HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-10-8, Page 5G, 16J7 m TT m
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iB�YEfGSati9af..`6's'�, IWAXIAtr I4===t4 $¢ iG,7: LnteiME4,1=ME, C;l :I?iSLRJ. 'ni£i:.
gyp+ manna of Rev. Mr, Tiffin, of wl
x 1"lxt C1» + I ohurch deemed was a worthy mem
,T._ Severer wreaths were 0009, ono by
I/ud'os' Aid of Durkee ahuroh, one by the
li3etiveraev e. Ladies' Aid of the Methodist olluroh ; to
Quite a number front; here attended white orosa by Mrs, Berry and Mrs, Deal,
Blyth Fall Fair on Wedieeday, also a theta of wbeat and a
Rev. 1r, J. Oaten, Belgrave, left Tues. skittle of maple leaves, The
day morning for a month's holiday. He pail bearers were Geo. Grigg, Wm.
joins labs. Oaten in Toronto.
The report published in Tina POW Jae)
week relative to the tog of war at the Full
Pair tyau not 00rrea9. Dooielon was
given to the Morrie men, who had the
money paid over to them, and in turn it
VMS banded back to the Society.
loee Ntpearlr 50 'ranee Iseenvesen -Last
bor. week Wilkens Sheridan was entertaining
the un "Iii oli'rrn of fermi. chive in the pee.
eon of Jno. Work, wb"ne home le now in
Valpraiso, Indiana, U. S. Thneo two
gentlemen were apprenticed in the same
Weary in /kith, 19 miles from Glasgow,
and had not aeon one a.noibor shoe 1849.
Mr. Werk has been in Amorlua. for 20
yearn. It wag a pleesent re'unien and
mutually enjoyable, Mr, Shsddan's
whereabouts was made known to his
vieitor by a brother of the former,
OninA Wennta0,--Thursday evening of
last week Chas, Wheeler, jr,, and hie
good lady celebrated the 20th anniversary
of their marriage. A goodly number of
relatives and Mende assembled at their
reeidsuoo and enjoyed a very pleasant
time, After tea there wee instrumental
and vont musk and social shat. A large
nomber of useful and handsome china
presents wero mule suit the guests de-
parted thanking their host and hostess
for their hospitality. Among those pre•
sent from outside were Rev. Mr. Oaten,
John Soandrett and wife, Chao. McOlel.
land and sitter, of Belgrave ; Jae. Wilkin.
son and wife, of Eeaaesba, Michigan.
We wish Mr. and Mre. Wheeler many
years of married life so that their golden
wedding may be celebrated.
A31sea : 't'i7aywrariee
Brag Cnnuan,-The Epworth League
anniversary in this ohurch on Ooh, 3rd
and 4th was a oomptete mimosa The
000grogt:tiene morning and evening on
Sunday were large and the eervi008 in-
terceding throughout. Oa Monday even-
ing the oburoh was tilled with no audi-
ence which expressed its appreciation of
an admirable program by hearty appiatree.
Itconeisted of musks furnished by Ep-
worth Leaguers from Westfield and
Bethel appointment» and the home obeir,
together with recitations and an excellent
address from Rev. 0. 0. Oouzene, on a
epeo]al pbase of "The Forward Move.
merit." The financial restate were also
most gratifying,
The brief( yard bee shut down for the
Mrs, T. Hall was away to Drantfnrd
visiting frionde.
Thos. Whiting hae bought the two
vacant cottages faun P. Sinclair.
J. Swartz is back again to our burg
still in the same business, measuring
Mre. F. McPhee nrr.ived home last
Monday from a two weeks' visit at Inger.
soil and London.
J. Taylor had a snooeseful Jogging bre
on Tonality a!1'reenn of last week, In
the evening there wao a dance.
G. Longmire arrived home from Ohes•
ley with his mother who had been down
there waiting on him. He had the fever.
Mrs. F. Mese has been on the eiok
list during the pest week with the ,dootor
in atteodanao, tett oho is improving some.
