HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-7-23, Page 88 liai 10111111 isseseasammueseew Amt. M;lsouuo. CLEa) a1 D.a3IEs shipped is our Tun town Fire Engine, that -has had a n n al other r airs odd• new boiler Ut O t ]d a a ;' y e n ,» ,• a Brussels on undop I L testae fr 1 Ito r n MI o.onTuesday fermium], It ( wag taste( (ruse n Pa , 1 lnlnr e 1 c 1 Daly .•ttlt thyro will be an anY pelipse of cue sun by the moon. is in lb:et :lass 8hap8 new. Thr+nugboet Umlaut the erlipso will be Emma: or T101 4LrN,--Plspartatiuns are partial, net annular, being made to take obeei•vatio»a of the Orr of 62 pupils writing at Brussels annular eWlipee of the no, %villa) will on Entrance ex minaV011 40 Were sn(1. Mises plana on July 20th. The slit - useful, which is a good result. 11 pas- feranoe between tan annular anti a total sea the Leaving alt of 22. eclipse is that with the former there re- LF.ATHettearlt's Exltnlu,--0U the 12th mains a ring of light around the margin a jelly company, of girls took possession of the shadow, the result of the moon of the interior of one of Committer Leath- being nearer the gun and farther from ne erdale's slow wiud0we. A couple of than during a total eclipse, This e01ip8e joeuler youths got a card on which wee will he vieib10 a8 a partial 80llp88 through. Printed "Leatherdale's Exhibit,' and otlt Canada, the United States, Mexiac, put it in a prominent place so that till and the Northern portion of South Pinworm -by could read it. The joke wa0 America. The path of the 18polar will not apparent to 11111 insiders until soma- begin in the Pardee Onean, pone across body gave them a pointer that they were Mexico, Cuba, and a few of the Wind. on exhibition, ward Islands, will touch Cape 8t. Rocque, CDH1IEN1Alwo.--The Blyth Standard and end in the South Atlantic Ocean. gage :-"Alex. Elder is very happy these OI1a•.-Concerning the late Il, 0. Pugh, warm days. Ile (serried a 20•yearondow• father of ;No. Pugh, Flora area, Brits - men! pulley in the Confederation Life sets, a Bl1Ovele correspendent writes :- Association of Toronto for 131,000. It One of the pioneers of Turnberry passed matured on .11113' 1st and the day previous away in the portion of Henry 0. Pugh, at he received a cheque from the head office the home of his daughter in Chetan. of the company for $1,000. \Vhat good 1)1r. Pugh has been very feeble for some Melt, and in these hard times too." years and on Jubilee morning the firing It chows the 1)1001ptness of the Cons of a oaunol in Clinton startled I11,, federation Life in meeting its obligations. causing a blood vessel to buret. He lay People who sometimes feel disposed to in it, p(arelyzed condition till the end of drop their policies when it is neeessay to that week, when death relieved him. Mr. pay the premiums, should look forward Pugh was born in Staffordshire, Eng to the time when they receive it beak laud, of Welsh parents, and married a again 10 as lump sum at a time of life wife, who is still living, in the old colla• when probtlbly it is of great service, try. They emigrated to London, Cal- i mitres' Root Beer :old: s an excellent drink. A 210. bottle makes 5 gallons .and le ne doubt tl i•:•at of all so oalled hoot Bare. Try a bottle. We have 0th• er alp.:+s :P preferred. Lime Fruit Juice Is obtoinel from the Lime Tree and makes a very healthful drink es9co• ially for the biliously iuoliuod, It is recommended its beneficial in all cases of omit, rheumatism and blood im• rnrity at Deadman's Drug and Boal: Store. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 9011111100 EYTEN8I011 W. 0. Q E. THE ERUSSELb POST Musio1111l„-Last Friday evening a ala, then to Clinton, and 30 years ago Trains .a ,1,-• Brussels Station, North Winter re• came to Bloovale, and I load of Brussels Odd Fellows drove toIlia and South, a s folio+vs: Windham to join with the three -11011811 turned to Clinton to 8801110 with their GOING Tn• GOING NORTH.daughter, AliasLnoy, Mr. Pugh sang in express, a.m.I :shall earl pan brethren there in decorating the graves ah01r8 in England and was precentor in Nixed.. . 4 a.m., Exp1C.,6 10:01 p.m t of deceased Udd Fellows with flowers. ra% kittUs Lein A Miles $ among ye takiu' notes, An_faith he'll prat it. CllrooTES. Lois ei rain. Bzn baying weather. zFALL. wb• at 1110,9981 18 at hand. Burse;::.