The Brussels Post, 1897-10-1, Page 8REFRACTOMETER.
The above cutrepresents a Refractometer
which we
with our Trial cose
se cou
fninL over 1different
strengths and
ppl ofLenses forto=ting the eves and for
ugthe required glasses for all forms
of defective sight, youreyes you
u1' 700:;failing in any way call
See us, We will test y001: eyes free.
G. A. Madman,
Druggist, Optician to Bookseller.
Trains /nave Brunets Station, North
and Snail,. as follows:
G01.1'0 SOUTn. G0IN0 NORTH.
0xi :10 a.m. I 'Mail '00 p.m
Kisco ... 0:45 a,m. 1 Exproos 10:01 pan
act ctus ms.
.a ehiel's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll peen it.
PUnrxix pie.
'HEAVY frosts.
Ei.iooveec Light.
Portent is being freely marketed.
Ttz your horses and save runs ways.
'Cur she rises—Tan POST subscription
Saltoor. Board Friday evening of next
Benson Council on Monday evening
,of next week.
Barents Fall Fair Thursday and Fri-
day of this week.
ABMYMON sale bilis printed while you
wait at Tnv POST Publishing Clone.
111.11. Moons, V. S., was a judge of
horses at Belgrave Fall Fair last Friday.
FOvRTII Division Court will be held in
Brussels on Thursday of next week, 7th
20 MINTS Cots THE Pose for the balance
of 10;17. Take advantage of tote trial
ArTENnthe Millinery Openings. Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday of this week
are the dates.
Foannao WATT, of the Ronald Fire En.
nine Works, was in Marton this week on
a busiuees trip.
Tune was quite a famine in the jam
jar line in town, owing to the super-
- abundance of fruit.
le yon think Tits Pon a good news.
teepee, tell your .neighbor about it. A.
goodword often helps us.
Gotten GREEN captured 1st prize for his
tine roadster team at Seaforth and Lis-
towel Fall Fairs last week.
"duns Dm:au:ea" took 1st money,
"Paddy" 2nd and "Maple Leaf" Ord in
the open race atGolerich Fall Fete last
Doo. W.utwrca took the red ticket for
his "Costumer' foal at Seatorth Full
Show and 3rd money in the speeding oon-
•test with his driver.
et Brussels on Thursday of next week,
7th inst. Public meetings at 1.30 and
7.30 p. in,, in the Town Hall.
Tun partnership existing between
Sample ros., as painters, &a., has been
dissolved, by mutual consent. Antony
Sample will continue to carry on the
• Trie Pose is pleased to notice that
while the proprietor of the Atwood Bee
may not see his way clear to go to the
:ii:loedylte, that treasures are dropping
into his lap at boors, She was born on
Sept. 200b,
DIED.—Thursday of lase week Minnie
tlsoelia, daughter of Duncan and Tillie
McMartin, of Luoan, died, aged 7 weeks,
The remains were brought to Brussels
for interment, being, accompanied by
Damien and Hugh AlaMartin, jr.
D. FRAIN, having disposed of hie house.
bold effects and leased his residence, in-
tends removing to Detroit, where he pur.
poses malting his hate, Mr. Frain has
been a resident of Brussels for the past
ere)) years and ie a good harness maker
04d carriage trimmer. We wieb him
names under the stare and deities.
We Wlsa THERE Wenn Mons Lean
,1:tiie.--Last Tuesday Jas, Wilkinson and
:vile, of Escanaba, Miob., made Tun Pon
>, pleasant call and before leaving handed
over a 8200.bill on their subscription.
This sot fe noteworthy from the tact that
Mr. Wilkinson is already clear to Janet.
cry 1898 and now stands on our list paid
to 1900. It is rather au awkward data to
write, the more so because we gat so lit.
Ole practice at it, lir. Wilkinson de.
serves to prosper.
"AN EVENING Wien Tan SEA."—This
was the topic at last Monday evening's
.Epworth League is connection with the
Slfothediet church. The program was re
'meet excellent one, as good as people are
often taxed 25 °seta for. It was se fol.
lows :—Dsett, "Come o'er the Moonlit
'Sea," Miss Norton and Leon Jaokeon ;
treading, "Ods to the San," Mies Minnie
:fvioNaughton ; duett, nrmuring Sea,"
Miens Moore ; teakettle 'tai duatt, violin
and organ, "Over the Waves," H. L.
