HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-10-15, Page 22 TH�.PI" BRUSH
_..-. �----_-.. . stood bi+twoen him and the Judge's
ole One Iwo an a Fi e daughter and dollars.
1� �i Yfi@✓ 1/ �Y 1 l.hus, "1\'.tion rogues fall out. Unax-
9 es6 man get their idue$," Broanali of t
t varincr for two years for tuts
CHAPTER, Ill. _ team to mako clear the posttioa cL the sha;i•e Sri the last part of the plot
Olio next afternoon, burning with a siok mau tossing in meatal and lahy- 41vaatigatatl and Fraaton seven years •
sinal palm, almost greater than man in a11. i
bigh fever, Jack lay restlessly tossing can, bear, Tho joyful solution of the lul'scory
on a fed In. tone Paar tvurd of the city Perfectly innocent of t'ile ,terrible winch had so darkanad the Durant
itipspital, Anxiously be u'utched and charge agaiaSt• him, lie \vas still un- home brought joy mad ha,PPiness, m-
ospi d for Lite arrival of his friend able to substantiate his claim in the deed, to, the hearts of ail the damily ;
face of the evidence against lilm, and and with the lifting bf the cloud from ,
who bad promised to call Anil. sec him $o had fled and rommialud in dIrOUisc his lift,, health marl strength at Jest
wm;d let 'him kno\v how 'things were and bl f tg for though anlmustr. eu returned .In Took Durant,
progressing, just as soon as be could i>er Bob Grant, iuLx CDmpan1°ti in aclvar-
dawn Uy^ Cho sorrow of it, still firmly sIty' a Young conn a^Ito had knotty
n•,t time to get around, It had been believed in his son's guilt, and had dls- better days, accepted a position in
a' busy day for Bob. As soon as ho inherited him, and forbidden all men- the survey -party p wad went to the
had seen 2rts Lrieud safe in the hmuds mit of details But S acewila—,vIII n s and mountains, FroEyre ,he at length
of those w'ho l would Care forfhhe Si �� suffering, so we will leave you all to found his Way into USra gold fieldlast
g, y llrltish Columbia, a^beta when
proceeded -nth his plans, guess at them. heard from he was doing well.
stop was to find ,his old mquaucutance, How Bob managed to inform Jack's The, meeting between Judge Durant ,
the policeman, 1No, 37, and tell hire the sister, of ,the suffering condition of her o.nd his son when be became nwmrs,of
whole story. IIe would be off duty on brother, be never told; but in m short the latter's inndeence, was both dig -
time after ,he left the city boalcltal, a rifled and pathetic. The old mmnad-
Iuis beat to -marrow afteruuon., aril dung lady, closely veiled, called to see vmneed. to the b'ed•side, and reaching
would help with his scheme. 'tare- 'lie patient. The sufferer was lying out his hand to the, younger One' be
over, he assisted Bob to fund comfort- with his face still toward the wall as Said:—
able quarters♦ fur the night, and some the door quietly opened and the young "May God forgive Me, Jack, and I
lt.dy entered. lust heard a votes say know you are too generous not 'to lie
supper mad breakfast as well. tc the nurse : ,,Be'is my brother, YOU so. I have sufferetoo, my lad, and I
la the 'morning Bob's first work was need not stag." and he turned his head smW have myself
to kiwmt up Frank AMarkwall, and es_ as she' aarosssedher Ye lg Tinheun w Ali 4uiver- forth MYmotto shalll be: for
''IereY nail
plain the plot to him, and thus en Log lis mud listening eyes, Mildred Justice," rather then "justice
p g haggard anercy," and Luis quivering voice was
able ,item to play easily into the hands Durant gazed into the wan, and full of the mist of Ceara,
Of his betrayers, in order to ensure face of her loved and long -lost broth- Weemninot add theproverbial, "Mar -
Choir complete discomfiture, After or. ' n peatecb reed and lived happily ever after, "ha
oonsdernbla running around train Speechless with emotion, g regard to Mildred Durant mind Frmnk
of joy rising in his throat ,cud tears Mnrk\voli for they have not yet tak-
one place to another he managed to of love mind' gratitude, of JOY M the l for they though many bld-
fvad him, and all was arranged saris- thcunkfulness blinding his eyes, ing Or and wiser than they have'f0olish-
Fuetoriiy. cauId only stretch forth • his burning 17 gone before, rod even new they
,At Ube time appointed, Joel Frastan hands and chap las darling sister to orpledged to fall into the aroma arrox.
