The Brussels Post, 1897-8-20, Page 8,74 TIIE BRUhiL. POST saimeruweeemarewacatrarezwepiesterao,ansaerri es Blineelthe Public! Salmi re•open on I Mill CH 111E`i 1Vetinesday, te'ept, 1st. ST.,INDXRD 134NIC OF al,AP,ADA, New Presbyterian Bxonuslotis Will be run to Mariltabe on =rex' it.eieTex==ees leeems 1 August 3let and Sept. 14th, good to return ; onSttthoildhonoil, !tarn for next Sabbath • n ntil Nov. 30th, for $28 .00. Peon7ttleyr l'has teen rmem leeted Soe- Book of Praise , soormtloll jdigehw% ticktar ] ea A1 ottr, yareasurer of the Methodist Ohuroh The new Hymn Books and Bibleaud Hymns combined, so long promised, arrived at last. 'We have uo less than 16 KINDS of Typo and Binding. Make sure and buy the edition to he main Brussels. There are two editions, we guarantee ours to be the kind to be used in Melville church at D eadm au' Drug and Book Store. 1 I ored by jace AloBain who is en old time Baud at the aelete OalarY ieet Yeee, ert AND TRUNK RAILWAY. 4OLTTUEEN EXTENsioN W 0. & E. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as tollows Gem° SorTrt. GOING NoRTsf. F.N.Dros. 710 aol ai1 OOS pa. thxed 1:40 a.m. I Nxpress pan • . t Dratet1)5 jitem5, A chiel's among ve takin' notes, Au' faith he'll prent it. NO PAP= IsET WEEK. Tun roev will sake its annual hol1,1ey next week and as a consequence our t xt leoue will be on Sept. 3rd. The of lee will be open to receive Job work, ad er- tieing or subscriptions. Our correep, nd• ants will kindly nthe note of the heti lay. An interesting letter, the sewed, from angler, 1 Rev. Juo, Rom. B. A. from Northfield, Beestuthe base bell and foot ball olubs 1 Mass., may be found on another oolonm, talk of tokulO 11 hIJ,Ud at the athlete(' Morning service in the Methodist °burgh next Sunday conducted by the muster, Rev. H. le, Kellington will presto!) in the evening, Co. Councillor Mooney was elected lay representative to the Fall District Meet. ing of the Methodist ohuroh, to be held in Lunknow on Tuesday, August Rev. Father ilteletton, of London, has been appointed to the charge of St. A.ugustine, Blyth and Wingliam which were made tempest by the death of Rev. Ember Quigley. The Bishop of Huron, who has been at. tending the gathering of Anglioan bishops in London, Engletl, sailed from Liver- pool Thursday of last week and is ex. pected home this week. Capt. Knowlton, of Chetham, N. Se has taken charge of Brussels cerise of the Salvation Artny. Capt. ()Jerk, who was here, bas given up the work and taken a sitnatiou in Clinton, his former home. At a meeting of the Mount Forest Presbyterian church a unanimous call wee extended to Bev. Mr. Hanna, of Us:. bridge, Ont. The reverend gentian= is o former* Morrie township boy. Tun POST is pleased to hear of his deserved promotion. Rev. S. J. Aliin preaobed a most in- teresting sermon last Sabbath evening in the Methodist ohuroh from the text, ',Abide with us for the night oometh.' Rev. Mr. Kellington occupied the pulpit in the morning. He will also assist the pastor next Sabbath. Brussels Preebyteriau and Methodist Sabbath schools and Young Peoples' So. defies will be represented at the Co. Convention to be held at Clinton on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Barrister Blair has a topic on Tuesday afternoon, viz. :-"The Exercise 0 Auth• mity in the Sabbath School," W. H. Kerr has one of the addresses at the children's mass meeting the same after- noon. tournament billed for Blyth next Wed- nesday, 20th inst. QMTE a number of Brusselites went to Palmerston on Oivio Holiday tn witness the leinearditm. Walkerton beseledernatah. The latter won by 17 to 5. Two longalistante transmitters have been placed on the telephone line at Brussels with a view of improving the utility of the present wire. A metallic line is wbat is required, Tire hearing of the foot ball protest made by Atwood took piece in Brussels on Thursdny