HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-9-10, Page 5Ni.. tT10,1...8?7 THE BRUSSELS POST :. n: ~�_.= .rm4 rtstaKntcaws�amwwmvaevnzsmrsnaaerxmwzra,uma.W�rm 31!ti'f1 rr bn id c r A, Dieheee,M, Bottdford, 13, Davidson, E. M. Legal and eon returned to Paw Hollinger, L. Dickson, G, hark, D. Dark, Paw, Michigan, on Tuesday of this week, Ih Beadford, No. entered on register J, Malelillen, 1i. P., was out visiting during the month, 54, the Barrio farm w1bioit le, serol eteld 1•e. Orztalb{ 4rolc. W. IL Srawlsr, 'Poacher. contly, The eider bgeineea won't rush this --+- - S. Cali/Welt returned to Brusueis thin emeriti. <+ tlttt;, weelc. no has been at home during the Some of our oitleans aro at the Toronto ITarveating is almost over. harvest, Exhibition, Plums are 0 good Drop in this viefnity, Mro, Robb. AI. Anderson, of WingIp m, A new wire fence is p to bo put up at the Potatoes are almost a complete failure was visiting Jae, Wilkinson and family M°theJist <ai: rat• on amount of the rut, and other relatives last week. A`<iso.1 nide Wiggle le holidaying at Quite a largo crowd left Ethei for Rich. Mitchell threshed ]tie grain this Toronto tine week. Toronto on Tuesday warning. year in Mauftoba style -out of the Meek A imnbur of the boy) took io the races Geo. AI. Mitchell now rides a bicyobe, -and it work to perfection. at Berlin oe Labor Day, You ought to get a baudem Geo, S. Walker, jr., talks of patting up a Mr. Rollins, of New York, le visiting Wm, Cook and wife left on 'Tuesday of new verandah this Fall which will rank hie uncle, John Cameron. this week to visit relatives in Wieooesin, second to none on the Gth oon. Jas. Bird ie nn the sick IIeb, but cm Robb. hose, who bad his arm and three Robert Maunders left on Monday Inc hope Inc his epeody recover. ribs broken by a runaway, is raoovaring Belleville, whore be will twice a course at Sas. Caniecou, Or Iowa, in the gum` of nicely. College. We wish him suooees, hie uuels, John Cameron, sr, J. Hemsworth and W. Routley were Three threshing machines wore at work It is said Jake Long's speedy pacer will awarded the aonbraob for building a within abouta mile of one another on the tape part in the pacing contest at I3rus• woodshed in the school yard, Gbh line, Saturday of last week. eels Fall Fair, Cole Bros. moved the "Orphans' Mr, and iters, Frank Smythe, Olive Please don't fine us, Brussels Black mine from D, Delimitates village lot to end Jack, of London, spent Labor Day Bass Proprietors, if we °atoll a few of the his farm, where it will be need a8 an Im. with Thoe. 13one, sr., Ord line. finny family up here, plement !tones. The work was done in Luther Pepper has leased the farm of Robb. Good, of Hibbert, and Miss two days, Geo. O&Ieibei c for a term of years. Does Cameron, of Dlanshard, were vdefting W 5, Walker, who holds te position in he intend to batch it ? We think nob. Mise Good. teacher, this week. a wholesale store, New York, was borne One of our 8th line bachelors does not This week Jno. MoRae left for the for two weeks. He has charge of the,lm. intend to keep bath much longer. The School of Pharmacy at Toronto where he port deperement. There are 21 clerks "brown" horse will surely get a rest. will Itoutinuo his etudy of drugs. We under his charge. Jas. V. Smith, who has been at Niagara hope bo see yon give the modals a tuesls Voter)' List Oourt was held here on Palle, Ont„ has taken a eitoabion in John. Wednesday before Judge Masson, The Buffalo, N. Y. Ws wish him success, Some attention should be paid to the moult was as follows :-Liberal appeals Co. Councillor Mooney was one of the road immediately South of the Cranbrook entered 45. 25 of these were pot on and 8 speakers et the Whitney demonstration bridge. Tho water running over it in. appeals to strike off granted, Conner. at Clinton on Tltureday evening of this stead of in the ditches is destroying the vative appeals 44. 