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The Brussels Post, 1897-8-20, Page 7
'Ap i AuuusT 20, 1397 THE BRUSSELS POST. l� NEWS IN A NIITSHELL. THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. Interesting items About Our Own Country, Great Brunei, the United States, and An Parts el the Globe, Condensed and Assorted for Easy Reading. CANADA, .was edroslne Alexander elepigon Rof ivereg, Two new cases of smallpox ]rave de- veloped. in Westmount, a suburb of Montreal. Steamship rates on grain from Mont- real end Liverpool have nearly doubled within a comparatively short time, Now York posh -office inspeotora as- sort that ilio foreign mails are being syeteenatieelly robbed. The Prince of Wales will attond, the autumn military manoeuvres et Ham burg September 3rd. l;rastus Whitten has taken out his final papers in Nine York, welsh makes him an American citizen. J Tuley 'added on Friday that the Chicago ordinance establishing a vehicle tax,• including bicycles, is void, It Is reported from Perry, O. T., that outlaws bavo killed Quanneh Parker, chief of the Ccmmanohein- diens. , 1 The Washinglop authorities admit that beyond any possible doubt the Klondike gold fields aro in British ter- ritory. The Glucose Sugar Refining Com- 1panY, with a capital stock of $40,000,- u00, has been incorporated at Trenton, It is expected that the telegraph Pune NJ, from the bead of Lynn canal to the Dr. Fred W. Evelyn, of San F ranois- Klondyke eau be built before the win- co, claims that he has discovered a per - tar. feet drink cure in injections of horses' A despatch from Winnipeg says that there will he no difficulty in placing farm bud in Manitoba as soon as they arrive. ' By a .majority of 11 a local option by- law was carried in Wainfleet Township, .Welland County. A reorganieatlon of the Militia De- partment thousandilldolla effect it dollars take g place. The Dominion Minister of Militia has authorized the holding of the usual autumn camps of instruction for the militia, Thomas Telford, of Kingston, who ro- osntly disappeared iu Loudon, Eng., has been found en a hospital there. He bad been sandbagged and robbed. John Mack, a resident cd St. Cathar- ines, was on Saturday morning run over by a rwnawey teatu, and instant. ly killed. The Dominion Governent, accord- ing to a Winnipeg dispatch, is consid- ering the question of opening a route into relic Yukon via Edmonton. Thieves entered Garland's general story at Portage le Prairie, end Mr. Orman', the caretaker, fired on them. One or them relarned the fere, wound- ing the caretaker ini the left shoulder. • dt war map of the Dominion of Can- ada is in process of preparation. It will show all the roads, bridges, towns, vil- lages, farms, blacksmith shops and stores. Manitoba antlers bavo advanced the price of flour in Montreal 25 cents a barrel, the tbird raise within the past few weeks, largely due to the increas- ed cost of wheat. Premier Greenway, who has been in Southwestern Alanitoba. reports .that the Drops have decidedly improve& and are looking better than they did at this time last year. • Mr, E. A. Wells, of Alexandria, Eg- ypt, writes to the Dominion Depart- ment of Trade and Commerce suggest- ing Egypt as a good field for the de- velopment of Canadian trade, bLr. J'osepli Lavergne, who represent- ed .Drummond and Arthabaska en the House of Commons, has been appoint- ed uJudge of the Superior Court of Quebec for the Ultima district. Montreal's reception to Sir Wilfrid ,Laurier will likely take the form of a Laurier day at the Exposition, to be followed by a banquet given by the Board of Trade. A company has been organized in MIontreal for the purpose of sending an expedition to the, Yukon district up- on the co-operative plan. The miners engaged are to have u share of the pro- fits. , Regulations respecting the issue of leases to dredge for melee/11s in the submerged beds of rivers in Mani- tolpa and the North -nest Territories have been made by Order -in -Council. An order bas been issued liberating Mrs. Omier, of Gatineau Point, who was tried for murdering her husband, but she refused to leave on the ground that she is afraid of sunstroke this warm weather after her long incarceration, Mr. J. B. Riley, the retiring United States Consul at Ottawa, was present- ed with u valuable silver dinner ser- vice and a gold -headed walking - cane, and a diamond ring for Mrs, Riley. The