HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-9-10, Page 66 Eli Nrussci V.trt t —IS PUDLIen$D—•, EVERY FRIDAY 'MORNING (in time for the early mails) at 'The 1?ost" Steam Publishing) Eouso, TDRNEERRY 1ST., BnUseELe, ONT. '2entia oP fiUna22erPTr0N•—Ons dollar a year, in advance, The:date to which every subsoription in paid le denoted by the date on the address label. ADWEBTre1Ne BATES.—Tho following rates will be obarged to those who advertise by the year :— aPAcn 1 1 YR. 1 0 mo. mo One Column 200.00 $80.00 520.00 Half 80.00 20,00 12.00 Ecarter '• 20.00 12.00 8.00 ighth 'r .. . ,12.00 8.00 2,00 Eight cents per line for first insertion, and throe cents per line for amok subsequent in- sertion. All advertisements measured as Nonpareil-12lines to the inch. Business Cards, eight lines and under, 00 per annum. Advertisements without specific direo- Eons, will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. Instructions t0 change or discontinue an advertisement must be left at the oouuting room of Tan PQM not later than Tuesday of each week This is imperative. W. H. 7K10,UI , Editor and Proprietor. The Premier's Return. The Premier got a great reception from his constituents to Quebeo on Saturday. This reoeption was duplicated along the River St. Lawrence and in Montreal city. The Frenoh•Canadians always do these things well, and they are rightly exceed- ingly proud of the way the greatest of living Frenoh•Oanadians has conducted himself, and has been received in Britain and France. The newspaper men, of course, inter- viewed him on the steamer. "I think it was an index to the English character and a oredit to the English Nation, that the consummating ceremony of that day should have been the publio thanksgiving to Almighty God for the prosperity of the Nation," he said of the Jubilee day. He briefly reviewed the itnportant changes brought about by the preferential trade offer to Britain. "Canada is now be- ginning an entirely new career, not only fn England, bat in Europe. The nenun- ciation of the German and Belgian treaties at the request of Canada has created a profound impression all over Europe. Without exaggeration I can say that Canada is thus reoognized as among the Nations. The feeling in Eng. land is very friendly towards Canada, and if my anticipations are not deceived we shall see a great flow of capital and population to Canada in the next few years: The great change fo the atti. tude of the British Government towards the German and Belgian treaties was un- doubtedly due to Canada's action. The fast line service was practically assured, he -V.A. "The French people have al- ways been very friendly in their dieposi• tion towards Canadians, and are now still more so, but I am sorry to say that Canada is not as well known to French- men as it ought to be, and, perbape, I may eberieb the hope that my visit to France may have dispelled a few of the false notions which may have existed prior to that time." He spoke of the wonderful impression made on him by the Queen, Mr. Gladstone and the Pope. Sir Wilfrid wants all Canadians allied to further the material prosperity which seems coming to Canada. So Say we all. KLONDIKE il'EJI'�i, The following were culled from the last issue to hand of the Klondike lilarion : Bill Mugging, that prince of good fel. lows, residing on Yeller avenue, is putting a handsome 181c. gold leaf roof on his new barn. We are pleased to announoe that the First Presbyterian church will give a boiled dog supper at its parlors Thursday evening at 7 o'olook. Admission d4. Children half fare. Col. Frankfort, of the Bang Up Res- taurant, meals served at all hours, hae the editor's thanks for a juicy joint of roast mule ma fine as heaver stuck a tooth into. Come again, Colonel. Now is the time to subscribe for the Klariou-624 per annum, invariably in advance. Good, clean nuggets taken on subsoription. Oar leading dentist, Dr. Jim Moffit, be- lieves in fostering home industries. He uses only Klondike gold in plugging teeth. Dr. Jim is oleo a jolly jerker. Coll on him when in town. Reward,—Ninety-nine dollars reward will be paid for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the low. dung soonndrel who stole our office oat on Tuesday night last. That cat coat US money, and he was getting int enough to make us loop forward to Thanksgiving dinner with more than ordinary feelinge of gustatory delight. Don't throw away the boots you have been working in all summer. We oan as- sure new -comers to our vicinity that while turkey is a good thing for a Christ. mas dinner, a pair of well•boiled and seasoned boots, heavy leather preferred, are a great deal better than no dinner. We have boon here before. Little Johnnie, the bright and intent. gent three-year•old son of our esteemed fellow townsman, C. H. Jinkins, who was so seriouely oboked on it nugget of gold the hired girl caroteeely left lying on the kitchen floor, whore the child was play ing, is, we are glad to say, improving. 