HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-9-24, Page 8REFRACTOMETER. The above cut represents a 1iefraotometer which we use along with our Trial aaaa con- taining over 120 different strengths and kinds of Lenses for testing the eyes and to• allforms or supplying fei ere required glassesef of defective tight, I2 your aey way call and Or your \Vs s is test any way call and see M. Vie will test your eyes free.. (A, .A • Deadillian, Druggist, Optician cC Boekseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 50 10CRN nxensen a W. e. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, Nofth and' South, as follows : GODrs6ouTU. GOING NORTH. express...... 7:10 man, I Mall 2•0s pan gazed 9:45 a.m. (Express 10:01 pa.,I focal airs tains. A ebiel's amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Feezr, Do you take TEE POST ? TOMATOES are a heavy crop. COME to Brussels Fell Pair. ADVERTISE your strayed stook. Terse cattle are a good price. LEAVES are changing their bus. Tam cider business will be flat this year. FOURTH Division Court will be held on Thursday, Oct. 7111. A eve wire fence will be put up at the Methodist Parsonage this Fall. TEE new Electric Light is to be run- ning Thursday evening of neat week. Wmsns was the Band the Inst two Fri. day evenings is the question often asked? J. & P. AuENT shipped another car of sugar barrel beading daring the past week, COMPARE TEE POST with other County papers for quantity and quality of read: ing matter. IF you think THE POST a good news - taper, tell your neighbor about it. A good word often helps ns. ONE day last week 67 baskets of peaoh• es and grapes were received at Brussels from the Niagara District. LARGE quantities of ashes have been whipped during the past week from the .Enterprise Salt Works to the Eaeteru dtatee. GOMER GREEN got 3rd prize for his dandy roadster team at the Western Fair, London, lest week. We doubt if were was a neater span on the grounds. No less than three fainting spells were vn the ptov,ram of the Methodist church iastSabbath. Two of the oases were at f8abbatllschool aud the third as the even• ing service was closing. OSE who is interested says the boys of Brussels South did not fence in anybody's .:ow as the animal found her way in with others along the river. In taking out their rows they left the other where she was. COURT PRINCESS ALEXANDRA,0. 0. F., has received an invitation from their brethren at Atwood to attend their anni• eereary service on Sabbath afternoon next. Rev, W. H. Harvey, B. A., of Clifford, will preaoh. ARTHUR AICNAUOETON was helping John Lott haul coal the other day. He was standing up in the wagon when the horse started unexpectedly and Arthur fell with it good deal of force upon the ground. 'L`heback of his head received quite a braise but he will soon be all right again. Tuts week the following shipments have been made from Brussels :-8 oars of baled bay, 2 oars of oats and 8 of wheat by Messrs. Backer & Vanstone. 1 oar of lambs by Jno, Roddick. 1 oar of wheat. by R. Graham. 0 ears of salt by the ED. te:rprise Balt Works. Over 50 loaded oars have gene from Brussels this month al. ready. A NEN 20 horse power boiler and a 16 IL P. engine, Weterous make, are being put into Brussels cheese factory, The new ermine house will be located at the North-Eastern earner of the factory. Severed other improvements will be made putting the factory in A 1 shape. What's to hinder the putting in of a creamery butter plant and thereby keep the machinery running in Winter as well as Summer? FALL FAIR SPEEDING. -A. Committee has arranged the following speeding adp• tents for the 2nd day of Brueeels Fail.. Fair :-Farmers' trot or pane let, $6 ; tad, 68 ; 3rd, $2. 6 minute trot 1st, $16 ', 2nd, 48 ; 8rd, 44. 