HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-9-3, Page 5fi
bl l b 8, 18117 ' t.^, ; i% C3 " .•
ruses*+vneoaa rc sza , m cyr �vamnxsuxt res xrrearsaxam»yr,
•rwr� _ _,�;,
7,r% .4 i .4. I T`tueman Smith woe on the aiok Hat outdo,
o ffgood many are Iaid up wall had Tho harvest lima aervioe will be held
.f? a .4 Pim r lues woek,
<7ra sabr OA ft.
Mies 121114*, of Gocleriolt, a visiting
Mrs. A. McDonald.
Miss Mary Ritchie is visiting at Hen -
salt and Grand Bend.
Mise Tota McNair was visiting friends
at Clietou and Goclerloh,
Miss Lio,4. Monne ix attending the
Millinery Openings at Toronto.
Miss Bell arltelloll, of Atwood, is the
guest of Mies Tilde McRae this week,
Mins Clara Hunter, of. Bruseole, is
vieltiug her grandma, Mrs. 10, A. Bun-
Mies Millie Foerster, who has been
visiting here for the past few weeks, has
returned be Detroit.
Rev, Mr. McLean, of Blyth, occupied
the pulpit in Knox ohuroh lash Sunday.
Rev, Mr, McRae was at Blyth.
George Ccateeleft last week for Idaho,
Ty. George will bo greatly miesed by the
young people, especially by the Bpworth
League, of which he woe a most faithful
and active member, We wish him sue-
asses alortb.
The failure of a banking firm in Sea•
forth wee reported on Monday of last
week, says the Globo of the 24111, is the
aseigutnout or Logan ds Co. The firm is
an old established ono in Seaforbh, but
latterly Robert Logan has been conduob•
ing the business. Robs. Logan was
formerly of the firm or Logen ca Co„
bankers, of Carberry and Glenboro' but
retired from that firm, the bueiuess being
taken over by Robt. and J. A. Smith.
Mr. Logan made a statement in 1895
that he was the Bolo proprietor, conduct.
ing the business under the style of R.
Logan & Co., dealing with the Back of
s Montreal et Winnipeg, and with a Line
of credit to the extent of about 530,000.
surplus in Glenboro', he thonght,
would be about 512,090 over liabilities of
820,000 to 925,000, mostly due to bankers.
Hie surplus in the Seaforth business he
estimated at 510,000 over liabilities of
813,000, due to depositors, and from 518,-
000 to 520,000 due to the Bank of Mont-
real at Stratford, and other memento.
The firm held e Targe number of a000unts
in Manitoba and the Northwest and their
investments there have not of repent
years been very aueeeesful, so that they
have found themselves unable to meet
payments. Just what aeeets and liabili-
ties are at present it is impossible to say,
as no statement of affairs has yet boon
Itrole sever th .
F. Terry is visiting in Mount Forest.
Baht. Stewart is off to Manitoba on a
business trip.
Mrs. Michael 14CuKee and son are visit-
ing in Algoma,
Mrs. Wright, of Ohioogo, is visiting her
sister, Mrs, Loughheed.
Mr. Wilson, who taught sohooi bore a
number of years ago, ie renewing old ac-
The cheese faotory is doing a good
sea0on'o work. The flow of milk was
never larger.
One of our old and reapeoted oitizens,
Andrew Mitchell, is very aiok at present.
Old age is the principal cause. He was
one of the pioneers of Molesworth.
Mr. Wilson, our popular tinsmith, land
the misfortune to get thrown out of hie
wagon the other day and broke his arm.
He will be laid off work for some time.
The coutractore are matting good head-
way with the Presbyterian church con-
sidering the wet weather. When com-
pleted it will be a credit to both Presby-
terians and contractor.
Poundkoeper Molotosh was presented
with a fine drove of oowo the other morn-
ing for trespassing in gardens. The poor
bovines acknowledged their prime and
were let off quite easy for the first offence.
The second offence they will get three
menthe or go to the farmers' beef ring.
Car ear.
Heavy rain last Sunday night.
Mise Bertha Ball has gone to Toronto.
Fall wheat seeding is on the program
this week.
Last week Jas. Cardiff, 7111 oon„ sowed
Fall wheat.
25 dente in advance gets TrtE Poem for
the balance of 1807.
A travelling photograeher took a pie -
tura of S. S. No. 9 last Friday.
Next meeting of Township Commit will
be held on Saturday, Sept. 2041.
