HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-8-13, Page 3A TTI;, (i. 1$97
'own Direottny.
Mtlbvirbll 00080u,—Sabbath Services
ab 11 a rn and 7:00 p.m, Sunday School
at 2:80 p m, Rev, John Ross, B A,
JoHm'e Cuunoa'.—Sabbath Services
At 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday Soltool
at 2:30 p. m, Rev.,Geo, 2, Abey, imoum.
Memnon: Cuunan,—Sabbath Servioes
at 10:30 a m and 7:00 p m. Idunday
Sobool at 2;80 p m, Rev, S. J. Arlin
ROMAN (SA'rnobio Ononon: Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every mouth, at
100 a m. I1ev Joseph Kennedy
13Ar,vdttluv ,,aur..--darri„a al 7 and 31
a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at
the barracks,
One Pnrnows' Lonna every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
MAW= Lonna Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield blook,
A 0 UW Lopes on the 8rd
Friday evening of each month, in Blau -
hill's block.
0 0 F Loners 2nd and last Tuesday
evenings of earth month, in Blashill's
I 0 F, 2nd and lase Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L 0 L let Munday in every month
in Orange Hall,
SoNs 01' SaorLANn, 1st and 3rd Tnes.
days of each month, in Odd Follows'
K. 0. T. M. Lonelt, 2nd and 4th Tues.
days of each month, in Odd Fellow's hall.
Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, 1st
and 8rd Mondays of saoh month in Blas -
hill's Hall.
A 0 F, 1st and 3rd Mondays of mach
month in Odil Fellow's Hall.
Hosie Oencn11, 2nd and 4th Friday even-
ings in Blasllili's Ball.
POST Oblast.-0(liuu 1)01re from 8 a.
m. to 0:30 p. m,
M10IAN1ae' INsetetre:.—Library in
Hn1' o blei.k, t.ii: bo opc.1 f1.,11 0 to 4
o cl./ei:l:. M. \Vednei days and 3:30 to 5
and 0 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mo
Nanghton, Librarian.
Tower CouNcm.—W. H. Herr, Reeve ,
Geo. Backer, Geo. Thomson, R. Lea-
therdale and B. G. Wilson, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thome! .Kelly,
Measurer ; 10, Ilingeton, 5.ssee9or and J.
T. .Boss, Collector. Board meets the 1st
Monday in eaoh month.
SCHOOL Botnn.—A. Hoenig, (chair.
man,) D. C. Ross, J. G. Skene, Jas.
Turnbull, A. Gousley and F. Van.
stone, Seo. -Tress., R. K. Boss.
Meetings 2nd ]friday evening in each
Punntc Smoot TaA0111311s.-3. H. Cam-
eron, Prinoipal, Leon Jackson, Miss
Downey and Mise Ritchie.
Bosun of flugerlr.—Reeve Herr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and Wm.
Jowitt. Dr. lloNaughtou, Medias'
Health Officer.
Apen t1',
Now dont the whoelman in his pride
Bestride his rubber steed,
And o'er the dusty boulevards
A modern Centaur speed ;
Hs looks around, behind, before,
Yet neer his gait he cheeks,
All hail the golfsooked bicyclist,
The prince of "rubbernecks."
In flannel suits and on arrayed
The tennis players go,
To "lob" and "serve" and "volley" where
The nate are stretched a. row
Andes the boys and girls play on
Sly Cupid soars above,
And plios his arrows while the games
Are mostly won to "love."
A.31 hail the "0aunie" Soot, •
Who hookey christened "golf,"
A "caddie" and a "badly spoon,"
A "putting green"—"they're off"—
See how they tramp o'er hill and dale,
Where horses neigh and whinny,
To gravely, sadly, play a game
Of Caledonian shinny.
And else the gentle angler Domes
With basket and with rod,
Belike it be he flehetll not
For mackerel or cod,
But on a retain bridge he site
Or perched on orumbliug dike,
And "bobs" unostentatiously
Foe "bullheads" and for pike.
What ho, the yachtsman, heave, ye ho,
Gold braided as to cap,
To "tuff" add puff and eat plum duff,
BeIay—he 110(11 a snap ;
A wet sheet aid a flowing sea,
A bask of ram—a dipper—
And there you have him—only mark—
Be sure you call him "skipper."
A word l0 the restless people—to Lite fast
and feverish ago :
A perfect manhood is bettor than any
wealth or wage.
