HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-8-6, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST
gbe wArnsuto Vat
-113 penetenze--
(In time for tho early mails) DA
"The Peet" Steam PablIellingl UMW,
oune.-'v,-One dollar
year, to advance. The:date to whieh over
subseriptiou 10 paid is denoted by the date
on the 0.21.111000 1i2101,
AnvEittatIliei BA/ma-The following rateS
will boehargod to those who advertise by
the year: -
anon '----- 1 -;.1-i-:TITin-o-.TricEtZ-
Oue 001.0.11)0 000 $irog 1 836,110
/Eighth " I 1 e.00
Half ' 05.00 20.110 15.00
Quarter " 9.0.00 MOO 8.00
Eight oentsper line for first insertion, and
three =Miner line tor each subsequent in-
sertion, All advertisements measured as
No0pare1l-19. lines to the inch,
1300111es0 Cards, eight Hues and u112811, $0
Advertisements without 01,00120 diroo.
Koos, will be inserted until forbid, and
eharged accordingly.
Instructions to ebange Or discontinue an
advertisement must be left at the counting
room of Tun POST 1101 later than Tuesday
of each week This is Imperative.
Eattor and Proprietor.
Prom Mandan, Man., to Sandell, It, 8'.,
Via C. P. 10.
After farewells were 001d to the kind
Mends %gambled et the station, we
boarded the West -bound train at 11.50,
leaving the beautiful "Wheat City" be.
hind and found ourselves commencing a
long journey by night. Al the' reentry
her is pretty well knoWn we will just
give paesing notes. Seyeral pretty towns
are passed 10 tile night sura Re Oak Lake,
Virden and Moosernin, until the peep of
day finds us at Brentiview-first division-
al point West. Old Sol lean early riser
at this season in the West, making his
appearance at 3.30, mating short the first
night's sleep. As a new country is al•
ways interesting to the writer, dull deep
was lightly shaken off. Al Broadview
and Grenfell there are some handsome
stone blocks and residences, reminding
us of the old Stone Teem in far away
Perth County (Oat.) Some of the 31008.
01.130110are still sleeping. It seems a
waste ef time when the early 0010113118 011
the boundless prairies in so refreshing.
Our penchant for sightseeing will be
doubtleee satiated before the joarney is
end111. Nearing Indian Head, a 31088113,
situated town of about 1,400, good farms
are again seen, making 11 pleasaut change
after the long stretch of reserve laudEast
of that puha. The Experimental Farm,
00101 60 the one at Brandon, is the finest
io the West •, Qu' Appel le, meaning ',Who
calls" -the Iudian answer to the echoes
managed at times to endure it until t
warmer air beyond the summit w
readied. Passing Anthreesite -it 00
field -we come to Caligula s grand
liArtoNAL 1131)00
where beautiful Banff le situated. T
hotel and sanitarium with its famous 11
springs are a little dietant, The r
depot built of cedar logs in the roug
had a mai° end romantic eppearane
A. little beyond le tbe Great Divide-tl
ennuelt. e,ett Teedee deal,
tells the traveller 0011010 11)9 waters flo
East to the Hudson end West to ti
Columbia and Pacifie, mad it watt BOO
rippareet to the watchers. One bere fee
eotnewhatt Weed above the ordinar
affsers of life, There does not seem to be
as 3801.10 81091110061013 difficulties, and ere
have entered the Kinking Horse pees, as
was encountered on the North ellere of
Lake Superior ; the descent though is
very ateep, the train having ou full
brakes and the trainmen all on the alert
to avoid acoidents.
To attempt to give a description of tbe
beauty of the Columbia valley would be
futile, beides it is tbe intention to only
give our impressions of the trip. The
old chestnut p.brase, "Tho scenery batiks
description," is the only adequate one.
