The Brussels Post, 1897-8-6, Page 88
wooloY'reAsegrasisi..F-.F..?.°! .. i.=',4xcPcograw .,,!1='.=..,.-0,m,,,,minzo........2ininThm.g ... - - „=-'---. --- - • ..--- -..—._:. Dawuzzurr.
Nommen are buey at the Elena° Axes 13.1.1,1,8NrrXis, grocer, has pule I ST4NRIRD B,ANIC OF a.4.71e,IDS,
'Oncraet Sete. Light Works foundetion adjoining tht abetted at new driving mere. She le said I
Iran bridge. to be speedy. =nwaieeizz.txtemzeetele =rel.
Steel I
Them: was no Council meeting last OAST. Seam:vox contemplates the erect. 1 HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO
Monday evening, owing to absence of ion of a brick reeldence on hie eligible lot
. • - $7,000,000
members. The Reeve and Councillor ' Queen Street. ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollers)
Baker were the only two in their plans. Boni W.111, manager of Ronald E - 2,00,000n
gine CAPITAL (Authorimed) .
BillaaSSMs has been sort of getting it Werke,.a week, was iu Wiarton on a business
where the obloken gob the axe of late es trip Un
stgeneles(n all prittofpal points in Ontario, Quebec), Mitnitoba, Thri tett Rtatee it En planet
fee kte sports ere ooncerned. We still tiMM.-1). Frain infers bio household
them take an 000ttsional preestice good seeti et his residence, Ihmseels North. jew-satizs
book onm
r lade, however, and if It alice farniture, &to., for sale. Goods may be B Beaxes.
Gm.. 0,Milir,, of Mitchell, hes been
We have too large 21 stock of
°repot hi 4, 6 and 8 Bell Seto.
S. will buy a Set.
AUG 0, 1897
Palm Lea Fans. may result,
ling at the Enterprise Sett Works in tine the speeding of hie lively mare, "Miss
Boon IN Setsr.-Pmeiness bite been hnst• livening op sport at the Driving nark by
place. They abipped, in addition to the I)elmarah.', ,daisy go.
local trade, 28 cars in June and 33 in July IT ie RUA that Atwood has protested
A now otoek of Palm Leaf Fans, a total of 61 for the two =lathe. Thie the. two WinghtunDruesels foot -bell
eo necessary these hot daysweek in addition to a ear eeing to (etiebee matches owing to the fact that outside
and another to Toronto an order has been players were (halted int° both °tube.
received from Ottawa for 13,000 3 pound A nitrites of the mein sewer on Tern -
bags of the celebrated Enterprise Dairy berry street heti bean opened and le being
salt and 5,430 7 pound Lege. If this rush , °twined out, An effort wee Made Satter -
717 POiSOZ15. eontiiitips it would pay to remove the chi y la t2rnoon to flush them with the aid
bleak to the railway yard and pump the of the Fire lilogino, hut it was net sue.
brine from the well eo as to avoid the useful, hence the digging.
'flirt the Flies. We hare fire 60- lend haul in shappme. Iletuaels salt To. Beres. -The following ie the eche- Bre a D. Ewan buggy and you will
leads the market. dule of the varione Foot Ball teams in save motley. Pies away Jowl].
foreflt makes of Paper for Omer= Porrrny, - Scarcely a week connection with the elnitland Annie. Wei still buy butter, eggs and wool -
highest prices, cash or trade.
this purpose pauses bet what 'Otto POST reeeives from Hon :
5 to 25 versos of obituary poetry. The Won. Lon. 0. E. King.
reason it does not appear is that, for cote Wingham 6 2 Foe sale cheap, foursetts of seeond
6 II hand single hareem I, 0, Richards.
at DeAdraan's, tain good and sufficient reasons, we de- Atwood
cided eeveral years ago not to publish Brussels 4 4 D. EWAN'S Buggies are taking the lead.
this kind of poetry and consequently treat Wroxeter 23 50 lbeeoa..
