HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-9-24, Page 5T. fid, 1 (4n7 m F7 3-11 rt 13 CT c1 is m , P e.) ifvetussmainiramatevamge- ulewwww. mo . weer. . magonram^,mc«m- 37.00 1:Str a getU t keOIe. rave. Fall Fair here on 'T'irureday and Fri- day of this week. Bev. and Mrs; Hall were called to Ayton an Tuesday of this week to attend, the funeral of the late Mrs, (Dr,) Mo - Lean, an old friend. 2e101ohrwrsills. The now Proebyteriaa (March will be ready .for dedication in about a month. An old and worthy resident of this locality in the person of Andrew Mit. ohell, passed away on Tuesday of this week. Tho funeral took plan on Thure• day. Deceased was 88 yore of ago and bad been an elder of the Presbyterian ohnrob for many years. Aaoruanr.—AS sire, Terry, wife of Jae. Terry, of Moloeworth, and her son and daughter were driving into Listowel the other day, their horse beoame frightened at a wheelbarrow loaded with hay, a ehort distance West of the railway eras- ing, and trilled, overturning the buggy and occupants into the ditch. Mies Terry was Minna Ooneiderably, being thrown beneath the boggy, and required medical aseietaboe before she was able to return home. Mrs, Terry escaped with no further injury than being considerably elraken up, 'Young Mr. Terry was not hurt. Their escape from more serious ooneegneuces le fortunate, as the ditch where the buggy went over is quite deep, ltluevrle. Mies May Booth agent Sunday at Geo. Tarr ey's, Mrs. Craig bas been ou the sick list for over a week. Mies Gordon, of Orangeville, is visiting at Joe, Pugh'e. Mre, and Miss Boott aro away at Sea - forth visiting.friende. Alex. Robertson, boundary, es very low. . No hope of his recovery, T. B. Scott and wife, spent Saturday and Sunday visiting friends in Harristan and Gerrie. Rey. Mr, West arrived home on Satur- day, after two weeks holidays at Wood• stook, Toronto and London. AN OLD AND WALL Knows RmainonT Puns AwAr.—Jahn Yarrow's death on Saturday morning last was a great shook to the community as hardly any person knew he was ill. He waa born in the pariah of Mumby, Lincolnshire, England, in 1881, and oame with hie parents to Canada in 1849, and settled in the town- ship of Clark, Durham Oo. He was married to Mies Frances Jouoe in 1860 and farmed in Olark township • till 1864 when he moved to Bluevale and purchas- ed the farm on which the village of Blue - vale now stands from Jacob Oantelou, On this farm be lived for several years and sold out fora good figure and retired comparatively speaking, into private life, remaining in the said village. Five years ago he and 0. Iierbert purchased the Blnevale grist mill in partnership, and did a good bueinese. Mr. Farrow's wife died 8 yeare ago. He never married again but lived with his daughter Addie, (his only 0111d4 Mrs. Robert Mosgrove, until bis death. Deceased was a member of the Wingham Masonic Lodge and also of the elcoadian Order of Foresters. The funeral took plane on Monday last and was largely attended by the Forest. ere, Moscow and the neighbors far and near, many coming from a distance, Ottawa, Toronto, Guelph and other placer The Foresters of Eln ovale tk charge of the funeral, 60 being present Grand Treasurer Neelands, of Wingham, offioiated. Rev. David Rogers, Metho- dist minister, of whose church deceased was an adherent, conducted the service at the house and also at the cemetery. Mr. Farrow was mnoh respected by his neighbors and by all who were acquainted good turn to any one and render a With him, He was over ready to help• do a• poRTANT Ev tag hand, Several present at the funeral sat& Well, it John did not say anything good about a neighbor he never Naid anything bad," Ile was siok only one week. He gams home trona the Toronto Fair on Battnrday, 11th lust., having 0011• treated a sold. Ile went over to Wiug- ham 0a the following Tuesday to consult Dr. Tamlyn, in whom he plaoed malt oonlidenos. The doutor pronounced it a bad oath of pneumonia ou both lungs, but too far advanced for a cure. He grew worse and never rallied, death cooling at 4 a. m. on Saturday. This death re- duces the original family from 0 to 8, the remaining members being Mrs. Wm. Smith, Bluevale; Postmaster Farrow, Brueesie, and Collaolor of Customs Far- row, Goderiab, Mrs, Musgrove and other relatives are deeply sympathized with. Elms Pall Show Oot. 6th and 0th. B. 33, Leake moved his stock into his new store. Potatoes are almost a oomplete failure on amount of the rot. Bev. John Ball and G. O. Adnme at- tended the Distriot meeting, at Mitobell.3 The 0. 