The Brussels Post, 1897-10-8, Page 3Om8, 1891 Town Directory. lki3LVxL7e3 C3lmROn,—Sabbath Eeryleers at 11 a m and 7,00 p, in. Sunday Reboot at 2:80 p m. Rev, John Rose, 13 A, pastor. Se. Jon8's Onnnen.—Sabb(1th Servioee at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Soho at 2;80 p, m, 11ev.,Geo, J. Ahoy, Mown - bent, Meeetonrse Cannan,—Sabbath Seralem) at 10;80 a In and 7:00 p m, Sunday Sohool at 2:30 p m. Rov. S. J. Allin, pastor. BO3IAN °ATnML10 Onuncn,—Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, ab 10:30 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest, SALVATION Attars:.--Servioo at 7 and 1i a m and 8 and p m on Sunday and every evening in the weak at 8 o'clock, at the barraoks. Onn Fannows' Loma every Thursday e evening, ht Graham's block, MAe0NI0 LODam Tuesday at or before fall moon, in Garfield blook. A 0 U W LOWS on the 8rd Friday evening of eaoh month, in Bine. hilt's block. C O F LoDan 2nd and last Tuesday evenings of each month, in Blaehill'a block. '2nd and last Friday in Ocla Fellows' Hall. L 0 L let Monday in every month in Orange Hall. SONG or SCOTLAND 1st and 3rd Tue.days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows' Stall, K. 0. T. M, LODGE, 2nd and 4bh Tues. days of each month, in Odcl Fellow's Hall. Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, let and Ord Mondays of each month in Blas - bill's Hall. A 0 F, 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month in Odd f'ellow's Hall. Roam CntoLe, End and 4th Friday even- ings in Blashill'a Hall. POST Orrroa,-08ico hours from 8 a, m. to 6:80 p. m. MEOImmas' INaTITNTc.—Library fn Ifelmee' block, will he open from 8 to 8 o to c 0 0lm.l ucln0s a s V d and 8:80 to " p,o y end 6 to 8 Saturdays. Slice Minnie kat: - Naughton, Librarian. Town Co0Nou.,—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; Geo. Baeker, Geo. Thomson, R. Lea- therdale and R, G, Wileon, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas 1l;e1ly, Treaaaror ; 11. Eiugeton, Assessor and J, T. Roes, Collector. Board meets the 1st Monday in each month. Senors BOARD.—A. Koenig, (chair- man,) D. C. Ron, J. G. Skene, Jae. Turnbull, A. -Conley and F. Van - stone, Sec. -"Trona., R. 11, Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. Punnso ScnooL Tcecntes.—J. II. Cam- eron, Principal, Loon Jackson, Miss Downey and Aliso Ritchie. BOARD OT IINALTIL—Reeve Herr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T, Farrow and Wm. Jewitt. Dr. McNaughton,' Medical Health OMeer. `ctrl, RAPTUROUS The following poem was sent to a young man iu Toronto by a Hamilton girl, who is full of fun. He read the be. ginning in rapture and only towards the Met did he discover the proximity of the imminent, deadly breach Press me closer; all my own ; Warms my heart for thee alone. Every nerve responsive thrills ; Each ogress my being fills. Rest and penoo in vain I crave ; In eataoy I live, thy clave. Dower'd with hope, with promise blest, Thou dost reign upon my breast. Closer still, for I am thine ; Burps my heart, for thou art mine, Thou the message, I the wire— I the furnace, thou the fire - 1 the servant, thou the master— Roaring, red-hot mustard plaster. THE BOY OF THE HOUSE. He was the boy of the house, you know, A jolly and rollioking lad, He wee never tired, and never sick, And nothing could make him sad. If be started to play at sunrise Not a rest would he take at noon ; No day was so long from beginning to end, But hie bedtime came to soon. Did some one urge that he make lees noise, He would say with a saucy grin ; "Why, one boy alone doesn't make much stir— I'm sorry I isn't a twin 1 "There's two of twine -0, it must be fun To go doublo at everything; To holler by two, and to run by twos, To whistle by two; and to sing 1" His laugh was something to make you glad, So brimful was it of joy. A consoienae he had, perhaps, in his breast, But it never troubled the boy. Yon met him out in the garden path, With the terrier ab lire heals ; You knew by the shout he hailed 'you with, How happy a youngster feels. The maiden