The Brussels Post, 1897-8-13, Page 5.;,,.. l t'r17 v..sa lOeter erelL'seere eletWilWetleg ( ieStetnetteMenna'e-a sp renotineallteebia'a Of.r.rG9 ,415..07,10 CartigS6rr.G istii.ct c`lttvs. beeseseerta so - Tho rate of taxation tine year will bo 21 mine ou the tt. The weterwurlce extension on Petrick otreot from Shnter to b'rancaa street has boon completed. Pearl Moan the little droplet' of Wm, Moore, had the ei.1ortnuo to fall from a cherry trio and break her loft atm S. G. Brown, formerly of the Tinea, has rimmed an excellent position on the Winnipeg North -Wester, as dispatch re- porter, The Voters' list for the town of Wing. ham has been priuue(' and delivered 6o the town clerk. re shows 812 votoro--•in part ono, 688 ; pert two, 162 h part throe, 122, and 270 untitled to servo as jurors, The boiler for the Wingham Flax 21811 has arrived end tho workmen are busily engaged in placing it in position. The boiler Was 1)0116 by Mr, Crystal, of Gado. rioh. Tho rest of tbe naohinery arrived from Baden and will bo placed in position a6 once, Trowlrrfclg•o. Tho Partnere in this locality have been making good use of their time. During the last week the weather has been fine and one of the best crape of wheat that has been harvested for a number of years has been secured in the barns in good shape within the last few days. There has been pone loss with the hay, some having been badly spoiled by re. maining out too long, but that loos will be more than made up by tbe abundant crop el after grass, and the land is certainly in great shape for Fall wheat seediug• Surely we have cause for thankfulness. And still we hear the old cry that farming does not pay. Whether it pays or, not this country is evidently improving very fast. The old log barn htaa gisee place to some of the hest heel: bareo to bo found in the Dominion and the same may be said of bones. Tile townehip of Elnia eau boast of some of the finest brick dwel. liege to be found in any townehip in this western country and yet they tell us that farming don't pay. Something p aye evidently. nee vales. School commences on Monday, the 1G611 lost. Itlrs. Putlnnd was visiting in Brussels this week, J, Poland hoe bought an Iunen pony for hie lumily. Mr. Rutherford, who has been stoic so long, keeps about the same. Sandy Dleseer has started oot with his threshing =chine. It is doing good work. The driving mare belonging to A. Mo. Ewen was killed during the storm on Sunday. Bluevale football players would like to play the champion League team a friend- ly game. 'lir•. Sheridan, en old resident of this place, is visiting friends and aoquaine anus here. E. W. Brae, B. A., end wife, of To- ronto, were the guests of Mrs. frame in Blneval8. Wonder where the champion Wing- hamites would have been had it not been for Bicevn's footballers ? R. MaPheraou has sold his property, need as a bntober shop, to O.R. Brinker, who will use it for a tailor shop. Our faotory has made another sale of cheese, the July make. Dir. Cook was the purchaser, at SS cents. Biuovalo leads. Jos. Pugh has bought the livery beef. nese in tine place from Hugh Johnston, Mr. Johnston intends moving to Gode- riah shortly. Rev, J. W, West came borne on Mon- day, after a week's visit to his former home in Woodstock, He brought a Moe young driving horse home With him. Our village is deserted of boys and girls these days, owing to flax pulling. There is considerable blowing about their big work. W. Duff and J. Macintosh run the two largoet gangs. LaIe towel. B. Witter repreeeuts Court Listowel I. 0. F., at the meeting of the High 0onrt at Brantford this week. Mre. R. L. Alexander and three daugh- tors, of Calgary, N. W. T. are the guests o Mre E. M. lexander, Main street. f ,D 3 , H. B. Moryhy left for a weeks' yacht. ing ou the Georgian Bay with H. H. O'Reilly and a number of other gentle- men, Mise Clara Goddard has been appoint- ed to the position in the Public school made vacant