HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-9-10, Page 88
� �SuVuBr1a Wets buyers are ou their rounds,
4 {J) Wets promisee to be plentiful l all.
A Ln3AL foot ball meets will be played
oak of Praise,
onMteuured, a13y AuafxernnVAaxtw a•oi:erovsihaip1p.
'.Clic, Ne{v Preel'ytevinll Hymn
I3oolis have Arrived—we have
thong combined with complete
Psalms auu Paraphrases :--
Cloth, thiu, at 10c.
Cloth, largo type, at 806,
Paste Grain, soft binding, thin
gilt edges, at 85e.
Fine Leather, thin, gilt, at OCs.
Paste Grain, large type, gilt,
at 75e.
A. Sunday School edition spec -
laity bound, ftoi Se.
at Deadmaf'S
Drug and Book Store.
000511ERR 1:xTENSIox W. e. & n.
Trains I�,rre Brueseis Station, North
and South, as follows
GOING Soma. Goixa No117'n.
llxpree8 las a.m. Mail '2:05 p.111
dried........:045 a.m, I Express .......10:01 p.m
.o cat eW.5 t.011t"a,
A chiefm
s aong ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll Arent it.
ears OP hogs from Brneeele on Thursday.
Price paid Wee 85,30.
JAG. WALSER, carriage mailer, Brueeele,
says it will be worth 25 ciente to sea his
display of oarriagee at }3russele Fall
Arians :1f.iasnx wile in town on wednes•
day while going to and from Ethel, where
be held Vetere' Llst Court for Grey
Ma. Rooms, civil engineer, has been
in this locality this week runni55 linea in
connection with a drain from Rubt.
Inglis' farm, Grey.
SPECIAL, excursions will be run to Lon-
don Fair on Monday and Wednesday of
next week, 13111 and 15th iusts. The
return fare will be 61.+13, good to return
on the 201h.
h11se DOxn.sn, of Guelph, has returned
to Breesele to take charge of the Mil-
linery Departmout of Mre. Rogers' bud -
yeas. The Fall Opening will be an•
nonuced shortly.
Or -n thanks are due to a number who
have equated a
1 aaec
uttp with ne clue-
ing lRSt week. If others will follow snit
our happiness will increase and we will
be ably to pay our debts and sleep at
D. STEWART was the judge at the Sea.
forth Hortioultural Society's show last
Monday. It was a big success, there
being over 500 exhibits. They could not
have struck a better man to make the
Tint Postoffice Department has issued
a aondensed Postal Guide, for the use of
the public, and copies may be had on ap•
eca. a rice is 3
SuaralEa weather.
Do you take Ton POST ?
COCO:MErs are aprolifio crop.
Losnos Fair will now take its 10011 gs.
Exat1ESI0x t0 Manitoba next Tuesr.ay.
BRUSSELS market takes no second
BRUssELs School Board Friday even-
ing of this week.
Now let ns square away for a lively run
of business this Fall.
Means. Canes & DA>rss shipped a oar
of hogs Eastward on Monday.
A CAR of lambs war shipped from liras.
sets by 3no, Roddiok on Thursday.
Free oars of oats were shipped this
week by ;lessers. Backer & Vanatone.
Tars week 5 curs of salt were forward-
ed from the Enterprise Worica Brussels.
plioation to poetmast Th p
rents,—Time bills on the stage routes
have been done away with,
the joint Board of Directors East Huron
and Grey Branch Agricultural Societies
will be held in the Conneil Chamber,
Braeeels, on Wednesday next, 15th inst.,
at 3 o'clock. All interested are asked to
attend. •
FOREI tN WATT acid Ed, ltIeleom, of the
Ronald Works, are at Ottawa thie week
with one of the celebrated Ronald Fire
Engines. The engine was shipped last
Saturday and is a dandy. If the Ottawa
city Council study their iotereete they
will never let it be taken from the
REV. J. L. Kura tied the matrimonial
knot Inst Wednesday at his residence
between W. J. Pasmore, of Teeswater,m
and Miss Sarnh 3. Carrie, of Wingha,
formerly of Morrie township. Between
resident and superannuated ministers in
Brussels a couple need never be afraid to
visit Brussels to have a job of the above
kind done with neatness and dispatch.
