HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-10-8, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST
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W. E3.
Editor and Proprietor.
Honsss.—Heavy Draught.— Stallion
over three years, T MeLauchlin ; brood
mare, W Dickson, Al H Harrison ; horse
colt, Jae Simpson ; mare colt, W Diok-
son, Wm Wilson, M H Harrison ; 2 year
old filly, Jae Carling, Taylor Bros., Jas
McCallum ; 2 year old gelding, A Mo•
Laucl;lin ; yearling filly, W J Ross, Jas
Evans, Mrs T Gelder ; yearling gelding,
McGavin Bros., L Steles ; heavy draught
team, C T Dsle, J Shortree4. Agricul-
tnrai—Brood mare, Geo Stevenson, Jno
Bolger, Neil Duncanson ; horse colt, Geo
Stevenson ; mare colt, Jno Bolgar, Neil
Duncanson, A Gardiner ; 2 year old filly,
Jae Carling, C T Dale, Geo Christopher ;
1 year old ti;ly, T Davidson • 1 year old
gelding. A Gardiner, Neil Duncanson ;
span, C T Dale, A Stevenson, Roadsters
—Stallion over three years, 1' Scott ;
stallion under three years, Dr McKelvey;
brood mare, Dr McKelvey, P Scott, P Mc-
Arthur; horse colt, J D Warwick, R Pol-
lord, W Rutledge ; mare colt, Sas Smith,
1' McArthur, Dr McKelvey; 2 year filly, J
J Ball, J Lindsay ; 1 year filly, S 3 Ball,
T Newsome, Robt Shine ; 1 year gelding,
3 Lambkin, Jas Cardiff ; buggy horse,
15, hands high, Jno Watson, J D War-
wick, R Lambkin ; buggy horse, under
151 bands high, J 13 Melville, Jas Mo -
Ewen, Jae Carling ; team, Gomer Green,
R Rolls, R Cardiff ; foal, from registered
trotting bred horse, J D Warwick, V S,
Jno Griffin, Dr McKelvey. Carriage—
Sto iiou over 3 years, J P fisher, A Men-
zies; stallion under 3 years, A T Carrie;
stallion, with 4 of his progeny, 3 P Fish-
er, P Scott ; brood mare, 3 Lambkin, T
Newsome, W 13 Wilkinson ; 2 year duly,
W Robb. R Pollard, Mark Cardiff ; 2
year gelding, J Lambkin, Jas McCallum,
Robt McMurray ; yearling filly, L Hol.
Linger, Jas Shaw ; yearling gelding, Jan
Speir, Jas Smith, R Pollard ; horse colt,
L Hollinger, Alex Smith, Roht Shine ;
mare colt, D Ramsay, Angus Lamont, 3
Lambkin ; span, Jno Watson ; Kcenig's
special, "Gusteer" foals, Jno McKinnon,
Bird Bros, W Hoy ; Brussels Coach
Horse Co., "Waldemar" specials, D Rano •
say, A Lamont, J Lambkin, L Tasker.
CATTLs.—Durham—Bull over 2 years,
Jas Speir ; bull ander 2 years, D Milne ;
mileh cow over 4 years, D Milne, R Cor•
lay, D Milne ; miloh cow under 4 years,
D Milne 1 & 2, 11 Corley ; 2 year old
heifer, D Milne 1, 2 & a ; 1 year old
heifer, D Milne 1 & 2, L Molteil ; bull
calf, D Milne, R Corley 2 & 3 ; heifer
calf, R Corley, D Milne ; herd of Dar.