,Jackson and Mies Norton ; reading, "Sea
i, )le.. Fletcher ; solo, "One Day,"
Creighton ; reading, "The
Sea," Miee Minnie Moore ; quartette,
"Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep,"
Mrs, Creighton, Alias E, E, Kerr, Alex,
'iboes and W, H, Kerr ; a short address
from Bev. Itir. Knowles, in which ha OS•
Counted incidents in his Voyage across
As Atlantic ; closing hymn and Bence
diction by Rev, Mr. Allfn, Miss Norton
;presided as acoompahiet in her usual
Tent ekipping rope craze luau hit Brun'
Tun duet manes driving ,rather dim
& x1111000 of Brnaselitee attended
Wingba n bell Fair,
Mailmen tF OAS. advt. calve to hand
ton lets fn" ineeetinn this a' eek ..- .
ROOT. Tuoilrsox diepoeed of his Panay w Mos. A'fllloy has gond to Ohioago 00
driving hero this week to Air, Donley, of
Hung Go. Promotion Examinations
in the Publio Scheele take place on OM.
21st and 22nd.
J. ff. K1SARNEY Intends opening up a
stock of Greenlee in the Graham bloats,
one door South of Fox's Drug store,
JADNES WALUER tools let prize at Sea -
forth Fall Fair and also the red tioltet at
Wingham Show for beet eirt le buggy on
Will. James has gone to Toronto,
where he has secured a situation ae
maobiuist, We wish him success, ate
is ad k d t d,
People We Know.
Airs, G. Kelly hoe gone to Mitmeapolis.
E. 0. Lowry has been on the sidle list.
Reeve Wilford, of Blyth, was in town
on Saturday.
Dr.Iineolitel le visiting 'in Winnipeg
goo wor man ana s ea v 9001'.
Aetzetr Bnos.' big raok is filled to over-
flowing these days with apple barrels,
which are taken to the country 'for dim
tribntion. about 125 bnrrele snake a
TIRnadditional candidates were initi-
ated at the Workman Lodgeon Wednes-
day evening of this week, with more to
follow on Friday, when the regular meet-
ing will be held.
SPEEDY horseflesh is on the ascendancy
in this locality and not a few of the
farmers own horses that can cover a mile
in Ant 3 minutes and do a day's work
before the test too.
Two cars of Fall apples will be shipped
from Brussels on Saturday. They go
from here to Sarnia and thence, by boat,
to Duluth, and on to Winnipeg. \Vtn.
Jewitt purchased the shipment in this
Tee Ontario Veterinary ('•allege will
open its Pall session at Toronto on Oct.
12th. Sam. Goldbeck, who has been
studying with M. H, Moore, V. S., leaves
for Toronto next Monday to bo reedy for
the opening of the College. We wish
him suaoess.
Fennels the 4 girls who turned out the
street light at the iron bridge on Tuesday
night were not aware that those lamps
knots enough to go out when the proper
time comes without assistanoe, We hope
they won't climb the electric light poles
to blow cot the new lights. It might be
W. H. Mo necrsn is again to the front
in meeting all comers in the Fall Fair
competition in roots and vegetables, At
Listowel he took 42 prizes ; Seafortb, 40;
and Wingham, 24. The ebove figures do
not indicate that he Is working on the
sliding Coale, but shows the variation in
the lista.
Tun Reeve hos had the names of four
persons handed to him for transgressing
the Be/dew in the matter of bicycling on
tbe sidewalks. A dollar and costs is not
a great deal to lose, but the eorporation
treasury will be that =eh richer if it is
not promptly stopped by the wbeelmen.
The law applies to all streets, not Turue
berry alone, kindly remember,
TtwELvs members of Court Prinoees
Alexandra, No. 24, O. 0. F., Brunets, at-
tended the anniversary service of their
brethren at Atwood last Sabbath after.
noon, Rev. W. H. Harvey, B. A., of
Clifford, preaohed an excellent and time-
ly sermon from the text "No AIan Livetb
to Himself." The main divisions were
(1) Life ; (2) Liberty ; (3) Brotherhood.