by the resignation of Alias Terbune. The High Sobool Board is asking for tenders for the oonstrootion of about 800 square feet of granolithio walk at the Vigil school. Misses Watson civ Gibbe, milliners, have dissolved partnership, as Miss. Watson is Leaving town. The badness will be oon- tinned by Miss Gibbe, Miss DI. A. Bolton, vooali06, bag gun on au extended vistt to Hamilton, Dundee and Brookville, She also in- tends visiting her parents in Portland. M. MoD. Fioming left last ween on a ttvo months' trip to the old land. Hie merohaut tailoring busineoe will be in charge of Mr. Leslie during his absence, W. Godfrey, G. T. Il. agent, and Mrs. Godfrey are taking a holiday trip to New York state, J. Hogarth, relieving agent, is in.°narge of the station during Mr. Godfrey's alumnae. Mr. and Mre. R. 0. Bamford and Mr. andiMre, R.' Thompson and;family left last week for the Brune Peninsula, where they will enjoy tho breezee of Lake Huron for a few Weeks. Mrs. J. W. Soolt returned home Tues. day of last week, after epending between two and three m0n1h0 at the Pandit ooaebi various points in California, Washington and British Colombia being included in the trip. Mus, Soott was a passenger on the 0. P. R. tuain which met with an accident between Arthur and Uraugovillo on Tuesday, in which several care were thrown from the traulc. Fortunately none of the paeeengere were injured. Mre, Booth, however, had the somewhat unusual experiehoe of riding on the tender of the l000motive for a few miles, This was the only mishap which she net with on her journey of several thousand miles Moe,S Cotta Potion 1 h , John Livw„etono, sr., aoaonpatlf0d hau on hen homeward trip from the Cooed, btit went on to Toronto, intending to viait his sou, Neil Livingetone, at George. town, for a day 08 two before returning to town. During ono of aha rout storms the stable on Mr, 0811110118 property, Inhale elan street west, Was streak by lightning and burned, 80110 fire brigade turned out, but before they weld roach the sane the building was beyond saving, There wad a small insurance on ib, Probably the oldest sign in town was taken (lawn for repairs a day or two ago, It ie the large horse collar that James Lee lint put rip in front of hie plane of bnaineas on Mail arae, ,vest over thirty ye:n•e ago, and whieb has solved as a standing advertisement up to the pres0at time, John Weteon, of the Lietewel brewery, had the product of a O'.aore field of Fell wheat threshed on Tuesday evening of last week, the yield being about 76 ba8hele, Had it not been for the depre. datione of the eparrowe it would likely have gone oloee to 40 bushels to the sore. It is it fine sample of wheat of the Geueese variety. .E:t;lits 1. School ro•opens next Monday. Principal Dobson is back from hie Stayner trip and ready to resume work next Monday. A new engine hoe been p0rahased by W. MoLeod to aid in the better preemie. tion of 1110 work. Miss Newcombe is renewing old friend- ehipe in Ethel. She is a daughter of Rev. Mr. Newoombe, a former pastor of the Methodist ohurah, now of Olinton. Win. Cook has had a verandah placed in front of his residence whioh greatly improves the appearance. Wm. Routley did the work for whioh he (100erves credit. It is said the G. T. R. is reducing its section gang and as a result Albert Crooke, one of their employees, will try the West, probably going next Wednes- day on the Excursion. h'. J. Enefer, ovnugelist, of Laohute, Quebec, is holding a aeries of evangelistic meetings in a Gospel tont, on the grounds of 71, F. 11'IrO.11ister, in Ethel, every evening this week, at 8 o'clock, also on Sunday (D. V.) at 2.30 and 8 p. m. All are cordially invited. PIoe. 1N. Schools reopen next Monday. Peas are a poor crop this year. Farmers are very busy just now. Always look at the Morris news in Toa Pose. Plowing for Fall wheat is in fashion by up.to•clate farmers. 