hams, D Milne 1 & 2, R Corley. Jerseys
—Ball over two years, J Lambkin, G A
Deadman, Jas Burgess ; bull under two
years, G A Deadman ; miloh oow over
re s
4 e on
years, ,Geo Themson, G A Deadman, T
1 etesome; mil011 oow under 4 years, J
Lambkin, E Garvin ; 2 year old heifer,
G A Deadman ; yearling heifer, J Lamb,
kin, G A Deadman ; heifer calf, 3
Lambkin, G A Deadman, W Armstrong,
Native or grade oattle.—Cow, having
calved since last Show, M H Harrison,
Jno McKinnon ; 2 year•oid heifer, L
,McNeil, M H Harrison ; 1.year-old
heifer, M H Harrison ; 2.year-old steer,
R Corley, Jno. Speir ; 1 year-old steer,
W 13 Wilkinson, M H Harrison ; steer
calf, M H Harrison, 1st & 2nd ; heifer
calf, D Milne, M H Harrison ; fat cow or
heifer, VI 13 Wilkinson, M H Harrison ;
fat ox or steer, W 33 Wilkinson, M H
SHEEP.—Leioeatere—Aged ram, Jas
Sanderson, N Gaming ; shearling ram,
Jas Sanderson, 1 & 2 ; ram lamb, Jno
Goultes, D Milne • pair ewes, having
raised lambs in '97, Jae Sanderson, Jno
Coulter ; shearling ewes, Jae Sanderson,
1 & 2 ; ewe lambs, Geo Henry, J Sand-
erson ; pen of sheep, J Sanderson, 1 & 2.
Downs—Aged ram, Jno Smith, Jae Bur.
gess ; Mending ram, L Teeter, Jno
Smith ; ram iamb, L Tasker, Sue Smith ;
pair of ewes, having raised lambs in '97,
,L Teaker, Jas Burgess ; ehearliug ewes,
L Tasker, Jno Smith ; ewe lambs, Jno
Smith, L Tasker ; pen of Downs, L
Tasker, Jno Smith.
Pres.—Berkshire—Boar, over 2 yea vs,
ins Dorranoe ; boar, raider '2 years, Jae
Speir ; boar, under 1 year, J Dorranoe, 1
& 2 ; sow, having littered in 1/7, and sow
nuder 1 year, 3 Dorranoe, 1 & 2, York.
shite—Boar, over 2 years, A Robertson;
boar, under 2 years, R Hiohcl ; boar,
under 1 year, R Nichol, A Stevenson ;
sow, having littered in '07, and sow under
1 year, R Nichol, 1 & 2. Chester White
—Boat, over 2 years, D l0liine, It Me.
Murray ; boar, under 2 years, A Robert.
son ; boar, under 1 year, R McMurray, H
Edwards ; sew, having littered in '97, A
Robertson, R McMurray ; sow, under 1
year, R 1fo01urray 1. & 2, Any other
breed—Boar, over 2 years, W H Mo•
Cutoheon, Ino McKinnon ; boar, tinder
2 years, 11 Edwards ; boar ander 1 year,
II Edwards 1 & 2; sow, Laving littered
in '07, H Edwards ; sow, under 1. year,
H Edwarde ; best sow, any age, It Niohol ;
best pen of pigs, any breed, Jae Dot.
Povoxns,•—•Gninea fowl, W Carter, Jno
McKinnon ; dark Brahmns, G W Irwin,
,1 & 2; light Brahma, Mrs Jno Broth.
one; bleak Spanish, A Ioerger, Mrs Jno
Bretbour ; Plymouth reeks,
Claes Henderson & Son ; whiteLeghorne,
W Carter, 1 s& 2 ; brown Legborna, W
Taylor, 1 ,k 2; silver spangled Homburgs,
Willie Ainley, W Carter ; bleak Hain
burgs; and Polends, W Carter, 1 & 2 ;
Bantams, A Ioerger, W Taylor ; Hou.
dims, W Carter, 1& 2; Dorking, G W
Irwin, W Carter ; Lengehans, Welter
Taylor, A Ioerger ; Coohine, G W Irwin,
A Ioerger ; Wyendottos, G W Irwin, A
Iosrgor ; black Minoroes, A Ioerger, Wit.