Some are for gold—some glitter ; but tell
file, tell 010, when
Will the stand for the farm and the col•
lege,. that go far the tuelclig of men 2
Yea, wh,.t is the old farm fit for 2 The
word is wisely said ;
There may be etnmps in the pasture, and
the house may be a shad ;
Bub what if a Lincoln or Gladstone he
hove in this boy of ten 7
And what should the farm be tit for, if
not the raising of men 2
'Tie a scanty soil for the seeding, bub
here wo win One bread,
And a stout heart may grow stronger
where plow and harrow are sped ;
Then break up the bleak, high hill -gide,
and brenob the 5wraup and fen—
For what should the farm be fit for, if
not the raising of men 2
The crop by the frost is blighted, a nig•
gelid the 580800 imams ;
Yet the ready hand finds duties, and the
heart of youth has deepens,
The bar and the senate to.mor
r0N ; t0.
morrow the sword or the pen ;
For what should the farm be At for, if
not the raising of mon 2
And what if our lot be humbles—i5 We
en the farm abide 2
There is room foe noble living, and the
realm of thought is wide t
A mind 8nrioiled 1e a fortune—and you
will know it—when
You see that the farm is lit for the roar.
ing 0f noble men,
We trend the hills that bite T3oly, that the
Beautiful has trod ;
We tilt the fields of the 10111)108, we dress
the gardens of God.
The seer, the sego, anti the poet -•.they
utter the word again,
And ask what the farm Ls tilt for, if not
Iho roaring of mon,
378, Brown and Tunniolitie, Yorkshire
v5. Sussex, Sheffield, 1897,,,
340, llewsl00110 L. Carm'4'et, Slot. vs.
Ylre., Taunton, 1892.
303, Marlow and G. L. Wilson, Sx, vs.
0. U., Brighton, 1805.
283, 13. 13. Cooper and W. G. Graoe, G.
of S. vs. P. of S., Oval, I809,
200, Shrewsbury and Stoddart, Eng,
vs. M. 0, 0., Lord's, 1887.
243, Key and Ltaehluigh, 0. U. vs. 0.
U„ Lord's, 1880.
238, W. G, Grace end Matthews, Glos.
ve. Yks„ Sheffield, 1872.
231, Abel and Broekslli%w Surrey vs,
Sussex, Oval, 1807.
228, O'Brien and Stodlart, Mdx. ve.
Sy., Lord's, 1803.
2.20, Abel and W. 0, Grace, South vs,
North, Soarboro', 1880.
213, Hayman and Sloddart, Aida. vs.
Yke.. Lord's, 1830.
2k7, Bean and 0, L. Wilson, Ss. vs,
Glos., Brighton, 1803.
208, Lord Harris ttnd Lord Throwley,
Kt. vs. So., Gravesend, 1882.
200, Jupp and W. W. Road, Sy. vs.
Yks., Oval, 1077.
205, Stoddart and Wobbe, 11Idx. vs. Kt.,
Gravesend, 1880.
207, Fowler and L. Palairet, Sint. vs.
Glos., Bristol, 1811.1,
201, Abel and 13rnel:well, Sy, ve. Wwk.,
13irmineham, 1807.
20:i, l, tV U. Grata and Wcbbe, Gent.
202, Btutl,i and Cl.etteeeteee, North vs.
South, Oval, 1801.
205, Bohlen and Patterson, Phil, vs.
ftlitehell's XL, Haverford, 1801.
The 113ior r'19ileOs'That ,110 n 10,1318tant
.!lent•,,' On.
It is astonishing what queer thing
people will undertake to perform for th
sage of winning a wager. A Germs
man named Ilenrich t'1.. made a bet o
$1,250 that during the time between Jun
15, 1803, and January 1, 1900, ho tvoul
walk through at least two oonntries o
each of tbo five continents of the wort
defraying the expenses of hie journe
with the money he earned en route
Stott had plenty of adventures on hi
journey. In Algiers he was arrested as
spy, but acquitted after bei»; detains
four months in prison. He finally wo
his taper with 501110 days is spare.
54out," a1' 4a:title 301,(3 1)1)4 W.,0 the
recently aocoinpliehed by a wealthS
American named Hassam, of Cinoinnat
Title a e:1tlenlau ,,malt is 400 of „5,000
against 810,000 that he would trundle
wheelbarrow 10,0000 miles in 450 day
uuuer the following miles
and conditions: Ile orris to start fro
Cincinnati with only four cents in hipossession, and he had to return withi
the time specified either with 83000 f
cash or a wife.
