HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-8-13, Page 88
C oc et Segs.
RBRAL ecbools reopen mat Monday,
after the Summer vacation,
MEsens. timer & Joan•] shipped two
000 care of cattle from Brussels last hfouday.
A ran of hogs wnB shipped from this
fl hare too 'large a stock Of station on Tuesday' by al deem, Beaker S:
Croquet flet in 4, G and 8 Lail Sets. Vauetone,Two oars of cheese were shipped during
85e. will buy a Set, the past week, one from Brussels and tbo
other from Walton iaotory.
SALE.—D. Frain offers his household
furniture, &c„ for sale. Goode may be
seen at his residence, Brunetti North.
Tara Blyth omnibus watt brought to
town last Saturday and is being bright,
ened up by Sample Bros., painters and
Gus, Gtonwr, goes to Port Huron this
week with "Miss Deluraroh," where she
is entered in some of the speedy contests
at the Summer races.
COntle LLOR Tummies fine St. Bernard
was put out of misery the other clay.
The animal ant a dose of poison some.
where from the effects of whioh it did
net recover,
Carr. 0rnaTrnte threshed 400 bullets of
Fall wheat this weak, the returns from
9 acres of land, nearly 45 bu+hels to the
Here, whioh is au unusually large yield.
R• Graham purchased the wheat.
GanoEN PARTL.—A garden party under
the auspices of the Women'e Auxiliary of
St. John's chcruh, will be held on W. F.
Voustone's lawn this (Friday) evening.
Drug and Book Store. A good program and refreshments, Ad.
mission 10c.
ON Wednesday of this week Miss
Beatrice Blashill coiebratol her 12th
birthday and entertained a number of
her companions. She received a nice 5
o'clock tea set as a birthday gift from
her mamma.
Tun "Klondike" is the name of a fish.
ing craft Iauuobed an the Maitland.
She is built something after the pattern
of the Great Eastern and we don't think
any person would be guilty of idolatry if
they worshipped it.
Crvm HOLUAS.—In response to a largely
signed requisition the Reeve has pro.
claimed Tuesday of next weak, 17th inst.,
as the Civio Holiday and asks Brusselites
A chiel's amang ye takin' notes, generally to observe it as sub. Our
An' faith he'll prem it. friends in the country will do well to re.
— — — — member that the business places will be
closed that day.
Wolf is being pushed ahead at a lively
rate at the Eleotrio Light Works. The
necessary rxoavations have been made
Inc foundations for engine and dynamos,
The stone walls are being completed and
the brick work will soon be commenced.
All the poles are in and ready for wire
stringing. Wet weather somewhat de-
layed the work thie week,
TENNrs.—Thursday afternoon of last
week n quartette of Wi»gham Tennis
BRCBSEL9 Public school Board meets
paid Brussels a visit and upon the
this ]Friday) evening, lawn at W. M. Sindair's had n lively
Now wheat was marketei last sore,. tussle for supremacy in contending
It promises to well. against four of our racquet experts. Our
A promises
sintiouo yield bar bas been placed in side won the doubles, but at the close of
the match, owing to darkness, were in
the Queen's Hotel bar mom,
Maass, CLEGG & Dames shipped a car the rear s the Dsiouble. The more was
of bogs Eastward on Monday. SB follows Doubles — Stewart and
Some Ropnlca shipped a oar of sheep Sinclair beat Griffin and IIBowise G 8,
from Brussels on Thursday of this week. G 7.5 ; Fax and Blair beat Bowles and
LIE Posr proposes a Base Ball and 6IoLeud, 7.5, 6.1, Singles—Griffin beat
Foot Ball Tournament in Bruseele for Stewart,1,2 0. 4Si G•2 ; aBnd Homes t Fox,
Labor Day. 6 1, 2 6, 'r 8. Sinclair and Homnth had
POsroneUE hours For delivery of mail a set each, when play was discontinued
00 account of darkness
on Civic holiday will be 8 to 9 a. m., 2 to . The result of
3 and 6 to ti 30 p. m. the game it stood at the close was a
AROTHER wedding or two in which tie, Brusseell s winning two doubles and
Brusselites are interested is said to be ou losing two singles. It was an enjoyable
the program this Fail. af4-0 —'s sport.
