HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-10-1, Page 5Mistri.ct 13elearawe. lame Snow.—The exhibition of Int week was a Human. filitbibite were numerous and of a bleb great). The day and crowd was MI tbat could be desired. The Epworth League hes tke ftnew lease of life and under the new set of °Mom le promising a vigorous oempitign for the Pall and Winter, The song service iu this Ohnrch Sunday evening was highly eitecestiful. Alm Oaten left for Toronto on Tees. cloy maiming to have an important operation performed upon an eye. Much sympathy is expressed by her numeione friende. ratettelbUrV. Wenoixe Bis.—The residuum of Frank alcOulla, near Leadbury, was she Beene of a very pretty wadding on Wed- nescloy afternoon of last week. The mare" mony took place on the verandah, in front of the house, which was beautifully decorated with evergreens and flowers, The bride stead under a beautiful floral bell. Tho bridal party took their plaoes while the wedding march was being play. ed by Miss Ferguson, of Walton. The bride, Miss Agnes MoOulla, was attired in a tasteful gown of cream cashmere, trimmed with lace and ribbon. The customary wreath and veil were grace- fully arranged on the head, the veil fall- ing to the bottom of the skirt. The bride was assisted by her sister, Mise Annie MciOulla, who wore a very pretty drees of pipit oaehmere ; both carried handsome baguets. The groom, Albert G. MoGavin, son of Win. MoGavin, Leadbuty, was eupported by his brother, Isaac MeGavin. The knot was securely tied by Rev. P. Musgrave, after whioh the whole perty enjoyed themselves 'at tables bountifully rodeo, with all the good things of the season. About one hundred guests grimed the ocoasion, and the num- ber of ',liaise= and useful prosente testified to the esteem in which the young people are held by their many friends. We wish them all happiness. taleinetortle. The anneal Fall Sbow of the Tooker - smith branch Agricultural Society was held at Seitforth on Friday of last week, the attendance being unusually large. Owing to the burning of the A.grioultura I '1 Hall about three weeks ego, the indoor et exhibition was held in the ourlingrink on a Main street. Roots and vegetables of all kinds were eadly defioient in size and quality, as was also the fruit exhibit. Grain of ;di kinds was superior in every respect to that of former years. The • ladies department with never better. Many new Bud attractive features ware in evidence, The hall was literally packed with spectators both morning and evening. The 88rd Battalion Band add- • ed pleasingly to the program. The live stook wail shown on the agriceltural grounds in the attention. The display of hones wee the best ever Aimee in Huron, both in nut/There and exoellenoe of breeding. Thirty-seven horses were shown in 0,., Glees alone. The cattle exhibit way from the herds of the well- ' known breeds of this section and could hardly be -entailed in point of perfeetion. The (ethics tor sheep were equal to form- er years, but there was a sad falling oft in the swine exhibit. The ebow ,of pout - try and pet stock was well up to the old line mark. The ring attractions were the captivating feature of the day's procuiedinge. The farmers' trot was won by Robe Wilson's "Annie Laurie" in splendid style. The relay race between Seaforth and Egmoodville sprinters was won by the former after an exciting non. test. The gate receipts are in advance of former years. • Lists W Cl. Work was begun on the granolithic walk on the North side of Inkerman street Base last week. Fred. Large, after taking a trip through Montreal and the Thousand Islands, spent a few days ab his bonne here. J. S. Gee has leased the vacant store adjoining his 01913, belonging to Jacob Largo, and will open out a stook of Dry Goods shortly, At the town Treasurer's sale of lands for unpaid tn,xes, held on Tuesday of lest week, between 25 and 80 lots were sold, realizing something over $500. Rev. Dr. Williams delivered hie lecture on "The Prentice Boys of Derry" to a large and enthusiastic audience on Tues. day of last week, in Mout Forest. Albert Bricker, who plays "back" for the Junior Football team, had dm mis- fortune to fall while practicing on the High School grounds and break his right term above the wrisb. The handing over of a oheqne for 02,• 000, the amount of beneficiary of the late Richard P. Pend, to the widow of the deceased brother, by the officers of Lis- towel lodge A. 0. U. W., took place re. cenbly and was accompanied by a letter of