He had neither to beg, borrow nor gee
any money during hie journey, nor ns
any of his private fortune, but must ear
the money to pay his way. He had t
put up at the besb Hotel in every place a
whi011 he stopped, and must pay not les
than $2 a day at eaoh of them. The
wager arose out of a discussion as to the
chance of obtaining work in the United
States, the man who eventually laid the
wager contending that money mild al-
ways be macre easily by one able and
willing to work. It is interesting to learn
that he won his bet, bringing home a wife
and money ileo.
Nob long ago a Parisian student in
order to win a bet swallowed five silk
neckties. The event took place in 0 beer
house just outside Paris. The conditions
were that the neokties should be cub into
pieces and dressed as a salad with oil,
Balt, vinegar and pepper, and this original
mixture should be swallowed within six
minutes. The student performed this
difficult operation in five minutes and a
half and washed down the salad with no
less them beu litres of beer. He therefore.
won the bet.
Some months ago 10 provincial hair-
dresser named Jacques won a bet of
$1000, which he had made with n rival,
that 118 would, blindfolded, shave 80 men
in an hour. He performed this remark.
able feat in fiftyuioe minutes without
iniliotiug a single ant. It is reoorded
that out of the $1000 Jacques gave half
to the deserving poor of his town, whom
he offered to shave gratuitously ever after.
Another shaving feat was that perform.
ed some time ago by a Hungarian barber.
Ile made a bet of 100 florins that he
would, on a railway journey of twenty.
nine athletes, from Pietayn to Neuetadt,
shave twenty-five leen without cutting
them. The bet was more than won, for
Ile aobually shaved three more than the
stipulated number.
Some years beak a farmer at Kirton
Lindsey, in Lincolnshire, rm�ert0olt for It
wager of a f03v pounds to ride a pony up
two pair of stairs into a chamber of the
George Ian, and down again ; which feat
he actually performed before a largo mom.
5007, whoseoll1ohlp cut was heighten.
ed Y derupwards of 240
pounds in weight, and hie horse less than
000 pounds. They were weighed after
the feat to decide another wager,
A year or two ago, Professor Jules
Guiltier accomplished a remarkable feat
in swimming from Folkestone to Dover,
shout eight miles, with his bangle and
foot Manacled. Although the Sett was
somewhat neigh and unfavorable, Gautier
started from Elle Victoria pier ab Folkes-
tone, at 12.10 p. m., in the preseucs of a
huge concourse of 1)005(e, and success.
fully accomplished the distau00, reaching
Dover at :1;101?. M,
in a fog off Newfoundleud the Dutob
stemma 1otterdam ebruok it reef and lost
4,000 tons of bll.
"Oanst thou minister to a mind disoas.
ed 2" Mike Macbeth, Certainly, Inv lord;
the condition of the mind depends largely,
if not solaiy,on the condition of the atom.
aoh, liver, and bowels, for all of which
complaints Ayee's Pills aro "the cove.
reigned thing on earth,"
At,%' fARl:T8 OA, TIRE `3'Ontrik, I The redneed rates recently made by
the Sno line from St, Paul to Montreal,
The lot,„, in the alphabets 00 lee dir. New York and Boston, have been made
feroit Nations vary in number of lettere by the western roads.
from 12 to 202, Thu Sandwich islanders 21)911. 1'. 11. imugaratc'd a daffy fast
have the filet named number, the Bo'- freight service Thursday bet wean Mort.
mese 10, Italians '20, Bengeleee 21, (real and Sb. John N, B. The distance
Hebrew, Syriac), Oheldenn end Sentare, will be oovered in 80 hour%
Dutch and English, 20 each, Spanish
and Slavonic 27 each, Armenian 88, Kee.
elan 41, Old Muscovite 13, Beneath and
nt:,t,7 other Ort,.1' l eingeeges heel e1')
each Bthiopien and Tar1Ori,ui have 202
Election 'Trials.
Toronto, Aug, 0—Fermat application
bee 11',,..., lee 1, for un eieior of pv41,110/.10
in the North Ontario election mase.