lie Ainley ; turkeys, G W Irwin ; geese,
Chad Sentient= & Sw,, G W Irwin ;
Rouen duoke, A Ioerger; Pekin duke, G
W Irwin, 1 & 2 ; Aylesbury ducks, Chas
Henderson & San, 1 & 2 ; oanariee, T
Ballantyne ; game fowl, A Ioerger, 1 &
2 ; fowl, any other breed, Ohne Hender-
son & Sou, W Carter ; pigeons, R Card-
iff ; red onps; recommended, A Ioerger,
IIIPLE0IENTs,-.—Arm wagon, J Wynn,
T Plum ; covered buggy, Jae Walker,
Ewan ; cutter, D Ewan, Jno Wynn
iron barrows, S T Plum ; turnip Beef,
3 3 Gilpin ; turnip cutter, 3 J Gilpin
& 2 ; pump, C Morniegsbar, Jno Iml
twin gang plow, 3 J Gilpin, Gillies
Martin ; general purpose plow, Gillis
Martin, J 3 Gilpin ; turnip seed drill,
Gilpin ; set doubletreea and neokyoke,
Ewan, S T Plum ; wheelbarrow,
GRAIN.—Whits Fall wheat, Dr,
Kelvey, Jno Illolfinuon, Chas Henderson
& Son ; red Fall wheat, Jas Mo0al1
H Edwards, Jno McKinnon ; Spring
wheat, Jae McCallum, Chas Henderson
Son ; bsriey, Chas Henderson i& S
Robt 31o37urray ; black Oats, Chile Hen-
derson & Son, H Edwards ; white o
Geo Johnston, Jae Shaw, R MOMnrr
small peas, Jas Mooallum, M H Harri-
son, Jas Burgess ; Targe peas, Sas Sp
Chae Henderson & Son, H Edwards
timothy Beed, Jan McCallum, Jas Sp
Feerr,—Baldwins, Jan Speir,
Johnston ; Fameuse, Jas Simpson, W
MoCraolten ; Xing of Tompkins Co.,
Wynn, Was Speir; Mann, WmArmstro
Jno McKinnon ; Northern Spies, 101
Harrison, Jae Simpson ; R I Greenin
Mrs J Brethour, Geo Johuston .; Golden
Russets, M H Harrison, E Garvin
Spitzonburg, Jas Speir, Chas Henderson
& Son; Seek no Further, Wm Armstrong,
Geo Johnston ; Tolman Sweets',
Speir, Jas Sharp ; 20 oz. Pippins,
Wynn, M H Harrison ; Wealthy, Da
Milne, E Garvin ; Ribston Pippins,
McKinnon, Geo Johnston ; Cotverts,
Tasker, Mre D Marsh ; Roxbury Russ
M H Harrison, T Ballantyne ; Alexei
Miss McLaren, E Garvin ; Duchess
Oldenburg, Heory Stewar, 5 Hogga
Fallawater, T Ballantyne, Miss MoLar
Gravenstein, Mrs 5 Stewart, H Stews
Maiden's Blush, H Stewart, Alex St
art (Queen St.) ; Porter, H Stewart,
Davidson • Peewaukee, Geo Johuet
Chas. Henderson & Son ; St. Lawrence,
Jae Simpson, Jno McKinnon ; variety
Winter apples, Jas Speir, Chas Hender-
son & Son ; variety of Fall apples,
Speir, Chas Henderson & Son ; Win
pears, D C Ross, Nellie Ross ; plu
any variety, D Stewart, 3 R Smit
grapes, Chas Henderson & Son ; crabs
Garvin, S Hoggard ; any other variety
apples, D Stewart, Jan Speir ; variety.
plums, D Milne, W H McCraoken,
1110 -
80 -
ay i
Stewart ;
Boors AND Henn CROPS.—Early pots•
foes, Jas Smith, Jas Shaw, Walter Tay-
lor, Jno Conites ; late potatoes, Geo
Johnston, Walter Taylor, M H Harrison,
E Garvin ; collection of potatoes, E Gar-
vin, 1, 2 & 3 ; Swede turnips, Jno Coult-
es, Chas Henderson & Son ; turnips, any
other variety, Chas Henderson & Son,
Jas Smith ; white field carrots, Jae Mc-
Callum, W H Mo0raoken ; Altringham
carrots, Jas Mo0ntlum, Walter Taylor ;
soariet nantes, Jas McCallum, Walter
Taylor ; early horn carrots, Chas Hen-
derson & Son, Jas MoOallum ; long blood
beets, Geo Johnston, Walter Taylor ;
blood turnip beets, Walter Taylor, W H
McCracken ; white sugar beets, W H £eta-
Craoken, Walter Taylor ; parsnips, W II
MoOraoken, Chas Henderson & Son ;
mangel wurzels, long red, W H McCrack-
en, Chas Henderson & Son ; yellow globe
mangers, W H McOraoken, T Balian•
type ; red globe maogels, T Ballantyne,
W Et Mcoraoken ; long yellow mangels,
W H McCracken, Jae McCallum.
