HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-10-1, Page 2-._.--..-....__.�..•__.._.._�_mow..__.-,_.._.__._—�-•--•-----
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and acoustonmed to being obeyed x
l.J j� T p L A D Sl
thora n °u y -�aIf any poison in this wide world had
any influence over the stern, deter- 1
_.-...-..------•-••- mined judge, it was his daughter, MSL-
dred, the darling of his bearb and the r
Nd need for Tommy ,3 race
If the 'at' het because ldiehisn he
di d his mnnOt ata ripple of his eye.
ter had arrived; \i'iLls face told lad un' bo cannot sleep, an' I reckon he'll Just m few days before title time of
to he merely said, "It's thee, he'll dee 1 Eh, Sir John, couldn't yo whtch we are writing, she had rejoiced
Will" And Will nodded, Every morn- Lak' him, on again?-it'lL not be Eur so in the. possession of a twenty-first e
Jag, now, he accompanted his mate as 10119: \'4'e'rs owd folks both Oil titis birthday, and at the present moment t
far as be dared on his way to the field alt' mre've, allus wortebed tog
Eli, we'd be wi11ln' to tall' leas %+'cgs was ua playfully telling bar beloved lath- i
of his labor ; every, evening he trudged I'd be fain to g!' him tit' hauvo o mine t
Yo' wouldn'' let on to him, I were sr, in reply to same parental n, is- t
to meet him; at dinner -time he fie- tE SI _ an I run that she was going La Ue her owe. in a
ex-Atly appeared, merely it would ere to ax lifeeste F n1aY ng tress now, and that be need not expect I
seem to stare groomily at his friend '"ii+hat do you mean?" asked hi bar to accept his dictates any long -
and then to walk away, The letter was master, motioing to the bailiff to keep er. t
never mentioned now. stall. "Very well, Miss" rapped the judge, i
One evening, however, Old- Barnes "See Yo', Sir John," exlnla. 1
Voss by Tommyy earnestly. "I'm gettin ei3h- with a dignified smile; "You will also
suddenly, startled Tommy Loan alp l,,n a«week, un' so, war 'T'w'ill. please remember that, as you are now i
hammering on the table with his fist- NVOIJ, I,m wiliin' to tuk' nine mn' say of age you are, of course, amenable i
"We main ba' an, end o' this," he nom t about it, if yo'Il tak' him, on to the laws of the land, if not tomine, 1
'pried. "Yon letter's noun coom.a`. again, an' gfe lit- t'other 111110.
'-7lvunnot be, no such loss to ma -I'm I and If you commit any irregularities, I
I must do summat"keepin' him now--mn' it'll. 'earten UP Miss, I will certainly have you brought i
Tommy paused with his knits in the t:i' owd lad wonderful. Yo' can to before me in court, for your miseon- i
air. him as yo' eonnot gL' no mooxe to folks
"Why, what wud thea be for dole'?" its Is past their work same as Nye are, duet, so T sUall still U0 master; of the.
To needn't sayas I axed yo". Eh' situation" I
he asked mildly. that 'ad aHH Ile ll.' "No, indeed, you will not; for I will 1
"Sitba," went on tii'iLl, "I'm addlin' How old is Willi.. Barnes?" asked i
sleet t° be tried by a jury,! mud by ,
newt an' thou'rt keepin' me, This Sir John reflectively< da Eh, he that time we will doubtless have fa- i
isn't up the mate-th' toy an' all I've Seventy-five last Lady-, y mmle juries; and then wbot'e will. you I
gi'en thea no,vt towards It. I'm livinisn't mach., tin,' no atlltn'
n• yo' wouldn't
nadn't bo at th' be?"
o' thy charity-thot's wheer it is -an' toes of St ,, That, my dear, would be the worst i
I eonnot thooml th' thought on't." And he has worked here forty -live thing that could possibly happen you;
"Well;" cried Tommy, with a rather Years! Penley, if I had known. I for you may rest assured that a ,fury
shouldn't have allowed you to send tam of we.=n would hang every woman
forced Iough, "thou'rt nobbut a nobby atva who hmpponed to be younger and prat- '
—a reguilar nobby ss ever I sea, I'm • you see, Sir John, you must dram' tler than themselves," retorted the i
bahn to draw the mmge fa t enougb the line somewhere. We made this judge, as he hastily left the room, de -
when thou's worteh.n, again. My rule -which is fair enough---" terminad that h!s should be the lust
1Ve11 I must make another -Ali met ward.
word, I am I I'll mak' out Bich a 1 who have worked on the estate for A merry laugh was all that reach -
as lull oppen thy e'en for thee. Ho, be I more than forty-five years are to con ad his ser as the door closed behind
tho'cit see." tinue towork theretla they dieorars him, and she Bald to herself.