Steamers run up the river from Golden,
ft stirring town, to Fort Steele, a boom-
ing mining locality, near the head waters
of that great stream. Below that 300018
tbe river is too rapid for navigation and
it there makes a greet detour round the
Leaving the Columbia at Donald,
where for the second time watches are
set back one hour, and through dark
tunnels and by yawning chasms we 1018011
the Beaver 'Valley, oommeneing the as-
cent of the Selkirk range. In many re-
speets we think the latter greeter than
the Rookies. The creek rushes over
make in a succession of easeades, and the
road almost encircles some spurs,
Mounts Macdonald and Hermit tower bo.
ing nearly a mile and a half above on
either eide of the trnek, with their
glenter beds, are objects of great interes
to the eager sightseers in the observatim
ear. The view here is often unfortun
ately lost in the great snow sheds, whin
are a necessity, owing to the snow slide
from the preoipitous mountain sides,
A. little beyond Rogers' Pass we eras
the summit and mine upon the grandest
of all in p01138 00 majesty 8.081 solemnit
-the Great Glacier. The C. P. R. bees
a maguifieent hotel here with lawn
fountains, etc., commanding a fine vies
of the eternal field of ice, deep blue as
pearly white in its varying depths
Mount Sir Donald, rising to the gidd
height of 8,000 feet above the road, svitl
a foaming cascade falling sheer down th
side for thousands of feet, is incieseribala
ly picturesque. We reluctantly leav
this ideal spot so favored by natitre
The best Rocky peak.? were goinewha
obscured by clouds and Mount Stephen
and Castle Rook were not seen to ad
vantage, though their lofty heads were
sometimes seen above the mists.
Leaving Glacier we oome to the great
°es, where the road winds down from
he high plateau to the deep valley iu
everal oireles, three tra,olus being visible
t once, each lower thee the other, per-
ning the dburse of the Illicilliwaet,
whose blue, limpid waters tumble over a
n00000100 of falls down the uszrow rooky
orge. At Albert Canyon the train steps
or five minutes and the time is toe short.
platform is built over .the edge. of the
arrow chasm, giving a splendid view
here 300 feet below the foaming torrent
ushes through its rocky file. This in
tseli is well worth the trip to those bent
n sight seeing.
A.t, Revelstoke, where we arrived about
4 p. 03., the Columbia is again reached.
There are the old and the new towns, the
latter the outcome of railway traffic. It
is a stinting place. Here passengers for
the Kootenay take leave on the main line
and as we are of the nurnber, we part
with regret from fellow passengers, who
for the short time are so genial and
agreeable to each other. There were
many English and American tourists
abroad w130, one and all, were deligbted
with Mils grand snenery. One American
remarked that he had crossed their three
tvans.conlinental roads but saw nothing
to compare with the 0. A. R. line. So
muell for Old Canada,
From Revelstoke 000 1030 down the Co.
lumbia. to Arrow Head wbere boat is tak.
en for different points eolith. At 8 p, on.
we leave by steamer leakusp for her
namesake at the foot of Lower Arrow
Lake arriving there at 11:30. The trip
ou the winding lake is most delightful.
The varying scenery es seen from the
deck of a steamer is fine indeed, the im-
mense eeeroblights ab times lit up the
shore quite clearly. Nakusp is prettilly
situated 011 the terraced lake shore. We
stayed et the Leland, a comfortable and
commodious house. It seemed strange to
one used so long to the broad prairies to
be wakened by the hoarse whistle of a
steamer, and also to eee the snowy tops
of tbe mountains gloaming white in the
sunlight of a June morning.
Leave Naknsp at 7:30 a, n3. and wind
around the hill side at a very steep, in'
aline. Doubling we came bank to near
starting point but high above the town.
After travelling for half an hour we skirt
the shore of Box Lake, whleh is only four
miles from Neltusp bub many hundred
feet 0.1300e, Pan Summit Lake where
numerous fish were Been junming up to
secure an early morning meal, Here the
cedar and pine forests am so dense that
clay is 8.100000 11010 1103118 in their depths,
Stop at the head of Sloven lake whose
pebbly beach invitee one to take st bath
after the long dusty trip, but a dip 00 6010
band in tns icy water dispels' such
thought, A. saw mill humming on the
far shore and with the singing of birds
and the pine scanted air makee the stop
pleasent, At Rosebery we meet the
steamer which rung to Slocum City.
