HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-9-3, Page 7AUGUST 27, 1987 THE BRUSSELS POST. TI1E VERY LATEST FROM ALL ME WORLD OVER. Interesting Items About Our Own Country, Great Britain, the United States, and AO Parts of the Globe. Condensed and Assorted for Enoy Reading. CANADA. Chatham talks of building a civic abattoir. St. Thomas is arranging for an elec- tric street railway system. /Arrangements are under way for Starting a new bicycle factory in Lon- don. The first sample of the new crop of Manitoba wheat has been received at Montreal. Where is an increase in the inland revenue collections of $1,8,40,000 for the last year. Another case of smallpox is reported in Montreal, a child on .bfortau street being the victim. The schooner Opal of Yarmouth has been seized by the customs authorities ut Manton Lor illegally selling liquor. A number of prominent Toronto busi- ness men speak in most hopeful terms of the commercial outlook for the country this season. it is reported. at Halifax that the .British battleship Renown is to be given a speed test from England to J3alLfax. t Over 500 coat mnaers employed by the Alberta Coal Co„ at •,Lethbridge, N,W.T., are on strikeefor an increase of 10 per cont. in wages. The 1t71l.aitoba Government hes ar- ranged with' an English Publishing Company for the ✓publication of new school text books. The Canadian Pacific railway is re- ported ereoMLoa of o.be tetation g ym the (s for cent- ral part of the city of Ottawa. Ross 19Jewz:ensLe, the once great la - Crosse player, has been appointed as- sistant to Contractor Haney on the Crow's Nest Pass Railway. The Ontario Government is said to be considering a regulation which will prevent, the employment of foreign labor in Ontario lumber oamps. The Customs Department have Issued new regulations governing the import- ation of bicycles by tourists, as it was found that travellers' samples were be- ing brought in under the old law. The by-law to authorize the issue of $110,000 debentures for street improve- ments was defeated in a popular vote at Hamilton by nearly 1,500 majority. Good samples or lignite coal have been discovered at Rainy River. A. boring apparatus has been ordered and thorough tests will ire made. The Canadian Pacific railway are making active preparations to handle the vast grata crops, which they expect to receive from the North-West this .tall. Mr. Johln Scott is dead atBoissevain, Man.. as a result of an altercation with, unbind band namned Tomkins, The Cor- de - ceased eosin touthLuis deatf •omthat a kick. Mails foe the r ukoa country are not ryyet definitely arranged for. The best . address for the present is (fort Cudlahy, via Viotoria, B.C., from which point they will be forwarded by the Mount- ed Polies. Josepar Stonefish, the Indian who is awvaititng trial in Woodstock jail on iethe charge of Meaning a horse, made an nSuccessful attempt to escape byat- i, tacking Turnkey Forbes with a heavy tronbound bucket. , Mr. Shaughnessy, vice-president of the Canadian Pacific railway, denies that American laborers are employed on the Crow's Nest Pass railway. He .says all the men required can the ob- tained in Canada. The Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany has declared a dividend of 2 per cent, on the preference, and 1 1-2 per cent. on the common stock for the half year ended June 30th last, payable October lst. Me meeting of the British Medical Association will take place in Montreal .at the end of the month. The attend- ance. of eminent physicians and sur- geons, with their families, will be much larger than at first anticipated, Mr. Collingwood Schreiber, chief en- gineer of the Department of Roilways and Canals, has returned from an in- .epection of the Soula,nges canal. Work is progressing rapidly, and he ex- pects the canal will be completed next year. ,Frank.Sm m i to the colored man who slashed David Merriman, also colored, at Weaner's Elote1 .while the races were on at th track, was sentenced JMegi Cats Jeffs to Kingston Penitentiary Magistrate three years. G ,Thep Dominion Government ver nm ant has com- pleted forty miles more of the tele- graph line on the north shore of the St. 