The Brussels Post, 1897-9-3, Page 66
gke Nruzstl Tilzst
--1st g1111.0I21181)-•
On time for the early mails) at
"The Post" Steele Puhlishiogl HonSe,
Tolamina ST., Bitvoo Le, ONT.
Taunts or rensertirTrox,—One 3oliara
Year, iiipadvert:.
t his vein 18 de oted ann.-4
the` date
on the uddreee label,
—The 0
Alarmism* B
will be charged to those who adt 0x iso by
the 1881):—'
sPAee— I 1.-rr:"1- Chic,I
eM M I 3aa np } 330.00
Hall ' auw:Mu.) rem:
Quarter " s0 00 15,00) 0,00.
Eighth 10 00 8.00 GA0
night cents per line for first insertion, and
three came per line for each subsequent tn.
Bartlett. All advertisements measured as
Nonpareil -1s lines to the inch.
'Business Cards, eight lines and ruder, 30
per annum. specific.
110, will he inserted until forbid, Rud
charged accordingly,
Instructions to ohauga or diseontinde an
advertisement must be left at the counting
ch wTuesday
eek This i8 imporativ0.
. 0.i. IKEITiaa.,
Editor 1111(1 Proprietor.
Everyone who is interested in the pro.
green and material development of On-
tario, and more especially every farmer,
ought t0 rend the annual report of the
Bureau of Forestry for Ontario just is.
sued. Like its predecessors, it is full of
information on the subject of forest pre.
d sou
and t10
and tree -planting,
v0. n
' 1 oon-
axi epitome of the latest practical P
atuskuus and observations bearing on the
603301131 gaestion. The seriousness of the
sit,•^ti n o,. nntal•io has been r'oounized 1 mode by prominent Oddfellows o
by the Provincial Government, Which plane, lie0reslmenta were served dating
has lately appointed a oummiesion to the evening and a pleueunt fraternal time
make 8 tour of the Province and ascertain wee spent generally, master, was
the feasibility of replanting some of the Bro. J. A. Young, grand
waste lands with timber. The figures born in Pennfield, N. B., Feb. 8, 1851,
presented by this report, compiled from and in 1856, with his parents, removed
th.: returns of the Bureau of Industries, to Whitersll, then Upper Canada, now
show the extent to which the denudation Ontario, where he received his early Wu -
has been carried in some of the frontier cation. For four years he taught school
counties and the urgent need of some at Altona, and in 1878 was appointed
active measure to counteract the evils head master of the Fergus eentralsohools,
which have resulted. The report deals which position he bald until 1882, when
briefly with the broader and more general he went to the West Indies, where he re -
aspects of the question, inasmuch as the mained for a year or more. In June,
commi3eion is now at work. It gives 1876, he joined ,Cergns Lodge, No. 73, and
some figures showing the extent to which at once took an active interest in the
the limber supply is drawn from lands Order. He soon passed the chairs, end
belonging to farmers, partial statistics was honored by being sent for several
obtained from 1,600 lumber mills, indi• years as its representative to the grand
eating tint 865,000,000feet board measure lodge. He is a member of the Encamp -
is out every year from land under settle- meat and Rebekah branches, and also a
meat, in addition to other than pine chevalier in the Patriarchs Militant.
timber, It is urged that the fanners His experience in the West Indies caused
ahonld look to the wood lot as a 'carmen- Bro. Young to write a series of articles
ent source of revenue, and carefully guard on the color question, which was then a
such remains of the original forest as live question before the Order. ifs
they 11310ces 11061 recLkas articles were Pu •iei.,.,1 i.) thu -..1:.0.. ..
In view of the growing scarcity, and ()Wallow and extensively copied into the
value of many kinds of timber, they are
ret:..tuwc.:aed to plant -,^ v.-. and
unproductive lands with such kinds as
are likely to be in demand in the future,
Mut 831100 3,18038861(10 au r(.uu('aunt., r., t,luw
showing the value of plantations on
farms are given.
The latest scientific experiments as to
the value of trees as windbreaks in pre.
serving the moisture of the adjacent
fields are set forth at some length.
Among other features of the report are
papers on the study of nature in schools,
showing how Arbor Day might be made
a much more useful institution than at
present ; en the manufacture of Charcoal,
by Ales, Kirkwood ; and on insects in.
jurians to forest vegetation, by Dr.