v.fternoon ni last week. Winghtun hes agreed to supply certain facts, iu o. eortified form, before further action Is taken. Fenn cera of brink from Drew brave arrived for the new leleotria Light Works. The stone foundation is complete01 and the brick work will be meshed along at a lively rete. Next week the new boiler, engine and dynamos are eepooted to ar- rive. Mee BALL TOrMW401iT -It 18 proposed to hold it Base Ball Tournament 111 )30115. sets on Labor Day, Monday, Sept, 6th, under the auspices of the town Base Ball Club. A public meeting will be held in the Town Hall on Friday evening of this week, at 8 oeslook, to make the necessary arrangements. All will be weloome. BRUSSELS Public Semi very ably sus. tained its enviable position at the recent Third Claes Teachers' examination, 10 out of 13 who wrote mussing, and the three taking standing en Part I of II Form, We congratulate the boys end girls whose names may be found in au. other column of Tan Pose. A emu= of young lassies in town have taken the start of the regularly es- tablished Pall millinery openings and are now in full swing with new goods as low as 5 cents, We suppose this is a case of "Train up a child, etc." One of the new egmblishments is ionated op- posite the Town Hall and the other at F. S. Soott'e residence. Tan Port Stanley correspondent of the London News, Aug. 1200, in speaking of a lawn sooial under the ausplaee of Christ Church Guild says :-Without doubt the most interesting feature of the evening was the art exhibit. Many supposed this to be a "aell," but 10 was a fine ingeuions reality, well worth the extra nickel to see. "The first thing to strike the eye was a collection of nearly a dozen oil paint. logs by 41rs. (Rev.) Steele. They deserve more liberal mention and praise than our apace will admit. There was a cocoanut from South Africa • a silver epaulet, once worn by Mrs. Steele's grandfather, Oept. Jas. O'Conner, who served in 11. m.0901, Regiment, and saw active service in the Bettie of Waterloo ; /moons and snuff box over 100 years old. „ Rev. Mr. Steele, the popular and sociable minister, and his estimable wife were both present seeing to the sucoess of the evening and adding no small share there- to. ADDRESS AND PIMEENTATION.--LaSt Mon. day tbe members of Brussels Methodist thumb choir aud friends presented Miss Lottie Hill, now Mrs. (Dr.) Rivers, with e. valuable ebony cased Muck with gold dial and cathedral gong, as a wedding gift. The following address accompanied the present :- Tee Brussels market, le rains very easy tbese days. PLANT your Fall advertisement. Civic holiday was observed as a general holiday 1( 000111. AlEsSIts. CLEoa & Dams shipped two oars of stack frons Brussels last Mot My. Len Monday Messrs. Bather & Vans stone shipped two ears ot wheat Last, ward. GEOUCE Conran shipped a car of 1, rses to Beepawa, Manitoba, on Tuesday of this weals. Tim excursion to Grimsby Park lest Saturday wee not very largely patronized by people in this looniest. A eeoonao of speeding in the ring is being arranged for Brussels Fall Fair. Remember the dates, Sept. 30th and Oot. 180. Berssees School Board did not meet last Friday evening owing to the abseects at members, a quorm not being in at- iendanoe. Beessees junior base ball club went to Wingbaua on Thursday afternoon and played a match with the ball tossers of that town. Dmee forget the auction sale of resid- ence, furniture, sec., at Mrs. Tufts', Queen street, Brus.sels, on Saturday after- noon of next week. $200 WANTED.