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SEi?r.10, 1897
Town, Directory®
Monomial OHUeau.—Sabbath Servioea
at 11 a m and 7:0011. m, Sunday Sohooi
at 2:30 p m. Rev. John Ross, 13 A,
ST. JowN's OHnaoII,—Sabbath Services
et 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School
et 2:30 p. m. Rev.,Geo, J. Ahoy, iuouot-
METHODIST Gnoaan.—Sabbath Serviooe
at 10:30 a m and 7:00 p m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p m. Rev. S. 1. Allis,
BOMAN OATnoLrO Onnnarr.—Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
10:30 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy,
SAra'ATTON A mfr.—Service at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and B p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'oloolt, at
the barracks.
ODD Femme' Loncn every Thursday
evening, in Grabatn'e block.
Masonic Lowe Tuesday at or before
fall moon, in Garfield blook.
A 0 U W Lonon on the 3rd
Friday evening of each month, in Bias -
hill's block.
C 0 F Lowe 2nd and lash Tuesday
evenings of each month, in Blashill's
I 0 F,'2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall,
L 0 L let Monday in every month
in Orange Hall.
SONS o1' SOO'roAND, 1st and 3rd Tnes-
days of each month, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. Lawn, 2nd and 4th Tues-
days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, lab
and 8rd Mondays of each month in Bias.
hill's Hall.
A. 0 F, 1st and 3rd Mondays of caoh
mouth in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Henn Oxman, 2nd and 4th Friday even.
ings in Blashill's Hall.
Pos'r Ornlas.—Ofiiee hours from 8 a.
m. to 8:30 p. m.
MncaANms' INsTITUT11.—Library in
Holmes' block, will bo open from 0 to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 6
and 0 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mo.
Naughton, Librarian.
TOWN Coowoaa.—W. II. Herr, Reeve ;
Geo. Basket, Geo. Thomson, R. Lea-
therdale and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; R. Hingeton, Assessor and J.
T. Roes, Collector. Board meets the let
Monday in each month.
SOHooL Bonen.—A. Hoenig, (chair-
man,) D. O. Roes, J, G. Skene, Jas.
Turnbull, A. Oousley and F. Van.
stone. Sea.-Treas., R. K. Rosa.
Meetings 2nd Friday evening in saab
Puerto SCHOOL TaAOHSae.—J. H. Gam•
eros Principal, Leon Jaokson, Mise
an Miss
Bruen or ' RAL'1'a.-- °eve Herr, er c
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and Wm.
Jewitt, Dr. o aug on, a lea
Health Ulcer.
Downey d DI' Ritchie.
II R Cl 1
M N ht M d' 1
With g
Web does the angler love the fish
That is squirming in the air 1
dancing eyes
He will view the prize
An ib leaps and struggles there.
But there is another toward which his
Is turning from day to day ;
Anti despite ill look
He will toast the pluck
Of the fish that got away.
He knows that it moves through the
crystal cool,
With never a wave to show
The path it takes
Whore the minnow wakes
And darts in the sunbeam's glow.
There's many a beauty who left the pool,
The pride of an idle day,
Bub those we naught
Never hold our thought
Like the fish that got away. •
So, here's to the pleasures we might have
If fortune had proved more true;
For they stand apart
And they cheer the heart
O'er the things we may some day do.
And the disappointment that now SCRIMS
As we look on it later, may
Brace our nerves more
For the sport in store,
Like the fish that got away.
In the days of our grandpa, that honor.
able sage,
When be happened to glance o'er the
newspaper's page,
Found nothing his simple old mind to
For the "ads" they were "ads" and the
news it was news,
And the story he read was nob merely a
For a mean little "ad" to be sneaking be-
But the journals now printed so brink
and deceive one,
That really I'm getting quite loath to
believe one.
For 10010000, I piok up my Daily and
Of "A Horrible Outrage, A Dastardly
Deed 1"
A wealthy shop -sleeper is found in his
Assaulted and senseless, and bathed in
his gore,
The dootors in vain with his injuries
Hie friends and relatives give up all
hope ;
But (hare's where my feelings sustain a
Tiers oared with three bottles of "Skin•
ner's hlinuleion."