SPsCIALS,—A. Konig offers two prizes
25 00NT0 gots THE POST' for the balance at the Fall Fair, Brussels, for the best
of 1897. Take advantage of this trial foal from his well-known roadster etal-
trip lion "Gusteer'." The let will be 54.00
'Mures from the East have been very and the 2nd $8.00. The above do not ap.
late this week, owing to the heavy pas- pear in the list of specials in the prize
senger traffics. list, as the latter was printed before Mr.
T. P. SUITE, scientific eye specialist, Koenig handed them in. Here's a good
chance for somebody to raise in a few
dollars. Judging will be done on the
s econd day of theFair.
this issue, also Interesting Klondike in• Pablia School Leaving Englieh Liters.
formation and poetic effusions that should tare for 1898: XVIII, Rule Britannia ;
be passed aver. XXVIII, The Cotter's Saturday Night ;
XXXV, The Isles of Greece ; XXXVII,
Dear Harp of My Country ; XLVI, The
Bridge of Sighs ; Li, notating ; LTV,
411y Kate ; LXII, The Cane -bottomed
Chair; LXVII, The Banging of the
Crane; LXXVI, Barbara Freitobie;
LXXfX, The Lord of Burleigh ; LXXXI,
The "Revenge."
ABSCONDED.—Arthur Wellesley abscond -
355. llfaxsVELL, jr„ bad the misfortune
to break his right arm, just above the
wrist, Thursday forenoon of thie week.
Tog Kearney & McOraeken grocery
stook is offered for sale by tender. Wed.
nudity of nest week the result will be
known, A. Banter is the assignee,
tX.r;.0 Lo,ay" it, boibg t.a' ' l to p 105
a mile without milky or driver, He does
it very well oonsideriug the short time he
bas been in training.
Tun Posr 1550 added a number or
names daring the pant week by the
reoonunendation of our friends. We np•
prsoiate the kindness.
TIMELY Wasxixo._..-Of late trite a few
youths of Si:e els have not only been
getting the worse of liquor but have been
conducting themselves hi a disorderly
manner both as to aot and voice to the
diegnst of respe015b18 oitizens, Tho
Reeve pnrposee trying a new plan,
although an old one in the aitiso, viz., to
1sal't t'arrested pet in the
MVO t 1)ar ISR
look•np and made to answer for their
conduct on the following clay before a
Magistrate. In this conneotion we wish
to call the attention of hotelkeepere to
the atnendmeut of the Statata relative to
the selling of liquor to persons under 21.
years of age, and the License Ioepector to
hereby no g
notified that these trans reesions
are ueithar few ver fur between. Tun
Posr has no desire to meddle with other
people's business, but this is a matter for
the personal good of the yonug men and
boys and the public good generally and
consequently It is one business to speak
plainly on the subject. If the Conoteble
lays his hand on you when you are "out
for a time" you wilt know the reason
after perusing the above. 174 Queen et. West, Toronto.
TREY JOniLarED.—The Kincardine pen- CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
ple were evidently as well pleased over Cal., says :—"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
their boys gaining the victory on the is the first medicine I have ever found
Brussels baseball diamond last Monday, that would do me any good," Price 50
as a "kid" would be over hie first pair of Gents. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Bruer
Jur received a fnil stook of Listowel
yarns, 2 and 8 ply, all ehadee, Expected
in a few days a full assortment of import.
ed yarns, comprising Gloria Saxony,
Rock German, Andalusian, Scotch
Fingering, Berlin and Zephyr., in all the
fashionable colors, at Mrs. Kirls's,
There is nothing to prevent anyone
con000ting a mixture and calling it
"sarsaparilla," and there is nothing to
prevent anyone spending good money
testing the stuff ; but prudent people,
who wish to be sure of their remedy, take
only Ayet's Sarssparilla, and so gat
GOING 1'o ROsn Bneixxss.—For tete
balance of the season I purpose booming
the carriage business in every line and
will sell riga from 85 to 510 better than
they can be purchased elsewhere. Bug-
gies, wagons, carts. new and second-hand
are included. I mean business as a
Mild will prove. Don't upend a dollar in
will be at Sas. Fox's drug store, Brnesels,
on Wednesday, 22nd inst.