Misses Genie and Bella Smith aro
holidaying at Toronto this week.
John Bray, of Wroxeter, was visiting
his brother, Wm. Bray, 15th oon,
Toronto Ekhibitien is the magnetic
spot to some of our township people,
A Literary program wee presented at
Bethel League on Wednesday evening of
this week.
Mee, Thos, Williamson, 17111 con„ was
called to Smith's Valle owing to the seri-
cue illness of her mother.
Voters' List Court in the Township
Hall, before Judge lylnoson, on Wednes-
day of next week, at 10 a. m.
Bethel people were pleased to weloome
Rev, Mr. Walker last Sabbath morning
rafter his lay up from a sprained ankle.
Flax and peas were poor Drops in the
Southeastern part of Shia township this
season largely on account of the heavy
Wilber Harkness and eider, who base
been visiting at Geo. McKay's their
grandfather, 19th oon,, returned to their
home in Sarnia on Tuesday.
A largo yield of wheat was secured by
Duncan McKay, 1.Gth con., 1;(
acne ho threshed 05 bushels of Red Daws.
eon variety. It wona groat crop,
Angus, John and Joseph McKay, Wil-
liam Kelly and Alex. Fraser are away to
Manitoba to aid in the harvest fields.
Borne of there may remain if suitable
• properties can be obtained.
Next Monday there will likely be a
large torn out fibro this locality to the
11 an
d no
%ball t
ournatnant at
Brussels. We notice there is a big doy'a
sport for a small amount of money.
• We are pleased to notice the name of
7L A, hill among the list of successful
candidates writing for 2nd Claes cere d.
oatoe et Godorieb, Mr, hill door not
bathed to follow teaching but looks for-
ward to writing 111. D. after his name.
Stlaeeee to you.
Mre. Walter Oliver, 14th con., has
leased her 100 acre farm, let 81, oon, 14,
to Charles Love, or Trowbridge, for a
term of 5 yeare, at 9200 per annum. He
takes peaseasion next Winter but will eow
Fall wheat on the Mince, Mrs. Oliver
and family will continue to reside 00 the
Mr0. Duncan I ivingstou ie vielbing ab
Mrs, i3, Ball gave the book or her rigbt
hand a bac' aralding one day last week.
Last week Mee Libbie Ball arrived
home from Toronto after an absence of
Elevated months,
Last Sunday night or 11l,unday mora.
ing 011rielina :McMartin, who has been an
inmate of the Unease of Refuge from
Gray township since the opening, abscond.
ed. She will ba brought back if infer.
motion oan be obtained as to her wltare-
a card to
Inspector Coattes,,son Clinton?%mould confer
a favor,
Mies Ella, daughter of Maloolm
Lamont, left on Wednesday for the
Model School, Clinton, where she will
spend the Fall berm, Mise Sella, daugh-
ter of John Lamont, of the same eon -
easeful, is attending a similar .institution
at Mitchell. We wish the young ladies
morass in their $wishing touches before
being licensed to %yield the birob.
D. L. Strachan, who is teaselling at
Browntown Public school, took a notion
that he would use his spare hours in
sbudy and as a result passed the last
Junior Leaving Examination with good
mance, i1e i0 oerteicty deserving of
credit and shows that he is mads of she
right material to get to the top. Mr.
Straohan is not only a good abndent but
is a good teacher also and we will be
disappointed if he does not make his
mark in the teaching profession.
Among the list of successful candidates
at recent examinations ab Calgary,
Alberta, we noble's the name of John
Perris. The Daily Herald of that city
says ;—"Tho name of John Perrie is
deserving of special mention. Of the 51
candidates for Seemed Claes certificates
Mr. Perrie'e name heads the list for the
Territories, ate having obtained over 100
marks higher than any other oaudidato,"
We are planed to hear of Mr. Perrie'e
en00e0s and are confident that hie many
friends Isere will heartily join in the good
wishes for future suoosee. Ile will be
remembered as one of the many enooe0s-
ful caudidtttes of S. S. Mo. 1, Grey.