rtneittness and durability they ean't be
Drug and Book Store, ell alike. In numerous oases the verses Listowel
were meritorious but in not a few they Mee. ItOsti WILL Hen To LOOK 0111.-- A FIRST.CLASS special line of work
e",e-ree- - ----- --n-7-"-------'-'-' would have been the laughing stock of the The Kincardine Reporter, in eiviengvectell grriivaenRutftitpottc,rpecvinaltnehtos. eZtrecry nigne'r. He
;RAND TRUNK RAILWAY. community. We aro alwaye ready, ot
course, to print poetic ntectious on account of the bantam!! =tog' 1, te
Walkerton and Kincardine, speaks of Tux two lightest buggies ever sold in
memorial cards, et small con, for distri• ',our" Rob as follows :-R. Ross, catober, Brussels were purchased reoently from
eintitiELN EN.TENSION W. CI. ik. B. bution to friends but we decline in face of merle a home run when he only counted Jas. Welker, the well known carriage
our pan experience to retinal to the on a two -bagger. The crowd wont wild maker, by George Best and Robt.
Brussels Station, North
pueenecat.on in ...,e COM MIAS of THE POST. in their enm thusiasand one youug lady Thompeon, of Bressels.
Trelete ee re ; ,e, ,
and South. the follotvs:
ON TIM DIAtteNn.-The return baseball remarked that she would dearly like to Reines Clover Root, the great Blood.
GONG No cmr, A.05 1,,,, Mat* between Brussels and Seaforth kiss filet young man Ross to show her Purifier gives freshune and clearness to
Mallet NonTil.
..: XprAds 7:1 1 amt. i the complexion and cares tionstipetion.
teee een,!eisteress 10:01 p.e; wan played in the latter town on Tuesday appreciation of his play.
and resulted in a victory for the home DECLINED To PROSSOUTE.-Sattarday 25 cts, 30 ole and $1.00. Sold by James
- e ..._._._s_ ._..
team. There were very few able to tnorning Jno. W. Kerney, of Kerney ce Fox, Druggist, Brunets.
''.11e0 rtt news Items, proeuosticate who the viotore would be MoCreeken, laid information before the Sumon's cure is sold on e guarantee.
until the 9th innings. Al the close of Reeve charging Thos. Bloomfield with It mares iecipient connimption. It is
- the 5th Brussels bad 6 to Sertfortheit 4. stealing ciders and wines from the cellar the best cough euro. Only one cent a
In the next two innings the latter scored of their store. A search warrant was close. 25 ole., 50 obs. and 21.00. Bold by
A. chiel's amang ye takin' notes, 3 in each trial, making them 10 to Meg- also obtained and planed ie the hands of amines Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
An' faith he'll prent it. ' eels' 7, and both tea= were blanked in Constable Soott, who arrested B1001111181(1 B0so,UN Chirgatnn.-That eligible half
----- ' the Sth. In the last inninge Brussels end procured the bottles said to have acre lot situate an the Southerniportion of
! went to pines and the home teem piled been stolen. Court was fixed for 1 p. Tureberry street, Brussels, will be dis-
Weee ant Civic holiday ? 1 up six runs to the exultation of the home m., before the Reeve and A. Hunter, J. posed of below cost. Very easy tartan.
&toot Board this (Friday) evening. spectetors, and the sadness of our sight- P., but owing to the non.appearance of Write for particulars to Joule Hetenteeves,
1,,VIZTH Diviaion Wort last Tuesday, , seers, and the end Game with a score of the proseoutor an adjournment was made 174 Queen sI. West, Toronto.
befere Judge Doyle. 15 to 5. Our boys had the best of the until 7.30, when Kerney, who was still Goma To linen Bosooss.-For the
ON Thursday Winghans Tennis club match Red should have won but they absent, was represented by R. L. Taylor, balance of the season I purpose booming
played a match with Brussele. I didn't. Jno. Grewer struck out 10 men ; who etated that the prosecutor dtld not the carriage business in every line and
Corson:roe THOMSON lane just comolet• I W. Grewar, who pitched the first 3 in- Wish to press the ease now that the goods will sell rigs from 05 to 210 better than
od a new sswer from bis premises, Wil. nings, sent 4 to grass With the eame had 'en f Mai. There was a difference they can be purchased elsewhere. Bog -
!tam street. medicine, while McCartney made 7 peed of opitteet ,.., the Bali as to the (terrain. gies, wagons, carts. new and second -band
BLITH baseball and football clubs leay. the atmosphere, but after all Brussels nese of senetteeing this, which resulted are luoluded. I mean business as a
a matches with Brussels On , lost. We are somewhat cast down brit in another adjournment until Alondtty, trial will prove. Don't spend a dollar in
of this week. i not disheartened and betieve Brussels at 10 a. me Bloomfield being granted his either new work or repairs before con -
Orme a number of Brusselites meet to 1 Oen wallop our neighbors yet. The score liberty on his owe bonds for $400. The suiting me and gentile my limes. You
eleaforth on Tuesday afternoon to witness i 003 05 follows :- Justices wore still divided on Monday, so will nye money and I know it. Call in.