Brusselitea speak in glowing terms of the
kindness of the Atwoodians.
Bnusssns station is a butte, p'ace when
it comes to the handling of 0009oing
freight, to say nothing of the incoming
goods. During the past week the record
is :—Messrs. Backer cb Vaustone, oar of
hogs ; car of wheat ; 4 acre of preesed
hay ; and 4 cars of oats. Ino, Roddiofr,
car of lambs. Clegg le Dames, car of
hogs. R. Graham, 2 oars of wheat.
Enterprise Salt Works, 7 oars of salt, 2
etre of cheese from Brussels and Walton
factories. One car of butter. The at.
tention given by the Grand TrunIc to
this department is very good and cars are
nearly always at the command of the
various shippers. We have a grievance
on thepassenger traffic that needs
remedying however.
OCNVENTIONs.—On Wednesday and Thure•
day, Oct. 13th and 14th, the Wingham
Distriot will hold a two days' Convention
in the Methodist church, Wingham, com-
mencing at 2 p. m. on the first day.
Each school is entitled to send 2 delegates
and sohoole with 100 on their roll, 8.
Epworth Leagues are also asked to send
2 delegates. Names should be forwarded
before Oat. 12th to John Kerr, Secretary
of Oomneittee, Wingham. The program
will be es follows, with time allowed for
the discussion of each topic :—Sunday
School Day, oommencing at 2 o'clook
Wedneeday afternoon—Devotional oxer•
ohms, aonduoted by Rev, J. B. Kennedy,
Wroxeter ; Chairman's address, Rev. W.
S. Pascoe, D. D., Wingham ; "The
Teacher in Preparation and Before his
Class," Rev, D. Rogers, BluevaIe ; "The
Difficulties of Country Schools, and their
Remedies,' Rev. F. Swann, Ripley ;
"Tlfe Importance of Attendance of S. S.
Scholars at the0Regular Services of the
Church," Rev, W. M. Pomeroy, Bethel ;
"The Teacher's Relation to the Scholar
Outside of the School or in Every -day
Life," Mrs. Ouyler, Whitechurch ; verbal
reports on the S. S. work in the District,
and a conversation on the question :
"Are there places where Mission Sunday
Schools can be established where no
Church or School at present exists ?"
Wednesday evening, at 8—Devotional
enrolees, Rev. N. S, Burwaeh, Salem
"The Parents' Providential and Moral
Beeponeibilityin the Training of the
Young," J. H. Mollardy, Teeswater ;
"How can we increae° the Spirituality
and Religions EO.ioieuoy of our Schools,"
Rev. A. Onneingham, Kincardine ; "Tbe
Ohnroh's claim upon the Sunday Sohool,
and it's Obligations to it," W. H. Kerr,
Brussels, Epworth League Day, oom-
titencing et 10 o'clock Thursday morning
Opening exeroiees, oonduoted by Rev.
:it. H. Hall, Ashfield ; organization and
election of offioers for the year, Thug -
day afternoon, at 2 o'alook—Opening- ex-
eroiees, Rev. A. I. Brown, Ph. B., Tiver.
ton ; President's addrees ; "The League
as an Educator," Rev. I. B, Wallwin, B.
A., Lualtnow ; "Outside Work of the
League," D. C. Taylor, Luoknow ; "The
Use of the Bible in League Meetinge,"
Rev. A. W. Dauer, Bervie ; address,
Rev. A, 0. Crewe, General Secretary, To.
ronto. Thursday evening, at 8 o'olook—
Opening exercises, Rev, W. H. Mose,
Bervie ; "Spiritual Work of theLeague,"
Rev. T. W. Oosene, Fordwieh ; addreee,
Rev. A. C. Crews, Toronto ; Oonseora.
Hoe Service, Rev. John S. Tishee, Corrie.
vteit her sop Paul,
Mise Kitebon, of Paris, is visiting her
cousin, Miss Mary Howe.
D. Stewart ante a judge at the Seaforbh
and W inghem Fail Faire.
Miss Luoretia Oliver ,pas been on the
sink list with intlarnmation.
Mrs, Wm. Martin is away on a holiday
visit to relatives in ATiebigau,
Miss Jennie Brine, of Seafortb, is
visiting her sister, tire. P. Boort.