auntie was half distraught At his Woks at the days went by, "The most mischievous child in the world 1" She said, with a shrug and a sigh. Elle father owned that her words were true, And his mother declared each day Was putting wrinkles into her face, And was turning her brown bait gray. Hie g.own•np sister referred to him As a trouble, a trial, a grief ; "The way he ignored all rules, " she said, "Was aomethieg beyond belief." But it never troubled the boy of the house, a reveled in elatter and din, Asci had only one regret in the World:— That orld—That be hadn't been born a twin. + a 8 * * 6 There's nobodymakinganise to•da 'Thare'e nobdy star ing the 0000, There'll an awfni silence, npetaira and down, There's traps on the wide hall door. Tho terrier's wining ant in the sun— ,lWhere'e my ommeade 2" he seems 30 ' says Turn your plaintive eyes away, little dog, There's no frolic for you today. The freokle•faoed girl from the house next door Is sobbing her young 24%03 out I Don't city, little girl, yep'% soon forget To Mise the lough and the shout. The grownup sister is kissing his fano, And calling him "darlings" and "sweet," The maiden aunt is holtffel Ole chose That he wore on hieis feet, How etrangely quiet the little form, With the haude on lin frown croeeod 1 Not folcl, nob a flower, out of plaoo, Not a abort curl rumpled and tossed 1 So solemn and still the big house eeeme— No loughtor, no racket, no din, No startling shriek,' no wetter piping out : "I'm sorry I isn't a twin i" There's a man and a woman, pale with grief As the woarieotno momonte creep ; 0 I the louotinese touches everything— The boy of the house le asleep. Secretary Cooper's Address at Co. C. E. Union. The following ie a copy of the excel address given by Secretary A. T. Co at the repeat Obrietian Endeavor G vention held at Clinton Luke, 13-19—"It 'is like a grain mustard seed which a into took and into his garden, and it grew and wax great tree, and the fowls of the air lod in the branohea of it." These few 1 give a brief and most acenrate aceon0 the beginning and the progress of Chr Ian Endeavor. Wonderful indeed been its growth. Paul has planted, polos has watered, but God has given increase. Yea, verily, the mustard a cast in Dr. Olark'e garden, the Willis church, sixteen years ago, has waxed great tree. And so the seed of "Huron County Ohrieetaie Lndea Union," tl:i.nted 1'v • t•� live L t� o m 1 5 f S rpt forth by a few repreeentatixe young p pis, has taken root and 'by God-giv growth has become an immense tr with sburdy branches spreading their fluenoe all over thio noble County. As every plant has a root, so eve Endeavor Sbuiety has a root. Rather tette three roots—the pledge, the Co seoration meeting, and a eyetena of 00 mittsos by which ite practical service f Christ is performed. You might as w expect a plant to grow strong and vigo oaa if you hack away at its roots, 05 Endeavor Society to grow,atro0g witho these cardinal prineiplay. The fund mental purpose of Ohristfan .Endeavor to raise the standard among our you people of outspoken devotion and co secreted serviee. This idea is embodi in our Covenant pledge and this id makes our Covenant imperative in Christian Endeavor Society. Th movement is not a conglomeration every kind of young peoples' societies, is a movement for the spread of defini Meng, which God has owned and blesse Lob us see how the tree iris grown. I 1802 there were 16 Societies ; in 1803, 2 ocietlee ; 1891, 50 societies ; 1805, 6 ocietiea ; 1896. 