HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-8-6, Page 3Arra. 9, 1897
Town Directory.
li9•sbvnl,111 CINaan•—Sabbath Servieo
at 11 a r I and 7:00 p, m, Sunday Sohoo
at 2:30 p m. Rev. john Ross, 73 A
Ss, Jonree Oneaou,—Sabbabh Servioe
et 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Soho°
at 2:80 p. m. Rev,,Geo, J. Abey, Mount
Merenonise Cnonarx.--..Sabbabh Services
at 1U::U 0 u: aim 7:00 p on. counted
School at 2;30 p rn, Rev. S. J, Alliu,
Roues OATuopro Cnunaxr.—Sabbath
Service thud Sunday in ovary month, ab
10;80 a m. ltev Joseph Kennedy,
SALVATION AAA"t,--Sart ICO at 7 ani 11
a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'olou s, at
the barracks.
Opp Fet,Lows' Loewe every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
MAsoaua Lopes Tuesday at or before
fall moon, in Garfield block.
A 0 U W Lopes on the 8rd
Friday evening of each month, in Bias.
hill's block.
0 0 I! Longe 2nd and last Tuesday
evenings of each mouth, in Blashill's
I O F, 2nd and last Friday in Orld
Fellows' Hall,
L O L list Monday in every month
in Orange Hall.
Sous OF soOTLAN», lsb and 8rd Tues-
days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. let LODGE, z
. n and 4th Tues-
d T s
days of mole month, n odd fellow's Hall.
Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, lab
and Bed Moudeys of emote month in Blas-
hill'k Hall.
A 0 F, let and 8rd Mondays of each
month in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Iloaie Cxucx.s, 2nd and 4th Friday even-
ings in Blasllill's Hall,
POST O,,ricu.—Office hours from 8 a.
M. to 6:30 p. m.
13TaC(LA:rnms INRT21'0'OL•',—Library in
Hulmea bu,
1 b
Ota 8
o'clock m F do da
V e sand 3:80 t1. 5
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. 11liss ithinnie Mo.
Naughton, Librarian.
TOWN CoUncia.---W. 13. Kerr, Peeve ;
Geo. Booker, Geo, Thomson, R. Lea-
thsrdale and 11, G, Wilson, Councillors ;
F. 5, Scott, Clerk ; Thotuas Belly,
Treasurer ; R. Hingston, Assessor and J.
T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the est
Monday in emelt month.
Saloon Baum.—A, Koenig, (chair-
man,) 1). C. 11oes, J. G. Skene, Jae.
Turnbull, A, Causley and I'. Van.
stone. See..Treas., R. K. Ross.
ilteebings Ind Friday evening in each
Puente Seiner, TEALnsss.—J. H. Cam.
emu, Principal, Leon Jaokson, bliss
Downey and Miss Ritchie.
BOARD se, Iletr.Trt —Resve Kerr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. farrow and Wm.
Jowitt: Do. MaNungbton, Medical
Health Officer,
For doing surra don't make the:tinge
A drowning mouse crawls u1).11103t11ou80
s loo,
1 Tao softly for a moment fain would beg,
The boy, fn horror, tl,Mlss it is a make,
Behold him for the Mara in terror
s break,
1 And shrieking through Hee yard, he gains
rs reported that water was coming into the
hold, end that if the sea continued the
r Cambria would be a bed wreak.
Large quantities of the cargo and parte
of the cabin arebaing east rep by the big
The captain of the Cambria says th
rafb towed by the Vigilant, into which b
ran, had no lights on it, and he could no
Loueco it until his steamer had run among
the logs, The Vigilant is owed by IL N.
AN°Till:: u r awl• sew,;,
Tho wind was blowing hard and cold,
and a great deal of discomfort was (mus-
ed, while waiting for the baggage to be
landed, several having beau soaked in
the lake, First. Mate Oox and Second
Mate Ilolbas deserve a great deal of credit
for the way they worked to save ell,
They appeared to be the meet 000l•head.
ed of the crew. Very little luggage was
lost, and only an umbrella and a hand
satchel hero and there are missing,
TIen PAberaseerne,
The cabin passengers are from all over
the western part, the greater number be.
ing from the States. The following are
the passengers from Western Ontario
points : le. Dutton, Ashfield ; Rev, Mr.
