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The Brussels Post, 1897-8-13, Page 1
Vol.. 28. No, 8, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1897 A TRIP TO THE KLONDIKE, W. H. KERR, Prop. $200 to the di pan. Bonanza ism branch of the :Klondike.1lvisxlxc, mantle on your apnea fur Ow present, reepecteil by all who knew him, The Mies May Deadmau is viaiting in 7 00,—E;orvice of Song ; Should time permit awl your space be funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon Woodetook, Thee comes Eldorado, a branch of "Tee Progress of Young Poo le'a Sew. available, 1 may aay eornething in an from the homy of his brother George, lot Mra. 1b, K. ROas and ohildrec are poli. Warren Shoe, brother Of Ensign Show Ilt)1ta11%e, with about 100 claims, and sties in Omaha" Rev. Jos. Edge, Ottley aommnnirolinu regarding Mr. Mo. 17, 0°n, 1, Grey, interment being made wb daying at Lietowel. of the Salvation Army, in Toronto, kept surely Lho richest lu the world, It ie et > odorioh ; Gregor, who ii undoubtedly one of the the 1llnnndar cemetery. Rev. liar, Bal. Postmaster Furrow waft laid up this a valuable diaryof lies trip from D ea to common thing to get from $800 to $800 to Y h w 1 Y the an 011 hod rook, and on the clamp fainging and (lollootion ; most affective preachers of the hone of lantyn0, of 10011 worth, oonduated an ftp• week by a h,me beak. Dawson City last April -June itu(1 tt copy P1 "C• L. and Proportionate Christieuity," God at t11B present time, and {vitas° itr• prgpriuta funeral service. L. 73. Creighton made a 11u0inos trip 1100 reached Toronto ; 080 can the the gold Mole in. the Dr, Meldrum, SC. Paul ; fa1Once in thi8,Couforence it is not easy to Louden and Sb, Thomas last week. I loft Paget Sound on April 4, The gravel. Berry lruthore have one of Conseor0tion Service. to estimate. Youre, ala, (Trvt.nbroolt. Tom Bloomfield end t. ]las 0310 to Mntltreal, voyage ftp was marked by 1010 0l inter- the richest. I got acquainted with J P. Ross, of Exeter is the Prosad8ut dam Ross. Wm. 13euther is laid off work with a and may g eating iuoldoubs, among which was 1110 them, and they showed ma their gold dost ' of the Sabbath School Association, and J. Not 1001(1, Mobil ,Aug. 0, 'f17. acre hand. W. IL 11/130111 perhaps t isthmakld Country. ' marreage of a runaway couple, who went to seeks, °ens and bottles. Cue of them 0, Stoneman, of Hausall, Secretary. 0911010 011 orb Wrangel, April 9, where went not two clays ago to San 1101100300 the Endeavor Union, W. 11. Krr, of aloe meet. e, week's peetion.hme ie haute spending with Beet, ie daughter, Mrs. T, Iteymtoft, John the wedding tools place. 011 the 18th alt with $1.30,000 that four men took out in Bruoeola, is President and A. T. Cooper, Mrs. Barr Campbell 1 g hands turned to and unloaded freight 0s five mouths. This 18 n 111111 tilt couuticy of Clinton, is Sooro0rwy. Don't fail to bicycle, y n 011 hos pnrchasod a that E worth LesduBato next Tuesday in quite uiaal/%has tainwho b wee set frocovering best woeonll on life boats on the cavies to mina in, The ground 110001 thaws attend the Convention. A soleetion of 12 The marriage of D. G. Andeclon, Bert. Govenlonk and sietee spent Sun- attack of pleurisy. hhreo utiles from Dyer!. ; hired a rowboat deeper than ono foot, aid the Lord only ohoieo thymus 80r the Couvonbion are Priucipwl of the Atwood Public sohool, dayvisitingMrs. Ritchie, P Mrs, AI McDonald, lliill street, was for $8 Lo gab oar freight 10 llyem ; Dyea 11110103 how far it ie frozen dawn. They printed o on the program, and Miss Dora May, daughter of Mr. and s et or trustees have not engaged a visiting at Winrtan lust week. Her sister, has two stores and etre° dwellings. thaw the ground by building fires on it. Y April 10.