11.1. Merman's spirited team of rein. deers ran away yesterday afternoon on Yukon avenue, extended, while bringing a load of gold dust to town, and scattered the yellow sediment around the landscape to such an extent that several residents from the States living out that way grew quite homesick, it wag so remindful to them of the goldenrod, which is their national flower, At a recant reception in this oily of our eliteet sot, the lion of the evening was G, Washington Wellington of the tnited Statee, and be was thus honored and lionized beoauto be was the only man present who Wae not a millionaire. Society always delights iu novelties, At the bridal breakfast after the Bing - Bang wodding on Dollar Boulvevard yesterday, a fall report of which was a 'Clarkin exclusive, the piece doresietance was a fillet al bay horse grieved on platee of solid gold half an Mob thiole. A wash. tubful of gold duet was showered on the happy pair as they walked down the front steps of the brids'e home to their reindeer sledge. We have the nugget some bad boy threw through our window last night, breaking a pane of glees, and we shall be glad to give it to him for a new pane. The nugget weighs four ounoes, and the size of the pane was 8x10. Any person wishing to exchange It pane of glass that eine for the nugget will please call' at this oifioe before the arrival of the oold wave, ancg POLL OP MUT. "Many men are falling by the wayside. Many turning book ; many more will not make it. Men without horses are selling outfits at Seattle prices and lees. They will drop back at home as if by night and will have nothing to say more of Klon' dike. Some even with horses are Belling and dropping out. The task is more than they are capable of surmounting. Some are quitting after they have packed their milks over the Brat big hill. The trail of the Skagway today ie lined with im. pediments from the salt water to this place—coats, hate, plaice, ehovele, lumber, boats, window glass, tin cane, gripe mod valises, everything imaginable fn piece, meal, not to apeak of the tone and tone of supplies oaohed at every 100 feet of the dietanee. One man may have hie outfit at a dozen different pieties and scattered for five miles. He will throw down a load anywhere. No one will molest it ; every man has more than he wants of his own. A man could enter on the Skag- way trail this morning and buy a dozen outfits cheaper than he could buy half a dozen in Seattle. Bet, in Pape of it all, there are men here with grit who will stay 'if it takes all summer. They will, if they live, see Klondike sometime. These men, without horses, are steadily, day by day, carrying 100 -pound packs on their backs up the steep mountain aides, gaining step by step—a mile to -day, half a mile tomorrow and so on. One crowd of nix strapping Nanailno boys have in this way brought all their supplies this far from the beach, and not a pound was carried otherwise than on their backs, and in nearly every instance in 100. pound packs. There are some Seattle boys like them." Golro ic. Potatoes are rotting in the ground. Jae. Leech is having a new roof put on his block. We are sorry to hear of the severe ill- ness of Mies Mary Newell. Miss Alvino Hsibein has gone to Clin- ton to attend the Model school. Wm. Mose had the misfortune to cot his hand very badly on a pieoe of glass. Miss Robina Keine took the train Monday morning of last week for North Bay, to resume her duties as teacher. Rev. J. S. Fisher and Reuben Harding were in Lnoknow on Tuesday of last week attending the financial meeting of the Wingnam District. Mr. Hammond, the contractor, ie push. ing the erection of the Crystal Palace forward with all possible speed, in order to have it ready for the Fall exhibition. Rev. John Ball, of Atwood, preached in