VEGETABLES. Onions from Beed, red,
W H MoOraoken, Walter Taylor ; onions
from seed, yellow, W H McCracken, Chas
Henderson & Son ; onions from seed,
Giant Rom, W IiII IDloOraokeu, Walter
Taylor ; onions' from top sets, W H Me-
MoCracken, Walter Taylor ; onions from
Dutch sets, Walter Taylor, Chas Hender-
son & Son ; top onion sets, Jno Smith,
W H McCracken ; Dutoh seta, D A Mo.
Lennon, W H MoUraoken ; potato onions,
Jae McCallum, Walter Taylor ; corn,
Yellow Canada, Robt McMurray, Mrs D
Marsh ; Dorn, White Flint, W H Ma-
Oraoken, Walter Taylor ; corn, Yellow
Dent, WR McCracken ; oolleotion of
corn, W H McCracken, Walter Taylor ;
Winter cabbage, Walter Taylor, W H Mc-
Cracken ; curled savoy, Chas Henderson
& Son ; red piokling cabbage, Waiter
Taylor, W H McCracken ; cauliflower,
Walter Taylor, W H 14Io0raoken ; pump-
kin, yellow field, 13, McMurray, T Bal-
lantyne ; pumpkin, mammoth, Chas
Henderson & Son, W H MoOraoken ;
squash, E Erb, W 11 McCraoken ; collec-
tion of garden prodnoe, W Id ll100rnoken,
Walter Taylor ; large tomel000, Walter
Taylor, W H MoCradken ; plum or
oharry tomatoes, Mre J Brethour, Mrs D
Marsh ; butter beans, Walter Taylor, Jag
Mo0allam white beans, W II McCrack-
en, Jae Mooahum ; any other variety of
beans, Miss Dio0allnm, D A McLennan ;
round striped bitrong, W H McCracken,
Chas Henderson & Son ; long Californian
citrons, P Erb, W McCracken ; water-
melons, W H McCracken ; muskmelons,
W 11 McCracken, Chas Henderson &
Son ; ouounlbers, W Taylor, Mre Jno
Brethour ; white celery, Mre Jno Breth•
our, W 13 MoOreoken ; pink celery, W
Taylor, W H Mo0racken sunflower,
Mrs D Marsh, Jas Simpson. .
DAIRY Poonucg. —Twenty-five pounds
tub butter, home made, Jno Coultee,
Affss MoGallnm, T Davidson, Mre W
Wilkinson, Jae Shaw ; five pounds table
butter, Mies McCallum, G A Doddman,
5 Hoggard, E Garvin ; ton pounds home
made ohoese, Jas Simpson, T Davidson.
De.loeno 1FinuupccTuroe,—Pair blan-
Mets, Mies McLaren, Geo Johnston ; rag
carpet, with woollen warp, Jae Simpson ;
oounterpano, Mrs Jno Wynn, Mre S WS -
ton ;
il•ton; skein yarn, Boma spun, W H Mc-
Cracken, Mies McCallum ; gentleman's
suit, Canadian tweed, D 0 Rose, 1 42 ;
ten pounds maple sugar, W H Mo-
Oraoken' Jae MoGallum ; quart maple
ntolaesee, Jae McCallum, Jas 5impeon ;
honey, comb, Ck A Deadman, Chas Hen -
damn & 'Son ; honey, strained 00 ex.
traded, G A Deadman, Mro J Brethour;
One bottle grape wine, Mre Hele, G A
Deadman ; rhubarb wine, Mrs W Wilkin-
son, Mrs Bele ; etrewherry wine, D 0
Ross ; tomato wine, W H McCracken,
Fred McCracken ; elderberry wine, Mrs
Bole, litre J Brethour ; tomato oatsup,
Mrs A Straehaa, Glias Henderson & Son;
ane gttarb apple jelly, Mies McClelland,
Hire W Wilktuson ; ono quart raspberry
jelly, Miee McClelland, Mrs A Strachan ;
one quart jelly, from any other fruit,
named, Miss MoClolland, Jae Shaw ; loaf
baker's bread, white, W Odell ; loaf home
made bread, white, Jae Walker, Jae
Burgess, Robb MoMurrey ; loaf 'calorie
bread, brown, W Criob ; loaf home made
bread, brown, Miss McCallum, Dr. Mo.