New Denver 18 seen near by on a level
boaoh with its pretty water front,
Mom Denver we run along a deep
nem up which is situated Smarm.
1 the sides of the high mountains are
en the mines of silver and ethos mineit•
0, which makes this distriet the Mama
speculators and prospectors,
From Three Forks, where theee is ut
rge g comentrator, the stiffest of all
ades (44 pee 00010) 10 commenced. ,The
gine pushes the two' beavily•loaded cars
ea& This is done to prevent a pont.
o break away of the cars, whieb might
oat gad. fete in 00011 ale event. From
front 00 6118 train splendid view is
d, and we got a glimpse of tbe Canyon
ty, The prospect at first is not haVit.
g. Solomon gaid, 'ahem ig nothing
w ender the gun." /lad he seen Sien-
a as,tit now is those wise weed's might
vet haise been spoken, Its very now.
he nese le Re most striking feature, uuless,
as perhaps, it le its deplorable lack of OW.
al Stint la by four immense mountains with
but a very narrow strip of bottom land
ecareely wider than Winnipeg's nutin
street, and Wet intergeoted by a tumbling
mountain torrent thieltly studded with
oedar stump and logs, gives very little
room for a plata of 2,000 or more people.
The main street 10 in some pages wide
0. enough for two teams to pass and you
he feel in saying that muola yon have stretoh.
ei 1111. lit g:iee the etreet yeti 81111
W oontinnally climbing up stepg, There
10 IWO 100 or more business placee-mostly
hotels, saloons, restaurants and other
lo enceseories of a mining town-Whieli for
Y the present is quite sufficient to supply
all wants, Prices 010 013101 very bigh ; a
room in any hotel iP (0 03 a We.k firtl
board rather 813008. Still 16 10 a weeper.
me and ever incretteing mining locality
richly endowed with the shining metals.
The hillsides fee up are terraced or rather
shaved for rows of houses with ladders to
reaela thorn, The railroads are also on
the hills. On one side the Cody line is
many lanndred feet above the other, or
Keele line. A pretty sight was aeon on
the mountains to•day. It was rainiug
and quite cold and near the top sleet
formed on the trees which glistened
brightly in the occasional glimpses of
sum Now, Mr, Editor and readers, par•
don my long harangue, but as the sights
impreased tile BO fOroibly I feel like toll.
ing 8( 11)011 wonders in my orude style to
my friends through the medium of your
001L11)1110. flucably
Goner. A., STIIVONS.
Sandell, B. C., June ilth, '97.
Harry L. Taylor, of Corning, N. Ye
has been malting experiments on himself
in the electric chair. He describes the
sensation of electrocution in this langu-
1.41, 001181011 shook ift felt at first, as if
some one had struck yen on the head
with heavy mallet. Iliac is 110 rain.
Tho brain feele benumbed. Height
1 indite danee and flash before the eyes.
• Your head feels abnormally large, some -
h what like that of a person whoa troubled
with vertigo. A heavy weight seeing to
be bearing down upon your head. The
s pulse is high, and au exhilarated feeling
O takes posseesion of you. Yon feel its if
Y yon were treading ou air with everything
o around yon blank. You. are alone, the
, only being, the only object, the only
tengible thing in the universe. You
d gradually sink into insensibility.
, "A fierce shook suddenly passes
Y through your whole system. Yon are
1 again struck on the head with the mallet,
e the MIME bright lights dazzle before your
• eyes, and then all irs a blank. The
second shock is caused by the withdrawal
• of electrifioation, 01, 010 commonly expres-
t seri, When the ourtent is turned off."
• Norse Harks and Terms.
heard in 61101 111118)' te the North, aise , t
place of importance.