address eves read by Sena- tor Scott. Referring to the mission of iifr. E. E. Sheppard, of 'Toronto, to open up trade between Canada and Mexioo, a City of Mexico despatch says Canadian lumber well find a market, as well as various lines of manu;faotured goods, if proper- ly introduced. GREAT BRITAiN. The Countess of Craven, nee Cornelia Martin, of New York, hats green birth to a son. I • 1 t Viscount Garnet Wolseley, Command- er -u -Chief o the British army, is seriously ill. It is stated that a site has been se- lected in Ki1Iatney, for a Royal resi- dence in Ireland, . The Imperial Parliament was proro- gued with the usual speech from the throne. elube Imperial lG•overeenen.t has de- cided to build a (harbour and graving deck at Sien,onstown, in Cape Colony. Sir Wit:hitiLaurier will sail for Can- ada on the Labrador? on the 10th fust. Sir Louis Davies will leave Liverpool on the 28th east. (' r The Chief Justice of Canada, Sir Samuel Henry Strang, is now sitting daily as a member of the Judicial Com- mittee of the Imperial. Privy Council. blr. McLeod Sltewgrt, the ex -Mayor of Ottawa, had ant interview the other day with Lord Lansdowne„ with refer- ence to the GeorgiWn; RAY and Ottawa Canal, and be was promised all the as- sistaatce in the power; of ,the Secretary et to Por Wars The King orf Siiapr arrived on Wednes- day at Portsmouth, where he was re- ceived by the Prince of Wales. He had litendeon with the Queen at Osborne burse, and tea with the Prince and Princess of Wales on board the royal Yacht Osborn. 1 In the B.bnrise of Gnomons on Mont day everting the Government grant 04; eighty tbonsand pounds towards the jubilee celebration was opposed by some of the Irian members, but was carried by a, vote of one hundred and sixty-two to twelve. Right flan. Joseph r Chamberlain stated in the Homo of Commons that the denunciation of the German and Belgian treaties ;was the unanimous wish of the self-governing colonies, who desired to deal with the United Kingdom on preferential terms. U'NULT,1GD STATES. It was 104 in the shade in( Lincoln, Nab., on Saturday. Seven persons were killed by Friday's cyclone at San Jose, X11. Three thousand Men engaged in the building trades went ten strike en Now '1L orlr. , 1 r 1 (. ...:d. Hood. Fred Loughead of Sarnia won the quarter and ono mete bicycle cham- pl.onship of America at the L. A: W. Meet at Philadelphia. A non-union roller, employed in the Scottdale, Pa., iron and steel works, was shot and killed by union man 011 strike on Saturday. An ultimatum has been presented to the Peruvian Government by the United States Administration requir- ing the immediate payment of the elc- Coed clam. Mr. T. V. Powderly, formerly Master Workman of .the Knights of ,Uabor, on Tuesday took the oath of offnne in Wusulhglon un Commissioner General of lInmogreeion. L1iui'hj Boulde Glean of Newark, N.J., celebrated, his one bemired and tunrd birthday on hriday, and 1101.3e0 10 live Lu cast a vote lot' Bryan at the next Gaited, 11tales Presidential eleoaIim. Mr. . A. Beetle of Diulluth, Minn., bus protested agoimsl the duty. ma quarter cent a pouted. leveed on lisIh 'mount in Cnnadvan waters and drought into the United States. {lis well wake of the col- leclorh levy a test ease. Clarets W. a Spaulding, ex -treasurer of the lllinois aurae University, and former president of the Globebavings Bank, lies been found guilty at Chi- cago by a jury 1u the third trial. lee charge was (hypothecating 025,00U in 117tumpin County bonds. Prof. Elliott, of Cleveland, thinks that Air. Foster, who was sent to Eng- land in regard to the seal question, is a diplomatic failure. He nos se- cured nothing from the Salisbury Gov- ernmene Tae Canadians are in con- trol of the situation, and at the com- ing conference they will skin Mr. fos- ter as they "skinned" him before at the Paris tribunal. The reports of the commercial agen- clies as to the condition of trade in the United States, are of. a name encottrag- ing nature, and state that the move- ment of general mer'ohaudise through- out the country has iinereasod, as al- dicated by bb s expansion in bank clear - Ings. 1Jne export trade' for the pres- ent fiscae year throws a. gain of 2U per cent. Iron, cotton, and wool indus- tries are in an improved condition. There bee been a sharp, increase in the export of wheat and rimer, and wheat is in a stronger position than Ior years. The