the one was dismissed. JAS. Weexen, carriage maker, Brussels
the base ball match between Brue,els , BilitesELS 11 0 szAronru. 11, 0
and Seaforth. ; F. Stretton,3b ...2 a Baker, o o 3 FoOT BALL. -Ons of the closest 0011._
of cattle from Brussels on Thursay. D. C. Ross, lb 1 1 Docking, cf .... ..... 2 2
Virmeoremer.-In Newry, on the 24th
10. Boos, 0 1 3 jackson.11 4 3 tested and most exciting feet bell match. -
lEegIle- CIzGa. 1 DAtEa blipped a cat 1 A.Ourria,lf 2 2 Whitney, 2b ..... ...1 5
eg ever played le Brussels took place on -
July, the wife of Mr. Adam Wil-
loughby of a daughter.
LANGLEY.-In Winglmen, on July 24th,
the wife of Mr. Jae. Langley, of a
Tosts.-In Winghatn, on July 18th, the
wife of. 111r. Wm. Toms, of a son.
Connive -In East Wawauosh, on Jely
18th, the wife of Mr. John Currie, of
a daughter.
Comonimsol.-In Morris, on July 23rd,
the wife of Mr. Robert Cookerline, of
a son.
Tome -In East Wawanoste on July 22nd,
the wife of Mr. Wm, Tell, of a eaugh-
A General Banking Business Transaoted, Farmers' Notes . Discounted.
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits of 331.00 and upwards from dab of deposit to date 0
withdrawal and oompounded half yeatly.
Every facility afforded Oustomero living at a dietanoe.
J. A. STESVA.RT MeNeeze,
Messrs. Wilson & Casemore also forward. 3.3300000 0b 1 3 Graves, lb .... .... 2 3 Victoria Park last Friday evening, when
ed cue on the Battle day. l N. NV, drewarF. Gerry,as 0 5 Currie, rf of 0 5 Beattie, ab 0 4 the home team and Wingbane met to
Two CRT 10BAS of lumber, door e.,,,a 1 F.Dowtang,, rf ...0 8 Bawkshaw, es 1z setae ehampionehip honors in aonneotion
with the Maitland League series. Wing;
window frames, poles, &o., were brought 1 3. Grower, p.... ..... 0 3 McCartney, p 2 0
down last Saturday from Wingham for I Total ham was one match ahead and as a eon•
-- -.
the new Electric Light Works. 1 8 27 TotalS 10 07 sequence their stook was high and it was
1 2 3 1 5 0 7 8 9 therefore not a matter of surprise to see
Towx CONSTABLE Wiliam has been in• 1 Brussels
4 0 0 o 0 .1 1 0 1- 8
the &tub accompanied by scores of their
etructed to hand in the names of every ' Seaforth 0 0 1 1 2. 3 3 0 5-1a)
',neon rotted tying horses to shade trees, , 7. T. Ross, Brussels, umpired the game townsmen, who most euthuslastiaally
tt: supported the representatives of their
in any way deetroyine them. ' and meted out eveuthended justioe to all.
town. Babe. Ferguson, Referee, of At-
ntree Leer," Jas. O'Leary'e peeing Harry james scored for Brussels.