'Lawrence. It is intended to ex- tend the line forty-four miles more this summer to Natashquan, where an office will be opened this fall. In official circles in Ottawa the be- lief is expressed that the provision) of the Dingley Act imposing a discrimin- tory duty against goods entering the Unitedt S at es in Cads lan an cars a r cannot override the bonding privilege confer- red by the treaty of Washington., A despatch to the New York World from Juneau, Alaska, anticipates ser- ious trouble in the Yukori district, There are a rough lot of adventurers ,proceeding to that country from the United States, who are determined not to .pay the Canadian Customs duty. the Cus- toms officers, peuoeably fi possible, but forcibly if necessary. The body of ivies, Orr, of North Dum- fries, near Galt, wand mysteriously .dis- lappeared front her home, during her husband's absence last Monday, was found on Sunday morning in a shal- low grave be. a darnpatch close to the house. She had evidently been mur- �, and two arrests have been GREAT .BRITAIN. Sir Isaac Belden ie dead. He was born in 1807, and has representedK'nar- esborough and Yorkshire in Perlia - Greene shooting began in England and. Seotlen s on Thmrsday under favor - re d aspire . The rliighlands report Roeht Rev. 'William Wa lsham How, D.D., Protestant Bishop of Wake- field, is dead. He was seventy-four ,yearn of age. PbThe runner is revived that George 1L, Watson is designing a now yacht to ace the Prince of Wales' cotter tr nnia. British tish Board of Trade returns show an harsase to the Onporis of over $8,700,000 and an increase in exports of $710,000. A, large warder of Bsttish troops have been ordered to get ready to em- bark for the Last, 'Their destination 15 supposed to *Egypt. The PrLtisb steamer Justin, from Philadelphia for Sligo, is stranded on Wheaton Rock, outside of Sligo bay, ac- cordim:_g to reports from London, The London Dally Chronicle ridicules the advertisement which appeared in a New York paper saying that the Priince of Wales' cutter Britannia was for sale. The American jubilee fund, which was started for the purpose of raising money, to establish beds' in perpetuity an the chief London haspitt4ls, has been closed. The subscriptions amounted to twenty-one thousand dollars. The reply of the Dake of Norfolk Imperial. Postmaster -General, to telegraph clerics who laid their gr awes before him has failed to give isfaction, and there is serious tro impending in the department, Glasgow is disappointed because Duke of York instead of the Pr of Wales will formally open the Cessnook dock. It is the largest Scotland and has taken twelve y to construct. It will be opened e next month, UNITED STATES. Five women are in jail at Om Neb., for breaking up be Metho meeting. , the the iev- sat- uble the ince siew in ears arty tabs, dist hird exas, P f a ity, in was on the Co a in she ted ar- ot- on- he ay r- at rad race at an n - Two negro clnildrem killed a t with hot irons at Grapevine, T on Wednesday. The Universal Peace Union of adelphia has offered Its services arbitrator in the coal strike. Frank Etuttgen, proprietor o saloon on Ocean avenue, JerseyC shot and kneed a burglar fn his loon on Wednesday. Mite first tin plate manufactured America, to be sent to Europe shipped from Elwood, Ind., to Italy 1lhursday,• Clifford R. England, cashier of Wa,rree-Scharff Asphalt Paying C pany, Detroit, is missing. So is $10, of the company's money. PIGS.On Friday MISS PIGS.Mitchell. ur nse, of Toronto, committed suicide the Cincinnati hospital, to which was attached, because sine was deser by ,hen lover. James Ii'. Frawley, who is under rest at Chicago on a charge ofsho ing John Cromey, formerly of Tor to is an ex -London hotelkeeper. Ain insane, man rushed through t main streets of Bolfalo on Tharsd night in his night shirt, shooting mu der and police. The 18 -year-old son of Gus Tiuer, Leviaia, '.2e,xas, on 'Thursday. shot a killed his drunken father in defe of his mother. Records at Washington show th British vessels are carrying more th 55 par cent. of United utates mere*, disc, both of imports and exports. Frederick Mueller, of Newark, was gives 90 dnya there on Thursday for using drunk. Twenty-five glasses in Uten minutes is .aid to have linen !hods record for a wager. Ex -Grand Secretary -Treasurer W. A. Sheehan, of the Brotherhood. of IRail- roaa Trainmen, was arrested at Pe- oria, 111., on Thursday,at the instance of the Grand Trustees, charged with the embezzlement of 01,840. According to the records of the United States Treasury Department British vessels are carrying more than fifty-five per cent of the United .nates anernhapsdise both of imports and exports. Bishop Fink, of the Roman Catholic Diocese