But Will did not relax, pensioned off. Please to re -e age There Lt is again; he closes =y lips
"It's time for me to 1% lookin' out, for Rrililam Barnes without loss of time, ,,"There
so grateful a compliment that
wages, eighteen "billings a«week as 1 must bear In silence the slander on
summat,•' h esaid, •'an' I'm gettin' owd 1lefore. I think we needn't draw upon in sex."
thou knows -war lull beard to find.." Vase's exchequer either." WLLh mn air of expectancy, ale
"Thau'rt a year younger nor ma," I'm to get my eighteen shillin' It hummed a 1LLLle tune, as she glanced
cried Voss, hardly able to believe his from the wind.uw; and c pretty picture
growled Tommy, and then there was ears, "an' Will's to be took on, Eh, she formed as she stood there, dressed
silence. mp lucid! Elt, Sir Job n1 Eh, th' poor in a neat, light walking dines. Pretty,
Next day Win did not come to meet owdslaad pad Sir of fa's hand with a indeed, it seemed to the young man
his, mate as usual, and Tommy, nd , d ' it who was now walking across the lawn
y homeward, found bs%vildered expression, j toward the house, and who, as he dad
anxious! hastening vehemently up and dio%vn, and burst so, caught it glilupss of the fair, girl -
him sitting on a heap of stones aLout into tears. ish figure in the window, planing a
You had batter go and tell him,"
half a mile from his cottage looking said Sir John • than, as the old fellow delicate bouquet beneath her throat. A
,vary white and strange. smile from each announced the mutual
retired with an inarticulate attempt at recognition, and she stepped quickly to
"I've 'ad obit at a turn, I doubt" thanks, he added sternly. 'Don't do the hall door to mnswer his ring.
he said, "an' I couldn't get no forrader. this kind of thing in future, Penley, "You see," she said, 'with a smile,
s isnlloEashake an' my lead's n,Lthoud consulting me." "I havo honored you by opening .the
legs g Tommy trotted off, still sobbing, mud, door for you myself, Instead of allow-
' fymny." when heremohed home, rushed breath- L,ng you to 'trouble the servant," and
Tommy helped him home and got lessly sup to Will's bedside, rousing him she extended her band.
him to lied; after which he m,armed from an uneasy doze. Never are young people seen Lo Uet-
I eonnot find my pikeli" muittared ter advantage than under the Present
him a glass of beer. Will, and then rubbing his eyes, b0 circumstances. in ,which they were
I haven't faun' no work, Tommy,' said feebly,
said Will, between the sips. ' Is't thea mate? C wur dreamin', seen, as they stood fora moment look -
Never fret thysel' fur that, Thou'll I U'lieve-dr minin' of owd ties as'u11 Lng into each other's faces.
find work i' Plenty, buil thou mull got again. 'pommy, I've bin 1VILldred Durant was a very attrac-
sarong au' lenity, flirt" never coon a tive young %roman, of medium height,
thinkin'-theer's my Seythar's watch $
Nay," said Will. "I misdoubt ma I allup thought to leave it to thee- with a tithe, graceful figure, and a
as wark lull be like you letter, lad- trek it'll have to goo toward my berrin'. queenly bearing; dark hair and dark
it'll noan coon. I'd happen better dee, Lon a bit eyes: relieved by the clear, fresh com-
Tommy' Eh, owd tad; we sh'd ha' putt'
"Get that Dear into thee. an, dunnot by fur a rainy day if we'd Over ha' t exton of a babe, with the tint' of
thought o'sich bad times aconin'. An` the wild rasa just warming her,
set molderm, theer"' cried Vose cheeks.
ro hly; sup it up "-a a mon, inn' theer's my Suude.y suit quite good, That tint, which is the fairest bloom
thou. knom� thou met happen raise a
feta ha' no Moore o' this: few shillin' on it" he earth to the eyes in a man when
"When I were sat o' th, roadside Tommy, whose old chest was still w sees It, at the bidding of hisgi.anca,
-yonder," pursued WLLI, without notic- convudsi�el heavtag, suddenly ceased warm the cheek of the woman he loves.
ing him, "I began o' thinkin' as I wax Bobbin and began to chuckle No other stgbt this side of Heaven
welly, glad our missile was gone. M. hysterical) holds so much of beauty and loveliness
I'd ha" bin ashamed to Look her i' th' llo ho,ylad t Na ire's not burY as that. And so thought crank Mark -
face, mn' know I was addlin' nowt an' y+
thea yet. Theer's nags, mon, gradaly well as be gently preened the hen as -
y7 was keepin' me." noes!' bended to welcome him.