Dut10a11 Graham, the Patron•Liberal
member of that oonsbitueoey, seeks the
order, and Angus MoLood, the defeated
Conservative candidate, who claims the
seat, is .asked to furnish the particulars of
the chargee he sets forth 10 his petition.
The examinetlono on either side have nob
yet been held. The trial of the North
Ontario mase will be heard at Canning -
ton next, month by Justice Faloon.
bridge and Justice Street. John
Fyfo'e petition against W. H. Bennett, 20.
P. for Fleet Siineoe, le to he heard by
Justice Ii'ergneon and Justice Mc-
Mahon at Barrie on Ang, 23r,(, and Syl-
vester Day's petition against Chas, 13.
Hsyd, M. P., for South Brant, at Brant-
ford, ou Sept. 2, by Juetice Rose and
Justice MoMithon,
AN Ole 3).YCICONElf.
Now that the Yukon mines foam the
chief topic of interest, the old pioneers
who years ago first veutored into the
then altogether unknown wilds are fur.
bishing up their recollections of the
early clays, One of these men is Gilbert
B1'ebant, ono of those who ten yearn ,ago
took pori 1n - e
the fleet r t
1 I t 1) h 1) Forty Mile.
Afr.:Brrbnnt's memory pee tacit as I01rg
w Mr h1 r' ,
ay, a �w c the :toc,ng da• a t,f
the rebellion In But ern (2wladit fs 1807:
He was then a boy living in St, Lin, and
he remembers his father and grandfather
taking part in the fighting. Leaving
home he first event to Wisconsin, but in
1858 he came to British Columba and
has since then mind fn earily)°, Ceesiar,
Omineoa and the Yukon,
"There were 230 men went into the
Yukon the year I was there," said Mr.
Brabant," but only fifty of us Wintered
on Forty Mile, the others returning to
the coast in the Fall. We left Victoria
on the 0111 of April and a week later
reached Juneau, where we fitted out for
the trip over the Ghil000t pass. Our
party wero well used to mining and hard•
ship, eo the carried packs of 100 pounds
each over the pass and had to make two
trips over the mountain to get in all our
enppli50. The pass I 000nider too heavy
for Summer travelling, but it is better in
the Winter, as one can make steps in the
snow to get a 10001,olct to climb,"
The distance to Lake Bennet, Mr. Bre.
bout thinlro, fo nbnof 37 mitre, ,and frolu
there the rust of the journey was made
over the chain of lakes to the Lewis river
en the int. Then the rent of the journey
was made by way of the Hootalingna and
Yukon to Forty -Nilo. 33x011001 s party
reached Forty -Mile by Jere 18, nd eller
exploring nearly two bemired miles of
the Hootalinqua they decided to work a
bar onForby.Mile. In two months be
and three others of his party made 9700
to 5800 apiece. They Wintered in 111e
Yukon and Dame book to the ()oast in the
following Spring. Some of the miners
were more lucky than Brebant'e party,
getting as high as 92,000 to $3,000 for
their season's work.
'1 did not go back to the Yukon a sec.
mad time," said Mr. Brabant, "but
Joseph Leman, who had been with ,118,
started off the next year, worked his way
up Canyon creek and discovered Mill
week, on Sixty.11lilo. Bo took oat 911,-
11;000 that year and it ,,lade me feel sorry
I had not acne."
Mr. Brabant is not at all envious, how.
ever, of the big sums that other men
have made, though he says he worked
hard bub never managed to make a big
sulks himself. He seemed particularly
pleoeod to hear of the section of Neil Me-
Arthar in the Hlondyke,
"He is one of my old friends," said
Mr. Brsbani," "and I am glad to know
he has been successful.
G'eiterat P.5 W'a.
The Winnipeg Board of Trade has ap•
pointed a oommittee to consider the ship-
ment of Manitoba products to the West
Indies. It has been suggested that the
department of trade and Oamltlelae at
(Atom, be petitioned by the Winnipeg
Board of Trade to send a competent aid
experienced man to the West Ladies to
report 011 trade there, and what is paces.
gory to increase the exports of Canadian
products. kinds of Buildings, Workman..It is announced fu a dispatch from
Simla, the summer residenoo of the Belt- ship and Material Guaranteed.
ieh Indian Government that, the oowbin•`� ,3
oil ea'naltiae of the garrison of Fort 1„i , ,grI P. A +[, E'i N-111
Madera, in the Chitral district, which
was relieved on Monday, and the reliev.
ing force undo' Gen. Blood, only amount.
ed t0 Lieut. Itettray wounded, seven
native British soldiers killed and 85
wounded. The loss al the insurgent
tribeemeu who were besieging the place is
not stated. Six thousand tribesmen,
with Boating ladders, were preparing to
attach the fort, when they were attacked
by the first British oohumn, nailer Col.