0. Miobie went to work again on Tues- day of this week. The steam thresher is at work and wheat turns out well. Mise Mary Minnie is home again from Turuberry township. Mrs. Stevenson, of Clinton, is the guest of Dirs. Ed. Beeman. 1Mliss Grace Walker is hone from Buffalo on a holiday visit. Miss Janet Hood has gone on a visit to friends for a couple of weeks. Some of our farmers are threshing their wheat. I6 is a good yield. Mies Bella Kirton, of Turuberry, was visiting for a short time in Morrie. Reports come from souse eeotione of Manitoba that rain is badly needed, The Fall wbeat is a heavy Drop in general and takes a lot of barn room. Isaac Miekimmine is visiting bis mother and other friends in Morris at present. C. Hall is home from Winghmn for a short time and is engaged ab harvesting with Wm. Miobie. Councillor M. M, Cardiff, Geo. Kelly and other Morrieftes talk of taking a trip to Manitoba on the excursion next Wed. nesday.l Rev. W. G. Hanna, B. A„ of Uxbridge, was here lest week attending the funeral 01 his mother. He returned home on Monday. Who was it that was ordered out of a berry patch a few days ago ? Too mno11 gab don't do and the owner of the patch did right. We know a number of young ladies who went berry picking, After filling their pails they filled their hats also. Good for the 7611 line. The farmers of Morrie won't have mash hay after all as all the early out hay Was spoiled and what is standing yet ie ripe and rusty, Thomas Russell, 7th line, found grow. log an his farm two bunches of wheat whioh had stalked well as one contained 53 stalke and the other 60. Beat it will you farmers ? The owner oft t white rooters the two running at largo on a form neer Sun. shine had better look after them or the rooters will be found in the cooler. Far- ms don't want their crops cultivated by hogs too much. We were visited by a terrible rain storm, accompanied by heavy thunder and lightning, on Monday evening of this week. Tho Drops were badly beaten down. A lob of barley was out and gob a dronahiug of °aurae. Mrs. John Engel and eon, of Paw Paw, Mioh., are enjoying a holiday at Chas. Bozell's, 4th line, Mre. Engel is a daugh- ter of Mr. and Mre, R,ozell's, and judging by appearance Michigan m net be it healthy part of Dnole Sam's domain, David P. Oautelou, son of Arthur Cantelon, 8rd line, who went to Missouri last Winter, grew tired of the eouutry and went to Manitoba, He was relieved of his wealth in St. Paolo by a Knight of the road who undertoolt to look after that bulky commodity for him. 0. Michie met with a painful accident while desoonding a ladder at D. Meikle' john's barn. Ho stepped heavy on a rusty nail, causing a painful wound. Mr. M. hag had the foot dreeeed several times by a doctor and it is doing as well as eau be expected. It will be some time before the wound clan be healed up again. Alex. Bryane has raised a pup in a very unusual manner. Before tho pup's eyoe were opened, its mother was rte over and killed, so Mr, Bryane fitted a nipple on to a large bottle filled with milk, and pr000edocl to bring tho puppy up "by lined" like "Pip" in the "Great Expecte, ,lone," If left alone with hie bottle 000106in100 he would gorge bitneell until he couldn't move, and if the ohfldven woad take the bottle away ho would ory after it like a real baby. The Oroviile, Oal., Weekly Mercury, el July 80611, says "Tho Mogalia Sunday school had an entertainment Saturday evening, It woe a st00000 socially and neonatally. The superintendent, Mies Carrie Brydon, is deserving of great praise for the interos6 she takes in trying g to do good. She has many diftioultiea 60 Don• tend with, but, however, with a smile and kind word for every one, she ova - throes them a6 best elle can," The above lady is a sister to Mre, Walter Innes, 5th line, Morris. Trrr+ RRrTSSFLS pn8T y..rAV. 7 .S4:3«,t'f'::<:'i'wrra41AndaR'1 eolaiMlwiln'i asieriWr d% ata'l=1668.1=tBleWiet'Eessetearme'tesi"nsi,', Mies Clara Cousins, of Seahlrtll, hi R. Pollard. The