Th' omvd lass 'ud never ha' grudged .�„ cried Will, sitting up, "thou Ire was tall, broad -shouldered, and
thy bit o' mate no Moore nor I grudge never says I Letter's coon i•' muscular, an cithlete in every a!a pear -
it ' said Tommy, still gruffly. Nay, theer hasn't coon no letter, ante, with light brown bair, dark blue
"Eh, I wish th' Lord 'ud talk' me i" bit I've seed Sir John hissel'. Thou'rt eyes, deep and earnest, a clear com-
groanedeonnot but say it, took on age"]
, mon I Took on I Took plexion, and strong , features, with a
Eh,.I dei Theer--thou can finish th'
•beer, Lad. I dunnot seem to want it: ' an at eighteen shillin' m %week, same as rather ustap e. chin, only
e a
Tommy carried off the mug without when thou was a young chap. An' light mustache. Sr was only twenty -
a Word, iv1 ed his; eyes with the beak thou'rt to goo on wortcbrn' till thou two, though In aPPearanes at least
PP does. Theer now l" twenty-five. Altogether, m boy more
of his hand, mime sipped a little. Then " Theer now t" repeated Will raptur- manly than handsome.
he heaved a deep sigh, and drank it oust his eyes almost stmrti.tg 'l out of ese two bad been playmates in
ail, with the most dolorous air in the his bead, a broad smile wreatlltag his
world. tis Flh, Tommy -T can scarce be- their childhood, and had serif most of
Hie lay awake a long time that night, p their school days together in ,the old
and the earl summer dawn found him !leve IL where they used to live. There J.
y "What dcesto say td that, eh? cried. E„ Durant was then it thriving law-
bq his comrade's bed, m Tommy. "Coom, tbou'lt noan be fur yer, before he became judge some five
`I'm thinkin';' said Will, turning deem', wilto? Thou'lt happen mak' a ears ago, and moved to his present
aulil eye upon m=
bleb, "as I wunnat'urrY shift to het sum=ac now, Wilto have y
up this mornin'. I feel wake Boom- a, bit o' bacon to thy dinner?" residence in the city.
way, an' my legs is wummicky. T '!feet, mon, Nye's have a gradely do"' 1 rank A4a, pros's father, it the same
reckon I'll rest a bit' time, was i that
own, builder, and
Ah, do," said Tommy,, with an shouted ti'lle rubbing his hands. hot, contractor in that town, and w ysthe
attempted jauntiness, bili d by his I welly b'lieve I could heyt th' whole young PasPle had grown up always the
anxious tate. Theer isn't noneed for flitch I" greatest friends. Perhaps they might
thea to get ur�p----theer's nowt for thea thT3e atb gongal�anpemgnoettlofun nt)hins not yet have realized that blare %vu
to do. Lay still an Bao if th' time 'iii clothes. another kind of regard besides friend•
goo a bit quicker fur thee:' "N*ow, Tommy, mak' haste, owd lad ship, had th not been almost entire.
Will did not answer; his face looked iVhoer's tbot bacon? Coma, hurry upl ly Which time nearly four Sears, our
very olid and drawn in the morning We's get a half dap in Set if we're Lug which time the Duaants had Uaer
light, and Tommy's heart, amak within slippy. In the city, -where Mildred was study
him ag he fait, how cold and inert lay (The End.) Ing mrt and musk; and Frank, part a
his hands. the time at home, part in; a hundre<
Will lull be restin' for good soon if other places, Preparing himself for
summat isn't done," he sold to him- -- civil a Inset
::L as he disconsolately left the room. Scarcely t%vo years ago his fatherbmc
All that morning hel went about his TiATii d�1iT��' �Tnj TWO sold out his property and business it
work as though in a dream, but L F9 i9 tJli It n their town, and he, also, had moved L,
towards noon a sudden Use, struck AND FIVF. the oLty, to look after the property 1h
him which filled him with tremulous had from time to tins bn'veiabed Ia
hope. Immediately mating upon it, he there.