itoree. hes ben sold to J. E. Swarts, of ! SZIMDE.-The following wee clipped wood, called the game &bout 545 end up
and down the ball went, but half time
Wingbne. He is a good horse but has from the Manilla (Iowa), Advocate of
too fast a mark to melte much money for July 30th, 1807, and refers to the death was well nigh epent before either side
seared, whet' the visitors lauded the
hie owner in this country. ' of the late J. R. Kerr, of which notice
sphere between our flags amidst the lee -
Tun Wingham Times says :-The 1 was given in last week's Poe e :-"Last g
Beeisenes Posrnelebrated its silver anni. ' Tuesday afternoon this community was lid rejobsings of Winghtun Res. This ad-
versary last week. THE POST iS a good ' shocked by the intelligence that J. R. vantage rather spurred the Brussels
:coal paper and we trust its genial editor Kerr, one of our most highly respected kickers and in the only pert of the last
half they returned the compliment, with
-nay be long spared to make it a still . citizens, had taken his own life. Crowds
the hearty hurrahs of 13russelites. Both
more popular newspaper. of excited people rushed to the residence
teems sot vigorously to work to break the
IN speaking of the Wiughnm-Brussels only to find the report too true, for prone
tie, but despite the rapid passes and fast
feet ball mune the Wiugbam Times re- upon the floor in an epstair bedroom lay
shots by the home team Omahas and
mark.; :-Brussels play gentlemanly ball. Mr. Kerr in a pool of blood, with a bullet
Stuart as backs pvesented an almost rook
-Armstrong is a corker in goal, he should hole through bis brain. Subsequent de.
like defence, and if a, ball perchence
le earns,' Armlene.-eTony" Sample veloproents revealed the fact that he was
unssed me- sick, guess elm's all right." under arrest at the tine he committed evaded them Goubkeeper Allenby quick -
Tun roaci.mestera are given the follow- the ad, an officer from Missouri having ly put it out of close conneotion with the
goal. The last 20 or 30 minutes Wing-
ing territory on the Westerly and North- come for him with reqnhem pleyed a defence geme entirely and
isition papees,
ern section of the G. T. R. :-.A. Bruce, t the ;Merge being that of bigamy. The
Stratford, Ccelerich to Brantford, Tavis• story is told that he married his first am ib so snocessfully as to defy the pos.
mok Junction to Port Dever, Simooe to wife in Canada about 1880 bet lived with sibility of Brunets scoriae, and as a
Port Rowan. Stratford yard. 0. Dallas, her but a short time when he drifted to reault time was called, after li hours
What:bane Stratford to Listowel, Pet. Missouri, where, some four years after, bard work, with the result of 1 to 1.
:nerston to Durham, Palmerston to Kin. be married another women and after a This deeision gave the League victory to
Wingham and the many friends of the
sardine, 21, M. P. (24th distriot) to Wing. time deserted her. Some five years ago
;lam InnotIon. T. Lockhart,PaInterston, he went to Canada and returned with his winners rushed intthe centre and there
Guelph Junction to Southampton, Han. first wife, and they have lived happily was every evidenoe given of the joy of a
1mPa-earned vineryThe teams lined
nston teowen Sound, Perlthead Junotion since, she knowing nothing of her bus. .
.0 Wiart011. band's former career. As we have elated up as follows
LiesinNeete-Monday last Judson C. be has been most highly respected since Brengsms. PosretoN, VINGHAN.
Greenwood, of Toronto, and Miss Hattie, coming to this place, having been a Armstrong 0041 " Allenby
eoungeet daughter of Rev. James Harris, member of the Presbyterian church, and McKinley
Sample } Banks {
of Guelph, formerly Methodist minister, has been very prominent in °laurels work
of Brussels, were united in matrimony. and every other movement looking to the j'ellike'reu 1 4 Beast .1 McKinnon
sCtog ler st
Pergneen 1 ' HaWlie
'The oneemny was performed by the wellfare of the community or the better.