—Commoncad work iu load 10 is a good thing 11118 country is 1)011 la Mrs. G, 11 plan, of Innaricip, Oxford Co., teacher for the balance of the year. Miss Galbraith, accompanied ler to 1 old, Ido not sae how people stn a8 ECHOES FROM NORTHFI ELD. 11011. colt place on weduesday, August Miss 1318 in , 16th con., was viaiting Brnssela• earnest pocking on our backs up Dyea g P 1 Y ' 11th. River eight miles 330 the foot of 300 Onm• long as they have. Ib tells on thein. bur cousins in Cr 11310 this week. w. w. B¢rg9ss and wife are here from The 3. anyA., B. 23.8 v ! 18 S. 11, As.ern SVm. Kreuter has his broom mama Mitchell1on a brief visit. Mra. Wm. yon. Easter Sunday and 1101 an egg in One can toll an ok1•timer as far as he can To the 17ditor of Tun 1'0x•0: bay, B. A., B. D., will regret lo learn factor in full operation. Billy is a Cornish will return with them at the eight. see him. Lobs of eases of scurvy. One Dena Snt,—M time is so full own- that ho will remove from g Atwood to bustler. close of this week. April 22,—Everything at Sheep: Camp, 11111101 fellow wns found dead in bed• H0 pied hero that 1t is difficult t fully a Clil1ton in the 000x80 of a few weeks, to Miss Maggie Brown lea�retnrned from Mrs. John Gaff and son, and Mise 13 utiles from Dyea. Plently of snow, on $ 000 tinder 133 s pillow sister's in San oing spare m00Onb to comply with your re- take °barge of the 1801meevi110 parish, Luoknow where she has been visitingMinnie Dudley, of Toronto, are valuing but Iwo and a half miles to the summit.quest for some jottings flint may be of adjoining Calton, mid that Rov, Wm, during the past month. their parents, James Dudley and wife, A largo glacier half a n1i10 distant, lint Prltnoiomo. Thera is lets of grub hero interest to your roadors. Leavinghome Stout, of that field, will take charge of Rev. Dr. Ferguson reached n veryin- Graham's Serve the w800110r is lnoloretely warm. Lots now if you have the price, but I anticipate on Saturday norniug, July 31st; Clifton the Atwood parish. g t 11001131 discourse in Knox abural on Aliases Pearl rid L0.nt'a Lrttt1i rdale of people camp hero; a city of bents. it will lbe a os,o01a0 siinla 1n the saloon,wwith no Springs, N. Y., was reached in the oven- Our gonial townsman, Robert May, Sabbath awning last. waived hnmo qu Taasday from tan 80307. Dogs everywhere, I saw one team of 11 °.ilio p�oc. Anyone wanting mail can iug, 101181e I spent a pleniant Sabbath, has not got the ICtondike fever, as he 1100 Bird Bros'. threshing machine has able 01010 of several weeks with their in a string, all Alaska dogs. They look P Y Xu the Sanitarium chapel in the morning got a little boom all his own at his hoes°, started to hum and will be kept hustling 00110, Mrs. Londesboro', Seaforth. like wolves, bet nice and smart, and it is help IlilnsClf. It took 1110 0010 hour to a sale l0 nud impressive communion Mrs. May P 6 p g y laughablefind Lw0 )otters tor myself, and 1 Dan P P e , aucl bei Robert with owes For the next few months. R. G. WIIOr wee away 1111. weals '., sur resin 110{(3 they pn" s is safely say I tvtts never more delighted in service was conducted by Bishop I?itzgor- on Bentley, and be is naturally overjoyed, Mr, Bateman, of Etlsl, preaohsrl in tending the Grand Lodge of I. 0. 0. F., to hare the driver yell, "Mush, Mush," at life. I 1' Y g old, of the Al:ethodist Episcopal church, Three little Oherub3 duetu the last year, the Methodist churub act Sundayafter.Souwhich mot wt Belleville ss the delegate them,generly end 18 they somoGltiugt 10tlon arn and t you to comp to this tlcountry,+rdly dvl I °ettaiuly Educational aucd Rev. Dr. Paye, oNow York, or thirteen altogether since they started noon in the absence of Bev, Mr. Valker. from western Star, No. 14'J, Br¢ooela. lank ponythat would sell in stronger. for Y one trip and that will be t mtimnnl Secretary of the M. E. out "for batter or worse" is a pretty good A. Mollone,ld was away on Friday at. Miss Lottie M on[g, who has beam visit• shall: make °t1l preach81- whom record, and the change of Government al tending the funeral of his brother, iug with Mise Zetta Ferguson, of Teoo- 1 1 churol, North, an alto $10 sells here for $200 to $500, and dogs out of hero. It might be well fora single we had the privilege of