8 minute pace 1st, $16 ; 2nd, $8 ; 8rd, $4. All a male heats beat 3 in 6, No entrance fee to farmers' race. 41 in °there. All competitors ntusb be members of the Agricultural So. piety, Speeding oommenees at 8 o'olook. There will also be foot raoes and prizes for best lady drivers. A New SWINDLE, -A new mind's has been invented, and is being worked quite extensively in some matinee. A farmer who wants to sell his plate is palled on by a smooth talking gentle nen who wahte to eon the farm on a cummi55ion. Ifo will pot advertisements of the farm with itttraotive pictures in the leading papers, and charge a commission of five per cent. when be sells the farm. The farmer signet a oontraet, and later on, when the farmer makes a sale of his farm through some other claunel, the contract turns 1051, and is found to read that the corn. ntiesion is payable whenever the farm is sold 00 matter who has made the sale of it. That dodge has been played in 01 thi s locality and the safe way to do id deal With people you know and no Other, THE BELTSSELS POST SEPT. 24, 1897 ERUSsmAe FALL 1FAIR, PANTnlnsE hunts oome next. OVmsoOATE 0000 more show up. ilorigmxmL storms ere sxpeeted. A 5001100 is ou the tattle and both parties Bruseelites. Trim whisker•aad.nsonstaohs.5bave-off orate hag bit Brussels HON. Messrs, Hardy, Roes and Davis at Bressele, Thursday, Oot. 7111. Anerfon sale belle printed while you wait at TRE PosS Publishing house, Roll. Emblem; chipped a oar of sheep Easbwerd, on Tuesday, from Brussels. 25 CMTs seta TEE Poem for the balance of 1897. Take advantage of this trial trip. CNE.te exeuroion to Western points on Sept, 80th and Oct. 1st and 2nd. See advt. VOTERS' List Court in Brussels on Thursday of this week, Judge Masson presided. EAeT HURON Fall Fair Thursday and Friday of next week. Don't miss it for anything. Messes, BAtutmn,W VANo'roNo are press• ing and shipping large quantities of hay in this locality. SEE what Editor Bady of the St. Marys Journal has to gay about Muskoka mosquitoes on page 0 of this isms. FALL Millinery Openings on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of nest week in Brussels. Don't fail to see them. Tnt Voters' List Courts are having their innings. Sullen court is on the 27th, Wroxeter on the 29th and Howiok on the 80th. "MAPLE LEAF," owned by Jas. O'Leary, of Enamels, took n band, or more proper. ly speaking a foot, in the speeding events at Goderiab Fair. EXCURSION to Elegant Falls on Thurs- day of this week in oonneotion with the opening ceremonies of the new G. T. R. steel railway bridge. Law business must be improving as Barrister Blair bas added a junior to hie staff. The sign will now read "Blair & Blair." We'll take oysters. G. T. R. will issue return emersion tickets on the 24th and 25th good bo re• turn on Monday in oonneotion with the opening of the Steel Arch Bridge, BRUSSELS Electric Light Co, have pur• chased all the poles, wires, insulators, &e., beloogtng to W. M. Sinclair, and will use them in oonneotion with their new plant. The extra poles on the streets will be re. moved. Tas schedule of Convictions for the past quarter appears in this issue of Tag Posen. By it will be made plain that the "Justine mill" has been busy in some seotions of the County and it would ap• pear that the end is not yet. A seas of horses belonging to G. Kelly, Morris, ran away from Rose' flouring mill last Monday afternoon. They brought up against a trio at the corner of Eliza- beth aid Thomas streets. A broken wagon tongue ,aud reach and a spill of wheat was the principal loss sustained. A NUMBER of Brusselites attended the weddings of Miss McCully and Mr. Mo. Gavin, ab Leadbury, and Miss Morrison and Mr. Moon, at Walton, on Wedues. day afternoon and evening, respectively, Boma took iu both of them and are laying by all the pointers obtained for future ESP. J. D. Manes, V. S., will exhibit his driving horse and his fine "Costumer" foal at the Seafortb Fall Fair on Friday of this week. He will also take a band iu the speeding mutest. Dos. has a fine exhibit and will make the most of them hustle to beat him either in or