Gia heart. For several minutes, no Alnrl Jack laughs as he looks ILL,
cad Frank Markwail met, at the base- word \vas spoken. All his sufferings, an his rpturn from the West, and
pall grounds, and a careful observer his w^roags, his shame, his sorrows, and says
Might have noticed that they were his love, seemed to swell to Uao vast, Now, Frank, tvby don't you apply
closely followed by three other individ- mighty torrent, and fill his throbbing Fraston's mathematics, ' T'wo ones.
heart to overflowtng till the great one two ,nnd a five?" You sea, it will
pals at a short distance apart. One of tears of suffering, joy and weakness just buy the ring, the license, and the
those was Bob, the second was No. 37, coursed silently down bis abeeks.with- Preacher."
and the third a detective, Soon Fras- out a sound of sobbing or noise o. fTh!a End.)
ton and: his companion were joined by weeping. HIS whole am\i seemed melt -
711r. ]3ran"te1i, Who simply nodded to up feeling nfoun(1 velnt in oat tloughis pl° v'art- HE LIKE A SOLDIER FELL.
Frastaa, and appeared to be about to mournful grpmn, and then be tervent-
pass on into the throng. Just as he Ili- ly murmured:
preached them, however, Freston, by "Thank Godl" And then as his Voice YsxeenOon of Capt. Cala• it dlrxloan 1111ear
A dexterous move of the hwad opposite came back tohdM once MOTOOa haves I ror Insubordination.
k rank, dro ed amodest-looking pact- ly whispared, "Oh, Mildred, Capt. Cota, of the Twelfth Mexican
Pp knew you would comet T knew you f
,et book nate Gita overcoat pocket of his would come I Dearest little sister 1 O, Infantry, was some Lime since eondemn-
,o0mpamon, and by an equally des- little Milly I Thunk God, the"' is ione ad to death for insubordination for the
heart on earth that logos me Still'i killing of a Major of his regiment in
teFous move the detective slipped his Oh, it is sweet to know there is one—
luand in just in time to receive it as one are ra of lova left yeti Aad Sonora during the Yaqui rebellion,
Freston let go. Then, as Fraston's I swear to you, Mildred. I men Loco- Saturday morning he was shot in the
I never city of a little after six o'clock
Hasid again came forward to deposit the cent of it all. God knits, ,
little roll of bilis In another pocket the defrauded a man in my lifeand I
, Detachments from all the garrisons
Swear It on than my death bed. Tel] were present, about' 1,500 men being
detective firmly grasped -his hand that me you believe me, Mildred, let me
,enclosed them, remarking as he did so, hear it once, that I may know bow drawn up on three sides of the square.
l.'n a low, quiet tons: it sounds. I need not ask You H VOU By a quarter to six all was ready, and-
nd"Not so fast, Mr. Freston, please; the love me still but say Yet' bel1eva Pao' a carriage containing Capt. Cote. mad
pocket -book ought to be gift enough for stoo,wear
r i t O little Melly 1 I wR It' act three friends, guarded by soldiers, drew
p swear it on my death bed if it 'lucre
one. I prefer to fina Liters bills in false: though I cannot Prove it true, up.
your own .band rather than in your inn° d lI mus Oh!,Godo sweat 'nded crim- it is .to s At the further end of the square,
companion's pocket. 'Make no trouble, sine opposite the eastern mound, in front
that look of lova Ln ono ,face ag of which the execution was to take
please, your game is up, and you may They h.,we all been bard and rold e;O
as well comet aleaug quietly With me." Pang. And, now I must die; but, 6h, place, the coach stopped and the con -
Pale and'aickening Joe Freston turn- I could not bear to go without asemg damned man alighted. He was tion-
and, followed the officer, and as he You once more I Tell me, Mildred, Chat mediately conducted to the place of ex -
.V believe me im'nocent—ss I swear caution by a picket of infantry.
did so, be saw with dismay, that his I am—and I rain die. content'
friend Brownell was also being quiet- With all the true sympathy Of her They advanced to the fatal spot I a
r1 ordered along by the other officer. woman's nature swelling in her breast quick -step, and among them ware none
1W Silt scarcely, a ward they werequick- she had been speechless, only listening Who walked with amore martial air
ly walked to the station \vhere they with her cool hand Pressed On his than Capt. Cots. His nerve was indo-
were looked in separate apartments till throbbing temules. Now she ii'nstvered,
the matter could be sufficiemtl investi- I \v'hola heart L mitaUle and his courage superb. No
gated to determine whether to grant l do believe ottiLli my It a
their request for bail or not. you. But do not talk of thecklead oftliis man iand mfassiniggthe
enmpsinaed by Bob, I9ue deteetive(dYbig. for you shall not. Ttvould be saluting Pont, could have carried a
iihen tven•t to the hospital to obtain i cOwardly, Jack; rabbet, live for yeend
Cha svrittan evidence of Jack, who was iL only to prove your innocence;lie more inartial hearing than did this man
ton ill to answer a summons to appear IV
theVVel>reof God
tini shall of l 'k as be went forth to meet his death.
