HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-8-6, Page 14 Vol. 26, No, 4. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1897 VV. H. KERR, Prop. PaStitne Sketches in Britain. To tb 0 Biwa of Tue ThIAIN 811e—rind* it such a conglom- eration of everything Ora for ono jzo ao- custom* to write it is impossible to ha oribe it. Weetmiater Abbey, Perlin, - taut Bniffilogs, Brflish and South Remington Museum, National Art Cal. lory, St. Paul's and Tim Tower aro worthy of, and have received e fair share of praise from where and lecturers. On a (dem day climb up to the top a hu mon umea that COITImomoratem the great Jro of MN, and you will be maria at the foreet of houses that taretelies Iao beyond you on either side of the ever, wiudiug Tbarnes ; mud by•the•way, let me my that no nail now do you got a just eetinialie of the magnitude and grand. aur of London's crowning architectural glory—St, leaufss—evith itomajootdo dome holding up the cross of Christ over the nietropolie of the world. But all this belch end stone is not Tendon. To see London you must go down to the parks, the pleasure clrivea, the club houses, the thronged /hero' Wes, hospitals, theatres, saloon% arrow lanes and back silicas of the poor, eclat* the fecal of. this rest - hits five million and yon soo wealth, ecenefort, peace, arrogance, vanity, coma tnercial eticoess and difficulty, artnaken- moss, debauehery, wickedness in smiles, decrepit ago, blindness, extreme poverty, wrotoheduass aod °AMC. Tots is Loa. don—but until you can estimate the momentum of ail this array of sions and epputitee, of loves and of beton, do yon Meow London, and God forbuljthat yon may ever know it. VIE LIQUOIS TRAFFIC. I am not going to give your nano a dissertation on teinperanee, bat will place a few facto before tarn whioh will germ as it basis for purposes of judgment. Mr. Meer, LIONV so ably filling Ohnst's church, (Newman Hall's old church) quoting from Government returns for a year ago, stated that were the drink traffic expense of the United Kingdom spread over the *Hee population, it represented an ex. pencliture of I:8, le.s„ en(' 9d, to oath man, woman mud child, or say 017.60. It is an every clay occurrence for women of all ages to enter public housea, nttencl- ed or unattended by men, and at the bar drink their "drams." Repeatedly I have seen in fashionable Regent and Piccadilly areal*, in omnibuses, ab public gather- ings, in alleys, by -ways, market places, and at their own door steps, suckling their infants, women as Robbie Burns would eall'h "awfu fue" Travelling as did nearly every morning for a couple of months between Lincoln Inn Yields and Covent Gardens, it was fairly common to see matrouly women, with unkempt hair and dressed in the weeds of poverty and wretchedness, on the middle of the street jigging tt clrauken reel to their own ilrmiken 'noel°. Nearly every day for two menthe I passed through White - Chapel, not by the back ways, which perhaps would be unsafe, ba by tile chief thoroughfare of this unfortunate district, and 1 saw nearly every day woman with "mourning" around the eye, no doubt re- sulting from a drunken hors de combat. 13y wily of further elucidation allow mo to append an extract from the Daily . Telegraph, of jelly 23rd, of this jabilee yew! :— ',Business ab the Lambeth Polio -court yesterday was not what might be termed brisk. Strangely enough, at all the Lon• don courts there is 0 marked aiffereuce as regards the member as well as the nature of the *ages according to the day of the week. Monday and Tuesday usually provide Mil courts, and 'Weans - any is a tolerably busy bill10, but ib is seldom that on Thursday there is very mob doing. M would be difficult to ex. plain why. The iimentives as well as the temptations to crime most be much the sante all the week through. If there was a decrease M the number of drunk and disorderly cases only on that clay, it might bo, ea regards bo depraved of the lower laboring class, that as touch its can be spared of the week's onemings for pub. Bo -house proses is exhausted by Tues- day night and that Wolnesatty is, nem eerily, a comparatively sober dey. But, unhappily, there is no