heaving on two Ottawa has had no hiug to do with it William, who died last Sabbath in Listo. water, for two weeks, las returned, and $25 to $100. man with a rugged constitution to come nn000lolle last year. Both the above either, wet. A1is8 Zetta is paying her a visit now. On April 28 we got p as,eeverything on the in, tat The vetather lar is lrom awarru pleasure named gentlemeu had been in attendance The marriage took place at the Water- Joo. A'loRae is enjoying a holiday at the Mra. Weikel•, of Loudon, formerly of summit of Chilkootl Peas, except the tent 1 • at the recent Inernationai E worth loo street Methodist arsona ge, Stratford, manse prepare toryto taking a course at Brussels, is visiting in this Igcalit Sha and a little grub. Weather too rough to (301(3, but it host be "lightning" in the League Convention in Toronto. In the on Monday of last week, hof William the College of harmacy ab Toronto. came last Saturday to attend the funeral make the Pass, winter time. There beawere probably about afternoon Dr. Foster's Bible class was 00oper, G.; C. R, brakeman, and Hiss lei. Our Jack is a general favorite and we all of her brother io•law, the late Wm. Coe - made May 1,—Started 001000 the summit and people 1 ent several enjoyed. The eveningsermon wee Hastings, of Atwood, Rev. A. K. Birks wish him success, nieh. Lake Linderman at 8 p. m., nine 4oti eolorspmosLganowhoula %t It seams . from bwo ria preached by a noted Prsbyterian divine being the oftiaiating clergyman. The There is joy in the borne of Dave Be.!- Mcg. Bennett, of .Montreal, and John miles, in a blinding 8110wato1•m. Ed. gold Y —Rev, I)r•. Holmes, of Albany. young couple will reside in the city, tea. Iantyne, St. Thomas, over the arrival of a Norton, of New York, are making a hall. Wlblllenio 013 d party e e lost stltwo dayso thou 110 gonia gtew here. It prospect hole ekes bboul 80 Here I met several Oan0di011 friends, big up their 1180idenee on Mowat street. 10 pound baby girl on Tuesday of last day visit at Rev. Mr. Norton's. They P l including Mr. Sperling, Matholnatical The bride is held 1e high esteem in At- week. This is their first child after four Ore daughter and son to the reverend eat raw grub, say about 25 feet deep, but frequently Master in Upper Claneda College, mud his wood and the best wishes of all go with years married life so of 00¢rse it is the gentlemen. May 8.—Wo crossed the ]alto Linder• there aro plenty of colors on the surface family ; Rev. Dr. Parker and Mrs, her to het' Stratford home, finest bat in the world." Oon rate• Juo. McRae, who has fitted a osition man 011 the ice, eight miles, hoisted swill 301100 there is nothing on the bedrock. Parker, Toronto ; Rev. A. H. Kippen, Auttrvsnsnux AND Ittnom iox. -The an• latione. y g in J. Fox's dru Stere for 8everel ears, on our sleds grid ween along very cam. There are 20 Oanadian police hero, but Tara ; and Rev, W. 3, Brandon, Port nivereary services in connection with the intends takinga °00080 at the Phantom lorta1110 with our entire atilt. they let the miners settle all disputes and Rowan, who was junior minister in the Presbyterian °bosh, Atwood, will be and is now having a Oollege, a May 6.—Made permanent camp for criminate, Anybody caught steeling will Methodist ohnrpl, Brussels, when the held (1). V.) on Sunday, Aug. 15th, 1807. �f'Op18 SPA $IlO�V. well an13811 holidtiy before ]saving for the Lakboat building, twenty miles down on either 110 hong oc given five hours to leave present nburah building was erected, and 1180. Donald Guthrie, B. A., of Walker. Quenu G[ty. Lease Bennett, on what is known svi h four as other ear town, tend a boat no grub it la he is glean %alto made kindly enquiries after a num- ton, will preach at 11 a. rn. and ab 7 p. Geo. a Anne Mit holidaying in is on tleeiok 131133. A. Kennedy, stone clutter, of St. fellows au1e J were six days whip -sawing go cub comes the letup. Those are n few boon Monday morning of his former 7 left afar North- °ooh eervicolinoi0id oaf thewill be