READ the District news on page 6 of
Hoe. Joint DRTOEN, Minister of Agri-
aulture, has heel invited to attend East
Huron Fall Fair to be beld at Brussels
on Sept. 30th and Out. lat.
BRUeas is Voters' list court will be held
before Judge Masson, in the Coulson
Chamber, on Thursday, Sept. 23rd, com•
rnenoiug at 10 o'olock a. m. There are
some 50 or 00 appeals on the list,
WATSO3 has purahaaed the ed from tale House of Refuge, plinton, a
cottage and lot on Quenu street from few days ago and the keeper has no word
Mre, Fronk Shiel, of Galt, for the sum of I of him since. He is about 65 years old,
short build, round face with full, short
beard, and is quite lame. When he left
he was wearing a dark gray coat mucin
too large for him. He hoe the tramp ap.
pearanoe, in faot is a regular tramp, and
says he came from the Townehip of
Brock. Persons knowing or hearing of
suoh a man, kindly drop a card to D.
French, Manager House of Refuge,
Clinton. .
STas1PEDE.—Onthe afternoon of Labor
Tbomms Times writes :—"Quite an in• Day the G. T. R. section men assayed to
ter05ting feature of the service at the
Methodist church Sunday evening was a
duett, °The Man of Galilee," sung by
Miss Drake and Mrs. Edmonds, with
'slarionet accompaniment by W. 3. Wake.
It was thoroughly enjoyed by a large
5ongreg0tIon,' Mr. Wake is well known
.1300, Mr. Watson will make a number
of improvements, such as veneering with
brick, &C.
Brussels Coach Horse Co. offers the fol-
lowing prizes for the four best colts aired
by their coach horse "Waldemar"
$1.00 ; and, 415.00 ; Srd, 52.00 ; and 4111,
51.00. The above specials were received
too late for prize lists. nee'
A FINIAL correspondent to the St.
'en r serturr, m:,SISisiermalmistassynalet
,T' h Tl.TrZ S S3:i~27 1.(?78.
ASSETS,(Seven Million Dollars) - 57,000,000
CAPITAL (Aptuorized) - - - • 82,000,000.
elgenoiesin all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, TNIte,1 $1 ores fit% 4Irnrt.
6 t i✓f,Se�jr,�s"A,('I' 'adt em.
A General Banking Business Transaohed. Farmers' Notes Discounted.
Drafte Ieened and Collections made on all pointe.
Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00 and npwarde from dat or deposit to date o
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
IS'very facility afforded Customers living at a diebanoe.
a..0.0s.1 Baas•rxar 1141,= mm¢ao vnma+1.1.27„1911711Xavmmrsr
Ev1'nvnonr goon to Wingham. 25 lbs.
Graualated sugar fr.r $1,00—Two our
loads. 1 still buy butter, eggs and dried
applee—Highest prices, Dash or trade.
G, I1, KING,
mo1'5 00'e is sold on a guarantee.
SIi 1 1
It aures incipient oon0001ption. Ib is
the best cough Dore, Only ono gent a
dose. 25 ots., 50 ate. and 51.00. Sold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
Bantam: Oi'PERED.—That eligible half
MUG lot situate on the Southern;portion of
Turnborry street, Brussels, will be die'
plead of below cost. Very easy terms.