falling off in this direction. Sitting at Lambeth yesterday, it was Air. Statile* unenviable clay to pass judgment on thirteen ench oases, of which unie were of women." Thu next extract is from the North British Deily Midi, of Glasgow, and speaks; for itself, and I trust the "Holy Willies," which species is not quite ex• float even in Panache will peruse 11 with "Winkle" sober reflection — "In glanciug over the last published Parliamentary retorts air Scotland, whioh gives the names of owners of property licensed for the sale of intoxicating limn ors, I was surprised to Ilea the names oe the following clergymen in thee list, viz, Rove, Dr. Russet], Dunn ; James Bryce, Glasgow :• Alox. Gielloway, Ito. wick ; G. Boy(1, New Monkland ; Wm. Forsyth, Now Luce ; lames &retain, Beibh ; John Paterson, New Deer ; Alex. jack, Tayport ; Jamos Dunlop, Kilmer°. no* ; D. Methuen, Leith ; John Young, Arngask ; A. Miller, Iiirkintilloch Oan. on Grady, Falkirk •, D. Cenenolutol, Glasgow ; DontisMoCarthy,leutherglen Sholto D. 0, Douglas, Coatbridge S. McDonald, Nodhampton ; D. Wark, Bargedclie ; George Bret*, Crud* ; eamee Goola, Lestnahagow ; and A. IL Bridges, Surrey. So far as I was Able to maim out from the directory five of these *Meters belong to the Establish* Ohnroh, four to tho United Presbyterian Church, three to the Xiamen Cetholic Church, one to rho Episcopalian °hutch, and one to the Oeiginal Seceseion Clumoh, I was linable to trace the Church ammo - tion of the remaining flys, Then for Glasgow there is a operate Math of owners of Hooted promisee given, and in it I observe(' the name of Axelthishop Byre and the neva R. A. Maisie W. S. 111. Hamilton, Wm J. W. 'tidal*, J. Kerr, Lateen ; Shutt° D. 0, Douglas, Coatbridge ; and Win. McOloy, The Memo, Johnston. I also notieed from the general return that the Kirk Sosition of Inverness and alt the Neigh °Introit ministers in Path are alto credited With being *mere of property Bonged for the sale or intoxinating lignora, The 1110010 et John lelight, the theacturer of the United Preehyteriatt Cher*, elm) %s- pore in the lite. as an owner uf property iu which there is a publicthouse, As ib le admitted that the Week traffic: is re. sponeible for the ruin of agism& of the mule of our people, surely the ministers of the everlantiug Gospmil, who are pro. fesseilly seeking to save sails, should have nothing to do with tide drink hese, -10h111, .00., A, Bel While at this **Masa la me told a test for nunkelmees :— NOT A MON or ROIIIIIETNI. WM. MOSS, htlid10171 of the Waterman's Arra, Nine leltrualatio, Battersea, was tommoned at court for permitting amok. onnoss on his promisee. Tempector Rivers visit* the house and fourel a mat mimed lioltios tho worse for drinlc. Thiel, however, was clouted, but Dr, Botha who examined the mon, said he was undoubtedly drunk, but not Movable. In answer to a (motion the doctor ad- mitted that the men was able to tell the time of day ; but that was no sign of sobriety. Mr. TAMP, Q. Ce, agreed, and said Ile clone moose a ynnng gentleman at 041411- blitigu NW was very clrunk, bat he was able to talk coherently and toll the time. (Laughter.) But whou he began to wind up Ms watch he dropped it several Minos. Tho defendant was ordered to pay the costs only. VERMTNOM ennterevrous. The House of Commons appeared to the very worst advantage on July 7th. For lbs whole &Montan it was in the hands of a group of members who insisted on diecussing at great lengeh a miserable bill called the Verminous Peons Bill, with the one objeat of keeping off the die - emotion on the Women's Suffrage Bill, whioh was a later order oe the day. The whale &theta was of the most ridiculous and frivolons *araoter ; aucl although, after several hours of barren repetition, the closure was moved, the Mouse refused to accept it, a proceeding praotically un- paralleled in connection with se* a 1110a5IIVO. On the motion of Mr. Hamel for the third reading of the Verminous Persons Bile by which it is sought to empower oeal authorities to use appliances for leansing and disinfecting persons infest. cl with vermin without obliging them to o to the mune wards of workhouses for the purpose. 