church. On Miss Maggie Smith is home from Wear• Cochrane & Johnston 00 keepatharines, has been panel with lumber for three boats, Timber issmail, women, Bern daof nce 312 meerjaa s(3a aland, saloons, field, by way of Syracuse, Albany and Tlmreclay afternoon following. at 2 p. m•, t° i' Maggio Backer [s visiting in Lon- the large number of orders for menu - average ten incites, mostly spruce. Palmer, arriving late at night. Next the Stratford Presbytery will convene in meats. Good work tails ever time and an ut May rient on a two ver plenty signs sofim0000t e three stores, one small loggs, 0805ll 0 lnflor, pretty New England vitt ga o Ole North. duatiou of Rev. P. McLeod, 14;. A., B, d S. Leppad is visiting at W. Jack• benefits a named firm res corresponding is ee s per one srno ;los the P P g but gob maim $60 a sack, and everything in proportion. ern limits, who/mare the many buildings D., into the pastoral °barge of the At. eon's. Geo. Currie and son, ofNeepawa, Man„ 0n May 24 w0 celebrated by launching News is almighty searee, No p0per8, in which Mr. Moody's many-sided relies- wood and Monkton Presbyterian con. Mlee Cross, of Bluevale, was visiting in are visiting at A. ()aerie's this week. It our boat. We had u0 champagne, but we Any old paper 10 worth $1. town. g one and anew:anal work is carried en, gradations. Rev, lir, Smith will preach, is 13 years since Mr. Carrie went Nest slapped her with a aide of aeon and - --- The scenery is picturesque and beautiful, Rev. Mr. Scott will address the minister, market- MissElsie Jackson, as home from New• and be is well satisfied with tie prospect. christened her the Viotoria. She was Through the valley runs the Connecticut end RevMr. Graham the congregation. Mrs. Putland, of Blnevnle, Sundayed He is employed with the Lake of the built by Taylor's plans nue ho was named S. 8, AND G. E. G JNVENTION, river, the hills riaiug me either side to the In the evening a bea•meeting will be held, in town. Woods' Milling Oompany and says a Captain, with "Bill" as first mato. height, in some oases, of 1,900 feet or when addreeses will be delivered by mem• million bushels of wheat will be market - "Joe" and I were deck hauls. morn, the Green mountains awayto the bora of the Presbyter and the resident Mies Polly Sample is holidaying at ed at Neopawa this year if nothing May 27. --Made Cariboo Crossing, ea The annual Co. Sabbath S0lool As. West, and beyond them the Whie moue. ministers. Doone open at 6 p. m., chair BSoaf Garr happens. Mr. Currie will taste a oar of foot of Lake Bennett. onmiation and the Co. Cluistien Endeavor tains, of which ono gets just a glimpse or taken at 8, sharp. Specially prepared ie Gerry and wife visited in Exeter horses back with him when he returns May 28.—Got op et 1 a. 111, and mole Union levo 'miuocl hauls this g this week. about fortymiles. Weather ver roa'h,] year and two. The largest building is the Audi: music for the occasion will be furnished Mrs. Aldridge is visiting her sou at in about a week. and severatimes we would have been will hold a Union Convention in Clinton Larium, erected throe years ago, and in by the choir 01 the church. A hearty Platteville. ou Tuesday and Wednesday, August 24th which the General °en#oreuo° for Christ- invitation ie extended to all to attend. swamped. had we not had a good boat. and 251(11, Sabbath school topics will be inn WorkMiss Isrtta1, of Seaforth, is visiting Missers was proceeding, having nom• Ella Ainley. We were obliged to Damp for three clays introdood and dismissed on 111e first day 1ne00ed on the previous Thursday. The ceere:tl: y. M. Markham, a Lindsay shoe dealer, mn account of ace, abort the middle of and Wednesday will he devoted to En- 001000tit'e is of rel brick, will two square Some of our farmers ,have plowing done on Wednesday. Bluevale, was in town fell dead on the steamer Garden City at Mud Lake. Plenty of gauze. About 200 cleaver work. A fine program has beau towers, the stars and stripes flying from for Fall wheat sowing. ' Port Hope on Thursday. Heart disease, Mrs. Jae. Ballantyne, is enjoying a aggravated by hurrying to Oateh the boat, boats tied up. Met Whittemore and prepared anal the largest attendance of each. Its seating capacity is about 2,500, Threshing has mommeneed in earliest. visit in Seaforth• party again and other friends. delegaee 0003 05011 at a County gathering and by ten o'olook a largo audience was Fall wbent is yielding well. Mrs. MoLean and eon, Ellis, are visit. was the cause. May 81.