-Write for particulars to Joan HARGREAVES,
pants. Here is what the Reporter Gaye
about it :—When word oame over the
wire in the evening that Kincardine oo-
oupied first place in the Brussels tourna-
ment, preparations were at once made to
give the Viotorias a reception. Banners
were painted, torches put to soak in coal
oil, and although the town is without any
organized Band, a number of the old
players, under the leadership of Mr,
Whitley got the instruments and with an
hour's practice were ready to head the
procession from the elation. When the
train reached here about an hoar late the
baseball boys were surprised at the en-
thusiasm of their renoption. The station
yard was ablaze with torches, the Band
etrnee 00 'r lively tune and cheers rent
the,, ,,l'4, hi 110. Tinea and Blakey were
partionierly 1+"uur.d. They were car-
ried shonlder high to a carriage in wait-
ing, and with ropes attached to the
vehicle they were drawn np town, the
Band heading the procession. On every
drive 12 or 15 head of village cows that
had strayed into the railway grounds f.o
Poond at T. Ballentyne'e. When the
drove had nearly reached the termination
of the journey and was passing Victoria
Park same of the ownere espied their
"hassles" and knowing fall welt that it
in Brussels and we are glad to see he is I meant cash to get a deliverance from the
making himself useful. Poundkeeper they charged on the corral
Costa To TRE PLATFORM—The Conduct. . , and after a lively skirmish, in which both
or of the afternoon train should Bee that 1 male and female ware engaged, they rel -
the passenger coaches ere pulled up to I led baok again, but not the whole num.
the platform, instead of making passen- I bee of cows, as only about four were
gore alight down by the cattle pens. If safely anchored, It was a livelyelcirmieh
short and fierce, and the owners won by
a neck.
Han TO RE KIL,En.—Last Sunday Jae.
Ballantyne and wife drove over to Sea,
forth with a horse reaeutly purchased by
the above mentioned gentleman. The
animal was a, speedy but nervous one,
and while being unhitched at Mre. Bal.
lantyne's father's residence, made off
with the buggy. Before going very fur
the horns and rig dissolved partnership
and the former in her mad raoe ran
against a barb wire tenets, lacerating her
breast and fore lege in a terrible manner.
A veterinary was enmnloned, who sug-
gested ending the mare's daye as the
most prolitablo course for the owner to
follow, as the beast would be unfit for
neat Seeding oomtnenaee at 3 O'olook, 0ervioe even ff recovery were probable.
Y' p His advice was taken and the beast put
There will also be foot races and prizes of misery, It will be quite n lops to
for boat lady drivers, `Mr, Ballantyne, but a0 no one was to
Faooe the report of the Inepeotor of blame be looks upon the philosophical
the travelling public pay a first class
price, they should be treated to first•alass
service. Getting into the aiding with the
freight appears to be the uppermost
thought in oonneetlou with the arrival of
the train above mentioned, A number
of complaints have been made. Give us
a show, her. Conductor,
FALL FA/11 Brent:No —A Committee
has arranged the following speeding eon.
tents for the end day of Brussels Fall
Fair :—Farmers' trot or pane let, 85 ;
end, 53 ; 3rd, 82, 3 minute trot 1st, $15 ;
dud, $8 ; 3rd, $4, 3 minute pace 1st,
815 ; 2nd, 68; 8rel, $4. All 6 mile heats
beat 3 in 6. No entrance fee to farmers'
rase. $1 in others, All competitors
meet be members of the Agricultural So.
hand eiti'tens extended hearty aongrata• either new work or rep5frn before con-
lations to the baseball boys. The parade suiting ale and getting my figures. You
was a great one and the sheers of the will save money and I know it. Call in.
multitude might almost have been heard Jas, Warmth, carriage maker, Brussels.
in Walkerton. It was about two o'clock
in the morning before quietness prevailed'
on the streets. One of the nicest features
of the homecoming welcome was the
presentation of an address to William
Bishop, the manager of the team, signed
by leading citizens of the town, express-
ing satisfaction at the victory achieved
and of the high regard in which our base-
ball club is held. Mr. Bishop made an
effective and happy reply on behalf of the
A HIVE OP IxnUSTRY.—Leet Friday of as,* ;RleaT,>=!a.
ternoon a member of Tun, POEM staff took
a stroll through the factory of J. & P, Paguonl—CURnIE.—At the residence of
the officiating minister, Rev. J. L.
Herr, Brussels, on Sept. 8th, Mr.
William J. Paomore, of Teeswater,
to Miss Sarah Sane Currie, of Wing -
ham, formerly of Morrie.
Legal Moen in Ontario for the year
1895 we glean the following figures as to
reeeipte of the legal offices in this oounty,
and the incomes of the reepeative officials.