3'. Lowther moved the recommittal of he mono, and oorrinsented upon the beano from it of any effeativeprovisions. Whilst approving of the general objeots f the bill, he complained that ib made no tterept to deal with pitapat immigrants, who wore the germ of the evil with which bo measure pt.ofessed to deal, In view f the fact that ib was sougbt to throw pon loot resources a *age whioh ought to be borne by the National funds, Itch a hill ought to have been introdnoeci y the Government and not by a private ember. Sir le. rOWOR seconded the *tenement, nd complained of bbe manner in which le measure, whose title seemed to have strange fascination for the House— aughter)—becl been advanced to its resent stage without discussion, How, o asked, was clisoipline to be =Cooed mongst verminous persons when the ?plied to be disinfected ? (Latightter he lot of the policeman, in oharge of eliding full of hungry and dirty appli- ate would not be a happy oue, (Re. owed laughter.) Then was no direction to how long those people were to be p110 the disinfecting chamber, or as to O condition in which they were to be rnecl out. (tavughber.) Snob so meas. •o Whfl not worthy of the House of ommons, Mr. Labonhera warned Mr. Hazen at he was nob going to huggerommger e House into passing the bill without equate discussion. With every with to 1 mull abet lois bon, friend fo bis cam. go against certain litblo animals— ughter)—lie could not vote for the ensure its present form, mid be am* himself, es well as other inembere, I: not hating looked into the matey oto carefully. It load been said bat it s open to elm Honse of Lords to amend o bill ; but although his regard for that !Nimbly was not as great as that of no loon. members—(laughter)-- he geed it with Chant respece, mod would be s. party to throwing the dirty work Parliament 01100 the House of Lords, oust leughtere Tie had always undo- od that the vermin of Poland wens ro voracious thanEte those of gIctud— teat, hoax," and leughteti—and eh as 0,000 poor aliens bad berm known land on our shores in a month, the ets whom they brought with them sit have numbered millions. As the thee of these persone were to be boiled, 1 would very probably eel' to pieces in process, the pariah anthorilles in moot and London would amanitas oath* upon to 'amply not only froo he but olabes to 9,000 people. righter.) VOX08 web's described esmin, min, end he supposed fleas wore ba there was no ilefinition either 0500030005rminne person or vermin. in the , and he hop* before a division was en that Mr. Hazen would give a sort obeli sahodulo of vermin. (Lama .111 If the hon, reerobet would pursue subjca exhonstively, the House ild owe him a deep debt of gratitude his memo would for evermore be - famous in the lanci in enaction 5 this questiou. (tend laughter) t, Bowles desetibea vermin as a tele, tom, which generally meant that of ell one did Pot approve one's.self, battleships toneidoboats were vontio, bibs, stoats and wanatee were admit. y vermin, but the question arose thee the indostnous ilea watt vermin n ebgaged in earning hie own livali. (I. Having takeu passage istam lo 011511011511vegeta he was ono a MIDI/1011E hirnself—(leughtet)--fot be woke ri the night tted fond vat perforM• military manoeuvres cm his •person— Wed lengthen—but ha got ria of it out the gad Of the looel eutborities, 11 0. a 0 01 b a (1 a 5e T b ea 11 00 Ice 111 tet th ali th *511ic 8°1t ne bl fo 00 Via bh As 001 ere no of of sto rim ("1 1110 to gue 10150 olo anc the Liv be bet (La vet ver oea hill talc of v sr) the wot and 00111 Witt B't five whi To Rab teal whe tette lioo Spa peaobm sip! ing (000 With non, again, he bad heard 00010 political pollee clocribeil me vanilla Was the bill going to deal with then ? tGap- pealed to the only member of the Goes aliment present (T. W. Russell) to give the House the benefit of hie ripe expert euce on the sill/jot. (Lenghtor.) Mr. Hazen contended flint the bill met a reel publio want, and that the local authorities might obey be outvoted with the powers sought. The amendment having beou rojeateil by 115 to 34, further diotmssion Wok place on the question that the ITIOttallt8 be read O third time, and Mr, Rues* OXIDINECE1 