McKay, Godorioh ; Fred McDowall,
Windsor ; John Armstrong, Colliogwood ;
H. B. Hutton, Dungannon ; Kennstti
and elks. Geo, Bryon, Colchester : Eddie
Small, Comber : T. 13. ltbueray, Godorioh ;
John Campbell and Dan Finlayson, Bin•
sardine; Ithiss Gerbrade Copeland, Wind.
sore and Mr. and Mrs, W. Swaisland,
She oan play the "Maiden's Prayer" on
the organ pretty fair,
'Tis elm that leads the singing each
pleasant Sabbath day
Eaob one of her fine pies is the sweetest
of surprises,
An' when we're in a burry she can
build a load of hay.
The fact she meet confesses, but she
makes up her own dresses,
She trims her own woo bouuets in a
fascinating way ;
Tbro' the district it is said that she
makes the finest bread,
An' when we're all short-handed she
can build a load of hay.
Jisb one( we ted to show her when she
gaily driv' the mower ;
She dubbed that there machine her
maria box and shay.
She's a favorite with the horses, and the
old inert he endorsee
The statement that she's quite at home
upon a load of hay.
She's msbbe an "old woman," just nine-
teen and very human,
Her teeth are white, her eyes are dark,
she's always lots to say.
I have seen her in her sills, £ have seen
her sit an' milk,
Bub she's perfectly enohantiug upon a
load of hay.
The hired man is sleeping in the bay,
The each wet haus within their own
house stay.
The sulky red squirrel crouches in a
The halt drowned housefly seeks n
sheltering notch.
The shiny swallows twittering in their
Dart back and forth like frisbee in the
And through the roof a drop with noisy
Falls into a dish, pliukity, plink, plunk
plunk 1
Another drop upon the shanty stove
Bother's the housewife hem the roof
above ;
It strilred the kettle with a joyous Islamic,
Kifuk, ,,loos, klinkity Meek, plink,
plane, plains.
The hired man's overalls beside the fire
Steaming awake bhe farmer maiden's
ire ;
The moldy dog is !hunted front the door,
And "wipe your feet," soon rises to it
Wet matuhes 411 with woe the old man's
Ile sadly lights hie dhndeen with e,
The shocked np btbrley blaolcons in the
And takes upon itself the fatal stain;
And yonder tender foal with drooping
Half wishes he was born a frog instead.
A orow, benighted, shuffles through the
And in the brush we heat the breetoad's
The fermate gather in the blacksmith
A,td swap opinions on the Suoimer's
The boy -•a mottle ago he hated schools
Is fishing sodden hay from out the
And web he wisheshoiideys Were o'er,
the boase,
They snatch elle overalls and find a
The yelling •folies to e:lell ether 'ling,
The waked up hired lean slays the
awful thing,
But after that the indignant woman
Moat teasing questions at our Hero
poke ;
And c'uein Wellle, in t, es Tegirultil way
Says, "when you go to gather, in the
Hadn't you better take along a oat ?"
Now what poor boy Oita aktnd a thing
like that ?
But be will learn from out this hayfield
Girl's tongues were made to lick boys
into shape.
If you know the world's seminal. you,
If you fool you've lose your chance,
It yon have to pay the piper, just forget
you had the dance,
When some jab that's deep and nasty
makes yon get right up and prance,
Just write a little letter to the editor.
If you ihave a little hobby that you think
might bring iu stuff,
Don't spend your savings paying for a
journalistic puff ;
Take your pen in hand and ouuningly
indite a little bluff,
And pretend it is a letter to the editor.
When you the el your obscurity and
two a little tanto,
Duu't do rtnyth:ng that's rauh, because
there ie ,E N3f!'t'
r •.
Just UU get r. t
11 nd all lane tel
t t au
1 ,
boldly sign your 00ne,
In a double -men= latter to the editor.
Wreak of the Cambria.
Tie following particulars of the die•
aeter to the Cambria, which was wreaked
Tuesday night of last week have been re-
ceived t
The Cambria left Detroit Tuesday
noon with 100 passengers for Sault Ste
Marie, and was wreolkud three miles north
of Sarnia.
The following story of the wreak was
gathered from 1.t crowd of about 20 of the
VASraxua'1ha' etour,
"When we left Sarnia, tlho parser was
overhead to say to Capt. Hill that he had
letter wait until morning before yenta...
ng out into the Take, but evidently the
aptain did nob agree with the purser,
nd the boat started ea 510,y trip. On
reaching the lake, the vessel commenced
o roll heavily, but the captain pushed
n. On the way up the lakes, a raft of
eg5 wan passed in -easel. After .going
out ten miles out into the lake, the
aptain changed his mead, and turned
he boat around, and tttarted buck to.
ward Sarnia,
By this time 03051 of the passengers
ad turned in, and only a few were on
eels: Shortly after 1 o'clock the boat
truck a drift of logs, end a hole was
ads in ber bow, the logs clinging to the
oat, and completely surrounding her.
n attempting to bask out of the logs,
he steamer's wheel became broken, and
le veseel lay helpless in the water., and
t the mercy of the wind and waves.