and Leavenworth, and la.ansas CitY, has' itad a °bonier letter read m all the parishes of his diocese, µor - bidding the faithful abtesding the Irish -American ,picnic at Manses City. The injanot.i,,., miners was issued ens,. rom the Pennsyl- vanta courts. The men are determin- ed to go on with their programme just the same, expressing the belief that they have men enough to fill .up all the jails if arrests are decided ,upon. It Is admitted by the friends Of ;Sec- retary Sherman that he is suffering from a complete mental collapse, and they are endeavouring to induce him to go into some aunt retreat. Be has no recolleotiou of the recent in- terviews which created such a sensa- tion in the diplomatic world., The Attorney -General of. the Unit- ed States has decided that goods the Production of a foreign country which are regularly imported into Canada and afterwards exported to the Unit- ed States are sube'c6 c t o J the dicer' ' atory duty of 10 per cent. ;Lyne questa n whether goods transported through Canada to the United States unser Consular seal are subject to the duty has not yet been determined. The reports of the commercial agen- cies of Messrs. D esutun �d B aC state that the outlook is brigiiiterandi that there is a noticeable increase in trade. The crop prospects are report- ed good from nearly every city, and an .good prosperity is indicated by the rise in stocks, the growth of bank clearings and railway earnings. The heavy speculation in many products, but particularly in wheat, has nada the week one oi' surpassing asset g ince les A feeling of buoyancy has appeared am- ong buyers and sellers at the chief points, and interior inerahants are buy- ing certain lines more freely than since 1882. GENERAL. , Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria is a guest of the Sultan of Constantinople. A warrant has been issued for the expulsion from France of Tarrida Marmot, the Spanish anarchist. The Kaiser arras conferred the Order of the Black Eagle upon. Count Mune. vieff, the Russian Foreign .Minister, The late Spar:d h Premier has iwe- queaed to the Notional Library thin. by thoun.,nd volumes, many of winch are very rare. Ex -King Milabs of Servia, is so seri- ously ill bltaat some anxiety is expert - mead by this Lriemds as to lois eventual recovery. A circular issued by this Specie Bank of Yokohama' announces that from the first of October it will pay gold fort hank of Japan notes. Official retorts just published show that the imports into France for, the h est seven months Were 20,017,000 frames below thoeo of 1800. Zane/nese ilea Merchants a Yoko. 7rmms ro os rebut in P e to hold f emejeetime the celoliration of the xejoetion of the tea duty by the hinted States Senate , Tt 16 believed that tate Gerilnan. Gov- ernment will agtiirl p toposu t'ie Grat' , Britain and dine, United Staten, bbtl plots disarmament of the Samoan isl- Ianders. 1 t t C novas threat lltatouuld o i1, wbeof Premier Pres rat Fauna's turn next is causing the French police greab anxiety. zThe,laresident is under the constant protection of a large body of detectives!. It is reported that a decisive battle Silas been fought between the Spanish and insurgent troops in COM, and afore severteedfighting the rpumhards 1Tt is reported in Calcutta Ubnt the Sultan of Turkey is sending a s ecial eirvoy to 'India to stir up dtesatlisfao. tion with British rule aunang the Mo- hammedan inhabitants, The shipload of corn contributed by several thousand persons in the United States thus arrived safely in Calcutta, The gift was very acceptable for the starving natives. , British warships are vigorously en- forcing• diel fishery regulations on the French shore of Newfoundland and closing lobster factories erected in yiolatto,n of trsgty rights. La Petrie of Parie, declares that all the plans of assassins have been ar- ranged in London, and suggests that the powers should cambi;ne to watch the country' that protects these crim- inals. Priam Henry of Orleans has arrived at Marseilles on his return from Aby- ssinia, and he will accept the challenge of Gm. Albertome, the Italian officer, who o mw ofsthefconduct of the3Italian sol- diers in Abyssinia,. The Cobdeat Club has caused espec- ial gold medal to be struck ;for presen- tation to Sir Wilfrid Laurier, The exports to the United States frown Great Britain sialoe the passage of the Dingley tariff have decreased fifty per cast. ; t While the telegraphers attached to