burst Into Mr. PerAlay's office with a Almost before they Were settled ii
haste and temerity which astonished It was it pleasant afternoon In May their new 'home Frank hunted up hi
that gentleman. old schoolmate and Chum, whom he ba
,,Now than, "Voss, what do you mean when a cisrLain young man was seen far from forgotten. and with whom h
by coming here like this? Don't ou walking along one of the busy streets, bad kept up a sort of an' occasions
ace I'm Way? BxCuse him, Sir John, in the picturesque City of Toronto corresvondenee. When they me
he knows no better t" Turning north on that particular agmin it was with strange, mingled feel
"Sir John!" cried Tommy breath
lessly. Fan, is yon Sir John? I didn't street, -the lower and of which is gen- urs and embarrassment. Sometbin
see theer war soombry 'ere --MY eyes erally called "Jurvis St„” by the busy accrued 1Cst, and yet much more gain
!s ttfn' so bad. Ili, Sir John, it I throng that crowd Lt, -he walked lei- ed.
might mak' so bow& as to arty a word
to roll" surely along up past where it becomes Each seemed to feet that the othe
known as "Jarvis St, " and finally bad improved so vastly that each fel
"Certainly You may. Let the oar
fellow speak, Penley," said Sir John,
paused in front of a gateway open -
coming forward. Hie was a tall
middle -aged man, with a rhoagbtful
Ing into a beautiful lawn, whichi our -
rounded a lovely, but modest, villa,
face, the expression of which would
have reassured Tommy if he had not
situated in the section wbars mosb,of
been. too blind to Bee it.
"It's about my mate," said Tommy,
the residents call it "Jahvts St."
Those familiar with the locality Will
"Will'um Barnes. Master Penley'a
not be surprised to know that the real -
turned him off because he isn't yo'r
But he's as good as a
dance spoken of was owned and ocou-
tenant. ,
tenant, Sir John. His is, trewly, lie's
pied by no less a person than: Mr.
tiVa.t a bit," Interrupted Sir John;
Justice Durant; and, knowing this,
"I'think I know something of him,
they will not need to be told thmt lie
Wou wrote to mo about ha,
yaw? You said he had bean working
five hundrad an
was a man of means and social stand•
Ing. 13r a man of matures ags
on the property for
forty years, .I remember."
with a military, manly bearing. IIS<
Five-and-torty, corrected Tommy,
with entire seriousness: 'it war
thin locks were plentifully streakei
ovrJimmy as wrote th, tatter, an, Will
with the, silver of life's afternoon; hh
putt bis mark to't•. Neither him nor me
face was clean shaven, save 'for a
Even it his earnesbnass he dirt not
lmcic this
P rominent gray mustache. His eye:
were dark, ken and piercing; the whole
forget to Imply that their of
aocompll.shment was entirely volun-
countenance, dignified and. stern,wol
tars. „ t Jehn, also
s Jimmydwr to the tetter.
becoming a man of his position. Ili
wag the very soul of honesty. and' jus
I didn't quite understand; at the time..
tics, stern and exacting in such! mat
I think year .acid, too, that William
tors, though still possessed of a warn
,'Barnes was 11,11 honest, ,man but he
hadn't a conaei£nce- -
heart unit kindly disposition; and per
"Nay nay I" Interrupted Voss, "nnwL
limps Ills capacityacity of judge, which 11
o` th' �111e1, Wr,1 said that bissel'-
had filled for soma years, wall tin
meantn" somebry else."
satil lair John: Its n, 1lhtls
faithfully, gavo more cause for his all"oh,"
m licated, fault'It? Where is Wil-
Parentmuatertty, than nny natural it
�rrt Barnes now?"
clination. Still, one need only be I
firm's m -bed I cried ToMMY1 the car-
ners of his mouth goinq down like
those. of m frightened ahilrl ) s,a fair
his home a few moments to note tha
he was the head of that house and faro
,......... w
3 E L S POST, ()CT, It. 11897
estled a ltttisTolasae in his graspr thea seat- It tuns. than, not vory dllfii• ims• off bho• eicperlisuced would. teach;•
quit, by be ri ca>L'tious, to quiotly+nann- c!lvouIfd bo kopt at a certaan distance.