ooromony was per- j visiting her oriole, ,Jae, Ireland, 6111a week. Throelling etarted on the Sed line at lliejlard MRRo11011'0 on Saturday of last wont, W. H. Olaakoy le home from Lando,' where he has boon employed for eever,lI months. Riohera Armstrong used 102 pound. of twine in nutting 40 aura of wheat, The wheat straw in Huron is all right. The voters' Ila, 00111aia10 a total of 020 mono, en inoroese of CU over heat year. There are 420 persons qualified to serve as jurors. J, D. L. Henry bele retnrued from hie trip this week and will resume hie duties in S. S. No, 4, Morris, 00 Monday worm ing, August 16th. A terrific rain and hail 'norm struck a section of Morris on Sunday end travelled westward. Saoh a storm has not been seen for many years and ft is thought that the Drops were damaged by it. Jas. Ireland bad nine acres of Winter wheat which took thirty-four pounds of pure Manilla twine to tie i6 up and twenty-five trips were made to the field in order to got it into the barn. Who can beat this record ? Mrs. Jos. Breckenridge, of the Bound. ary, set it turkey on a neat of eggs and the gobbler cauls along and gathered seven of the eggs to himaell and eat on them closely for a few days lvhea he was dioeovered mod shut nub, But Yeeen.—Last Sa6nrday Jno. Ames' threshing machine was eet to work on James Sharpe's farm, 5611 line. They started work at 1 p, m , threshed 826 boxes of wheat and 8 bags of grass seed and then moved a0roa the 0onee88ion where 150 boxes of wheat were Slut through, the whole work ouly occupying four hours, From 4 aores of Damaarat wheat there was a return of 100 bushels or 40 bushels to the acre, a femur: yield for this old reliable variety of wheat. Mr. Sharpe took a grist of this wheat to Brussels on Monday and it scaled 81 pounds to the bushel, Ail we want now is a good price and the farmers will have reason t0 greatly 10j0iee. A PC01nllm Dros.—Dlrs. George Hanna, a resident of this township for the past 43 years, passed away from time on Thursday of last week, in her 77th year. Deoeaeed, whose maiden name was Ann Girdwood, was born in the County of Monaghan, Ireland on Sept, let, 1821. She emigrated to this country in 1837 and made her home iu Kitley township, Leede County. In 1850 she was united in marriage to George Hanna, who pre- deceased her about 8 years ago, and after living in the township of Elizabethtown for a time moved to Holmeaviilo, Huron Oo., in 1868 and a year later came to thio township, whore they took up land on the Gth con., upon which they resided until called to a better land. The sub- ject of this notice was an indomitable worker in her earlier yearn and did a good shore in helping her husband to transform hie farm from a primeval forest to well tilled acres. Mrs. Hanna had been ill since !ant March, paralysis and heart failure being the oaure of death. Tbs obildren are Rev. William G. Hanna, B. A., of Uxbridge ; Mies Hamra, of Morris ; Mrs. Cololough, of Goderioh township ; and Mre. Blair, of this township. The funeral took pleoe on Saturday, Mr. Muldrew, who is sup. plying- for Rev. Jno. Ross, of whose oburo11 deceased was a member, taking the service. • The pall bearers w010 :— W. Michie, Jno. Cools, T. Russell, P, (Dannon, Hugh. Hanna and Hugh For. sy611e. Onix.—A highly respected resident of this locality passed away hast Saturday morning in the person of William Cor- nish, aged 61 years, 7 mouths and 6 clays, The cause of death was oauoor of the otomaoh and liver with whioh deceased ins suffered, more or less, since last January. Mr. Cornish was born in Ply- mouth, England, and when 18 years of age enlisted in the American Navy in which he spent three years. During this time he saw a great deal of the world and when in a communicative mood could re- count many interesting eights and scenes. On coning to Canada he made his home et Brantford where he took up tbe trade of bricklaying at whioh ho Wae an excel. lent