Or•tti it Biro OIC.
The M. E. ehurab is being repaired.
A. 0, Dames Nein Toronto tine week,
Joseph Reymann ie visiting at Detroit.
The cider mill hae commenced its sere,
son's work.
Rev. J. W. Pring, of Nile, was visiting
at J. J. Mitchell's.
Adam Baker is building a atone found-
ation under his house.
Henry Siemon was visiting his sister
at Listowel on Sunday last.
A number from here attended Brnesele
Fair last week and report it being very
Thos. Cameron, wife and daughter, of
Henson, (Yuri visiting at lilrs. A. Bit.
obie's last week,
Next Sabbath Ltov. R. Paul, of Buis.
sale, will are in the Proebyteriun
church in this place, '
Harvey Heater has obtained a situ-
ation 4! lt. +' .. in E. J. Williams'
blacksmith eoop in Delaware.
Jake Stemon, while leading a Dolt be-
longing to Louie Stake into Brussels last
Friday, had his leg injured by the horse
tramping on him, the horse being fright-
ened by some boys.
Wina 1aanit.
S. Youbill loft on Saturday on a three
wash's visit to friends in northern Michi-
J. E. Swarte oaptured first money with
his running mare, "Lorene" in the open
running race at the Goderiah Fair.
Fred Ansley is tgaobing sohool at Dun-
gannon during the illness of W. S.
Robertson, whose place he is filling.
The heatfelt sympathy of our towns.
people ie extended to George Duffield and
wife on the death of their Infant daughter,
Marion Louise.
Robb. Currie and wife have returned
home from a two months' trip through
British Columbia, Oregon and Washing-
The Bishop of Huron will hold confir-
mation servicee in St. Pull's oburoh here
on Sunday, Ootober 24th and will preach
morning and evening.
The concert given in the town hall by
the football club was a grand enoaesa.
The ball was packed to the doors, ffuan.
Gee of the football club will be increased.
J. W. Bengough as uenal gave an ex.
°anent entertainment, which was enjoyed
by all present.
Weal ton -
Quite anumber from tbie vicinity at
Pollard, David Campbell, Thos, 1Viliiam-
sou, Thee. MoFadeean and Andrew
Jebnston. Mee, Bennet wao 68 years of
age. Mr. Bonnet and family, have the
sympathy of the community.
Tnn Pose gives the nerve.
3% M. Doyle(' spent Sunday eb home.
The woodshed at the 004al is aompleb•
Querrin's etablo end shed fo being
thoroughly repaired,
Our village sent a fell represntablon to
Brussels Pair leet Friday.
Alex. Adair, formerlya tailor hero, but
now of Galt, paid our village a flying
visit last week.
Mre. August Eokmier and family, of
Wallace, wore visiting friends in this
vicinity last week.
Rev. Jno. Santer, of Detroit Confer-
ence, occupied the pulpit of the Metho-
dist oburoh last Sabbath evening,
The pleaaanb ensile worn by Chris.
Eoltmier these days may be aaoounted
for by referring to the Birth notion in
this issue,
Rev. R. Paul, oe Brussels, will 000upy
the pulpit of the Presbyterian church
next Sabbath, in the absence of the
pastor, Rev. D. B. McRae.
Dr, Fergnsou left last week for a two
or three mouths' visit to the hospitals of
New York, Dr, Stewart has charge of
his practice during his absence.
Our Public, Library received a Govern•
moot grant of 9100 recently, most of
which has been spent in purabasiug new
hooks which will be ready for oiroulation
MaAllister's street lump is a move ]n
the right direotion. Why not each store
have one ? With three 1ight0 on our
streets our village would have a more
boe]nees 11130 appearance.
0. H. Merrylield, of Monitton, High
Auditor of the I. O. F., spent Tuesday
here in the interest of that Order. As a
result of his visit Court Ethel No. 175 I.
