HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-10-8, Page 4New Advertisements. Local-110v,rNorton.. Local—H, R. Brewer, Strayed—Walter Ygill. .Goocls—I. 0. Rieberde. Local—Thos. McGregor. Pink Pills—Dr, Williams. A Suocess-11.oKinnon ds Co. Legal—•porker's Dye Works. Cover Your Feet—I. 0, Richards. Biaok Diamond Express—G. T. B. Dissolution of Partnership—Sample Bros. 8xtrg•Provinaial Companies—E. J. Davis. Are You a f Presbyterian 7—G. A. Deadman. tfTe rasscJs gast FRIDAY, OCT. 8, 1897. -- Jim. L. Sn1,LIv N, of prize fighting and whiskey drinking fame, is a candidate for Boston Mayoralty. He's a nine bird to aspire to any publio office, as may be gleaned from one of his expressions, as follows :—"1 believe hi licensing gatnbl• fog places and disorderly hooses, So- called, just as we do the saloons. You cannot prevent these evils, so let's get some revenue from them." The people of Boston may not be able to change your belief, John, but we venture to pre- dict that if yon go to the polls you will be treated to one of the neatest "knock. onto" you ever received. Your name will be "Dinnis." Tnono has been a great Beat of mud slinging by the Opposition press at Hon - Mr. Tarte and he has vindicated him- self before the Courts in a suit for libel against lir. Greater. Mr. Tarte is a hard hitter mad calls a, spade a spade. Everybody knows that he was a Con- servative at one time, but for what he considered good reasons forsook the ban- ner of that party and allied himself to the Liberal cause, lie says, in speaking of himself before he became a Liberal :— "I did help to distribute their money for them, but I distributed it honestly— at least I put none of it in my own pocket, and I gave none for corrupt purposes, bub ordinary eleotiou purposes. I left them when I found that they were bleeding the treasury to the extent of millions, and I exposed them. I took my public life in my hands, and exposed them on the floor of Parliament. One Minister's head went into the basket, an- other man was expelled from Parliament and the whole party were shown to have been more corrupt than they bad ever been declared to be by Mr. Laurier and Sir Richard Cartwri(,lrt " Tice growth of Christian Endeavor work in the Province of Ontario must be very gratifying to all who have the in. tercet of the movement at heart. The hast society in Ontario was organized in 1884 by Rev. A. V. McGregor, B. A., Woodstock, then pastor of the Western Congregational ahnroh of Toronto. At the time of the organization of this so• piety few ohurohee in Ontario had heard of Christian Endeavor, and up to the end of 1888 the first society was joined by only three others, viz., that in the Guelph Congregational ahnroh, one in King street Presbyterian church, London, and one in Fjret Congregational church, Kingston. In 1887 ,thirteen were added and at the end of 1888 the societies num. bared 55. In 1880 the Ontario Provinoial Union was formed, the first Convention being held at Toronto, November 18th and 19th. At the end of the year there were 150 societies. In 1890 the number of sooieties reached 841 ; in 1891, 546 ; 1892, 851 ; 1893, 941 ; 1894, 1496 ; 1895, 1652 ; and 1896, 1868. Total member- ship in Ontario in roond numbers is 85,- 000. The Methodists lead with a mem- bership of above 40,000 ; the Presby teriaoe, 27,000 ; Union Societies, 6,000 ; Baptist, 0,000 ; congregational, 2,800 ; Epteoopal, 1,200 ; Disciples, 1,100 ; On- tario Christian church, Friends, Evan. geiioal Association, United Brethren, Evangelical Lutheran, etc., in their order making up the balance. Number of junior societies reported in 1891 was 10 ; in 1892, 88 ; in 1893, 105 ; in 1804, 178 ; in 1896, 287 a total membership, 14,055. The cheering foot was announc- ed at the Ottawa Convention that 888 juniors had joined the church in oneyear, while missionary and temperance work have been greatly stimulated through the efforts of the junior workers. Atwood. C. H. Fullarton left Thursday morning of last week for Toronto, where he will attend the school of Soieoce. George Thompson, son of Andrew Tbompson, 4th con., has rented James Donaldson's farm on the 61h oon. for a term of three yeare. Councillor Shearer is away at Glen