In person'. Tbas they found hien ea-. proved- tic
erly tvateilting and waiting Ifor some! Durant that you should reek oblivion His appearance was trim and clean,
aeivs as to dhow thingswere going. His by an unknown demthl" even to fastidiousness,
anxiety was soon satisfied wthien he "Aye; wherel" he answered sadly. As he advanced down the length of
was assured that the two were safe in "I'll tall you \where, Mildred, It'sgn the square, a distance of at least 100
custody, mad his evidence as to hear- w•fth the joy and youth, mad health, aids, he was quietly puffing at a
the plot was soon taken do\vn. Than and flesh, and blood, oC Jack UJuravt; y
this deteetivo read it over to him, and starved to death as my POOL' body has eigaret, and when the squad limited he
upon being *,$sure& that it was all cor- been; hunted from hovel to garret, walked deliberaLaiy to the position as-
reet, handedt it to him to sign. hounded from city to city; dogged off signed to him. Not even there did his
74na face of the sick nam,turned as the face of the green earth; haunt=ed eouraga forsake him. for when tke of-
wOrite as the pillow on which it lay. by the ever -pursuing shadow of • a Licer, strade toward him, Bandage in
His thand trembled, and he gasped brok- warrant for arrest; and all for—why4 hand, with the intention of blindfold -
only. in my heart and soul, I believe for ing him, Capt, Cota at once motioned
`•ilmust I really? 'Must I Sign. it? Qs no other purpose Under the shining him away, declaring that he was not
there no other way?"heavens. than as w means to assist a afraid to face the rifles with his eyes
No other -Way; sitnpLy you must sign black -hearted scoundrel, cool i'rastoa. open. not even as the officer in charge
it if you wish it to be of it use as to possess himself of the fortune of of the firing pari%y took his place; and
etv'idience. Do YOU art wish to help Judge, Durantat Ube hand Of with his sword motioned the orders
Justice to be done?"Judge DurmnVs daughter. Aye Yon to the men. "Ready—PresenL—FireI"
"I do, Only God knows dtoty maaoh I may well Stara, MiLly, darling. bat I not even during' this trying parted was
wish it, but you little umv what you mm not mad; no, not: yet; hat listen there this least trace of fear on the con -
are asking me." He paused and wip- and I'll tell you all." demand man. '
ed this cold sweat from his brow. His He faced the guns at the attention,
breath came fun almost heavy gasps, his Then he told her how it had all hap- and full ms became a soldier. At the
hands opan,ed; and stmt' convulsively as paned, and ail of the Gonvarsntioa told first discharge he dropped dead. There
his struggled with his great agony. At had overheard the night before;
told was no movement of the body as It
last, the conquered the pain, some- of all that had It pp�iisd Char day, and Pay Uleeding on the ground. Where it
what mast murmured low: "I'll do It, as he finished by telling beer of his fill iL lay, until the coup de grace was
and may God. have pity on ms. But arrest and hoty Due could not ,escape lt, f natty given by the sergeant of the
I'll do it all for her saL-e and for his for the fear of the con equenees to squad tolitho prostrate form. He was
the dear old boy. • Frank Markweii, and by that the sat- 25years old.
,Quietly he .took th'e pea in his faring to herself, her emotion was _
trembling fingers and trap -ad has name greater tban she could restrain, and
below the written evidence. Then, as bar head smnk an his shoulder..hvhere GREAT SHOOTING,
a .bmnde,d it back, he turned wearily sha sobbed seftly mad gently as
p the wall, murmuring with one long, though her heart was indeed breaking.
heart -broken sigh: 'O, Jackl ' she whispered, at last, sonin wouderrul peaty or ,31arksmansbip,
"'Tis finitlhad, and now, O Godl that "There are not enough such brothers A few exemplary old citizens, \vhf
I ay, diel Only let me die in peace!", as you in this world Cor God to tallow fled their deer hunting beers the noUl(
and he ,groaned aloud in mental agony. one to perish. Live for my amlte, or I
O, Godt if thou lovest thy poor cram will know you haus died Cor itt" game' was as scarce as it now i9, weir
�ui•es, only let me die!" And, he lived recalling feats of marksmanshipt,whet
l�randerling greatly at his intense am- It is a long story, and uninteresting, they were the Nimrods of the day. '
otian, this detective took the paper, and
tibnn his Lace Curved almost as pale as
the sick man's, as he read Chat name.