010 (mini* that ib wait not oredituffie to the Mom to trifle with the subject. The olognre having beeu negatived by tel Lo lie. BM, Bowleg, referring to the fact that the name of a Soot* member was on tho beak of tato bill, said the greatest interest was talcon in this queetion in Scotlana, from the Mice to the peasant—(lond latighter)—ancl it would be an interfer- ence with the liberty of the *Wed which was not to be tolerated it that measure were extended to Scotland, TIM GREAT IIAT QUESTION. One more Cho great hat mostion— not the matins, but the ordinary silk bat of oorninerce*W044 before the Mouse of Common, owing to a sodinisadven tun which befell the "tile" of Sir Fraud; Powell, member for Wigan. Our logis. lams are racily hampered with their hats. If they leave thorn in the vestibule they may fled themselves he the pre. dioament of Mr. Glacletione, who on ono occasion felt himself obliged, "after quos. tin Put," to address the Chain In such O contingeny it is imperative that a member degrees of speaking should be covered. BM. Gladstone never brought his hilt into the Hone°, and the consequ• once was that he had to borrow the Solicitor -Generates (uow Lord Hersoholl) for the oocesion, and, as it was much too small for him, the then Prime Minister was obliged to balance it on his head like & juggler while he explained his views to the Speaker. But if to avoid snob a pre- dicament members carry ink WM with bhem to their seats, there is always the anger that, in the excitement of their speeches, they will telescope the articles by sitting on them. The late Mr. Beres- ford -Hsps and Sir George Campbell were good friends to the hatters in that respect, for nearly every oration they made en- tailed the collapse of one bee and the purchase of another. The other day Sit Franoie Powell was very eloquent, but, unfortunately, forgot that he had left his brilliant "ohinineeepot" on the sea, So after his peroration he set dome heavily, not on the seat, but on his hat, whicb gave a escruneh," and then assumed the form of a wiuclless coucertina. Tho House cheered the lion. member's mei- dent, and Sir Francis consoled himself with bhe reflection that his speech had pItteed the mgnmente of his opponents in the same condition as his hat, A LONDON ADVERTISEMENT. Here is an advertisement of a Loudon Thetttee, told shows that the "free and easy" occupies a front place in the metropolis : See Sad's Secluotive Swaying Shapely Syrans Eight Elysian Elastical Enchantresses Huh Heavenly Ronnie Moons Otto Odoriferous Opalescea Oscillators Aohit Angelic Airy Amoratti 11. Matobless Myriad of Merry Maids A Drove of Delightful Dancing Divinities A. Bevy of Blonde and Brunette B eauties A. Luscious Lot of Laughiug LASSOS at SADLER'S WELLS THEATRE, on Monday, that being the date Mr. Hartley 1(001003 EI.D9INADO ernes will contents their contract. This Ootonary °maim Gablierum of Gyrating Girls, whose faces are as pretty you've sons- Been, whose forms are as sweet and fair as a poet's dream, whose nimble feet keep thybhmic time to the soft, sweet, Eaten strains, whose fasoioatieg faces seem illumined with the pleasures of the (lance,. and whose lithe forme, *stunted in them sparkling silken *ids, entrance the eye and eared the admiration and (Montan of bah men and maids, from the toddling tot to its grey-haired grana. parent. These Tremendous Tambourine Toe•Tepping Tepsiohoremiste Take Their Times at 7.00 and 10.20 every evoe- ing, Xtha Varieties by Howard and Paul, American Artists ; Mike Melville, oc- centric ; Melinda May, Beattie Kent, Ransom and Waite, and a Merry Melange by Johony Hanson and. Combinetion, namely, STOE3(0 131101111. Commencing at 0.80 and 0.16, at 2d. tole,, melee the Management of GEORGE E. BEL. 11ONT, Barmen's Beatty, who 1Vauts you 2 Witness his Wriggling Wave of Winsome Witches, Fourth. Division Court. The regular eating of the Fourth Di. vision Court teas held in the Town Hall, 13ruesels, on Tuesday of this week, before amigo Doyle, Following was the docket: Bone vs, Walker—Action on amount. Verdict for Defendant for small Wane on menthe olaim. Sane vs. Poeter—Action on Ponta. eory oote. To grand till text