0. F. are talking of adding ten feet to the width and twenty feet to the length of their hall, and raising the roof to greater height. A. good idea. Fred. Holmes, butcher, killed an Dna. natty fat now. Tho caul weighed 55 pounds, in other words 85 pounds of fat was taken out altogether. It was a prime beast. Rev. W. E. Harvey, 13. A., of Clifford, Will preach the annual sermon to the members of the Canadian Order of For• eaters, in the Methodist ohurob, on Sue. day, Sept. 26th, at 2:80 9, in. The silver medal was awarded to John Morrison, Newry, and George 'Bayes cap- tured the prize offered by the manufac- turers for the best cheese in which Han- sen's extract and color was used at the Western Fair. The big syndicate horse, "Linkwood Lad," died of inflammation of the lungs at John Vallance's stable, Pima. The horse was bought by a syndicate of Elmo, farmers last spring for $1,700. He travelled the season with poor auaoess, the earnings of which will be the only as. eats the 17 ahareholdere will realize. There was no insurance on the horse, (a fatal mistake for the owners to make,) and it is more than probable that the owners will be heavy losers in the risky investment. HreTonr0AL.—In connection with the aneivereary of the Methodist (March in Atwood, Rev. J. B. leaber, of Gerrie, a former minister, gave some particulars of the early ministers who labored in the circuit, among the very first to do pioneer missionary work in Wallace, Maryboro', Mornington, Elmo and Grey wee Rev. Joha Armstrong in 1856. His work was °entiu sed in 1886 by Rev. James B. Dyer in Wallace and Elms, and in 1857 the Slma Methodist Mission was formed, and the following ministers were s000es• lively appointed to it :-1857.8, David Hunt ; 1859, Isaso Crane and William Cross; 1860, Isaac Crane and George McCrea ; 1861, I. Crane and Robt, God- frey ; 1862, John Sanderson and John Armstrong ; 1863, John Sanderson ; 1864, John Sanderson and C. Cookman ; 1806, Nelson Brown and 0. H. Chant ; 1866, Nelson Brown and M. Whiting. In 1867 the mission was divided, and the Parts weree a erred Trowbridge dg cand Listo- wel. The following are the ministers who were appointed to Trowbridge mis- sion :-1807, Nelson Brown and Win. Taker ; 1868.0, William Tooker ; 1870-1 Nathaniel Smith ; 1872.3.4, Jobo Hough ; 1875.6.7, Joseph Deoaan ; 1878.7.80, Jos. H, Bteneon ; 1881-24, Henry Berry and It, J. Garbett. After the :inion of 1888 the Trowbridge oirouit was again divided Oct. .&5&6. October 1st is the date of our—• "®ewai^ " Fa1111!illinery, Mantle 8 Dress Goods Opening. , • We extend a cordial invitation to you to be present and see whatis to be the styles for this season. Special display on evening of 29th inst. Store will be closed from 6 to 7 p. m. on this date to complete display. 6LYTd I PALL PAIS' Will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 5 & 6. It is not necessary to say anything about it. Every person is coming. While in Blyth at the Fair make this store your head- quarters. We will take care of your Wraps, Parcels, &c. G-,flYTW into Trowbd— an twooAtwood I comprising Atwood, Donegal and Jubilee churches. The following ministers have labored euooesefully in it :—J, W. Pring, 2 years ; James Ferguson, 8 years David Rogers, 3 years ; J. S. Fisher, 8 yeare ; John Ball, 2 years. A peaoock,raised by John Dickson, of Elms., and l baxidermiet adorns mounted 33. 111.bfallantynees show window and is the object of much admiration It is a beautiful bird, and valued at $25. Tomceos or Rm0An0.