= sent quite a contingent to 17iugbatu ('aces. Bass fishing in the Maitland is got. Some of then have weighed as high us 3 pounds and 13 ounces. Alex. 1)IoNail, Mill street, is tempor ar- 'ly lnid'asile owing to a piece of s .18 mortar hiting him in the right eye while plastering a ceiling. Beuassr.o Foot Ball team plays a League match with Wingham in the let. ler town on Friday afternoon of dais week, We wish you good look boys. MESSRS. GREEN & 1110NPR1cE, of Wi»g• item, were in town on Monday and alo Ig with the street committee marked out I'+e location of the various street lights in connection with the new electric light system to be put in. They expect to commence work next week and will push everything along so as to have both oro and incandescent running by the close of September. Orn thanks are due to D. Frain for a box of the very choicest tame raspberries from his 1Arden, Monday moruiug.-In she lame hese of bis Irish heart A. Cousley presented us with a splen• Rd 21 ported Specimen of bass he had booked, (with a hook and line we mean) in the 11eitlaad. The above knocks out :all the long hay and tall corn•etalke ave 'nave had, donated to us for the past year. While the "fps and downs" of newspaper life are many, the "downs" are laid out by the milk and honey of our kind pat• rune. We were happy to meet, sorry to part and hope to meet again. Mao -Lust Saturday Jamee Coign• 110un, who lived near Staffs, Hibbert township, Terth, died after an illness of about a year. Dancer in the mouth was the cause of death. His wife, to whom he was married about 38 years ago, and thirteen children survive. Mr. Oolqu• boon was a member of the religious body known as "Friends," by whom lie was buried ou Monday at 3.80 p. m. Deceas- ed was one of the first residents of 111b. bort and bad come into the forest from she town of Perth. The subject of this notice yvae an honest goiog, energetic man who bseee life with a 50 acre farm and had at the time of his decease 160 acres. He was widely respected, Mr. Ooi,tvhaun teas brother•is-law to Thos. Moura, of Brussels. Mn and Miss Moore attended the funeral. AN ENVI:1to Recent, -The following ,ism is clipped from the Paris Star.Trau• seipt with 1.0 small amount of pleasure Tv the get.feman referred to is well known in and around Brussels :-Na. witbetondirg the faot that our public schools were closed for a month last term an a00euat of an epidemic of measles, a larger number have passed the entrance examination this year than ever before in the history of our sohoola. Out of 34 candidates who wrote 31 succeeded in passing, We congratulate Principal S. Y. Taylor en this magnificent record. Both teacher end petals must have worked with a will to obtain euoh results. We believe in giving praise where such 0 Me and ouiy echo the public sentiment when w8 8113' that we ere proud of our pub;ie eohools. C. 0. 1•. SERNON.-The annual sermon to the member of Court Princess Alex- andria, No, 24, C. 0. F., Brussels, was ?reached 1 It. Sabbath morning Ln Mel" 11118 church by Rev. Jno, Ross, 13. A., from the text let Kluge, 17th chapter and 17th vet•38, Di888.18 and Dissolution. were the two uotioeable features in the incident recorded and three leading .)oughts we represented b the reverend gentleman clang these lines as follows :- (1.) The Place they occupy, every clime, ego, position, &o. (2) The. Problems they raise, (a) Caseation; (b) Immortality, ;3) The 1,889008 they teach ; Our natural frailty ; Our need of help from our fel- lows ; )rivin3 aid, 0ompae son, character and aompanionahip. The dimmest:, tilos• ed with a brief reference to the work of elle Order mud was a most suitable air- men on snail an occasion. There were about 100 Foresters In t e procession, visiting brethren being present from Wiugbam, B l aevale, Bele' ave, Wroxeter, Ethel and Walton, J. 11. Wilbee was Illar81181 for the day, The brethren as - gambled in a th Lodge881room miter 9108 when short remake were made by High Treasurer Neelande, and Bras. Muse grove, Bray, Davids, Irvin, Newton. Plum and Kerr. A vote of thanks wa mnani o passed to Rev. Mr. Inose fo mealy hie able discourse and to the manager Sot the use of the ohureb. In the attar noon a load of Foresters ateve over from .Atwood having mistaken the hour of ger. Viae. The -inviting brethren Were the greets of Court Prinoese Alexandria. Shortly after 7 a proo888ion wag formed at the I. 0. 