Court. Gillies in Smith vs. Dunbar—Aotiou emined indorser ot Promissory tun. Verdict for Plointiffe, Attweod vs. Brewee—Aotion of ace count. Verdict for Plaintiff without outs. Blair vs, Beown—Aetion on Promissory note. Adjourned to Gotrie Conn, in addition to the Wel legal ligbts, Barrister Da:ungen, of Winghem, was in attendance, There te a strong movement at Mont. real in favor of the reoonetration Of the Onservatiee party. Commercial Examination, The bellowing aro rho results, as an. noututen by the Eilneation Department in the recent High Soboolextomeatiene held throtighout the Province le - The make of uusuccessful cendidatee will he sea to Meth School Principals or Public Scheel inepeotore after the result,* of the other form manninetione have been 11 10 expect* that the eremite of tiro second fain examination will be announ- ced in about V. WPC)E. Clintou-11T Andrews, L Andresen (bonne, R 111 Bentley, 1. j Brewer, 131 Canting, 0 °bailey, ee Cremer, M. Davis, IS 111 Doherty (bonors), ler R l'owler, 81 Ifelyar, D Morn, 81 Ilonston, 10 W King, 3P3e Laird, T McOnaig, A 13 McBteen (honors), N I McMichael, 111 S Ouimette, 1 Paisley, le 3 Robson (honors), M Shannon, j C Snell, Stevensou, A 13 Tattler. 11 It Tebbutt, W 11 Thompeon:JA Wieentau, L Yeo, Exeter—ABlerrill, T L Williams. Goderieh-0 81 Batman, W It, 13ryd• g's, S Gerrie, N Church, el 3 Diokson, G B Holt, .1 II .Myna A. McDonald, r,, L MAMA, 0 V BecSween, N GMoVicar, K 11 Nelfel, le Snell, 3 W Stewart, P 'Pem- ba (honoree V A Wavle], 11 L Williams (honors), II Wightnian. Ilarriston—M Buros, A Carrs, II A Hedy, II Elliott (honors), I) Garvin, W 1-3 Hawkins, C Howes, L &token, It 13 Kaiser, 3' Lavin, II Livingstone, 131 S Mc- Cracken, M AloKetuzio, 13. F. Mitchell, V L Mitchell, 3' Sheppard, II j Stewart, M A Steteat, 31 Weir, B 13 Wouger, Itl Wenger, W White. Kincardine -3" A Agnew, 11 Brown, 0 0 Conley, GB Cox (honors), G Cunning. ham, W J -Evens, E Findlay, W j leas. er, 0. Loscombe, 3 Malcolm, le E Mao. tamale, le McPherson, T A Maliersou, 13 Nichols (honors), 13 Riaharde, R A Satiety, 3 111 Walker. Listowel -1 M &lame, A 0 Bricker, M Brown, j Banat, Iee Coghlin, D Dunlop, 31 B Edmonds, E Geo, 13 Granger, lel Hamilton, 8 L Hay, II 111 Kinsman, H 10 litotz, 3 A Matheson, 3- If MoDouald, M H MoFaddon, T le McKee, L 3 MoLen. WW1, 13 BE Moyers (honors), C EC Norton, j E Itebertsot, G 11 Solevood, P Sproule, B M Tomlinson, IV L Torrance, E F Welch, Mitchell—E /leafier, T Balked% E 0 Dent, A 0 Dougherty, D Ia Dow, 11 13 Prances, 0 L Holmes, 81 10 Hicks, CW Hurlbut% el I Tabulate T Klein, D 81 Larktvorthy, 31 21 Moore (honors), E Ormiston, 81 Potts, S Stewart, 21 Swan, J 1, &hada, J 133 Urquhart, II BI Wight (bonors). Seaforth-3'D Aitchison, A. 0 Brow. nett (bonors) F Edge, B Elliott (honors), H S Btherington, 111 Fitzgerald, 1 Fowler, W Gillespie, A Gordon, W Goveulock, 81 Goyenlook, 111 Batty, B Jackson, A Johnstone (honors) It Johnston, 3 J Kin. ney, T Lamb, P111 Letimer, G D Lyn*, 21 J Moly**, W A Pickard, T Ryan, I II Waugh, If Watson, I?, I) Wright. James Brown, of Rullett, Hangs Himself. Suspicion of Pont rine ant the tamest Moravec' it. James Brown, of the 18th con., Hallett, cane to a teepee and awl end early last Saturday weeping, He had been ailing for scan mouths, but bore up with Chris- tian resignation and was quite cheerful so Itriclity. In fact he lied bee» assisting more or less with the harvest work tm to that time. Of late he bad been unable to sleep well and occasionally rose during the night and took a meta and then would secure sleep. Mrs. Brown hoard hien rine dnring the fatal night, heard him go out tbe door, and again felt esleep. When site arose in the morning about 5.80 she 5005 not eurprieed at Mr. Brown not being in bed bona° he was anus- tomed to be the first up. She (tressed and came down enters, pub on the fire, went to the ostler and skimmed the milk, and was taking it to the oleos, when, passing the stable door she was horrified to tied her husband hanging from a rope tied to the beam. His feet were only three or four inches from the floor and a box stood elose by, (to which he must have stood to commit the terrible deed, The tie