muck plmns0e WW1 cwt keep 01, 1ie0p004nt.1 S, !t, IiAY, p. o. Dox 915, Oer Sate by all Druggists, or address br, TS. Jr. IC31J.N'DA.LL C01f 1yAl1 Y,,, cNossUnaH rau.s, vT. Weil Satisfied with ye lg �I° kjorm "Near:y forty years ago, after some weeks of sickness, my flair turned gray, 1 began using Ayer's 11:1ir Tiger, and Mas .to well satls. rare .iii +,; rezultn that 1 l:ao'o uev1 r tried any -other kind of dress. ing. It regrtireeollly nn occasional appli- cation of AYER'S IIair Vigor to keep my flair of good nrta . color, to remove 'dl' t d;'+rl dandruff, to heal itching humors, and prevent the hair from falling out, I never hesi- tate to recommend A.yer's medicines tclllyfriends."-5Irs..N ,1L lamml>'P, Avoca, Nebr. 1) BOAR FOB f3 a v�cla,—mea Undgrniguetl will keep for service ou Lot 3c, Oen. 0, Morrie, the tiler°' bred 110. Proved white Yorkshire Bear "Soloatsd," bred from 7..81, O1'otllour's awed etekes sow at Chloago Fair. Torres, $1.00 to be Pala at ii nseeesa y, Sedigrprivilege ei »my be seen vu apl,1ruelios, 'BO11T. NICHOL. White Star Line. ROYAL MAIL `'1•r.tMsUIPS. Petwoen New York and Liverpool,. via Queenstown, erery Yieduesday. As the steamers of this line carry only a strictly limited number iu the Fixer and anaonn C. ABM accommodations, intending plication for bertha is necessary at ers are reiniucied that au this sea- son. For plaus,rates, ete.,a4ply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. Prepared by Dr. J. C. dyer & Co., Lowell, Nese. fake Ayer's Sarsaparilla for the Complexion. NE �1C��P SOI i The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the MU BMOC$ BMUS, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best bleats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. o VIA:CZ:Ell,. Meat delivered to all units of the town. OS! 1A ill znoko' tt well man of 'YOU! 010051Paon0Cee meg 40000 neaui,m ,N 1.001E WEass. F10001 aures MIN Cwoos L:ecaeoa, el0opleee. nose. 0800eg Armory, tileltly Oatrelone,epermu, turrbaoa, l.•npm00853, oto„ oaueod by poet Mimeo; gluon vigor (4d also to shrunken otannb, 1)541 gri0klp but IreolY� re tore' 00r Wham • to Wei 00Y nag. Um Pr.Un1 and you win grow strong ni,d hsccu afro Dant ey ,sell In plain woo30eo aad 0000r044yy 80034,1 from oln_orraUon. Ea,lty osMad Ip 00 1 p 0000. price, 21. a paukog0. 015 ror 3e. 00 41,nogoy to lertu r otdtn. or re Lor. ed 10ttbr nAddr n 011 1 t a a t00 t. J. fo 01)�d00 c APRR Drv�g10 wgnst minton 0t OmndaTOtaF, Oxm, dgoat tor. the Do- McL S'OD'S yetem Renovator —AND 000E8 -- TESTED REMEDIES SPEWWRC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, ,Pal its - tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint,Ioenr. eight, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jauudiee, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, OODERIif110 ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by:Jae, res, 7lr1Igglst, 3trn sols. * JUST TWO ITEMS THIS WEEK, VIZ. : The Balance of our fire ', a DS WILL BE CLEARED OUT AT COST, Bankrupt Stook of A�fy PHOTO. L S That willhe sold away below Original. Cost. They ' start as Eo �a was 500. OSTr�,'a , p, 'Y. .9 , i�'' r r, w Z I OOKTuE.. 7