0. 1. Hall and a march made to the c01n81817. Here after a short 1'ttroduotory service led by Noble Grand Uurnyn and Rev. Mr. Lowe 15 graves were decorated with floral wreaths and boquete. A, MoGni8e, V. G., Brussels, read appropriate selections as the flowers were deposited. Before leaving the cemetery short addresses were delivered by the N. G., W. 11. Kerr and Rev. Mr. Lowe. An address was road by Bro. Groves to Bro. Elder congratulating him on being n member of the Order for the past 27 years, and Bro. W. Robertson presented Mr. Elder with a beautiful gold, Past Patriareh'e badge. The re- cipient made a suitable reply. MEDrcAL AsoleIATION.- The regalar meeting of the Huron Medical Society was held iu the House of Refuge, Clin- ton, on Jnly 14111. The following mom• hers were pre8eu! :-Dye. McKay, Bath• nae, Burrows, of Seaforth ; Taylor, Goderioh ; Agnew, Londesboro' ; Fergu- son, Hensel) ; McKenzie, Monktou ; Gunn, Turnbull, Shaw, Clinton, and Messrs. Lindsay and Ryan, students. An interesting paper on "Puerperal Eclampsia" 01(18 read by Dr. Bethune, of Seaforth, and a discussion followed, the members exohnnging views or the pathology and treatment of the affection. A paper by Dr. Burrows, of Seaforth, on some varieties of "Dyspepsia," was both interesting and inetrnotive. A number of oases, inmates of the House of Refuge, were presented, exhibiting verion8 forms of nervous diseases. These were examin- ed and discussed, but owing to the time being so limited it was deoided to have a paper on Nervous Diseases at the next meeting, and have these oases with others presented to illustrate the variant forms of disease mentioned. After dimming matters pertaining to the welfare of the Sooiety, the meeting adjourned, to meet again at the House of Refuge in Ootober next. I. 0. 0. F, -The officers in connection with Western Star Lodge, No. 140, I. 0. 0. F., 13ru8sel8, int the ensuing term were installed on Thursday evening of laat week by D. D. G. M. Mo13.ay as fol- lows : W. H. Ear, N. G. ; Ino. Pugb, I. P. G. ; A. McGuire. V. G. ; A. Emilie, R. S. ; S. Wilton, P. S. ; F. S. Soot), T. ; W. Grewa•, W. ; W. T. Smith, C. ; S. T. Plum, Chap. ; R. Johnston, I. G. ; W. Martin, 0, G. ; W. Sample, R. S. N. G. ; J. T. Dodds, L. S. N. G, ; Jno. Smith, R. S. V. G. ; A. Sample, L. S. V. G. ; W. Thomson, R. S. S. ; G. Mooney, L. S. S. ; Drs. McNaughton and lialbfleiech, Physicians. 1t. G. Wilson is the Representative to Grand Lodge. The Supreme Grand Lodge will meet at Springfield, Ill., in Sept. At the Grand Lodge the question of wiping out the District system will come up for discussion. the Presbyterian church for ninny years. Mr. Pugh leaves a widow, four daughters and four suns, 11I08. Weir, Liza and Lney, of Clinton, William, of Glen Williame, William, of Algoma, John, of Brussels, and Joseph and James, of this village. He leaked lint three months of reaching the ripe old age of 90 years. BRUSSELS STILL AHEAD, -718 follow- ing big days work is noted by the Sea. forth Expositor :-On Sabbath last Rev. T. W. Cosene, of Fordwioh, left Trow" bridge, drove to Brussels and preached there in the forenoon, Ile drove to Walton in the afternoon, arriving at the church there while the services were in progress. At the invitation of the pastor and much to the gratification of many of hie former parishioners here, he took charge of the balance of the service, and delivered a mast able sermon. He then cllove n Breese's,conducted the evening s'rvi,:r tlrv, snit r 'n Merl to Trowbridge. When we co0:iter 'lie very trying weath- er of Sunday last we may look upon this as a heavy day's work," -Stratford Herald -We believe all the above to be true, as we heard two out of the three eermone, bot we have o more remarkable record for the same Sabbath. Rev. R. Paul, who was 70 19.0E May, drove 10 miles to Maine appointment where he preached at 10.30 ; then 4 miles to Ford. wioh where he expounded the Truth at 2 30 and 7 p. m. and afterwards travelled 16 miles to hie home at Brussels, making a total of 35 miles of as drive and three services. Tbe reverend gentleman is evidently mode of the same material as 111s Tarsus namesake, Curr. -The meseeoger death beckoned the spirit of Ann Dark, relict