Melklejohn, and ooti31etely routed.
, Oakland Co., 0I(oh., geasshoppet's have
invented a new device which f5 greatly
pestering the farmers west of Bleating..
ham. The hoppers are chewing binder
twine in the wheat nettle and leaving the
granted covered with bursted sheaves,
Jaoli Whitefoot, foremast on the Ed,
Miller farm, has bail t.1 re bind (10 sores
of wheat. Ile save thole la ho nutriment
in binder twine to tiokle the appetite of
the solemn -visaged, bony -limbed grass.
hoppers, "It looks" he said, ''as if they
done it for pare devilishness,' Bat the
foot is bidet hoppers will eat anything
that they are standing on, if possible. If
a pitchfork is loft in the field where grass.
hoppers abound, the hardwood handle
will sometimes be found alowed and
boneyoombed until it looks as if it bad
been used aB 0 roost by a colony of wood-
peckers. The twine to re -bind the broken
sheaves on the Miller farm 10108 first
soaked in coal oil, then plunged into a
bath of "sheep dip," a nauseousile000tion
used to kill "Melte" on sheep, This Was
all to fie purpose. The hoppers are now
as busy as nailers chewing through the
Second binding twine.
thieves, were arraigned in Police Cour
at Berlin on Tuesday morning. They
pleaded guilty to two chargee and wore
sent rip for trial on another eharre, that
of stealing three steers from litophen
Mali, of Wilmot 7'ownebip, For some
time reenters In the vioiifty have missed
cattle from their pastures and guilt bee
been laid at the door of the Hammer
After a 0855101) of eight days at
Port limon, thu euprr"tc tons u1 W,c
Maooab555 adjourned, A committee
was empowered to establish a job print
ing eetoblisbment if thought advisable,
but the proposed purchase of the Macaw
bee Temple was laid on the table, there
being a six•year lease yet to run. A
proposition to make St. Louis, Moe the
permanent headquarters was overwhelm.
'ugly defeated, Hereafter any surphts
funde of the order will be invested in
United States or Canadian Government
bonds, Not more then 9100,000 of the
funds of the order will hereafter bo
deposited in one bank and the deposits
must never exceed the capital stock of the
bank In which they are placed. The
supreme record keeper and enpr.me
finenee keeper w111 be required to give
$50,000 borate each in en indemeiby
oompany hereafter. A new law provides
that where a member has understated
his age without any intention to deceive,
his certificaee shall not be void, provided
that the beneficiary in Bush owe shall
be entitled to saoh amount which bears
the Baine ratio to the son that 811311
beneficiary would otherwise be entitled to
as the assessment ratio proper to the
stated age of such person boars to the es.
sagement proper to the aolual age of 01131)
pereoi, This is in accordance L with
t he
Canadian Uwe upon the suhjeut.
X. G. Richardson
tan 22 each, Latin 28, Creek 21, Clern1rtn, Alex, and August Bummer, cattle. i
t Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in bis line.
Over Thirty Years
Without Sickness.
I 1'.11. IVETTSTEIF, a well-known,
enterprising citizen of Byron, III.,
'writes: "Before I paid much atten-
tion to regulating the bowels, I
hardly knew a well day; but since .1
learned the evil re-
sults of constipation,
and the efficacy of •
1t' aYER'S
Pills, nave not had
one day's sickness
for over thixty years
— not ono attack
that did not readily yield to this
remedy. My wife had been, previ-
t,U:E to our marriage, an invalid for
years. She had a prejudice against
cutl:artics, but tut 00t'10 as She began.
to use Ayer's Pills her health was
Cathartic Pills
Medal and Diploma at World's Fair,
To Restore Strength, take Ayers Sarsaparilla
Ill"it sh Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
AND- —
NortIt Shore
hills (511(1 Cedar
Brussels Planing Ills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice,
Estimates Furnished for all
176S3' SUCOE.SSFUL Pr. J - y
Certain in Ha rirtAA 0,,.) nus• hit tea,
p� ,qpp head proorn beeelpow,
Iinxte. C1,'mon tlsoihrem, Or., 111.,11.0,11,'01.