RAN 55011 0055 50A0ia 000315.
"The shook of striking the loge aroused
the passengers, who ran from their state.
rooms in their night clothes, and for a
few minutes it seemed as if a panic
would ensue, bob some of the cooler
heads prevailed upon the more panic.
stricken ones, and order was restored,
and the passengers were persuaded to re-
turn to their staterooms and dross them-
selves. This they did, and put their
baggage in order to be taken one as soon
as occasion offered.
"The vese0l then commenced to drift
toward the Canadian shore. The Logs
along to the boat, and kept up a constant
pounding and thumping on the boat's
sides. This was kept up for about a half
an hour, when suddenly the vessel struck
something, stopped short,• mid learned
over on ono side, with the waves breaking
over her.
"To make matters worse, the straining
of the vessel when she strnok burst a
steam pipe leading to the electric light
dynamo, and the lights went out, leaving
the boat in utter darkness. The passen-
gers then became panio.sbriakeu in earn.
est, as the water was breaking over the
vessel, and the esonping steam was
thought by many to be the sound of
water pouring into the boat,
"The captain, fora moment, seemed at
a loss what to do in this emergeuny, but
ono or two 0f the passengers diel sot lose
their heads, and this reassured the cap.
fain, who ordered the passengers to don the
life,preservera. This giving them some-
thing to d0, eased their milds somewhat,
and a panto was again averted,
"A11 this time no one of the passengers
was aware that the boat was on the beach
in about eight or ten feet of water, and
within about 200 feet of perfect safety,
and dry land, Everything was eveloped
in Egyptian darkness, and nothing what.
ever could be seen. The logs still kept
pounding at the vessel's side, as if they
were bound to stave it in. This state of
affairs was ]rept up for about two home,
the captain refeaiug point black to launch
any boats until daybreak.
MOOT OL' 000,
"As soon es it commenced to get light
the work of transferring the passengers
to the shore was commenced, and when
the first load reached the shore in safety,
a shoat of joy went up, both from bile
Shure and those remaining 0u the boat.
It was hot a short time until all the
paesenger5 were safely gathered on shore,
and then the baggage was taken off."
The vessel now lies about a mile above
Point Edward, It is thought ehs is so
badly strained that will never be refitted
again. The Canadian shore at the foot
of the lake is strewn with loge foe a die.
tense of a mile anda half or two miles,
A big sea was running down Lake
Huron, and as the Cambria was lying
broadside on the beach, the vessel wee
suffering a good deal of damage, It was sometimes not enough of that, and still
keep up a cheerful and bravo spirit?
Am 1 pretty handy with tool's and trot
subject to leery Ats,
(Ian 1 swine, handle boats and canoes,
put up with extremes of heat and cold
and bear !enesss,,, torture from aoautleee
e mums of moequitoee, gnats and scold , kfls fa 1iU4hrd8ones?
t Lastly, and very iulp•,rtent too, eau I
eland anddsn sweets without getting the
"big head ?"
To nay 0110 wile can 01100e1 these
questions satisfactorily. I would say,
"00, if you so will it, and may success
attend you." But make 1,p your mild
before leaving that you have abosen no
rose•leaf profession, Civilization wants
Pioneers, and pry'emitlent amongst pion.
eers stand the gold minor anti prospector,
tcllfamms, was 11105 a sugar phial yon
just gave me ?" asked little Mahal. "No,
dear, it was one of Dr. Ayer'e Pills,"
"Please may I have another ?" "Not
now, dear ; one of those nice pills is all
you need at present, as every dose is ef-
Tina I01.5110111 V05050.
The Cambria was iu (Merge of Chap.
Charles Hill ; John Doren, chief engin-
eer. The vessel was built at Point Le•
vis, Que., in 1677.
She is a side-wheeler of 401 tonnage,
and at present is rated at A'233. She was
built for the Riehelisa and Oliterie Liue.
In 1868 she was rebuilt and lengthened
833 feet. She was rebuilt in 18:10. She is
uow valued at 1$17,000, but is nut insured
for more than 2312,000.