P,a,ntenstox will take a good many base sel4-0,—Thio was the more of the Brus-
ball enthusiasts next Tuesday, Civic Holi- clayeveoi Football t wee played Victoria
day in this pl last week on Victoria
day. The return fere is Go cents, Park in this place. It wee Mem from
LAnortcnb Exooraion to Manitoba and start to finish that the visitor; were not
North -weer next Wednesday. Fare out ver badly in it and our kickers went
514, and same to return. Good to return into it with a vim that meant the retriev-
o Nov. 30111. ing of the defeat at Blyth, and as a
Beusannsjunior bane ball team will consequence Blyth had to put up a
likely go to 1Vingham on Civic Holiday, defence game, and although they worked
next Tuesday, to play a mat0h with the
team In that town. hard our fellows would kick the sphere
D. Feats) luta disposed of bis harness between the flags, so that when time was
business to I. C. Richards and J. Donald- 'called the lays stood 4 to 0. Brussels
son and will devote his time entirely to I forwnrds played a clean, energetic game
carriage trimming, and never lagged, and the boys in the
various positions saw that no quarter
Swm=. splendid catches of black bass area wasiven to the "enem " lumber
made above the milt dam. Fisbermeu i of the Blyth boys put up y.
good ball, but
Amid remember the 10 inch limit and the combination work was poor, and as a
save trouble from the Game Warden. consequence a great deal of the kicking
Du. AND tllas, iIICNArGHTOC very kindly I was done to no purpose, The teams
emtertatti d the young people of St. lined u as follows+ :—
John's church lest Tneeday evening. i p
The time was enjoyably spent in social I Bnnesms, . POSIT/ON. BLYTH,
games, music), &o. Refreshments were Forbes Goal ..................Girona
served before eeparatang, p } Beaks aoLo Wotsou
{ Smith
Tun Beaune Peer has paseei its 25th , Wake •.............. ( McCully
milestone and its genial edit Or, Mr. Kerr, Iluninrd ,{ Backs {. Ballantyne
J, Mori11 1 Crawford
is making abetter paper of it every year. lOunterrty........ Centre
The only fault in Mr, Kerr le big Gritiem : J. MoCrnoken R Winig {, McGee
and he will probably outgrow that.— l Ira Gerry (I T, Higley
Ir. McLauchliu, T. Selly
GVinghtrm Advance. B. Garry } L Wng 13 Telly
THraseat afternoon of this week the Referee -W. Meson, Blyth
representatives of the various Football ' A. Blyth man refereed the match and
teams in the Maitland League met in coached the boys along.
Bruseele t0 consider the protest filed by , Voc'roune.—Thursday Of lash week was
Atwood club against Wingbam and Bras- ' Blyth Civic holiday and to put in a day
seta, for violating the rules of the Aseoci• ' of sports the baseball and football teams
drove over to Bruseele and played two
friendly matches with the Junior clubs of
this place. Baseball came on in the af•
tern0oo, on Victoria Park, where a large
number of visitors witnessed the game
end gave hearty applause to good ball by
whomsoever played. The visitors went
to bat first, with Thomson in thebox and
Brawn ready to take iu everything behind
the bat. Exoept in the 60b innings
Blyth was unable to cipher out many
runs, end their 6 in the innhnge named
and other straggling ran resulted in a
total of 13. There were 3 whitewashes
and 8 innings in whioh 1 ran was the top
score. Thomson pitched a good game,
striating oht 6. Heavy batting was in
order and as a consequence the fielders
had a chance of achieving glory. Brue-
sele clearly out•olaeeed Blyth, as their
victory of 32 to 13 and an innings to
spare will indioate. Sims and Bailan•
tyue held down the points for Blyth and
the former fanned out 8 01 our lade, but
only one whiteweeh was administered.