John Downing made a business trip to
Toronto and Hamilton last week.
Miss Lizzie Leatherdals is spending a
holiday with her aunt at Seafortb.
Aire. Fraliolt, of Wingham, has been
visiting her mother, Mr's. S. Pearson.
Robbie Ellie is home from Ingersoll,
where he has been for several months.
Rev. W. Norton enjoyed a holiday visit
with his son, Dr. Norton, Shelburne, for
a week.
e k.
Allies MildredCummings,of
t Buffalo is
visiting Mrs, S. Slagle, lir, her grand-
Miss Maude Mann end Blies Bell
Urquhart, of Listowel, are visiting Mrs.
Mise Hogg and Miss Winuie McGuire
were visiting at Wingham for a few days
this week.
Jno. Bray and Mies Sara, of Wroxeter,
were in town last Saturday while wheel-
ing Southward.
Walter J. Wake, of Fingal, is renewing
old friendships in Brussels. He wheeled
over last Saturday.
A, Resile, of Rockwood, enjoyed a
visit for a few days at Rev, W. Norton's
during the past week.
Mrs. Sarney has been on the siok list
during the past week, but is considerably
improved in bealbh now,
Postmaster Farrow and wife were call-
ed to Guelph on Thursday owing to the
illness of Mr. Farrow's uncle.
Joe Hunter and Angus Kennedy leave
this week for London where they will
taste a couree at the Military school.
Mies Maggie Stewart, Queen street, has
gone to Chicago to visit her oousin, Mrs.
Harry Coutts, formerly of Brussels.
Mrs. W. T. Hunter and Miss Mary
have gone to Detroit to visit relatives.
They book the excursion train on Thurs-
Alice Clara Orawfer,l has been on the
sick list, but we loops she wilt be speedily
restored to her aeoustomed health and
W. E. Belcher, contracting freight
Agent for the Northern Pacific Railway,
was in Bruseele on Tuesday looking after
Jno. Halliday, of London, was in
Brussels this week renewing old friend-
ships. The Forest city air appears to
agree well with our old townsman,
Alphonso Waterer, of London, Eng-
land, was visiting his cousin, Geo. Rogers,
in Brussels. He is a brother to Claude
Waterer, formerly of this place, now a
citizen of Paris, France.
Chas. Watt, wife and daughter, of
Waterford, N. Y., are visiting at Jno. Mo.
One's. Mrs. Watt is a daughter of the
above mentioned gentleman. They were
former residents of Brussels.
Tbe Bennington, Kansas, paper says :
Rev. George McKay and John Broad.
foot arrived home Friday from their
Canada visit. The return trip was soy.
thing, but a pleasant one for Mr. McKay,
as he suffered with rheumatism all the
way, and continued to suffer a day or two
after his arrival. Be has now about re-
covered and is again feeling pretty well.
Jno. Smith and Alex. McKay tools in
the exaureiou to the Falls and Buffalo
last Saturday. We beard that "Hilliard"
WAS off on a wedding tour and that "Mrs.
McKay" would be book with him, but
she didn't stay off at Brussels this' time.
As to that Smith youth we aokuowledge
our inability to keep track of him and
c0neeguenely can't say what took him
Business Locals.
No. 1 flour and long clear bacon at
Go to T. Kelly's for tomatoes. First
mime fleet eerved.
Bee bargains in furniture at Leather.
dale's Emporium.
FInsa.cLASo house to rent or for sale.
Apply to Jno. Wynn.
97 DAYmoN Bicycle for sale, cheap.
Jas. Ballantyne, Brussels.
Oaten — the base — sold at lowest
prices by R. Leatherdals, Brussels.
ONE second-hand single haruees for
sale cheap. L 0. Richatds,
ooinroeTAIME house to rept. Apply at
onoe to W. M. SINCIAea.
SEE our harness before you buy. We
give the best value in the market.
I. 0. Richards.
D. EwAN has a number of second hand
buggies to sell at big bargains. Call at,
his shop and make him an offer,
SEE the Bell and Goderiolt organs at
Leetberdale'e before yon buy, They
can't be beat for quality or price,
GET those boles in your shoes sod
rubbers repaired. Bring thein to ne ; we
repair them °heap and neat.