-000 across Mud Lake and is expected. Tho following is an outline assembled. The choir., numbering 70 or Mrs. Time. Williamson was visiting ing Mra. P. Scott. The Ontario Government is said t° be down Thirty River, twenty -sit miles bo of the enb50010 and speakers was under the leadershi of Messrs. her dao hter in Wnwnnosh fora week. Mrs. Waddell, of Stratford, ie visitiu considering a regulation which will pre - 80, Grand Canyon. Thirty Male River is Sankey and Stebbins. Theflrsthalf hour Alex. MoNeb, 14th con., had the mi8. Mrs. Will. Ainle g vent the employment of foreign labor in ratter sluggish with low, smooth moon• SAf36ATH SCHOOL PROGRAM, Y Ontario lumber onm a gg Y g wasspent in singing aistnt most of thel e Audi• r. fortune to lose a valuable horse recently. Mies Flo, Flenay, of Wingham, is visit- p merlons beefire occurred in the Central tains menet, Plena of grass laud. Juno 1.—The Grand Canyon is about TUESDt1Y. toriu n l meetings. s. After a few abort flax tae on Wednesday 011011Wm. Duncaneon had a 1000, and iug the Misses Sample. Prison Wednesday afternoon, during the three•quarters of a mile long and about 1100V]n0. prayers, iutorspersecl with singing and dance in the evenin y Mre. S. Smote and Alfred Denny, of progress of which Foreman Ob0rlto0, of forty feet wide, with about 76•foot walls 0.80 a. ru,—Prayor and Praise Service, silent ra or,Rev, Geo. Campbell Morang' BnIrs. rN.e Y,, are f town. the Firel?epartmentwaessrf°uslyfnjnred. on either side. The weeer rums through Rev. R.Mil1 arc1, Clinton ; P y P Morgan, Work will not be resumed on the big Mrs. Brett, o Seaforth, reef. ting Mrs. The Toronto 0 118et rs seriously lithy earnings g y of London, England, who, with hie corn- ditch this Fall, owing to certain matters Dr, McNaughton, Mill street. for July 0(1930 a lag° [33°08089 over the liken millrace ; saw two scam and three "Why am I }fere," President J. P. Ross, panion, Rev. Geo. II, 0. McGregor, also that must be straightened out first. (Mrs. Snell attd Mias Lovett, of Galt, small heats swamp, losing all their goods, Exebor ; a London actor, bakes the leadingf are viaiting Mrs. R. Lestherdale. o0rres audio months for 1895.96. The but nobody drowned. Wo got through "The place of the Lesson Help," Rev, J. in the Oonfere000, wad called nmto area visiting at HenrynBatemaf s. Mrs. Violet Cooper meta mishap from abad gross earnings for the g pact month were and only slipped about two buckets of Hamilton, Wiugham ; neaoh. Mr, Mor au is a young man of ash on ler hand from a jack knife. $lOb,7G0, the mt a water. After leaving the craven we bacl "The proper place of the Biaakboarl," 88, though he has the appearance of being is expected ed next nMondaynlra, IIiltemnn'e' g J08. Sarvia Una gone on holiday trip y 1896 1 8 50oss earn- $8,640. For Jul two miles of swift water ; river full of Uig Dr, Towler, Wenglnm ; or over—tall, slim, straight, ltt, with Jno, Steen had a flax bee on Tuesday to Bea eler, Preston and other laces. g P [riga were $87,^rGl 87, the pernentage be- 40bonlde3s and it was with the utmost caro"The Sabath •Saloon Worker and his nIonu-shaven, thio and somewhat narrow night. The young people polled about 4 T. A. MoLanolllin is enjoying a well iug $7,020 90. For 1896 the groes earn. we got through safely. Thou cornea the Bible,' Rov. W. Muir, Brncofielcl• face, mobilo features, and n peculiar way nares of /lax and afterwards worked with earned holidayin Brussels and looalet rigs were $90,502 85, the percentage to White Horse Rapids, the avocet of all. ,1100,31(3000. of twitching rip his oye•hrows and snap. equal van enoe an the light fantastic, y' the aiby bei0). $7,640 23. The lumens Only one, a scow, ran them, and Brennen -on q g g A. ant Sunday Mrs. hSfinds in °held. is due to the Epworth League convention pinglatorm,a Itis manor, though scarcely Mo do ot,aasmansortnof aopenine wns ant Sunda with friends Tema and to Lho operation of the Sunday Dare. ed, but she was loaded with "booze" and 1,3G p. tn.