The total receipts of the Sheriff's of&oo
amounted to 52,290.42, of which the
Sheriff received 8071.05. Of the total
amount, 5037.42 were received from the
Government ; $500 80 From the county,
and $831.77 Erect 11, general public.
Judge Maeson as Sutr'gate Judge, r0•
0eived $907.40, ail of which came from
the general °public. S. Maloolmson, Col
1`,00ai Master and Deputy Registrar, re.
eeived $1250, Ira Lewis, as Crown At.
torney and Clerk of the Peace, received
$1,100,51, while the total receipts of his
office amounted to $1,891.27. D, Mc-
Donald, a0 Deputy Clerk al the Oro0sn,
County Court Clerk and Snrrogate Regis-
trar, received $1,832.73, while the total
reoeipte of the of$ae amounted to $2,.
530.15, of which $500 was paid by the
Government and the 8alanoe by the gen-
eral pdblfo,
side of the unexpected lees.
Co3Eatax'e REPINED SALT.—The Toronto
Globe of last Tuesday had the following
reference to the Coleman saltbasinees ;—
Five barrels of Coleman's Refined Salt,
done up in small bags, were given away
at their stand on the ground floor (south
side) of the Main Building. Everybody
is anxious to get one of their cute little
bags of salt, and the visitors were greatly
intoroated in examining the exceptionally
fine samples of the different grades menu.
faotnred by the firm at their works in
Seafortb and Brussels, and ehown in a
case at their stand. A small box of table
salt always stands open for inepeotinn,
Thirty years' experience in manufaetur•
ing salt enables the firm to put an ab•
solutoly pnre article on the market.
Coleman'e Refined Salt is put up for
houeehold, dairy, cheese and MOM -pack -
Mg purposes, and ie used by all the large
meat packers who ship their geode to the
old country and the firma who put up the
finest baoou dee Coleman's Refined Salt.
GI000N,--10 Wroxeter, on August 30th,
the wife of Mr. T. Alex, Gibson, of a
HASTIE.—In Howick, on Friday, 27115
ult., the wife of Mr. James Haetio,
of ti daughter.
HRATN.—In Borrie, on Sunday, 29th ult.,
the wife of Mr. 1V. Heath, of a
n5ROI001100 has several good Farms for
sale t '
and 0 rout, I n HIL terms, " l
s or a inTownships
of Morrie '
i d Grey,P 8. SO Brussels
, a s
Ameot, and was really surprised at the
manlier in which work ishuetledthrough.
In the heading department 15 hands are
busily employed and no lees than 4,900
heads ere turned out per day. This
means the preparation of the heading in
packages for shipment and tete caring for
all the waste. They have had eight
months work this season and will have
an output of 130,000 set of basswood,
which is made up for sugar barrels, in
addition to the hardwood. The firm
have a large gsantity of heading in their
storehouse ready for shipment. A fairly
buoy season has been theirs in the house
furnishing line, for which this factory
holds first plane. The latest improve•
menta and most modern applianeee in
saving labor are adopted, and the whole
faotory is kept in a tidy and attractive
condition. Their engine room is a
model and shows that competent kande
are in command. A neat, airy, well
lighted and commodious aloe is situated
on the second fiat and has the necessary
dealt room, telephone, safe, &o. In nd•
dition, the walls are inhaled with panels,
window frames and wainscotting of
various designs, so that an intending
builder may see for himself and make
his choice from the patterns before him,
instead or depending entirely on plans.
Anent Bros, are bustlers to work, care-
ful managers, looking triter all the details
closely, and as a consequence are deserv•
edl1 jogging along the highway of pros.
parity. Each member of the firm hes
added to the improvement of his re.
spective residence and have two of the
most comfortable houses in town. Tun
PORT {wishes them continued 01.100ees.
Business Locals.
JLC n1txT.--•1he xndereiguod 'offers hie 100
acre farm for sale or to rent, being iLet 10,
Con. 9, In the Township of Grey. Possession
given at once, For orlon, terms and inform-
ation apply to T. 05001110,.
6.4 Proprietor, Brussels.
rout, situated Duo mile South of
Brussels, being Lot 30 Om 7, Morrie. On
the premises is a good frame house and baro,
a nom falling well and Rret•olnss orchard.