returns of 40 rolriway companies show a net gain of 8 per cont„ as com- pered with July, 1890. GENE,R,IL. Nearly 100 persons have been drown- ed. in Silesia. It is reported that a reign of terror exists in Portugal. It is reported thet Belgium willen- deavor to arrange a commercial treaty with Canada. Yellow fever is ravishing the Spanish troops, and is proving the best friend of the insurgents. Floods at J ahannisbad, Bohemia, have caused great loss of life and destruc- tion to property. General Weyler commander of the Spanish force in Cuba, will grant amnesty to 1,500 exiles. The Japaaese Government has order- ed from Germany a nine thousand ton battleship. Trouble has arisen on the Turko-Per- sian border, and both Governments are despatching troops. lea the recent fighting before tort CJpakdara, two thousand seven hundred of the trubesmen were killed. The steamship Mariposa sailed from Sydney. N.S.W., for ban Francisco on Tuesday with 450,000 sovereigns. Capt. -General Weyler has signed an order expelling from Cuba two New York newspaper correspondents. Pile Carnets expect thst Don Carlos will be at the head of his eorces in Spain before the end of Js'obruary next. ...id I1, A Chinese pirate captured the Brit- tist. steamer Pogu on July 14, (mur- dered the captain and seven of his crew and plundered the ship. Owing to the expected bad Harvest the .Russian Government intends to prohibit Me exportation of grain this year, . . The Emperor and Emp eas of Ger- many arrived at erenstudt on Satur- day, and were cordially resolved by the Czar, There bus beim a veritable epidemic of suicide in Paris for some "Weeks post, the heat adding to the number of cases. , , , r . 1 • 1 The cloudbursts and inundations whidlh have devastated the eastern part of Germany have caused a serious less of life. The Vatican, including the Pope him- belL, rs actively engaged in a cam- paign to stimulate the revenue from Peter's pence. The Cologne Gazette says that the proposal of 'Germany for European control of Greek finances has been ac- cepted by the powers, Advices by the steamship M'lowera confirm the reports of the massacre of whits gold -hunters and cativo assist- ants in New Gables,. A paper published in Item.% Italy, declared the resignation of Secretary of Stats Sherman is necessary, as his diplomacy is irritating all Europe. 'There were disturbances at Tetuan, near Madrid, on Monday, arising out of a private disputa. The rooters used gguns and several persons were wound - d , , 11 11 1 The Japanese Government is said to be seriously embarrassed financially, arising out of the increased demands to every direction on account of Jap- an taking her place as a civilized tha- ten. , 1 1,1 1 ,Recording to reports from Madrid, received at London, the Portegreete Government is tatting the constittr- tion at defiance, and adopting bile mast stringent repressive measures. Grave charges are beingformulated against the doers, 11 Is said they sue - plied the Matabele with arms, and ex- aery hm the ldoutli AfricanctedvCharteredeavybribes Ootnpafrony. Tito( great volcano of Mayen,, 00 tiro islendf of Ireton, one of the I'Ihilippine group, has been inIviolsnt eruption 0Anae Jliuno 44, end it is estimated that thousands of the inhabitants hese lost ves. The report that Mr, Cecil Rhodes and Mr. Alfred Belt has personally Paid two hundred and fife thousand pounds to true ;Transvaal Government in in- dalemlynitydeni{fed. or, the Jameson raid is °ffiei- ,A despatch Irani Athens says that a Sharp engagement took place be- tween 2,000 '1'urkidh troops And the armed population of the villages lying between MMIetsova, T'rhkala and liolar- ry res. . t Senor Calbajer, a Cuban refugee, who arrived{ at lemma, Mae, oa Sunday, enYsi Hutt the iwsurge,nts attacked the village of 1vmarnana, killed 49 Spanish soldiers,' wounded 1.20 tend took posses- sion oe the place. Much interest is taken in French naval oircles at the discovery of a composition which is alleged to have the marvellous property of rendering vessels invisible beneath the rays o electric searchlights. Owing to the amendments to the pace agreements introduced by Tew- ihk 1'nSbn. the discussion of which would occupy a couple of weeks, it is 'ex- pected that the powers will send an- obiner ultimatum, to expedite the Porte. A' newspaper en Bombay prints a hmghly i tlammatory article, attacking the Indian Government