If I turn whore the poets Omit offerings
I read nsath the title "A Carol of
How the daffedils bravely are lifting
their heads,
And the snowdrops and oroausee start
from their bods ;
How the first apple blossoms are scanting
the breams,
And the woodpeoker hammers away at
lbs trees,
The red breasted robin so cheerily twit-
And now is the time to take "Ootch-
penuy Bitters.'
So I'm nob much surprised when "A
Strike in the Mlle"
Turns out just a notice of "Fakinton's
Or to find that "A Prominent Olergy-
man's Prayer"
Is an "ad" for "De Schwindler's Balm
for the Hair,"
And now, my door readers, when I feel a
Ae to how any article's going to tern out,
Tlie rule that I follow I'll quote—you
may need 11—
I etart at the foot of the column to read
What is it mile my doliie dear 7
I'm nob quite sure I know.
She's very aiok ; and if she dies
'Twill be a fearful blow.
She's got "ammonia" in ber lunge,
"Plumbago" in her beak,
A "tepid" liver, and a sough
That keeps her on the rack.
She's got an "ulster" in her throat,
And "bunions" on her hand ;
Her skull is pressing on her brain—
'Twill have to be '•japann'd,"
I thinly IT send for Doobor Jones,
And Dootore Price and Bell.
They'll hold a "ooneolatiou" then,
And may be she'll get well,
I doan vas breaching vimmins' rigbdte,
or anyding lige dot,
Und I lige to see ell beobles shoost eon-
dended mit der lot,
Bud I vond to gontradiot dot shap dot
make die leedle choke :
"A. vomau vas der Bender vine, and man
der sturdy oag."
Berhaps solnedimes dot may be drue,
but ten dimes oudt of nine,
I find me oudt dab man himself vas
shoost der glinging vine ;
Uud von his friends dey all vas gone and
be vas shoost cleat proke,
Dot's ven der voman steps righdt in and
peen der sturdy Dag.
Sboost go up to the pass pall groundte
rind see dor sturdy nags
A11 blunted round upon der seats ; shoost
hear der laughs and shakes,
Den see der vimmin at der tubs mit
clothes out on der lines ;
Vicb vas der sturdy nage, mine friendes,
and viols der glinging vines ?
Ven sioknees in der house he comes, rind
veeks and veeks he stays,
Who is it fighdts him mitoub rest those
veary nighdts end days 7
a s
Who beads and comfort shays prtone
rind °alms dot fefersd prow ?
More lige it vas der douder vine dot oag
he clings to now.
")fan vents but leedle here pelow," der
poet von time said,
"Dare's leedle dot man be doan vont,"
me Jinks it means instead ;
Usd as time goes grasping ou its °area
and droubles pringing,
He vents to pe der sturdy oag and also
do der glinging.
Maype von nags dey gling some more,
and dean so sturdy peen,
Der dander vines vill hal some thence to
help run life's machine,
In health or sickness, shoy or pain, in
calm or stormy vedder,
'Tis petter dad dose ones and vines should
alvays gling togedder.
Don't eat sugar with salad.
Don't dross the knives and forks.
Don't use individual butter dieing.
Don't pronounce the a long in "a la."
Don't use a spoon of ices or ice cream.
Don't place more than one pinto et
mall plane.
Don't use butter at dinner except with
Don't decorate the table with too
many flowers.
Don't use the same knife for more
than one course.
Don't use the same fork for more than
one tours.
Don't serve peas, beans, cauliflower,
ate., with meat.
Don't -pronounce menu "may nn," but
The devotees of the drama often speak
of it as "a school of morals," and indulge
in patronizing sneers at the expense of
those who voluntarily and oonsoiontioug.
ly out themselves off from this means of
cultivation ; but they do not sastnin their
' position by arguments drawn from the
sphere of concrete realities, whet might
be the effect of an ideally clean theatre ie
one thing ; and what is the effect of the
theatres actually in operation is quite
another thing. We feel perfectly sure
that we are keeping within the limits of
the truth when we say that nine.tonthe
of all the play that are put upon the
boards are either silly or nasty, Nor is
this an individual or a prejudiced opinion.
