HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-10-1, Page 6-LKISALAstssim.-.....s***s..*.s054. Ctt ,Nruzzeis Vast -55 run EVERY FRIDAY MORNING WI time for the early mails) at "The Post" Steam Publishing lletiSee Tomosesal $e., Idutelseers, OPS. ,s F., name, , • y51.:.‘ty7.,,,0 tui , The:date be which evarY 4"te 00 0110 a0058 1b1, Aovzsmatwg 11.1000 -The following rates will be charged to those who adeertise by the year :,-- -----sraiMi"--FINICW2ro:T81ST Half ' ......... 55.00 20,00 12.00 Quarter . ........... 00.00 1%00 500 ........ " . 12,00 8,00 oo E ight Dents per line for first insertion, and three cents er 1108 for Beat tal.bseqUeub in- sertion. All advertisements measured as 5fonpareil-12 lines to the inoll. B usiness Cathie eight lines and 00250, 25 per annum. , Advertisements 'without specific, 0,1100- 010100, will be inserted until forbid, and charged aseordingly. 80 Instructious to change or diseontinue attr ertie net ant mese be loft at the 00112141114 room 011118 1'1i60: not later tem 'euereley of eaoh week This is imperative. W. 11.M.C17.11ES.V.,, Palter and Proprietor, Returning Confidence. The State of Trade in the Deminlon. Toronto, Sept. 24.-R. G. Dun et Co.'s weekly review of trade in the Dominion says : The general tenor of advices from most lines of trade at Montreal continues of a favorable character. As a sign of return- ing confidence it 15 stated that many dealers throughout the country are show. the a disnosition to hey more liberally. c Lt.:Utz -,t imprevee demand, eo me 11 .11:4,1 hevieg quite an accumulation of orders booked or shipment before Winter freight rates come into effect. Drygoods travelers are pretty well all out on the sorting tries, and report ee 0 rule satisfactorgr. There is 00 partienlee ceeteee 111 1_ trade situation at Toronto. In all breeches of wholesale business there is a feeling of confidence, and the outlook promises activity. Sorting.up orders are numerous, end prices of the leading Staples are firm. There were 2S failures last week, as against 39 a year ago. Payments cou. tinne seeisfactory. The failures in the Dominion were light this week. Indi- cations are that all the weak boluses hove been weeded out, and that good times will be more than temporary. FOR CANADIANS ONLY. Riding. Premier Hardy and the Minis. ter of Edeoation,addressed the gathering. Mr. Hardy 113 a strong and vigorous; ad. (been, justified the volley, and adminie. teatime 01 1118 Government. litr. Ross produced inoontroverbible proof of the ex- istenoe of an alliance between 4r. Whit- ney and Bb Oh:tries Tupper to fight the eleotion in Ontario loi the interest of the Coneervative party of the Dominion 50 a whole. The Minister resented lbs inter- ferences of a man from Nova Soothe with 1:340 ,s1,0 PlOrett the intreenntion of a species; of boersism hitherto unknown in the polities of the Province. Ephraim Convoy's Sentence. Ephraim Convey, the aged Pritionton- fan tried at Woodstock for the murder of George Frost, and convioted Wednesday of teat week of manslaughter, was on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 23rd, sentence ed by Jnsties Meredith to five yeers 111 Kingston penitentiary. When the prison- er was brought into court he appeared greatly agitated and excited and looked as it he had spent a hard night. When asked, if he had anything to say why name° thoeld not be posed his lawyer react a letter written by the prisoner, in which he pleaded for meroy. He booked this by a speech, in which he repeated without any chane the story of the killing as told by him in the wili- ness box. He pleaded hard for a light sentence, explaining that be had been pressed to do whet he did, and had had no intention of hurting him. Ile said that prison life had gone hard with him, but he had been able to bear up by the thought that ha would be acquitted at his trial. His Lordship, referring to this, said that if prison life went hard with him he should make representations to the Government-in•Counoil. When the prisoner heard hist sentence he gavot), "My Goa l my God I" and collapsed into his seat in despair. Der - :4 L. eke,. fee needy lie 'reque[dle buret lute sots. His wife has been seized with paralysis since the trouble aroae, and it is feared the shook will kill her. The Ontario Government has put into timber limits :- No timber lieensee 00 holder of a per. mit regeged in enteleg, teklee no -money- hag weenies or timber [epee or from the lands of the Crown, or driving, floating cr : -.!: the