As "over the fence wasn't out" and our
codgers bad on their batting o'othee, the
ball was often transported into neighbor.
ing gardens, Harry James umpired the
match with eatisfaction to all concerned.
The more 15 as follows :—
BnreenLs, R O Barra. R
Strottoe, 8b 3 3 A Ballantyne, 0,,.2 2
Duncan, 213 4 0 McGee, se 1 4
Thomson, p 4 2 Simms, p,..., ...1 01
Downing, if 4 8 J.liailautyne,ab..,l 4
Prawn,o 0 0 Budrrb, Sb 4 1
Ttendat, se ,.,,...,8 4 Robinson, of 2 3
Battiest, rf 2 8 TTaeiar),sb 1
0005ley,11) 4 1 McCOnnell, rf 1 1
Hogg, of 2 0 Sloan, If 0 4
Total 32 24 'Petal 5 27
Praseole 8 5 7 71 7 0 2 0 x0'-82
Blyth 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 2 0-10.
The 2nd nine have won all their moieties
thie season and are talking of taaklirl
the lab eine, whioh they eland a good
Palm Leaf "dans.
A new stock of Palm Leaf Fans,
so necessary these hot clays.
Poi ons.
Kill the Flies, We have fire dif-
ferent snakes of Paper for
this purpose
at Deadman's
100T1r118 nXTassION W. 0. & R.
Traine r•',t:'e Brussels Station, North
and South, no follows:
Goma Seen?. 10180 NOa7H.
'mite ...m
0, I `Lail ' al; p.m
,laxed - '-45 ra.m Expt'e.e 10:01 pan
TOT Bres-eas market=. -
THE POST gives the news.
Do you owe for TILE POST 7
DAYS are rapidly shortening.
Civic Houma' next Tuesday.
ExcuRatoB to Grimsby on Saturday.
Exerasrox to Manitoba next Wednes-
clamor in business is moote 1 in
GARDEN party this (Friday) eveniu:; at
W. F. Vanstcne'e.
!tion by playing outside men.
A NUMnEO of Bruseelitee will likely go
to Palmerston next Tuesday, to witness
the Kiaeardine•Walkerton baseball
match. The stake is eaid to be $200,
The match is the result of a recently die.
pitted game between the two above
mentioned clubs, which was played at
THE Harrietou Review says :—During
the thunder storm last Friday afternoon
lightning played a strange freak by sttik•
ing and destroying a bed of onions in the
garden of T. G, McCracken. He says
that prior to the bolt descending the
onion tops were two feet high and in a
,t winkling they were completely oonsum•
ed, neither brands nor ashes remaining.
Stranger still, two rows of onions on the
edge of the bed remained inteat. Mrs,
McCracken had paeeed through the
garden less than a minute before the
lightning struolc,
Reap Tnrs,—F. S. Scott has received
instructions from Mrs. Tufts, of this vit.
]age, to offer for sale on Saturday the
28th inst., at two o'oloeio in the after.
noon, that deeitable residence lately
occupied by her, known oe lots 220 and
221, Queen street, and at the same time
will also put up for sale el the household
furniture, molnding pari air suites, die-
ing room and bed room mites, curtains,
carpets, stoves, china, &o, &c. The
real eetate will be subject to an no set
price, but the personal property will be
without reserve. This sale offers an
excellent and somewhat rare opportunity
for any person who may wish to secure a
full and complete outfit in the house•
ierniahleg line. Full particulate of the
personal property wilt shortly appear by
poster as well as the tense and con.
ditions of the Salo of the real estate, or
Mu be obtained on application to the
auctioneer; W. M. Sinclair or the
show of bubbling, 11 not de1eati3g, as tbey
play a lively game and !Hake oorupara-
tivety few errors. Blyth boys were en- ;
tertarned by our club 0.6 the Quesn'e
ell CHIN
Servfco will bo held in the R. 0, church
next Sabbath,
The Fall Matelot meeting of Wingbam
Di3triot, Methodist ohuroh, will be hold
in Iruoknow on Tuesday, ANL, 81st. Dr,
Paeans is the Chairman.