out of the ring. NOTICE appears in this week's Ontario Gazette of the appointment of his Honor Judge B. L. Doyle, of Goderiab, junior County Judge of Huron, to be Local blaster of the County of Huron in place of the late S. Mnlaolntson. Denial Mc- Donald, of Goderioh, to be deputy regis- trar in Admiralty Exchequer Courtin counties of Huron and Bruce. Tan FALL ASSIZES. -Ab the Fall term of the High Court of Justice which opened on Monday, the following oriminnl cages came before the Grand Jury. .Che Queen vs. Russell. criminal assault ; the Queen vs. Culbert, shooting with intent ; the Queen vs. R. H• Delon;;, two charges, horse stealing and theft, and Melissa Jeseop et al, conspiring to defraud. The oivil list for this court was not a long one. W. F. M. S. -The annual meeting of the Brussels Branch of the W. F. 11. S. in oonneotion with the Methodist church was held on Thursday of Met weed, Financialreosipts for the year, 450.00. Following are the officers for the current year :-President, Mrs. J. L. Kerr , lst Vice -President, Mrs. H. Ball ; 2nd Vice - President, Mrs. R. Paul ; Corresponding Seoretary, Mrs. Watson Ainley ; Record• ing Seoretary, Miss E. E. Kerr ; Trees. mer, Mrs. W. F. Stewart. //Dozer forget the editor when yon have 'a news item. If your wife whips you let us know of it and we will set you right before the publio. If you have company tell ns -if you are not ashamed of your visitors. If a youngster arrives at your - house and demands food and raiment buy a quarter's worth of watermelon and come around, and if yon are a cash sub. scriber we will furnish a name for him or ben, as circumstances warrant. If you have a sooial gathering of a few friends bring around a big cake, six or seven pies and a ham, not necessarily to eat, but as a guarantee of good faith• Yon needn't bother to invite us as it may be too 000l for our wardrobe. We mention these little things because we want the nets and we will have it. GATE LAws.-An item has been going the rounds of the press, to the sffeot that partridge and quail cannot he shot till 1900, is incorrect. The act of 1893 pro. bibited the sale of partridge till Sept. the 15th 1897, but it has not been unlawful and is not now, to shoot these birds dun ing open season wbioh extends from the 1511) of Sept., to the 15th of December. The only change made in the game laws in 1897 was the extension of the close season for wild turkeys, prairie & liokens, English pheasants to 1900, and the pro• hibition of the sale of snipe, wood•000k, partridge, and quail till 1900, These oro the only ohanges of importance affeoting the game laws. The regulations for shooting deer, and the open season for all game remains the ewe as before, deer, Nov. let to 16th, elk, oariboo, moose, reindeer, prohibited till 1900. No deer to be (tilled in the water, and no shooting without a license, to be had for 42. Only two deer to bo killed by one parson. Open eeeson foe grouse, partridge, wood -000k, snipe, rail plover, black and red equlere1, and hare, Sept. 16th to Deo. 15th. No game can be ex oeted from mtlleP g rovinoe P and po non resident oan hunt wdthont p license, BTeETTON Bnos, have let the oontraot foe two MoOlary furnaoes for their Hotel to Messrs, Wilton & Turnbull, Brussels, and 1110 work will be done at ones. IVreem set for the Fell advertisements of the hustling bneinoes men in Tans POST. if they have bargains they will tell yon of them. Many e dollar is saved this way to the customer. Dn. MCNAueirrux ebot a fish hawk at the Maitland river last Friday that measured 5 feet 7 !pollee from tip to tip. Rohl. Johnston has mounted his hawk. ellip for the dootor's office. Tum 110 foot smoke steak at the Eleobrio Light Works was placed in position on Friday. It was attempted on Thursday but one of the ropes broke and down oam0 the stack in a harry. No one was hurt, CIDER AND JELLY. -George Edwards has already made a commencement in ninnies his eider