rope had been first passed around the beam and tied with a slip knot, the end hanging down ; 50 slip Mot was made on the other end and passed over the head and tightened, when he mat have stepped orjnroped ale the box. Mrs, Brown dropped the milk sharply, rushed to het beloved moaner, goateed the end of the rope blaming from the beam and polled for life. It loosened its nab grip and the unfortunate mu, who was cold and stiff in cloth, fell and lung- ed toward one of the Immediately the frautio woman alarmed the neighbore, at times bottoming prostrate witb gnat , Dre. Agnew and Mime were summoned, but all was over. Dn. Agnew, Tait and 'Quo held a post mortem end decided thee an inmost wait not neoessery, There was o bruise on the left temple and another lower on the facie. Its the meantime extvitement ram up to such a pitch blurb an inquest was on San - day demanded by the rulativee of noos- ed. Coronet Milne °emptied with the legal' demand end the followingjay of fermata was sworn in before the funeral on Mon. day 0110 C51531. Wm, Sanderson, foreman ; Edward Leer, Jelin Temblyn, Thos. Sbobbtook, Maths Cede, John Bret*, Net. Sumter. 000k, Adam 81ihiobt Harrison Lyon, Wm. Miles, Time. Little, Jarboe Shobbtook, Thu, Lyon. TED EVIDENCE. 'Peony morning the inquest WEI open. ed before Coroner Milne In the sobool hello on the 18111 son., at tele o'olooli, The witnesses summoned were Moo Brown, rotoort Brown, lipheaina Brown, Mrs. Janes Brown, Albert Haggitt, Sarah Bale George Beer, Mao Barr, Time Cole, Mrs. Thos. Cole, johu Phil- lips, Whit, John printipR, CPO. Longinen, Miss Than Gerry le vielting in Sea. • Mies Lowman, DINO(' Orawferil, Edward forth. Crawford, Mem, Robb. Cratforce Jam Miss Maggie Oliver is visiting friends Brown Jr., William Brown, Mee, Wm. los L04d0Q. Brown, 'lemma Riddle, lel. Hategitt, A. 11. Binithei trip to Manitoba itt bent., Mrs. Ed, Huggitt, Luzon 13111 awl .1. C. fitting his bolas, we are pleased to hettr, Adam's, In addition to tante 25 there Leon Jackson loft last week im a vieit syse 51100 blue maim' teittimerty. 00 The nuns of the tiro three, or at least ht0isTsv°1Tetell.ta: 4‘4wunt'kat and el"vdwra two of bbaltl, WPM signed to the &Ulan, Mise Myrtle Hammitt, of Seaforth, is tion to the Coroner demanding an ins malting A Viet WWI the Missss Hewitt, quest. There seas nothing whatever in John street, their evidence to eetablith itnapioion of Miss LiaAhl Sample Suedity so foal piety, while the evidence nf Mrs. Walkerton, Ufa Mary Roddick its visit - Brown was straightforward and elem. Ing in the tonne 1.51110. Before proceeding the Coroner informed Mrs, 11. Paul hite boon laid up with Mee. Brown that she wits not compelled Waned Mee, oeomioned by a fell in. to testify, and that what she said would their gad* lea week. be used molest her it further proceedings Mrs. Neaten Brieker, ot Dal 1010.3, worga1.t ivIliSobliab1betil' . Mich„ m wag vieiting her other, Mrs. would seem, was founded nobt. Walker, Brussels, on the fact that two ken wrenches had Mies Annie Habkirk and 111100 Dolla been feud old the window /edge in the Gillespie, of Streferth, are visiting Mrs. Donaldson, John street. Harry Mercer, who is employed in Goderichateas in town over Seeley. He made the trip on his wheel. Mise Smith, of Wroxeter, and Mies Elliott, or Chesley, were visiting itt Bras. sele and vicinity for a. few days. J. 3, and Mo.' Gilpin were away this week at St. Mayo, Granton and Rolston attending to erne business matters con- cerning thew loin in Mansard town. ship. The St, Marys Journal seys of a young gentleman known to a number in 13rus- eels and toothy 1—Dr. Rivet% who has been practising in Woodham for the past year, left last week for Credit*, where he has pure -based the practice and proper- ty of Dr. Wickett. Daring the past year Dr. Elvers has made =my warm friends in and aeon* Woodham, and it was with feelings of regret thee we /earned of his removal. He will be greatly missed in the Epworth Leagne and Sunday school here, for at the time of his departure he occupied the position of president of the Epworth League and teacher of the male Bible olase ; 1100 000 loss will be °midi- tou's gain, and they will find