Brodie, a leading authority on entomolog•
=al science. A poet card addressed to
Thomas Southworth, Bereau of Forestry,
Parliament Buildings, Toronto, with the
name and address of the sender, is all
that is requisite to obtain a copy of this
interesting report. -
Hay000lk In The Air.
Several residents of Corfu,N. Y., wit•
neosed a phenomenon whi011 canned molt
wonderment. Mrs. Smith, wife of Dr.
Smith, was looking towards the east from
a window of her home on Alleghany
street. Central Towerman Reynolds was F. W. anon,
looking north from the windows of his Secretary Dominion Cattle Breeders'
signal tower, just east of the Alleghany I Association,
street creasing, Dire. Smith and Tower.
man Reynolds were about an eighth of
Luiie apace, out invir 1481108 lore earelt.a.+iy
breeding pnnpoees to bo tested and de.
olared wend. le view of these facts the
prudent fanner and live stook breeder
will do well to make himself fully 0.o.
quafuted with the oolttents of this Bul.
retie. A copy may obtained by ep.
plying to the Department of Agriculture,
Toronto. Yours very truly,
fixed upon the game pnmt, a meadow,
which is a part of the afford plaoe, and
is situated directly east of the Smith
It was perfectly still. There wasn't
enough stir stirring t0 move leaves on the
neatly been cut and the lot was dotted
with hay0o0ks. Suddenly the astonished
beholders saw one of• these nooks raised
bodily and carried straight upward for a
distance of over 100 feet. Then it sailed
off to the north over the business portion
of the village, oontinuing at over a height
of 100 feet above the ground, and finally
coming to terra firma again Evergreen
Hill Oemetery, fully half a mile from the
point whore it commenced iia aerial trip.
Only a few spears of grass dropped from
the gook as it flew through the air, and
it retained its oonieal form throughout its
dizzy trip. A number of people saw it as
it sailed over the basinese section. No
wind was blowing at the time.
Thamestord Ocidfellowe.
The Oddfellows of Thamesford held a
reception to Bro. J. A. Young, the newly -
elected grand master of the grand lodge
of Oddfellows, on his return from grand
lodge on Saturday night, Aug. 19th. He
wa8 met at the etatioo by several of the
brethren and escorted to his residence,
led by the Oddfellows band, of I11„eteoll
for t]000
ensu a 1
which had been h]o engaged g
The chair was occupied by Dr. McWil-
liam, end speeches of cnn,tratnl1tion wore
TI.10 influence of the big city depart-
mental store is on the wane. They are
doing less business every month—the
public have got on to tbeir bargain dey
fakes—and it is a safe statement that
less money will be spent in these stores
through the mail orders in future.
"Mack" in Saturday Night says ;
Those who think that nothing can be
done in regard to departmental stores are
rapidly diminishing, Thousands fre-
quent these stores, yet I challenge any
regular department ehopper to deny that
there is a very marked felling away in
the crowds that crush and scramble in
such places on those days which with
brazen audacity are called "bargain
due." The attendance at these maroon -
tile 010008es is appreolahly diminishing,
and irxdo is beginning to look thio way
and that, and no longer blindly follows
certain lines as It had begun to do. This
foot is being commented on every day
even by the women who still shop in those
Determined not to lose ground, the
departmental stone are spending ever -
mini sums of money in advertising and
in sending catalogues to gamy town and
village in the ()wintry. They get voters'
li to
and directory lists of the 00010 s,
lawyrve and olergymen of the proviuoe
and send out catalogues and lettere
(which are considered very smooth from
this point of view, of American advertis-
ing experts) to all those who may be
thought to have no odnneotion with the
mercantile trade in the odteido towns.
Tho zeal with which eata10gu00 are
being distributed at present 0horv0 the
anxiety which fills the brenste of the men
who conduot these inetitutione. They
are very greatly disturbed by the wave
of sentiment that is spreading over the
eonntry from one end to the other. They
wilt be more deeply disturbed now that
their business --not only, that part of it
which is visible here in Toronto, bvt
their mail order trade with thonghblese
people in outside towns—bogine to de.
cream. Not only are the orowde that
Seek to these stores rapidly diminishing,
but from alt directions oome8 news that
people who used to buy nearly everything
by mail are now dealing in their own
towns and intend to do so hereafter.
other papers of the Order.