workman. Alter 12 years in the above mentioned oity Mr. Cornish came to Morris about 20 years ago and two years later was united in marriage to Mrs. Robe Burgess, his now bereft partner. Deceased was a quiet, unassuming man who dealt honestly with everybody and was most highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was a member of the 111 - dependent Order of Odd Fellewe and also the Independent Order or foresters, which organizations attended hie funeral iu a body on Monday, headed by the Brussels Band. Rev, R. Pall oonduoted an impressive eoreic° and at the grave the I. 0, 0. F. servi00 was also rendered. The floral offerings by friende and Odd Fellows were beautiful. Many sympa. thine with the widow in her bereavement, Mre. Ournieh and family wish to return their heartfelt thanks to the kind friende and members of the Orders named for their kind110801181or0 and after the de- cease of Mr. Cornish.. .W'oltou. 8011001 (0.050110 next Monday morning. Farmers are busy threshing and gond results are repotted. Olcl 11Ir, Holmes, near Leadbery, has boon dangerously ill, Mr. Morrison and wife, of Barrio, are visibing relatives and friends in McKillop. Owing to the illness of Rev. Mr, Tiffin, hie work was supplied last Sab- bath by W. 1T. Kerr, of Tot Pon, Brus- sels. Mr. Barnes' now residonee, 1 2t con,, MoKillop, is well on toward completion, It will be a vary oommodioue and corm Portable home. 210 boxes of Walton faotory cheese were shipped from Brussels last week, part of June and July mance, The prion reoeiv001 was 8a cants per pound. Mre. Ann Stitt, who has been quite ill With typhoid fever at the home of hoe eon, Samuel 51166, 10 improving quite nicely and will soon bo able to get Ivbout. Last Sabbath afternoon there was a very hoavy rein storm, aoc0mpaoied by lightning, and as a result a shook of wheat woe sob on fire in Mr. SOarlett'e field. A more serious reec116 wog the burning of the barns of Woe. Lockhart, of McKillop township, near Grieve's bridge, which wore struck by lightning and totally destroyed, wits all the con. m Y Y , tents. Insured in the MoKillo Mutual. X eentoesn, —On the 21st of July Rev, D. Purest tied the matrimonial bow be- tween Ohne, D. Gray, a hardware • monttant, of Page, North Delete, and Mies Emma Eutb, third daughter of formed at the home of the bride. After 18 tour of the l,asteru nlliee Dir, and Aire, Gray sojourned for a few days in this to. orality, leaving on Tu00day for their home in Dakota. They will visit Mrs. Miller, of London, sister to the bride, while en route, The many friends of Mrs. Gray wish her and her husband many y0are of happiness and prosperity, in which Tun: Pose very heartily joint, "Wrc>xtieter. Frani, Sanderson, of Tarpnto, la home for a holiday. Joe Barnard has bought out tbe butchering business of Sohn Bray. Mr, Myles of Walkerton has been the guest of Mr. Simmotre for a few days. Rev. Mr. Kennedy, of the Methodist personage here, is holidaying in Sarnia and other pointe, A Y. 1'. S. 0, E. sooinl was held on the lawn of Thos. Gibson, M. P. P„ on Thursday nfgb6 last. Mr, and Mrs. Leppard, of Toronto, wore the gusto of Dr. Brawn and family for a few days this week, The interior of the 0. P. R. station here has just receiveda coat of kalsomine and paint wbioh adds not a 111110 to its appearance. From some 4$ acres of Fall wheat Wm. Sanderson, of this neighborhood, had 1,700 bushels of wheat threshed on Fri. day and Saturday lust. This ie a yield of over 36 bushels per acre. Dunoan Molieroher, who has just taken his degree of B, A•, by way of a change of pursuit hoe started for the Klondike. Being a young man of energy he will no doubt succeed in this as well as he did at his studies. $7,800 Given Away To persona who make the greatest num- ber of worrier out of the phrase, "Patent Attorney Wcddorburn." For particulars address the National Recorder, Washing. ton, D. C. 5 8 E-A,Etztz 3 , S T1s, to EXCURSION .