the London _postal system are not eat - 'shed with the reply of the d'osbmas- ter-General to their letter of complaint, they do not feel justified in Striking. The London Anarchists, by special permission to the Commissioner of Po- lice, will Bold a meeting in Trafalgar square next Sunday to denounce the revival of the employment of torture in Spanish prisons. The London ry temperate article t on the Spectator impertinent method of United States politicians, and warns them that English feeling is aroused, and unlessthey mend their manner's, a conflict may ensue, with the most disastrous results, TRIBESMEN Ili REVOLT, THE WHOLE AFGHAN FRONTIER IN FANATICAL UNREST. tin I The Sit nallen Is Serious - Many I/rli100 Posta Threatened - A Slagle Reverse Would be VOliewrelt by a General iapr's. Ing -The ,1 rridls .1olu the Rebels. A despatch to the lion:den Times from Simla says that atleust 0,000 tribesmen were gaged in Tuesday's babble. The batteries prevented them risking a fight a,t elbeo quarters, but almost 1,000 held on for some time. Then as the in-, fanbrya attack devel'dped Uheyi fled, and when the caber 2,000 saw their tine oil retreat threatened, they moved raps+ celY away. 1 • Lieut. Greaves, of the Lancashire FAO/kers, and. Lieut. 11TaoLean, adju- tant' of Gmkd'es, were killed, and Capt, Penner was seriously wounded, Lieut. IV11acDente (net his death while trying to carry away bhc body of Lieut. Greaves. The despatch adds :-"The whole border still seems to be i,ry a stats of fanutical, unrest." Naive has been, received at Simla con - fu -ming the report tna,t the Afridisbf the Bazar valley and the Orakzais have rise.n. The latter arel reported to be descending in force on the Js u;rramtheell road, on wench is (situated the Sadr pest. This post is head/ by a saative olSicer. and 30 Sikhs: A 'detachment 0 caeralk'yl h,ne left liutrrue, with In- dtruotioms to ascertain the move- ments of the Orakza5,s. The reinforcements sent to Kohut have reached the pian.. If the Afrl.dis rise generally, the British forces will be conepe'lled to temporarily abandon Lualcli and Kehl, 1 Me force of British and Irodien troops under the command of General Blood is labor in camp at .Korai. The Britisau cavalry yesterday pursued the enemy as far as Beartkot, fifteen miles beyond Chakdara. General Blood directed the centre of the attack, cr Col. eikle'o honoccupying the he'ig'hts to the right of the enemy's position; The Sweetie were STRONGLY ENTRENO1I'ED, and auaiod1ainad a steady fire, but the British column parried the entrench- ments with great dash!, and the tan- em:y fled. Et is believed that General Blood will order a fuetber advance ow \ [ ne day, There is no longer er any doubt tobeare usyvolved w b'hreblli(n4 which et is in tab wise suppressed. Such is the c*uditioma of things now that tbesligbt- est check of the British arms would be the signal for a getneral revolt. The whole frontier seems to be in flames. The Afridis aro marching through the Khyber pass uneter jam - Dud, while the Orakzais are advance tag: by Kerman, anti ore , t'hrea- tenin'g Soutane. Tare Thirty-sixth Re- giment of Sams, which is divided into etaollments along the frontier, has been. ordered to eoncen'trate at .Fart Lockhart. All the ladies, except Mrs. Desvooux, the wife of .Major .oesvooux, of the 86th Sikhs, have left Santana, and have reached Range in setae. The Gur- rain nand Sa;at'ill-Alazaaai have combined, Sind tinreaeea Paracltana.r, in the Kur- ram valley, which is garrisoned, ley do- tach[nelvtss of Gherkins and. Shlche, The defection of, lam tAfridi(s is re- gartblocy liave been gloyal during many In- diapl outbreaks, and guarded, the Khy- ber Pass for the British during the AGa.han war. They are oho of the most Ulowerful 'Crites on the frontier, About one hundred tnsurgen't tribes - linen were killed, in +Ohs tannic made by General Blood, •rho British comnma:nder, upon the owmtreltchd positions ire the hells of the Swalt valley. T6 is (believed 10,000 Afridps ere. threateinIng .Tints rtt , but the 'prleee le considered proof against aitaolf by any force without artillery, Before aerie turin;g to attack ;Ja,mrulyi,, i,he 'A,fridie it is Cremated will try, their strength on the smaller. forts en the 151071nr peas, i',t i a • ••. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, AUG. 29. " Petit Opposed at Ephesus." Acts 111, 8t•01, /.oldest Text, hike 114 PR(AVrlCATa NOT3,'S. Verse 21. These things. Incident noted with the preaching of th Poi in Ephesus, where "naightilY the word of God and prevailed," the first twenty verses of this ch Purposed in the spirit, Devoutly to a definite. decision, Theougli (Ionia and Achaia, :rwo provin Greek Europe ,.where Paul had al labored, lie Ind received news sous dissension among the Chri of Corinth and must hasten the uneke peace, Meanwhile be wrot First Epistle to the Corinthians. to Jerusalem, W.htoh' was still r as the center of Christian faith' the ehui'oh there was narrower doctrines than were the churches I led by Paul, fit had made no fr advance,s to home and, as we shall s 1y see, when at 1engith he came t laden with blessings, it manifests solicitude concerning kis fete: It customary for rich and generous "of the dispersion" to .gather for the benefit of the Jews at J ale ce-a. custom which may have a reminiscence of the taxes of and Solomon, but whish in the da return from captivity had been on very real need, and which through the centuries taken to all the holy character of a dptionet command. The Chris of Jerusalem were .doub Poor, we can trace four or reasons why they must have .been Paul sought for them what otber erous Jews babitualiy did for the tbodox inhabitants of Jerusalem, hope, probably, that finanoial aides help to win: their favor, :.Che d to take up a collection for Jer tem doubtless added to the sir of the determination to go there er 1 have been there I must also Rome. As in some sense he' repres the apostles at Jeemeele5n he go at stated times to the,, Jewish opolis. As she was the apostles to .miles ha must hasten tp the pre *lis of .the Gentiles, aster lee Rome, hut b yra,s ,a prisonter sins, • 22. Sent into Macedonia two hem. Probably ,to gather up ,that tributions of the churches. Rattle company of C'hrisbian workers gathered around Q'.aul and obeyed orders. Them. that ministered +unto h :his phrase would include personal ice, but it probably means their n the Christian ministry, Timotb imothy. See 1 Cor. 4. 17; 16, 10, E us, Possibly, though not certai he treasurer of Corinth, Rom. ; 2 Tim, 4. 20. Asia. As before Roman province so called in est of Asia Minor, For a seas robably till the Ephesian ga mid be closed and dos large (Ina people who Were peeked L d,h8 l mid disperse t* their homes. T ould occur in May: • , 1 1 28. About tate same tune. A ,va dnological hint. No small stir. eat tumult. , About that w bout The Way." This was ane s earliest names ,given by: Christia aenselves to their new -formed sect 24. Demetrius. iEvirlently a notal L. He may llama bad control of o of the s:hsfa s,o. ,Bite preaching Pet the growth of Christianity, t reading skepticism, which to so res according with the advanci 11izoe:ion of the age -all these w pressing the people. And the t the, impression made an' the beopl rads was the shei(bemarket. 'B Being tradesman ' felt that c or Matinee for Diiana, Small ma of nue. temple„ with, a m+imn,ture im of tills goddess. P1lgrimns peraha so that they,couaki continue the slotlp after their return to the es. The worship of Diana was ver utter throughout the East. He de in Ephesus was one of th ought( oalsmalldgain.s f the wort W'gn es," work, enyploymeut. , Wham he tailed together. The Som" refers en•� t *tie craftsmen isup ven'se; what we call skilled. yyrs he The unskilled: werelaborersinntheir My. Like Decu(na.tiotn'. Makers of bees, Suss. Oleo," or, as we d fely, "ge'n'tlemen," 13' this t. t me bee/Mess, ss \1h wealth,. have oal'U w bre thein one half of merchandise and manufacture of anti grew out of worshlip, and stukteu£ of early, Ctbureh history overs that the financial' question, gh sometimes covered from popular the grentestilstumbiilimg.bthe great l*ck1o111i0 way( of the advance of Ohristian ie 5 ('on- o Leos - grew Bead apLer. came Mhce- ces of ready of ser- stians re to e the To go evered . But fn its ound- iendly bort- here, d no WAS Jews Money eros: been David ys of based had itself tra- istians (less, five ,and gen- or- in ould esire usa- ength Af- O. See ent- mus t met- • the tree SSW LSn , of con- nt15' had his im. ser - ells. inly16. the the an, mes sees sty his 55 ay. of ns ,le the of he me ng we est e's he coon ari se it it d. e. ed G lip ch a 1 vi 23 email1' wv P shoo of gcarr "A 015 t'h Ma n sal l' sP deg civ im of net fare ter Sifter els age them w'a1 hom PoP teeny arab lin 25 "W, ev ix bi amp she wont Graf our ank the seise thou' view, and the 20, Ye 'see and (tsar. The fact was plain tot every observer. 