—A pleasant time was spent by the members of the At- wood Presbyterian choir at the home of the leader, Mrs. D. DI. Lineham, 10th oon. of Slma, The occasion was made possibly sentationore teof ting o handsomer gold. headed Dano to H. Y. Smith with his initials and date of presentation on it, in recooir. The children of S.nition of his s5, No.5, Services to itars also ahowed their appreciation of Mr. Smith as their tesoher for the past 5i years by presenting him with a very nice and nes. far book case as a parting gift. Mr. Smith accepted the gifts in suitable words of acknowledgement, after which the company joined in various amuse- ments and participated in the musioal exercises of the evening, A nice tea was served, and altogetber a very enjoyable time was spent by those present. arr. Smith left ou Friday morning of last week to attend the Ontario School of Pharmacy, Toronto, parrying with him the best wishes of us all. I.isyto we]. Fall Fair on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Plums are selling at 26o. a pail. They were never as plentiful in town as they ars this season! Jas. Lee has returned to town from Port Elgin, where he was taking the mind' tel bathe. Earl town be continuedrdu> ingtthe Fall and.es Winter, 7 o'alook being the olosing hoer each night except Saturdays. A son of Mr. Taylor, clerk at the Queen's, was iujared by falling off the ehed in rear of the old Royal hotel while the chemical fire extinguisher was being tooted, ISMOSSIarZnowl AssZeseamintmosalw No 1 2 8 4 0 6 7 8 10 11 12 111 14 15 16 17 18 19 21. 22 23 24 Wm. Gillespie 25. Wm. Ballantyne 26 Wm. Gillespie 27 Wm. Ballantyne 28 Wm. Gillespie 29 0. ,Heideman 80 W. Ford 81 T: Creech 82 83 John Westoott 86 Martha Marlaolr ' 36 Samuel Davie 87 David Fall 3g 40 41 42 48 44 46 '47 48 40 50 51 62pittmeminrnenpona Miss Feild has retarned home from Topeka, Kae., where she had been spend— ing several months] for the improvement of her health. A report has been circulated that diseased meat is being offered for sale in town, the particular complaint being that cattle effected with lumpy jaw are being slaughtered and their carcases sold for wholesome meat. Percy Faild of this town has resigned the Hayeeville school, which be has taught for the past two years, and is go- ing to Toronto to study dentistry. Mel. ville Large has secured the position vacated by Mr. Feild, at a good salary, 1..eaclbtxr4'. Tum POST gives the news. Large acreage of Fall wheat pot in this season in Mo$illop. It is showing well too. Seaforth Fall Fair this week and Brus- sels Fair Thursday and Friday of next week will keep people busy. Jno. Soarlett lost a valuable 4 year-old horse last Friday night. The animal had one of its legs broken and it had to be shot. Arols. Faber., of gaged to teach S S. Listowel, 91MoNillop, for 1898 at a salary of $250. Mr. Bae, who is teaching there this year will probably attend the University. Hxostroa1).-0n Wednesday, Sept. 15, at 3 p. m, there was a large gathering at the residence of David Ferman, Bg- mondville, when his daughter, Mies Mary, was married to James Strong, youngest son of George Strong, of Tuokersmith. Rev. Neil Shaw, of the First Presbyterian chetah, Egmoadville, officiated. Miss Nettie was the bridesmaid and Gardiner, Ferguson, of this brother to the bride, was groomsman. The bride wore a becoming costume of cream serge. A sumptuous repast was served. Weddio g ifhs both 0th valuab le and meth] were made d and many aivaere wishes ex- pressed for the fature well being of Mr. and Mrs. Strong. Some people went as far as to state that another wedding was as good as arranged on Wednesday evening of last week. ert acrreesbin e�ent,rr bnasold Goderiabat farm, wnship�to Bobt. Bell for $0,000. Always the Lowest. They're' Here. FA Strictly one Price. New. Dress Early buyers get the first pick and the prettiest things aro the first to sell. Just New Jackets. Look Through the range we have, the styles are the very latest for 1897 ; the prices are rock bottom. Ready New llosiery and Gloves. Now With what you want in ,Hosiery and Gloves. Many special lines to show you. That's so. New. See The Ladies' Underwear Stock Is now complete and you'll find the assortment larger and prices smaller than ever. We can save you money on your Ladies' Underwear purchases. The Staple Department Is over -flowing with new Fall