Falls, N. Y., attending a medical institu- tion for removing a cataract from one of his eyes. they claim to be able to re- move it by local application, without a surgioal operation, such as removing the eye and nutting off the oataracb. Tho only appeal against hie assessment in the proposed Hanna municipal drain was that of Thos. Smith 8811 con. of Elmo, His case was bear, by 811s Honor Judge Woods, who dismissed the appeal with poste, after hearing a numberof witnesses. Mr, Smith got very much wrougbt op over the matter and com- mended firing the Qtteen'o English about furiously and fast and quite regardless of consequences. The Judge took exoepbion to that portion of kis remarks directed at the Benoit and fined him $10 for "abusive language and obstruction of the business of the Court." L1sri:ow cot. Herman Largo, Percy Wilson and pinrl I1ay have retarne,l to Detroit to resume their studios. The brink work of the now Van deriolt block has been completed, and preeente n very attractive front, being built of red pressed brio's, laid with considerable or. uamentation. Roland Livingetoue, Roy IIaolting, Boy Thompson, Lyle Tatham and Russel Cook leave this week to resume their studies at Toronto and Trinity Univerei• ties. Win. Woods, of the 2nd eon. of Wall- ace, on the Gotuph farm, who had three of lila ribe broken by falling from the mow to the barn floor a short time ago, is iwpreving and abk. to be around again. The Ingersoll Stone, Co. have a force of 20 men laying down granolithio walks in town. The walk on Inkerman street is now finished as far us the approach to Wallace street bridge. Thecomyany will now begin work on Main street East. They are putting down walks et the rate of a block a day, and to n11 appearances are remising a firet•olaes job, Thrilling Rescue - A YOUNG LIFE SAVED IN A RE- MARKABLE MANNER. Florence Sturdlvant, of 11 rtndstone Island, Saved From an Untimely Loath—leer Parents saw Ilei Danger- ous Predicament, Rut Were 10elllless to Aid Ilcr—Hien• She 11'ns Rescued. Among the Thousand Islands is one called Grindstone. It is seven mules long and 3 wide. The. inhabitants of this island are a well-informed class of people who devote their energies to farming and quarrying for a .livelihood. In the home of one of those islanders resides Florence J•. Sburclivaut,tbe 4 -year. old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William II. Sturdivent. In 1'ebrnary, 1896, she was taken with scarlet fever, and after the usual ran of the fever she was left with a weak bank and gradually began to lose strength, until finally, despite the best efforts of physicians, her life hung in the balance. 18 was at this crisis, when all seemed darkest, that an angel of health appeared en the scene and released little Florence from pain and suffering and restored her to strength and health. This remarkable occurrence is best told in the words of the father. Pi r vriL1S't7�4,td'i''IAIi+.. Plore,ice J. ticrdivant. Mr. Sturdivanb said :—"Florence was token side with scarlet fever and we im- mediately oalled a physician. He pre- soribed•for her and we followed his direc- tions closely, giving our little patient the best of care. After two weeks the fever subsided, but Florence was left with a very weak back. Severe pains were iu the book and stomach. We did all that possibly coned be done to relieve our little sufferer, but to no avail. The dif- ficulty seemed to baffle the efforts of the physician. ' "Finally at the end of four months of treatment, we found our patient complete. ly prostrated. At this time we called another physician, who agreed with the disagnosis of our own doctor, and said that thelrouble resulted from the scarlet fever. Re prescribed a course of treat- ment and we followed it faithfully for three months, but instead of improving, Florence failed. "Mrs. Sturdtvant and myself were com- pletely discouraged. A brother of my wife, who was visiting us, advised us to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and I purchased a box of the pills and began to give them to Florence. This was in October, 1896. After using the pills a short time we could see an improvement. Her strength began to re- turn and she world sit up in bed. Her appetite