the Methodist church here on Sabbath morning and evening.. Rev. J. S. Fisher preached Anniversary sermons in At• wood. Robt. Match, our enterprising butcher, met with an aooidont whioh might have proved serious. He was lifting a piece of meat, weighing about 150. lbs., which, slipping off the book before he had got a good hold .of it, gave him a sudden wrench, straining the ligaments of his back. G ode richt. North street is being nicely fixed np. Good plums were selling last week at 40 Dente a basket. The G. T. R. sent one huudred and ten loaded cars Eastward last week. The lifts at present tieing made by our fishing tugs do not Dover expenses. The sewer oontraotors have levelled the streets where the sewer pipes were laid. It is stated that Rev. Father West in. tends baying granolithie walks laid at St. Peter's. 2b Commencing last Sunday, St. George's Sunday school service will be held in the afternoon. Registrar Gibson has moved into the dwelling on North street formerly ocon- pied by W. T. Kiely. The new brewery is not yet finished, but it is said that the job will be nom - plated at a not distant date. Rev. Jos. Edge has a suuiowergrowing on the grounds of the parsonage which measures 10 feet 2 inches. The pastor of North et, Methodist church purpoeee starting evangelistic) services about the middle of October. Milton Buchanan, a Goderioh Oollegi• ate student, won the first position in modern languages at the reoent examin- ations. Master E. V. Campion, of this town, won third prize in a competition held by the Philatetie Advoonte, of Berlin, with his essay on postage etampe. The reopening of Knox ahuroh will possibly be postponed till the loth, the workmen being unable to have all the seats in position by the 122h, At a session of Knox church, held on Wednesday evening of last week, the new Presbyterian hymnal and the revised ad- dition of the psalms were adopted for the use of the congregation. Contractor Madigan now has some twenty five men employed on the break- water job and expects to take on as many more as soon as the raft of timer that is eupposed to have left for thie port ar- rives. Lewis Elliott, caretaker of the poet. office here, received notice from Ottawa to quit the job, move out and hand over the keye, all by Sept. let, to Geo, Biesett, who had been appointed to replan him. The old fire engine "Union," was tok- en from its resting plate in the market house and during last week was over. hauled and polished till it looked like new. Many old residents will no doubt have fond redolloobions of the days when this engine woe worked by about a soon of lusty boys and mon. That there is a large field opening up in the Northwest for household furniture is proved by the large shipments made by the Kensington furniture factory. All this season the sales in Alberta have been very brisk and during last week over two oarloadt were shipped, and thie week several oonsignmenta have been sent out there. When the provisions of the Seaierth excursionists were left in the pavilion at Harbor Park, a number of email boys from town snatched up several of the baskets containing edibles and started down through the declare for the harbor. THE BRUSSELS POST A oouplo of men who saw the act gays its ohaeo, and would have caught the young. eters but for the feet that the latter ran nomas Dept. Baxter's bridge, over the Maud and along the eawloge. The pie. Makers were angry to think that they ehould bo the victims of such a mean trick. Wa'oxflte1'. Archie Moffatt has bad an addition put to his blaokamith ehop. Robb. Roe left 00 his wheel for Toron- to to take in the exhibition, The regular monthly bores fair was hold in Wroxeter on Thursday, 0th Inst, Alias Ferguson, of Brussels, was visit. ing friends in town on Tuesday of butt week. Wroxeter eeeme to have special at. traction for Gerrie youths on Sunday evenings. John and James Moffatt, of Owen Sound, were in town recently visiting their brother Archie, Thos. McLaughlin, of Brown City, Michigan, is at present visiting old friends in and around town. George Spotton, the new Prinoipal in our Public school commenced his ditties last week. We wish him euooese. It is strange how some people who cannot pay their debte oan always find money to vieft the Toronto exhibition. Mr. Crittenden, who formerly carried the mail between here and Belmore, has secured a contract for mail carrying