0. F. will increase its membership.
Probably themoat delighted boy in
this vicinity ie Ceoil, the 10 year old eon
of Oounoillor Lindsay. His father took
a trip to Toronto recently and purchased
him a handeotne Shetland pony with
cart, cutter, rbc., to match. Oeefi hae
now a travelling outfit of which he may
well be proud.
It was a matter of surprise to many to
learn that Councillor Lindoay bad leased
his farm to his brothers, George and
Thomas, of How]ok, for a term of 5
years and had decided to remove to this
Full to Parkdsle. Mr. Lindsay has been
in Grey township for the past 19 years 8
of which have been spent on hie farm
near Ethel. Ile was a sobool traatee for
14 years and is now closing hie third year
as township Councillor. While many
will be sorry to see "Jim" remove from
this laoality all will agree in wishing him
and his great prosperity in the future.
Mr. Lindsay will hold an »notion sale in
a few weeks to gat rid of his stook, &o,
Mre. Allen Adams is visiting friends in
Mies Ida Burkholder, of Leadbury, ie
visiting old Mende on the 3rd line,
A goodly number of tbnr farmere took
in Brussels Fall Show and report a very
good time.
The Blyth Pall Fair attraoted quite a
number of IlIorrisitee ou Wednesday of
this week.
S. McCall is home from Toronto on a
holiday visit. The Queen City evidently
agrees with Sam.
The young people of the 2nd gathered
at the home of A. Kirkpatrick last Friday
evening and spout a very enjoyable time.
Mre. Geo. Oaldbiok left on Monday to
join her husband in Toronto. Her many
frienhe here are sorry to lose a kind
neighbor, but wish her and her husband
prosperity in their new borne.
The Voters' List Court was held at the
Township Hall on Tuesday last before
Judge Masson, and the result was as fol-
lows :-Liberals euooeeded in adding 16
names and striking off 1.8. The Censer.
vatives added 10 and etruok off 4. Law-
yers Sinclair and Taylor, of Brussels,
looked after the respective sides. This
was the last court in the Last .Riding of
The anniversary of Browntown Metho-
dist church, last Sunday and Monday,
was a great semen. On Sabbath morn-
ing the paster, Rev. D. Rogers, preached
tended Blyth Show. to a large congregation from Dph. 8, 18 -
Dr. Armstrong's new residence is bake 19, and in the evening Rev. fir. West, of
pushed forward toward eompletion. g ae his text let Jobe, 41ooncluoted 13 chapter and part
Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. Paul, of Brae- of the 16th veree, "God is Love." On
sale, preaohed in the Methodist cherub. Monday evening a splendid tea was eerv-
Miee Watson, of Blyth, lectured to the ed in the usual good etyle of the ladies of
ladies of Walton on Thursday, eubjeot Browntown, after which alt adjourned to
"Health." the church, where a good program was
The general store business of Wm, rendered, consisting of musio by the
Smith of this place, is now run under the ohoir and addresses. Rev. D. Rogers
caption of Smith eft Son." aoted as chairman and first introdnoed
Grand Organixer Woodman, of Moore- .Rsv, Mr. West, who gave a splendid ad -
field, is working in the iutereete of the dress on "How to keep Life in the
A, 0. 11. W, in Walton and locality. Churoh," which *was followed with a
Rev. J. P. Westman, formerly of eeleo6ion by the aboir and then the (hair.
Walton, hae gone to Victoria University, man called on Rev. Mr. /Kennedy, of
Toronto, to pursue his studies. We Wroxeter, who gave a very interesting ad.
wish bine the maims he' deserves,' dress. Rev. Dr. Pascoe, of Wingham,
Metiers. Stafford ta Morrison are posh- also gave an addreee to the young people
ing the manufacture and sale of crayon and the entertainment was ended by the
portraits. AEI they do very good work, choir leading in singing the Doxology.
and are home boyo they deeerve a good Proceeds about$44.00, to be devoted to
Aare of patronage. church purposes.