mill and is prepared to wait on all customers and also mann. filature apple butter and jelly. The factory is located on Mill street, Brussels. Senr•.TTON Bnos, have purchased a 6 year old pacing stallion, 'Texas Guy," from O'Brien Bros., of Obatham. Bee promisee to develop into something speedy and will likely take part in the speeding contests at Wingham and Brussels Faire. of sore. Stratton sold their roan driver, from Ten Brook, jr., to 5. Watson, of Listowel. Tim Ronald Fire Engine gave a most satisfactory teat of its powers at Ottawa last week, although the LeFrano engine, with which it WAS to compete, had not yet arrived, but is expected shortly, when another trial will be made. Mr. Ronald took his engine to the Fair at Ottawa, where it was duly admired by the many vieitore. ALF. WILLIAMS, of Gorrie, who made his home in Brussels for a time, was arrested, charged with stealing a pocket hook colbaiuing 430 or 440 and valuable gapers, belonging to the 0. P. R. agent at Gorrie. The pocket book and a portion of the money was found in hie possession at Stratford when taken into custody, He was sent to Goderioh t0 stand his trial, E. A. TRELEAVEN, of Dungannon, has purchased the Kerney & McOraoken stock of groceries, &o., ab 66 cents on the dollar and will open out in the old stand at once. Mr. Brodsriok, mention- ed last week, declined to stand by his offer hence the above sale. Mr. Tre- leaven is an unmarried man aud purpos- ed making his .home in Brussels. We welcome bin to town. GRIND ORGANIZER WOODMAN, who has been m:rn in the interests of the A. O. U. W., ieiva'ed seven oandidatee on Fri- day evening of last week and on Wednes- day evening of this week a epeolal meet- ing was held when four more were added to the list, with more to follow. Mr. Woodman is a hustler to work and has al. ready tbie year initiated about 700 into the mysteries of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. Brussels Lodge has now fifty.one members. A half column of valuable information concerning the A. 0. U. W., may be found on page 3 of this issue. IT was an Iowa man who gave voioe to the following gospel :-"Would you take a dollar for what you have gained from your family newspaper since you paid the last dollar ? If not you owe a debt of gratitude besides the money. Your home paper is one of your best, truestand most 'helpful friends. And by the home paper I mean one that always stands by you and has ever been found a safe counsellor. Ifen owe the editor a dollar, n Y ,goo d pay it to him now, and while doiug so ask him if there i0 anything else you can do for him that will aid in making the paper a stilt better companion for your wife and children." FALL As0IZEs.-The Fall Assizes for the County of Huron opened at Goderich on Monday afternoon. Flon. Sir William Meredith presided. After His Lordship had charged the Grand Jury, the follow- ing oases were disposed of :-Gordon vs. Wright, Dation for seduction ; verdict for plaintiff, 4250. MoNail vs. Russel, action for seduction ; verdict by consent of plaintiff for 4250. MoKinnen ve. Mo - Kinnon, et al., action for construction of will and other matters; verdict for plain- tiff in terms of minutes filed. Elsie vs. Butt, action ou promissory note. No defence. Verdict for plaintiff. The Grand Jury brought in a tette bill agaiuet Russel for rape. . TTRAOTIONs.-At Bruoeals Fall Fair, on Friday of next week, the following will be on the program, in addition to the speeding events :-Beat lady driver, the contestant to harness horse, bitch to buggy and drive once around the half mile track, let 42.50, 2nd 41.50, 8rd 41.• 00. Foot race, 100 yards, (professionals barred) 1st $2.00, 2nd 41.00. Boy's raoe, under 12 yearn, 60 yards, let $1.00, 2nd 75c., 3rd 60o., 4th 25o, Girl's race, nnder 0 years, 50 yards, 1st 75,o, 2nd 50o., 3rd 5o., 4th 25o. Old man's race, over 50 years, 100 yards, let $1.00, 2nd 60a. Beet trained collie dog, (exhibition 'to be given on Pair ground) let 42,00, 2nd $1.