-Tbe proprietor of TuE P107 wants $200 by Sept. 15th to meet debts maturing. Will all indebted kindly lend a hand to help no, Onr thanks are very heartily accorded to responses dor. ing the past week. Gee. 0000015 fine ratio mare agaio asserted ber supremacy an the turf when on Tuesday she beat a olass of 113 horses in the 2.22 race at Port Huron. "Miss Delmaroh" is a good piece of horseflesh and if Mr. Goebel takes our advice he will sell her while she is climbing to the tap. Tion Garden Party held on W. P. Van Stone'e lawn last Friday evening, ander the auspices of the Wotne,n'a Auxiliary of St. John's church, was a great success. The ice cream and refreshment booths were well patronized and an excellent progretn, consisting of instrumental mash:, songs and choruses, was carried To Miss Lottie : DEAR FRIEND, -On the eve of your marriage nuptials, a few of your friends of the church and choir send you kindly greeting aud beg to offer their aongratula. tions, May the morning and evening of your wedded life be bright and may eaoh succeeding year find you happier than in the oue before. Your removal to another place will be our great loss. We shall miss you much. Your ability and de- votion in the services of song has been a delight to all. We gratefully recognize your loyal support so cheerfully given through the course of many years. We confess our inability to recompense you iu any way. We desire, however, to ac- company these few words with a token of our esteem and good will. Please accept this tizne-pieoe. .&a it obeli strike the hours of coming days, so may it re. mind you of "Other &Lye and friendships true." Ocoasionally we hope to see you out. with us and to hear again the vein that Fon rue Weee.-The following passen. has su long been to us a source of sincere gam were ticketed by Station Agent pleesore. May God blese you and yours. Kendall last Wednesday for varione points Signed on behalf of the choir and other in Manitoba :-John Berry, Geo. Kelly, friende, W. If Keen, Leader ; M. M. Cardiff, B. Gerry, wife and daugh' S. J. Amex, Pastor. ter, 141. Wilson, IL Gramm, P. licIntoels, W. Meaning, Jas. McNeil, W. Forbes, Alex. Simpson, Geo. Ramsey, B, Dark, .1. IL liumplsries, W. Murray, le. Doug- lass, Noble Johnston, Miss 3, Mitchell and Mies Calder, 21 in all. Tar, G. T. R. has taken another step in their "retrogradeforward" movement and dropped off one man presumably from each seotion. W. 'Relate takes hall. days on 13russels section, he being the last man taken on. If a man is taken from each section there will be a reduo. lion of about 800, which means at least a nosing of $800 per day. We deal see why the railway station agent should not hove the care of the 4 or 5 miles of the road added to his other &Aim All he has to do now Is aot as tioltet agent, 09er• ator, baggage -man, freight agent and etatioa master, We are afraid the new management will run the G. T. R. like the Dutobroan did bis elow. After months of bard training be got bossy to live on nothing, but ebe bad no sooner accomplished the feat than she died. READ Tars. -F. S. Scott has received instructions from Mrs. Tune, of this vil• lege, to offer for sale on Saturday Use •bilth inel,, ab two o'clock in the after. noon, that desirable residence lately occupied by her, known as lots 220 and 221, Queen street, and at the sense time will also put up for sale ell the household furniture, Inoluding perleur suttee, dim ing room and bed room enters, curtains, carpets, 510000 01,100 00, &a. The real ester° will be eubjeot to an up get price, but the personal property will be without reserve. This sale offers an exultant and somewhat rare opportunity for any person who may wish to seeure full and complete oatfit in the house. furnishing line. Pull partioalare of the personal property will alertly appear by poster as well as the terms and con. ditione of the sale of the real estate, or can be obtained on application to the Mrs. Rivers is possessed of a fine soprano voice and both in sacred and secular selections bas been n greet favorite. Brusselsloss will be Oreditou's gain in this instance. Bait Beme-Tuesday forenoon the youth of Brussels ,North vs. Brassie South waged war on the base ball