We regret to hear of the serieu0 illness Souoon RnroaT,-The fallowing ie the
of Thoe. Dennison, who is a well known standing of the pupils in 8, S, No, 8 for New.
reeident of the 4th con. Of Mo5illop. the month of September :--.Fifth class,--
Heart trouble is his ailment and he has Total 400.•-3ames Kon, 209, Sr. 4tb,-
been failing for some time. Ida McAllister, 281 ; Arletta Farrend,
OBIT.-Lasb Sabbath o'olook, the spirit 01 M o. Wm. Bennet McAllister, shout 7 235. Sr. rd 98 torObaKsno Gamin, 889;
took ite flight. , Deceased, with her Rebt. pee -rend, 87. Middle 3rd. -Gordon
husband and faintly, hae roeided here for Embury'
217 ; Willie Thornton, 40. Jr.
the poet 18 or '20 years and has been a 8rd.-7]ttie Agar, 258 ; Aline Paul, 246 ;
most worthy and highly esteemed reef- Ruby Forbes, 226 ; Vena Knox, 222 ;
dont. She had been ailing for the peat Martha Ingram, 188, 136, 2nd.--Xerifa
few months and palmed away triumphant- Fraser, 388 ; Eva M. South, 258 ; Johnnie
ly in the faith elle had cherished for Garniee, 255 ; Fred Pugh, 245. Jr. 2nd,
years of a home beyond the tomb. In -Dots MAllister, 305 ; Olive Fite
addition to her husband there are live einemone. Be. Pt. 211d,-Tota1 300. -
sons, 1
John, ill Grey ; SamWinuelsns , neat Clinton EJoseph and mma Jermyn,1.85. IrnPtie 2 nod, g Hazel
It and William, in 1Ytiohigan.. The t*o Embury, 256; Olins. Ager, 125. fire let,
daughters aro Mrs, ,Jamieson, of Harper- -a rtevie Knox, Willie Forbes, Wi11]am
hey, and Mre, Lloyd, of Soatortn. The 11. Jeeklin, Sarah Agar, Tommy Jermyn,
funeral took plane on Duooday afternoon Fred Agar. Jr. 1st. --Norma McsAllitter,
and was largely attended, interment he. Lizzie Reek, Willie Fitzoimmon0, Vonnie
( ing Made at Brnseele•oemetery, Rev. D. Rutledge,- tIhidah' Rutledge, Stanley
Forrestcondaoted the service in the ab- Rutledge, D, L, 51neotten, Teacher.
A large number of wells have gone dry,
Will. Whitfield, of the 12th eon„ Son-
dayed in Bluevale. Soon be bringing her
home, Will?
A wind mill has been put up oe the
farm of Jno. McLachlan, 126h con. It
will be utilized in grinding grain, running
the cutting box, Mooing mill, c&o.
Wm, Buttery and wife, Dab ion., at-
tended the silver wedding anniversary of
John MoNaugbb and wife, of Cranbrook,
last week. A good time is reported,
The Judge has declared the drain
award not enetaioed in connection with
the 16th eonceesion farm(. Costs, 916.00
or thereabouts, to bo borne by the town-
E:, R. Brewer, photographer, of Brum.
eels, photographed S. S. No. 10 school
and pupils Tuesday of last week. An
excellent photo is the result and many of
the ratepayers are obtaining them.
We regret to report that there ie little
or no improvement in the condition of
Ex -Deputy Reeve John Hislop, 14th con,
He ie kept under the influence of mor-
phine a good portion of the time owing to
the severe pain he Buffers.
The Trustees of Whitfeld's school have
engaged Mr. Baird, of Clinton, ne their
teacher for 1898, at a salary of 5260, W.
E. Armstrong, who is now swinging the
pedagogue's ruler so 000aoesfully. will at-
tend the Collegiate eitb9r at London or
Jamee Outdo hae a enteral curiosity on
hie farm in the shape of an apple tree in
blare -in,. It is a very nunsnet (0041',
roar. at (hie Lemon of the year.