the doctor to be a sueoessful end clever preestitioner as well as a right retell citizen. stable and it w is simpoort that the de. ceased had been struck down with one of them, but the medical evidence refuted this theory. The report WE arrant and the eei• 1/01108 endeavored to establish that the wife of deceased was too intinutte with the hired man, Ah. Hegaitt, end a former Action] teacher named Ittlaadden, now of Mitchell, but the evidence really went to prove the contrary. The wife of deceased brae dOWII CBI/. eral times white giving her evieence. She is from every appearance it hard- working, industrious, saving women, and is of good achiress. She is the mother of five children, four daugbters and one son. Sbe is the daughter of Robert Crawford. Much sympatby is expressed for the be - reared widow and smell family, The deceased was a well-to-do farmer, O devoted Presbyterian, and very highly tespected, leo cause escape his illness can be assigned for the takiug of his own life. The Jay was a very short time in bringing in a verdict that the late James Brown deliberately oomtnitted suicide.— Clinton NewsRecord. PERSONAL PAILiOn.t.i'll S. Rms. Patton, of Innerkip, is in town, CHUM% u111;ini4. Miss Mamie Sample is borne from Toronto. Z. 13. and Mrs. Ronald are visiting at Chatham. H. W. Farrow Sunday* ander the parental roof. Mrs. Win, Bills, Graheenvin, is ill with pleurisy. Rue. Wilson, of Wingbam, is holiday. ing 10 Brussels. John Grewar, of Palmerston, was in town this week. S. W. Laird, cheese buyer, of Ingersoll, was in town this week. 3. B. sionsirong, of Guelph, spent a few days at le. S. Scott's. Boa. Ross, of Kincardine, was in town on Tuesday of this week. Mies Nellie Robb, of Settforth, visiting Miss Pante Thomson. 111. P. Paulin and wife, of Wingham, were visiting at Jse. Fox' this week. Miss Maggie ItIoNaughton is holidaying at Mitchell with Mrs, (Dr.) Anaerson. Zips, Pierce and wife and W. Mose and wife, of Gorrie, were bo town on Sunday. Mrs. Robb. nos, of Kincerffine, is visiting relatives in Brants and visinity. Mise Lena Grille, of Listowel, is visit. ing her nate, Miss Lizzie Leablieraale, Will Armstrong, teacher, is holidaying is London with his sister, Mrs. S. Drove. Pam D. C. Ross, of Brussels, ani Mrs. T. nose, of Maley, Sundayed Kinear. dine. Miss Jessie Morrison, of London, is visiting Mies Kate Wilson aud Eire, Jim. MoBain. Miss Coed and Miss Ortwein of Metasall, sail, are the guests of Miss Clara Mc- Cracken. Mrs. Dr. McCullough, of Detroit, was visiting her parents and friends this week in Brussels. Mrs. Iiiimpbries and daughter, of Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Jas. Jones. The ladies are sisters, Miss Minnie Moore bas extended ber visit to the State of New York, and will not return for a week or so yet. Mrs. Mango Wallaoe, John street, ale- brated her 70th birthday last Seturny. She is a remarkably smart person for her yeara. Will Leatherdate watt home from Sea - teeth for n, few cloys. Re took a oyole trip from here to Herrieton, Elora and One night last week an industrious other isolate farmer, whose christian name oorrespoods Mrs. 3. W. Degge, of Chatham is with thee of Scotland's patron saint and visiting tinder the parental roof. She is whose 5500100,5 15 the same as that of the a daughter of Cepa and Mrs. Stratton, author of a Menne encyclopaedia, started Queen street. out after & hard day's work to hunt a Mrs, 0. 0, Riehards and Charles start. stray now, 'belting with him a lantern. ed on Wednesday morning for St. Mary, After he hen reached the baok portion of London null other places for a two weeks lois lot it rained and the darkness beottine holiday on Wait wheele. so dense as to make the walking homy Henry Downing is having undoreited and be had to fairly ethyl, throngb it, holidays owing to something like a felon He got lost debt there and knew how to cal Ms right hand, He has been employ. sympathise with the °ow. tie struggled ed at hie melee* iso MoKillop, bravely on and at last enlarged up* the aeo. Drewe, of Paris, a former Bros- railway, but Was so bewildered that he selite, was holidaying ta this locality for could not tell whether be WU on the