C and 50 00000 pavane oe uomeaey engaged in or Mont any such work under the authority or with the assent of such licensee ar holder of a permit, shall em- ploy or engage, or permit to be employed or engaged in any capacity whatever in and about or in connection with snots cutting, removing, driving, floating or towing in Canadian waters any person who is not a resident of or domioiled 05 Canada, except the following persons, viz., the agent or manager having charge or [supervision of the entire lumbering operations carried on by any person, firm or company within the Province of Ontario; the head bookkeeper or ace countant under such agent or manager ; and one estimator or explorer for eaoh operation, unless under special permits- eion of the Commiseioner of Crown Lends expressed in writing. Tho penalty provided is the suspension of the lieenee or permit, and the seizure of the logs out. The penalties for tress pees will be enforoed, and the 1100005 Will not be redesned, until so directed by order.in.Conneil, and then Only upon such terms and conditions as the Lieut. enant Governor.in•Council may impose. All horses, cattle, sleighs and all pro- visions, pork, flour, tea, and all tools and hardware, such as obaino, axes, saws, and all tools, [supplies or materiel of any kind whatsoever required or used in oon• neotion with the taking out of sawlogs or timber cut epee Crown lands, shall be purchased in Canada. The penalty for thie offence is the same ae that for the employment of others than residents of Canada. _ - POLITICAL - THE BRUSSELS POST THE TA ttallreelleteft NES12, The terantula's neat le to curiosity. Its interior ia of mud, dried by the sun 00 the hardriene of adobe briok. lee in. teethe. of oylindrioal shape, is lined with O tleeoy white embetenee bios cotton wool, and thie queer house is furnished with a oiroultor door of hardeued mud, oleo lined with the cottonlike materiel and opening outward upon a hinge of the [same hind. Bell ea the tarantula is, he has one timely crew. [Acme lut will seek reiuge eseehere that he oen-the tarantula hawk, a huge, bleek, hairy weep, which in appeeranee oonveys the Wee of allying bent, When the big re opens0000000110,.eL_.‘ , his door of an afternoon preparatory to promenade, on business or pleasu around Tie draws bath into the house in a hurry and closes the door, and not a step will he venture beyond hie threshold un- til the air is free from signs of danger. Ole knows he 10 no emboli for the hawk, which will tackle him too quickly if onoe ho gets the chance. LAUGH. CURB. Persons suffering front rheumatism are netnrally a0010115 to try every proposed remedy. John Raymond, or Northern Iowa, had tried, without relief, nearly every alleged euro suggested by friends. Then he read this in tt medical journal : "There is more benefit in a good laugh then in the hot water remedies, the feith cures, the eleotria, aid all other new treatments in the world, and it costs nothing. If yon know of nothing else to laugh at, laugh at your neighbor." This was u new idea to poor Mr. Rey- mond. But what ;should he hough at ? In the hone was nothing amusing. However, the medical journal sald, "Laugh at your neighbor." He went out on the front porob, and, sitting in a chair, watched the people on the streets. For a time he saw nothing funny. Then a big German walked by, muttering aloud to himself. -vent ?00, Th'Y"0' 1 The hie German siqvd and looked. "Vot's dot ? " "Ha, ha, ha 0" "Vet vor yon haw, haw, hew mit me ?" "Ha, ha, ha 1 " Over the tenth looped the big German, hie fiats uplifted.. "Oh I" cried Raymond, "I -I meant no herrn. I was laughing for my health." "Mid den you leetle siok Yeulsees laugh mit big Dutebman 1 Dot ish all right. Dot WI von goof choke on me. Ye, 'a, ya I" Bob Alm lea ymond, who really had not meant to bo rude in the least, gave up the la egh mire, believing that the "sholce" was on himself rather than on the good German. Kidney Trouble Cured. VW NEW Feetre e[e;100', wer. 1-s-ste00TS 10 1100010E0 Dr DER Sunday, -That tiresome Diok Rash- leigh was here last night. I thought he novae would go. I was awfully bored. Tuesday. -Dick Rashleigh was here last night. I wonder why he persists in persecuting me with his attentions, He's dreadfully stupid and as poor as a church mouse, mamma says. Thursday.