88 societies. Now w lave 100 Societies, with a membership o 103, to which add 10 Senior Sociutie with 581 members, making a great tota f 110 Sooieties, with a membership o 687. Let 0e remember, however, th where muoh is given much shall be ex eoted. .The Junior branch of this ire Jaime our first attention. God be praie d for its growth. There are now i =rice over 15000 Junior Sooieties, an t is only a few years since the first on as organized. In our County Unio e reported i-4 Junior Sooieties in 1894 Junior Societies in 1805; 9 Junior So ietiea in 1896 ; and this year 10. It i ue we were awarded the Junior Benne t the Ottawa Convention last. year, bu is also true that our progress in in oduaiog these Junior Sooieties has been cry slow. Just look at the faote-10 pang Peoples Societies and only 1 unior. Why this is 1 otinnot say. Has been the fault of the President or eoretary 7 I rather think not. Can we of place the responsibility at the door of oh Society where a Junior Society is of already in exiatenoe, This, I believe, where it bslonge, and until the Young septa wake up to the importance and eoessity of having a Junior Soofety in ery church of our County, we have not arned one Very important lesson that od bas for 0e. This will not allow me to deal exten- vely with this branch of our tree, but I En praying that the address of this after - on, and the remarks that may follow ay be so riveted on the heart of (moll legatee, that you may return, to your speotive homes determined io have a ntor Society, and ae a result at least 25 w societies may be enrolled during the ming year. Other branobes of the tree are the al Unions, to the number of five— dorich, Clinton, Soaforth, Wingham d Blyth. The following its a list of oldies having a membership of 75 or er :—Clinton, Presbyterian, 75 ; Sea- tb, Presbyterian, 83 ; Exeter, Main Methodist, 88 ; Brusseie, Presbyter- , 95 ; Goderiah, Presbyterian, 07 ; easels, Methodist, 09 Centralia, thodiet, 100 ; Hensel!, Presbyterian, Lumley, 1,'reebybarien, 101 ; Olin - Ontario St. Methodist, 104 ; Gode. 1i, North St. Methodist, 104 ; 13lybb, eebyterian, 13.0 ; Clinton, Ratbenbury Methodist, 148. At the Dominion nvsntion held in Ottawa last October, tau County held a high position in statistical report presented by Score- y Morris. In number of Societies we od first among the different County ions of the Province ; in increase of ietiea we stood first ; iu total number members we stood first ; in oontribu- ns for Provincial support we stood .end. Ae to the Provincial support it uld be clearly understood thab the tributione are purely voluntary, and 1 the money given 15 055d entirely for vineial worst. The amounts which Sooietiaa have pledged to give should ant threat to W. J. Doherty, Peovia- Treaeurer, London. Different de. (nations are represented in our ion, Methodist, Preebyterian, Tipi0oo- an, Baptist and Congregational. Of 110 Societies, 58 Y. P. and 10 Junior Methodist ; 88 Presbyterian ; 6 saepalia0 ; 2 Baptist ; 2 Congrega. ti al. Our motto is entirely suitable to great Union true, The euceessee of past year only emphasize it, for they all of Christ and of Christian fra- ity. It is a motto that toile of one Cap and of oho fellowship, a' motto lent oper ou. of oast ed a god ince t of hae the eed ton the ver ea. 00. en ee, in. ry ft 11. m. Or 611 r- an lit a• is ng 0 - ed ea a is of it to d. n 2 1 e 1 aro• • e u d n 0 0 0 1 5 5 p 0 A w ev tr tr Y J it 13S ea e P n e0 to G ei a no de re Ju lie 0o Lo Go an So 0v for St. ran Be Me 101 ton ria Pr St. ,Oo IIs the tar ate Un son of do see alto con the. Pro the be e pial nom Un 111001 are Bpi do our. the are tern Ca TIES BR1JSS,ELS POST wbieh pointe backward to past anooese a motto that shows the only road future victories, a motto whiolt tells al of our leadership and oar brotherha hero 11 is, take it 011rietinn Bndenvo and Epworth Leaguers and live by it f another bwolvo menthe. One is ya master, even Christ, and all ye a Urethan, And the glo0ioue fruit of titre tree, what are some of them 9—System etio Bible etudy, denominational loyal inbeneified, paetoro encouraged, Sunda aehools enlarged, ollura!t sorvinee attend- ed, tten ed, midweek prayer meetings sustained, cottage prayer meolluge inaugurated, young men prepared for roeponeible posi- tions in the ahurob, wonderfn,. growth of interdenominational fellowandp,increased givings to the cause of Missions, and that leads me to mention the amount Given to Missions by the different societies of the 0oenty daring the past year, viz,, 3850. Ib is a plank of the Christian Endeavor platform that the causes