s alto answered simply: g
"Yea, hraYuk " for up bohind the bush a+hexa they were. Let dela eylOung lady L•s most he"
im pe", GLIng blue. partner
to iru onto
He turned his head, and bis lips sitting; andsait himself within, bho ,"q�mbutaPae;, elle will. not then
ruched her forehand; catty, tandar- of their conversation, where, to fine to heriwlf In emixuara"'ag re -
r, more like m brnedietion than a car- chance
dtngysomoale Eoisd to that !lle lnalixrn� vital men wJto have no other oU
ens, as be repeated Gook from his pocket. joat•iss view (!hien that of pleasantly
T doi Mildred" sat filo time. AI ggnerous aBnti
Only for a moment she glanced do And now, more. perplexed oven than, lis ng
I,% face again, her whole soul shining when he had esmo out lore.. he has- Ment ,any, tOilhdPnrh _lwi+ lu dram and the
a heir eyes, thein, in maiden mod- WY left the Park an whurried bas rto- tdung sa xperiimenta ba,
tbthe same
sty, turned away as she faltered: town, As the
"You are very slily, Frank to think turning, stopped to let off a passangon' tiniis, bonvrlre of over-fastidlotusn to and
but; but T am so }raPny now that -I- at a busy street corner; bo noticed n, sUspiolon. A. correct card siruple girl
pdartand=for you elacMed so - Be- gentleman friend of his onthaussd- the freedom good oltheintberlsax oe to r the tU
able -SO grand -so far, far above me, Lug, and as some now idea seamed of bar if
hat -i think 1 -have, fall a little denly to enter his mind bo, too, stL�e syt�oowrtecpusivnot forward, and snot
fraixl of -you laL•elyq,, for fear-- you- Ped from the ear, and crossing
light think my frisndsiiLp a burden street, accosted his friend with afam- dgus sg a is ellung woman affronts
o YO and O, Frank! T could not t1Uir,ib
ear to think that," aad her voice had " RD] 104, Nathan, (which Way aro you oamopoa� mild it( 11 thntt'ohappy me -
ho leaat faint suggestion of a sob going?"
a it that touched the deepest love of I Nathan Bronnell the man thus ad- dFWm. wRuah' will prevent the young
dressed, turned and spoke, Pilgrim from loving wihore no estoom
Is heart and soul.
ob, Mildred, how can you say such Nowhere in particular,; business can ,after„
thong as that, when it almost makes dell to -day and 1 )cave just been tall- Ln• entering is drawing room) tiro lady
dJ the honise is the firab object of ab
aa lose heart to think holy I must Ing advantage of a few spare minutes temtuon, TEE olabOamte courtesy of the
abor and struggle to inn rove bo be to make a call up street here'
p Be was a short, stout, fussy, little womwn• of fashion of a former genera-
rorthy even one halt your regard, or man with a peculiar quick, short step. �i is now m lost art, bait there is a
C, approach to anything like a fit Ile was dressed in a staring plaid suit good deal to, be learned in, the way of a
ompanion for you. Dont smile so; it of light tweed, which was as unbecom- graceful inclination of taus body mud
the truth! Inn-= jag to hint as anything he could have appropriate? carriage of, the arras aad
But bar hand, gently placed on his found. A straggy, red mustaohe hung bead, especially on an introduction to
1ps, checked the rest:, and they walk- from his lip,lookingas if it were al- any lady your superior in age or dis-
,d on in silence, wall content, hapPY ways wet, d ashmod of itself, and .notion. Do nob attempt to recognize
n the realizat!on of the grandest grin- also of the little turned -up nose above ail you may kurnv, Itis Vatter, unless
of true and noble love, the Peeling it. His face %vas well freckled, with lit baa vea'p snnaTl party, to seat yaur-
n each heart that the other was the small, bead-like, greenish -grey, eyes, seLe, and then, locknngg rotand, to reco-
mister mind, the nobler heart and as hs raised his hat be disclose l gninie %vi tpi a 1po%v, wJtbout rising, those
That was all that had been said. AL a shining desert on top of his head, wham Yom lanow shightly. Should a
)resent Lt was enough. They were young with a dado of scragggly, limit -curly, rus- lady cross the room to s paalr to you be-
st, and each bind much to think of for ty-red hair Lc a eirala beneath the gl!L- fora dinner, rise and stand while she
,omotimo tecome, Andso the under- tering dome. Ile had that Peculiar way stands; bull' it' shin bids you sit domm
itaminug, half unspoken and born of of nearly always smLILng without ex- do so, as rho will feel mora ether ease
1e, sweet communion of two loving hibiting any real mirth or gSeasure,. Should a gentleman come to s oak to
;outs, settled 1pebat•een them, and fill- They walked a short distance easur You, custom autbox mes you. to keep
lid their heax(,a. To others flay m - or, and than parted with Yui' seat, even were he a duke and