-Diek Reshleigh called, and though I didn't want to see him the least bit I went down. He attempted to make love to roe, and I sae on him hard. As If I would look at him 1 Why, mamma says I'm sure to make a brilliant match, and if Diok thinks-pshaw, how stupid he is. Sunday. -Dick tried to kiss me last eioet end T teeee'ened in bell 301100018 11 ha over ratempreu ea do men a tning again. / never was so indignant in my life. I could have boxed his ears. I ..ever the '1'0 14.0 .1 1.1Ia 1-1p11,..1500. 1 just hate him and I wish I would never see him eeain. e. night and I rejected him with scorn. I told him that dear mamma would never, never consent 00 000 marriage, and that anyway I detested him and would not marry bion if he were the last man on earth. He said I was cruel and was breakingbis heart and I said I didn't care ; that it was a silly presumtion on his part to think for one minute that I could ears for him when mamma objeob- ed to him. I told him never to dere to speak to me of love again, 11.-WEIee 0510 nee= ElArehNitt. "It's all right. Mamma's up stairs reading my diary ae usual, and now we can enjoy ourselves. Yon dear old boy 1 I'd be content to sit here on your lap for- ever with your arm around me and my head on your shoulder. 013, Diok, bow I love you 1 And isn't that diary scheme a great one ? Dr, B[igland has been nominated by the Liberals of Muskoka for the Ontario Legislative Assembly. Andrew Peetullo, Da. P. I'. for North Oxford, who has been lying ill at Oak- ville of typhoid fever, is now so far re- covered es to be able to be about. J. P. Whitney, the Conservative leader, and Col. Matheson, M. P. P., are touring in Algoma,. let the last Provinoial election the Op. position's beetle cry was, "The calf with a cough." Now it is "The lonely pig that didn't catch the cholera." If that pig bad been as unfortunate se his fellows, what would St. John have done for an iethe Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Agri- culture, hes accepted the invitation to at. tend the fortheoming convention of West Lerebton Liberals at Drigden, and de. diver address on the questioue oe the day. The teeny friends of the honorable gentleman in the riding will be glad to been this. "Pwenty•five years ot good retie ie the most powerful reason for retaining the Ontario Government," said John Gltei. ton, 1111,3?,, at Waterford. "If I get a good men in my employ, 1 keep him, and the longer Mays tho more valuable he is. I'll tell you what to do when my friend the Premier and his colleagues ap. peal to you shortly : Keep the old man„ said Mr ()barites,. The people will fol. low Mr. Cherlton's dvies in the matter and will "Keep the old man" totwith. steraling that in the Gevernment piggery there wag one porker that [steeped the plegee. A great Libetel rally was held at Erin, in Wellington minty, on Monday of lest Weeh. The Imp agrioultneal hall was pecked with electors from all eiarts of the BILL WAS AT 0001E. It was about 2 °ego& in the afternoon that the Sheriff of Bricks County rode up to Bill Hooper's cabin at the foot of the mountain to arrest the men on a wa0. rant charging him with stealing corn. Bill's wife sat in the open door with a pipe in her mouth, and as the officer came along up she inquired :- "Sam Davis, yon ere just the man I wanted to see. I've beard you talk a heap about the Bible, and I wont to as you it you really believe that story about Joner and the whale.?" "Of course I do," was the reply -"of course. Is Bill around home today ?" "How big a man was Sonet 2" persist. ed the woman. "Bout as big as I am, I reekoh. Did you say 13111 was off huntin' 7" "And did the whale swelter him head lust or feet lust ?" continued the woman, as she crowded some fresh tobacco lobo the pipe. "Head.fus I tenon, thou' I aln't die' putin' 'bout it and raisin' a row. Eldon taken and his directions obeyed, but X Dickman Bays it was feet-fus, but he did not improve. 1 had heard of the A WELL KNOWN HOTEL -KEEP- ER RELATES HIS EXPEREBNCE. ASuffererCured eleesi 1 1 7-1-1E---"""3' cryNil A 111 reat'14:1 Pee', l'Every settecei :nem the time 1541 eeie WilS two years ola, I suffered &head - fully from erysipelas, 'which kept growing worse until my hands were almost uselesS. The bones softened so that they would bend, and sloreral of my fingers aro now crooked from this cause, On my hand 1 earhoAbo scars, which, but for AYER'S Fareepe.!7' Im sores, provided I was alive and able ;' to carry anythltiag. 0g!*;'"' Eight bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla cured MA, SO that 1 have had no return of the clisense for more than tWenty years. ',elle'ilrst bottle seemed to reach the spot and a persistent use of it bas perfeeted the etire.".