fur ' the (proseouthon of obsoure persul1s," end lor "making an absolute police regu- lation do duty as a secret assassitn." According to, a Tbkio paper, the For- mosa rebels seem to Lave aaunder- sbandiing with the high officials of China, and their plan is to attack for- eig'u, offices and residences, and other- wise molest foreigners, so as to start interne tenure trouble. . "Ile Japanese Minister to the City of Mexico, lin an interview, says that Japaa, while having no desire to an- nex the llawaiian islands Is opposed to them absorption by the United States. Japan, would prefer the islands to re- main, independent. , J'apnn ibrsatent to make a navel de- maastratnom' in 0-Iawauan waters, and will, insist that the United States as- sume a contingent responsibility in the matter of,arbitration of ter diiferetnces with Hawaii, on the subject of immigra- tion, and the tariff. , HORRIBLE DOUBLE MURDER. A Money Lender and 11(s Sister Billed by Burglars -Their Residence IGtnsacIced. A 'despat0bl from. North Adams„ Mass., says : .A horrible double murder was discovered ,In bilis city an Saturday, When the bodies of Henry J. Reed, a money lender, and Us sister, Blanche M: Rets' were found in their home, on Webster) avenue, having been killed by burglars, The house lhsod evidently been (entered, during the night, and the burglar' discovered by Miss Reed, who was killed before she could make a dis- turbance, and then the brother was beaten) to death because he refused to disclose, the hidintg place of his money. Everything' was an oonfusion; the body of Miss Reed, battered and almost un- recognizable, lay across the threshold of her bedroom, door, while in his room on, the bed, concealed by the covering, lay the body of Henry Reed„ gagged and also covered wdblh blood. In the io an.'sl head was a wound which looked as, 41 it had been made by a bullet, but from btheri marks it was apparent that a heavy implement of game sort had been used to beat the bead. almost to a gulp. The affair has created the greenest excitement here. INTENSE NEAT. London Undergoing a Novel ESperiehee— 'rhe 7Lernio,ueter 111, to Nicety, A despatch from London says:— A long spell oC hot weather was broken by severe local thunderstorms on Thursday and Friday, in which sev- eral persons were killed, a number of buildings were damaged and the crops sustained serious injury. ,The ther- mometer registered 90 on Wednesday in London, and at Cambridge the heat was eighteen degrees above the aver- age, which has only thrice been reach- ed during the lest quarter of the cen- tury. There were more than 200 pro strations from tbs heat treated in six London hospitalson Thursday. There was only one-third of an inch rain fall in July; the crops ere seriously threatened, and the sx ei:Lances of the 1890 water famine in the east end' of London ars already looming up, The heat, which bas been unusually pro- longated, has affected the London death rate. There were 2,022 deaths last week, of whom 1,205 were chil- dre bbringing up the death rate to 23.6 per thousand. There were many sunstrokes and general discomfort was experienced. The judges and counsel in the law courts doffed their wigs and gowns. BACK Oh' 4Tld'E EYE. Behind the eye what is called the "retina" is lined with branching blood vessels, and a curious but perfectly simple experiment will enable you to see these,. Place yourself in a dark room, opposite n, dark -colored wall; then light a candle, and, holding it in your hand, shove it up end down be- fore yoeur eyes, all the time looking, not at the candle, duet the wall beyond. After a little p0ectice you will see up - pear on the wall a greet branching fhgaro in black on a reddish surface, What you aro looking at is the shadow of these blood vessels at the bank of your oven dye. Perhaps the most curi- ous part of the whole thing is that the part of ileo eye which receives the tm- prtession alight, must Ile behind these blood vessels; d (RECUNLAHRieDIME TONUS. I really couldn't afford to lot you board with me this summer, said an old farmer to a city maul with. a very deep bass voice. , Why not? roared the hasso-profundo, in tones that rattled the dried squashes in the rafters. Because whenever you talked or sang your voice would sour all the milk in my cellar. , ME SUNDAY SCHOOL, INTERNATIONAL LESSON, AUG. 22, ferne Ifioellenee or ehrlslhtrl Luye," 1 4'01. 