Regina, with a population of 1,800, has a
it city -like Repentance. Its chief import- s
mice though is 010 00110111 position. Here
are the Lieut.•Governer's reeidence, the g
Terrlt,rial effildinga Ind the g
N. W. M. 1'. barracks, forming a suctees• f
sion of little villas West of the town. A
There are also 00010 0110 buildings in the a
town proper. The Prince Albert line ,e
conneets here. A. short distance from r
here is a place oalled Pense, which would g
have been more appropriately named
Pensive, Its 68 0101188 on a vast dreary
marsh and gives the other side of the
&tura of the beautiful prairies.
Noose Jaw is the terminus of the Soo
line which connects at Pesqua. The
company have bore, and at other division-
al peiets, pretty garden plots, well cul-
tivated. Oar numbers are reinforced by
passengers from the Soo train. Shortly
after leaving Moose Jaw the ranoh land
is entered and for many miles no sign of
farm life is seen save numerous herds of
cattle, apparently monarchs of all they
eurvey, Hilly stretches with occasional
lakelets vary the landscape. Some of
the lakes, (ilkali) where drying up glisten
in the sun like the salt beds in the Orient.
At Gull Lake, nearly 400 miles West of
Manitoba, a favorable change le the 011 10
noticeable, the balmy, warm winds sue -
deeding the chilly enee we felt at Regina.
There are some immense ranches in theta
parts, all inclosed, but dwellings are like
the proverbial angels' visits -few and far
between, We scare up a beautiful and
fleet antelope. As it is the first seen on
the open, be CMS watched with interest,
while a skulking coyote scarcely received
passing notice.
From Paesmore to Medicine Hat the
road winds down a valley between bluffs
and sand hills, which widen to a eircular
plane en the bank of the Saskatehewito,
which is a wide, navigable river. In the
lovely valley is Medicine Rat, a lively
town with an hospital and police barracks.
The river le spanned by a long iron
bridge,. A short distance on a natural
gtts well hag been struck, which gave con•
Sitlei able around. We aro ja 18110
foothills of the Rookies RS night closes in
and expect to waken up in sight of the
great backbone of Amerioa.
Calgary es aeon by night 1108 a very
fine appearance. 16 10 lighted by the aro
light eystem. Its broad, level streets
compare meet favorably with Brandon.
Thio ie the centre of the ranch country
and "the hub" for the cowboy, A road
rune 'North to the &Menton district,
and eie Senth to MacLeod mud Lath-
bridge-eeal fielde, The latter is ONO
oonni oted with Medicine Hat.
Leaving Calgary at 3 0.01,, we get the
first 311l(00 of the In nintein peaks at
LBO. The eight is most impreeeive, the
lofty regged peaks glisten in the ettn's
rave, whish haat, not yot reenited US,
while where nre draped in 01111710000 like
linens, clouds, nnly rliBlingiliellable from
the latter by their sharp outlines. Fol- oa
lowine up the Bow river from Calgary 01
and eltirting the foothills for hears we
rearli the rooky fastness shortly after 8.
The river is 11000 11 turbulent stream of a,
greenigh line. The first posit we peas
Molted Ile 10 10 had been cleft in two by
003130 mighty fame, leaving half hanging
on Web. Clouds and 08.Ve0 are seen up
the side, and with silvery stream falling
like misty Wig add IN ehatITI to what is
beyond oar ability to describe.
Oenmore the famous Three Sisters
are geen, unique 011 theft similarity, An
observation ear, the open sides of Which
give splendid opportunity for vietvingj
seenery, is attached here. As Rene very
cold few Could beer the open air tide
long, but with Intavy frieze and gloves we ,
it iree-eeutta etoulo 11o,,
A white spot in the 00101)011.2 10 a, star.
A. white 31100 0(00) eye to eye is 0 bald,
A white stripe in the face is a blaze.
.A. stripe between the nostrils is snip.
A white eye is a 31300 eye.