to which the societies give should bo those approved by the donominatioue to which the so- aleties belong, thus the sooietioe avoid recognition and support of indep dant y • e 0*, Rev, Mr. Whidden, of Autigonieh, bee to am:opted the eels gent him by the mem- Ute bars of the Galt Baptist church, 10 be cid. their pastor, He will enter on his duties rut ou ihu 1st of Outober or I RAUL's Olover hoot, the great Blood. ur I ,Purilior gives freedmen and eloarneee to re the complexion and mires constipation, • I25 ole, 50 ole and 21.00. Sold by Jaime "nx, Druggist, Bruosels, ty fire on Satuicbay morning destroyed y I Nine'e livery stables, Tooewater, and to d• i Utonk of frame buildinge oaoupied as gropery stores and Meet:. The total loan will amount to about 21000. 'I'be Montreal Star publishes the fol. lowing epoolal oabio :—"London, Sept. ' 25th,..-.Lteutenant.Govornor illoIntosh, of the Northwest Territories, returne to Canada today, Hie health le greatly imrv• 0 0,1. i TI s honor r will r ealxiU is g poeftfon to which he was appointed in 1893, to accept the preferred manager- ship in British Columbia of a leading British financial oorporatiou, One year of tie term as Lieutenant•Governar is thus unexpired. The position which Mr. lIcicilntoeh aocepbe is understood to be a very advantageous cue," At Marray Lake, a email ecttlemont 10 miles north of lbtaniwrlti, Quo., two farmers named Napoleon Roy and Jerry Brosnan met last Saturday evening bo have a game of croquet, which is the 'thief amusement among the settlers i,n ' that vicinity. The play was progressing nicely until a quarrel arose over one of the rules governing the game. Being enraged, Bremen, with his mallet, streak Roy a terrible blow on the head, knocking him down and rendering him unoonsolons. Friends iutorvensd and the injured man was removed to hie home, where Drs. Comeau and Mulligan were immediately. summoned. Roy is still in an unconscious condition and no hopes are held out for his recovery. Roy is a married man with a family of ten small children. Broesean is a young man of about 18. ou and irresponsible movements. And wh does this C. E. tree grow ? It 15 benne there has been a deepening of the spirit ua1 life that this mustard teed has waxed a great tree. Mord and more are its fertilizing evangelistic inf uenaee giving berth to new converts, now workers, new soul savers, tinder God's guidance.:: Dur- ing the last year it ie estimated that over 300,000 have joined the ohurohee from the Young Peoples' Sooietiaa of America, about 200 of which are from Huron So. cieties. What a ransomed host. What a blessed testimony to God's; grape and proof of fidelity to Hie ahuroh. Yes, the Christian Endeavor tree grows. Its bap root, the active mombera pledge, which reaohee dawn into the soil made rich by God's word, id sending up, growing near. sr and nearer to the heavens above, its mighty, sturdy trunk. For Christ and the plumb. And awning 10001 all de- nominations, we are now in our Sixth Annual Convention, gathered together under then spreading branches, crowned With o, blessed eased fruit me wad with united rte d heart ca andvoice praising God that at it i , tr( p b s a e !antedthe e river of ware that P by r tat g brtn e th forth his fruit in his some. The world does not yet know what God can do through a fully consecrated organi- zation. Chriaticn Endoavorer hear that and realize he vast importance. It is for yon to show what God Dan do through a movement dedioabed unselfishly to him. We have the infinite might of the infinite God to use. We have Omnipotence to draw upon. "Talc and ye shall receive." Men lived for generations on the lid of the world's greatest diamond vault in South Africa and never know of the priceless gems beneath their feet. Eleo- triaity has been a mighty but dormant power in this world since Adam first walked in paradise, bat until Franklin flew his kite no mea realized that there was a subtle, unseen power sufficient to turn every wheel, drive every cart, and light every city in the world. But 00,11 was. There