Possession atones. For p,u'tienlare ape)/ to
5014N WYNM, Brussels, or W. WV. BUISISIISS,
Photographer, Mitchell. - 8-41
near Brussels. Great bargain, Lot 7.
Con. 0, Grey township. Good buildings and
orchard, well watered, suitable for mixed or
dairy farnnug. Possession givers next
March, with privilege of ,going Pall plowing.
Apply to W. H, 0Rl015, PQM! Publishing
Hot.se,B rnescle,or• to THOMAS HLIEITAGE,
Loudon West.
—100 soros of good farm land at
Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is dean
ed for sale at alow price, The property is
North 'Mitt 1 Sac, 10, Twp. 11, Range 4, Hast.
There lea hones on the prem100e and some
breaking done. For full part36nlare as t0
prion, title. Hc., wri to or apply to
G, F, BLAIR or W. H, IKE1RR,
0041 Brussels, Ont.
KAY.—Il] Ayr, on August 31st, James
Kay, unole to Mre. W. H. Kerr,
Brussels, aged 68 years.
Western, London, Sept, 9 18.
Central, Guelph, Sept. 15.15.
Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 15.16.
Mornington, Milc'erbon, Sept. 16-17.
Southern, Brantford, Sept. 21.24.
Woodstock, Sept. 22.23.
North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 28 24.
Fast Boson, Brussels, Sept. 30 & Cot.
Listowel, Sept. 21 & 22.
Clinton, Sept. 28 & 20.
Belgrave, Sept. 23 & 24.
Wingham, Sept. 28 29.
Blyth, Cot. 5 & 6.
Palmerston, Sept. 27 & 28.
Walkerton, Sept. 15 & 16,
Clifford, Sept. 28 & 24.
Great Northwestern, Goderich, Sept.
North Grey, Owen Sound, Sept. 14,
15, 16.
Central Canada, Ottawa, Sept, 17.25.
Sonth Grey, Durham, Sept. 28, 29.
Mitchell Horticultural, Sept, 29, 30.
South Perth, Se. Marys, Oct. 5, 0.
Ribbert, Staffs, Sept. 27, 29.
Elena, Atwood, Oct. 5, 6.
331anehard, Kirkton, Oot. 7, 8.
No. 1 flour and long clear bacon at
Fmeo.oskoe house to rent or for sale.
Apply to ane. Wynn.
ONE seoond-hand single harness for
sale cheap. I, 0, Riehatds.
Cotrxonm eras house to that, Apply ab
once to W. M. SINCLAIR.
SEtt our harness before you buy. We
give the best value in the market.
I. 0. Richards.
D. Ewan hes a number of second hand
buggies to sell at big bargains. Call at
his shop and maim him an offer..
GET those holee in your shoes and
rubbers repaired. Bring them to Us ; we
repair them oheap and neat.
I. 0, Riohatde.
A annsT•oLAss special line of work
manufaotured et Jas. Wallcee'e shop. 115
gives tiptop value to every onotonser.
Fon sale) cheap, one second-hand box
stove and stove pipes, also lamps and
chandeliers, office desk, cash drawer.
I. C. Riohatde.
KA11715 Clover Root, the great Blood.
Purifier gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures oonsbipation.
25 cite, 50 ots and $1.00. Sold by James
Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
Ayer's Bair Vigor tones up the weak
hair mots, stimuolatee the vessels and
tissues whioh supply the hair with nutri-
tion, strengthens the hair Rolf, and adds
the oil whloh keeps the ellafto soft, suet.
rots, and silky. The moat popular and
valha`ble toilet preparation in the World.