I. 0, Richards.
A PIRST•CLAae specialline of work
manufactured at Jas. Walker's shop. He
given tiptop value to every onstomer.
Fon sale cheap, one seooud•band box
stove and stove pipes, also lamps and
chandeliers, office desk, oash drawer,
I. C. Richards.
Semen's more ie Sold an a guarantee.
It cures incipient consumption. It is
the best cough ogre. Only one gent a
dose. 25 ate., 50 eta, and $1.00, Sold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
BAUG,uN OPmnnnn.—That eligible half
mere lot situate on the Sontlternlportion of
Turnberry street, Brnesela, will be die -
posed of below cost. Very easy terms.
Write for parti0nlareto Jona Henoisavoe,
174 Queen et. West, Toronto.
ANYoxis needing their sawn pet in
proper order had batter bring them to
Save -filer McGregor before he leaves
Benseeis, as he is likely to taste a situ-
ation with the Saw and Saw Tool Mak-
ers. T. McGregor, saw;filer, Brussels.
Wxzeote.--'In Fordwiob, en Sept. 18th,
the wife of Mr: Matthew Wilson ot to
SornxnoN.—in Tordeviob, on,.. Sept. 1,70h,
the wife of Mr. A, G. Sotberau,
Reeve of Llowiok, of a daughter.
733e3'7'.4.332.t0x-x8xp 8.e7a.
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars)
CAPITAL (Authorized) •. .
rR2 Me NM
Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States '0 England.
A General Banking Business Transacted, Farman' Notes Discounted,
Drafts Issued and Colleotions made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposite of $1.00 and npwarde from dal of deposit to date o
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
Every facility afforded Cusbomere liviug at a dietanoe,
J. A.
Lrroox.—In Elmo, on Sept. 10t1t, the
wife of Mr, Wilson Little of a eon.
PoLxoxe,—In Atwood, on Sept. 20th, lbs
wife of Mr. 10. 8. Pelton, editor of
the Bee
of a daughter.
11IcGAvrw—M0C0LLA.—Ab the residence
of the bride's parents, on Sept. 22nd,
by Rev, P. Musgrave, Mr. Albert
George McGavin to Mies Agnes Scott
MoOulia, both of MaKillop.
lv1aVreen—McLatee—Attl]e manee,'Blybh,
on Sept, 22nd, by Rev, D, MoVioar,
B. A., of Victoria church, /Montreal,
brother of the bridegroom, assisted
by the bride's father, Rev. A. Me -
Vicar, B. A., of Huntsville, to Miss
Mary M•, seoond daughter of Rev, A.
McLean, of Blyth,
Mui]rmeent,-111 Luoan, on Sept. 23rd,
Minnie Cecilia, daughter of Duncan
and Tillie MoMartin, aged 7 weeks.
BiZ'G 0G:SZT,e3 Tvreesna.O£TS,
Fall Wheat 75 78
Spring wheat...,.....,80
Barley. 20 24
Peas 42 42
Peas (large) 46 46
Oats .... 20 22
Butter., tubs and rolls ... 12 13
Eggs per dozen ......... 12 12
Flour per barrel 4 00 4 50
Potatoes (per bus) 40 40
Hay per ton 5 00 5 00
Hides trimmed 671
Hides rough 5i
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00
Sheep skins,eaob 15 25
Lamb shine each 25 40
hogs, Live 5 30 5 40
Wool 18 19
Apples (per bag) 50
Dena Df&blues.—Madoc, Ont., Sept.
9$.—Fifteen factories boarded 1,000
August cheese here to -night ; 8$o was
Lid ; no &les. Belleville, Ont., Sept. 28.
—Twenty faotories boarded 1,875 white
and 110 colored cheese to -day ; 8io bid
for board and 90 for selections ; no sales.