The Methodist and Presbyterian oon-
gregatione of Stamm have agreed to war.
ship together daring the two months the
respective paetore are taking holidays.
The North-st. Methodist ahurob of
Goderioh has sent a unanimous invita-
tion to Rev. G. W. Henderson, now of
Sarnia, to become pastor at the expiration
of Rev, Jos, Edge's term,
The different kinds of Presbyterians in
South Africa have united la one General
Assembly, in whioh the Free Murals, the
United Presbyterian and the Separate
Presbyteries of Natal, Oape Tuwu and
the Transvaal are represented.
Rev, S. J. Allin is expected home on
Friday of this week and willtake part in
the services in the Methodist church next
Sabbath. He has been off duty, through
illness, for nearly five menthe, and will
be heartily welcomed book to hie work.
At the half yearly meeting of the
Young People's Chapter of St. John's
Guild, held on Thursday evening of last
week, the following omoers were elected ;
Hon. President, Rev. G. J. Abey ;
President, \Vm. James ; Vice -President,
G. S. Rogers ; Ssoretary, Miss Watt 1
Treasurer, Miss Cardiff ; Corresponding
Secretary, Miss Taok ; Organist, Miss
The Wingbam Advance says :—Rev.
Dr. Ferguson, an aged olivine, formerly
of Brtv:eels, took Rev. D. Perrie's plane
in the Presbyterian church here on Sun.
day. In speaking of the expected down-
fall of the Turks, he fixed the date at
1898, and told his hearers they should
study this question from the Bible and
also read carefully the newspapers, so
that they would know what was going on
in this matter.
A despatch from Nepigon Tuesday
evening states that the body of Rev.
Alex. Grant, pastor of theFirstBaptist
Church, Winnipeg, was recovered Tues-
day afternoon by his brother, .Rev. James
Grant, of Ingersoll, who was with the
search party. Sings Wednesday of last
week every possible effort has been made
to find t ,.. body, but without success.
The rear.,..,.,; were urought to Winnipeg
for interment. Rev. Mr. Grant sons
drowned by the upsetting of a boat.
Tile financial report of the Wingham
Methodist Minch, for the year 1890 97,
shows the following contributions to eon -
mantle) funds :—Quarterly Official
Board, 5930.45 ; Trustee Board, 5548.48 ;
Epworth League, $24.00 ; Sunday School,
5190.50 ; Ladies' Aid, $50 ; 11lissionary
Society, $183.68 ; Superannuation Fond,
560.00 ; Ednoationed Fund, 512.70 ; Con-
tingent Fond, $0.86 ' General Confer.
ewe, $7.19 ; Union Church Relief Fund,
56.80 ; Sustentation Fund, 57 ; Sunday
School81.75 Aid,Total, '52118.00.n's F. . Society,
The oldest clergyman in Great Britain
is a Devonshire vicar, who has attained
the patriarchal age of 100 ; the youngest
properly -ordained clergyman in the world
ie said to be the Rev. Henry Banta, of
Shallotte, in North Carolina. The youth
was converted about three years ago, and
although lame from an aooideut, which
I occurred to him when a baby, he at once
became an votive evangelist. His earliest
services were eond»oted in a but in a
small town in Ohio, but his fame as a
powerful preacher soon spread, and he
was ordained in the ohuroh of whioh be
is now pastor. According to the Sunday
Companion, the congregation wore in
want of a minister two yeare ago, and
they unanimously offered the post to
Master Banta, who accepted without hes-
itation. His ministry, it appears, has
been very successful up to the present
time, and few ministers work harder
amongst their flocks. Rev. Henry Banta
is described as a frail, pale, thin lad, who
appears to be not more than twelve years
old, and would never give the idea that
he ministered to a large congregation, or
held any position of authority.
Business Locals,
Goon cow for sale. Apply to Jae.
BALANCE of our dusters at cost. I. C.
No. 1 fiour and long clear bacon at
Hammes of all kinds cheaper than ever.
L 0. Richards.