Duncan is visiting h•ionde
R. Code and wife ween gueete a
alfa Uae put a furnace in R
w henna,
le factory sold their
9�a.per Ib.
oung, of Clinton, visfEed U
ce. I. Etcher,
s pulling, which has been quit
ry, was finfnhed np last week.
cLeod, teacher is Brandon, wh
viaitfng here, roturaed t
Dr. Scanlon gave itis popula
u lectures laaG weak in chi
LaecN, of Toronto, spent two
s with his brothers, Joseph and
Tho three brothers aro vener
ranch respected.
and eervioea in oonnao
the Methodist ohuroh are in
n interest. No disnppointmen
in the pulpit and pastern
he ne%v ntfuiater axil be is eu.
acnddenoe and cordial sap
net meeting of the Bpworth
a following offioere were eleot-
ldent, Mias S. J. Johnston
Miss I'. Jaokaon 2nd Yioe
conridge 3rd Vioe, bIilton
h Viao, 14Iise J. Jenkins ; Sao -
ea E. Coda ; Cor: Sao„ R.
Treasurer, 'Silas Johoeton ;
Mra. D. Rogers.
Rio easels.
R. Jewitt and Miss Alice Sundayed in
Miss L. Clennan is visiting at her home
the 7th.
Morris will be well represented at the
route Fair.
Misses Hannah and Minnie Kelly viait-
at B. Sitortreed's.
owntan Broe, sowed Full wheat on
urxday of last week.
Will Fear and BexterMoArter wheeled
oderioh on Sunday,
iss L. Laidlaw spent Sonday with
friend, Miss A. Forrest,
i900e McCall and Skelton were visit -
in Brussels thin week.
Vi11. Hamra delivered a grist of oholo e
s to Belgrave on Monday,
ngua McCallum ie engaged with hie
they Dan• on the gilt for the Fall
he wind on Sunday evening did oon-
rable damage to George Parker's
iss' Tessio Manning has game to
kerton, where she has secured a situ-
t•e, Jpbn Mooney left on Taesday of
week for a visie to Toronto and Ifs,
r. Robb and wife and Charloe
est and wife spent Sunday ah Jamee
re. (Dr.) Waldron and children, of
in, are the guests of Thomas Maund•
and family,
big crowd or Morrisitee will spend
r Day—next Monday—in Brussels,
g in the sports.
It Pose for the balance of 1307 for
malt sum of 25 pante in advance•
is cheaper than borrowing,
Ise Nettie Davie, 5th line, left this
for Alpena, Michigan, where she
make her homy for a wiaie.
a. Alex. Sharp, or Detroit, reterned
eohome'hie week, after aneujoyoble
with relatives in this tonality,
so Maud S11010100 visited her eieter,
A. Smith, this week. We hope the
g0 will bee, bauelit to her health.
0 Martha Currie, Master Arbltne
Miss Aunio Bayne returned to
lion this week atter a mouth's visit
s. D, Currie's, 4th line,
notice 111 the lieb of saceeseful 2nd
00ho01 tea0Uors the name of A.
Tho young gentleman is a brother
0. William Robb, 6111 lino.
,keelcaon] who hits boon spending
Immo* with her daughter, 60reifina.
n, 4th line, totarnod to her home
Lindsay tbie week,
n Broadfoot, son of Robs, Broad-
ormeely a resident of this town•
ow a resident of Kaneas, is hero
fait, He is a %fret-olaes specimen
cb-to•ao Kansas farmer,
mit Woodrow, of Wharnoliffo, Al.
in renewing his attbseription to
oe4 eaye :—We nre in the midst of
roast, The trope are good. Hay
e and was saved in good oonditiou,
took exooptbonaily flue.
Mrs. . in
Grand Valley.
Joseph L
Mr. Pa
King's ne
Bluevn August
cheese at
Jae. 1 is
sister, M
The flax e
an indust
Miss M o
has been o
the West.
Rev, r
seioptico e
Robert or
three days
able and
The attendance
tion with
creasing i h
is experiencedl
labors of t
joying the
part of his
At the !
League th
ed :—President,
Jas. Breol
Smith ; 4t
rehary, Mi
Musgrove ;
to G
z or
the e
to h
at Mr
to Mr
the St
foot, f
ship, n
Tons P
Ott ha
tva0 fin
Are you going to London show if; asked
Klee Davidson was visiting her friend,
Mise MoVety, last linnday,
Messrs, 'Wheatley and MoInteeh, or
McKillop, spent Sunday on the 841t.
ofyooug uotttls to AIC Roland last week, sold 19 , td
Miss Isla Wilibainn, of i;raesole, is et
proton, visiting her aunt, Mrs, A. Barn-
or this
nd still
ep the
old of
ode to
got it
m be -
for a
k 0n
Will. and Martha Johnston Su
with their eieter, Mrs, Mason, of
Meesre. Goaman & Taylor ran a
engine and a Waterloo anima000000,
Dave and Mee lliira Ramsay
Sunday with their slater, Mrs. Pu
B ruseel0.