was restored and she ate heartily. Wo also noticed a gradual brightness in her eyes. "We eagerly purchased a further sup- ply of pills and watched with delight the ohangs for the better that was being wrought daily. From sitting up in bed at times during the day and at times standing on her feet, Florence finally became strong enough to walk a little, She gained in flesh and strength rapidly and the pains gradually left her. In a month's time she had recovered her heath and strength. "We cannot praise too highly the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I am positive that without their nee our child would have been to -day in the same sad condition of her early sickness—a con- firmed invalid—if indeed she had had the strength to withstand so long the ills of her affliction" (Signed) Wn.neAan H. SxunnlvAN7, Subscribed and sworn to before me this sixth day of April, 1897, H, W. Mouse, Notary Public. David McLennan, age 87 years, of Stratford, grain dealer, is dead. George Lawrence, of Guelph, cpm. mined suicide by shooting himself with a revolver. Arbuthnot Bros., printers, Toronto, have assigned, with liabilitiee at 910,000 or $12,000 James Keely, a youth who works at Taylor's paper mills, Toronto, had three fingers of his right hand cut off on Satur• day. Bernard MiDowoll, wlto has been a re- sident of Hamilton for half it century, died Saturday morning, He had been ill for about four months, and was 08 years old, Another evidence of prosperity in Toronto is pointed out at the oity hall, that the total oolleotion on first install* me0t of taxes was 58i por cent of the total, the amount raised being $1,500,000, as against $1,180,000 tattled for, In 1891 the proportion of takes paid on $tet inetallmont was but 44 per cent. mr, 17 T 5" T'T i' t' TV 'r r, •,•. " n w. ++ ... ,.' ..4 +.. N 1 v N t torsncruccmuzumnismossance a.;a a.—aVam mniAnaaa»,.M. ran, Uc'r. 8, 1597 In tho best style is our aim. We carry a stock of Shoes that is un- excelled in the County. We have Shoes thal fit all feet and all tastes. A Shoe that wears is our boast. To sell you Shoes that are ser- viceable, at a low price, is our bus- iness. We have succeeded in pleas- ing a great number of customers by selling them superior Shoes at a small figure. A narrow margin of profit is our motto. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Do not forget the stand—Sign of Large Scotch Collar—the place for great value in Boots, Shoes and Harness. —Aan— LEE WILLEY RI B, SYST1�n41 Between. TORONTO, HAMILTON, BUFFALO, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, WASEHINGTON & BALTIMORE. The Black Diamond Express The finest train in the world leaves To- ronto 9 a. m. doily (except Sunday), $amil- ton 9.55 a. m., arriv}ug in. Buffalo at 12 noon, passing the Grand Trunk new single arch, double trach steel bridge over Niagara River, making close commotion with the fast Black Diamond Express leaving Buffalo 1203 o. m., arriving at New Rork at 9.53 0, in. Full information at G. T. stations. J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels. GEO. HEYD, " Ethel. Treasurer's Sale of Lands In Arrears For Taxes. By virtue of a warrant, under tho hand of the Warden and Seal of the Oornorabion of the county of Huron, dated the 18th clay of Auguat,1887, commanding me to levy upon rho lands hereinafterdeecrib cl for t a e, to- gether with costs, notice duo thereon, en tether with cchttaxes notice is hereby given pati,unless such taxes and costs are sooner l,utd, I shall, in compliance with the Consol- idated Aseesemen t Act, chap. 48, 1892, pro- ceed t0 sell by public unction the said lands or so much thereof as may be necessary to discharge the same, at th,+ court House, in the Town of eoderich, ,n, Tuesday, the Seventh Bay el December, 1897, at two o'clock in the afternoon. `c"o o as d o Township of Colborne. Pt of A&,B LBW 78 Pat 857 42 82 78 $00 20 Pt of A&B LBW lel " 8940 286 4175 Pt 0113 L 1B W 3 " 213 1 00 873 Part 011 Lake Shore 44 " 2187 190 28.27 Township of Hay, 2 1 07 8185 216 8100 Village of FOrdwioh in Howiok. 