I the saws old friends as of of - " Bs sure, then, nine -thirty to -mor- you a milkmaid. Indus time ycu will
u days; but in each of their hearts rp%v night." from TrnsLon. go down to dinner, and billion You,must
iwolt a trust and hapPGmess before un- g (To be Continued.) Ua giidod in your+ convsusation by the
cnown to either• people around you. Never talk of
An thus Nye find thorn as they at youasalf, or your dog, or your hors,
It t door on this warm spring after- or quota "papa," or enter into family
noon. Ilappy %rare the hours they had J�g T10Y� i +®� Tj�s histories; keep Yom mind up, or down,
spent together many a time since that YOUNG �I d LK as the case may Le; to the level of those
Sunday evening, but to -day just a lit __.__�— about you. But do not be discourag-
tle olottrd had blown into their sky. FIVE LI'T'TLE CHICgENS, ad it you find that you have nothing
Frank had a chance to join a gov- to say. Conversation is the growth of
aramentaurvey party that was going Said the, first Iittle chicken, ease; and be consoled wiith the reflec-
to the Ro^ky Mountains ror the entire With a queer little squirm, Lion that the little arts of lively gossip
summer and perhaps longer, and he had "Oh. I wirb I could find are only aequnred with practice' and
almost deolded to go for the sake of the A fat little worm I" are but the small change of society,
practical experienoa be would gain, but .4, bly useful, but of small intrinsic
had deferrefld his answer until he could Said tho next little chicken, valgus. Attain the requisites of pleas-
hnve, a chance to talk with his adviser, With an odd little shrug, Ing and attracting the cultivated and
as he playfully called Mildred, about it, "Oh, I wish I could find refbned, and you will never be hopeleiss-
I know many of you older and more A fat little burg I" Iy compelled to share the communion of
sensible of my readers will laugh at tive unlettered and the weak. You
his folly, but stop for a moment and Said the third little chicken, will find your, own level, whatever that
think. Was there not a time in your life With a sharp little squeal, maybe.
in the early morn of your manhood, "Oh, I wish I could find Te ball room is a place replete
or your womadhood; when you earnest- Some nits yellow meal l" with many allurements for the young
ly believed and felt there was no one and it in thong -a of things that
else quilts so Competent to advise as Said this fourth little chicken,. youth should dance, even as that ma-
ths one you loved! If this be not so, \Voir a little sigh cP grief, turity should pay the piper. But
reab assured you have missed one of the "Oh, I wish I Could fbnd there is ,nothing wrong in dancing • it
greatest joys of life, Happy, indeed, A green little leaf t" is just rho expression oC the oy of life
is tho one who has ever lived firm in in action, bu't iP ever gayety degen-
that first conviction of the almost in- Said the fifth little chicken'. crates into a love of dissipation, then
fallibility of the one most loved. And With m faint little moan, certainly it may become harmful, And
bat py wore these two in that they had "Oh, I wish I could find with regard to waltzing, if there is a
noyet discovered that each was only A wee gravel stone I" serious abjection to % on the Part of
mortal. "Now, see here," Bald the mother, those whose openton you value, that ob-
They took a car to the park, and there From the green garden Parch' jeetion should be respected, even at the
as they strolled through the !walks or From
you want any breakfast Cost of some sacrifice of present enjoy -
sat in the warm spr.ng sunshine, they You just come and acratoh" ment. There can be no trun satisfac-
discussed the project together. They tion in amusements at any kind unless
finally decided that it would be bast they can be enjoyed with an easy mind
that Frank should go and a conscience void of offense.
But I shall miss you so much," said ,&DVICFa l0 YOUNG LADIES,
Frank, as they concluded, and there
It s lout tea striking a fact Mat n `
was a world of depth and meaning in
the simple little "so." kliowiedge of the world, as fax as at!- INSANE AND INEBRIATES,
Not so much as I shalt you, for you quette. is concerned, is most commonly , ' r�
will have more excitement to occupy aoquia ed is a very 7tiamilLating Way, raey Are noi11 Uusreasiug hi 1,ondon
your mind; but thn, I shall not mind 7praef:onnesx Lu+reastrig Li All raassc.
Lt so !pally when I know, it is all for and at the oxpenso of much injury to fit the aitr-Samee SUiruufr; Srzittstfca.
your best" real delicacy of character, The vola- The report of the Asylums Commit
All for our best, don't you mean, rues of fashion must. of course, to a car -
Mildred?" tee of the London County Couue!