40,1-111. Holden Text. 1 Ivor, 111; ln, 'ul,AfvlIOAI, NOTES. Verse 1. Titbtigh I speak. Evident- ly the primitive Chun+h placed high valuation, on speech, The tongues of niesr and of angels. What the "gift of tcm'gum" was we do nut certainly know. We know several theigs that 11 was trait, and one, of these is the power to preach the Gospel lin foreign lan- guegee. There is no, intimation la the :Bible that that poever was ever nequireil in' a miraculous wey. The please "of angels" would indicate that the mysteriniis words were sometirnes ink in human language. Have not charity. By a beautiful change In the pintoes of this years "charity" has sumo td tneaat' love be endeavor rather than t(ha sentiment dr principle which starts the endeavor. Here we have lbs earlier meaning, and "clarity" here includes love to man' end to God. Sounding braes. Copper. A tinkling cymbal. Cym- bals were metal cups siruek together to give a elanging sound; this added to thle force of martial inutile, but lucked varintiohr of tone, and, became a ready ill.usiration of mere clatter and noise. The b(ghest eloquence about the Gos- pel without love in: the, heart is empty words. i r 2. Prophecy. Divine inspiration ;some limes, not always, foretelling the fu - true. Understand all mysteries. The chep things of God. Paul often al- ludes to the redemption of the race as a divine mystery, and as it was his duty to procl.:1m this redemption he became a steward of the mysteries of God. 1. Cor, 4, 1. A111 knowledge. What- ever insight into facts anti principles can be obtained by study, ;All faith. Which both Jesus and his apostles con- stantly affirmed Lo be the greatest dy- namic force. if Paul had. only a little, like even to a grain of mustard seed, it was yet strong enough to remove mountains. But he supposes himself, for argtrniebt's sake, to .bavo all faith; an abundant supply. And have not char- ity. Destitute of the truest spiritual life. But can a man have these gifts, many of theme supernatural, and. not be harmonious with Godo Yes, Balaam and Samson are examples, I am noth- ing. One may accomplish wonders in the Gospel, yet himself remain untouch- ed by its power. Paul " had a right" to say these things for he was himself possessor of these five gifts. 3. Though IL ,bestrew all my goods to feed the poor. Though 0 ,give away in handfuls '(my property, so as be be in the modern sense thoroughly char- itable. Give my body to be burned. No act of sacrifice can of itself re- deem character; one cannot learn goodness by penance. IPave not char- ity, it profieeth :me nothing. Actions have no intrinsic value, their worth depends upon their motive. The mo- tive essem,tial to goodness is love. ".Love," says Luther, "denotes not whet the man does,. so much as what he feels." 4, Having bold us in the first three verses the absolute worthlessness of ev- ery virtue if love' be wanting; Paul now gives us a picture of love in actual life by fifteen traits or examples, eight of wench are negative. ,Siui'ferethlonnlg. Ocnti, lues idlten the conduct of others might be expected to qusneth it; en- dures pationtlylwitlbout taking affront? Is kind. Not only endures evil, 1bu0 clues good. Muoh of 'Christ's life was spent in merely being kind. lfnvietlh not, Ss .not grlevect because of tlhs bhp- py.;1o11 of others. True love rejoices ud the comfort of others. Vannteth not Itself, ?Does net net insolently. Is not puffed up. Nat imflated, e h Believe itself. unseemly. Misbe- have. Prue politeness is one 01 Itlhe fruits lei .holiness \Vhy dost thou set at naught thy brother?" Seeketh not her own. Is mist specially careful for her, owes thongs," Love and selfishness are iloro spiatible. Is not tsasily pro- voked, 'Is 'not irritated;" "is root made sour." ,Self-government brings peace; irritation mtay be cumtpared to nilotio'g and anarchy within the king- dom of one's heart. People may read- ily 'find) excuses that will pass on earbh for irritable tempers, but Who testi- mony of Lied is tdiatt love is not pro- voked. Thlnkebh no evil. ;Does not in- ve'ntr wrong, nor 'infer evrcug, nor in- dubgeiiln evsl suggestions, 6, RejoicelAt not in iniquity, "In falseihood" Rejoiceth in the truth, Tenth, is here personified, and its idea includes that of all goodness, 7. Beareth all .hinge. A phrase that may be, translated, ''Ste covers up ev- erything." Love is the opposite of cen- soriousness and. distrust; it is disposed to excuse from any wrong so long ns excuse is possible. Believed) all things. Selects the best of ev- \erybociy, nod ties to tbsoJ;, llopetb all ado .Yy qi?' J ono eaotls 5.M -seem works; we show oar love by lour hope. If our brother has transgressed we anticipate his repentance; if the church is cold ave hope for ,its revival, Enduretlo all thins•. With an even mind bears adversities and even per- secutions, Love does not say, "This mance. be 011.