—Opening exorcises and Ro• p y didn't lose much. White Horse Rapids « ports ; so pleasing as Mr, )0loGi•°gar's, ]s earnest y evening,P g water. The sad experience of King Lear after supports a pretty good sized graveyard, The 00010108 of authority in the School," and forceful, and his r0eeutatiou of the gathering cin' ordt new union01school,.mith, da u Edgar at George e f Iiot aro', Fis red© 01 dividing his kingdom has no influence and every year adds mealy to the list. G. F. Blair, B110S00 8 ; Truth is feeling and sympathetic even teaoher, is in alar e P y g b g k upon 0. tenet one resident of Bowie June 8,—Made the lend of Lake Le "llama Department," A. Day, Pravivai• when most soarchiug. His s¢bjaotl was Fall wheat theeuhiug ie giving evidsnme street. Mre. (1)r.) Ferguson and Mise Normo, 00090 , Wis. John Walters, one of the Burge. al Secretary ; the Book of Malachi, which 115 called a of fairly good yields. L. Hollinger, 10th of Hansell 3100 the gumbo of Mrs. J. J. earliest settlers of that 0°unty, and now June 4.—Gob across Lake Le Bargge, .The importance of 1834010000 in the S. "Tract for the Times," and from which con, bad 30 bushels to the sura and Mrs. Gilpin, ' g a resident of Duck Creek, bite followed thirty miles, and down Thirty -Mile ,, S•," Rev. W E. Kerr, Hansell ; le preached a dieoonres that proletl Livingston, of the come lin° had 36. J. T., Mrs, Pepper and children, of in the footsteps of the old king and has lliver, whiol is a hal river, very swift, "Association Claims, Alfred Day ; deeply, the hearts and consciences of With good rices Ibis Fall the farmers Woodstock, were the masts of Mrs. W. Mvlded t estate among his eh1(dran, and it makes a fellow squirm to go sail. "Tie Char/iotaof the Teacher, Miss many in the audience. Mr. McGregor 0110014 smile. 1 Mr. Walters is getting well advanced is iug along and see small boards bare and Bond, Seefarbh ; followed immediately with another Tle residence of Alex. MoDoesld ]Ob M. Sinclair. years mud he milled his family of nine there, marking the grave of some poor "Reap what you Sow," Alex. Saunders, powerful sermon of a similar 1811(1, and G, 000.:4, has been recti improved byere. and Miss Bowleg, of Ohio%go, are children around him and proposed that fellow and wonderingif Von are next. Godericit, greatly p the guests of Mrs. Relit. Johnston, Turn- the setae be divided among them now y tine service was brought to a close soon bbe putting on of a new roof, banding berry street. and Clue cava future liti oWe pitched camp at the month of ice of80. after 12 with a brief prayer andbhe Beue• new ohimneys and painting the exterior Linooln Hembly, of Palmerston, was plan agreed upon was thattheestate ugoinggum River. Thane we mot 3110 7.80 p, in.—Service m£ Song ; diction. Meetings followed in the afar'- woodwork, Messrs, Stewart ee Ritchie in town Pride evening,havingwheeled outgoing mail carrier and Dent lanae "Doors of Opportunity," Dr. McDonald, noon and evening and so on from day to had the eontraot and mads a flrst•mlaas from Wenglein, should 110 divided into nine parts of as home. The river here takes the name M. P., 'Wingllano ; day, the work never anteing and the in. job. Misa Taenia Stewart, of Stratford re- nearly equal value as possible, and that 02 Lewis, and it is an elegant stream, no Singing and Collection ; tercet never waning trough the five, six Tuesday mornin of this weep 0 won turned to her home after a visit of three corresponding numbers should b9 drawn. boulders ; indeed, a beautiful country. "The