clia• mond on Victoria Park. Although in avoirdupois they slid not begin to oompare with the seniors, that was about the only thing they lathed. For good play and bad play, (leaching, kicking modest the umpire, &o., sto., they were beautifully in it and the speouttors were supplied with Re much amusement as if they had donne eti a quarter to the gate keeper or mewled under the fence. While viotory at last perched on the banners of the South Siders of the noble Maitland it was a great see -saw along the journey of the nine innings to say who wend win. Aa nearly all the monied sports were away at Palmerston there was not much cash squandered on the match here. The °oven Were knocked off several balls in spite of the left handed curves from the box, and notwithete.nding Hutt some of the gloves were about the size of a ham the twirling Mee would manage to teems. ionally sneak by them. Space is not at our disposal to further dilate on the match, excepting that tve give the official score which was as follows 1- elo00nsinens, It 0 VoltTnarilmitS, It 0 G. Xcliay 13,4 1513. McGuire 01 Johnston 15 4 F Oliver 8 4 3", tdelmunith..,4 11 It.MeXensio 2 8 0,. Kerr A. Ante 1 4 B. Thomson a a (4, Green 2 Scott G Muir 2 2 1 W,Whttesidee 4 0 B, Ainley W. Grieve , 8 1 8. Scott 1 8 0 6 N. Smith 1 4 WBouts Totals ae 27 Totals 18 27 Peed, Gilpin performed the arduous ditties of umpire and was allowed to go home for his dinner unmolested. Fred, Wilson attended to the onerous work of anotioneer, W, M. Sinclair et the scoring and kept the tally free from matey proprietress. tangles. Business Locals. HEAP OFFICE, ^ TORONTO ASSETS, • • (Seven Million Dollars) . $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) - 02,000,000 etgenoies fot an principal pointe in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Milted Rtef es if. Eng/one. eiteragarAS Dgeirints. A Goeurtil Banking Business Transuded. Farmers' Notes Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 01,00 and upwards from diet of deposit to date o withdrawal and compounded half yeaely. SPECIAL ATTENTIoN 010EN TO TUE COLLECTION OF FAIttntine SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Customers liviug at to dietanoe. J. A., STEWART Mayan. stsountea. DAnty MAESETS.- Belleville, Allg. 10.- 28 factories boarded 1,817 whito and 11/0 colored cheese. Sales 0.1 white at 8 5/100, 380 white at 8/c, and 200 whit° at 8 7/100, lngereoll -Offeriuge tenthly, 2,210 boxes, Sales 223 at 810, 185 at t; 5/16o, majority holding foe Kee. Smell attendance. Julys about all cleaned up in this section, Uties-To.day 534 large colored, 7(n; 5,000 do., ; 1,020 largo white, Vic ; 112 large 'white, 7Xc ; 135 small width tio ; 133 small colored, S30. The market is strong aud higher ; r.28 packages cream. cry butter, 13 to 16o. At Little 23'alls- 760 largo colored, 8c ; 440 large white, ; 120 small white, The ; 1,864 small wh1ta 81 ; SS tonal! white, 810 ; 1,082 small colored, So ; 2,344 small colored, Sic ; packages butter, at 14e to 15e. Amen (Moe ix Henote.-A. Mel). Allan, of Goderieh, says that; while Ilitrou has produced 180.1010 onillion barrels of apples '112 a single season, there is no likelihood that the yield for 1$27 will be even so inuell as 100,000 barrels. Ile is of the opinion that Huron will have apples for export as usual, but that they will bo mainly Northern Spies, of which there are mom than of any other Winter varieties, but still not so muds as half the lethal crop. Ile adds that there will be a good supply of harvest apples, which should bo vipe in very short time nOw, and of 051001 apples. Pears, he has every reason to believe, will be a fairly good crop, and so will pltuns. LtrEuroOL, Aug. 17. -Wheat, spring, 7s 013 ; red winter, no stook ; No. 1 Can. oda white, 7s -1c1 to 7s lld ; corn now, 3s ; peas, 40, 9d ; pork, 475 ; lard, 22s ; tallow 18s 0t1 ; bacon