- 00 three entries or no prize. Bruseele Braes Band will be in attendance. WEDDING BELLe.-A very pleasant event occurred on Tuesday evening, Sept. 14th, ab 55 Park Ave., Detroit, when A. L. Stewart, eon of )oneld Stewart, of this village, and Miss A. L. Grier, form• erly of Luoknow, Ont„ were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The one. mo0y was performed by Rev, J. M. Tito. burn, D. D., of the Central Methodist shush, aselated by John MoKay, of •lfnex college, Mr. Stewart has risen to every prominent plaoe in dburoh Mettles, being prominently identified with both the First and Central Presbyterian churches of Detroit. The high esteem in wbioh both Mr. Stewart and his bride are held by their many friends was evidenoed hy the large number of costly and useful gifts which they received. The happy oouple will be at home to friends after Oot. let, in their charming home at 55 Park Ave, Detroit. VERY BAD AND FATAL AaoouiNT,-Ona of the most sad and fatal aooidents which has occurred in Clinton for many years last Saturday befel little Georgie Hamel. ton, only eon of Waiter Coates, formerly of Bruesele. A wooden pail on the floor had been filled with boiling water for scrubbing purposes. Georgie, whose age was two years and six weeks, had, been dressed for an outdoor walk and was gamboling when his 10-yeer•old sister Lilly was ready to take him. Intent- like ntentlike he playfully walked backward and tumbled into the boiling weber, the pail upsetting along with the child. He wag severely scalded from the baoh of hie neck to big foot, death relieving the pool• little fellow Ecom atl erfn n ff o Snadn mornin , b g Y Much e m nth is ox reseed g Y y P exp reseed Mr, end Mre. Goats in their vary call ST✓,LND%•R.D B4N.K' OF C.fl,71r4 D4, relaw a.sx,xsx5nnxt eena. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) • $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) . • 42,000,000 Agenales in all principal points in Ontario, Quanta, J1anitsk e, Vitt' States cC England. filifirS125448 JP 110167 . A General Banking Bnsinese Transaoted. Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafte Isened and Coilsotione made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date o withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION eIVEN TO THE OonLEwnooe OF FARMERS' BALE None. Every facility afforded Customers liviug at a distanoe. 5. A. STEWART MANncmn. affliction. The funeral book piece to Olinton cemetery. The floral tributes were very appropriate and numerous, particularly the one from the Ontario street church Epworth League. Business Locals. No. 1 flour and long clear bacon at MoCraoken'e. Go to T, Kelly's for tomatoes. First come first served. Fmsu.oLAes house to rent or for sale. Apply to Jno. Wynn. ONi second-hand single harness for sale cheap. I. 0. Riohatds. COMFORTABLit house to rent. Apply at once to 117. M. Snsorum. Sim our harness before you buy. We give the best value in the market. I. 0. Richards. D. Ewes bas a number of second hand buggies to sell at big bargains. Call at his shop and make him an, oiler. GET those holes in your shoes and rubbers repaired. Bring them to us ; we repair them cheap and treat. I. 0. Richards. A Frner.onase special line of work manufactured at Jas. Walker's stop. He gives tiptop value to every anetomer. Fon Bale cheap, one second-hand box stove and stove pipes, also lamps and chandeliers, oflioe deslt, cash drawer. I. C. Richards. KARL's Clover Root, the great Blood - Purifier gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25 ole, 50 cls and $1.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. Salmon's ours is said on a guarantee. It cures iecipient oonnnmption. It is the best cough cure. Only one rent a dose. 25 ate., 50 ole. and $1.