Teacher's Master Key," Alfred or seven stated services which are hold was found in a bred in front of Henry weeks with relatives. To this all agreed. The 13 11M130311 were Traded three supe of sugar for flfteeu Day, 00011 day, Yaserday's (Sabbath) pro. Bat°man's, man. 6, and n gun seoored and Mrs. Gear aoordingly thrown into a hot, and the pounds of fish with Indians, and paid 1 George Ball and children 1 oP Fort drawing programa118Ia ed 01) aturedly to the 1 $ gram was fuller than Haunt, Be follows : the poultry robber dispatched. Mr, Erie, Ont., are visiting Mrs, G. P. Blair. end, when all declared themselves antis. for a quarter of a mountain Sheep. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR PRO• 6 to 8 a. m., Prayer -meeting, led by D. Coon lad evidently been in custody The ladies are elates. At 4:45 p. m,, Juue 6, we made Five GRAM. L, Moocl 8.9, 0ldrees b David Tnmiu, somewhere; as he had n ohniq about his Jno. Carter and wife, of GOderi• oh, fled. The only etipalatioe made by Mr. Finger Rapids, so named by being five ev0n olislyi, • Iu0im 9.10,y Young Men's neolr. fingers 01' pillars of rook. We kept the WEDNESDAY. meeting, led by Wm. Mood 10 Oon re• ' r , Ti spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. 'Walters 00 that each of talu nafia10 1, y, g The W,ngl tin limes, speaking of the E. Grimeldby, Brnesela, should anutribate $15 per auunm to iia right hand channel, getting through safe- irmlvl8n, ationat church • 9.10 Youn Womsne' repent foot ball match, says : Charlie Miss Wynn, of Bluevale, was lore this private use. In case then proved to be ly and at 5:80 six milds bylaw, 010(10 6,30 to 7 80 —Sunrise Prayer -Meeting, Heating ; 1.0.12, Sermons by Rev. Dr. Siders ]Les a heart as big ae himself and week attoniing the funeral of Wm, Cor- wloat than he needed e estate tis valued refund at Pink Rapiclo, A good many swamped. led by Rev, P. J. Oaten, Belgrave ; Hamlin, Washington, and Mr. Morgan, that says quite a bet. ifs gave the boys nista her beether•[n-Iaw. what was ]eft, The estate to at 1I°uty of clinks and geese. Al the p 80 a. m.-Preyer and Praise Service ; London • 12.1, 01111dreu's meeting, 11 hearty handshake ae be expressed hie T. Fletcher bee combined pleaeure and about $vaenc . month of Pally River we strike the Address, "Line 'Up," 17d. Wanless, led by Mee. Morrow ; 1.2, Address by congratulations and bade farewell to the business in a trip Eaotwad. He will be A 01(3 ria Bank's being proper, whiall is an immense Varna ; Rev. Mr, Betide ; 2.8, Sermon by Dr. boys as they were leaving, awe able surprise ie now being expressed in river with man small islands about n y for a couple Of weeks. the town of Fergus over the inamlveaoy of Y ' 0, E. ail Proportiounto Giving," R. B. Wolfing ; 8 4, Sermon by De, Biaushard; The new Bebop' house 00 lot 10, con. 18, Mlee Kate Wilson left Brusoele on the estate of the late John Beattie of six hila 0nrrenb, McGowan, Blyth ; 4.5, 0. ]p, meeting, Mr. Morgan ; 4.5, Grey, is now finished, a first class build. Tuesday for Marmont, visitingat Guslph that place, who died last March. Mr, Dawson June 0.—Arrived at Klonclilte River or 310, 7J-, , in Temperance Reform," 9', A„ Junior Cl. E,; on Ml:, Mmody's la%vn, lot? Ing Using emoted, Chas. Ouse was the and Toronto on her way Eneti. Beattie lied been a an Lal good on gCity, E ug here all to The towe is lLe Gregory, 2300000 ' bMis So PaulMoody r y 7 30 p othsro'80, e meeting, aontra°tor. Ernest Smith tae been on. Miss Rate Greta, of Stratford, is visit• ono agent, and also handled. a and inanr- on bout sites of the Klondike. Wo pitalt- Seoretar a Repo t. Mr, Mor }an. 