Harvest is not nearly over yet a
we get an occasional shower to he
grain damp.
Thomas Raged' has a boss fi
Mammoth clover which lie into
keep for seed.
Thuell Bros. purchased a new et
and separator this week. They
home on Tuesday. The boys are h
and we wish them good luck.
John R. Bell has leased the far
longing to Jared King, let oon„
term of years, and intends taking p
Bion some time in November.
Wm. Ames bhreehed the he
straw that ever went through hie t
ing machine on Friday of last wee
the Parra of Wm. Michie, Theush
wheat went 40 bels to the acre.
We notice that Co. Councillor 1170
who is the Conservative nominee for
Huron for the Local Legislature, is an.
nounoed as one of the speakers at the
Whitney political demonstration at Olin.
ton, on Thursday evening or next week.
Goon Fano Sotn.—P, S. Soott, Brea -
gels, sold the Barrie 150 acme farm on
Wednesday of this week to John Melval.
lan, M. P., foe the than of 55,000, p0ages.
sion to be given next March. The farm
is one of the best in the township and
Mr. Malillan made no mistake iu put.
chasing it. His grandson, Robt. Scott,
will 02000 on it next Spring.
A terrible storm passed over this loeali.
ty on Sunday evening last. The wind
blew a perfect gale and the thunder and
lightning wee heavy. Rain fell in tor-
rents. A great deal of damage was done
to grain fields ' by beating the standing
grain to the ground and blowing down
the stooks. Apples were shaken off the
trees in great style. A barn belonging to
G. Parker, lot 10, eon. 8, wee partly
blown off its foundation mud badly
Soarer, Berano•—The following is the
report for S. S. No, 0, l41orrie, for the
month.of Anent :—Sr, 4th.—Lizzie Mo•
Call, Ada Searle. May Taylor. Jr. 4111.
—Rose Searle, Edith Jackson. Sr. 8rd.
--Willie McCall, Annie Gray, Mary Mc-
Arthur, Emma McCall, Maud Jaokson.
Jr. 3rd.—Lily Bewley, Lyle Jackson.
2nd olase.—Wesley Searle, Coral Mc-
Arthur, Willie Farquharson, Leslie Fear,
Manson Taylor, Carrie Jackson. Part
2nd.—Eva Bewley, Richard Gray, Carrie
Shortroed, Sr. Pt. L—Nellie MOArthur,
Roes Jackoon, John McArthur. Jr. Pt.
1.—Eddie Farquharson, Stella Stubbs,
Mary Fear, David Jackson, John Taylor,
Arthur McCall. R. W. JEwtTT, Teacher.
The scholars of Johnston's Sunday
school assembled at the home of George
Peacock on Monday evening end present-
ed Mrs. Peacock with an easel, on which
meat beautiful picture of Queen Victoria,
also o handsome plate and baguet of
flowers. Silas Johneion and Mies R
Forrest made the presentation, wh
Mies Annie Scott read the following
it lunity Chnroh, Belgrave, on Sunday,
Sept, 12. Rev, Mr. Lowe, of Winghem,
will preach the sermon.
Thum( Cuuaou,•..It 1e pleasing to note
the interest taken in the Epwurth Lougee
in this Ours!). On Sunday evening,l
Aug, 8111, Mrs. Hover read an inspiring
1+Silt*Mrs. Oon tatoe 01 Balgrave,gave Aug,
hlgi,ly itratrUotive 9ape0 on "Metbodiam
and int foot:der." Large congregations
were present on both ocoaeions. The
Executive is making tirrangenlonbo for 1111
anuiveraary service in the near future,
Look out for it.
Seeding is being pushed ahead.
Safi wheat is yielding first rate,
25 name gets Trus POS'* for tile balance
of 1897.
A few from title locality have gone to
Toronto Fair.
George Imlay and Mrs, Imlay, of Sea•
forth, were visiting here for a short time
last week,
Next Monday being a publics holiday,
a number of our residents talk of visit.
ing Brussels and taking in the Base Bald
ANNivzlis,tar,—The Methodist ohuroh
was filled to ovorflowiog last Sabbath
afternoon on the occasion of Court Ethel
Oanadian Order of leoreoters holding their
anniversary service. Rev. Mr. Stewart
preached a moat appropriate discourse
Irons Gamins 611 chapter and Oth verse.