0f these 20 were pub week: road. We evidently require a Councillor on and 1 struck off. G. F. Blair repre. It is °errantly reported that W, H. or Reeve iil this locality. seated the Liberals, and lt. L. Taylor the Cloakey will not deliver any "fact) for Conservatives. The Court brought quite Irish Electors" during the coming VYalton. a number to town, the two owning oandi- Tnte POET gives the news. dotes being in the number. Dr. Masson, ,Large aereace of Fall wheat put in. of New York State, accompanied his Rev. Mr. Tiffin attended the District brother, the Judge, meeting on Tuesday of this week, Jno. Mowbray will not rebuild his barn, Morris. destroyed by fire lest week, this Fall but Rain wanted, will put up a stable. Black squirrels, The armee arising from the oheese Thimble berries. faotory pig pen could almost be cut with Plowing goes tough, a knife. Something should be clone about Rabbite in countless numbers. t t . Morrie Council on Monday, 20th inet. The boys and girls from this booalihy Peter Jackson is suffering Irons &severe have reenmorl their studies at Seaforth cold. Collegiate. Several new pupils have been Partridge shooting on Wednesday of added to the list. next week. We are sorry to hear that Rev. Mr. Most of our farmers have finished their Tiffin') health is not improving as it was harvesting. hoped and he expeote to go to the hospi. Mrs. II, Jackson visited in Braude tel for treatment shortly. Inst week, A Court to deal with matters ander the Harry MoArtet' spent Sunday ab his Ditches and Watercourses Aot will .be home in Brussels. held before Judge Masson at Sage's hotel, Ab. MoCnll, 7th, is visiting his brother in this village, on Friday, 24th inst., at Jatnee, at Holyrood. 10 o'clock. L. Jewitt and wife emit Sunday with Interesting Thanksgiving services were relatives in Tu nberry. held in St. Genrgs's church last Sabbath Mr, and Mrs. Forrest, of Cranbrook, afternoon. Rev, Mr. Abey conducted the spent Sunday on the 8th. eervicee, ae Rev. Mr. Sags, of London, Mrs, Landsborough and children of did int get here. The church was prat. Se&forth, are visiting at Mr. Dick's. lily decorated for the service. Mies Pollook, of Gnderioh, was the Venue' Liu Coonr. Tuesday of this guest of Miss Annie Bewley last week. week Judge Masson held voters' list Jack, from Hullett, visits occasionally Court for McKillop township at Jones' on the Otb. "What" is the attraobion ? BIall, Le,tdhurv, The Liberals heel. 15 J, H, Fear, 8th line, ie aiding in the appeals• of which 0 to put on and 13 to reaping of Manitoba harvest at Burnside stripe oft were allowed. Conservative station. appeals totalled 10. 5 of these were put Mrs. Jag. Clennan ie seriously ill, !ler on and 3 Or strike off granted, giving the friends hope soon to hear deet she is con- former e gaits of •4. Lawyere Sinclair valeenent, and' Nvinr, of Brussels, looked after the Miss Jennie Budd and Airs. Win. Knox intereate of the respeotivo parties. There left on Tuesday of last week for Manitoba is not much revising to do in McKillop to visit friends. after the Assessor and Cleric get through S. Forsyth heads the list for growing with their idlers of the work. Thie ie the peas this Beason, having handled from B. way it should be. acres 11 loads, Car ea elected by 500 majority, Deming events A lot of flex is a very poor crop this oast their shadows before. year. Mise Beaky Jackson, who has been WANTsn.---Grey Township oorrespond• visiting in Drayton for the lest conple of ants to limber up. months, has returned home. Mise Mary Mann, of the 16th son., AaoEiPren ran Cala.