It is confirmed by the utterances 01 genu'
bar critics in all parts of the oouutry.
Let any one who doubts whether we are
speaking soberly make a careful examin•
anon of tbo facts. The dullness and the
dirtiness of the modern stage have both
bees ne a proverb. Christian people who
care for their own morale and for the
welfare of their ohildren, will give it a
wide berth. As an institution 11 is au
ally and servant of the devil.
Tho force of our assertion cannot be
broken by calling attention to the fart
that there have been and are some actors
of the highest personal character. Our
belief is that Edwin Booth was ovary
inch a gentleman, and that Joseph Safer -
'son be a man of irreproachable life. But
will anybody dare to assert that they
fairly represent the ethical standards of
their profesdion 7 Wo aro not talking
about dreams and shadows, but about
realities. The theatre of the nineteenth
century, like that of the eighteenth, is
the enemy of pure religion and of sound
morals. Noris there the faintest indi•
nation iitat it is likely to change fug
oharaotee. It is one of those things
which the disciples of Christ plodge
thsmselvoo to valentine. If Mile is Puri-
tanism, be it eo. 'There are a thousand
other epithets to which we should more
Oetaously object.
A. Remarkable Leap.
A.boab the strangest and most remark•
able bioyele aaoident reported marred at
the Montreal A. A. grounds when two
tandems jumped a five foot feuds while
going at a bwo.minute gait.
The boat was a TOUR, and the etartere
wore Robertson and Drury, and Prov.
enoher and Eaves, The latter pair had
the pole and were loading when entering
the book stretch on the final lap. Roberta
son and Drury went after them and the
speed attained by both was terrific. At
the corner they were on even terms. The
wheels apparently became unmanageable
at the turn, owing to the awful speed, a
oollision occurred and all four riders and
both wheels went over the live.foot fence
so quickly that it was hard to realize
what had happened. Both were spurting
and were going ab a clip of about 1.54.
Provenober was inside, and when ab the
turn snw that he was too clogs to the
edge of the track, end began to work out.
Robertson was in the centre, and both
wheels Dame together. A pedal on
Provenaber's wheel naught Robertson's
front wheel. This of course looked the
wheel and prevented Robertson from
steering around, end both wheels made
for the fence. The front wheels were
lifted and ran this way, and struck the
fence at an angle. This with the momen•
tum at which they were travelling, shat
men and wheels over the Mame. All were
thrown in a bunch about twenty feet on
the other side of the fence. The riders
are satisfied that the nifair was purely
accidental. Robertson's shoulder blade
was splintered at the end, but he is not
seriously injured, and will soon be around
ail right. Drury was badly bruised, but
the others escaped with scratches.
Here is a list of foreign countries to
which Mr. Fielding's "British preferen-
tial tariff" applies.
Itis alphabetically arranged, and is
handy for reference :—
Costa Rica.
South African Republic.
Sweden and Norway.
The Iowa State Register, or some of its
readers, recently called for a oopy of some
rhymes containing the names of the
kings and queens of England in the order
of their succession, whish have from time
to thus appeared in the press. There
seemed to be a demand for these rhymes,
and a number of answers were received,
some from persons who copied them from
memory, showing that there are some
who memorized the lines for mental re-
ference in their historical studies. The
following arrangement was taken from a
volume entitled'Bonge for Little Ones at
Home," published in 1852 :
First William the Norman,
Then William, his son,
Henry, Stephen and Henry,
Then Richard and john.
Next Henry the third.
Edwards, one, two and three ;
And again after Richard,
Three Henrys we see.
Two Edwards, third Richard.
If rightly I guess ;
Two Henrys, sixth Edward,
Queen Mary, Queen hese ;
Then Jamie, the Saotahman,
Then Charles whom they slew
Yet received after Cromwell,
Another Charles, two ;
Next Jamie the second
Ascended the throne ;
Then William and Mary
Together came on ;
Then Anne, George fon r,
And fourth William all passed.