be- tween Tara and Port Elgin. Harry Willits left on Tuesday of last week for Prinoe Albert, in the hope the change of climate will benefit hie health. We trust that his hopes will be realized. Mr. Goodheart, the Russian Jew, gave a lecture in the basement of the Presby terian church on Monday evening of last week entitled ''Jewish Life in Rus- sia." He was greeted with a fair medi- anoe. Clinton. The new Book of Praise' has been in. traduced into Willis church. It took over 30 panes of glass to repair the windows of the public school. Dr. Gunn was attending the meeting of the Britieh Medioal Aesooiation, at Mont- real. Mr. Kern, of Molson's Bank, has been Buffering from hemorrhage of the lunge, his parents being in attendance on him, and we are glad to know he is getting batter. There are in all 73 inmates in the House of Refuge. J. A. King has been awarded the oontraet for bread for the next three menthe. Rev. B. Clement returned on Tuesday of last week from his trip up the lakes. He feels mnoh better than when he went away and says he never realized how mnoh he needed a rest until he was able to enjoy it. Shank Bros., who take possession of the Commercial hotel on the 1st of Oct., purpose making considerable improve- ments, by way of moderizing its appear. ance. The first and second stories will probably undergo considerable change. The quarterly official meeting of the board of Rattenbury street Methodist church was held on Tuesday of last week. The finances were reported in good con- dition, and the salary of the pastor for the ensuing year fixed at the same amount as last year, 31,000. R. Hoboes was appointed representative to the Die- triol Meeting. John Hoesiou, of Toros ',, (nephew of Pare. Marten, town) repos oe. of Cycling, of Toronto, who is visitin.; his brother- in-law, Dr. Cunningham, V. S., St. Thomas, met with a very peouliar acci- dent. We was going into St. Thomas from Port Stanley, and when close to the city a dog ran out at him. Mr. Heseion had a revolver and pulled it out of his pocket to shoot the oanine, but instead he shot himself in the leg at the thigh, the bullet barely missing the main artery and embedding itself four inches in the flesh. He is now doing nioely. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. When a man talks about the poor busi• nese outlook he generally means the poor way be looks out for business. An en- gaged girl may feel awful Bare of every- thing, bot she doesn't eat many onions till after the gets married. After a girl has once decided that she won't have a man if he asks her she will never forgive him for not asking her. A rainy day costume ie an excuse for a woman to have all the men look at her without having all the other women out her. A woman's idea of pleasure is to swing on the porch in a hammock, in a white dress, and watch her husband setting out planta for bor. About five minutes after a man has started an argument with a woman he feels as helplessly mad as he does when he has leaned up against some fresh paint with nobody near to hear him swear. REASONS 1012 SIGNING TIiL' PLEDGE. Sign the pledge ; it will benefit your health, Alcohol is not more neoessary to health than any other chemical or mad• Meal agent. It excites the heart, bin- ders digestion, disturbs the liver, and stupefies the brain. It gives a momen- tary glow and stimulus, but you have to pay for them nfterwarde by a inevitable lessening of vital heat and animal power and mental force. Even in moderate quantities it note es au irritant and a poison. The athlete, in training for a boat race, a prize.figbt, or a running match, meet absolutely forego the nee of alcohol ; and if men do not want it for such extra- ordinary exextione, why do you want it for ordinary ones 1 Recent English ex- peditions in Abyssinia, the Transvaal and Egypt. proved that if a General wishes hie troops to perform forged marches, or to undergo unusual fatigues, he mast substitute coffee for grog. The extremes of the Arotlo oirolo and the tropioal sun are best endured on cold water, au the experience of many ex- plorers and travellers proves. The tablee of insurance offcers show that ono band. red moderato drinkers die for every seventythree abstainers, and many ofd. core have a ep00ial section to give ab- stainers the benefits of insurance at a lees pride. It would be a perleo0 roicitttion to some wise read