-Tbo Uxbridge visited Toronto Fair, Journal of Aug. 26th says :-L meeting Mies Hazel Ker, of Oliuton, is visiting of the Lindsay Presbytery was held in Rev, Dr. Potts states that he has de- abD. MaLemehlin'e. Chalmers' abnroh hare on Tuesday for termined to make en appeal to Oanadian A large aoreage of Fall wheat will be the purpose of ooneidering the oall extend- Methodists for 325,000 towards the funds put in this year in Grey. ed by Mount Forest Presbyterian thumb of Victoria University. Oharles Harrison and wile, of North to Rev. W. G. Hanna, pastor of Ohal. Bev. R. W. Knowles will preach in the Bay, are here on a visit this week. mere' ohuroh, Uxbridge. Rev. Mr. Methodist chinch on Sunday morning Miss Ruth Clark is visiting her sister, Cameron, of Wick, moderator of the next, and the pastor, Rev. S. J. Allis, in Mee. Wm. Marin, of the 16th con. Presbytery, occupied the chair, and atter the evening. Sabbath morning prayer Miss Susie Pearson, of the Gtb own., devotional exercises announced the objeab meetings at 9:80 have been resumed. was visiting on the 16th last week, of the session. James McMullen, M. P., A District Sabbath school and Ep. A. F. McKay had a bee one day last and Mr. McColl spoke in support of the worth League convention will be held in week putting trunks under his binder. Dail on behalf of the Monet Forest oon- the Mebbodiab church, Wingbam, on 'the Among those who will take in the mention and Rev. G. Munro on behalf 13th and 14th of October. Rev. A, C. sighbe of the London Fair are Hartwell of the Sangeen Presbytery, Messrs. Crews, of Toronto, will take part iu the Speiran and wife. Welsh, Forrest, Brown and Baird, elders second day's program. Mr, and Mrs, John Cardiff are taking of the church, and Messrs. Galloway, Knox ohuroh Presbyterians of Wood - in the eights at bhe Iadnstrial Fair at Clark end Willis, members of the con• stools on Sunday worshipped for the last Toronto this week. gregation, addressed the Presbytery in time in the old church, which has been Mies Stewart, of Monkbon, and Mist opposition to the call. Mr. Hanna was their religions home for forty years. Collins, of Stratford, were visiting friends then called upon, and briefly referred to Next Sunday the grand now ohuroh is to on the 1Gth and 17th oon. last week. bhe oironmabanoee under which he began be opened. Mrs. Dunne Taylor had the miefor• work here Aug. let, 1889. The oongre• Mxssleethe.•-lilies Roes, who has labor - tune to badly Sprain one of her ankles by gation had passed through trying experi- ed as a missionary in China daring the a fall in the barn a short time ago. We enoes since then. Financial depression last seven years, wilt give an address on hope she will soon be o. k. again. and the removal of many members had mission work in that land on Thursday, Mies Jane McDonald, daughter of tried them very seriously, but they bad Sept. 16th, in Melville thumb. The Donald McDonald, 2nd oon., i5 ill with a met every difficulty heroically. Kindly meeting will begin at 7:46 p. m. The mild type of typhoid fever. We hope she referenoe had been made to hie work, but publio are invited. will soon be restored to her usual good if any themes had attended hie labors it Rev. Mr, Knowlee gave an interesting health. was largely owing to the warm-hearted, addrese ou "Lessons from the Life of Albert Sperling, who recently met with loyal support and co-operation of the Christ" at the Epworth League last Moo• a severe accident near Platteville, where people of the oongregation. During these day evening. Mrs. Creighton and Miss he was working, is visiting relatives 0n years they had paid at the tate of 3500 Minnie Moore sang tt (Nett and Mies the 16th oon. We aro glad to say he is per year in principal apd Internet besides Minnie MoNaughton, Seorotitry, read a getting better. meeting fully all obligations for the sup- letter from ex•Presideub S. 13. Wilson, of Mies Lizzie MoLanohlin and Mies port of ordinances. Though few in num. Paris. Edith Harris, of Turnberiy, spenb Labor bet, their record is rarely equalled, their Sabbath riveting lest Rev, R. W. Day at D. MaLauobliq's, Miss Me. payments to the work of the church Knowles preached in the Methodist Lauobliu has been re-engaged as teaober averaging over $80 per family each year, church from the words "Seen yo first the at an increase of 335,00 per year. They have shown hearty sympathy in the Kingdom of God, dm." The reverend Henry MoNaught, of the 17th oon., is spiritual work of the thumb and given gentleman is a pleasing speaker end is a hustler as an epairian. He expecte to the fullest encouragement a pastor working to the fore front among the start this week for Manitoba with abort could expect. Strong personal friend- young men of the Methodist ministry. 