Inide'd Vatter, assisted by Rev. 5, Sellery, anent of its morale. He was ever ready Stewart
Cloonan Centre Bailey
R. Doff
13. D„
also a former pastor of the Mettle- to aeistthose in distress and was honor- thecansoii --, ••• 1 Wing i M
dist church in this plan. The bride elate and upright in all hie dealings. We mann ......... ...,.. j. L. Win ,I
wore 9. very becoming oostume of shot do not heeitate to say that be Wae one of Hamilton
GerrYlteferee-ltobt. Ferguson , Atwood.
blue tine golden brown and carried a the Advooate's staunoh friends and eels -
beautiful begun, Bertha Bellamy, the porters and itis With a sorrowing heart Brussels team played a great game, Bit -
little nein of the bride, from Glenallsen, that we, in duty to our readers, chronicle lees, °lent= and jeolcson being spool-
wae maid of honor. The old time friends these sad facts. He made friends every. ally prominent. Armetrong, in goal,
worked to the same extent as at
of Mee. Greenwood here wish her and where and many hearts are touched with wag not
Wingham end was well supported by the
baoks. The (Aube were olosely matched
and everybody appeared 30 play their
respective positioo with vim. There
was very little wrengling, as the aroma
properly loft the decisions in the hands of
the referee to deal out ;Ionia° to ell.
Gats reoeipts amounted to over $27,00.
The town Band played a number of
selections during the progress of the
match. Over 500 people witnessed the
game. Atwood defeated Wroxeter on
Saturday, thereby bringing to a non -
elusion the series of =tan in mimeo -
tion with the Maitland Leagne,
her husband long life, happiness and grief and the memory of the sad affair
prosperity, flange over the community like a pall and
Alteteitta.-Thuredev evening of last is about the only subject of eonversatiou.
week the members of Western Star The sympathy of the entire community
lodge, No. 149, 1. 0. 0.F., Brussels, to j goo out; to his estimable wife in her
;ha number of ss, marched to the nine. titillation. He threw the offioer off his
eery, headed by the town Band, for the guard by apparently malting ell prepare,
impose of decorating with floral wreaths tions to depart with him on an early
the graves of deoeiteed brethren. After train. He carefully and calmly footed
reaching the silent city of the deed, a up his amounts and made out bills of
brief Bervice was aonduoted by IL G., money which were owing him. He also
W. EL Kerr, and Chaplain, Rev. Bro. looked through the books of the Wood -
Stewart, of Ethel, and after a verse of men Order which were in hie possession,
"Nearer tny God to Thee" was sung the he being Camp Clerk. He then made an
flowere were plaited on the graves in the excuse npstairs to change his clothes and
' following order :-Jno. Parker, George while there put an end to his existence.
HaYseort, Mee. Heemeeit, Jas. Wilson, The exemplary life which Mr, Kerr has
Alex. Webster, P. Thompson, Mrs. lived during the nearly three years he hall
Thompson, Alex. Stewart, Donald Scott, resided in Manilla, leads many to beline
ere Donald Scott, jr., D. A. Smith, A. that he sincerely regretted the mis steps
Hamilton, W, Roddick and Mrs. Sno, of hie formes life and was trying to atone
Leckie, IS in all. The wreathe were for the same by living the best he could
hematitel and many boquets were alert under the airourristencee. & brother of
placed on the graves of departed brethren. Mrs. Kerr arrived yesterday afternoou
A. eiNee Wad formed, the concluding from Brussels, Ontario, and he in clam.
service read and after pp. yer "The Sweet patty with Mrs, Kerr and little daughter,
By•and•Bye" was rends..l and the pro- also the remains returned to that town
cession re-formed end n, ached book to the atone evening. The remains Were
town. mite a catmint: of Brusselites followed to the train by a vast assemblage
outside of the Lodge attended and spoke of people, including a long column of the
approving words of the decoration, which members of the M. W. A., all wearing
went to prove the oorreotness of "Dead their mourning badge, and the expression
bet not forgotten. This was the first upon the lane of all indicated not only
service of the kind ever held Isere, but we heartfelt sympathy for the disteened
hope now Bindle the Odd Fellows have wife but deep sorrow for the dead," The
eat at good example that other Sooieties rentable arrived here Saturday afternoon
will also babe bold of the Sallee idea and and were taken to the residence of Wrn.
make it am anneal aeremony. A. Vote of ROM William street, from where the
thanks was passed to the kind friends Inners.] toolt place at 4.80, Rev, 3). 13,
who aided in the preparation of the floral McRae, of Cranbrook, took the service in
deenations, the absence of Bev. Mr, Rose.