Kelvey, Mrs. D Mo1eunen ; fruit oako,
Dire A Straokan, Mre 3110 Bretbour ;
jelly calla, Mre A Strachan, Mre T
Ballantyne ; oatmeal cake, lure D Marsh,
Mre Hale ; collection of canned fruit, in
glace jars, W II MoCraokeu, Fred Mc-
Cracken, 3 J Ball,
M ,aoysorunse.—Set double farm har-
ness, Inc) Donaldson 1 & 2 ; single buggy
harness, Jno Donaldson 1 & 2 ; pair of
dna boots, ;no McCullough ; pair of
coarse boots, Jno McCuliongh ; axe hen•
die, Jno Wynn 1 & 2 ; oolleotion tinware,
12 pieces, Wilton & Turnbull.
Ergs ARTS. -001 lotion of photographs,
H R Brewer ; stuffed birds in cage, Nellie
Ross, 11 Leabherdale stuffed animals, R
Leatherdsle, Nellie Ross ; pencil draw.
ing, Mrs lisle, Dr McKelvey ; water
color landscape, Jno Walker, Mrs Hele ;
water color figures, Mrs A Sbrachan ;
oil painting landscape, W Oriel], Mre
Hele ; oil portrait, 1% MoltTurray ; black
crayon drawing, W Orioh, DrMoKelvey ;
colored crayon drawing, Mrs Hele ; spat.
ter work, Mrs T Ballantyne, Mrs A
Straohan ; painting on pottery, Miss Z
Carder, Nellie Rose ; painting on silk or
velvet, Mrs Hale, J 3 Ball ; painting on
placques, Nellie Ross, W Criob ; orna-
mental penmanship, W Stewart, Dr Mc-
Kelvey ; business penmanship, 1V Stew.
art, Il Stewart ; girl's penmanship, Jae
Simpson, Miss Z Carder ; modelling in
clay, Minnie Stewart, Mro Wm Blashill ;
pen and ink skotob, recommended, Miee
L Carder ; modelling in plaster, reo0m.
mended, Minnie Stewart ; oil painting,
special, Mrs Hele, W COO.
FLowRne AND PLASTM.—Table boquet,
Minnie Stewart, S Hogsard ; hand
baguet, Minnie Stewart, J R Smith ; but-
ton bole or dress bouquet, Mrs A Strach-
an, 5 Hoggard ; coli eta flower's, Mrs Jno
Brethour, Minnie Stewart ; coil of
dahlias, Chas Henderson & Son, Minnie
Stewart ; pansies, J R Smith, Mrs T
Ballantyne ; phlox Drummondi, Minnie
Stewart, W Taylor ; asters, Mies Ma•
Laren, 0 Henderson & Son ; stooks, Mrs.
Here, 0 Henderson & Son ; - petunias, J
It Smith, Mrs Hele ; African marigolds,
Walter Taylor, Mre. D. McLennan ;
French Merigohis, C L•Ieaderson & Son,
Mre D Marsh ; dianthus, Mrs. D. Marsh,
Mre A Straoban ; balsams, Minnie Stew-
art, 0 Henderson & Son ; zinnias, W
Taylor, Mrs Jno Brethour ; gladolue
spikes, Minnie Stewart ; verbenas, Mre
A Strachan, W H McCracken; ohrysan•
themums, airs D Marsh ; perennial
phlox, Mrs D Marsh, J' R Smith ; double
hollyhocks, W Taylor, G A Deadman ;
cos combs, Minnie Stewart, Mre Jno
liretbour ; ornamental grasses, native,
Mrs J Brethour ; roses, Mrs Hele ;
varieties of flowers not specified in above
list, J R Smith, Minnie Stewart.