SEPT. 10, 1897
DEltsleurn offers hie eligible 04 acre
farm for sale, being South part of Lot fi
Con, 12, Grey. 4111 under cultivation, well
watered and well fenced, There is a good
stn Ile house, bank barn, orchard, wells, &e„
on the premises. Also a splendid stone
quarry iron which a good revenue is realiz-
ed. Only 21 melee iron Brussels. Terms
reasonable. For further partioulare as to
prl ea, &e., apply to
501100 MITCHELL, Proprietor,
30.10 Brussels P. 0.
1►/f01 EY
r1';:,).S. 800'3', LOAN AT13ruseols. 5 PEB
ere F$
\Yo aro lrltlaso(1 to announce
that tho
:er1iitri an
Consisting of the Souter 1 and South 1
of 1110 North 1 of Lot 30, Con 2, Hast Wawa -
nosh. This is an excellent stook farm, being
well supplied with good spring water. Itis
situated about 3 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth, A large past of it Is under
grass. Buildings and feuoes aro in afair
state of repair. Bast' terms of payment will
be given. For all information apply bo
11-tf G, F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels,
Sale with 7, acre lot. Good cistern,
turnn¢o, &o. Will be sold at a bargain.
Apply to Tun Poe, Publishing House,
Fist mortgage, farm eeourit , Apply
at Mal POST Publishing House, Brussels,
E/ vroa.--1'he cost of service of my dna
registered Jersey Bull is now 851 for grades.
Get the best. G. A. ll1JADMAN,
appeals under TIM Diming & Water•
courses not, 15111 be held byhis 'Borer Judge
Masson, et SAGE'S 1203310, 'tWALTON on
Friday, Sept, 14tb, at 19 o'clock in the fore-
noon. All interested aro melted. attend.
Voters' List Court.
1. That excellent farm, Lot 15, Con. 0,
Township of Grey,100 agree, must be sold nt
onoo in order to close estate of deceased own-
er. Tho lot is nearly all cleared, with good
buildings, ample water supply, large cm-
obard, 11 miles from Crnnbrook, is under
good cultivation and is a very desirable pr'o•
party indeed. Apply to 13ICHARD 00IT-
011P.LL, Brussels P. 0.' JOHN MITCHELL,
on the premises • or A. HUNTER, Brussels,
Dated Sept. 1ltly 1800.
Is now to hand and ready
for sale.
We have them in all the
popular Bindings and will
be pleased to show you our
Fox's Drag Eton,
Druggist & Stationer.
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Penne aid farm
stook a specialty. Orders left at Tern Pram
Publiohiug House ,Brussels, or sunt to Walton
P.O., will receive prompt attention,
Notico is hereby given that a Court will be
held pursuant to the "Votore'List dot." by
file Boner the judge of the County Court of
the County of limey, at the TOWN HALL;
13111188HL0,on 1111uiolay, the 73r7 1103' or
Septeseiber,1807, at 10 o'clock to bear and
determine tips several eomplalnts of emote
and omtsefooO in the Veto's Liet of the
Municipality of Brussels for 1897. All persons
having business at the Court aro required to
attend nt tho said limo and place,
Dated the 7th day of So 1,1897,
F. S, 800010,.
Clerk of the skidMenloinality,
A.' Den, will soil for bettor prices, to
better mei in 000 time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in least Enron
or he won't charge anything. Dates and
orders can always be arranged at this Diose
or by personalappHcabion.
• Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collec-
tion)) made. OAice—Vaootone's Block, Brus-
sels. 01 -Om
• solicitor, Cony eyau er ,No tary Pub-
lia, &o. 011loo—'Vanstone's Block, 1 door
north of Central 'total, Private Funds to
ivr• Gr. CAMERON,
(Formerly of Clatuernu, Holt
Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, tlndorieh
Ont. OIIine—Hamilton St., Opposite 001
borne Hotel.
omfatter, &e. (late of Carrow &
Proudfoot'a Moe, OoderIch.) Odioe oyer
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels.
Money to Loau. 47
NJ Who line had 25 years experience as au
Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing to i)1
health, ]ate again taken out license and is
pr'epar'ed to conduct salon at reasonable
terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Botha may
be arranged at 33140 PosT Publiehine House.
13.11 Auctioneer.
Notice to Creditors.
Betio is given pursuant to Obap,110, 15,8.