She vas \ refitted h
ted an ,�r
1 rufn r3ds h !this
Raring, and some increase made in her
aocomneodatioue far passengers. She
has large, roomy cabins and staterooms,
and hes been carrying a good many peo-
ple nprthward !hie summer. She is
about the sumo size as the Carmona, of
the same Hue. The two matte just one
round trip a week each between Detroit
and Windsor and the Soo,
W, J. Brown, general manager of the
Windsor S Detroit Soo line, trached De.
trait on the Oarmonia, after having care-
fully inspected the Cambria. 1Ie says .—
..The Cambria is in good condition.
We will have her in commission again at
farthest by Aug. 10th, D. 0. Thompson
took the contract for releasing her for
$600. Her wheels are not broken, no: is
her machinery or hull damaged, The
Hoots are that she streak a refs that had
gone adrift, and was tbrntvu upon it, and
into a, by the waves. She was, of course,
"Since childhood, I have been
aflicted with scrofulous boils and
sores, which- caused me terrible
suffering. Physicians were unable
to help me, and I only grew worse
under their care.
.At length, I began
to take
Sarsaparilla, and
very soon grew bet-
sele ; . , , ter. After using
> t
• tali
a dune bottles
�I tt 8
we,, las completely
n ,t1,
� P Y
sewed, se that I ha se not had a isui]
or pimple on any part of my body
for the last twelve years. I can
cordially recommence Ayer's Seem -
peril/ e, as the very hest blood -purifier
in exielience." — G. T. I3EINII'.r.T,
i\Iyersrille, Texas.
Sarsap rulla.
Aeries Cherry Pectoral cures Coughs and Golds
helpless in the midst of•, the immense
logs. Sbe couldn't even get her anchors y?Ir edown for a long time, and whoa she did sere
they dragged on the sande bobtom. Then 1'1 1• l/8
she went ashore amidst the logs. The x - w'-� -�•�
waves were very high, breaking Meer
over her, washing through her gangways
, British Columbia,and making"
the logs tab and knock
against her. She is very little damaged,
however. Capt. Chas. Hill oortainly
handled the boat very oreditably in her
distress. He made the people wait until
they could be landed safely, and then
forced bbl frightened men who rustled for
the boats to stand bade cad lot the women
go first, giving place to the women having
The tug Vigilant towed the raft tangled
about the Cambria away. There has
been a little staving of bulwarks and
stanchions. The vessel, though listed
badly, rests easily on a bed of sand. Her
fuel and cargo were lightened, and the
boat pumped out before slid was pulled
off the bsaoh.
Red Cedar Shingles
AND. —
North Shore
P1110 and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
•Estimates Furnished for all
1'!{li POST WOULD LIKE TU KNOW kinds of Boildiags, Workman.
ship and Material Guaranteed.
When the eagle wilt fail to screech ;
When the rain will oease ;
When the Crow's Nest Pass line writhe
complete ;
When a National demand will be made
for home prodoobs ;
When international disputes will be
settled honestly and honorably to all
parties ;
When arbitration will be made nstand-
ing law among all Nations ;
When Canada will be s000nd to none in
commerce, art, literature and science ;
When Uncle Sam will have one divorce
When the Government will put an out.
put tax on all mines ;
when we are to have our awn mint ;
When we will start to protect our water
sheds ;
When jingo politiciane will cease to
A MINER'S (',A'1'ECi11'3M.
H. B. Cameron, a prautioal and ex-
perienced mining engineer of Ottawa,
writes las follows, winch is very timely I
when so many are contemplating going
to the Yukon gold fields :
A rtish to the Yukon i5 inevitable,
owing to the greet gold diseoveries made
there of late. Tbo nowopaper reports are
undoubtedly genuine, being uonlirnied to
me by private information from personal,
friends who were forbunabo enough to
reach • Klondike last woman, and who
have already scoured Clearly 5100,000
Several people have already left Ob.
tawa for the new eldorado, and to judge
from the hnauy personal enquiries and
letters I r5oeive, 11 i5 evident that many
more are on bio balance. To these I
would like to give a little timely advice,
and heti thein to vender well the follow.
iug essential conditions of emcees, 1,05
each man oontei:plating to adventure
ask himself these questions :
Have I a capital of at least $300 ?
Ami eubjeot to may negaufo or chronic
disease, 1,e iell
C e, pen y rheumatism?
Am I physically emend in every way
and able to walk 80 miles a day with it
5O•pound pack on my back ?
Ain I willing to put up with the rough.
get fare, sleep anywhere and anyhow, do
my own 000kiing and wash aunt maul my
own clothes ?
Oen 1 leave peefeebfully 3001.3ree, leav-
ing no one dependent upon me 'in any
manner for support ?