G. e week. He thinks Brussels Main street T. Be, 0. P. R. or the Drummond County knocks them all out yet. R. R. However, he Oast* down grade We regret to have to state that J. Y. S. and at 2 ae to, looted himself at tbe dna Kirk is net nearly no well tee be has been mond orossing in leatriston, weary, wet for the past few months. It appears to and sleente be a return ot tbeformer stomach trouble, The heart of the business portion of Rev, W, E. Kerr, Mrs. Kerr and Wharton was born* out on Monday of Charlie, of Hensel), were in town this last week about 880. The fire bells rang, week while going to and returning trona and a few minutes after a bright light Wroxeter whets they attended the funeral was seen in the rear of Swine 13rose of the late Joe. Bray, jr., who was buried store, the vevy center of the business por- n Tneeday afternoon, non. Before the firemen could get a W. E. Wilson and bride spent a portion stream playing the fire was beyond eon. of their honeymoon with relatives in trot. Dry wooden steeds and outhouses 13ritseele Willa en route from New York were all aroma, and in half au hour to NalalllaZO, Mob. The bride's home there VMS the biggest Wage ever seen in was in else first merteioned plass. Ma the town, Althottgh the moo waked Wilson is a grandson to Witt. W. R. Well, and watt wee plenty, the fire was Wiliam, Mill street, Brussele, hard to reitela as bbe front of tits street W. 3, White, who le On the staff of the was solid bet* and stone, and the 5500 01 Minter of Interior, wee eisitina his the fire could not be reached for some Motet:aflame, Mrs, W. et, Ocallne, Eliza. tinse. The fire destroyed Fieldings' flour beth etreeb, Bressels, for a few days. Mr. and teed ; Smaller Brae.' largo drygoode ; White shonld make a first•elase °inlet Fisher's drug stoee ; Donne tratolimaltee; 135 30 addition be his being an old news. Davis, tailor ; elther'e Mlles ; Whicher's papa roan he bag travelled through a office, atal the lereellanice' Institute lean portion or the Northwest territories' (books Mead), end several othor and the Western States and Moto the The inenrence on meet was sonoall. The condition of athlete by practical experience, fire coffins ned to barn mill 31 *s. rta Keep the Union Co. S. S. and C. E. Convention in mind. It will be held at Clinton on the 24th and 25th Mats. Rev, Jno. Bees spent last Sabbath at Clifton Springs, N. Y., and then went on to Northfield, Blass., where be expeots to spend mo couple of weeks. He will oall at Clifton Springs on the return, He says this popular reeort is crowded this season. Labe Sabbath Mr. Meldrum occupied the pulpit of Melville church. His two discoureee, although brief, were interest- ing and profitable. In the mooing his subject was °Christian Hope," and in the evening "God's Presence in Public Worship.' Erironen LEAOtE.—Labb Monday even- ing a. Temperanoo program was presented at the Epworth League, Miss Minnie Mc- Naughton presiding, and being assisted by Miss Kerr with a reading ; Mrs. Creighton s solo ; and a few remarks by the President. Robb. Maunders took charge of the first part of the service. Miss Jessie Manning, recently from Walkerton, was welcomed into member. ship. Dwight L. Broody eaid that there was absolutely no truth'in the Toronto rumor that be would soon retire from active labor to be eaceeded by the Bev. Wm. Patterson, of that oity, He said with *masts that he would not retire from his evangelistic and educationi labors while strength of mind and body remaina, "illy best days are growing better every day," he retuatked. Mr. Moody's friends consider hire as hale and hearty as ever. At the quarterly ammanion smite in the Methodist church, last Sabath morning, Rev. Ie. Paul preached a suit- able discourse from .Rev., lst chapter and 5th and atli verses. The divisions of the subject were :—(1.) The Love ; (2) The Work ; (3) The Dignity. Reeds. Messrs. Kellington and Norton tools part in the servioe. In the evening BM. liellington preached to e large congregation 011 "Loans from the life of Absalom." (1) His beauty ; (2) His revenge ; (3) His irreverence. Tho same young gentle- man will preach again next Sabbath, morning and evening.