Wo repair boots and shoes obeap and
neat. L C. Richards.
Oouronl'iooO house to rent. Apply at
once to W. M. Sivoatna.
Boors and shoes, large stock and low
prices at I. 0. Riolrard's,
Foe sale cheap, four setts of second
band Bingle harness. I. 0. Richards.
A PIRBT•OLAes special line of work
manufactured at Jas. Walker's shop. He
gives tiptop value to every onetomor,
Dusooss, Wagons and Carts always on
band. I run my own business,
D, Ewan, Blacksmith, Brussels.
THE two lightest buggies ever sold in
Brussels were purchased recently from
Jas. Walker, the well known carriage
maker, by George Beat and Robb.
Thompson, of Brussels.
Kent's Clover Root, the great Blood.
Purifier gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation.
26 ots, 50 ate and 51.00, Sold by James
Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
Evuioiwonx goes to Wingbam—King's
sale is booming, 26 the. Granulated
sugar for 51,00—Two oar loads. I still
boy butter, eggs and dried apples—High-
eat prioes, Cash or trade.
G. E. Kncco
CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
Cal., says :—"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good." l'riee 60
oents, Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Brue•
GOING ro Rosn Buenoose.—Fox the
balance of the Beason 16U00055 booming
the carriage business in every line and
Will sell riga from 55 to $10 better than
they can be purchased elsewhere. Bug.
glee, wagons, carts. new and eeoond•band
are included. I mean business as a
trial will prove. Don't spend a dollar in
either new Work or repeire before eons
suiting me and gutting my figures. You
will save money and I know it. Call in.
Jae. Waxen, carriage maker, Bruseele.
AUG. 18, 1897
ST4ND4R1) B Xk' 01? CryX D,/1,
0. 7me
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) $7,000,000
- $2,000,000
OAPITAL (Authorized)
dlgenoies in alt principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States ca England,
di T9''tSS,rWAS .10dN adA,
A General Baking Business Tranoaotod. Farmers' Notes Dieoounted.
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all volute.
Interest allowed on deposits of 61,00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date o
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a dietanoe.
BUS a D. Ewan buggy ttnd you wilt
save money. Priem away down,
D. Jiwut's Buggies are taking the lead.
For neatness and durability they can't be
Snu,on's cure is sold on a guarantee.
It cures iecipiout consumption. It is
the best cough mire. Only one cent a
dose. 25 ots., 50 ate. and 51,00. Sold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
Con[E and see the beautiful China at
Fletoher'e Jewelry store. Just received
another consignment of Ohina with views
of School and Main Street of Brussels.
Handsome goods, at vary low prioes.
BAn0,i1N OFi•EIEn.—That eligible half
acro lot situate on the Southeen;portion of
Turnberry street, Brussels, will be die•
posed of below costa Very easy terms.
Write for particulars to Jens HAnonzav0s,
17.4 Queen et. West, Toronto,
Huron County.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Humphrey
Snell, who died at the residence of her
son, James, in Clinton, on Thursday "ubh
inst., took place Saturday. Mrs. Snell
was in her 71st year. Her maiden name
was Jane Hooking. She was married to
the late Humphrey Snell about 45 years
ago, and together they settled on the farm
in Hallett township, where she lived all
her wedded life. ]Fer late husband was
widely known as a celebrated breeder of
thoroughbred cattle and sheep, as is hie
SOS James. The deceased lady was wide•
ly and favorably known for her boepibal-
ity and charitable disposition, and her
loss will be mourned by many. Two
sons, James and William, survive her.
The next issue of the Provinoinl Gaz•
etbe will contain notice of the inoorpora•
tion of the following companies : "The
Sylvan Oil Company of Ontario (Limit-
ed)," with a total capital stook of 5350,.
000. The following aro the incorporators:
J. A. Rollins, Calvin Lutz, Isaac Newton,
David 51E1, A. J. Rollins, Joseph Senior,
Hugh Spaokmen, R. H. Collins, W. H.