Clan 3 do entirely without spirituous
liquors ?
Can I wotk like a gellsy.elave for
months, if need be, on poor fare, and
J. & P. AME N T,
One -torso Wagon, suitable for
milk hauling, nearly new.
2 Soconcl-band 2 seated Buggies,
and a number of Second-
hand Single Buggies in good
Carriage Maker, Brussels.
1vl i °'1'
Certain in its ,,acts 5,1,1 user blisters.
Read ptnsra below:
L5-,,CnivSr, tloudnrsonCu., 111., 1`,1,91,'1),
nr n J heorleases 0,
n v1, sts'tt
nand Ip o,0 Or rat ILOrAO
RO its and in v,n ,u'1, s) e 2 0,3 511 l el o 1 (5 0
rii geetuiaii' I(t lug of Oa,�r gl II5 ( a,oei,'0 ]sill
nn ee,0uIC F„0r In and vo 1"teles 3510,5!tor, 1
11es n bottle to hood nil taeNmO.
Tonal truly, 051,5, 50005(.,
1 0•txT00, leo„ Apr.3,'13,
pr ll. S- IirwvnAr Co,
.11 0' SAa--I Lnvo acct 5,,'o, 01 bottles OC yon'
!{011th” pa i ore" win, ntaeb 5500055, I
11,1,,1: th01100 LoQment I 3vor• tis0tl. 17)11.5 rm
.lnakaono 0115,. ona Itlond 0 ,r, sed 7crlr'n
Yrao x3050 etlnvtns, iIar3 rqa m
o maeSeo a to
an d dead . Srt0nd501m oro tuna Ulahsad •Ila
and knop 11. Ro5p0ottn.
9.1t. IIIT. P. O, Box 313,
b''or Sale ley ell Druggists, of address
Dr,, Xi. eT, 10.LND,so,LL CJO.U.V.A2Vry
kNOseUaeld FADS, vr.
Is prepared to de all kinds of
work in his line.
GaW i'✓rrkmrirsilip and -
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for i4 and upwards,
►a"Shop oyer 11cbolyan's store.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6,!, Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when roqujred.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Lot 20,umaoreisned Coll, 0, Morris, Ole 13.050' brad MO.
!proved White Yorkshire I -car "felseted,"
brad from J. i'. 13rethheur'a ,w''epstake,, sow
at Chicago Pair. Lerma, rtlaa to be paid
at the time of serviee with, privilege at to -
turning if newt/wiry Pedigree way he asen
on application, '.'""`”17.
White Star 121.220.
i I O Y,% L 11.1 I L STP A 31‘01
Let reef. Yawr,.I 1 , poet, via
tf,lehaebowe, 0011•f W. -3,111.Y.
An the ateenlersof thin lice carry only a
atrietly Iiwite,1 number in the SISSY and
81CON5 1.1,11251 aecbnlma,batioae, intending
passeogere are retaliated that an early ap-
plfoatieu fat• berths is aecedoery at thio sea -
5011, For plans, rates, std., : :v to
W, H. Kerr,
A t, Bruseale.
Most 5505001.5 050 A0000
51.501.0515 1,505 wO25s.
52.0051 aurae all Nerve,, annnyy
toir0sos, Impoiling i scq 51115.0.5 ightIy c byalpaat abs.oa;
Oyes vigor and else w -.aakan swan, and
quickly but surelzTre:(000 Lu.12ydra005 In old
or loupe. Uai 53005 1.n r -y wen Vrsw Won't
and l:nppy again, lent by o' is plsla vmrppe,
and ecrnmly 00,1(00 tram rb°wrratina. palely
cen-led la 01331 pa a. rr -, t 5 pa•Sage etc
tar 3 F,nnd mons In ML �M iso or ra m,
0d 1 far Add - m
race 1 lett re t
,f c oS 1�Ptt �+
,Torem, •
• ^'T ^5 OY, .2
C r.^
, e t rte, Do•
The undersigned has open- 6376 rt1 IlenVIatOr
cd up a Butcher Shop in the
- Kine, MINIM
where he will keep constant-
ly on hand a supply of the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A share
of public patronage solicited.
59,11 ALMTAa
Meat delivered to all parts
of the town.
For Impare, Wee': en?. Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, rileeplsveness, Palpita-
tion of the Heart, LiborCernplaint,Neur-
algia, Loss c£ Men,or,', Er000hitre, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Sidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
J. At, AIcLROL'. .
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by:.l'as, Tex, Drunter, Illrassels,
- ar...,m.r..,.s,..,,.
4, 6 and 8 Balls