(1 11'00;1," Me18 perfectly resigned to God's will I , , 8. Charity never fadetlt'. There is eternity in love, for it Is essential to the perfect moral life. . God cannot endure wotbout it, "for God is love;' mon rennet participate in •eternal tete without it, foe alb who'. are born of God love God., 'Sterna' en- durance without love would be eternali death, shove is needed in heaven as mach as in earth. Prophecies, they shall fall. Prophecy in the Nory Tes- tament, stands, as we have seen, for direst revelation, Whether of the Ins lure or not. .The time will coma when the, Church Will no longer be strug- gling in 'the worldef evil, and daily in spirati.on ,by the Spirit of God will no longer be needed, leagues, they shell cease. The reference is to the gift of tongues—that marvelous, enir- aoulees mttniflsstatton, already al- luded to several times fn our les- sons, and such 'tongues " have ceased 'already fin rho Chris- tian Chueoh, Mut the statement is just die true 11 we MAY ft id Chelan- gttu:ges of mankind. This majority of the Iadguages in, which seen have disk-, Bred end exhorted and lowed and wept ED !TORS, CLERGYMEN, PHYSIC !ANSI KW -Y. Y J .JaC 5 s Ken and Women in all Walks of {life Tell of the Remarkabik 1 Cures Wrought by South American Neriine Tonic. SIX DOSES WILL CONVINCE THE MOST iNC,IEiDUL©US. � �.h �\ 1, 1 u• EDITOR COLWELL, OF PARIS, ONT., REVIEW. Newsp.pee edi"ors are almost as sceptical as the average physician on the subject of new remedies for sick people. Nothing short of e. series of most remarkable and well authenti- cated cures will incline either an editor or a doctor to seriously consider the merits honestly claimed for a medicine. Hundreds of testimonials of won- derful recoveries wrought with the Great South American Nervine Tonic were received from men and women all over the country before physicians began to prescribe this great remedy in chronic cases of dyspepsia, in- digestion, nervous prostration, sick headache, and as a tonic for build- ing up systems sapped of vitality through protracted spells of sick- ness, Daring his experienoe of nearly a quarter of a century as a newspaper publisher in Paris, Ont., Editor Col- well, of The Paris Review, has pub- lished hundreds of columns of paid medicine advertisements, and, no doubt, printed many a gracefully - worded puff for his patrons as a matter of business, but in only a single instance, and that one warrant- ed by his own peesonal experience, has he given a testimonial over his own signature. No other remedy ever offered the public has proved such a Inarvellons revelation to the most sceptical as the South American Nervine Tonic. It has never failed in ita purpose, and it has cured when doctors and other medicines were tried in vain. " I was prostrated with a particu- larly severe attack of ' In Grippe,'" says Mr. Colwell, t' and could find no relief from the intense pains and die. tress of the malady. I suffered day and night. The doctors did not help me, and 1 tried a number of medi- ciues, but without relief. About this time I was advised to try the South American Nervine Tonic. Its effects were instantaneous, The first dose{ took relieved me. 1 improved rapidly and grew stronger every day. Your Nervine Tonic cured me in a single week." The South American Norvins Tonic rebuilds the life forces by its direct action on the nerves and the nerve centres, and it is this notable feature which distinguishes it from every other remedy in existence. The most eminent medical authorities now concedethat fully two-thirds of all the physical ailments of humanity arise from exhaustion of the nerve forces. The South American Nervine Tonia acting direct upon the nerve centres' and nerve tissues instantaneously supplies them with the true nourish- ment required, and that is why its invigorating effects upon the whole. system are always felt immediately. For all nervous diseases, for general