of the late George Dark, to her long home 01 Sub• bath last. Deoeesed died at the home of her daughter, Mre. Wm. Gordon, near Cranbrook, whom she was visiting when she took ill. Mre, Dark wee born in Devonehire, England, her maiden name being Ann Furman, Along with her sisters she Dame to Mitchell, Perth 00., where she was united in marriage about 60 years ago to Geo. Darts, who pre- deceased her six years ago, aged 70 years. They moved to the 12th eon. of Grey over 46 years ago and took up their homestead, then a hash farm, which by hard work and careful management they transformed into fruitful fields, A year old a•1011 ago the abject of this notice and her daughter moved to Brussels and purchased a bougie and lot on Frederick street. Mre. Dark was highly esteemed and was a devoted Ohrietian woman. In her earlier years She w0.8 a.mereber of the Bible Christian ohnroh, efterwee. joining the Primitive Methodist body whish wee mergedinto the Methodist ohurcll of Canada. Ten abildreo were born to Mr. and Mre, Dark, all of whom survive, They are William, John, Robert and 11Irs, Wan. Gordon, of Grey 1 George, of Atwood ; Jamee, Benjamin, Mrs. Robt. Gordon and Mrs. Ohms. Fox, of Neepawa, Man., and Mtge Rebecca, of 330088818, Deceased had been remarkably healthy, never hardly knowing a day's a til h she was in her hand innate and 1 on 11 g year, at the time of her death wag re• marke.bly active. An abscess on the liver and other oompliaatione was the e oauee of her deeeaee. The funeral took r Wednesday afternoon,inter l mane on Went being made at 200888le cmetery, Service was conduoted by Rev, R. Poul. Business Locals. ST LXD4RD BANE OF C,4Xr4.4DV . ' 0='10T.o.0 T,21Z11 1,071-. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ABSL'PS, - • (Seven Million Dollars) CAPITAL (Authorized) • $7,000,000 $2,000,000 rtgcnaios in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba , 1ln Usti ad ,States 1)' England, S'zeMSIRAS IatM"CdI. A General Banking Business Transacted, Farmers' Notes Drafts Isoned and Collections made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date 0 withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIv1tN TO THE COLLECTION or Ftei,os' SALE NOTES, Every faoility afforded Customers living at a dietan08, J. A. STEWART MANe008. Disaaunted, CoLtlstalittl1 IS (eaves. Jae, Cleland, M.P.P. for North Grey, wise again chosen to represent the Liber. ale of that riding in the next election. Atmos Train has been nominated as the Patron candidate for Centro Simcoe, No8trand Sprague is the Liberal nominee for Prince Edward for the Legielative Assembly, The Ingersoll council has placed 1)175 to the credit of the Board of Health to Feud a man named Spence, who was bit. ten by the supposed mad dog, to the Pa8tenr Institute. Four of fourteen persona who were bit- ten by a dog while in South Oxford, on June 21st, went to the Pasteur institute, New York, to be treated for hydrophobia. They are Delbert Mayberry, of Ingersoll, who was bitten on the right leg ; George Spencer, of Ingersoll, who was bitten on the left leg ; Jamee Mooney, of North Dorchester, who was bitten four tithes on the left leg, and John I118 11)Il, of Dere- ham, bitten on the right wrist and right leg. The patients were accompanied by Dr. George, of Salford. Not many years ego, 0(1e d(1110 night about 11 o'cloolt, in a corner of a road fenoe between Vienna and Port Burwell, 11 couple were united in the bonds of holy matrimony, a lantern applied the light which enabled the clergyman to read the service. The bridegroom is one of El- gin's county constables from tbo town- ship of Malahide. Not many nights ago another couple, this time from Vienna, being 1(1x10(18 to be tied for life, were searching for a minister to do the tying, and meeting a Port Burwell preacher 1e he was returning home from Calton pre- vailed upon him to undertake the job. The trio called at the residence of a farm- er on the second concession of Buyham and the young couple were soon made man and wife. -.