4 tons of honey. Ile is taking hie new ship had grown up between pester and Jle supplied for Rev, Air. Salton at St. "Antelope bioyole to faoilitabe making people which could not be severed with- Thomas duriug August, and will go to salon, out deep regret. Over against the eon. oollege in October. It ie a theme the way eoms Pabb- dibione that prevail iu Uxbridge was the The American Baptist Missionary masters allow thistles to flourish and call Itself. It had oouto wholly unsought, Union of New York, hes received from go to acted on the wayside. An example and in soon a wry as to show that the John X. Rockefeller aohecli for 312.1,287, made of a few of thein world probably Divine hand was in ib. Behind the oall the balance of the 3250,000 to be given prove beneficial and save many a farmer . was another that cause with an ieresiet. by him on otudition that this society and weary days in trying to kill out this peat ibis form, It was his duty to obey the the American Baptist Home Missionary on their farms. Divine voice, and ,ho asked the Prosby. Sooleby raised 3236,000. It ie said bilis Souoon Rlorone..-The following is the they to agree to the translation to Mount aontribttfon is the largest ever made to report of the standing of S. 8. No. 1, Fewest, In taking this step he felt he the missionarycause. Gley, foe the month of Levet :-Form was parting with dear friels whose 5111. Numberless anecdotes are related of II-»Tobal, 125 -John Blalce 116. P .S. wavering friendship had made work a the eccentricities and aharacteristio acts Leaving --Total, 100. -John Omar, 51. delight both for himself and Mrs. Manna, of Itev, Lorenzo Dow, the lemons ttinme- Bntranee -•Total, 136.-L. flleko,104 ; A. and he could never forget their iltindnese. ant Methodist preacher of the United Switzer, 87 ; A, Calder, 108 ; V. Arm. On motion, the cell from Mount Feeeet Stator. Mr, Colltne relates that when he strong,. 70 1 0. Armstrong, 09 ; J. Far• was accepted by the Presbytery, and the was a widower, he said to the 0ongrege• gnhnrsan, 70. Sr. Third -Total, 95.-G. moderator peononnued it maternsd. Mt, tion one day ab the close of his sermon, Bielby, 71. O. Pepper, 83; D, Davidson, Hanna will remain with tine abnroh hers " nn I am a candidate for abtinoony ; and 48 ; 141, Oakley, 28, Jr, Third -Total, until about Oob. let. lie will 000upy his if there is any woman in this audience 75.-G1, Blake, 13 ; A. Dickson 0.4; M. pulpit for five Sundays, ending on Sept. who is willing to marry me, I would Hollinger 82. Se. Second -Total 318.- 20th, and the pulpit will be declerecl thank her to rise." A woman rose very M. Cardiff, 61 ;; i7, Blake, GG ; AI, Bead- vacant the following Sabbath, On ovary near the pulpit, and another in a distant ford, 71) ; A, Lawson, 85; F. Davidson, hand we hear expreesions Of ragout at part of the 'loupe, Nine Dow 950551 5 56 ; B. Davidson, 74 • El. Hollinger, 78; Mr, Renese decision, It was sincerely moment and then staid :-"There ere B, Rande, 58. Se. Seoond-Total, 05.- hoped, not only by hie own 00ngregatiou, two ; I `bink this one near nn rose fleet ; L. Mahon, 75 ; W. Farquharson, 10; bib by townspeople generally, that he at any rate I will have her for my `vita," G. Desk, 73 ; M, Merle, 47; T. Bfelby, Would decide to stay. A num of great This woman wan in good standing and 58 ; W. Stevenson, 59 ; M. Ramie, 49 ; 1. ability hi the pilpit and of superior Mee- posees501 of considerable property, Very Eleggatd, 20 ; T. Oakley, 16. lloneee,- cry attainments; Air, ElennS s pine will 50011 after this ecotatri0 Wooing sbo be. 5, Blake, L, Blake, A, Calder, Gi.J3ielby, be heed to fill, name Mee, Dow. 1Vhat we may look for :-A. Hislop l'hn Sabbath School Aesoofation of On. 5 71, ,W.