Goods, and we're ready for a record-breaking trade. Our purchases being made at the very lowest notch in the market enables us to sell to you at advantageous prices. Carpets for tali. Them, New Colors — Lovely Tints Low Prices. Unions and Wools. J. Ferguson 0 DRY GOODS ,i1XD GROCERIES. Schedule of Convictions Returned by Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Huron for the Quarter ending September; A. D., 1897, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 76, Section 1. Name of Prosecutor. V. Vannornian st 44 r1 Wm. Gillespie 11 Wm. Ballantyne J. Biggart, Health Inep. Rev, J. F. Parke i1 11 it Name of Defendant. William Bolton Robert Wateoa William i6err Wilbert Bollard Ciboria Moore John Paterson Henry Molienzie B. Russell John Ritchie Wm. Mollenzie Martin Murray Ted Peters John Dorsey Robert Freeman Robert Freeman Charles Plsroe Charles Pierce Males Mason George McMillan Patriok Mannar George Davis Peter McIntosh 0. L. Moser Wm. Ruler John Farmer John Johnson James Pollock Wm. Sharp 1ld. Heideman Ivan Vail 1. D. Boulton A. Ford Sarah Flynn Margaret gamier Hugh Semple Richard Colbert John Youngblut Jas. MoBride Joseph Baton Wm. W. Woods Wm, Bates T. L. Macke M. Moss Henry Falconer John Bailey John Weiddon Wm. McMurray Wesley Irwin James Jeffrey Charles Ferguson Fritz Genlminhardt John Jowett Nature of Charge. Date of Conviction. Violation of Bylaw June July July 41 id June 11 July 11 Aug. It 41 Sept. May June it 11 ,1 .r 44 it it 41 Drunk and disorderly Drank and disorderly and firing pistol Raping on public highway Drank and disorderly Raping on highway Drunk and disorderly Racing on highway when drunk Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Breach License Law u " u Fighting on street Breach of License Act Vagrancy Breach License Aot Drank on highway and disorderly Breaoh of Peace Breach village By-law tf 14 u u Frond Vagrancy Hoose Breaking Shooting with intent to do bodily harm Furious driving , 14 Village Health By-law 11 11 11 11 "! 1, 11 Trespass and damages 11 11 41 11 e 1, i1 U 11 11 it ft .1 July Jane u r1 1/ I( if Aug. 11 Ci 11 1, 11 26 12 18 13 18 13 18 13 18 1? 17 10 19 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 4 10 27 28 7 21 7 102 10 14 24 22 24 24 24 8 8 11 8 14. 14 14 14 30 80 30 60 Name of Oouvioting Leticia or Justices. J. A. Morton, Mayor, Wingham u n " 11 John Beattie, J. P., Beaforth John Beattie and R. G. Booth, J. P.'s John Beattie, J. P., Seaforth u Charles Snell, ,J. P. Exeter " u Wm. Lewis and H. Silber, J, P.'s, Crediton Samuel Caldwell, J, P., Auburn J. Bare, Reeve, Bayfield ' q ' u " a " 1r 11 1i It 11 1 hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy to the best of my knowledge and belief. Office of the Clerk of the Peaoa, Goderioh, September 15th, 1897, f Amount Time when Fine ornalty,lto be paid to Damage, said Justine. $ 2 00 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 06 1 00 1 00 8 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 20 00 10 00 1 00 20 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 4 00 1 00 1 00 10 00 2 o0 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 To Whom Paid over by said Jugtioe and When. If not Pail, Why not, and General Observations, if any. Forthwith 11 it it u it 11 June 25, '97 June 25,'97 June 25,'97 Sept. 4, '07 Sept. 4,'97 Sept. 4,'97 Sept. 4,'97 Sept. 4,'07 Treasurer town of Wingham 1e ,1 11 1i s1 u " 11 1t Treasurer town of Beaforth 11 u 11 11 " 11 1t 11 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid " Paid Paid Paid Paid Wm. Ballantyne, Lioonae Inop'r Paid , " " Paid Treaenrer town of Seaforth Paid Wm. Ballantyne, License Insp'r Paid Wm. Ballantyne, Lioonae Insp'r PPatapaid, sant to jail Tamar town of Seaforth Paid Village Treasurer Committed for want of Sureties of Peace 11 a Treasure Hallett Townehip u Municipality Treaenrer Paid theta and withdrawn • b 11 1t n n Dismissed Prisoner committed for 15 days Sent for trial Sent for trial Withdrawn Withdrawn Withdrawn Withdrawn Withdrawn Withdrawn Withdrawn Appealed Appealed Appealed Appealed Ira Lewit, perk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney, County o Huron,