heavy, 1. a., 29s (3a ; do, light, s. c , 270; cheese white, fies Oil ; do, colored, lis. Morainic., Aug. 16. -The shipments of cattle fur the past week were 3,620 cattle, 1,087 sheep, 219 horses, making a total to Slate of 06,045 cattle, 25,247 sheep and 3,466 homes. Tlts offerings at the East end abattoir were MO cattle, 400 slump, 200 lambs, 100 calves and 4011058. There was soma demand for export cattle, and the limited number offered suitable for this trade met with buyers at 4-c to 45c per lb, Choice cattle euld at 4c, guod at Sec to 30c, fair at 2ec to See, common at 210 to 2o, and inferior at leo to 2o per poond. Trade in sheep was slow, there being 110 demand from shippers, as the quality of the stock offered WM nob good enough for shipment. Good to choice fat sheep would bring 3 to 31o, but the built of those on the market to•day consisted of culls and sold at 24 cents per pound. Lambs were in good demand mild sold freely at f ram 52.80 to ei3.60 each. Calves brought from $1 to $7 each. Hogs were lighter, selling at $3.30 per 100 lbs. Lxvintroor,, Aug. 16, -Trade in London was firm to -day and prices unchanged. 'United States cattle sold at 6d per lb and Canadian at 0/11. Sheep were firmer at au advence of ed. for Canadian and lid for Argentines. Prices were :- Oauadian theep, 010 ; and Argentines 01(d. Tho local market hero was slow, with a fractional advance over last quotatione, Canadian cattle being quoted at bed, and Canadian sheep at 5d. EAsr BUFFALO, Aug. 10.--Reccipts 240 cars, including 80 loads of Canadian and 4 of Texan stook ; good enquiry for fat cattle, and prices steady to flim ; for ocnnmOn to fair tho market was weak, and 10 to 16o lower ; choice finished smooth fat steers 54 90 to 56; medium to heavy steers, $4.00 to $4.76 ; wane rough steers, 58.66 to 104,25; choice smooth fab 11111800s, 84,10 to $4.50 ; fair to good mixed butchers' stook, 03.50 to 04 ; good smooth well fattened cows, $3.40 to e3.80 ; stockers aud feeders were iu active (lemma mid steady ; uative stock steers, good to choice $3.75 to $4.- 15 ; stock heifers, $8 to $5.50 ; Canada stock steere, $4 to $4.15 ; stook heifers, $8 to $3.25 ; 009000 belle, $3.00 to $3.75 milelt cows and spriolgore steady ; stria. ly fancy milkers 044 to 60;4good to fancy *Angora 0115 to e48. Hogs -72 cars ; prices rated stronger and a nickel to 10c -higher ; good to choice Yorkers, $4.55 to $4.40 ; light Yorkers, $4.40 to 54.45 ; mixed pacilters' grades, 04,25 to 04.00; medium weights, 04.20 to $4.25 ; heavy hogs, $4,20 ; roughs, 03.50 to 03.- 65. Sheep and lainbe-50 oars; best lambs sold steady; others dull, and 10 to 1.50 lower ; sheep scarce and strong; yearling lambs, choice to prime, $4,25 to $4.50 ; culls and common, 03.95 to $8.75 ; spring lambs, good to extra, 06.26 to $5.50. Goon cow for sale. Apply to Jae. W1121117... •8 of am duetere at cost. I. 0. Richard.. No. 1 dour and long clear bacon at MoOracken's. Minutes of all kinds cheaper than ever. I. O. Richards. eVn repair boots and shoes cheap and neat. I. 0. Richards. flonPoRTAnLE house to rent. Apply at once to W. M. SINCLAIR. Boors and shoes, large steels and low prices at I. C. Richard's. For sale oheap, four setts of second hand single harness. I. 0. Richards. D. BWAN has a number of stemma hand buggies to sell at big bargains. Call at his shop and snake hint an offer. 13. EInST.CLAss special line of work manufactured at Jas. Walker's shop. He gives tip-top value to every =stonier. TEE two lightest buggies ever sold in Brussels were purchased recently from Jas. Walker, the well known carriage maker, by George Best and Robt. Thompson, of Brussels, Ram's Clover Root, the great Blood. Purifier gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25 oto, 60 me and e1.00. Sold by James Fax, .0ruggist, Brussels. Evnitenonv goes to Winglittin-leing's sees is booming. 