LADIES' Wool:—Arieaene work, Mre T
Ballantyne, Nellie Ross ; applique work,
Mre A Straoban, Mrs T Tlnllentyne, Airs
5 Stewart, Miss MoCalluni ; Berlin wool
work, flat, Mise Z Carder, Mrs T Bailan•
type, Mrs Hele ; Berlin a .,d work, rais-
ed' Mies Z Carder, Neil,: Ross, Mrs
Hele ; Berlin wool and be ,t work, Mise
McClelland, M,s. T Bal.,.alyne ; Berlin
wool flowers, Mrs 5 Wiltoe, hiss Z Car-
der ; bead work, Nellie ]toss, Fred Mee
()reckon ; bonnet, Dr McKelvey, Mrs Jno
Wynn ; Berlin wool and silk, fat, Mise Z
Carder, Mre A Straoban ; moue work,
Mrs Jno Brethour, Mrs 5 Stewart ; oord
work, Mrs Hele, Mies MoOlelland ; orowel
work, Nellie Rose, Mre Hele ; oar' board
motto, Nellie Ross ; oroohet work, cotton,
Mrs S Stewart, Mies0 Carder ; crochet
work, wool, Mrs Hale, Mrs 5 Stewart ;
oroohet in silk, Mre Hele, Mrs A
Straohan ; darned net Mrs Hele, Nellie
Ross ; embroidery, cotton or muslin, Mrs
5 Stewart, Mies Z (larder ; embroidery
on worsted, Nellie Rose, Mies Z' Carder ;
embroidery on silk, Miee Z Carder,
Nellie Ross ; fancy knitting in cotton,
Mre S Stewart, Miss Z Carder ; fancy
knitting in wool, Mrs 13 Stewart, Mrs Jno
Wynn ; feather flowers, Bird Bros, Mre
W Blashill ; feather stitching, Nellie
Ross, Mies McClelland ; hair flowers, 3 R
Smith, Miss McClelland ; point lace, Mre
W Blaahill, Mre Hele ; laoe, hoaiton, Mre
Blashill, Nellie Rose ; lambrequin,
Berlin wool and bead, Mre Halo, Nellie
Ross ; lamp mat, Mre Hele, Nellie Boss ;
leather work, Wm Robb, Mrs Hele ; pair
woollen mitts, Fred McCracken, W H
Modraoken ; Mair woollen gloves, Fred
McCracken, Miss McCallum ; netting, W
H McCracken, hire A Stiaobau ;. drawn
work, Dr McKelvey, Mrs W Blashill ;
tufted quilt, Mrs 5 Stewart, Mieo Mo -
Callum ; crochet quilt, Mrs J D War-
wick, Fred DScOraakeu ; patchwork quilt,
tiro Hele, Miss McLaren, Mrs S Stewart ;
log cabin quilt, Mrs Atuley, W H Mc-
Cracken ; fancy quilt, Mre lisle, Mrs W
Blaahill ; knitted quilt, Miss Z Carder,
Mrs S Stewart ; rag mat, Mrs W Blaa-
hill, Mrs T Ballantyne, P Erb ; ribbo-
soene, Nellie Rose, Mre T Ballantyne ;
rope silk, Nellie Rose, Mre W Blashill ;
Roman embroidery, Mrs A Straohan,
Nellie Roes ; shell work, Mrs S Stewart ;
sofa pillow, Berlin wool, flat, Mrs 'T
Ballantyne, Mrs 13 Wilton ; eofn pillow,
raised, Nellie Ross, W H McCracken ;
sofa pillow, braided, Miss. McClelland,
Mise McCallum ; seta pillow, patchwork,
Nellie hose, Mrs T Ballantyne ; pair
stonkingo, woollen, Mies McLaren, W II
MoOraoken ; pair stockings, cotton, Mre
S Stewart ; pair gooks, woollen, Mrs 5
Stewart, Mis0 McLaren ; pair socks,
ootbon, Mre 8 Stewart ; seed wreath, Jas
Lindsay ; tatting Mrs Hele, Nellie Roes
tinsel work, Nellie Rose, Mre A Straohan ;
tissue paper flowers, Wm Robb, Mrs J
Brethour ; wax flowers, Mrs J Brethour,
Mre A Straoban ; outline wort[, Miss 3
Carder, Mass McLaren ; fish scale work,
R Cardiff.