Visiting brethren were present from
Brussels, Cranbrook and Atwood.
Wsal Ewa .
A wedding is on the tants.
25 cents in advance gets Tut; POST for
the balance of 1897,
M. Morrison ie recovering quite Mealy
from the accident which betel him on
July .1211,
The Arm half of August make of cheese
manufaotered by Walton factory has
been sold at 0i cents per pound.
Walton is going to send a good big
delegation to Bruesela next Monday to
the Base Ball tournament.
Rev. G. B. Sage, M, A., of London,
will assist Rev. Itir, Abey next Sabbath
afternoon iu the Thanksgiving service in
St. George's church, Walton,
Misses Ramsay and Ferguson and
vention abth Clintonded lastlweek, urepresent•
ing Duff's church Young People,
e and Miss Alice are
in Toronto and seeing the sights of visiting
Fair. Mies Sage is exhibiting her
arhidaial flowers manufactured front
salt. They are beaatiee,
alms Bungee, ---About 9 O'olot* Mon-
day night the baric belonging to Jebel
Mowbray,near here woo destroyed by fire.
A span of horses, a calf, harness, mower,
seed drill, a quantity of peas and hay,
&o. were noneumed. Also 5100 worth of
carpenter's tools. There was an insur-
ance of 5500. As to the origin of the
fire it appears to be a case of aoeidental
burning. Fortunately Mr. Mowbray's
oat crop was in the field instead of in
the barn and was consequently saved.
F3zayie Id.
LAWN SocrAr.—The lawn social on Tnes•
day, Aug. 18111, held at the residence of
Dr. Sheppard was en unprecedented
sitcom. The grounds were most taste
felly decorated with throb and flower,
A epacinns band stand was erected for
the Bayfield Brass Band, The tables
were prettily arranged and loaded with
lie • the most dainty of viands. The follow.
ad- Openingllent selections by Band ram was rendered
Miss Neelands, of Seaforth ; solo, Miss
Oldham ; recitation, Mies Kemp ; doetb,
"A Song of Trust," Messrs Lobb ; seleot-
inne by Baud ; recitation by Master
KemMyles Scott; dnett "Valley of
e' es," by
Messrs. Lobb ; selections by Band ;
solo, "When shall we meet again 7" Mrs.
Myles Soots ; duett, "Behold the Bride•
groom cornea," Messrs. Lobb ; selections
by Band ; "There's not another like it"
Myles Sooth ; address, Rev. Mr, Graham,
Mr, Shaw officiated as chairman. The
proceeds amounted to 843.00. The ladies
are to be complimented on the success
of their venture. Dr. and Mrs. Shep-
pard were most assidnoue in their efforts
to please and entertain their guests and
won golden opinions for themselves on
every hand. The Ladies Aid content.
plate renovating their church here
DEAn TEActEg,—Wo, bbs pnpile of
Johnston's Sunday school, wish to express
our appreciation for your untiring and
faithful services in the Sunday school.
We ask you to accept this present as a
small token of this apprecfatiou. May
it prove a great benefit to you and may
God bless you in your future work.
Signed en behalf of the 5. S.,
Mrs. Peacock not being good at epeeo11-
making, merely expressed her surprise
and thanked the scholars, after which an
enjoyable evening was spent.
ii:1.v d:9a.
Bev. T. E. Higley paid London a flying
visit on Saturday.
Mine host of the Commercial is suffer-
ing with lumbago at present,
Mise Berrie Higley left here on Satur
day to visit friends in Chicago.
Dr, Will, Potter of Illinois, 1J. S., is
visiting the old homestead in East Wawa -
A. Emigh and Charleo Cantron, of
Buffalo, N. Y., were guests at the Com•
meroial the past week.
Geo, and Will, and Mies Jennie Pltil•
lips, formerly of this town, but now of
Chicago, were visiting old aoquaintanoee
last week.
On Sunday a large number of our esti•
zenetethecded the funeral of the only
daughter of Benjamin Merritt, Hullett,
The deceased had only bee n ill o few
On Tuesday se eleobion for sehoo 1
trustee took pleas in the school house, in
place of G. Gibson, trustee, who hoe left
than. Dr. W, Mine was the ohoson
On Sunday evening about church time
0, severe thunder and lightning storm
peeled Over this burg a0oomponied by a
heavy downpour of rain which caused
elle churches to be poorly attended,
»rt.set Vita wanes. slit.