^�tR 1Tlea, are ouderteking a visitation of the ®,�, isoat Sabbath e01:uols in the mere epal'eely settled dietriete of Ontario. The object ..m is to aeeertain the needs of the various KWt®eI ,i,4 n.1.11 about p� districts, and to tape measures to supply rind U ren a VV theta, The association wilt also visit the - - centres of population, -`."' -""" -""" "" .. bssb pluses for lding nd determine ono, I L anal associations will be formed where pow -fide, l v, n slfets (Jrosnley and Hinter have filet with marked 5a0Ce55 at Wilton, N. S. The number enrolled tie having de. termined by divine help to lead a Christ• tan life is 107. A, feature of this revival le that 20 per oent. of these converts are man past the prime of life, The general rule le that only about two per cant. of `hie oleos are converted. The evangelists regard this an an exceptional instance. Last Sabbath morning Rev, George Malty, of Manchester, Kansas, preached in Melville chetah to a lergo congrega- tion. Ifie sabjeut was "Christ our Re- fuge" and hie many old friends listened with pleasure and profit to bis earnest words. Mr. Muldrew, who had been supplying during Rev. AIr, Roes' vara. tion, took the evening 850010e and die. coursed profitably on the text 'For Christ's sake," Mr. Aluldrew made many warm friends for himself dnrina his stay in Brussels both in and out of the Presbyterian congregation who wish him every suecoss in his future course. lie will resume hie college work nexb month. Tntuasctvrxn.-The minuet Tlaanice• giving sarviees were held in 81. John's thumb last Sabbath. In the absence of Rev. AIr. Stele, of London, who was uu. able to get Robb. Blair, Pith oon„has pnrchaaed a cumbent, °flioin ed. Ills Amorningedie• thorongb bred bell. Jndgesof these ani- course wen most applicable to the oo- male pronounce thieloue one of the beet in canton. The text was "Than heat made this municipality Summer," Psalm 74 and part of 17th Jas. Ireland bas the largest stank of verse. After showing the existence of a Fall wheat straw in the township. It ie God the speaker referred to Hie Beauty 40x70 feet and 85 feet high, containing and His Love, Minn Rsnkin, of win 80 loads of straw. ham, rendered the solo "The Holy City Jere E. Hunter returned to Belleville In the evening the iuonmbent preac this week where he will continuo hie from the words "Jeans saitb unto th ,, had RnsEsi a t dress, Boucle effects, pleasing colors and correct styles, 7 yds, for a ng 111atalasse Boucle, elegant goods, costume for 5.25 That means 7 yds. at 75c. a yd. 111:atalasss Boucle, shot effects, very pretty goods, in wooll and silk at 11.65 BLACK DRESS GOODS is a.prominent feature -of this business. We ask special attention to ``Congo to Lutina" make of black goods. They will not stain with rain or acid. Leading prices 30c, 50e and 75c a yard. Tubular Braid will be in great demand for trimming, W9 have it in all leading shades. Evidently better times are dawning. Wheat ;rising in price and a good Crop i11 this country. Everything points to :t new era of prosperity. We have bought accordingly, better goods, larger as. sortment, but the price here is down to the lowest possible point. New styles, new colors, new designs, everything new. It would be very interesting to tell how these goods are made, how they're colored and designed, but what you are more directly interested in is the finished product. We've been bending our energy during the past six months to secure a fashionable assortment of Tall Dress Goods, and will ask you to he the judge and say whether or not we have suc- ceeded, Special Lines now Ready for your InsDecfiol, Grey and Black Tweed mixed for school wear, double fold, very special at Heavy Berge, fancy weave in all leading colors, blue, brown, myrtle, etc., Brocade Dress Goods, Congo Black, well finished goods, will not stain, Covert