Lovett, 0. H. Sanders and T. W, Hawk-
sbaw, of the village of Exeter ; J. T.
Roberts, C. W. McGuire, Wm. Stanly
and W. H. Hollande, of the town of Park-
hill ; John Atmore and Andrew Elliott,
of the township of West Williams, Mid-
dlesex county, and Valentine Rate, of the
township of Stephen, in the county of
Huron. The objeob of the company ie to
prospect, open and develop deposits of
petroleum, mineral oil and natural gas.
While the funeral procession of John
Mulvihill was passing Sycamore and
Ohtrroh streets, at Cincinnati, Ohio, on
Friday of last week, a drove of steers
passed. Several of the animals got into a
fieroe fight and ran into the carriages.
Oue oar:riage contained Policeman John
Connor and ex•Ald. Richard Ennis.
Both were thrown to the street and
severely injured. The cattle lunged at
one another and then crashed against the
carriage in whioh the Mulvihill family
were seated, breaking the earrings door.
The members of the family jumped from
the carriage and ran into a house. The
brutes ran against the hearse and almost
upset it. All the monrnere and people
on the streets were panic•strieken and
several of them had narrow escapee from
being trampled to death. A large mita
ber of men then made a rnsh on -the anis
mals, which were finally driven away.
The mourners re entered their carriages
and the procession was resumed.
Ceram --In Brussels, on Aug. 10111, the
wife of Mr. W. A. Oriels, of a son,
Wrelorn,—In,Brnesele, on Aug. 7th, the
wife of Mr. J. H. Wismar of a eon.
BttmagrTNE,—In St. Thomas, on August
3rd, the wife of Mr. David Ballan-
tyne, formerly of Grey township, of
a daughter.
May.—In Atwood, on Aug. 1st, the wife
of Mr. Robt. May of twine—boy and
LA:MEX.—Iu Wingbam, on July 241b,
the wife of Mr, Jas. Langley of a
C000c.—In Wingbam, on August 2nd, the
wife of Mr. Ohm. Cook of a daughter.
Boa:mos.—On Wednesday, August 4th,
the wife of Mr. Dudley Holmes, of
Goderioh, (formerly of Brussels) of a
Lusrre—Na1Lr..—Iu Listowel, on July
28th, by Rev. Mr. Morlook, of Lis•
towel, Mr. August Lustig, of Ohes-
ley, to Mise T. Neill, of Listowel.
Gnat—POLLann.—At the residence of the
bride's parents, on July 21st, by Rev.
D, Forrest, Mr. Chas. D. Gray, of
Page, North Dakota, to 1Vliss Emma
R., third daughter of Mr, Richard
Pollard, MaKiltop.
Laxoram.—In Wingbam, on August 411i,
Mary E„ beloved wife of James
Langley, aged 24 yenta.
ConNion.—ln Morris, on Saturday, Ang.
701, 1897, William Cornish, aged 51
years, 7 months and 0 days.
HANNA.—In Morris, on Thursday, Aug.
6th, 1897, Ann Girdwoed, relict of
the bate George Hanna, aged 76 years,
10 months and 13 days.
MoDoN,tnp, In Lietowol, on Sunday,
August 8th, 1807, Wi liiam McDonald,
aged 43 years, 6 menthe and 2 days,
F,A,Z,Z, F'A=2,iv1,
Industria(, Toronto, Aug, 80 Sept. 11.
Montreal, Aug. 19.28.
Western, London, Sept, 9 18.•
Central, Guelph, Sept. 15.16•.
Northern, Walkerton, Sept, 16.16,
IMorniugton, Milverton, Sept. 10.17.
Great Northwestern, Goderioh, Sept.
Southern, Brantford, Sept. 21.24.
Woodstock, Sept. 22.28.
North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 23.24.
East Huron, Brussels, Sept. 30 & Oot.
Winghant, Sept, 28.20.
Blyth, Oot. 5 & 6.
Palmerston, Sept, 27 & 28.
W,aakerbon, Sept. 15 & 16,
Clifford, Sept. 23 & 24.