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. BARGAIN OFFERED. -That eligible half sure lot situate an the Southern:portion of Turnbenry street, Brussels, will be die• posed of below cost. Very easy terms. Write for partibulars to Joss HAnenESyEe, 174 Queen at. West, Toronto. ANYONE needing their saws pat in proper order had better bring them to Saw•flier MoGreg or before he leaves Brussels, as he is likely to take a situ- ation with the Saw aud Saw Tool Mak- ers. • T. McGregor, saw -filer, Brussels. Anusrnoso.-In Morris, on 20th inst., the wife of Mr. Wm. Armstrong of a daughter. CANULEn.-In Elms, on Sept. lltb, the wife of Mr. John Candler, of a son. DUIIFORD.-In Brussels, on Sept. 18th, the wife of Mr, E. 0. Danford of a daughter. AusTIN.-In Lower Winghem, on Satur- day, Sept. Slab, the wife of Mr. Bobert Austin of a son. H'ALLIDAY:-In Wingham, on Sept, 911), the wife of Mr, J. J. Halliday, Diag- onal street; (formerly of Harristoo) of a eon. BLAIR.-In Brussels, on Sept. 22nd, the wife of Mr. G. F. Blair, Barrister, of a Son. ss.et.zHaxBa, STRONG-FEneusoN.-At the residence of the bride's parents, on Wednesday, Sept% 15th, by Rev. Neil Shaw, Mr. Jas. Strong, of Roxboro', to Miss Mary, daughter of Mr. David Fergu- son, of Tuokersmitb. WENZEL-PAmc.-At the residence of the bride's parents, Wingham, on Sept. 141h, by Rev. )r. Pascoe, Mr. V. 0, Wenzel, to Miss Annie May, daughter of Mr. Halsey Park. Snonn-Sltrneoo,-At the residence of the bride's parents, near Newmarket, on Sept. 9th, by Rev. 0. E. Thomp- son, Mr, Frank A. J. Shore, of Wingham, to Miss Carrie Simpson, formerly of Wingham. BTEWART-Gnrss.-In Detroit, on Sept. 14113, by Rev. Dr. Thoburn, assisted by Rev. John McKay, Mr. Alex. L. Stewart, eldest son of Mr. D. Stew- art, Brussels, to Miss A. L. Grier, formerly.of Luoknow, Out. WILLIe-GInime-At the Grand central Hotel, Listowel, on the 15th inet,, by Rev. W. Cooper, Mr. Geo. Russel Willis, of Fordwioh, to Mies May Gibson, of the same place. PEATOHY- Eonanas.-At the redder= of the bride's sister, Mrs. Arthur Davy, on Wednesday, Sept. 8112, by Rev. Mr. Bunt, Mies Ellie Holmee, of Atwood, to Mr, John Dolph Peatohy, of Listowel, Meow-Mooeoeoy.-OneWedneeday, Sept. 22nd, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Mr. Andrews, of Londesboro', Mr. Henry B. Moon, of Hullet, to Miss Maggie, youngest daughter of Mr. M. Morrison, of Walton. BELnEN.-I, Grey, on Sept. 20, Jere - rajah Belden, aged 66 years and 7 months, FAnnow.-In Blueva1e, on Sept.' 18th, John Farrow aged 08 years. MoK]ii.-In Howiok, on the 10th inst., Mary Lillian IrloKee, aged 2 months and 4 days. TAOOART.-At Donegal, on the 12th inst., Ellen S. Taggart, aged 86 years, 4 months and 91 days. ALEX/MDSE.-In Britton, on the 13th incl., Andrew Alexander, aged 24 years, 11 months and 24 days. atroaxcsr 00.4.0. 09. TUESDAY, Sept. 28, 1897, -Farm stock, implements, &o. North Lot 24, don. 8 Morrie. Sale un a t o'olook, r served, a 1 0 clock; sharp. Geo, daldbiok, Prop., Capt. Stratton, . Ain. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. MONEY TO LOAN AT 15 PER O5,1t P.S. SOUTT, BruBeels, PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— at THEast 5000 mortgage, House, Bruseele, OMFORTABLE HOUSE FOR Sale 111th 0 acre lot, Good stable, well,cellar, &c, 'W111 be gold at a bargain. Appy to W. ]L Ili]RR, 11-tf Poste Publishing house, :TERSEY BTJLL FOR SER– v1on,-The cost of service of my fine registered Jersey Bull is now 81 for grades. Got the best, G. A. HEADMAN, UUSE, FURNITURE, &C., Fan corse..–owing to the decease of my wife I have decided to give tap house- keeping and now offer 917 brick residence. lot and a]1 household furniture and offoobs for sale, en block. There are 2 acres of land, with well, stable, ornamental trees, looated in the Southern portion of 13ruesols, on Turn - berry street, Poeoeseiau can bo given at once, Liberal toms of paymout to right man. For further particulars es to price,&o. apply to 5NO. ROBB, 10 12 - Brussels P. 0. . REAL ESTATE. I'IARM5 FOR SALE.