10.13, d. 1ti«v9ALL i;5
D,oS ' 8(0 1 , -,ea acne( 100 Ona of 9503 H0145
noulmOn(Ohlk 1,hnvo, 1 tweet alt 1)l Of your
iltimldnlia 8 nodtriCn10,vlLh I! imm"it loa
100llticlf,n t , ,!mine. 1 11'5 h 15 l .r tl,rt# Bad
hn0, ,11$1,,, 1s nue 1105 alli0s 5,000 hcr, 1
ko00 a 110180 m1 hand all thq ta5e,
)'cure truly, Cans, )'05Y100,.
Dr. D. X ]08Nn 1t.L CO. OAsrcer, fro Ana. s,'93.
Aco,• e1 . I hnvo 11004 s,00r01 bntf105 01 ymm
"1 0,18 ,0.w:A n 001.0"{pj11. mann 50110050, I
0110,1111,11,0 bo,t LlnsosI,t I over nand, 18,t k re.
gno,ovtono 05rh, o,w 111508 Daa3I» 51)2 011(04
Sao 11,45 a 51•hra L
p TAPo loco mm
m tiled 1C to
011410 51'111y feitli09, was aro MU= Plenaud wrut
and troop it. i0.4p08. R.fy
s. IL 3iAY, P. O. Boy s15,
lbr Salo by all Draggism, or address
Dr, ii, +r, .12.1i2tD.et1,L OOMJ',d20T
eNosOUnoH PA1.1.5, VT.
Gaud 14'or'krnarlehip and
Good Fits Guaranteed,
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
%'!;hop 0101' Me(lownn's Store.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Parra or Village Pro-
perty at Agent, Brussels:..
6 &' 6' Per Cent., Yearly.
IIS 1ersigued will beef, Mr 095921e on
Lot 20, Con. e, Morris, the thyro' broil ime,
proved White YeelI hire hear "Selected,"
Med from X,kJ, Brathour's 5woe!stnhos fare
at Obicagqo Fair, Tarin., +51 uU to be paid
at th5 t(ino of service wit], prlylloge of re-
turning ft necessary. Pedigree may be Seel)
01) application,
It . .'r31..
''hats Stale
.,i"' 1'..,. y'. t- 1 Tr �,-•p''. vl
Q0eouetowa,every W 1;e0'i5y.,'•
As ale steamers of this lino carry only a
strictly limited number ii t:,s 81051) 18111;
sitcom/ CABIN aeopnrmadatioas, intending
passenger's aro reminded that an early ap-
plication for berths is coneesary at this sea
Son. For plane, rates,etc.,applyto
W. H. Kerr,
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, .Brussels.
111 01 b rip i
114 6
The undersigned has open-
ed up a Butcher Shop in the
where he will keep constant-
ly on hand a supply of the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A. share.
of public patronage solicited.
i!q o n ALw. :,,a,:1'..
Meat delivered to -all Darts
of the town.
will make
swell man
of YOU 1
Pr0000 Pn00008a THS AHO0B
Bravura ,5 0500108880.
FI005I tutee all Norton. Tlseaso,, elooplese
5eaa Falling Memory, Nightly 5, ml„eiona 51) ,,so-
t0raf con, #mpotonoy, oto., Man cel by pma mug.;
evea vigor and alto to ahruaIen organa, 050
:: L
quickly but surely raster1_nr 115,011059 15 old
or Fencu. Va0810080rad you win grow 510505
a d tot py MgalM. eent by marl In pinta wm}por
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1'b ':iivtuitao 1, a`6 ox,
---.398' 0110k:i.
For Impure, Weak an Impoverished -
Blood, Dyepepsla, Sleep:-ssness, Palpite.
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near.
algia, Loss of Memory, B,•onchitie, Coo-
sumptiou, Gail Stones, jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities acid General De-
pp tI�� tryyp ry'q^^ F�ff bilit�ygyrF�pgSii �1yp t6yyyy;t�r'
Y�..'lel'9c-tiv ii en 91 tleDERRlilg ONT..
Prop. and 1lanufaoteree.
501(1 by :ins, Fox, Druggist, ltrunce1s.
4, 6 and 8 Balls
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