'It is im oesible a8 non well as geged m0 tesohee for Oho remainder of thea ang Lite Miseo Menzies, Miss Stewart was b sides county o erk, poor0thouse in ed cam on the south side, on. {what is Y' P >� year and commences worst next Monday, and other relatives and ftiellds. Bleeder, and eeorotary-10008llrer of the known a8 Loath Town, Even throb is nr•rlcatro0.i, uucleaira to to atltoud all the stated meet- An opening euterbninment will be . held in D. Ferpuamn, of TBeewnter, mom- Nichol Mutual File Insurance Co. The all excitement ; lots of buildings going 1,80-•Serviee of Praise ; logs. t no has to eo a most select such as s be e . the Aug,chool bowie t' 8e Monday evening, ponied by his daughters and eons, enjoy liabilities amount to $64,084.77 and the p ; wee offecod tont of work at 10 ++ n 1 by,y god m eapeoted, ed a holiday in Brusaots and vicinity, assets to $51,944.37. The aatua' depoeite u plenty$ T110 Power of Personality, E. F. Arm- said, not consilet• himself a heathen if he O013%—It w3/8 n matter of sad surprie( Mise Sarah Lennox, of Hamilton, and of mane ere said not to be over ;$10;000, per day. strong, 000101' 11 ; is not found at more than thrao or four to bear that William McDonald had de. Mies R. Spence, of Ethel, were visiting t welled ' On the 18111 we visited 1118 mins, "Sohl Winning", 0r The Dna we keep in each day, 111 the coon days I have 110w parted this life et Listowel Istat SiLb110tb, the Misses Bin hill he bn n oft of the liabilities tieing mad,' 3vltioh oro from 6 to 20 milds distant, and View," Mose Robertson, Wiughatn ; been Moro nave heard 88 sermons and He woe a native of Sealant) and eeeond week, s 1Mtill street, this up of monoye which Mr. Beattie l handled I lordly Bite to toll you what I saw for "iyorlcl Winning, or Missions," Miss J, addresses, giving m9 a rich and varied son of the late Robert MaDouald, who Will. Armstrong, lviiae Dolly n for investment. Some of the thsoes are fear ,you might think the olimatie changes Wilson Clinton ; feast indeed, g, a ly B alter the ma, and any of the in litigation.ieestate 131 bad a bat effect on my cocoanut, Bab "Nation Winning, or Christian Citizen. The speakers are from loan countries, country in 185 ego, was in his 44 i %hie and the Maggie o London, t are ]longe the management of the Fernier estets of More goes 1 Moeb of the mines 1330 just y G s .k4th yens from their tripe to London, Zarlah and which Mr. Beattie avec executor, the arta 6 J ship,' Rev, J.S.HonlOrson, HOnaall; including England, China, India, '.(ono when he died, Ile had never Married, Mitchell, of 18600 omens t° have ie fairly peospeoted, A claim consists of "The Easutials of 0. E.,,i Mr8. Pont• native) South Africa, (a Zulu) Auetr0110 During the pest year be went to Listowel, W. G. Oollino was home this week from $ disappeared. 600 feet up or down the gulch and, Eton land, Dungannon; and South America, nuc% thorn Ore nt ad- whore ran 133 bicycle livery and repair North Gro where o Mrs. Charlotte Hamilton, a widow, and y g p, Py o 0, is eei a )10 sue- ler son, W. oilae Hamilton, who es at rem rock to rim rock, Everything nam- "Au u to•late Endeavorer," 0. L, dation such prominent a a t Americans er a0 Dr, where he r. abiotlt took ill an July en rah Grey wherelh. a o's a real su0• lots from Discovery claim. Bonanza 181101, II01mtoviII0; I3'rllna0, Philadelphia ; Dr, Dixon, Al• 4th, but improved somewhattnitil paraly. 0080 at this work. g pt11 sle an ORl08T in the army 131 Ltdta, Oro±Ir has 100 boIov and 70 above Die- Special Ox01'°laea by Juniors of the homy ; Dr, A. P. Pierson, Now York ; ane cot in, oocaeionod by 0 clot of Mood J. A.'Stewart of will also bo heavy Were. Mrs. Hamilton the Standard Bank, 18 11 creditor to the extent, of 011,000, and (tottery, and claims will avorag0 about f7ouuty ; Dr. 7.'orrey, Chicago, Professes Engliell, rooting on the breech The subject of Elie Mee; Stewart and eon, have gone an a 600 feet square, with from two to six feet Addroa on "junior Work," 11dies M, S. and othere. notice was a mat unes0mm� her redibo ,000, '!here will probably be Of a dirt and ranging from 25 cents to q g person, holiday viae% to Toronto, bamphollford 76 °redibora in all. Claims Will have to pay g fi Washington, Clinton; I presume I have matte eufiielent do. but straightforward in Itis aotiona and and other pleat. iia tea by Aug. 30tU, General Nevvev,