is a mine of undiscovered wealth on whose edge you are treading. There le a might ineeneoivalele which you may have for the asking. It ism treasure of the Spirit's abiding proseuoe, it is the might of God's power which he offers to the humble and oontrits heart Will you take it ? Will you use it for the coming of the 111110dom ? The sixth year of organised effort under the "Huron 0. E. Union," whose white, unwritten page we open to morrow, will show how you and I have answered this question. Homely Hints. The pioture farmer may be the better artiste often puts forth the brightest blossoms. It is far easier'to he true to art than to nature. When the strong err they generally lin to boot. Paint never oonoeale a blush on the face it covers. One pen is more trustworthy that 100 memories, The fool is the only one that does not fear responsibility. Glimpses of heaven are sometimes caught by looking down. There is once in awhile a church that makes poor Polka feel as if they were in a cold storage house. Canadian Nee wet. Dr. Moloy has opened out a private hospital at Ingersoll. So far 31,700 stook has bean subscribed for the new rink in Preetoo. Milton plum growers oomplaiu that on account of the glut in the city markets it does not pay to pick and ship their fruit, anis a good deal of it will be left to rot on the trees. Wm, Scott, who for twentythree years has been notion foreman for the Grand Trunk Railway at Moorefield, has been dismissed, W. Lockhart, of Palmerston, will succeed bits ab Moorefield. John Rattio, Liberal M.P.P., Turtle )fountain, one of the oldest members of the Manitoba Legislature, is dead, He did probably more bhnn any other roan to introduce dairying into this country. He formerly resided ab Tseewater, Ontario. Two neonds of peaches, penes and grapes left Grimsby the abet. day, The frust will go on from Montreal by the st`reamshhip Merriman From Bristol the rail journey to London takes live hours, There will be cold storage all the way from Grfm6by to London. A emend shipment was made from Montreal on Saturday. Canadian fruit growers are tnuoh concerned in the result of the ex- periment now made for the first time. There wag a lively MOTO 00 Dundee street, London, between Richmond end Olaronce, Sattotday evening, A demure looking billy goat was walking alone up the street, and amen was putting a pane of glees in a store window al about the earns time and place. The goat made a rear•end ehargo at the glazter, wito wits as "oompletely taken by surprise" as if he had been presented with an address and a gold -Beaded cane. Tho collision shattered his nerves and the glue too. He had n0 time to respond, foe the goat darted into the European hotel and pto- eeeded to make things lively in the bar- room. A patron who had just called for a Borntwo of f he g o them from the. goat while his back woe turned. Billy was finally induood to leave, and on molting the street started to snake friends with P. 0. Tuko. The big policeman did not appreciate his advanoes and after a hard tussle eu8eeded in arresting hie gaabship and taking him t0 a safe place. 8 00 V Given Away a J To persons who make the greatest num. ber of words out of the phrase, "Patent Attorney Wedderburn." For particulars addreso the National Recorder, Washing. ton, D. 0, 5.8 Analog Order of VDU Workmen, This'old and prosperous Fraternal Asso c atter, tto the publlc their popular and econ- omical rates to worthy mess, at the very low rate of about 98,00 per 61,000 per annum, 1'bo "'workmen" Promptly Pay Death Claims and expect a large increase to its members now that those American Mine Companies don't seem satisfactory to Can. adieus, R0130. Ad:,li•STRON(iitf,w, ; W. R.1 U,.ltlt Reoorder ; J. A, ORI.IG1;TON,F'luaueler, ohlINUES British Columbia Rod Cedar Shingles AND- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOE SALE AT MB Brussels Planing hills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furoiehed for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. J. & P. AIVIENT, Iia CI. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES., Suits made for $4 and upwards. ma—Shop oyer 1 1,1olvltn's Store. Dr, IL J. IC0auAr,L Co, Dear' S00 -I 11nvo mot several bnl,Wes or your ' 10olldalre Spavin auto" 00111111111011 510000x5, 1 01401,15 thobost Llnunontlo t va• uxotL i . nm nrdarir car Tae v a o ria 1iCan G d m�9n m1 y I d. kir tmo It ie d 1� 5,10 6 � as•'Inp. Ira p V0 r'Ootlim1lC11lletl 36 t0 ne'tornl oY tnytrlend5,v1m aro aaa0u� pinnaod tvltk nndltoop it, Roxp0al0I Iq a.1L RAs, P. 0, nosing, I'O0 Salo by 011 Druggists, or addrbs ONOSOnaoH FALLS 016 � T ! !!goer SUCCESSFUL EE'ME'IJY FOR MAN OR BAST. Ctatahr in rte biretta and navot' blisters. Read proofs below KENDALL'S SPAYIN CURE. nozri_ Carman no0dbr0on Ce, I1L, Pah, 84, tat. Dr. R ,t, 1165nALt bo. Dra1.8"•11-donee gond me one or Toil* no,00 Roej,S Alld obit , L itoTo'toad agreed Ileal 0030110 xondalrs Smyth ono Vittow 55 s It is o won,tered!, 10,10 l50. t once he 410e d mitre that had nn Oro 115 Spay n and nvo battles 00*0d her, 1 6003 a 10(010110 Mand all thottmo, Yolavtruly, 0505,� p00006*lp, KENDALL'S SPAVINCURL Ah H C To Mo. ,t tr. 3 ' , 9e' 1 , Sick ea ache Permanently Cure 11rr was troubled, a Gong time, with ' sick headache. It was usually ac. =valued with severe pains in the temples and sickness at the stem„ ash, l tried a good many remedies recommended for this complaint ; tank it was not until I be- gan taking AYER'S Pills that I received anyt+ii•)1 nenthbeneet. A. sin gle box of these pills did the work for me, and I am now a well man," C. II. IIt:Tcltirros, East Auburn, ire. For the rapist euro of Constipa- tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Nan - Hen, and all disorders of Stomach, Liver, and Bowels, take BOAR FOR SERVICE.—TRE Lot 20, Con, 6 Moe%ii0, 011 steo keep b ed im ISr005d White Yorkshire Boar "8elceted,'' bred from J. ie. Dreamer's sweepstakes sow at Obieagtlo Fair, Terme $1.00 to be paid at the time of serried wh 4 privilege o1 re. turning i1 necessary. Pedigree may be seen on application, 1101:T. :MUM, d 1,:i tar . V7hx �e , d a �n5. ROYAL 1lAtL STEAMSHIPS, Between New York and Liv,srylool, via Queenstown, every WsolleOday. As the steamers of thin line 0500V only a strictly limited nun/ bet fa the r'ise'r 11136 07000)16 CABIN aoaoulm0datio05, intending passengers for are is necessary at 11118 see son. 100* plan 5, ratee, eta., applyto W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels, Cal:lark Nis Medal and Diploma at World's Fair. Ref, your druggist for Ayer's Sarsaparilla 1000 E �1;�2P SlUl1 The undersigned has open- ed up a Botcher Shop in the OMAN BLOCS, BRVSSSLS, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public ppa�zUaraut71 tt ojnamge gasolliiciteed. PflfC>iAa Meat delivered to all parts of the town.. Will =tare a well man of 5f'''J1,7: Most *11050005 Tint Ar052 saS0LT0 It1 roes wr.F'.se. L 1005E cores an )arum,, filer neer. .510501ou- nese. Tailing Memory, N1gh'1y 5n:!. a10nx, e3r,rmo- terrb000, Impo00noy, eta.. 8.0 0d 1 Fast ti AIWA; a1v00 vigor and eIre to serankca mans, anis eufdny but onro__llyrestoreo0,;,- 3 ,Jrnoon 10 o/d or 50u80. ties 0000018 1 ynu svin craw strong andel Ceppy artale, seat tY moll 15 plain INS; Rad 0(010503 naiad from 84000x61101. It00nr Carded in 0001 010000 rather Telco, 0f81 n 1005050, 010 00'0.3. Fiend moeorll lettere nrtlnarr or 1•00lotr3B +Addra00005 100100 to S. T, for Me Drvglet woonerp•.S, CMT, A41051 far Ole Do - n31...1313 .ol Canaan. IENIZEIDIMalatedil==Mra=l.v 947.72,i McLEOD'S —'AND oenen— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleoplessness,,Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nenr• algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregnlaritiee and General De- 1111fty. LABORATORY, OODE1 UCH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. 9bld by;stts, Fox, Druggist, Druseela. T JUST TWO ITEMS THIS WEEK, VIZ. : The Balance of Cur O 113. ten's ag211` .k.s WiLL BE CLEARED OUT AT COST. Bankrupt Stook of HOTLt 1y t UMS That will be sold away below Original Cost,. They start!as Low as 50o. OST '...flOKT(1 3