She turned to him with a saucy look Iain degree, pay tile usual penalty of shows there has been an alarming in
.n her beautiful eyes, fora moment ; ignorance, but still, tive more they can crease in lunacy during the last .in
then with a contented litho sigh she benefit by the experience of older and
murmured: years, and especially in London. Whit
"Yes, Frank, all for 'our' best, then." iviser heads, the more free from annoy time population of London is I4.50 of th
He gently drew her hand within his ani.ie %will be. threir Bath. Inhabitants of Eugland., London's pr
arm in the fond old way, as they rose ,Atteuties+to the folloaving hints to portion of insane. Persons is 10.87. D
from the beach where they bad been young tactics on their entrance into so-
sitting, on the sunny side of some c. ;tY will spare Memr from encounter- Cloys Shaw, an expert on the subjec
shrubbery, preparatory to returning sayst-"'Thi,re is no doubt, that
home. Ing 'many mortificatiens in the high regards the future of lunacy, Nye a
As they walked slowly down the path, road of fashtou ; a course %Where, Nye
her band resting -lightly on his arm, a regret to add, they rrmst always expect doing all in our power not to stamp
pair of flares, Crafty, ferret -like black bo meet more of i11 naLuaed criticism ouL•, but to increase it" This is large
eyes watched them from the shadows, ly due to the want of asylum accomm
behind the shrubbery where they had dein of Christian charity. dation, the eew n t of cured being m
been sitting. ,A. young lady begins liar career of
Curse him for an Impudent young charged before they are really cure
rascal," muttered the owner of the eyes womanhood withouit the ohmum of arty and thus adding further chances f
between his set teeth. "Here I lava allowance for her mistakes and m's -
been for months arranging things, and deeds, and this same nicOtY Of criti- ane inspector of inebriates in a r
making =yaelf agreeable to trying to Ciam is applied to tilts sox throughout p
court favor of the old eagle., and this life- Hary carefully, then, ought every port just lssua,d, contends that t
devilish young hawk all the time hov- number of habitual drunkards in En
eying around to steal. the young action, every expression, every tlwught, lish socioby is greatly under-estlmate
dove." to be %vatchedI IhV conversation, Per -
His malign countenance swelled with haps she is mostl likely to blunder it and adds:-"Immoddxate drinkin
wrath. It was a face at this moment is Wiser and safer in general to Ob- though frightfully comidba among �t
not fair to look upon. It was dark,
cunn.ng, cruet and grasping; the face serve the good old-fashioned rate of Industrial classes, Ss still mora Pr
of a man who ever placed self In the being addressed first; but than the valent among the upper ten." It is al
I possessive case if possible to do so, iia young debutante must receive Lite ad- Certain that amongwomau of all ala
this matter of thisworld's goods, A man as drunkenness is increasing rapt
dress readily meeting ithalf way, re- Out of 442 cases at the Dalrymple ho
With but one prevailing arntlmont and
that one a sent'ment for power and paying it by enlarging a little upon 101 were university men, 310 werew
money the topic thus selected, and not by educated, 235 were Married, and t
TVs "mine and importance of every- slinking into a dull eilonce t11is moment others were widowers or bachelors.
I thing in the conception of man was com- 228 cases sociability amused the dote
i pared wS.th but one standard of sup after a reply is gbvem'. It is in gen- fall, 111 -health caused the downfall
reme perfection, and thab standard was arai e, wise rule, and ons which will 38 cases, and overwork caused
lthe dollar. tend much to insure comfort through downfall of 32 emses, Ili 55 per cent.
ED was a .man of middle age, thin, an- tire, to avoid disclosures to otbnrs of ' the cases the excess was traceable
t gular, stoop•shouldered, book nosed.and predisposing herediL•ary indications.
slightly bow-legged and he walked with famGy affairs. On t0ua same principle, -.
a gliding cat -like tread. lab the concerns of others be Leached
Thus knowing the man you will not Upon with delicacy, or, if Possible, be A $Ili TUNNEL.
be surprised to learn that it was just passed over in silence; more especially —
ono thing in connection with the air- those dstaile which relate to pecuniary i,onaon liueterground tttaftway and
cumstanoes regarding Mildred Durant
and Frank Markwell. just at Present, matters'' faults of temperament, or immense Ti•asle.
that caused Joel Frasbon to give vent family differences, To be able to 1!s- The omnibus ind Cabs are the oh
embarrassed and ill at ease ae fns,, to the expressions just rnentioned; and tou. ,ren, strango as it may —it, "
though still seeming more interesting that ono thing was not on absorbing ens tba chief secrets of the art
and mttraotive to each other than be- love for Mildred, but as absorbingg love
fore. However, it did not require a for the gold and position of Mildred's conversing; to do We, without L
great while for them to analyze 'his papa, to rho closer connection with patience, contradiction, or too eager
new sensation and discover its n• 'n- Which he considered Mildred the only wish for giving advice, is a gift n
Ing. No doubt that meaning you have means of mccass, easily acquired.