&nom, R0roirr.-The following Ia 91(0
report of the standing of the pupils in S.
S, No, 10, Grey, for the month of Sept;
P. S. Leaving, -Total 500. -Amo
Mloliael, 875, Fourth (lase, -Total 45
la Doing busines$ on a Cash Basis is
proving a success here.
---Adella legal, 895 ; Geo. Michel, 864 ;
Garfield Beter, 828, Sr, 3rd, -Total,
400.-440. °amoebae, 840 ; Ethel Spar.
ihtg, 321 ; Sara Buttery, 296; Arthur
Hyde, 2$13; Esther Baker, 206 ; Rodoriok
McKay, 198. Jr. 3rd, -Total, 860. --
Mand Rathwell, 254 ; Currie Gaee, 201,
Sr. 2nd, -Total, 300, -Florence Bollen.
beak, 202 ; Wilbert Evans, 129. Jr. 20(1,
TotalBaker, 197 ; Fenny Baker, 173; Arthur
Henry, 131 ; Johnnie Oampbell, 120.
Pt. 2nd, -Total, '200. -Curtis Bothwell,
142 ; Lynn Evans, 130 ; Cecil Gaulle,
121 ; Eardley Battery, 102 ; Gerty Hot.
lenbeok, 96 ; Sophia Sperling, 72 ; Fred.
Pickrell, 51; Robert Fogel, 40 ; Oliver
Piakrell, 34. Pt. 1 class, in order of
merit, -Sr, -Percy Sperain, Olara Roth-
well, Edna Sperain, Tommy Ward, Harry
Ward, Johnnie MoOardy. Jr. -Ida
Kerr, Ceail Bothwell, Arthur Denman,
May Oxtoby, Ray Oxtoby, Emelt Kerr,
Elizabeth McKay, Jimmie Coutts,
Mester Baler, Robert Piolcroll.
- W. E. Anarsmaw ea, Teacher,
Samoa Rnponx,-The following le the
report of the standing of the pupil', of S.
S. Nn. 1 Grey, for the month of Septem•
ber, 1897 :-Form 2, -Total, 480. -John
Blake, 876. P. S.Leaving,•-•Total 700. -
John Orerter, 464; W. Arrnetrong, 151
Rubranoe,-Total, 500.--A. Oalder, 459 ;
A. Switzer, 480 ; V. Armstrong, 870 ; 3.
Farquharson, 229 ; 0. Armstrong, 167 ;
E. Bedford, 129, Sr. 3rd, -Total, 800,-
0. Pepper, 182 ; D, Davidson, 215 ; M.
Oakley, 206 ; G. Bielby, 233. Ir. 3rd, -
Total 300.-M. Holleuger, 168 ; A., Diok.
son, 104 ; W. Switzer, 118 ; G. Blake,
82 ; M. Riley, 208 ; W. Glassier, 42. Sr.
2nd, -Total 250.-E. Hollenger, 211 ;
B. Davideon, 172 ; E. Blake, 113 ; 111.
Oardiff, 169 ; M. Bedford, 176 ; F.David•
son, 154 ; 3. Efoggard, 121 ; A. Lawson,
65; B. Rands, 190. Jr, 2nd, -Total,
175,-L. Diokson, 144 ; M. Dark, 103 ;
W. Stevenson, 180 ; G. Dark, 327 ; T.
Bielby, 81 ; W. Farquharson, 101.; 111.
Randa, 105 ; J, Randa, 60 ; W. Riley,
80. Sr. let, -Total 200,-A'L, Hoggard,
77 ; B. Dark, 174 ; Annie Glassier, 100 ;
Alfred Glassier, 09 ; H. Bedford, 133 ; T.
Oakley, 65 ; A. Gordon. 78. Jr. let.-
otal 75.-J. Stevenson, al; T. Dark,
; L. Grant, 42 ; A. Dark, 31; L. Riley,
Honore. -M. Oakley, G. Bielby, E.
ollenger. B. Banda, L. Dickson, 13.
ark, L. Riley. No. entered ou register
r month, 60.