IU name. Was ,Tobin G. Durant.
Rin lnq from his seat, he nervously
paced it few steps back and forward.
tinea cake.
:'roan the very depth of myheart I
;regret this Car more then you imagine,
my friend 1 I would as soon lay Bands
au the fire as onpoo, but God help
us all is the time cf. duty!— Whea she
eIlslA k couldnnot disobey,
ot'hter would have to do it, it 11 did not,
and I assUre You I will not molest you
more Uban absolutely necessary."
Before he could proceed he was ob-
1'iged to clear the rising lump from his
throat, Than he continued.
Sohn. R. Durant, T arrest you In the
g�iaame of this Queen for defalcation nl
. flnanoes in conneotlon• with the firm 01
Murkis, THorald and Brown as oharged
ICA the, warrant in my possession. Dc
not: fear, though, I shall not molest yot
further at, present, enC, as your tRaoss ex�
oases ,me." Ile 'Loaned to laarve tht
ratintand Bob followed bits example
U'} oreggoing, Junwever, he turned t it
friend to ask if there itsanything
ny hi $
could do for him.
ack turned Ibis haggard face Cowart:
'hian mail murmured' 0 BOW R I 00121(
only sea my dear little sister, once mors
Before Igo, for I sipall never get U,i
ahgm'int• the would come ,to me, .
Sow she would,, for she is as true i
sister as ever made Rind,. R she ooulr
only know, I know die awould. come
even mt this risk of, father's angel' i
,he should frad:lt• out."
"fRhe shiall, know; she, alone, and Lha
' at
oars,', and• Bob left tihia room, it
ormpanY VrLdh the detective.
It scarcely steeds a word of. 'sxpla,bo
to tell all that took place iii the Shiest "1' very seldom pulled a trigger the
of Fraston and Bronnell• I dill root get venison," modestly de
suffice it to say that instead of Glared one veteran whose hair andvole
Frank AMarkwell it was Joel Fraaton
t'haL his scheme entangled In the ,have grrnv. thin: "In one instance
meshes of low, and thus he hormone the brought' down a fine buck that I neva.
Victim of his awn villainy- expected to get. I saw him coming or
Nmthmn Brownell, to save ilia own t1.e dead run—that is, I saw his antlers
cowardly self, turned Queen's avidence for he, was on a ledge about a handier
and made a clean breast of thewholo ands away and just enough below m
affairs and in cross-oxmmination be- Y
came ao entangled, in trying to ex- to cover everything but his horns.
plain the sense of the obligation to. tried to got his ]lead or bot v in sigh
ward Freston, thatinduced him to int Hit•, was gams' too fast. Just be
take part in ilia plot ,as Itoarouse
very strong susptoions toward thein in cause. I was toad I let fly at t trun,
mriother matter, which, upon invest!- of one, born, I followed along slowl
gationrevealed "m wheel w^i.thin m
a uttmritmg wl; my hard lack, when
wbe:el,t a, plot within a plot, hywhich found my bunk dead as a herring."
Trnstan sad Brannall, some time be -
tore, when connected with the firm ,,Shot him dead through the bora
of Murkis, Tpicrold & Brown, had Per- hay?' snteorott the man who will sot,
petrated an enormousfraud in Clic be eighty. I `
matter of the firm's finances; and by "Bettor wait till you hear it 0,11, The
having access to the books had so fix -
ad them up as to direct all Suspicion bullet struck, the louver side of one r
seal all evtdones toward John R. DU.r� the. prongs, glanced and went throup
short- It. wa turi
Latent the door, s n0,
de art of the 'lose coif
i P Clio h
n w
;, ago occurred. Then, Jam, seeing ed arrow h and I'only tell it to showwhi
nae of justifying Himself Had fled trough,
and thus left the terrible suspicion strange thamlignvo beenhinuch scion er
a of nlmost ev- "Couldm
i mind.