Campbellford, Ont., Sept. 28.—At tbe
cheese board meeting here toaright 1,635
boxes were boarded. Sales were as fol-
lows :-295 to Watkins at 9 5.16o ; 180 to
Mocargar at 0 5.1Go ; 270 to Hodgson, at
980 ; 70 to Ayer cC Co. at 91o. Balance
TORONTO, One., Sept. 28.—The local
wheat market is lower, with a fair de -
wand, Oars of red Winter were quoted
at 80o, North and West, and at 810 mid.
dle freights ; No. 1 Manitoba bard wheat,
afloat Fort William, was quoted at 92ee,
Flour easier ; oars of straight roller West
quoted at $4.20. Millfeed quiet ; oars of
aborts quoted at $11 to $11.50, and bran
at $7 bo $7,50. Barley steady ; feed out•
side at 21o. Corn firm ; cars of yellow,
West, quoted at 310 to 32o. Oats steady,
mixed middle freights are quoted at 22io,
and North and West, 280. Peas quiet ;
cars North and West quoted at 47o.
EAST Renato, N. Y., Sept. 28.—Cattle
— There were no fresh arrivals 'of sales
from Canada ; market ruled with a dull,
slow trade for the few left over, which
consisted of about five loads of medium
to good heavy steers, for which there ap,
pears to be no demand whatever. Rags
— Becoipts, ten ears ; market fairly ao•
rive, and there was a slight advance in
prices ; prime select Yorkers, $4.47 to
$4.50 ; mixed packers' grades, $4.87 to
$4.40 ; medium weights, $4.35 to $4.40 ;
heavy bogs, 54.30 to $4.40 ; roughs, 83.65
to $3.90; pigs, $3.25 to $4.45. Sheep and
lambs—Receipts, 12 loade, 97e- of which
were Cando lambs ; the market titled'
ablaut steady for the native stook on offer,
and a load of common grade Canada
Bold well up, but there was nothing doing'
in good Canada, owing to the lateness of
their arrivals ; lambs, yearlings, ohoice
10 prime, $4.65 to 54.00 ; fair to good,
$4.15 to $4.50 ; culls to nommen year-
lings, $8.60 to $4 ; native lambs, choice
to extra ohoice, $5.75 to $5.90 ; fair to
good, $5,40 to $5.70 ; Dolle to common,
$4.25 to $5.251 native clipped sheep,
ohoice to selectedwetbere, $4.75 to $4.90;
fair to photo°mixed, $4.25 to $4,60 ; culla
to common, $8.75 to $4 ; exports, $3,85 to
gniriee have been made for a oar -load of
eggs for shipment to British Columbia.
There have been Bales in the West for the
North-west and the coast, three ears he-
ing peroaased in Chatham, two care in
St. Mary's and 1 car in Waterloo, Ont.
Tun. EXroiu' APPLE TRAon.—A gentle.
man in the export apple trade, who bad
just returned from a trip through On.
baric, states that the growers in Ontario
are baying a good time watching the
movements of buyers. He states that no
lees tban 40 buyers started out from
Cobourg one morning in ssarob of the
produobs of the orchards in that vicinity.
There lees been a considerable quantity
of Ontario Winter fruit contracted tet
$2.25 per bbl, for tbe fruit placed in the
orchard, while as high as $2.50 has been
paid for the fruit, which Is equal to $3,
f, o, b. in barrels. A good deal of fruit
was bought early at a lamp sum for each
orchard, and these Winter varieties were
well purchased, and stand to malte some
good peofite when randy for ehipment.
Amerioan buyers have been prospecting
to Ontario, and have made some per -
chases, but it is understood that they are
for export to England, and not for the
United States, the duty being too high.
Long prices are expootcd to rule for
sound, clean Winter fruit daring the
coming season, owing to the general,
scarcity of that class of goods on both
sides of bho Atlantio. There is a geeat,
fear, however, that, on account of the
sanity of oboioe stock, a large propor-
tion of the pnorer hinds
will be paned -
bub should ould bhie
be done In the export
chi m
anter n
e will band tospoil the mnr-
itet for the better kinds. Good, sound
fruit of fair average size should only be
forwarded to the English market.
TonoNTo, Ont., Sept,. 28.—Business at
the West end cattle yards today was
elate. Receipts about 52 loads, seven of
which were left over from lase week.
Buyers and sellers were apart until about
noon, when several sales were effected.