A horse lute pestecns, not anklee, and
there is no such joint as a bind knee or
fore Aberdeen
White below the pastern joint is a
white pastern. Above t he pastern a
white leg.
White around the top el the hoof is a
wbite coronet.
.A. star, 1)11100 01 bald Nee can't be any-
where exeept on the fare. .13.00)13 can't
be anywhere exeept ou the 11080.
Amble, a gait like pmeng, but slower,
in which the two legs on the same side
are moved together.
Appel, the gentle tug on the rein given
by the horse at each step.
Orem that VIA of the home beck of
the saddle.
Bore, to bear on the bit.
Buoking, leapiug verbically into the air
with all fonr feet, and owning together on
the ground.
Elbow, joint of foreleg next above knee,
lying next to home's side.
Forearm, that part of the leg between
the elbow 0081 1)1100.
Forge, to strike the too of the fore foot
with the toe of the hind one ; very often
the result of bad shoeing.
Frog, a triangular piece of spongy horn
in the middle of the sole of the foot.
Grindera, the back teeth.
Hand, one-third of a foot --four in-
Over tho Ponce.
Some remarkable feats of strength
have been performed by women, but that;
which a young man says Mrs. Hall, of
Independence and Elmword Avenue,
Timms City, performed is entitled to tbe
blue ribbon and a spatial prize. humus
that Mtg. FM and oue James Fleteber
are neighbors. Neighbor Fletcher hag a
cow and neighbor Hall him a lot of chick.
ens. A. batbed•wire fence separates the
two premises, but has nob sueeeeded, so
far, in keeping the two families apart.
Fletcher has a let of boxes on bis place
and Mrs. Hall easerts that ller chickens
lay in the boxes. The obiekene and Mrs.
Hall's boy combined have proved a bone of
&intention for some time, but matters
approached a 01111111010 00110(1 Mr. F10801103
sent a young men to the preaeouting at-
torney's oflioo to have Mrs. Hall arrested
for disturbing the peen. The chief
muse for complaint on the part of Dlr.
Fletcher, itecordin3 00 V110 young man,
wee that 3lr, Hall had deliberately,
premeditately, and with malice afore.
thought, lifted Mr. Fletaber'e cow over
the barbed-wire fame into her own
yard on a 1000118 occasion. Just how
the woman pulled 0110 0020 over tbe fame
the young man did 1108 el:plain, but he
deolared that the fence was not broken
down and that the cow was translated
from on aphere of activity to another,
103041001 61)5 pewee and dignity of the
state. Mr, Fletchee Pays Mrs. Hall
insisted on hig removing his boxes bo.
mange her chickengs bed in Ram. All
these little neighborly amenities were
passed over, but when she lilted the cow
over the fence he thought that was a
casus belle
Arthur Tyres, shot in the ttbdornen at
the Winnipeg Exhibition on Saturday,
died from his injuries.
What 001)000 bad (Imam a ft question
OW luta never been sittisfaclorilyeenewee•
ed ; but in nine cane out of ten frightful
dreams are the result 00 10)31(008 diges.
tion, which 18 few doses of A %,,it's Sarsa•
lamina will effectually rem. iy. Don't
delay -try 18 80.2183'.
ell Satisfied with
yer9s Hair jor.
" :Nearly forty years ago, after
some weeks Of SKIMPS, my hair
turned gray. beglan 'using Ayer'S
Thdr Vigor, and was so woll satiri-
c', :1 • ! 11,10 1 1114,:01
never 1.1 Div •(110l10(11j028301.
Ng. It requires only
1111 ocertoirog appli-
cation Of
flair Vigor to keep
my Mar rof good
color, to km eve
e"dandruff, to heal
itching hu nors, and prevont the
hair from ont. I never hesi-
tate to recommend. Ayer's medicines
to friends." -Mrs. onT,
Avoca, 'Nebr.
Prepared by Dr. J.O. Ayer & 0on Lowell,hfas.
rake Ayer's Sarsaparilla for the Cemelexion.