25 the, Granulated sugar far 51.00 -Two car loads, I still buy butter, eggs and dried apples -High• est prices, mall or trade. G. E. RUM. Snmon'a cure is sold on a guarantee. It cures theipient consumption. It; is the beat cough cure. Ouly one cent a dose. 25 eta, 60 ots, and $1.00. Sold by James Ptex, Druggist, Bruseels. CONS and see the beautiful China at Fletcher's Jewelry store. Just received another consignment of China, with views of School and 3Iain Street of Brussels. Handsome goods, at very low prices. 5.2 Beaman °maim -That eligible half mere lot situate on the SouthernIportiou of Turnberey street, Brunette will be dis- posed of below cost. Very easy terms. Write for particulars to JOHN BAROREAVES, 174 Queen ea West, Toronto, CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Oal. sap :-"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found thet would do me any good." Prioe 50 cents. Sold by Jets. Fox. druggist, Brum 6618; 1you want a piece of first•OlaSS beef call at Wm. Bleshiles. Ws buy nothing but young heifera. Last week we bought twenty-four head, and twenty of these are under three years old. Yon can rely on getting everything in the meet line first-oless. Wm. Blashill, Brussels. Gomel TO Reser BUSINESS. -100r the balanoe of the season I purpose booming the carriage *nstis in every line and will sell rigs fivin 05 to $10 better than they can be purohaeed elsewhere. Bug- gies, wagons, carte. new e.nd secondluend are included. I mean badness es a trial will prove. Don't spend a dollar in either new work or repairs before (ten- anting Ise and getting my figures. Yon will Bev° money and I know it, Call in. JAB. Weexen, carriage maker, Brussels. Dr. Meacham, M.P,P.. has been re- nominated by the Conservatives of Len. nee. J. P. Whitney, leader of the ()Mario Opposition, will stump Algoma and Nipissieg next month. 5,5,01I00EvE-41..XL0=PMEI, Fall Wheat 72 78 Spring theat 80 Barley, 20 23 Peas 40 48 Peas (large) 40 48 Onba 21 Butter, tube and rolls "10 11 Eggs per dozen 8 9 Flour per barrel4 00 4 60 Potatoes (per bus) . 60 75 tray per ton. 5 00 000 Rides trimmed 0i Hides rough Salt pet bbl., retail"1 00 00 Sheep skins, each ., , 15 26 Lamb skins mob 26 40 llogs, Live 5 00 6 60 WWI 18 19 • 111,111716111010.10119.110201.1112LalarEp711/IFLI.1131 NVinglialn, Sept. 28 29, Blyth, (Mt, 0,0 0. Palmerston, Sept, 27 te 28, Walherton, Sept. 15 it 13. Clifford, Sept. 25 d: 24, 7acrat.IVEES=17::.. Rivaus-SILL,-On the 171b inst., by Rev, S. J. at the residence of the bride's father, in the township of Grey, John EL Rivers, M. D., of Crediton, to Mien Lobtie, youngest daughter of 111r. John Hill, THF. PEOPLE'S COLUMN. NAEY rONTO LOAN AT 5 PLR . cent, 115. SCOTT, Brussels, 011IFORTABLE HOUSE FOR sato via; j nem lot. Good cistern, (100 0000, &e. 17il1 be sold et It bilVg id 11 Apply to Tan Pool, Publishing House. RIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— lonstmortgape, ferns moray. Apply at esene POST Publishing Rouse, Bruasele. . _ TERSEY DULL FOR 5E11 - u rter3.-410 cost of service of my floe r egistered Jersey Bull is now for grades. Got the host. 0, .1 DEADMAN. yr RS. GEO. TAYLOR WISHES A. to inform tits ladies 301 itruseels and vicinity that she Is prepared to make up Witches, curls, braids, 100., out el hair comb - lugs. Orders loft at him 14, Rogers' store, Brussels, or sent to Box 114., Seaforth, will receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. 4.4 _ . NOTIOE.