Bro. 3 ouug ha c:`•13 beet i•el.1 ;. ,.'.n and permanent cares effected by the lase
highest esteem by all with whom he has of Dr. Williams' fink Pills, for reale
associated, and is at present engaged in People. It is quite within the mark to
lav that t17n1•A l9 on °thee ,nnrlinhln offer -
whereY.t 01.111.,uu .++lug wt �11ua.., ..0.,
where by energy and toot be has accumu-
lated a fine property. Bro. Young was
one of the charter members of Thames.
ford Lodge, No. 259, and has ever since
been one of its hardest workers. The
lodge at present has most elegantly fitted
rooms over Bro. Young's large store.
' irina.x per Trotpped.
Five.year•old john Conway, of Albany,
N. Y., who was at the mercy of kid.
nappere sines Monday, wee returned to
his parents ehortly after 0 o'clock on
Thursday mooning, through the efforts of
:,..,ay rint,:nlio..n .,n,1 t•ritne4,a in the
employ of the Argils.
The child was ebdunted by hie nuol0,
Joseph Hardy, and a 5(81 named H. G.
Blake, By the promise of a large re-
ward, Blasts was induced to oonfess and
return the obild. On Thursday morning
he piloted a party of leen five miles out
in the country, where 11e left them, and
in a few minutes returned with the boy
in his arms. Ile was given n stuffed
pocketbook for hie ransom, and an effort
was made to arreeb him. When he saw
11e was trapped, be pulled a revolver, fired
four or five shots, and broke away from
his captors. Ile ie being persued by a
squad of police.
If the story Hardy bold the chief of po•
lice behind closed doors is trio, the Con-
way child narrowly escaped the fate of
Charlie Rose. When the quarry became
hot, Blake urged that as the boy would
betray them, they had better rid them-
selves of him. Hardy was a trifle timid
and asked for another day. Ib was finally
agreed that at a late hone they would
take the boy from the old school house,
where they looked him np, and wouli
either drown him or drop him from a
i +
railroad train. A party is out look ng for
the t
r r of 16 intended
Blake and a
murder spreads, the excitement becomes
more intense, and is liable to end badly
for the two men if they fell into the hands
of the enraged people.
Suffered From Infancy.
010," tier ('1311,1lto00 Slto Stdrered From
Henri 'Tronbicn—Duelers Sold Notbine
Could Be Deno for Eley, and that Igor
Death at day 80141 cut Would Not S nr-
petSe Them.
Prom the Herald, Stratford.
"Of the halting of books there is no
end," it has been said, and the same claim
might be set upin respeot of the making
of testimonials in favor of Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills. Wonderful es aro some of
the statements published is the 1.10100.
papers as to the cures affected in all parts
of the country, fresh evidence proves the
half has not been told, Were 1t not for a
false sense of delicacy which a great
many people entertain in regard to such
„.nrtn,•a. the 00 o,nrie of the nreca wnnld
be literally teeming with grateful ac-
sknowledgements of benefit derives from
Many a wise man knows what the die -
'binary definition of wisdom 1s, but
doesn't know what' the word needle.
Tuberculosis Al Cattle,
DiAu Sm,—I wish to draw your at-
tention to a Bulletin issued July, 1807,
by the Ontario Department of Agrioul-
tore, dealing with Tuberculosis in cattle.
This is a most important and usetal pub-
lication, and will fully repay a careful
study of its contents. Institute off]oera
are respectfully requested to bring this
publication to the natio of the farmers
in their respective districts. Thio can be
done through the local press, at public
meetings, and at epeeial meetings called
for the porpoise of discussing thie ques-
tion. At least one such special meeting
should be held in each Institute District
between now and April let, 1808, and as
=anymore as the funds of the Institute
will allow. This is a vital /petition and
should be dealt with in a vigorous yet
careful manner.
As stated on page 8 of aforesaid bul-
letin, Lieut. -Col. IlfoOrae has been em-
ployed to deliver illustrated addresses
explaining the mode of detecting the
disease, treating diseased animals, dis-
infecting stables, eta. Mr. McCrae will
also be in readiness at all times to test
herde or single animals, owned by farm-
ers, in order to show the owner how to do
the work afterwards. All applications
for Mr. loioOrae'e services should be made
to the undersigned through the Secretary
of the local farmers' Institute, but when,
for any reason, this is not practicable or
advisable, the party or parties desiring
Mr. IttoCrae'e services may obtain the
same by applying directly to the under-
aigned. In this ogee, Mr. McOrea'e work
and the correspondence connected there.
with, will be considered strictly con,
fid enttel
ell the public that can at all compare
With Dr. Williams' Pink Pirie, end there
is not a corner in this wicl Dominion fn
which their virtues have Is,. been proved.