already guessed-Lhat it was the bud- ,as -,vas confidential clerk in a down-
dlug friendship, of happy childhood, town wholesale esLabLiahmant, and of A dearth of words a woman need n
bursUng into the full bloom of true and Course was prosperous in the goods of tear,
noble love, which will one day ripen this world, as those, of his elk usually Bait ,Lis a task Indeed to learn to hen
Into the grandest sentiment of man- are, Ile had arrived at the Point in bis In that the art o: conversation lie
kind. life where he„eonsldered his standing That sbowa or Maces you both poli
They were walking home tram church would doubtless be improved by the, and wiser
together one beautiful Sunday even- possession of an attractive home and
ing, in the whispering shads of UnS- %vire; and as he considered the wifs The choice of acquaintance is Duct
vets street. Floth seemed silent and tiro only undesixul>le Part of the. pro- er mast important stop Sm l'to. Whe
abashed, until Frank broke the spell graromo, he naturally determined that there is tittle decorum their is ]itt
by"whispering lmv: when ha incl, it should l)e to some one real delicacy. 'Never make, a fit
What is the trouble, Miily? You who had othor advantagges onougb, ei.th- y'
don't seem the same as you, used to be ar natural or 'mequirod to offset the marriod'or single, your friend. Rum
wLLh me; is, it because You are disaP- x'e<iL drmwbacl of the necessity of her well seldomm ventture, to assall a Pr
pointed in lne since you came- tc 'know being a m•oman, Mildred suited his Pan- dent women. If You have the ba.P .
me age n oy its wet i as any of them, her prospects
Sh0 glanced quickly up in hia face, an to his parsimony and liar position nese of being guilded by a Mather, i
and a look, almost oa pai.n, mingled and ace.omplishmonts suited his ambi- member she is Youle besb.trtond on sn
with a faint amilo, as able answered: tion. Ills at.arved soul, though having pobnts; but do not forget In your an -
"Oh, la'rank, anything but that l” and nothing to give, wanted everything in sty to do well, that you aro not to to
her soft voice was low mud amr- return, Wlny should be not be high-
aagt, ly incensed wii+sn he saw
that he had ilia, reins aL government In youx a
' "What is. it,. then?" so formidable a rival as be hail ,just bands, nor. preswmlug on her malar
"I eon hardly tell you"' discovered Frank JIlarrkwoll to be? love,
to ovurruto filer better judgme
, They walked on m few stopa in $f- no had. been enjoying a quiet half. to lend Persuade he1rto ecen loan rather ilii
lone, than Frank gently drew her hour alone. With a atgmr, for the gum+ P ,
I hand within his arm, where be held pose of considering wall sone new bus!- ad at 111 title, Iselaatuan of mato acquai
S,b masa and murmured low ; uses sellemo the firnm hail in view, when duces. The Class pP men usually m.
"Is it bWanso i think you are the he happened to noOm the young Lou ntLractitT to i yaulmg ,lady, on
sweel:ast little woman in the world, Vis steolling along one of thio walks, fFxst i•nLrodurtitrim to sactaty, is gen
I Mildred?" and, ahrsfully avoiding lx;ing seen by ally Lluit al. lively, irresponsible ole
I zL s1l.ghb tremor shook rho arm that thein , Karl managed to keep sight of !tell ]xtFal i11 a nn111uLallt, vho,l ilio m
lasted wLthin hiis, and the genLle hand Lhem .sufficiently to tracC Lhem to cis g
s -
e -
g -
e -
is %means of transportation to be observed
of in London, but the most important fac-
tor in the intramural, traffic Is the
a underground xailway, With lines run-
t ping through tunnels under thebuild-
of ings and streets of the city, radiating
from its important suburbs, The im-
manso traffic which flows through the
s, conveniently located stations below,
to the street level is for the most Part
concealed from view. Tile rigures tell.
h- the story, however, for the number
xe of passengers %carried in a Year
Is amounts to a little loss than 100,000,-
t, 000, and their fares average less than
or 5 Cents such, To enter Ono of the
a- dimly lighted underground stations,
,a- and then be whirled along in the dark-
, ened subwaya, through a continuous
ch Cloud of awoke is an axpar)euoe wbioh
ke requires frequent ropat.tiou before
wn one's patience and forbearance, not
net to say, ,)by condition, are able, to
lit., submit to the ordeal With grace,
an In Amal'roa, outside of St. L0nls,
tt- thera are tow railroad tunnels wbloh
lit- in Proportion to Length,, can bo held
est reapousiblo for so much ill humor a,nd
lar Physical diticomfor.t. Still, the under
or- gground linos of London have much of
as- faeiliLy, and inn economic Importance
nal suff.iclout whtliail, to 'offset their dia-
. advantages, , . . . I 1