Mise Fanny Armstrong spent Sunday
in Wingiam,
Mise Jessie Garrick ie the guest of her
cousin, Miee Lucio Mendes,
Mre, Richmond, of London, is on a
visit to iter mother, Mrs. Bono.
Mie. J. JAn
ew, o site
P th
0 ha
g , she
iously ill during the poet week, been set -
Miss Joitnetono, of S. S. No, 8, was the
guest of frionde on the 10th last week,
BMiss Hannah Agnew, of Londoeboro'
hos been ascending a few days Lander the
parental roof.
Wo are molt pleased to 000 the names
of Mies Sara Irwin and A Taylor among
those of the suocesoful oandidobes for
junior leaving, end also W. J. Scott for
Denier leaving,
Quite a number from this township at-
tended the funeral of the late Mre, Roney
Rentoai on Saturday. De000sed bad
been guttering for some time and death
Dania as a relief. She 'mete a family of
gl•olv0, op abildren who have the sympathy
of the entire 9ontmuliity.
The Canadian North-West
Good her 0; from allot, 14, ratnrn nnii Mallowin Ontario Ounn�-,
tug, Sault Ole, lirario, Wii Beer and But,
Per rates, %lope time tables, palnphiots,
and full information, apply to any Oauadiau
Paoiaa ttailway Agouti, or write
I King 56., East, Toronto,
liotnru t okots will bo sold for
Gond going Soplombor 40, Otto nail dtlt•—is,
turning until aeptoutbot gbh, 1807—ltobwaon
all stations {u, Oanadn.
MAN/T47.13A and
Tho Canadian North-West
Good to go els Soitt, l 1, return nett] Nov.13 ;
trent ail obatloue its Oauaila.
Fall Information abets x.11, etatfone.
T. N. KENDALL, Agent, Bree0010.
GEO. EI19YD, Ethel,
There is a Great
Dee,? to Tell about our New
Now styles, new colors, now designs, everything new. 11
would be very interesting to tell how these good are macre,
how they're colored and designed, but what you are more
directly interested in is the finished product. We've been
bending our energy during the least six months to secure a
fashionable assortment of Fall Dress Goods, and will ask
you to be the ,judge and say whether or not we have suc-
Special Lines now Ready for your Inspection,
Grey and Black Tweed mixed for school wear, double fold,
very special at • 17c
heavy Sorge, fancy weave in all leading colors, blue, brown,
myrtle, etc.,
Brocade Dress Goods, Congo Black, well finished goods, will
not stain, 30c
Covert Cloth, a plain material, very stylish goods haul will be
greatly worn, in all new colorings, special line at ,,.......
Tho same goods iu better quality at
And better still at
You will be interested in our showing of exclusive
Boucle effects, pleasing colors alld correct styles, 7 yds. for a
dress, the piece for
Matalasse Boucle, elegant goods, costume for
That means 7 yds. at 75c. a yd.
Matalasse Boucle, • shot effects, very pretty goods, in wool
and silk at
BLACK DRESS GOODS is a prominent feature of this business.
We ask special attention to "Congo & Lutiva" make of black goods.
They will not stain with rain or acid. Leading prices 304, 50c and
75c a yard.
Tubular Braid will be in great demand for trilnnaing, we have it
in all leading shades.
Evidently better times are dawning. Wheat rising in price and
a good crop in this country. Everything points to a new era of
prosperity. We have bought accordingly, better goods, larger as-
sortment, but the price here is clown to the lowest possible point.
Of all S u
Odd lines in Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves, Under-
wear, Dress Goods, Cottons and J12zz,s17.72s, ire
fact all kinds of Summer Goods to be
cleared out Regardless of Cost.
We Have already received New Goods for
We've got the Styles.
-We've got the Prices.
VERY section of this store is a centre of interest, and
if you Wish to save money in Dress Goode, Clothing,
Men's Furnishings or Boots and Shoes, you can save it -by
buying here. Bargains are ripe and no words can equal
personal observation.
Why our prices should not be, withont exce lti;;n the lav
est, No effort is spared,in making shopping a pleasure
and gain ill buying ab this store.
Many Specials in Dress Goods and Mantle Clot v
Many Specials in Boys' and Men's Clothing.h
Many Specials in Boots and Shoes.
A personal inspection will prove our prices to be correct.
Call and take a look through.