A Duro which recently caws to the know-
ledge of a representative el the herald is
deserving of being widely !mown, It is
au instance of heart 100111,t2 that bodied
the skill of a number of physicians, some
of whole positively refused to treat the
patient on the ground that it wa0 110 use.
The subject of the =Motion. referred to is
the wife of & highly respected and well to-
do farmer in the township of Logan,
near the village of Dublin. Mr, aucl Mre.
Thos. Green are firm believers in the
efficacy of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and
for very good reasons, Mrs. Greou has
suffered everything but death from a
weak heart, the trouble having afflicted
her since early childhood. On several oo-
easlon0 she has been so low that it was
not thought possible for her to recover.
Her greatest trouble often arose from ex-
haustion or sudden start, and at such
times her heart seamed to cease its
throbbing and the breathing was fitful
and. labored. Dootor's medioine seemed
to have no effect whatever. She was ad-
vised by one physician that all that could
be done was to steep her strength up, and
it was with a view to strengthening her
system, and with no hope that her heart
would be benefitted, that she began the
use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She
had not been taking thein long, however,
when there .wa8 an unmistakable relief
from the trouble that had made her whole
life miserable. During tate past anmmor
she has used Pink Pills freely, and has
enjoyed better .health than for many
years before, and hoe been able not only
to do her household worst, but also many
of the out door chores that fall to the lot
of a farmer's wife. The different phy-
sicians who have treated her have fre-
quently told her husband that they would
not be surprised to hoar of her death ab
any moment, but she is to -day a strong
W011111,11, enjoying better health than she
hoe done for years. Both Mrs. Green and
her husband feel grateful for the great
The terms on which Mr. 1fcOrae will benefit mho has received from the use of
be sent to address meetings or test herds Dr, 'William's Piuk Pills, and spare no
are as follows :—The Institute or indi- words fn sounding their praises to every
vidual requiring auoh services 01011 be ono who enquires what has wrought each
required to pay bis uethal travelling ex- a wonderful change in blrs. Green's
poises from the time he leaves home un. health and spirits.
ill 11e returns thereto. Every effort will In case of paralysis, spinal troubles,
be made to keep the expenses as low as locamotor ataxia, sciatica, rheumatism,
possible, When several persons living in erysipelas, scrofulous trotlhies, eta , Dr,
one district require inetruetion, the ex- Williams' PInlr Pills are =polder to all
ponces will be divided equally among the other treatment. They aro also a specific
persons served. All other expenses in for the trooblee which maims the Lives of
0onnection therewith will be defrayed by so many women blardon, end speedily
the Department of Agriculture. restore the rich glow of health to pale and
I wish to urge upon you the deeirabil- sallow cheeks. Man broken clown by
ity of taking advantage of this opportun- overwork, worry or excesses, will find in
ity, for the following ceason8 t—A11 pare, Pink Pills a certain cure. Sold by all
brad animals sold for breeding purpo0ee dealors, or sent by until postpaid, at 500 a
to American buyers must be tested with box, oe six boxes for 82.60 by addressing
tuberculin, and proved to he sound, be- the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brook.
fore they ale allowed to arose' the line 1 villa, Ont., or Sohoneotady, N.Y. Be.
and the day is not far distant when all warn of imitations and substitutes alleged
animals supplying milk or dairy products to be "just as good."
for human consumption must by law be •
so tested and declared sound. Only a Montreal City oouneil voted 91,500 to.
few months ago the offiaers of the Board wards the expenses of the reception of
of klealth of Toronto made a demand Sir Wilfrid Laurier in that city,
that this plan be put in foras as far as Which is worse, imprisonment for life
Toronto was oontorned. This demand or a life.iong disease, such as scrofula,
will be renewed here and at other points, for example? The former eartai0ly
and sooner 0r Inter it will be enforced by would be preferable, were it not that
the will of the 0oneumer. Doubtlese Ayer's Sareaparilla can always 00me to
within a few years legislation will be en. • the 000000 and give the poor sufferer
acted compelling all animate sold for ' health, strength and happhtess,
SEP'r. 8. 1897
The Only One
To Stand the T it
Rev. William Copp, whose father
was a physician for oyer fifty years,
in New Jersey, and who himself
spent many years preparing *or the
rracrion oe medicine, but subse,
quently entered the ministry of the
M. E. Church, writes; "I am glad
to testify that I have
\ o
haU analysed all the
sarsaparilla prepare..
dors knows its the
trade, but
is the only one of
them that I could
recommend 118 a
blood -purifier. I1 t ave
given away hundreds of bottles of
it, as I consider it the safest as well
as the best to be bad."—WM. CoPP,
Pastor M. E. Church, Jaeksou, Minn.