fi mrd
n the
• confirmed
has 1)ag i
,� ala
man who h be0n Id
said t
I .Ica v
a oro
P. an8
• most x Ph
y t
of little u a h le a
i rt, d
t ho s
n, Sitio p
that- vin di
I fatb nE kis steno, and justice to g
f0,thrr, Mr, justice Durant, Ivbo at ofuair_ above Hach oar, "I once Hi
• once disowned his unfortunate son, and a T>ac tliaa', experience myself while of
-I ami, ever to mention Ir' Ilia (leer just for tbA Sport Of_tl
forbade his family
1 i hi -a nano again.CHiaig, I shtdl+ a drier In the hind for
Preston's motive for this, as hinted as soma I 110t gonmg through tie braii
C before, avna to have thin Judges daugb• 'Cnrrrnnr..d mai fife hoof, I presume
ter inherit all her father's wealth, clln left nm pfd cynic, who looked i
Li nnd, his ambition then ons Lo itillerit CHartgh h'a di TL t believe a word th;
VI the flmugh'ter herself, Both Jack, her bzlXl insist told.,
I, brother, and 'Frank, her lover, 130- ea'Orvi P ; t 0 wllonslsslioLehing H
radio itis prey, simply because they
PERSONAL POINTERS. observed which resoinbl,N dellAure tree
mens, except in cases in which whiskey
t19Nbtlll0 Prnralttmpba Anoat Ph•olmtmeaf and other are blended. 1i
Alen and 1v1out/V1 or Ott World. But it drunkenness. from other is less
Whole: thequdwn. .lgoes abroad sho al- degrading then drunkenness- from al-
vays has a cot upl;u of fbrc extinguish, uohol, it is h
,rs sout fn advaltila and ftttad ulp ill FAR '7CRE DAN,GEROiI4S. n
leo house in which she is to reside. c
James Fergusan anti Mrs, Bettie Car- It leads to insanity and tleatU, said soon
IoAei, his sister, Who claim to be the. brings about marked changes leu tha 6
i,idcat, man rind Volutin in Indiana, ITS temper and in the boa] CIL of the ether- t
iged respectively 105 and log years, manniae.. Take this portrait of the eth- t,
Bishop John .l'. Newman statt!d in 9r drinker and you will find serious
L recent Speech that the annualk li- motives, for avoiding the drug: "The0
luior bIA at tai United Stats amounts ether drunkard is quarrelsome mnd un- c
Z $1,000,000,000. 9T4tis, he cvJaims, is truthful, His condition of mind re-
iquab to this cost of twenty Leading a
necessaries of life. sembles that of people afflicted with t
Ali out wNSah Six John Lubbock, the certain nervous diseases. He suffers
gnglfsh, naturalist, bad kept for ob- from gastric troubles and nervous pros- i
lervmtion party years recently died. tration. Ila becomes the slave of his
vhereupon the Undian Mirror pub- passion like the opium smoker; andthe e
Blwhed On obituary notice of the death aures of the passion ora rare. It is im-
)C bin aunt. possible to save a person afflicted with t
lRev, Dwight L. Moody has denied flits malady,. axe ept on the condition of t
!die report receutlry circulated through- his renouncing completely the ether c
habit, and this seldom happens. As a'
Mut Neu^ Lngfawd to ties effect that I
as Intended to give Cup evangelical rule, an etharomaniae is never cured,
work to be succeeded by Rev. 1'PiWI= except by the impowillility of satisfy -
Patterson, of :Toronto. ing his passion. There is no other re- ,
Friends of Ube, We Marquis de medy but confinement and the closest I
guarding at all times."(
Hores are orgmnuxing an expedition Like the morphinomaniacS, the slaves
for this chastisemout of the Arabs by of other may become addicted to their I
whom his and his party were killed vim after certain maladies. Sometimes
ifter they had crossed the frontier of when a patient suffers from headache
Tripoli, coming from lessees. a handkerchief steeped In ether is put '
;H'ar iquis, the Inadeca)e Painter; under his nose. Relief acmes quickly,
P� L p and he inhales the drug with delight. i
Katlturin Moreau, the Rpulptor, and After a few inhalations great fresh-
Stroney, the lithographer, were the re- ness in the face and reslIiirrstory organa
cipients of the madams of honor for the is felt, 'The dose is doulAed in order to
18D7 Raton. No medal of honor for double the agreeable sensation, with •
arehitectu a ti^as awarded. the result that a delicious ecstacy is
'The on -17 w•Omalll nvlib has written experienced, and gradually the habit ,
era librettos in tient languages is 1-C acquired and continues until at last
p on overdose recants in death.
said to ica the Qation of Rloumania, in The origin of this singular vice is ob-
lliterature, Marmon Sylva. She hos scure. Some say that the Irish pea -
produced librettos in 1 reach, in Ger- sants began to drink ether in 1840, at
mace, in Swedish and in Roumanian. the time when Father Matthew was
Heinrich Horstman, the 11itest cycling preaching the crusade against alcohol.
others accuse the doctors of having
globe trotter, has returned to his home prescribed ether too liberally. Finally,
in Barmen, Germany, Krum a trip the question of price has its importance
around the ilrorCd.