2(ob alone at 1',,plhesluis, :As'f C+efsaid,,"dtf it were our business only Melt were interfered with by thea new doctrine eve might won- der whether nverwere able to cope with it, but all idolaters must make mammon atvnsa,"i ' Throughout all asia. As before, this means the province b'or'der- ing on the Aegean Sea. This Paul. .A phrase of contemirtl' Ptah pe;rsmadedi, and burned muctepeople. IOkslt% ct(ntlury latex Pliny tells us that the Oieatlen institutions in the neighborhood se Ephesus liad fallen into utter neglect as a direct conserpleuce of Christian teacaniwg, Nearly all the .men intent oin gain were bulu't by 'the haloid spread of O'bristianity, They be to gods which are, inane with hands, 'She w'or-I sliip of images and crucifixes Seas `often began in devout syanboilem, its wihen 11 poetic mbunt ceases an ideal empresen- Cation of spiritual truth. But, 'How- ever it begins, it always enkls Its Isere In the common folk believing, wvhat- ever they say, thief real gadeehave ',cod made `with hands. 27. Our craftis be danger. `Our bus - hetes interests ere In peril. if Paul succeeds you will be ant of worker '1'o he sat et naught. To come into con- tempt, to be made a laughing stook or. But also, This our overthrow is net the worst of things: the temple of the great goddess will be !despised and her magnificence will be dense,. elO This is' a very weighty sentence. °t is es if he said.; 1Ud not persuade Yourselves that this is a priming fash- ion or fad. Yon who matte sh'risiesttyou will starve. except Paul goes; you who woriwhip Mann, yd11 will be sootuesll,,and FULL OF ENCOURAGE 7 ENT Mil'EC 17EZ AS.7".4,01:s 'cianAX 7" . En Bed 5 Montb.e—IA,d Given Up All Hope of Getting Well—A Remedy Found a.t Last to which a Owe L.ty Life." Science has folly established the foot that all the nervous energy of our bodies is generated by nerve centres located near the base of the brain. When the supply pf nerve force has been diminished either by excessive physical or mental labours, or owing to a derangement of the nerve (entree, we are arab conscious of a languor or tired and worn-out feeling, then of a mild form of nervousness, headache, or atomach trouble, which is perhaps suc- ceeded by nervous prostration, chronic indigeation, and dyspepsia, and a gen- eral sinking of the whole system. In this day of hurry, fret and worry, there are very few who enjoy perfect health; nearly everyone has some trouble, an ache, or pain, a weakness, a nerve trouble, something wrong with the stomach and bowels, poor blood, heart disease, or siok headache; all of which are brought on by a lack of nervous energy to enable the different organs of the body to perform their respective work. South American Nervine Tonic, the marvellous norvs food and health giver, is asatisfying success, awondrous boon to tired, sink, and overworked men and women, who have suffered years of discouragement and tried all manner of remedies without benefit. It is a modern, ascientific remedy, and in its quake follows abounding health. 50 is unlike all other remedies in thatitis not designed to act on the different organs affected, but by its direct action on the nerve centres, which are nature's little batteries, it emotes an increased supply of nervous energy to be generated, which in its turn thoroughly oils, as it were, the machinery of the body, thereby en. abling it to perform perfectly its dif- ferent functions, and without the slightest friction. If you have been reading of the r'ee markdble cures wrought by South American Nervine, accounts of which we publish from week to week, and are still sceptical, we ask you to in- vestigate them by correspondence, and become convinced that they are true, to the letter. Such a course maysava you menthe, perhaps years, of suffer• ing and anxiety. The words that follow aro strong, but they emanate from the heart, and speak the sentiments of thousands ot women in the United Statesand Can- ada who know, through experience, at the healing virtues of the nS'?outh. American Nervine Tonic, Harriet E. Sall, of Waynetown, a prominent and muck respected lady, writes as follows t— "I owe my life to the great South' American Nervine Tonic, I have been in bed for five months with a. scrofulous tumour in my right side, r• and suffered with indigestion and nervous prostration, . Had given up all hopes of getting well. Had tried three doctors, with no relief. The' first