--.0. C. DAVIS, \Vali tome, lr is. THE ONLY woman nia a)earsapartilla AYER'S PILLS Promote Good Digestion. Wanted—An idea l'iw 00013101000 50005 51,051501000085 os8005? tAt'VT1AR.tVP 1gia7ltaWtJER4EIirc.Plti. fYh7akbtate., D. 0:for their 01,000 npipovder it,,,„„ hundredinventions wanted. 20,3 eneereed eseeutty 510,,,, ,',..115, and Indigestion -11c Doctored Der 0 Long Thum Without Getting any no. nee. From the standare, Cornwall. The eta.e3, nr.011'e00 10 forced, protracted and continuous, the competition for supverntwe is keen. The man of business muse keep rank if he would secure any Covetat4u measure of StleCeSS. The watchfulnose, vigilance enl thought involved in modelauperiabend- ency produces a severe Armin on the physical and mental powers of modern business men. and exposes then) to the attacks of certain diseases. Considering that much depends on health in this struggle, 10 behooves those who would be victorious to guard against the first 59 - preach of disease. Neglect of early ad- pastmene of digestive and kidney disorders is often frought with dire results, added to this is the unpardonable trifling with health by experimenting with all manner of worthless decoctions. It is simply in- valuable to make the acquaintance of a safe and effective remedy such as Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. James Macpher- son, hotel keeper in the village of Lan- caster, Glengarry county, has done busi- ness for a number of years in Lancaster, and having successfully catered for the Patronage of the bewailing public there. fore is favorably known not only at home but also abroad. In conversation with a newspaper reporter he enumerated some of his ailments and how he was oared. About two years ago he said, "my whole digestive apparatus seemed to hewn:male. ordered.. Some days I cold move around, then again X would he obliged to go to bed. 1 tried several things but with infliffereut suocese. Orsoasionally I felt relieved, but in a day or two the old symptoms would return with a more dietresoing effect. This kind of thing went on until I became troubled with my kidneys, which was a very annoying tod, ditiou to my sufferings. I was ration, with to sensation of sickness et the stomach, with intermittent pain in the small of my baolt. I was miserable enough when I consulted the doctor who probably did me some good, because I fob relieved. 'The doctor's medicine was wasn't tbar no mercen me. If Bill is around home rd like to en him a minute." "Bee how did Joner live down thee in that whale MMus was cut out ?" "Dunno ; but he went rigiob on livin'. can't say why the airth turns 'retied, but I know that the do. Melba Bill is in bed asleep, bIro. Hooper 2" "Whet gita me," continued thewoman, calmly ignoring toll questions; about her laueband, "is that why that whale didn't hang enter Jonor when he had him, What did be cast him up Int ? "Can't etly," replied the sheriff, bat I reckon. the Lord wanted things the way they woe, an' 50 they turned out as they did. was epeakin' to you about Bill-whar 15 he ?" "Bil1 7 011, 13811 1s to hum to -day," ultin I see him ?" "Ear Beale, When you rid up he Watt eleamin' his gun bade o' the house, bet X reckon bees toady for you by this time. Jest step around the eo'ner." The sheriff stepped and ran aphid the muezle of a shotgun held in Bill'e handle As he recsoiled a step or two Bill stoked "Was you lookin' fur Me Sera 2" "I wee," replied the offieee. "Yee, I jest stopped a tninit to say howdy.and to remark thee your elo Woman eAn'i 11(0 fulo, and hevice tied it I'll be pin' book to town, Nice day Bill -Good moire to you Alm Hooper,' fame of Dr. Williams Pink Pine. Sly wife believed in them and urged me to try therm I am glad I did so for after taking ono box X felt better, and I con- tinued taking the pills nutil 1 WOO 0000• pletely mired. This Summer X had an aft& of the same complaint encl. I found Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as effective as before, I had this advantage, my lenw. ledge and belief in the pilla saved me from the costly and tedions experhnonle ing such as I had undergone previously. I may further add that both myself and Mrs, Macpherson have derived =oh benefit teem the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and X can cordially recom- mend them to those who are suffering similarly." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the disoaso, They reneW and build top the blood, and otrengthen the nerves, thus driving disease from tho system. Avoid imitations by insisting that every box yon purchase 18 onolosed in to wrapper batwing the fell bade meek "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." IE your ohild is puny, fretful, troubled with glandular swellings , inflamed epee, or sores on the head, lace, or body, a course of dyers Sarsaparilla ie heeded to expel the scrofulous humots from the blood. The Montle you begin to give this medicine the better, • BRUSSELS PIMP 'BEL The Best One Cent Daily in Western Ontario. Cannot 130 excelled ea a bright, enter. prising and smellier pnper. Hee en the latest news from all parts of the world. Supplied by all newedealero in Western Ontario, or octet [Urea. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have pur- [abased blas Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready te attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prices. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. taeOrders taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns, VU1,4.1; VorgAjell, Western Advertiser (Weekly ittlItien.) ONLY 750. A YEAR. Equal to and bettor them many pub. 'lobed at 91,00 a year. Agents wanted in every district to oan- vase for this publioation. Address all orders Advertiser Printing Go., Limited, LONDON, ONT. trs...m.-sIssmsssreworus.s.u... MILL STREET, - BRUSSELS. Are You a -of'—' UST? If you require a Wheel you should oall on tbe undersigned. As a peoof of the feet that we do the business we append the Wes already made this season : Rev. T. Roes, J. T. Dodds, Geo. Thomson, Gents' E. Ladies' J. H. Cameron, Jno. Smith, W. ID. Cowley, A. Keller, 11. Hunter, Mies M. Meadows, J. A. Stewart, - CLEVELAND Straohan, J. Hamilton, J. Kellington, SECOND A. MoMay, HAND G. MoKay, WHEELS L. Williainson, J. Brown, NEW BARNES BRANTFORD TAKE THE 20 eta: 30 oto. enet 91,00 Bottlo. 00000050 2000. It is sale on a Kaarantoo 1.23. all dyngglutit. /t onus Snail:dent ConoemptIon and 10 the best Galati and CrenD Care. NONE/ TO LOA'S, Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6k Per Cent., Yearly, Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. A. OOUSLEY. Wanted—An idea 'who 1100 thInIc at some, simple thing to patent? 17000tig$It11."rliug7Vieg:110aPS101Z2ka.,Paanrr: nowWoobingon, D. O,for 130Ir01.3D0 adze ooze 110510 eator two hudred hivenotons wanted. R * 110 1114 ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL 00 OAS:US NY= UV D `01.10 ONLY KIDNEYsLIVER PILLS 13 _LS 1 1.1 TIONIL NUE Mill _ The undersigned having lately entered into partner- ship and have remodeled their mill to the Hungarian Sys- tem are enabled to manufacture Flour second to none. We have also increased our Chopping Cap- acity which will enable ZL,9 to dive farmers their Choppine home by Waiting a short time. By strict attention to business and fair dealing we hope to merit a goo'cl share of the public patronage. We are now manufacturing a special brancl of Flour, "The Ladies' Ohoice." Try it. All orders delivered free in town. -"40/22 017 1,‘.1: titni+,7 TERMS CASH. 8. thiwsos, 11, anoffor Slatalord Minh, Prods ford, Ont., saye, CloosoCl 'Kidney -Liver Pills 00 grand medicine for the Kidneys and Liver. W. P. CARIMitt rig MrCaul St„ Tornnto, re- ntesenting Mootwool Slot. soya, Cluthes 101Is act like ,angle for (he Misr of land -erne, bilk,o .0 0513 asd eonssmation, 10 er creebece, or by roan on P"".1PI 1 C'ke,18 00MP,013011, 131108 & CO. .1 woven Or 00001110. Ottr tAwart 4.°.??,3 Peel -nes. P31.371....11 000'4W. 10 i13.8 %MO!' 110, 1•00*00414.400 To keep out the Flies and be' Comfortable you must have SC1111 Boor WilitIOW SUNS It Pays to Buy the Best that is made. O s Order your Doors from us and get the Best Screen Door on the market. lit .00005 [A. . St. hYP Sei ser 11111 • chit ter c tra age the of yea .1 the Mo ego tioi tre 9. ou ne 105 all Pal 000 row 113 A ve 1113 tot th 0101 [ bee 10 no Mn sus 9 115 of eta tof IFaT eee pal '3 $5 015 tha cov am 101 the wh Pe an, die Pa 4. 311 An dri At t fa pa a lee Ole be u 1 leo of lea to ab10 01 TX ron BI tISSE1IS. of Toronto. Establishect 1871. 17% bb The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itelf, UNCONDITIONAL, :* ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON.FORFEITABLE. Itileaves nothing further to be desied. Ikates nd[full infor- atin furnished on application. • Ce. 001 re: 5, 121 8110 no 01 spep 00 C, 0 P C0 .1 0 ICE211, A.gents Bussels. lsio ar ha 111 be Bc 11' 01 tie 00 o, ole ra fr 1:1 01 ri