condolence. Some of the local butchers are com- plaining that the motion of the Oounoil bu drawing attention to the reports current in town that diseased mertb 15 being killed and sold to townspeople, is doing au in. juetioe to honest butchers who kill no. thing but healthy animate. ekerwootel. Elmo fair—Oat, 5th and Oth, Rohe Williams took it spin oh his bi- oyole to Michigan. He covered about 500 miles in the round trip. Geo. Bray, son of anoole Brae!, bait entered upon the study of law ne the officio of 1\ahal:80h & Davidson, Strat- ford. The Book Committee selooted $50 worth of new books for the Public Lib- rary. Tho GoVernmeut grant was re- ceived, amouuting to $95.80. Seoretary Morrisou is negotiating with a concert troupe to give an enteetainmen6 in the Hall on the second night of the Pall Pair, under the auspices of the Agrioulbural Soddy, Jae, Hammond mead' off let and and prizes at the Milverton Fair last week for light harness and 1st for heavy team harness. He also got one 1st and two seoottels for harness ab Listowel Pair. voeibable fountain of water wag stem* ab john Morrison's, Newry, by W. B. Freeborn, after drilling to a depth of 64 feet. It gushes; for% continually from a pipe six feet above the geound, Dr. Donglite left Thursday of last Week for latinthas FebIa, 'where he purposes practising his prothesion. MI% Douglas and children will not go Beet for a Week or eq, when filthy hope to get settled in thole new borne, 4 aseemearemeteeemaretareeteasereassermser. I. Prieeeton correspondent writhe ;..- "The popularity of Rov. Mr, Leo, who has for some yearn been the motor of Princeton church, was substantially shown on Wednesday evening, whoa the wardens met at the parsonage and pre - limited Mr, Leo and his wife with a beauti- fel clock as a token of the esteem in whioh they are held by the oongregetion. Mr. Lao and faintly are leaving for laidgetown, whore Mr. Lee will assume cheap of the lapiscopal elmroh. Hie parishioners in Princeton will regret hie removal." Mr, Lee was at one time rector of St. Albanat (1huroli, Atwood, and has many warm friends hero, leltlx 01. Ethel cheese factory sold its Anguet matte of cheese for fia ciente to Mr. Cook, of Ingersoll. It was (shipped last week. The onlemb from thie factory is already in exoese of 1898. IMealeet Wawa no she Barox CA011011.—The anniversary of the Epworth League will be bold text Sunday, Out. Brd and Ith. Sunday's program will be epeeist sermon to Rpworth Languers by the pastor, at 1080 a, me an address by W. FL Kerr, of Brueeele, at 7:00 p. m. A good pro. gram for Monday evening is also to he presented, &insisting of musical and literary nurnbere, together with &deltas. ses by Revs. W. W. Leeoh and 0. 0. Couzens. itatteele rook. J. 13. Stewart was at Toronto hut week. Jae. Bird is recovering from his ill- ness. A., Reymann is visiting in Logan this week. Ohas. Dames was visiting at Poole that week. A. 0. Dames has returned from Niag- ara Fella. Cameron Bros, eider mill is ready for operation. A wedding on the lapis. Oranbrook to the front. Bike lefoDongall has taken a situation iu Kinburn. D. Stewart left for Ohapleau on Tues- day of this week, J. Cameron, of Hensel', was visiting at Mrs. A. Ritchie's. Peter Backer Watil renewing friends at Henfryn this week, Geo. Sraaldon was on a bicycle tone to Mitchell last week. Adam Baeker ie putting a stone found- ation under hie residence. Simon Mitchell and sisters, of Atwood, Sundayed at J. J. Mitchell's. Mise Hattie Vincent, of Brussels was the guest of Mrs. A. McNair. A. number of our villagers intend tak- ing in the excursion to Detroit. V. Gramm is making preparations for veneering his residence this Fall. Wm. Recitiatz, of Delaware, is visiting unaor the roof. He looks well. Rev. B. la Cameron, of North East - Hope, was visiting his parents last week, Mr. Hagie and wife, of MoKillop, were visiting friends in this vicinity last week. The flax mill has completed this sea- son's threshing. Hands are busy tam- ing and lifting now. Wm. Raddatz, who has completed his trade of blaoksmithing at Delewate, bas returned, to take a situation in S. T. Plum's shop at Brussels. A. number of our young bachelors took possession of a house on the 16th eon, last week. They were well supplied with poultry and "Paddy's eye water." Ib meet have been old fowl as the boys re- ported it being tough. Gar Mrs. 0. Hutchinson was visiting at Goderioh. Mrs. 0 Harrison, of the 16th eon., is visiting friende in London. Mr. Sanders has returned from a holi- day