Business Locals.
..L. First mortgage, farm eeenritr. Apply
at TUN POST Publishing House, Bruseels,
. _ .
vxma,–The most of service of my fine
regletered Jersey Bull is now 81 for grades.
Get tho best. 0. A ..UNADM.AN
DEnsioNED offers her 103 acre fawn,
beiLot 31, Cos, 14 Cray, (the Oliver m
stead) to rent for a term of yearn. Peplos-
siou to be given next Spring withttritOilele
of Fall plowing and Nowing wheat. Pm
terms and narticulars Lundy on the agonises
1.4 klonerieff, P. 0,
GREEN wOOD-EAnnis.-In Guelph, on
Aug. 2n33, et the residence of the
bride's father, by Rev, James Kar.
ris, assisted by Rev. S. Sellery, D.
B., Mr. Judson G. Greenwood, of
Toronto, to Miss Hattie, youngest
flatiplater of Bev. James Harris,
formerly of Brussels.
EtTCHINSON.-In Grey, on Monday,
August 2nd, 1807, Jane Morley, be-
loved wife of William H. Hatable.
son, aged 72 }teen, 2 mouths and 20
EVERYTHING goosed, Kings.
BALANCE of our denim ab uost. 1. C.
No. 1 flour and long clear bacon ab
HARNESS Of all kincle cheaper than ever,
I. C. Richards.
Dynnvnenv goes to Wingho,m. King's
Annual sale is on.
We repair boots and shoes cheap and
neat. 1. 0. Richards.
Boots and shoes, large stook end low
prices ab I. C. Itiohard's.
Domino, Wagons and Carte always lan
hand. I run my ovsis business,
D. Ewan, Blitelcsmith, Brunets,
CAPTAIN Sweeney, 0. S. A., San Diego,
Owl., says t–PShilohls Catarrh Remedy
is the flret medicine I have ever found
that would do Me any good." Price 50
oente. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Bras.
Immediate -
DREAMT:UM Otto several good Fume fsr
sale and to rent, easy tonne, in TewlishiPs
of Morris and Grey. lr 0. SOOTT, Brussels
Iudustrial, Toronto, Aug. 30 Sept. 11,
Montreal, Aug. 19.28.
Western, London, Sept. 9 18.
Central, Guelph, Sept. 15.16.
Northern, Welkerton, Sept. 15.16.
Mornington, Milverton, Sept. 154.7.
Great Northwestern, Godeeioh, Sept.
Southeru, Brantford, Sept. 21.24.
Woodetook, Sept. 2243.
North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 25 24.
East Huron, Brussels, Sept. 30 di Ont.
Wingham, Sept. 28 29,
ILI- cent. 33. SCOTT, Brussels,
near Brussels. Great bargain, Lot 7,
Con, 0, G roy township. Good buildings end
o =herd, well watered, suitable for mixed or
dairy farming. Possession given next
Maroh, with privilege of doing Fall plowing,
Apply to W. H. KERR, PeST Publishing
House,lirussels,or to TBOMAS HDRITAGE.
Lend= West.
Selo with Mae lot. Good °Jethro,
furnace, &e. Will be sold. at a banain.
Apply to Tans Pon Publishing House.
-100 acres of good farm land at
Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer-
ed Inc sale at slow price. The property is
North East 13335e10, Tam. 11, Range 4, Beet,.
There is 9110505 on the premises and scene
breaking done. Per full particulars as to
price, title, 40., write or apply to
G.F. BLAIR or W. 91.11131114,
30-tf Brussels, Ont,
vieE,-The cost of emit* of my flue
registered Jersey brill is Only di1,00 .00 insure
0100 of the undersigned, Lot 0, Con, a
Groy, on or about June Eith, a Chester White
sow, Auy information loading to her recov-
ery will be thankfully reoeived.
' DERSIGNED offers his eligible 04 more
farm for sale, Meng South part of Lot 5,
Con. 12, Grey. All under eultIvation, well
watered and fenced. There is a good
stone boner., bank barn, orchard, web, 40„
cm the premises. Also a splendid stone
quarry lrom which a good revenue is realis-
ed. OnlyBm
miles from ruegele. Terms
reasOnablo. 'Par further particulars as to
prlee, &o ., apply to
.31-11 JOHN MITCHELL, Proprietor,
Brussels P. 0.