Prices show very little change from Fri.
day's quotations. The quality of offer.
ings was fair, bat there were several
loads of poor stock on sale. There was
very little doing in marltet for export
cattle and prides ruled from 45 to 410 per
lb., only elle best cattle bringing the let-
ter prior. Demand for butchers' cattle
was fair, and dentate quote rouge from
3e to 4o per Ib. Inferior stock brought
27e per lb. Iienvy bulls for export are
quoted at 8,o to 4e per lb., and light
animals at So to 3io per lb, The market
for stockers was quiet ; prices ruled from
2:7o to Sec per Ib., with an ooeneional sale
at 3}e per ib. For milch cows there were
several good beads offered, with prices
unchanged, at from $25 to $40 par head.
Prices are off in the market for small
meats. The offerings coneisted of about
500 head of sheep and lambs, and about
20 calves. Sheep Bold at 3 per Ih. for
ewes and 2}o to 250 for bucks. Lambs
Bold at 4e per lb. Calves brought from
$4 to $8 per bead. There was a fair run
of hogs, with prides practically unehang•
ed. Best selections sold at 5eo per Ib.
cent, V. S. SCOTT, Brussels,
First mortguge, farm security. Apply
at TED 1,0ST Publishing House, Brussels..,
Sete liths # sore lob, Good stable,
well cellar, &o. 'Wi11 be sold at a bargain.
Apply to W. H,�10CM%
11-tf PosT Publishing House.
vron.--Tbe cost of service of my fine
regietered Jersey Built is now E1 for grades.
Get the best, G. A. I)EADMAN.
IT OUSE, FURNITURE, &O.,..1. iron BALM: Owing t0 the tlesesea of
my wife I have decided to give up house.
keeping and now offer my brick residence,
lot and all household furniture and offeote
for sato, en binek, There. are 2 acres of land,
with avail, stable, ornamental trees, iodated
iu the Bootham portion of Brussels, on Turn -
berry street. Possession can be given at
mice. Liberal terms ot payment to right
man.. For further particulars as to priomate.
apply to • 3110. 1401313,
10 tf Br useels P. 0, -
nnnexGNnn has several good Farms for
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F 5, S1OTT,33rusoels
BENT.—Tho enderelgned 'offers kis 100
acre farm for eale or to rent, being ;Lob 15,
Oou. 0, in the Township of Grey. Poseessioa
given at oboe. For Dance, terms and inform-
ation apply to T, MOORE,
5-4 Propel° tor, ]3ruseola.
x001, aituat, 011e mite Sottbh of
Brussels, being Loh 80 000. 7, Morrie. Oh
the premises is a good frame house and barn,
a never falling well and aret-olaes orchard.
Possession at once. Por partleelara apply to
801113 WYNM, Brussels, or W.47.13010010%
Photographer, Mitchell. 5-00
Lear Brussels, Great bargain, Lot 7,
Oen, 5, Grey township, Good buildings and
orchard, well watered, suitable for mixed or
dairy farming. • Possession given next
March, ttoft2privilege.1001010 doing
em aPubllehlsg
Houaa,Brnseels,or to THOMAS 1311141TAG1),
London West,
150 name of good farm land at
Springfield, a miles from Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for sale at a low price, The property is
North Oast i See. 10, Twp, 11, Runge 4, Bust.
There is a house outhe premises and sotto
breaking done. For full particulars as to
prlee, title, 6:0 , write or appy to
G.F. BLAIR or W. 13',10101010,
20-tf • Brussels, Ont.
nnRsicvxn offers hts eligible 50 acre
farm for sale, being South part of Lot e
Com 12, Grey. A11 under cultivation, well and well formed. Thera 18 a good
stone house, bank barn, orchard, wells, 40„
on the premises. Also a epleudid etono
Quarry from which a good revenue ie rOaliz-
ed. Only 2j miies from Bruseele, Terme
reasonable. For further partiouiara as to
price, &o., apply to
J0101i MIToianr L, Prop ri°to•.
88-t[ Brussels P. 0.