trip to Woodstook end Imlay. Mrs. Watts, of Walkerton, is at present visiting her daughter, airs. Geo. Sperain, 16tb oon. Mrs. Win. Bateman and son were holidaying with relatives at Niagara Falls,N. Y,, oast week. Farmers have been kept very busy this Pall attending threshing bees. Owing to beavy mops it is a big job. Mr. and Mrs. Bothwell, of Goderiob township, are visiting this week with their son-in-law, Geo. Sperling. Chas. Harrison and wife, of North Bay, have returned home, after a short visit with relativeand friends on the 16th con. Alex. McDonald has erected an addi- tion to his residence on lob 7, 000., 3, whioh will add to the comfort and con. v enienoe of the family. Last Saturday afternoon John Mo - Naught and wife oelebrated their silver wedding. A select company of Mende were invited and passed a most enjoyable time. At the Bethel appointment last Sab- bath Rev. Mr, 'Walker, of the Detroit Conference, 17. S., preaohed in The morn - lag and Rev. Mr. Kellington, a former pastor, in the evening. Grey will be represented in full forte at the Liberal Demonstration ab Brussels on Thursday of next week. We want to hear what Ilesere. Hardy, Ross and Davie have to say for themselves. ODITIFARY.—We are 011110d upon to re- That's cord the death of one of Howialt's most respected °Mune, in the person of Jere- miah Belden, of the 0 oonoession, who SO, departed this life on Monday of last week. Deceased was born in the town. hip of Wellesley, County of Waterloo. He carried on a wagon and blacksmith stablishment in the village of Menton, ills, County of Wellington, fora number 1 years, until some 27 years ago, owing o dyspepsia, he any° up bleekemithing nd removed to /lowlier, where be pee. based a 200 acre farm and resided there veil his death. Ile was a inose Burmese- ctl farmer, a man always to be tolled pon, and very highly respected by all ho knew him, For the last 27 yeare a has lived an earnest Christian life ; an a member of, and in peat yeare a lass Leader in the Methodist ohueoh as gifted in remarkable and witty iin. aomMal speaking, and withal a modest 140. While in Wellington he WRI3for 10 (lees a justice of the Peaces. Go leaves shied him two daughters and six sons re. Ed. Snell, Godericila ; R. A. Belden, ooperetewn, Delsots, ; Walter Belden, ingluttz ; J. W. Belden, Brussels; Dr. took Jaeldon, Sertforth ; Leant Belden, lohoto' Man, ; Belden and A1180 toolt Belden, at henna Another (laugh, r, Mrs. Hy. Bennett, of Portland, Avon, died abut nine yettee ago. The 'amine Were laid in their leat earthly sting place in the Molesworth cemetery n Wednesday Of lard week. ••• `V • • •.• menneeseemee'ethenateimerteastetereliermareirealeterat_LelvetenxesevateeteeremeenermetswenetinesineetttereenetzaraosatzerattogamtaaamalaOlg"4 Norman 11111 was home Lanni Sottforth for e abort visit. Proeident Fargueon, of Beet Huron Agrioulbural Soolety, was IL viaiGor at the Teeewater Fall Vale on /friday of 1801 week. AN Orin AND WORTIIT Prisma Gose re Gte REIVAIID.—In the death of Andrew biibobsbl Molesworth and surrounding aountry hems one of its earliest pioneers and a roost respected oitizen. The de. ()eased SVD.E1 in the 88;b Year of his Ma and had of late enjoyed good Instal until be met with an accident about weeks ago, from the effects of which he WAS en- able to rally, He died on Tuesday, 21st Sept., and was burled on Thureday after- noon at the Molesworth cemetery. The tuners.' was largely attended by friends far and near, Mr. Mitchell WPM born at Old Oaranoek, Ayeehire, Soothe:id, on the 27th day of April, 1809. He 004130 to Oanada while a young, man, in 1832, and settled first in Grenville Comity, near Prescott, Ont. He MS there married to Miss Graham, who preedeoeased him 21 years ago. With his brother, John Mitchell, (John was the Bret deputy - Reeve of Grey Township) be came' back into Wellatie in 1852 and took up land on the !fret oonoeseion, whioa is now part of the villege of Molesworth. He WitEl retail; respeoted for his sterling Rod good quail. tiee, a man of few wade, but possessed of large and eympethetio !mart ;be wee also a ante of piece. It may lie truly said of him "Ile was at pease with all men," Mr. Mitehell was one of the firet Eldora of the Presbyterian °befell in Kolesworth, having been a member of &mien for about 36 years and ales a Superintendent of the Sunday sobool for upwards of 20 years. In both offices be served the Master faithfully and well and though he is dead yet be spealseth. Of hie six sons four survive—Andrew and