Cloth, a plain material, very stylish goods and win b: greatly worn, in all new colorings, special Hue at The same goods in bettor quality at And better still at You will be interested in our showing of exclusive course at Albert College, We wish him Moses gave you not that breed Ira n the mows lie deserves, Heaven but My Father giveth you th Mies Pearl Embury was badly bitten true bread," St. John Gbh obapter nu inthe piece for $'3 "0 by a crone dog belonging to I. Farrand, 32nd verse. The choir rendered excel) on Monday evening. We hope nothing service in the Te Deem in the morn serious may result from the wound. and "Lead Kindly Ligbt" at the eveniu; Mr. Ferranti put an end to his dogsbip, but not before he had been bitten ou the hand. Fall wheat seeding is rushing along to beat time just now. A good deal is in bbs ground, some up, hat there are acres and acres to sow yet. This year's large yield has made farmers more aaxions than usual to get in a large acreage, brit they may be making a mistake, owing to the lateness of Bowing a great deal of the 17e 25c 30c 50c •,•-.• 75e crop. On Taeeday morning of this week a deer was seen quietly feeding on the flats on John liudd's farm, 3rd line. Ooming hi contact with civilization seemed to concern hint little until Joe Budd's dog got on his track, and then be took to the woods. He was seen severed times after- wards nod the general'impreseiou is that lie is an clamped tame deer. Last Sunday evening some sneak thief entered the orchard belonging to Geo. W. Tarvey, during the absence of the own- er, and helped themselves to a quantity of plums, besides breaking several branches off trsee, oto. It is nob likely Air. 'Purvey would hove needed help in gathering the fruit and the do not think lie would desire theta to work on the Sebbatb. U 8 0l0i?1l 011131104. eonntry and one most desirable to Imo in. Rev. Jno. Rosa, 13. A., arrived Ionto If I were disposed to find fault it would this week and will oeoupy hie pulpit next be that the Canadian thistle is allowed to Sabbat1 gathering. Special iutorest wan taken in the deooration of the thumb and the work showed to good advantage. There were five arches neatly trimmed with genie and berries and over them a motto "Praise ye the Lord." The pnipit, desire and windows were elaborately decked with beautiful flowers in some casae banked with nose, Rev. Mr. Alley and the willing workers of St, John's are to be congratulated on the well deserved success of the Thanlisgivicg nervines, A photo was taken of the church by Artist Brewer. IMPRESSIONS'. To the Reiter of Tire Pose: Dtc,tn Sm, -If you can flud space I want to any a few words on the imprss• sious I havo received slice leaving home. No one with his eyes aucl ears open can travel feu without being impressed fu some way or other. The wonderful im• provementa that have been trade duriug the last three years, which ace seen al- most everywhere, musb impress the ob- server, In the face of hard times and the cry of depreseiou these improvements have gone on on the farm in building fine dwellings and largo, commodious barna. There can be no mistake, ours in a flue levo so much of its own way -to grow, mature and fill the land. I saw one field with seed sufficient to sow a County. Is there 110 late in the matter ? Another impression is the many changes that have taken piece. Your scribe went to Sabbath school, taught a Bible class and preached to two congre- gabioes-I was almost saying the same I used to preach to -but oh, how changed 1 Many old faces have gone -gone to the land from whence no one is known to re- turn and to which the are all going. How many have goes to the house of many mansions to see the King in His beauty and to sing the everlasting song ? What e, mementoes question 1 Thetis how it impressed mo. The Bible end its eternal realities have a strong hold upon the minds and hearts of the people in this as in other parts, and yob many here, as in Brussels