It. Cook hire two especially among the Poorer classes, for
years to do Lt. and 'lee used epi six other Produces intoxication easily and
wheat's ion the course of the journey. is
Mrs. Batilimgton Booth, recently ad- CHEAPER THAN ALCOHOL,
dressed the canvlcls at Joliet, Ill., and Thank heaven, the ether drunkards
told of this work of this Salvation Army. are at present relatively rare in Paris.
At the concllrsiou of her address nearly In London the keepers of the various
300 convicts rose and signified m wish to squares and parks often find under
be earo:2ed as members of the army. Hiro trees empty vials labelled "ether"
Two Japanese gilds, Hise, Naganu that have been thrown there by the
and Natru Sakakt, are att present serv- maniacs who quit their homes in order
Ing as trained nurses in Chicago, They to indulge their favorite passion at
in -tend to study medicine and then re- man ease. AL Epsom after the races
turn to Japan to found a hospitaa on many flasks of ether are picked up
among empty champagne bottles.
Ube same plans as there of this country. But it is to certain portions of Ire-
ton HumlValit, the great scientist, land that the vice of ether drinking
when on a visit to Dultoh Harbor, near is most common. There are regular
Brister. Ba redioted thut the moth- ether shops the oldest of which was
y P established in, 184D at Drapersta\vn.
or vein °f gold -would sbow itself in Thexo they drink a mixture of alcohol
Marks in a parallel line. Recent and ether, fifteen grammes of which are
discoveries indicate Chat this pro- sufftcientto nutanyone into arevery.
phecY has been feed loa, The railroad in the little district of
U. J. Jones, of Cunctnnati, bought a Oroolgstown carries every year 2„000
vk0a a few years ago for $75 and gave tons of ether and an equal quantity
Lt to his daughter. iVhiJe It was be_ at least is brought there by other roads.
Two merehau'ts of the neighboaruog
ing repaired recent:ty he ,accidently villages salt every year 4,500 putts of
discovered that it was an instrument ether. At Draperstown. and at Crooks -
he bimsedC had made in 1848 as an os- town the air is charged with the vapors
petsment and sold it for $5. of ether on market days, and thissame
It s said that
When the artist, odor is present constantly in the third -
was dining with Sir Henry class carriages of Cho Derry Central
g Railway. Everybody in that part of
Irving one night he spent most ofthe Ireland drinks ether.
tevening examining one of his own pue-
tures whiob adorned the wall, and ,
deW,1Y found that it wins hung upside BELTS AND GIRDLES.
down. No one had ever noticed it. In width the belt for next season's
Ib ip said that JULan feller is much wear shows a decided increase. The
intterestedi in matters of dress and L•ilat narrowest shown are two generous
rube is especieffty particular about the inches in width, while the widest are
oouor other dress. She has a fondness deep girdles reaching half the dfs-
for the froulirou effect of her skirts, Lance between the arms and the waist
the nista: that betokens allken lin-
ings. In alit the minor particulars of line. Alaterials for belts are more
the toilet she is exquisitely fastidious, varied than ever before, All sorts and
Among thel eminent members of the colors of leather will be used, while
United States senate who can never the fabric: belts will include even those
be president because tilaey were bore of velvet. Velvet belts are, as a rule.
in a foreign country are Enute Nel- several inches in width, and fastened
son, of Minnesota Galllrngeir, of New by leather straps and leather -covered
Hampshire; Jones, of Nevada; MrIfl- p
lean, a[ Michigan; Montle, of Montana; buokles, They arO not paTticularly ale -
Pasco, of Flo.-ridn., and Sowell, of New gant and certainly add to, rather than
Jersey, take from, the size of the, waist. That
Mrs. Susan B, Anthony in a recent ,on,, quality is considered by the deal-
t' ers sufficient to prevent their wide
speech, at a dinner, given her by .the popularity though they are among the
women of Adams, Mass., said: "If you very latest things in belts.
walnt to do auy01ning in token of the In leather black and the many shades
. I have been permitted to do, of brown promise to almost supersede
p the many bright shades of greed, blue
the way to give that tokan is to put and red so popular duringthe lasttwo
an your armor and do What you can seasons. The buckles of these bolts aro
to secure equa:inty for women, their likewise touch less conspicuous, The
equal, share in governlmont•" harness buckle in glaring silver orgift
When Queen 1Tlotoria visited the will not be used, and whin not lemth-
IjuR):in exhibition in 1849 with her er-covered to match the material of
two eldest children an Irish farmer the belt, the buckle will be of metal
anti almost as inconspicuous.
remit near the royal carriage in one J'ewelled buckles in silver, polished
of the Lurks and said, "Ma it pJoass or rough finished, in silver, gilt or
your majesty, eel the next one Pat- solid gold, will be used only, with silk
rick." In the fa;lowing• ylamr was born or satin beltings, These new buckler
the Duke of Connaught, who was chris- all. on, 11 for belts two inches and up.