James, of Balmoral, Bran. ; Peter, of Neepitwa, Man., and John, who lien on the homestead in Wallace. Hie three daughters are living—Mrs, John Scott anti Mrs. Begg, in Manitoba, and Mar. met, at home. Rev. Geo. Ballantyne conducted the service at the house and ab the cemetery and also preached the funeral sermon in the Presbyterian ohuroh oil the following Sabbath from the text, John 5, 28.29, which was listen. ed to with rapt attemion, T PORTANT EVE :I'S Oct. 1 & 5 & 6. October lot is the date of our 'stator Fall liffillinery, Illailtle & Dress Goods Opening', We extend a cordial invitation to yoa to be present and see what is to be the styles for this season, Specie,' display on evening of 29th inst. Store will be closed from 0 to 7 p. m. on this date to - complete display. E3LYTH FALL PAIR Will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct, 5 & 6, It is not necessary to say anything about it. Every penon is coming. While in Blyth at the Fair make this store your head- quarters. We will take care of your Wraps, Parcela, 5 41 KINK 25 p EVERYTHING AT HE VERY CLOSEST 'PRICES A 2403143.0 ••27==.¢..) Always the Lowest. Strictly one Price. They'i Here Just Loo Ready Now v f u h 0 vt, A th 0 re New. See Them. .el New Dress Goods. Early buyers get the first pick and the prettiest 1 things an the first to sell. 1 New Jackets. Through the range we have, the styles are the very latest for 1897 ; the prices are rock bottom. . I —...,.. —..,_ New llosiery aria Gloves. With what yon want in Hosiery and Gloves. 1 Many special lines to show 1 The Ladies' Underwear Stook Is now complete and you'll find the assortment larger and prices smaller than ever. Wo can save you money on your Ladies' Underwear purchases. 1 I .. . The Staple Department Is over -flowing with new Fall Goods, and we're 1 ready for a record-breaking trade. Our purchases Ibeing made at the very lowest notch in the market enables no to sell to you at advantageous prices. ,..........-......... t 1 I Carpets for Fall. • 0 New Colors — Lovely Tints — Low Prices. 1 NI Unions and Wools. J. Ferguson & Co. DRY GOODS 4323 GROOE1?,I.ES, The Ladies of Brussels and surrounding country are cordially invited to attend the Fall and Winter Millinery Opening on THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, SEPT. 30 & OCT. 1 & 2, At my store when I will exhibit the leading and most Fashionable Styles of the Season. I have re-engaged the services of MISS MARY SAMPLE, o New York, who was with me last year, and am in a better position than ever to suit the wishes of the public with City Millinery at Town Prices. Every lady will be welcomed at the Opening. 55 T.") „tato°ick 55 &male Block, (e) 13rus,sels. BRUSSELS cr) R. LEATHERDALE, PROPRIETOR. After a business experience in Brussels of 20 years I desire to return my hearty thanks to the Public for their liberal patronage and at the same time to state that I am in a better position than ever to sell good goods at low prices. Having two stores, one in, Brussels and the other in Seaforth, and consequently buying in large quantities enables me to purchase a great deal finer than I could in the past. You must not compare prices of 5 years ago, or even 1 year ago, with what they are to -day, and I assure the Public that it will well repay them to call and see goods and get figures, even if yoti don't buy. I cannot give a list of prices here as I carry such an endless variety of goods consisting of FURNITURE of all styles from the lowest priced to the best. owlitic Et The largest .stock of Pictures and Picture Framing goods ever shown in Brussels may be found at my Emporium and theyare sold at half the old price. In Organs I have been selling them at from $15 to 120 lower than other dealers, but I can now sell them cheaper than ver. Buy the best—the Goderich or the Bell—both of which I am gent for. .L niztlekaxtz I prefer to say but little about this department, as have been with you doing business for many years, and these who have called on me are best able to say whether I have given satis- action or not. I hold it Diploma for Embalming and make itpoint o personally and promptly attend to this branch of the business., VOL,trENG At this season of the year there are often Lounges, ofas, Chair, &e., r quiring attention. All work intrusted to:us ill be neatly ando eaply done. ltS-A specialty made of Ordered Work and Repairs. Again thanking ley many old customers for rasi.; favors and sol ting a continuance of the same, • I am, Yours Truly, R. Leatherdal Ah