�O —TO— CAtdAClAN NORTH—WEST AUG -UST 18,'97 From all Stations in Canada to any valet on Luo Canadian Pacific or ➢fauitoba 01 North-Western Railways in Manitoba and Assiniboin, West and South-West of Winnipeg as far as Moosejaw, Estevan and Saltcoats, inclusive FOR 14 Certificates will be issued entitling per. phasors to Return for $14 on or before Nov. 30610, 1001 18011 information at G. T.1t. stations. J. N. K> NDALL, Agent, Brussels. GEO. HEX), " Ethel. �I 1 JEB MN NS American Plymouth Special, American Sheaf); Absolutely Pure lIanilla, Comeau Sisal, Red Flag, Blue Tag, Standard Manilla, Jubilee–Guaranteed Alanine Selected 1'Ianilla. Come and be convinced that we have t110 best quality of twine and the lowest prices ever offered in Brussels. McI�AY 8 COM etta 'y7Ydlnupdw Yrrruuq,'y7;y,yy.,,,�„1yy ED TO SACHCE This "ed ' fa all about Drees Goods. It's been a wonderful flrese Goode ammo with us. Sold more goods --made more new customers—.mere friende than during any pr0vlou0 year. We're continually planing, and one cf ear plans now ie to get rid of all Summer Drees Gonne at their present worth. Thi': ,e the time when we "Let Go," Every piece of light colored Drees tioede .,,1 i,,. marked at prife8 that will clear thorn daring the next ten days. 5 pieces Satin Belie] well flniall1(1, pretty shoots in fawne and green', field every place at 50e but our aloe 60 clear is 800. 7 pieces Henrietta 010611 44 helms wide, good shades in Garnet, r'awu and Green, worth from 600 to 000, will be sold for 300. 8 pieces epeuial line of Congo Blaok Drain Goode. These goods aro fast Mors and will not stain with acid, double fold, neat brocade patterns, marked down to 30o. In the above lot there are 20 pieces and sub values we have never attempted before. Id will do you good to see these goods end even if you do not want to buy tome, it will be n chance to test the worth of nor "ads." COTTON DRESS GOODS.. A general reduction in all linea of Summer Dress Goode, including Prints, Zephyrs, Duck, Crinkles, etc. These goods are the newest materials and up-to-date patterns, some of them are worth 12,1o, 14e, 1:,u, 180 and 20o a yard, but we now make a "Big Cut" and you may have your choice for 10 C .7E N'� S A Y' A P2,L . We've had a study of this clearing problem. It's Oar to ns to sell —we hops to make it clear to you to buy. We've put our conscience in thin as in all our dealings with the people, and the growth of 61110 businees;is proof that it wins every time, 11 'New Goods Every Season. MN 14 LYTH. I1 � it a , { r S ! i I v ® l6yq �, ( I �. �I ' j �j it �l }tr[,rrrSLE Of all 0 DS Odra lines in :Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves, UncZer- zvear, Dress Goods, Cottons and Mzcsliaas, fact all kinds of 8&6777,77zer Goods to be cleared out Regardless of Cost. We have already received New Goods for Fall, We've got the Styles. We've got the Prices. VERY section of this store is a centre of interest, and JEJ if you wish to save money in Dress Goods, Clothing, Men's Furnishings or Boots and Shoes, you can save it by buying here, Bargains are ripe and no wards can equal personal observation. THERE IS NO REASON Why our prices should not be, without exception, the low- est, No effort is spared, in making shopping a pleasure and gain i11 buying at this store. Many Specials in Dress Goods and 1Vlantle Cloths,. Many ,Specials in Boys' and Men's Clothing.. Many Specials in Boots and Shoes. A personal inspection will prove our prices to be correct. Call and take a look through. 100,000 Lbs. of Wool Wanted MUST HAVE IT AT THE LIBTOWEL W Otxir.#(St IM HILLS. HIGHEST CASH PRICE that can ,possibly be paid or in ex- changing Wool for goods a few cents per Ib. extra will be paid and guarantee to soll goods at Cash Prices. READYMADB CLOTHING.—A11 styles and sizes int Men's and Boys' Suits. Special value this season in our ownn i ko of Tweeds. Before disposing of your wool call on �. ''. `' ztoon*, LISTOWJL,