these words if they would give total abstinence a trial, Your appe. rites would bo better, your minds would be clearer, year nerves would lie stronger, and your whole system would oat fitness and tape. aved My Life" A VETERAN'S STORY. "Several years ago, while in Fort Snelling, Minn., I caught a severe cold, attended with a terrible cough, that allowed me no rest day or night, The doctors after exhaust.. ing thrlr remedies, proaounoed my ease hopeless, say- ing they could do no more for me. At this time a bottle of AYER'S Cherry Pectoralwas sent to me by a friend who urged d l•''�» me to take it, which I did, and soon after I was greatly relieved, and in a short time was completely cured. I have never had much of a cough since that time, and I firmly believe Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my life." — W. II. WARD, 8 Quimby,Av., Lowell, Mass. YE P Cherry Pectoral Highest Awards at World's Fair. AYER'S PILLS cure Indigestion and Headache Wanted—An idea Who can think Protect your ideas; they may bring you wealth Write JOHN WEDDERnURN t: 00. Patent Attor- neys, Washington, D. 0., for their $1,800 prise offer and list of two hundred Inventions wanted. BRUSSELS PHI' l P O R M s. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding distriot that I have pur- chased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either now work or repairs at moderate prices. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looped after. mo'de's taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns. Gomez Greet, OtIILL STREET, - BRUSSELS. Are You a—' WU;LIST ? If you require a Wheel you should call on the undersigned. Ae a proof of the foot that we do the business we append the sales already made this season Rev. J. Rose, J. T. Dodds, & D Geo. Thomson, Gents' Ladies' J. II. Cameron; } Jno. Smith, NEW BARNES W. D. Cousley, A. Keifer, H. Hunter, Mies M. Meadows, J. A. Stewart, D. Straohan, J. Hamilton, J. Kellington, SECOND A. McKay, I• HAND G. McKay, WHEELS L. Williamson, J. Brown, 1-BRANTFORD — CLEVELAND d W 71 o.,e' '.oY U S L snow tl ■ Wanted—An Odea Who eon think or some simple Protect your blew they maybringing ou patent. Write JORN WEDDEREURN a: 00. bringthing Atter. nays Washington. D. 0., for their $1 880 prize Offer and het of two hundred inventions wanted. DR. CHASE'S N THE ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL ui 1D/vdE tiY itl kLtb ti! 4i_R THE ONLY KInN EY -LIVER PI LOS plus L T. Orwaos,11 adng. a Standard Bank, Brad. ford, Ont., says, CI dace K d,cy-Liver )ills are a grand medicine for the Kidneys sod Liter. W. lr. CARRtrn r , 1ieCaul Sen Toronto, re. Presecting Moore: I Scar says, Chase's hills act kemmaie fee dm r lid of tend.nche, bilious attack and cans' 5 amen, l'1 e' erywhcro, or by mail on rcceipf '1:1cr [05ANSON, GATES Fc CO. .5 uga. lea ter 701081510. ear SEPT. 10. 1 S97 Mc 'TR stt EY SAFE ER C0013. Of all Ct -4410P— OdcZ lines im Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves, Under- wear, Dress Goods, Cottons and 'Muslims, i12 fact all kinds of Su7227ner Goods to be cleared out Rejardless of Cost. We have already received New Goods for Fall. ---1 We've got the Styles. We've got the Prices. VERY section of this store is a centre of interest, and if you wish to save looney in Dress Goods, Clothing, Men's Furnishings or Boots and Shoes, you. can save it by buying here. Bargains are ripe and no words can equal personal observation. THERE IS NO RE SON Why our prices should not be, without exception, the low- est. No effort is spared;; in making shopping a pleasure and gain in buying at this store. Many Specials in Dress Goods and Mantle Cloths. Many Specials in Boys' and Men's Clothing, Many Specials in Boots and Shoes. A personal inspection will prove our prices to be correct. Call and take a look through. SMITH t I Ec To keep out the Flies and be Comfortable yon must have Sorcen ;Iooi illhlAV Screens It Pays to Buy the Best that is mads. Order your Doors from us and get the Best Screen Door on the market. Wilt° BF6 V t..7, SMr1S. of Toronto, Establishea 18 G tiP 00 lb m W A. tnm -a 03 m CAO o<4 o0 o o� O O b 0 The Policy Contrast issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND TOTICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE, It leaves nothing further to be desired, Rates and full'infer- mation furnished on application, W'� ZZ, Agent, Brussels.