Te on trodden Yeast Co., London, Out.
Geatlemen,-Wo 306 00(010011 and bottrui results from
using .Urs. Madden 0 Yeast Um nor 0410,, we have
used, rind highly reeornmendlt. DEAN DOME, Bakers
Wanted -An Idea rzgxsPta
thin (0 Da =-
Protect your ideas; they_ may bring you wealth
Write SOHN WHDDHILEDIEN ik 00., Patent Atter.
neye, Washington, D. G. for their 21,000prise offer
and lise of two hundred'inventions wanted.
PUMP 01118.
wieh to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that 1 have 301.
0118.0011 the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and 00111 1)8 found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work 01 10301118
at moderate pricea.
No better Pomp in t•he merket.
Order left at ray shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
"Orders taken for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterns.
Gamor Creon.,
• An Agreeable Laxative and NENVID TONIC
Sold by Drugglete or sent by Mail, 25.3., 600.
and 81,00 Dor 111101(020.PtvomPrilteoT
s fr0807
,r2h0. o11 MOE
forth° Teeth and Breath, Mt
Sold by JAS. KOX, Drussist, Brunel&
Vianted-An idea W13
an thial'
Protect your ideas; 11(01may bring you wealth,
Write JOHN WEDDEatritlItN ac Co.. 001000 Atter.
neys, Washington, D. O., tor their 81,5i)) prize offer
and list of two hundred Inventions 0000100.
0 ‘"*„
Dcwiala, 01 80831111 Siandcr,I 8.14, Brad+
Terri, Ont., SAM Chase KOnry-Liver Pills ma a
grand medicine ror 11., Kidvsys and Liver,
NV, 1, Cnitarnx. ts1 l,Cu,l St, Thrown, r.
titer Chaa..'t Nita act
Hkeeragie ,ra.e,eler,,1 1410,n, attack
and cmwiparlrol. 7) (.1 ,11.101, or by en
reetire elks, e LATTS 00.
.1 teogetee taeate, 01111
A Tre 1Q7
^ To keep out the Flies and he Comfortable
you must have
1V11111HT Scrtim
It Pays to Buy the Best that is made.
Order your Doors from us and get the Best
Screen Door on the market.
1 on
'''mY" 3E3 IR, trssi11s.
0 9 PLAIN,
Iffilgt oflau Pd
We have got nearly through marking our Spring Goods and
would like you to call and inspect our stock and compare prices.
We think we can say without any exaggeration that we are in:a
position to show one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks that
it has been your privilege to see within the COUNTY.
In -Dress Goods
and Trimmings we show a range that will delightthe hearts of the
Ladies. Please don't buy until you see our stock, not that wo wish
to insist on you buying from us but our stock will give you an idea
of what is goingto bo worn this Spring.
Our Linens
we imported direct through Agents from the Brookfield Linen Co.,
Belfast, Ireland, which enables us to sell them at prices much be-
low regular prices.
LACES and EllIBROIDETUES are one of the leading features
with us this season.
111 Ready -to wear Clothing
we lead all Competitors. Our Men's Suits at $3.00 must be seen
to be appreciated.
is to make this store to the County of Huron what the T. Eaton Co.
is to Toronto. Any who haven't as yet favored us with a call we
would like to specially invite them to do so, and I think we will bo
able to make them permanent customers.
Grocery Department.
Our Grocery Department is under the direction of Mr. Jas. Purcell,
and he will be pleased to show you through 'that department.
P. S. -Our Advertising Agent, Prof. Golding, a colored gentle-
man, will probably call on you in the cause of a week or two with
Literature which will pay you well to peruse carefully.
Importer, Seaforth.
Establishea 187I.
The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It leaves nothing further to be desired, Bates and full:infor-
maim furnished on application. t$k)giam4 .
W.Ir. ICE1111, ,Agent, Brussels.
• e
Te 1
Fe Iiisla