Ooneiebingoftuft Gentili aucl South
01 the North 4 of Lot 88, con 1, East W\av n
nosh. This la a 0000llo t 0teek farm, being
well euppliod with good tuning water, It ie
situated about 8 hilae from tae thriving Vil-
lage of, B1Yth, A largo part of it is 1111d 02
graee.Buildings and fences are in a fair
eteto repair. Bas terms of payment will
be given. For all information apply to
11•0f 0,7'.13LAIR, Barrister, IJlrueeols,
That excellent farm, Lot 15, Con, 0,
Townoltip of Grey,100 Remo, muni be sold at
onoe in order to close estate on
f deasedown.
or, The lot is nearly all cleared, with good
buildings, ample avatar supply, largo or -
shard, ]; miles from Oranbrook, is under
good cultivation and ie a very desirable 0lpro•
partyy: indeed, Apply to RICHARD' MI1'.
OHOLL, Beanie P. 0.1 30011 110tTONELL,
on the Promises; or A. HUNT1111, Beanie.
Dated Sept, 10041806.
OoT. 1, 1897
Cfb bllSoap?
Shaving Soap is no longer a luxury—
it's to necessity. The man who shaves
himself appreoiales this. Bat we're atter
the man who thinks any Suap is good
enough to use, Green's Soap leaves the
faoe smooth and free from irritation.
It is also an excellent Toilet Soap.
Try it.
mos." ----SOLD .4T
Poz's Drug Store.,
Jt- V • Solicitor and Oonveyaeoer. Oolleo.
tions made. Office—Venetone'e Block, Brea.
sols. 21.8m
V' • Solicitor Conveyancer ,Notary Pub-
lfc, &c, Otliee—'Vaustone'e Block, 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Feuds to
11 •
(Formerly of Camerae, Holt
Oamerou ) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderiob
Out. Oi{tce—Hamilton St., Opposite 001
borne Hotel,
• Solleitor, to, (lata of GWow d:
Prondfoot's Oflioe, GederIeh.l 005oe over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels.
Money to Loan. d7
!mlmDme i- CARP.
M. Be 0. ASL,, Trinity 'University, Follow Triu-
ityMedieel College, Member college of Plty-
siolaus and Surgooeo, Out, Licentiate of the
Royal College of Physicians and Licentiate
of Mtdwifery, Lrdlnburgh, C-581'elephono
No,14, Residence, Mill St.; Brussels,
lot Oleos Nouor Graduate of the Universi-
ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston[
and of Trinity Medical College ; Fellow of
Trinity Medical College and member of the
College of Phyeiolana and Surgeons of Ontar-
io. lost Graduate Course 10 Deorolt and
Chicago, 1808. Special attention paid to dis-
eases of Bye, Eur, hose and Throat, and dis-
eases of Women, I�'0onsnitatlor In .Eng -
Doh and German. Telephone at residence.
Q • Honor Graduate of tite Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals In a com-
petent manner. Parttoalar attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. 0..tllee an d Infirmary—Faux doors
north of bridge 'Ieurnberry et., Brussels.
• Issuror of Marriage Liooseos. 01110o
at his Grocery, Puruberry street, Brussels:
Iestme On,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
IS -No Witness Required.
T. 7!LETOIIER, Brussels
La... Clerk of the Fourth Divr:Ion Cour
Go. Duron. Conveyancer, Notary Pubiio
Land Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Colieetione Shale
Office in Graham's Blook,Bruesole.
Tilos. A. HAWKINS,
.L Will give lessons to pupils Dither on
plane or organ, at his Mueio Boom, opposite
the poet -:Moe, Bream:1s. Vooal lessons 0iso
Tiven. Ton years expo:Ammo 111 teaching,
erms moderato.
LloensodAgotiouoor•. Salsa'eondhot
ed on reasonable torme. Farms and farm
stook a specialty. Ordere lei t at Wins Pon'
Publlshin gllouse,Bruswig, orsentto Walton
P, 0., Will receive prompt attention,
• E'AIt, will sell for better prtoes, to
bettor mon in ass time and loss.oliarge8.
than any ether Auctioneor in East Huron
or lie won't charge anything, Detee Mud
ordera oan'alwaye be arranged at this tole°
or by person:l applioatlon.
Who Into had 25 year:: exporlesee se au
Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing to 111
health, has again taken out lioouoe and is
proparod to Ooracluot Solos at reoeonablo'
terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates May
bo arranged at THE FORT PiibI1elitn i House.
JAS. (3'tRrivvo
18-tf Auet oneer.