-DIT "WIFE, JEA.NET, having 1881 5,57 bad and board without my will or consent,' hereby warn the public against giving her oredlt 011 my account, as O will not bo responsible for the same aftor this date. GABBIEL zntasim. Grey, July 20111, 1807. Grey to wooli 1 p 'Voters' List Court. Notice is hereby given that n court -nines held, pursue nt to the "Voters' List Act," by Ilia Honor the Judge of the 0ounty Court of the County of Huron, at tho TOWN HALL, IITRBL, on Wednesday, MD StIlk day of Sept ember,q8111, 00 10 o'oloc/t, to hoar and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Groy for 1887. All poranne having business at the Court aro required to attend at the sem time and place. Bated the 18th day of dugust,1807, WM, 81'10li010, Clerk of the said 1,1unielpality. Aua. 20, 1897 REAL ESTATE. tIARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- A- DErcsroNED has several good Farms f or sale mad to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Stevie and Grey. 58 8, BOOTT,Brussels ITIARIVI FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -The undersigned 'offers hie 100 acre farm for ante 00 10 rent, being iLet 19, 000. 0,111 the Township of Grey. Possession given at once. For price, terms and inforin- ation apply to T. 111.001210, 0-1 Proprietor, Brussels, GOOD FARM FOR SALE near Brussels. Great bargain, 3101 7, Con. 0, Grey township, Good buildings and orchard, well watered, suitable for mixed or dairy farniing. Poefiession given next March, with privilege of doing all plowing, Apply to W. 11, MUIR, PosT Bouse,l3 russels, or to TBOMAS ELBITAGH, London West. MANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. -100 acres of good farm laud at Springfield, S miles from Winnipeg, is offer oil for sale at low price. The property is North Bast 35Seo,1o, Twp, 11, Bongo 4, Bast, There IS a home cm the premises and some srr1c1ng5Oe,Atrfulparticulare as to pi0,tihoL.,,,arlimiyo 513.9. BLAIR or NY, IL REIM, 20.tf Brossela, Ont, FARM FOR SALE—THE UN- DERSIGNED offers 13.10 eligible 04 itore farm for ode, being South part of Lot 0, Con. 12, Grey. All under cultivation, well watereb and well fenced. Them is a good steno house, bank barn, orohard, wells, ae., ou the premises. . Also a splendid stone quarry from which a good 0505005 15 realis- ed. 0.1y 2A miles front Brussels. Terms rontiOnable, -For further particulars as to price, an., apply to JOHN MITOBBLL, Proprietor, 33.11 Bruesels 17, 0, FARM FOR SALE. -180 ACMES Consisting of the South 3 and South of the North 4 of Lot SO, Con 2, Bast Wawa- nosh. This is an excellent stook farm ,being well supplied with good spring water, 101o situated about Snalbae from the thriving Vil- lage of Myth. A large 1,1110 00 it is under grass, Buildings and femme are in a fair state of repair, Easy terms of payment will he given. For all information apply to 11-01 F, BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels. QPLENDID FARM FO.R SALE. LJ That excellent farm, Lot 10, Con. 9, Township of Grey, 100 aeros, Mint 08 80111 at one.) in 011101 10 olose estate of deceased own - sr. The lot is nearly all cleared, with geed buildings, rumple water supply, large or- chard, 14 miles from Cranbrook, IS under good cultivation and is a 7510 desirable pro - party indeed, Apply to it/CRAW um, 01111114 Brussels 07.0, ; 10135 DAPPOBBLL, on the prenalsob ,• or A. Brussels. Bated 3090. 110(1, 1800. IVO are pleased to announce that the p110 ffliyler!an 0010 Is nOW to band rued ready for sale. We have them ii all the pbp-dlar Bindings and -will be pleased to show you our stock. =amen. Sniceerm.-111 Drayton, on Aug. lath, AUCTIONEERS. Elizabeth Jackson, beloved wife of Thee, Skelton, formerly of Morris township, aged 46 years and 2 months. GEORGE KIRKBY, Ideeneed Auctioneer, Sales oonduot ed On reasonable tonne. Farms and farm stook a Specialty. orders loft at iPms Poem ublishing Bouse,Brussels, or Bente° Walton P. 0., will meaty.) prompt Detention, Fox's Drug Store, Druggist & Stationer. Ioduetriel, Toronto, Aug, 80 Sept. 11. Montteal, dug. 19.28. Western, London, Beet. 9 18. Central, Guelph, Sept. 15.10, Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 16-16. Morn' ng ton, Mileerton, Sept. 16.17. Southern, Brantford, Sept. 11.24. Woodetook, Sept. 22.23, North Perth, Stratford, Sept, 28.24. East fluron, Brussels, Sept, 80 tk Oot. let. Lietowel, Sept. 21 & 22, Clinton, Sept. 28 it 20. Belgrave, Sept. 28 & 24. F S. SOOTT AS AN AUCTION - 1, tttlr or,11 loi borttfocl:''atiratgrs than any other Auctioneer in Bast RuroO or he won't centre() anything. Dittos and orders men 'nlwayti be arramged itt this °Moe or by personal apenication LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARB01I4. STER, 13,5 Solicitor and Conveyancer. Callao - biotin made. Ofdoe-Vanstono's Blocs, Brae - sal 'UT M. SINOLAIII, Y: • Solicitor, Convoyaimer ,No tary 9ub' 110 105. 