—'THE UN- DERe1oNED has several good Farms for sale mad to rent, easy terms in Townships of Morris and Grey, F S. SL OTT, Brussels l ARM FOR SALE OR TO HENT. -The undersigned 'offers bit 100 acre farm for sale or to rent, being ILot 10, Con, 0,in the Township of Grey. Possession given at ,nos. For price, terms and inform- ation apply to T. 1100RE, 5.4 Proprietor, Brussels. 2ci ACRES FOR SALE OR TO Bguesels, being Lob 80 Con 7, itior ie..thOn the premises is a good frame house and barn, a never failing well and lirst•olass orchard. Poseoesion at once, For particulars apply to JOB N WYNM, Brussels, or W. W. BURGESS, Photographer, Mitobell. 841 GOOD EARN FOR SALE near Brussels. Great bargain, Lob 7, Con, 0, Grey toweehip, Good buildings and orchard, well watered, suitable for mixed or dairy farming. Possession given next March, with privilege of doing Fall plowing. Apply la ort THOMAS HERITAGE, Loudon West. iur ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. -300 acres of good farm land at Springltsld, 8 miles from Winnipeg, ie offer- ed for Bale at alow price. The property is North East 0 Sea, 10, Twp,11, Range 4, East. There is a house en the premises and 000)0 breaking done. For full partioulore as to Price, title, &o., write or apply to G.F. BLAIR or W, H. REIM, 20.10 Brussels, Ont. FARM FOR SALE—THE UN– DRn51GNED offers his eligible at fern farm for sale, hoing South part of Lot 5, Con. 10, Grey. All under cultivation, well watered and well fenced. There is a good stone house, hank barn, orchard, wells, &o„ on the premises. Also a epleudid atone ed.Only irons6 miles from Brussels.ood revenue malls - ed. reasonable, -For further particniare as to Arias, &o„apply to Jo.II1V MITOHELL, Proprietor, 05.00 - Brussels P. 0 11ARM FOR SALE. -150 ACRES Consisting of the South d and South 0 of the North d of Lot 80, Con 2, East Wawa - nosh. Thisis an excellent stook farm, being well supplied with good spring water. Itis situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A large part of itis under grass. Buildings and Ponces are in afair state of repair. Easy terms of payment will be given. For all information apply to. 11-tf G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels. i,"`I,,PLENDID FARlot FOR SALE. KJ That excellent farm, Lot 16, Con. 0, Township. Of Grey, 100 acres, must be sold at once in order to close estate of deceased own- er. The lob is nearly all cleared, with good buildings, ample water supply, large or- chard, 10 miles from Oranbrook le under good ooitivation and is a very desirable pro - party indeed, Apply to BIOHARD MIT- CHELL, Brussels P.O. ; JOHN MITCHELL, en the premiees • or A, HUNTER, Brnsaolo, Dated Sept, 1951,, 1800,. AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auatioleor. sales oonduot ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm stook a epeoiafty. Orders loft at Tan POST Publishing Houso,Brussels,or sentto Walton P.0,, Will reoeiye prompt attention, i S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- . TER, 1111 gall 1or better prion,to better men in ase One and leen charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or 110 won't charge anything. Dates and orders can'aiwaye be arranged eta this cillo° orby personal application. CAPT. J. STBETTON, Who 1)ae had. 25yearsexperienoe as an Auctioneer, but who bad to quit owing to i11 ]teaitb, has again talion out license and 10 prepared to oonduot 80105 at reasonable terms. Satiotaation guaranteed. Dates may he arranged at Tug PoeT Publishing House. JAS. 001000000, 18.11 Auctioneer. Notice to Creditors. Notice is given pursuant toOhap,110, 10,0. 0,, that all persons having claims against the estate of JAMES LOVE, hate of the Township of Grey, in the Coitnty o1 Huron, deoaaeed, who diad on or about the lith day of July, 1807, aro required t0 delivetl their claims to Wm. Spoils, one of the °mentors of dooeaeed, at Ethel P.0,, With full partici- Ware Of their claims, on Or before the end Day ee °ember, 1800, alter which last moi - toned date to t he beoouto t will tilleddistributethe the Ontato among the parEtoe ontitledtlierettl, with regard only to the claims oswhites they$ave had notice. A. 8i1NTElt, Slated, DOW, Sept. 0,,18 fent or L1xe6�84ttora T .t S, e er2 , We are pleased to 21010101100 that the J Mr Pre��ylerl��! 