When in doubt, asst forA.yer's P1115
Wanted An Idea
Who n think
0S P
some aim la
thing • t01
WriteProtect GN Idem; they may bring you e wealth
Write JOAN wE1, 0. ,tor at to 08881130 Atter-
and leWashington,
of twgo hundred'inventions OD.,
PUMP id't.' DEK .
I wish to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that I have pur-
chased the Pump Business at WAIVES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No better Pump in the market.
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
r'Orders taken for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterna.
fart; �l U u ale
If you require a Wheel you should
call on the undersigned. Asa proof
of the fact that we do the business
we append the sales already made
this season :
Rev. 3, Rose,
J. T. Dodds, E LO D.
Geo. Thomson, Gents'
J. H. Cameron,
Jno, Smith,
W. D. Cousley,
A. Keller,
H. Hunter,
Mise M. Meadows,
J. A. Stewart,
D. Sheehan,
J. Hamilton,
J. Kellingtoo,
A. McKay,
G. McKay,
L. Williamson,
J. Brown,
Wanted—An Idea
Who eon think
of some elm610
thing to patent?
Protect yyour ideas• theyy� mag brl¢g you wealth.
Wrlto 'anIN WHtil.a BORN 6r 00. Patent Atter•
¢eye wseaington, D. O., for tktllr $1,800 prleo 051r
0330 1106 or two hundred luventlone wautad.
G.0 fo
T fykwOoo, Manager Sulndnrd Think, 13rarl-
ford, Dol., nays, CI 5050 Siang -Liver pine ere a
`rand medicine for the Kidney, and Liven
W p Cnaatrte, '1 13110sul St,, Tomeio, re.
presenting Moatresl Stat055.9, Cbs ns,'Pills net
llae roar a t,. the relief„t bead-neho bilious n,rark
and eon.•,psnna, :1 r+aryw br re, or by mail no
r-ceip, .14'1' 1” EOMhf1COI, BATES & co.
.E .o✓aese Sr 110000(0. ONi
hIZEIEN t`cxre•• r v^,EEMIen,r,,,Nga,n Z
To keep out the Flies and. be Comfortable
you Must have
1 2P111 1,
S;PPPPMtit,�riu VV IyUY�'U�l.
It Pays to Buy the Pest that is made.`
Order your Doors from us and get the Best
Screen Door on the market.
.13 ,t7 SS Hd�1e�7.
(VE Jit(..
l li �l
l 8
dk� Bq
4 9
1 �
We have got nearly through marking our Spring Goods anis
would like you to call and inspect our stock and compare prices.
We think we can say without any exaggeration that we are in;'a
position to show one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks that
it has been your privilege to see within the COUNTY.
n ress Goods
and Trimmings we show a 11.11150 that will delight the hearts of the
Ladies. Please don't buy until you see our stock, not that we wish
to insist On you buying from us but our stock will give you an idea
of what is going to be worn this Spring.
Our Linens
we imported direct through Agents from the 'Brookfield Linen Co.,
Belfast, Ireland, which enables 111 to sell them at prices much be-
low regular prices.
LACES and FliBR0TT)ETITTBS 131'e clue of the leading fenturez
with us this season.
" r to Ready -to. wear Clothing
we lead all Competitors. Our Men's Suits at $3.00 must bo seen
to be appreciated.
is to make this store to the County of Huron what the '11. Eaton Co.
is to Toronto. Any who haven't as yet favored us with a call we
would like to specially invite them to do so, and I think we will be
able to mane them permanent customers.
Grocery Department.
Our Grocery Department is under the direction of Mr. Jas. Purcell,
and he will bo pleased to show you through that department.
P. S.—Our Advertising Agent, Prof. Golding, a colored gentle-
man, will probably call on you in the course of a week or two with
Literature which will pay you well to peruse carefully.
Importer, Seaforth.
Establishea 1871.
c, c.0
O ~ O r=
p p
0 0
The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It leaves nothing further to be desired. Bates and full infor-
miction furnished on, application.
q�� qt SEIM,
gent Brussels.
MY t i tf�r IJ4Li a�itlt-Yl,fiV� Agent,