Cawed Arthur NVr;liam. Patrick Albert. ward in width. They are made in
Me queen is always quiet. to recognize many naw designs, There aro buckles
if a merit of a happy thought. for the bicycle girl, the athletic girl,
the Yachtinhg girl, the skanihng gillittthe
QCT:• 15r 1897"
— +
,prolmlli9 :Rol lceabtr Alaong.41 the wontew
of Pratte 1/'lift 1t111e lie ttleyde.
THo• doctors of Prance are puzzled •
Ir a new mailia which is afflicting wt,
ten who ride bicycles. The fominlue
rellsO ora becoming extremely cruel.
fedical mon who have mads n study of
be mother aro inclined to ascribe it
) a form of insanity, the cause of
,hick to to theta au absolute myaLery.
;hero are in, Paris a number of pbysi-
la a who amll themselves bicycle Spe-
iatistsi meaning that they have made
Li especiml study of norvous and other
roubles resulting from the use of the '
he wheel, These men are completely
The first case whiob cam° into geU-
ral notice was that of'Ime. Eugenie
,hantilly, wife of Desire Chantilly, a i
rail -known silk manufacturer of LY- it
ns. An enthusiastic tvheelwoman for j
,very long time, she even takes her
rheel with her when she goes upon
•isits to friends some distance away.
t was on ono of these visits to 0,frfentl
I her girlhood in Paris, Mine. Henry
Fournier, whose husband is one of the
test known business man upon Lite
Into do 1'Operm, that the strange at- t
fiction came upon her. Her hostess
s also a wheolwommu, and the two
vent riding one morning along Cha
)ouevards which have made Paris
amous. #yr
`lrhen in the vicinity of the Jardlu Y'
les Plantes Mme. Fournier scorched tit
thead of her friend, and as sho draw
away from her looked back laughingly
Iver her shoulder and called to her
"adieu, mon amie:" Mme. Fournier,
vho tells the story, said she received
at, response mad looking back a in -
went later, saiv her friend darting
sown upon her
She rode to one side, thinking Mme.
Chantilly would be unable to check
herself by the time she came up with
bar, but what was her horror when
her friend deliberately steered the
wheel straight at her. Before Mine.
Fournier could evade her Mate. Chan -
Lilly had collided with her wheal and
knocked bar down. 04me. Chaletilly
rode back a few paces and then, rid-
ing at a lightning rate, actually rode
over the prostrate form of Mme.Four-
Screaming with terror 'Mme. Four-
nier attempted to rise, but was re-
peatedly knocked down by her infuriat-
ed friend, and it was not until others
came to the rescue that she was able
to gain security. One of the most
curious features of the affair is that
during this whole time Mme. Chantilly
preserved an unmoved expression of
countenance ,apparently never even
lookingl at the friend she was so cruel-
ly assaulting. lirhen she was taken
into custody by those who had hasten -
to Mme. Fournier's rescue, she only
said, \§thy, do you interfere with me }.
When I am enjoying myself?" She was
conveyed in a carriage to the Fournier
residence, and from thence ons prompt-
ly sent to her husband at Lyons. Since "1
then she has been kept in strict so-
Mme. Fournier's injuries were soon
that the constant care of a physician
was required for several days. Her
right arm was broken between the
wrist and the elbow, and she received
severe internal injuries, The physi-
cian, deeply interested in so singular
an assault, took Patna to investigate
it, and communicated with the insan-
ity expert who had been called to ax-
mmine into the, condition of Mine. Chan-
tilly the rasa on the whole,
these two medical savants determined
that they had discovered a ,M1 .
Which was due solely to the bicycle. {{
They caused a careful inquiry to be t
made throughout Frauce to discover, it
possible, any cases which bore a reseal- 1,�
anco Co Eat of 'Mine. Chantilly, They
Who had been seized i
found 17 woman w t
}with the same desire to injure cyclists
of their own sex whenever possible, It
such times as they were awheel. The
apparently took the same form ')
desire pli Y
in every instance the first action be-
ing a violent collision and then repeat- '
ed attempts to ride over the form of
the fmllen cyclist. All were not as
successful as ''Live. Chantilly, because
she is a ivheelwommn so Ox Orb as to be
well nigh a professional. The doctors
also found that not only did the desire
to ride down other wheetwomen appear 6l
but there was plenty of additional ,
domes tUat the mania inspired a, keen t
keen delight in all things savokring
of cruelty., In some of the instances y
women indicated this fact by torturing
their pet dogs or cats in the most
frightful fashion although previous to
the time the mania affected them they
had been kindness itself to the anim-
als. One woman who was found tor- ,
turing bar dog said, when asked the i
reason that aha was illustrating the
—.--�.� --- go1C girl, t e orsey ger , e rot i y motiwds of the Spauisb Inquisition of 1i
girl, the dancing girl, and even the tvhfch She lead reait long before. She
d n
THE ETHER DRINKINQ HABIT. old-fashioned girl, who is auPposed to also stated that she was experiment -
like things plain but elegant, Metal in with animals in order Chat she
belts will lie as much used as ever. The might beeome aufftoienbly expert to
A Vico That Ite.rtui In land awl h`aiA uowast designs are all made wider, mako similar expart monfis
Sltrettd 14)V,114:1411,turd fur l'onthi° though not sufficiently so to be un- W11%. HUMAN BEINGS.