L_/.. premises of the tindergigned, Lot 10,
00. 11, Grey, on Or about June 15. The own -
or is requested to prove property, pay ex-
nenses and take her away,
34 JNO. CAMERON, Ormihrook,
Consisting of the South a and South a
of the North 31 of Lot 30, Con 2, Nast Wawa -
nosh. This is an exoellent stook farm,being
well supplied with good spring water. It is
situated about 0011100 from the thriving )01 -
lap of Myth. A. largo part 01 11 is under
grass Buildings and fences 0.15 10 a fair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment will
be given. For all in formation apply to
11-tf U. F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels,
BS. GEO. TAYLOR wislins
to intone the ladies /of Brunets and
vicinity that she is prepared to make up
switches, earls, braids, &a, ant et heir °iamb-
ings. Orders loft et Tara E. BOWS' store,
Bennis, or gent to Box 144, Seaforth, will
reeeive prompt attention and satisfaction
guaranteed, 4 d
havi lag left my bail and board wi Wind
any will or eo00ent,1 hereby warn the nubile
against giVing her oredit on my moraine, es
e win not be respousible for the Sanaa after
this tine. GABBIBI,RISA.131SL,
Grey, July Mb, 1807. Grey township.
Follows Ow application
• of one of our
Belladonna Plasters,
That Gent:minting pain in the beak,
that annoying lameness dieappears at
Ones, Why suffer when o mire octets
only 25 cents ? These Plaster; are very
soothing and do not irritate the skin or
cause a troublesome itching.
33 That excellent farm, Lot 15, Con, 8,
Township of Grey, 100 ROM, must bo Bold at
once in order 10 01000 estate of deentisedown-
er. The 101 30 nearly all elearog, With good
buildings, ample water supply, large or-
chard, 13) miles from Cranbrook, is under
good eultivation and is a very desirable pro.
party hackled. Apply to ltIOHARD MIT-
CHELL, Brunets P. 0.1 301433 MITCHELL,
on the premises ; or 8.0<103301030, Bruseels,
Dated Sept, 13th, 1800.
REMEMBER We CPA ey facility
for Compounding Doctor's Prenriptions,
Extreme care, Pero Drugs and Low
Prices are the rule
DE/WM= Were his farm of 005
hundred itereN for side, being Lot 11, Con.
5,40 the Township of Grey, and 5 miles from
the Village of Brunets. There are over 80
morels cleared and the farm is in a good state
of cultivation with good fences, also a good
frame house and two barns and other out-
buildings. Goo10 ovohard and a never -failing
spring on the farm. Possession can be had
on the let day of March, 1898, with tho privi-
lege of plowing on farm. In the Fall. Por
further nartienlare apply to
47-tf Brussels P. 0.
Foz'o Drag Eton.
P. 8. -Store clone every eight at 8
o'olook. Saturday eight* excepted.
• Solicitor and Conveyancer. 0011o5.
11003 made. Oftloo-Vaustone's1111043t, Bros.
T D. WABWI011,
8, • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary Bellew), is prepared to treat all
diseases of domestiaated animate in a com-
petent manner, Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. °ally promptly at.
tended Ix,. Office a n etharraary-Four doors
north of bridge •rurnberry at.,. Broome.
IAT • SNolli eiStoirN,UColjnvAi
eyaneer ,No taryPub-
lie, &e. Oftlee-Vanstor e's Block 1 door
north of (Antral Hotel, Private Funds to
Lioeneed. Auctioneer. Sales eoncluet
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stook a epoolulty. Orders le/b s,b Tnn Poe1
PUblishingHouse,Brussels,or Bantle Walton
P. 0., will reedy° prompt attention,
12 • mon, will sell for bona prices, to
better mon, in ees time and less chance
than any other Auctioneer in Nast R. uvon
or he won't charge anything. Detee and
mins emu always be arranged at this aloe
or by personal application,
Jr. G( F. 00.Ae!ilyE c,Re 0 Ne,
on, Holt
Cameron,) Barrister and 00110100, Goderich
Ont, Onice-Haindton St., Opposite, Ool
borne Hotel.
solicitor, am, auto of °arrow &
Prondfoot's Oillee, Bedniehe Oilice over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels,
Money to Loan, 47
Who has had 25 years experience as an
Auctioneer, but who 1111,d to quit owing to ill
health, has again taken out ileonse and Is
Prepared to °ended, sales at reasonable
berme, eabention ettranteed. Dates may
be immune 51 1010 POST Pliblish lug House,
18-11 Auctioneer.