bottle of Nervine Tonic improved me so much that I was able to walk about, and a few bottles cured me en- tirely. I believe it is the beat medi. eine in the world. I cannot recom- mend it too highly." Tired women, can yon do bett,e than become acquainted with tbie truly great remedy ? Sold by Deadman & McColl the goddess mocked, except Paul goes; You evho love your city and province, the supremacy they h ve a e 11 OYe d will ll disappear. ex- cept Paul goes." Asiaand the world, worshipeth•. All western Attie Minor Lad Witt, this temple. Each M Lts *Mired and twenty columns an- imal festivalsfee. of tht of acity, g ddesss attractand the ed t'hou$aads from all directions. 28. Full of warmWt Grew madder and madder. Cried mat. ; Were cry Mg cwt. We, t:an( bi0ture a group excited teem, starting thirough t streets shemetipng', "Great is Diana," an arouyimlg all the, idle emd the bad. Wh Paul's traveling compactions were cap- tured by thhs mob they rushed untoth theater, wvhit:lt' was probably used fo „bli w a F gatherings. ku gs. 29. The whole att,`91 was filled with coknfusion. As a oi.ty always is when a 'great mat starts. B'aving caught Get= and Aristarcpyy�oylu�us1s��r,+oomen of Miace- donia. They were Emropeanls, and it probably wag not dsfffiouslt to idea - bean end. pnvtloct,tt,tel 'therm with( Pawl. It seems strange that they did not *Oen kadontio 'Oa. sect that Goias is a Ma,ewdonhan makes it probable Mato*. wpss mat the. Gains of 113erbe, ,00 Acts 20; 4; or the Gains of Corinth, of 1 pbi'i 1. 14.; Rem, 16. 28; tor thud Gattis of Ephesus,, oS 8 John, 1 ,Aristerdbiue wed only knoev us a faith" fol a;. c FOR TWENTY -,SEVEN YEARS. j DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER h THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. en e with its galleries of seats, and its l' nisi ed marble ' fila • p zs turned nod t hal• mote ob Into a (sort ot turbulent deliberative as- sembly. The leaders evidently did nob known what to do next. 83. They drew, " They brought." Alex-, ander, Probably the eOppersmith, 2 Tim. 4. 14; doubtless himself a maker of shrines, The Jews putting him for- ward, When a snob arose the Jew -s were always in lunger, and as then had been vufiuet(ntietl in arousing this( one, its pnclfirea;tton meant trench to, them. The Jeer were eaaer to Show Mat they could ,not be confounded with Christians. Alexander beckoned with the hand' Paul .was able on ebnilaar oeoaSigns to quiet the people. 'W'o'ol('! have made his defense, "A defense," that is, of the J;elwvs ane of the mob, 64. They knew( that he was' a, Jew, Instead of "leaser," the Revised Ver- sion has "perceived," as if they leis a re- hagmlzedto noartidonnaraly, malt '0u6argil Nthbu(argpd Astatio features were more like Jewislf features than are those of the guro- poem or tint rima, dbill :Alexandezlawls a marked boon; besides, he ons pro- bably known to manly of this assem- bly. mho, Ispese of two liners. Exottedl as the mob was, it could( hardly, have, continued' this .monotonous Wonting for so loittg a time dit fb bad not been ist' semto sort: anti to somelydivgrse ritu- nlistfo, a formal homage to (Uianhe Vain repetitions, were common he heathen ,Worship,i 1 I Paul. Paula companions, Ttnnphuticiwlly Paul made, (friends. IMt has beet( conjectured ((tat just ,,b this hour' Aqutlat and PriscL1t Rom. 16, 3, 4 aiehedt,their! nbcks to save Paul. ,II 31, Paul wroulcl hove entered in. 1V as mended bo/eater in. 'The disciples suffered him not. They had, wet- caned the 1 gathering storm and wens resolved to keep loon in safety. the cbief of Asia. Tale Asiter'obs, ,presid- ents of the Ephesiwn games, One was appointed annually, and who over had been Asinrch reilawned the title. Which were his friends. .The number of men of high rank woks to flue friendship-. of Paul is antazin:g..D,esiriing Lim. This request'. probably had 'greeter into. - tort over him even than that of the Christians. 32, Some therefore cried one thin lead same another. finely de.seriptiv0, Tito assembly was conduced. 'rho word for assembly is line word elsewhere translated, church. If Paul had enter- ed the theater ho doubtless would. have boon murdered,d of the mob could have murdered Paul, 'Chair trouble would have been over But thetheater,.. 1 SUCCEEDS THE SAND BOC, �t Experiments been recently heed made tb prevent the sliding o[ loeomotivo: wheels by reagnetleing them whey: potting on the broken or when squinty{.. ino ghee orbs eo _,