aid other places, never go to the house of God and ogre for cone of these things. Is the ohuroh clear in this mat- ter ? Something should be done to roach this cress of 'neglecters of the house of God end their own personal salvation. Another impression was as to the nature and magnitude of the crops in this part of the country. On the East of Mount Forest they appear about es fol. lows :-Fall wheat is not mach grown, what is grown is fairly good in quality and quantity. There is now and thou a field of Spring wheat and what theta is is not of meth a0oonnb. And the question may he asked why the growing of Spring wheat is nob a greater success ? Wo saw some few fields of barley and some of them were very good indeed. Though the weather has nob been favorable for barley and in fact for the crops in general, still there should be no oomplaining. But the Deb crop 1 I am perfectly safe in saying I never saw so many oats. Three fielde out of four are sown with oats, and when yon speak of the face you receive as au answer, "Ori, there are nob nearly at enemy an as to the boat y troo years 1" The wonder to mo is that the price of oats is ae good as ib is. And still another impression is what is the future of our country to be ? ''itis question may and altottld bo asked in relation to the material, political, mental and moral fotttre, Now, as I see ft, there atm bo but one auewer, namely, nuclei a kind and graolons Providence, what the make 15. Then lob largo and solid improvomonbs go ou everywhere, May the intelligence of the people increase more and more, but above all may the morel, spirituel life of the community become more pato and elevated, more heavenly and divine. Surely every tine citizen will desire this. I know Tin: Pesr will. Yours, Amaranth, dug. 27, '97. The aoronee'e inquest on the death of Wm. H, Sawyer, who received fatal injuries in It light near Minden, was begun, and llieam Sawyer, the father of the deceased, told hie story of the .fight. R. Peer, c., COMING 1 COM1R'GI 00M,uu! T. P. SMITH, SCIENTIFIC EYE SPECIALIST Graduate New York, Philadelphia, and Toronto Optical Colleges. Call early and avail yourself of his valuable services, as this is a rare opportunity to have your eyes propel ly tested, Tree of charge. No guess work but a scientific certainty. Diffi- cult cases accurately fitted. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. rifIlltrrer 5,11 At nrlvote house. --WILL BE AT- Fo 0s Drug Store, ONE DAY ONLY, Wednesday, SEPT. 22 oP in Goods. AIi Summer Goods AT COS T". Reduotion in Caroled Goods. 8 lb. Can of Peaches worth 25o nov l5c 8 " Pears " 25e " 150 S " Apricots " 23o ' " 150 8 " Green Gages 25o " 150 8 " iggPlnms " 23c " 16o 8 " Pine Apples 25e " 15e These Goods arra all First- class at irst-classat HARVEST. EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA AND The Canadian North-West Goon to go on Sept. 14, return mail Novem- ber 18 ; from all stations to Ontario, Onap- tug, Sault Ste, luarie, Windsor nail East, ?or rates, maps, time tables, pamphlets, and Full information, apply to any Oauadiaa ?nettle Railway Agent, or write C. E. MOPHERSON, 1 King St., But, Toronto AN114111114, iA1'L'�YVA,' LABOR Y� Return tickets will bo bold for SINGLE oasss• FARE Good going September 4th, 5th and ath-re, turning until September 71k, 1507 -between all stations iu Canada. HARVEST RVEST EXCHRSUCNS to MANITOBA an.i The Canadian North-West Good to go on Sept, 14, return anal yep, IS Stout all stations In Oaoatiu, RoII information at G. T.1t, etalaus, J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Bruesels. GEO. HEYD, " Ethel. SHI , t British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles 1010• - North Shore rime awl Cedar FOR SALE .1T THE Brussels Pla n '+ .r no 6 lVlllls Also Doors and Sash of all Pat tarns on hand or made to older et Short Dob oe,. Estimator Fnrnislaed for all kinds of Buildioge, iirorlcmem ship and Material Guarantaod. J� d SKENE'. & P A -:3,NT,