0., that all persons having claims against
the estate of JAM108 L00033, l.ato of the
Township of Grey, in the (Monty cif Huron,
deceased, who died on or about the 11th clay
of 7111y,1807, are required to delIved their
elaima to Wm, Spence, one of the executors
of deceased, at Mind P. 0„ with fell partite -
niers of their claims, on or before the 010.0
1103' et October, 1397 after which last men-
tioned date the exeoulore will dietribate he
estate among the parties entitled thereto,
with regard only to tee olaima of which they
have had natiA, HUNTER,
Agent for Bxeoutore.
Dated, Btbol, Sept. 0,1807, 0.3
Notice to Creditors.
M.D., 0.00., Trinity University, Fellow Trin-
ity Medical College, Member College of Play
Biplane and Surgeons, Ono. Licentiate of the
Royal Colleen or Physicians anti Licentiate
of Midwifery, Edinburgh, ra-Telephone
No.14, Residence, Mill St„ Brussels.
1st Oleos Honor Graduate of the Universi-
ties of Triuity(Toronto), Queen's (Xangstos),
and of Trinity Modioal College ; Fellow of
Trinityllledtcal College mid member of the
College of Phyerciaua and Surgeons of Outer -
10, Post Graduate Course in Detroit and
Chicago 1800. Spaniel attention paid to dis-
eases of Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat, and dis-
easesof Women, t."):1 onsultation in Bug -
and German. Telephone at residence.
In the matter of the estate of William
IvloDonald, late of the Township of
Grey, Bioyole Dealer, deceased.
Pennant to the Itevited Statutes of On-
tario, 1887, Chapter 10, Son, 20 and amend-
mentstheroto, notice is hereby given that
all creditors and others having elaime
against the estate of the said Wilit am Me -
Donato, deceased,wlro tiled on or about the
eighth day of August, A. D, 1807, aro on or
before Ulm Sovouteoubb day of Bontemher,
A, D.,1807, required to send to the under-
signed solicitor for the said estate their
Christian, surnames, address and deeorrp •
Gans thud full particulars and proofs of their
claims and ,t statement of their Lumen and
the nature of the security (if any) hold In'
And he said
le hereby further gglvor that
atter the said Se cuter nt f day of 8epto m-
leer,1997, the executers of the said estate
said proceedto distribute the ascots of the
said tlo,eaavi amongst tho parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to thhab olaime
01 which they shad then have ot had noting
and (mthe t or ox any part
ther not bo 1iaelro0r
the 005000 Or any part. thereof to any persen
or persons of whose claim or oleime they
011511,10111088 had lltlt'/Ole 0.t tho time of
Such diotalbutten,
8olloltor for Walter Innis and
)lark Cardiff, lex/ mutero,
Bated a1 Brussels the 101 Sept., 41,1).,1097
3 • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary.Ooilege, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals in a com-
petent manner, Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. Or4oe and Infirmary—Four doors.
north of bridge ,Purnberry st„ Brussers.
• Iseurer ofMarriageLicensoe. Ofeee
at Ms Grocery, Turnborry street, Brussels.
Tonsorial Artist' Shap—Noxt door
south of A. M. McKay & Oo's hardware eters.
Ladies'anduhfldi'ene Bair nutting a specialty
lesuBI of Marriage • Licensee,
1 °No Witness Required.
T. FLETOHER, Brussels
Clerk of the Fourth Division Conr
Co, Hn'on, 0onveyaneer, Notary Public
Land, Loan mud Tustin) nee Agent. Funds
invested and t0 loan, Collections made
Otllso in Grab ain't Bloch, BAvssols.
Will eye lessens to Militia either en
piano or orgqan, at his Music Roan, opposite
the postsaiio¢, Brussels. Vocal lessone also
given. Ten years experience in teaching,
Terms moderate,
Ancient Order of United Workmen,
This old and prosperous fraternal AEI see
atton numbering 850,000 members are pre
esu tine to the pnblio their popular and 8505•
ominafratesto worthy iron, at the very low
rate of about 588,00 per 51,000 per annum.
The Workmen" Promptly 1'ay heath
i511110.0 and expect a largo in010550 to ilk
members now that bhoeo American Lino
Companies don't serol eatisfaetery to Can-
RUST, A1MST1ONG,M,W. ; W. H.1t1 511
Ileaordor; 3, A, 01t1iGHTON,3inarlolor,