W. ii, S•rnntoT, Teacher.
Always the Lowest.
Strictly one Price.
Loo F
el OW Dress Goods. _ -
Early buyers get the first pick and the prettiest
I. things are the first to sell.
6 New Jackets.
Through the range we have, the styles are the very
ilatest for 1897 ; the prices are rock bottom.
New Hosiery awl Gloves.
With what you want in Hosiery and Gloves,
Many special lines to show you.
The Ladies' Underwear Stack
Is now complete and you'll find the assortment
Ilarger and prices smaller than ever. Wo can save
you money on your Ladies' Underwear purchases.
IThe Staple Department
Is over'f'lowing with new Fall Goods, and we're
ready for a record-breaking trade. Our purchases
being made at the very lowest notch in the market
us. to sell to yon at advantageous prices.
Carpets for Fall
New Colors --- Lovely Tints _ . Low Prices,
Unions and Wools.
& Co.
We are nonetantly on the alert to secure good reliable geode. During the pant
melte sew goods of every de0Gription have been arriving, bought for get 04614, and
sold lower than any firm doing a credit business would 0uspect..
Heavy Tweed Drees Goode, mixed effects, duubls fold, good colors, special at 17o.
Dress geode, warm Winter weight, Gold in lots of planes for 23e. but our mall
price ie 20a.
Dress Goode vory alightly and will give satisfaction in the wear in green, blue,
brown and grey colorings, extra value at 25o.
Better lines in blank or colored Drees Goode, at 80, 90, 50, 76, 85 and 91.00.
Flannelette, good patterns, wide, morally sold at 70 or 8o, oar price ac per yard.
Meavy Wool Tweed, oheoke or stripes, worth 458, but we bought it to eel' at 35o.
We have them all prices but ask your attention to three linos that cre consider
above the average, Iu light or dark elfecte. Prices 93.50, 84,50 and 85.00.
Two apeoial lines we think might prove worthy of your attention. No. 1 le the
same as we have often sold at 36c. a yard, but now you may buy it for 21,,. No, 2 is
a very wide Table Linen, good pattern, and the quality is worth 45a, bor we're sell
ing it as long 80 it lasts for 85o.
White check muslin worth 8o for 6e,
Men's lined kid gloves, two fasteners, worth 750.
Von will find our Shoes and Rubbers up to date.
apeoial at 50o,
After a business experience in Brussels of 20 years I desire to
return my hearty thanks to the Public for their liberal patronage
and at the same time to state that I am in a better position than
ever to sell good geode at low prices. Having two stores, one in
Brussels and the other in Seafortb, and consequently buying in
large quantities enables me to purchase a great deal finer than I
could in the past.
You must not compare prices of 5 years ago, or even 1 year
ago, with what they are today, and I assure the Public that it will
well repay them to call and see goods and get figures, even if you
don't buy. I cannot give a list of prices here as I carry . such
an endless variety of goods consisting of FURNITURE of all styles
from the lowest priced to the best.
Tho largest stock of Pictures and Picture Framing
roods ever shown in Brussels may be found at my Emporium and
hey are sold at half the old price.
In Organs I have been selling them at from i$15 to
20 lower than, other dealers, but I can now sell them cheaper than
ver. Buy the best -tile Goclerich or the Bell -both of winch I am
gent for.
I prefer to say but little about this department, as
have been with you doing business for many years, and those who
ave called on me aro best able to say whether. nave given satis.
tWon or not. I hold a Diploma for Embalming and make a point
personally and promptly attend
attend to this
branch of the business,
At this season of the year there are often FLounges,
ofas, Chairs, &c., requiring attention. All work intrusted to us
411 be neatly and cheaply done.
t A specialty made of Ordered Work and .Repairs.
Again thanking my many old customers for past favors and
soliciting a continuance of the same,
I am, Yours Truly,
R. Leatherdal.e.