VOTERS/../ST, 1897.
Municipality of the Tillage of Brussels,
Comedy of Huron.
Natio° is hereby given that / have trans-
mitted or delivered to oho persona inenbiou-
ed in Section 5 and 003 the Ontario Voters'
List Aot, 1800, the notes required 3msaki Anoint ogor unitod workinon,
Sections to be so transmitted Or delivered,
of the list made pursuant to mild Alt, of all
1)0150118 appearing by the host Revised AO.
tessment Roll of said Mindelpality to be en-
titled to Vote ht fetid lotenielpulity tb serge Thio Old and prosperonal Fraternal Ann
Mons for moinbors of the Logistneive atien nuraberin% 550,000 members aro pre
sembly and at Municipal Elections, anti that outing to thane lie their pooulor (Ludt:100n.
skid Ifs b WM first printed tip at my ofliee in 0011001 rates to worthy mei), at the very 100
Brussels on thel3Oth day 0f7uly,1807, Andre. 0000 51 about $8.00 per 01,000 per anDMIL
mains there for inspection, lelectore are The "Wovemene rreneetlY raY Deal0
*ailed upon to 010,1111116 the said list, and, if I DM and expect a large increase to its
asy Mnieelone or any other errors are foun11 members inew that those Anietleau Line
therm, to take immediate proceedings to Companies don't Munn own/tams. to lean -
home the end errors corroded anottling to
law, 17 0. 9003)0, elk, 110110, AlthISTRONG, ; W, 30,1(133310
Betted the 80th day of july,1807, Recorder ; J, A., CREIGBTON,Pluauclor,
LP • Plivaloian, Surgeon, Accoucher, eta.
Graduate of Toronto University Medical
Faculty. Member of College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Out. °Imes -Next door to
McDonald 400,, Walton Ont.
10,33,0. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin-
ity Medical College, Member College of Phy-
sicians and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate 01 1,0
Royal Oollege of Physinians and Licentiate
of Midwifery, Edinburgh. 1.30Telepho0e
No.11. Residence, 101113 131,, Brussels,
let Olen Honor Graduate of the Universi-
ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston),
and of Trinity Medical 0 onege ; Fellow of
Trinity Medical College and member of the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar-
io. Post Graduate Course in Detroit and
Chicago, 1800. Special attention paid to dis-
eases of Bye, BILT, Nose end Throat, and dio-
ceses of WOD.10n i"."(lonsultation in Nng-
lieli and German. Telephone at residence,
y • Ismer of MarriageLioeusos, Office
[011ie Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels.
'r) N. Tonson' A.rtist. Shop -Next door
soutt:of A. M. 1‘1°C.Kity & Co's hardware store.
Itdies'aud childrous hair elating a specialty
Savings Bank takes Deposits faorn
331.00 to 81,900 and allows 05 per cont.
interest. T. HARROW,
37-3m Postmaster.
lesuer of Marriage Licenses,
0510100 01 Jitwitl,n1 &roma.
t -.No Without Required.
T. FLETO5T13R, Brussels
..c34.. Clerk of the Fourth Division 00110
Co, HuronOonVeyancer, Notary Publio
tend, Loan and Limn:mime Agent, Funds.
Invested and to loan. Oollectiene Waft
Oleos in Graham's Blook,Brinniele
9-11i08. A. HAWEINS,
J. Will give lessOnS 10 moils °Rhea. on
Diane or organ, at hie Music Boom, opposite
the postmince, Brussels. Vocal lessons elect
given. Leen years experience in teaching.
Taring emanate.