F. S, SCOTT, Brussels,
Sale milli 1 Caere let. Good cistern,
furnace, alto. Will be sold at a bargain.
Apply to THE PosT Publishing House.
First mortgage, farm smutty. Apply
at THE POST Publishing House, Brussels.
ty VIrE: -Tho cost of service of my flue
registered Jersey Bull is now 81 for grade!
Get the best. G. A. DEAD IRAN.
premises of the undersigned, Lot 10,
Oon, 11, Grey, on or about June lfi. The own-
er is 100005tod to prove property, pay ex-
penses and take her away.
2.4 JNO, CAMERON, Cranbrook.
MRtSo . W'vH
to InforGROm the laTAYLORdies '00 BrusevISlsES and
vicinity that she Is prepared to make up
switches, curls, braids, &e., out or hair comb-
ings, Orders left at Mrs, E. Rogers' store,
Brussels, or sent to Box 144, 8eatortlr, will
receive prompt attention and satisfaction
having left my bed and board without
my will or consent,I hereby warn the public
against giving her credit ou my amount, as
I will nob be respousible for tbo sane after
this date, GABIRIEL NEA131'1.,,
Grey, July 20 Mx, 1807. Grey township.
DEne10NED has several good Farms for
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F 8, SCOTT, Brussels
RENT.—The undol'sigoed 'offers his 100
acre farm for sale or to rout, being ,Lot 10,
Con. 0, in the Township of Grey. Possession
given at once. For prior, terms and inform-
ation apply to T. MOOR70,
0-4 Proprietor, Brussels.
near Brussels. Great bargain, Lot 7,
Con. 0, Grey township. Good buildings and
orchard, well watered, suitable for mixed or
dairy farming. 1'oseess(on given next
Mach, with privilege of doing Pall plowing.
Apply to W. H. 11,701110, PM Publishing
Hou se, Brussels,or to THOMAS HERITAGE,
Loudon West,
-Ho acres of good farm -laud at
Springfield, 8 miles frau Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for sale at slow prrioe. The property is
North East 3 See. 10, Twp, 11, Mange 4, East.
There is a house ou the premises auG some
breaking dare. leer full particulars as to
price, tibia• &o., write or apply to
G, F. BLAIR or W. H. EF,RR,
20 -be Brussels', Out.
DnaslaNEn offers his eligible 04 acre
farm for sale, being South part of Lot fi
Con. 15, Grey. all sudor oultivation,woll
watered and well fenoed. There is a good
ono Lha premises L bAleo oao splendid stone
quarry from whioh agood revenue is realiz-
ed. Only 24 miles from Brussels. Terms
reasonable. For further particulars as to
price, 40,. apply to
JOHN MITCHELL, Proprietor,10-tf Brussels P. 0
of too
(3 of Lot 80, Oontl2, and South 4
i ,East wring
llollr, supplied
s is itn emollient spring
Ib 10
wesitll ted o 8 milh es
from tb water. Itis
a about . miloa largo
f I thriving der
lage of, Myth. Ala•go pas of it is a under
grass, repair.
and fences 0.'o in a fol
state of Cir; Eas terms ofp ply tr, will
be given, For all information apply to
11 -ti G, F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels,
L., That excellent farm, Lot 10, Con. 8,
Township of Grey,100 acres, mud be Bold at
come in order to close estate of cleooasedown-
er. The lot ie nearly all cleared, with good
buildings, ample water moonily, large or-
chard, 14 miles from Cranbrook is under
good cultivation and ie a very desirable pro-
pertyindeed. Apply to RIOHARO MIT-
CHELL, Brussels P, 0. ; JOHN MITO00ELL
on the promises • or A, BUNTER, Brussels.
Dated S0p8.10110, 1880,
Licensed Auotionoor. Sales eonduot
ed on reasonable terms, Panne slid farm
etookaepoolalty. Orders left at Tan Poem
Publishing House,Brussols,or sent to Walton
P, 0., will receive pnompt attention,
�p prices, to
better men in nee time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in Beet Enron
or loo won't charge anything. Dates and
orders can always be arranged at' this office
or by personal applioation.