debility arising from enfeebled vital- ity, and for stomach troubles of every variety no other remedy can possibly take its place. Sold by Deadman & McColl are dead. The majority of dead lan- guages are etntpletely forgotten, 'Ileo majority of living languages are rap- idly dying out. lehe one or two lan- gn'ages Which bid fair to last as long as time will dee with time. Knowledge, it sliball vanftsh. away. Alp earthly kvuowledge,' acquired en, fragments and pieced toget'hier. is of necessity innper- feet. Clfhe lugaoranoo of the most learn- ed, nsun 'an earth is immeasurably greater teem his knowledge, Earth's languages and sciences will be alike use - lens in; the eternal world. The perfect lrnowlediget referred: to in verse 12 will be Particlppatoll in by all the inhab- itant,{ of heaven, d' 0, .We know in part. The know- ledige that (tomes from observation and reason lei limited, by weak eyes nma in- firm. minds, 13'e propiecy in part. le- spirati,nn itself is Benito' by human. powers, as bins 'quantity of liquid is limited, by this cm) throb holds it, • 10. When that which is perfect is tome. Wbeui perfection :hits arrived. That wench is in part shall he, done away. Imperfection shall erase, This is, says Dr. Meyer, as certain as that the "dunk ceases with the rising or the sun, 11. When I was a eh'ild. Paul fre- quently compares Cba'istis.n develop - went .to physical maturity, and the be- e•lnnings of C\hs•isiian life to hahyhood. T spake as a child. Witif prattle, Paul is h•ore comparing the earthly 'life with the heavenly., 'Sliose who now stand oa hie heavenly heights, if they can hear earthly oonversattan at all, recognize it us the brattle of spiritual babes, I understood as a NNl,sld. Revis- edl version, "i. felt',' 'Vim referent° here," says Dr. 41, R. Vineent, 'is ,to the earlier, undeveloped exercise 'of the childish mind ; a thinking- which is not yet connected reasoning," X thought tits a child. The third stage in infantile develullnren•t. First senseless prattle; second, crude general notions; third, consecutive reasoning, "WhenI be - C,(41116.' N'oty that I am become." I put away X ']rave put away. Childish tiengs, As the woman locks the dell of her Atirlhood in tiro trun11, and hag no further use for it exceet that 541 gentle sentiment, so the mature CJeristian' {tag looked up in his memory anan'y azr experience, sac- red, buff its use outgrdtwit ; and so, by 1103. ampler comparhen, the, anent °f the heavenly regions regards the experi- ences of lute past human life. 12. Through n. glass. "Btytmeans of mirror," The ancient mirror was FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. of polished metal, anti so imperfect in; its reelecting powers that it was usual to attach to it a sponge with pound- ed pumice stone, ready, to polis'? it be - faro each specie'. use, The greatest mirror factories of the ancient world were in: Corinth. Darkly. Dimly, for, the metal is imperfect. In this life we see all spiritual things by means oe a. mirror, and a dim and cloudy mirror at tSeat. We; try be understand the spiritual world by following out 'ism tura{ laws; to identify invisible thingF by visible symbols 1 to measure absentt by time; and, as in a mirror a (mages are seen revised, we douibt-r less gat many of our ideas of spiri .Wel things out of shahs by the media through whteh they coins, ,Chin face to face. Without similitude, without par- able, withputai°ad of revelation or need of reasoning process.; directly ; in the closest relation to spiritual truth': Know i.n ,part. Dee note on verse 9. ;'.Chen shall I ionow even as also I aloe known, The 'Leese indicates "was known ;" and yet the transparency of eternal truth will be botli objective antt known i" and yet the transparency of sub'ecttee. Paul will in the heavenly world recc ntze hbmself as he is now, day by day recognized by those at the heavenly world. s 13. 'And. now. "Hut thus," "Now" does not refer to tame, but to the logia of this verse. Aludeth'. See mete call "charity never fatlehh," verse 8. The. essential, porn tenenee of faith, hope. charity is here assent'. Faith and hive. iike love, are in their very nature iter-. nal. .The greeteet of these is Merrily., bays fulfills the latw. By faith we yes calve, by hope we expect, but by levee we become litre unite God, Faith saves, ns hop sustains us, Love makes ns perw• foot, ; . t .. e t , , -, 1h