ent. .comfortable or clumsy looking. Many That it was cycling that brought Che
Thin recent death front an overdose of them show a profusion of jewels mania ou there seems to be no ques-
of ether of the celebrated Dr. Luys, and the most stylish ones are very tion. Only wbeelwomen have been af-
of Paris, has xirou ht cone u>ore into ornate. An espeoially pretty belt of flieted with it, and oddly enough in
g this kind has a succession of silver every instance they have bean over
prominence the question of atheroma- shells enamelled fn natural colors and 30 years of age. The only theory ad -
ata, !A. few years ago this vies was connected by tiny silver links made. to vanced as to the cause, which has
limited to England, but now Ithas resemble bits of seaweed. Anotherwas been seriously considered, is that it
a string of English daisies with ,jaw- is the result of the effect upon the
reached the Continent. The ether Gab
cited contras and petals of poltsbedsil nervous system, of the intense exhil-
it, more refined, perhaps that the pre- ver. The connecting links were ofsil- oration rapid riding brings aleduta
sion for alcohol, is beginning to make ver, green enamelled, giving just a Frenoh whoelwomen ride at a high
many victims. We can count by Hun-
suggestion of foliage, pane. '1`aiey aro all embryo saorohera,
diads the people who take ether over For fancy girdles, sarin and taffeta much more,so tban their sisters in oth-
P I y sill: are the favorite materials. 1`hey or
countries. This being the case, it is
day. They mix it with alcohol, and are matte with points, wither before or suggested that the practice of scorching i
in that way obtain a drink that intox- Behind, or both, while some are plann, by women is likely tobring about a
fcatas rapidly. OSHe confirmed other fastening to frottt, just a Petits, o the new form. of insanity corresponding to.
p Left, with n. large upstmnding bow that which afflicts the unfortunate
drinkers take it in its pniity, and in Other girdles, so deepp as to only, read Frenchwomen.
ordinary doses of from eight to fifteen the addition of sboulrler sbrmpa to serve It is therefore, thought probable that
grammes. The, beginners take -water tis bodices, are made of bias silk or sat- if women aro not forced to ride at a
o their wheels this re-
est os- mor oto n
t the waist as slower
before and after their ether but the
in, fit as are ly o e r p g
SiUle, sail are clnse•1 at the seam unrl,r markable mania will make its appear -
hard drinkers neglect this precaution, the arm. These drop girdles are be- anco in the wheeling countries Other
whiob diminishes the burning Sea &Uon coming to slander woman, and espe- than France: The worst feature of it
I Opteded
all i
that theree has thus
far been:
I the stomaal. ,bolo aresome otherneat1Y titQaa lookingin well- aVC
busts. Stouter wom0u will stick Ca found no method which would result
drinkers who take 1.50 grammes at m the two-inch ball% narrow under the to curing a patient, or even rendering
time. arms and widening to a point In 6110 manta leas violent -
comes on rapidly, and front and behind.
also passes away in a coml+ava,Uvely OLD 'T.lIZIRS. AN INFAlL M1,1" SIGN,
short time, "the first symptom is vie- , me 0f ttin oldest trees in. tare world IIow do you know that his love
lent 'excitement with abundant Sall- are to It found in. Groat Britain. Tho dream is opar?
i u, Sometamos a ilaitiform eon. tree stilled iViitiaui tits 0ongnernr's Because I Hes rd Gini tell Hrl.Cy, IS
vat o ri 1
vulsiona aro oUservetL, and when the Oak, in Windsor 7'0,rk, is supposed to they left ohur0h last night, Chat he
A a is too Strom the are followed b be 1;L00 ;yomrs old. Via famous Bent knawv a shorter wmy of reaching her
g y y lav and W111bitri:hwg °alta are at least Lome, titan any routs they had been
stupor. Nothing in trio effaels has l,,arn two centuries adder, taking .