Who has had 25 years oxpsriOuee as an
Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing to 111
health, has again taken out booboo and is
prepared to oo1duot sales at reaoonable
terms, Sat,sfaotion 11167autood. Dates may
be arranged at Tug STP'shinHenn)Oiilg
18-11 duobloiieer,
Immediate -a el of
Follows tllO application
of one Of our
Belladonna Plasters,
That excruciating pain in the back,
that annoying lameness disappears at
once. Why euifer when a cure costs
only 25 oonts 7 These Floaters are very
soothing and do not irritate the akin or
cause a troublesome itching.
REMEMBER we have every facility
for Compounding Dootor'e Prescriptions.
Extreme care, Pure Drugo and Low
Prices are the rule
AT ,.,Q,c, .
"'dog'smt p F ore o
P. S.—Store clone every night at 8
o'clock. Saturday nights excepted.
x.91• Solicitor and Couveyauoer. Collec-
tions made. OSiao—Vanstone's Block, Brus-
sels. 21-3m
• Solicitor,Conveyancer .Notary Pub-
lic, 7o. Oifioe—Vaustone's Blook, 1 d00r
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
• (Formerly of Cnmemn, Holt
Cnmeron,) Barrister sod , lar, Goderioh
Ont. OII]¢e—liumlit.
iltou Bt., Oppoaito 001
borne Hotel.
Solicitor, Sm. !late of Gamow &
Proudfoot's 011100, GOdoldoh.) Mike oyer
Gilliee & Smith's Bank, Brnseels.
Money to Loan. 47
M,D., 0, M., Trinity Onivereity, Follow Trin-
ity Medical Oollego, Member Oollega of Phy-
sicians and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate oft he
Royal College 01 Ph eiolens and Lieentfato
of Midwifery, Edinburgh, rTelepbo»e
80,14, Residence, Mill 1 t., Brussels,
lst Class Efonor Graduate of the Cniversi-
11e0 01 Trinity (Toronto, Qucan's (Kingston),
and of Trinity Medical °allege; Follow of
Trinity Medical 0011000 end member o1 the
Collage of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar-
io. Post Graduate Course in Detroit and
Chicago, 1890. spawln' attention paid to dis-
eases of Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and dis-
easesof Women, r.(-'0 °imitation iu ling.
limb and German. Telephone ab residence.
• Isa»ror ofatat•1•iogeLios leoe, Offloe
at bis Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels.
174) N. BARRETT,
eJ • Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
south of A. kl, Muliayd no's hardware etoro.
Larlioe'aud ohildreus hair cutting a epeoialty
lssuef of Mart'iage Licenses,
Omen AT JEwnewe 8700.
t'No Witness Required. as
T. FLETOHl7R, Brussels
Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour
Co. Huron. Oonveyanoer, Notary Public'
Land Loan and /neurone° Agent. Funds
invested and to loan, Oolleotioue made
Oilloe in Graham's 13 look, Bruee0ls,
Will give lessons to noodle either on
piano or organ, at hie Musio Room, opposite
the post-olhoo, 3311161101i.3311161101i. Vocal loesoas also
f vou, 'Ten years experience in teacbiug.
Terme moderato,
Anoint Odor of Vnitod Workmen.
This old and prosperous Fraternal A (moo
(tion nubebering 800,000 members 800 pro
sorting to the public their p apolar and econ-
omical 0,100 be worthy men, at the very low
rate of about 2800 per 01,000 per annum.
The "Worlunen" Promptly Pay Death
Clain), and expect a large Morena() to its
montbore now that those Amorfean Line
Companies don't eoom eatiefaobory to Can-
aai oat..eamwr 1ONG,M.w,; W.Emelt et, Emelt
J. A, OREIGHTO1,L'inaboier.
el • Honor Graduate Of the Ontario
Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all
['Mimosas of domesticated animals In a com-
petent manner, Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to, °Moe and infirmary—Pour doors
north of bridge Turnberry Brusseie.