6 Albert et S t uuppat 1 73 1 80 East of 2 Louisa eb Si Pat 140 1 80 East of 2 Edward N k 20 1 80 4 Bolen et N F unpat 45 1 80 4 Alfred et S i ' 46 180 3 53 3 20 2 00 2 2 22 Village of Londeeboro' in Hallett. Hagyard survey 0829 } Pat 0 95 1:00 7 05 Village of Centralia in Stephen, Trivott survey D 1/5 Pat 178 1 00 338 W1.nghaea Town Plot in Turnborry, 280• eat 27.8 185 413 291 " 2 28 1 85 413 Village of Bayfield. 8Bayfield Bond rat 77 100 0 McTavish et 77 1 00 Village of Blyth. 0 Bloolt.B Pat 210 100 870 7 Block B 810 1 00 8 70 11Block B 210 1 00 8 70 12Blook B 210 100 870 McDonald Survey 88 } " 11 43 1 05 18 08 Village of Brussels. 3 87 2 87 Ord SSab-Divst e ofm0 Pat 885 100 905 County Treasurer's (Mee, l War. Aonarae, Goderioh, Aug. 25, 1897, 1 Treasurer, The iia iaia Fire Engine T orks, �• .cam, •� � ^®• BRUSSELS. We are pr epared to clo any kind of 'Machine Repair Work with dispatch and on very Rea- sonable Terms. When wanting anything in the line of Engines and Boilers, stationary or portable, we would be glad to have yon ask us for quotations as we think wo can save you money. We have also on hand all kinds of Repairs for Engines, Boilers, Steam Fittings, and ca12. also execute any orders for Brass work. stickle Plating a Specialty. Ronald Piro Engine Works) BRUSSELS. J. G. SKENE has received a consignment of Fall and Winter Goods that the Public would do well to see. SPECIAL VALUES IN MANY LINES. ID Grocery Department as usual is replete with the best in the market. Get a Sample of Teas, u Cu EEs ? fl lire Agent fol Parker's Dye Works. X19 H ton i5 If GI t THIN .. fi EVEJ1T ALL On Thursday and Friday of this week and following days—We might ca11 it our Fall Opening of Clothing. So much Newness has recently been added, Richness and Excellence, with up-to-date Fashions, such' as was never seen in Brussels before. The advanced position we take in the Clothing trade demands the best of everything. Recognizing that fact, we have bought in large quantities direct from the best makers in Canada. We buy Clothing that will fit. .its for Boys® Overcoats for Boys. Suits for Mere ' Overcoats for Men. No matter what other houses may advertise, you're sure to find prices lower by 10 to 15 per cent., and better goods at this store. New Dry Goods, all. kinds, New Carpets and Curtains, New Hats and Tweed Caps, and Furs, New Gloves, Hosiery and Corsets. New Boots and Shoos for Men, Women and Children, the largest assortment we have ever shown. GOOD VALUES. We are solo Agents in Brussels for the Justly Celebrated Granby Rubbers, and have just received our first consignment of 25 cases. SETE; i9 tmil iD MEE j OUR INCOMPARABLE i Fall and Winter Suits. Highest in Quality. g FAIREST IN PRICE. You Can't Doubt when you see our•Magnificent Line of New Fall and Win- ter Goods. You are bound to find REASONS why you should buy of us by simply looking at either the Quality or the Price. , Every Quality and Grade is a Warrant of Excellence. Every Price is an Object Lesson in the Economy of Buying. p� in every department, of the BEST and NEWEST GOODS, is timelyand tem tin �,s`6�.ch C® .plete�a.esS proof that we are prepared to give perfect eabiefaotionto the moat oritial and caper-- ienoed buyers. AND THE FAIR PRICE BANNER WAVES OVER ALL, With Pride and Confidence in the Variety, Richness, Compieteneos and Cheapness of our Beautiful Stook, we invite you to come and see our Seasonable line of ' , ys' Clothin .HdITS .4ND GENTS' FUEN'ISIIING GOODS. (' The Certainty of the Valnes we are showing ; the unquestioned Superiority and Newness of the Styles, and the Varietyfand Range for Seleotion, all guarantee Flaaeurs and Profit in buying here. TEN'PSEO. We have purchased the well selected stook of Tweeds, Worsteds and Tronserings belonging to John MoBain, Tailor, who is removing from Brussels, and will be able to give SPECIAL BARGAINS in the above mentioned lines, Remember, we offer values that merit approval on account of QUALITY and that are without equals for CHEAPNESS, Our Prices make every Dollar do Double Duhy, You call save a sight of looney by trading at our; store. Will you ? Coyne Once and You'll Coins Back—They all do. ROSS ..et HALLIDAY, ti ii a v vi et m tl le t• if in se e. at bl to FI tr e• g' hi r, R Pe w M h• B to 0 m bb ee J. oe b to 1?' a' la Ss oa fi A w in a• of re b o' to It th 211 a. fe ly� ye a so Jo a' q da h fd an �I