00.1ce-Vanstone's Block, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan, ("APT. J. $TRETTON, kJ Who has 0011 25 years oxporienee man Auctioneer, butwho lied to quit owing to ill health, has again taken out Retinae and 10 prepared to conduct Salmi at reasonable 0051115, Satisfo.otion guaremiced. Detne may bo arranged at Tim Posta Publishing Boum 3A15, VUITTON, 13-tf Auetioneor, G.110°I•uA:2.11yEortt°N0nincxem. Uclt Cain eron ,) Barrister and Solicitor, ilnderieh Out, 011iee-ilamilton St., Opposite Ool borne Hotel, F. BLAIR, BARBISTER, • solicitor, au. (lute of Gatrew 10 Proudfoo °Moe, Goderich.) °Mee over Gillies a Smith's 11 an lc, Brussels. Money to Loan, 47 NIEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 15(01,0., 0.30., Trinity University, Fellow Tri,n- ity ;neaten. College, Member College of Illy- siciaus aud Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal College or PhysioianS and Licentiate of Eldwifery, Edinburgh, 1....•trolop0one N0.14. Itesideneo, 111111 St., Brno/els. DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH PuTsICIAN, 00110000 AND eccoromma, SUCCESSOR TO OR. W. GRAHAM. BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO, let Class Honor Graduate the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's Of Weston), and of Trinity Medleal Oullugo ; Follow of Trinity Medical college and member ef the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Post Graduate Come in Detroit and Chicago, 1800, Spools.) attention paid to dis- eases of Eyo, Bar, Nose and `Planet, and ma- mma Women. te."Oonsultation in Mpg. 11511 acd G mum, Telephone at residence. VETERINARY. T D. VVARWIOK, CY • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domostiented animals in a Coin. petenb Manner, Priaftialler attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended. to, 00005 an fl infirmary -Four doors north ef bridge Turnborry bt,,Brusson. BUSINESS CARDS. -1W MeORAOREN, r . Usurer of AlarriageLiecuses. Office at his Grocery, Tomball's, street, Brussels. N. BARRETT, a..11• Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Neat door south 05 10, M. McKay Se Co's hardware atom Ladies'and olultheushaix outtiug a speeialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM netumagcus, FIRE AND MARINR. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER Issue, of Marriage Licenses, OFF= AT 34twELET ST011E, Melee Witness Required, T. FLETCIIER, Weasel% A LEX, HUNTER, .L1- Work of the Fourth Division Cour Clo Enron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan, Collections made °Mouth Grellitresalook, Brim/lois, q1B.OS. A. HAVR./NS, a. W111 give lossans to pupils either on piano Or erge,n, at his Atnsio Boom, opposite the post -office, Brussels, Vocal lessons also given. Tell years experience 110 teaehing, Tering moderato. hno'iont Orin of hitoi him This old and proeperolls Praternal Assoc. Mien numbering 850,000 members are pre Renting to the IAMB° their popular and ecOn- oinisab rates to worthy in en, et tho very low rata of ebout $8.50 Pet 51,003 nor annum, The "Worlonen" Promptly Pay ))eatti claims and oxeoot 0 large inerease to its mejnbere now that thew Amerfeen Line Coinpituies don't seem satisfactory to Can., adieus, WAIT, 10000082310011(5 MW,; W. n, tato Boomer ; 3, A. GlitlEUITON,lnuancler.