SPsorAre.—Dairy Grade cow by Geo.
Thomson, Jno McKinnon ; home made
bread by W 1.1 Kerr, Mrs W Wilkinson ;
table butter by W H Kerr, Miss Mo -
Callum. W H MoGraoken'e epeoiala—
Swede turnips, Jae Speir, Jae McCallum;
long red mangele, T Ballantyne, Jas
Sharp ; yellow globe =utopia, T Ba)tan.
tyne, Jae McCallum.
JUDO::,—Horses—A Forbee, Seaforth ;
Thos Gundry, Goderiob. Cattle—H.1Mo-
Ewen, Palmereton ; Amos Smith, Trost,
bridge. Sheep—Robt Charters E motr-
villPoultrJ8o Barnard, Charters,
1mpiemonte—.Thos Hemphill, Wroxeter.
Or'r. 1 RA7
Grain—Jno Graben', Atwood Ilobt
Chancre, Egmondvllle, Vegotablee—T
0 Grabam, Wingham. Dairy Produce—
John MaMIllan, 1313111, Ladice' Wo ! --
Dottie I3rawn, Wroxeter ; L1ee4t*
am, Atwood, Domeetio Man „±' es'
—Mise Jean Ohartors, Egmondvillg.
The Only
To Stand the T
Bev. William Copp, whose hatter
was a physician for over Aft years,
in New Jersey, and who himself
spent many years preparing Rovkie
practice of medicine, but subse-
quently entered the ministry of the
&I. E,,Chureh, writes: "I atm tilkal
to testify that I have
had analyzed ail bile
sarsaparilla pre, ara-
tions known in the
trade, but
s the only ti of
them that I could
recommend as a
blood -purifier. I leasee
given away hundreds of bottles of
it, as T consider it the safest as well
as the best to bo hacl."—Wit. CsrP,
Pastor 00. L. Chureh, Jasksoo, Rho n.
THE MT Waal 1.12 731
_ arseapg f" 1.1!
trdher: in doubt, ioskfordt;otr'., 03110
I wish to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding dietriot that I have��ppur-
obased the Pump Business of 38.0ES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prides.
No better Pump in the market.
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looped after.
ta-Orders taken for the Disegiarg of
Wells and Cisterna.
Gomer Green,
Are You air—
If yon require a Wheel you should
oall on the undersigned. As aproof
of the fact that we do the business
we append the sales already made
this season : --
Rev. J. Rose,
J. T. Dodds, }E. & D.
Geo. Thomson, Gents
" Ladies'
J. H. Cameron,
Ino. Smith,
W. D. Conley,
A. Zeller,
H. Hunter,
Miee M. Meadows,
J. A. Stewart,
D. Strachan,
J. Hamilton,
J. Kellington,
A. McKay,
G. McKay,
L, Williamson,
S. Brown,
A. C OU S L E Y.
Wanted—An odea
Who can think
et some simple
thing to patent?
Protect your Ideas; nay may bring you wealth.
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Equal to and better than many pal).
liehed at ;31,00 a year.
Agents wanted in every district to 0011•
vase for this publication.
Address all ordere
Advertiser Printing Co., Limited,
Aa Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONT0,
Bold by Druggists or sent by Mail, 260., 60o.,
and $1,00 per package, Samples free,
KO KO for bho Wt etli 0100Broaib. 050.
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The undersigned having lately entered into partner-
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tem are enabled to manufacture Flour second to none.
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grand madicinn for the Kidneys and Liver.
W. P. CAaa,e, "t McCall] 5,t:, Toronto, re.
yreacnting Mohtreol Sint sow, Chnsa'n Pigs act
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The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
r:- It leaves nothing further to bp desired. Rates and fall infor-
mation furnished on application.
.‘ KEI IXi►, ,Agent, Brussels.
' 1)