'cod of Is now to hand and ready for sale. We have them in all the popular Bindings and will be pleased to show you our stook. 1 16z's Drag More, Druggist & Stationer. rr LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. -D L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, .Lb• Solioitoraud Conveyancer. Collec- tions made. 0111m-Venetono sBloek, Brno - sole. 21.891 NV M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor Conveyanoer,NotaryPib• Ile, &o. Ofhoe-Vanetone's Block, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Pends to Loan. Tvi „ma.G. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Oumeron, holt Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderioh Ont. °dice -Hamilton St„ Oppoeibe Col borne Hotel. � • F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &c. (late of GOYIM & Proudfoot's Ofilce, Goderieli.) Moo over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan, 47 MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M.D., 0. M., Trinity Untyeraity, Fellow Trin- ity Medical College, Member college of r111ty- eioiaue and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of the Royal college of Physioiaes and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh, r'Tolophone No.14, Residence, Mill St., Brussels. DR. F. H. KALBFLE1SCH, PHYSIC/AN, 0010GEO5 AND ACOOUOn]:Ua, SUCCESSOR TO OR. W. GRAHAM. BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. lot (lase Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (liingston) and of Trinity Medical college; Follow od Trinity kteltoat College and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Poet Graduate course In Detroit and Chicago 1805. Special attention paid to dis- eases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and die- ea5esof Women. r -Consultation in Eng- lish aud German. Telephone at residence. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, Cr • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. ie prepared to treat all diseaaos of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner, Partioular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly et - tended to, veterinary and Infirmary -Four doors north of bridge Turn1er'ry et., Brusee,s. BUSINESS CARDS. ] H. MoORA.OKEN, • Ieenver of Marriage Licensee. Onion at his Grocery, Turnborry street, Bruesele. RN. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door south of A. M, McKay & Co's hardware store. Ladies'and ohildrens hair cutting a specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. IN5URAN05, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER, lsslief of Marriage Licenses, OFFIOE AT Jmweenx Seem. IS -No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels ALEX. HUNTER, Oierk of the Fourth Division Cour 0o. Huron, etonveyanoer, Notary Public Land Loan and Ineuronee Agent. Funds invented and to loan, Colleetious made 02305011, Graham'shlsok, Brussels THOS. A. HAWIiINS, Will give lessens to pupils either on piano or omen, at his Music Room, opposite ' the post-oliloo, 13rassele, Weal lessons 0,10o Rivon, Ten years experience in teething, it arms moderato. Anoint Over of United Workman. Tbie old and poosperofe Fraternal AS805 51100 numberieg 850,000 members aro pre gen Rug to the ptiblio their popular and eoon- omidal rates to worthy men, at the very low rato.Of aboitt 48,00 par ,1,000 per annum. The ''Workmen” t'ronlptfy lily Heath binilug and expect a logo ino'oaee to its Membere now that those American Line Companiee don't goes satis0aotory to Oen. ndlaus, 58OBT. ARMSTRONG M,W, ; W. H.'10101t15 1 Recorder; J. A, O1i131GltTON,l]'inauoloe.