Aud Victoria came—
May she long be the last.
It ie said this is the moat condensed
history of the rulers of England in axis•
tonne. Many of our readers will be glad
to see it again, even if they have seen it
Paris leas paper gee pipes.
In Japan women load ships.
Arizona clams a lake of ink.
Italy has the only Latin newspaper,
Australia mattes 100 hinds of wine.
Monkey akin is used in pocketbooks.
No bouquets or buttons may be worn
by Atlanta police.
D0N'1 'warn.
To hallo yourself miserable' by don•
stanb complaining is to impart yoor un-
happiness to the cirale in whish yea
move. A long foal and whining vole%
make a bad impression upon 000's own
spirit and the spirit of others. No one
loves to listen to murmurings: and eon.
plaints. Speak of your troubles only to
intimate friends, and do that occasionally.
W hell you hove bbus'unb0somed yourself
to one who sympathize% with you, then
bay to dismiss the matter and dwell upon
something pleasant and °beerful. Yon
have ]rad many blessings and mercies,
and sat the mind give thought to these in.
stead of to the 000asional afflictions that
Dome to you. A cheerful spirit imparts
good °beer to &there, A gloomy friend is
a monotonotte guest, but a bright com-
panion ire always a deeirable anecdote.
Make a point to overlook the little annoy
antes of life, and the larger °nog will be -
some loss numerous: Speak often of the
good that oomos to you, and evil wilt for
the most part seek other quarters.
Under that sort Of spirit your health will
improve and your oompenionship will be
greatly enhanced,
Suppose there were never any quarrels
between brothers and sisters.
Supposo brothers were never rough and
thoughtless, and sieters never peevish or
Suppose "I shan't,' were words never
beard from little lips, and little fiats were
never clinched to strfko.
Suppose tears of passion were never
shed, and the sun never went down on
anger between little ones I
Suppose all this bo be the ease, and
would not some homes be brighter.
50.1I5 quBen, FACTS.
Nuns usually live to a great age.
The smell of perfumes is said to pro-
long life.
Potatoes in Greenland never grow
larger than a marble.
Japan hue a written history extending
over 2,6000 years.
Horses suoanmb to cold quicker than
any other animal.
Postage stamps are gummed with a
starch made from potatoes.
Fully one-third of the female popish,
tion of France labors on farms,
More than four-fifths of the people of
London never enter a place of worship.
E If a anail'a head is out off and the ani-
mal placed in a 000l, moist place, an-
other bead will grow.
In spite of the closest sspoinage, the
diamond mining companies of South
Africa lose 81,000,000 a year by theft.
se -
It pleases iter to be called a sensible
little woman.
It pleases her to be milled a well dres-
sed woman,
It pleases her to be told that she is
It pleases her to be told that she im.
proves a man by her companionship.
It pleases her to depend on some man
and pretend she is ruling bin.
It leases he tocourteous-
r be treated and with respect, and to be talked to
It pleases her to be treated sensibly and
honestly, to be consulted and questioned,
and not to be treated like a butterfly
with no bead or heart.
Ib pleases her to be loved and admired
by a man who is strong enough to rule
and subdue her and make his way her
way, to lead her and take oars of her.
Weil Satisfied with
Ayer's Hair Vlgere
"Nearly forty years ago, after
some weeks of sickness, my hair
turned gray. 1 began using Ayer's
Ilnir Vigor, and Was so well satis-
liecl with the results that I have
never tried any other kind of dress -
j'1. ing. It requires only
an occasional appli-
cation of
*fair Vigor to keep
my stair of good
color, to remove
dandruff, to ileal
itehie;; loaners, and prevent the
hair front falling out, I never hesi-
tate to recommend.Awer's medicines
tomyfriends."—sirs. 11. M. HAsruT,
Avoca, Nebr.
Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell,lines.
rake Ayer's Sarsaparilla for the Complexion.
tr.sln z- CLEAR;
CURir$ CONSivRIS;�,T,�ii? 7tdo�
rate rg4it ess
1 ERO�Ott,NrI�i�SiN
BE4 Td .Jfli5?:n( (Oy tii,Itln.Xl o 1,1
An Agroeablo Laxative and SPUME TONTO.
Sold by Druggists or sent by Hail. 53o., 00o.,
and 81.00 par paokago. Samples free.
for the Teeth and Breath, 150.
Sold by JAS. LOX, 1DruseiOt, ItrUaHels.
Certain in its oRoata and novo» blisters.
Hoed proofs below,
Rex 1eaCarMen TIonderoon 00.,10., tlob.e4,'00.
DTA 1. kgsennr. bo.
Dean 500-1`10100 1.0n1 me 0110 of your Homo
Rooks end oblige, I l,avo, and a giant d, al of your
Honda's 5pav,n Caro With g(1oo 1 1 •en it 1n
.von,l0r001, oaIIol,aa. I 0,100 hada 01000that
nn Occult gnu vitt nml five bwi.thn cured bur. 1
loop a bottle on l,and 011 tan Um..
Yours truly, Care. row0Lt.
CANTON, Mo., Apr. 3,'00.
Dr. 11..1. Iro,maLL Co,
Dor Sirs -1 1 nvo need 0000001 bnit100 Of y011»
ltondell's Spavin Curd' wits much 0000000, I
think it the host Liniment I over used. Rata 1'e.
nmlWoi one O1 b, ono Mond Epavin and HAl£d.
thio 1101,5 BunvlIo, have rocolmuondod ft o
Lro:•ornl 00 31,0001onda who ern union Noma with
keep it. 1100nenIRuil
5. R, lies, P. 0, nOstiH,
For Salo by all Druggists, 5r address
Dl'. 73. J. XCXONX)4LL 0O71t2'4lvl',
CNC65USQH n u.%, VT,
L G. Richardson.
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in Isis line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
I'Shop over SicGol'an's Store.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or 'Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels,
ntclicr SVup
The undersigned has open-
ed up a Butcher Shop in the
where he will keep constant-
ly on hand a supply of' the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A share
of public patronage solicited.
Meat delivered to all parts
of the town.
Undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 26, Con. 0, Morria, the Cuero' bred im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected,"
bred from 0'. M. Brotbour's sweepstakes sow
at Chfoago Fair. Torras, 6140 to be paid
at the time of salwloe with privilege or re-
turning if necessary. Pedigree may be soon
On appjioabion.
White Star Cayce.
Between Now York and Liverpool,) via
Queenstown, every Wedneelay.
As the steamers of Ibis lino carry only a•
strictly limited number le tun RUM and
5300141/ CABIN ss5onamodatiOLs, intending
passengers are reminded that an early ap-
plication for berths is necessary at this see.• -
son. For plans, rates, eto.,apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels:
Will maks).'
a well 011115P
of YOU 1
800051310550010 TBE 5000E
0Sem.Tm m Poon wse58.
FIOOSI tutee on Nercoss niesasoa, 510101000.
5400. Irotllag Memory, Nl5btlr nmlaalone, �o1080,'
gives 00, Impotency, els, ososed by pmt &3005
bbuut eurnlyy r� mreee to Lose 91A`fv000, 15 o d
Or ung. Use MOST and you will grow etronz
AM hoop 01» eealedpttrommall 15 obbsserrotlon. .Roa'nny
for 00 Send mopocket.
ey In either Prise,
paella* 0tor
ed letter, Addroea ell linters to J. T. PEl%
Drcgggt0l, Woon0TOCg, 000, Agent for 010 Do.
mtnioa of Cantab..
System nenovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nesr-
algia, Loss of Memory, Brouchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Danner
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by;.ras, Fox. )Druggist, *Brussels.
The Balance of our
Bankrupt Stook of
�yQ�,y�.A] pH f� .pa�T .
A L '.9�+' j1<;'
That will be sold away
belovv Original Cost.
They start as Low as