- EVERYTHING goes at King's. BALANCE of our dusters at Dost. I. 0. Richards. No. 1 flour and long clear bacon at Mo0reoken'e. HARNESS of all (rinds cheaper than ever. I. C. Richards. EVERYBODY goes to Winghani. King's annual sale is on. WE repair boots and shoes cheap and neat. I. 0. Richards, , Boors and shoes, large stook and low prices at I. 0. Richard's. BRY a D. Ewan boggy and you will save money. Prices away Sown. WE still buy butter, eggs and wool - highest prices, oasis or trade, G. E. King. For Bale obeap, four eetts of second hand eingle harness. I. 0. Richards, D. EwAx's Buggies are taking the lead. For neatness and durability they can't be beat. A, Frosr•cLAss special line of work manufactured at Jas. Walker's shop. He Ova tiptop value to every customer. B00000s, Wagons and Carts always on hand. I run my own hnsiness. D. Ewan, Blacksmith, Brussels, W.t_rTED,-Eggs 8 ants CASH. Tub batter 18 cents. And herejwe pay just what we advertise, though stories are air Belated to the contrary. I buy batter, eggs and wool -highest prices Dash or trade. G. E. Koos, Wiugbam. CAPTAIN Sweeney, U.S. A., San Diego, Cal„ says :-"Shiloh'e Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do mo any good." Price 60 cents. Sold by Jae. Fox. druggist, Bc08- eels. THE two lightest buggies ever sold in Brussels were purchased recently from Jas. Walker, the well known carriage maker, by George Best and ltobt. Thompson, of Brussels, I{ABC's Glover 3300), the great Blood. Purifier givee freshness and oiearnes to the oomplexion and Beres constipation. 25 as, 60 ate and 81,00. Sold by Jamee Fox, Druggist, Brussels. S11LOH'9 cure is eold on a guarantee. It cures incipient consumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a does. 25 as., 50 as. and $1„00. Soldty Janes Fox, Druggist, 21009018. 2110,03.10 010,10B3), -That eligible h11f sore lot situate on the Southern)portion of Turnberry street, Bruenett, will be die - posed of below cost. Very easy terme, Write for particulate to JOHN H,u 000AVES, 174 Queen at. West, Toronto. If you would have an abundance of dark glossy, hair, if yon would have a clean scalp, free from dandruff and frri. tating )amore, or if your hair i8 faded end gray, and you would Wive its natural (selot restored, nee Ayer's Hair Vigor, 3! le unquestionably the heft dressing. Gone To Ruda BusxNEss.-For the balance of the season I purpose booming the carriage business in every line and will sell riga from $5 to $10 better than they Ban bep urchaead elsewhere. Bu g - gee, wagons, carte. new and seoond•hand are included. I mean business as a trial will prove. Don't spend a dollar in either new work or repairs before con- sulting me and getting my figures. Yen will save rrieney and I know it. Call in. Sympathy 18 uaoorded the manhole! of JAS' Weaken, carriage matter, Brussels. the family, especially Mee Dark, Whose ' health has been of a very indifferent The Drdmbo match factory le how 01ara0ter for come time. running night and Say. 000R•SV - LEE0H.-L1 Trowbridge, on the 80th alt„ the wife of 111r. J. W. Leech of a son, F18CHER.-Io Wallace, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr. Conrad Fischer, jr., of a daughter, MoKee.--In Molesworth, on the 6111 inst., the wife of Mr. Wm. Thos. McKee of it daughter. Measemu,-Iu Listowel, on the 11tH inst., the wife of Mr. Geo. McCallum of a daughter. MANBERRY.-In Elma, on the 12tH inet„ the wife of Mr. Jae, Mayberry of a daughter- . ---- S<TARRZ9b, Warm-HEPPLER.-At the residence of the bride'e fattier, on the 1411, Net., by the Rev. W. Cooper, Miss Lillian, daughter of Mr. Jacob Hepple)•, of Listowel, to Mr. T. Spears Ward, of Aoten. =xEa. DARE. -.111 Grey, on Sunday, July 18111, 1807, Ann Dark, relict of the late George Dark, aged 71 years and 3 months. CoLonnome,-In Hibbert, Perth ()entity, on July 17th, Jamee Colgnhoun, aged 63 years, 5 months and 15 days. axzcr.�s �3 �rrY�317 Fall Wheat Spring wheat Barley.- Peas Peas (large) Oats Butter, tube and toile Eggs per dozen .... Flour per barrel ..... Potatoee (per bag) Hay per ton Hides trimmed Hides rough Salt per bbl., Sheep skins, eaoh Lamb chins eaoh Hoge, Live Dressed Hoge Wool 65 50 23 25 40 40 40 43 22 23 10 11 8 • 0 4 00 4 50 25 6 00 7 00 5 be 6 7 1 00 00 40 00 16 40 5 00 5 40 5 20 6 30 18 10 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. MONEY ONEY TO LOAN AT 11 PER lY1 eeut. V. S. SCOTT, Brussels. 17RIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.- First OAN:First mertgege, farm security. Apply at THE POST Publishing House, Brussels, JERSEY BULL FOR SER - 9101(. -Tho neat of service of my floe r egiete red JerseyBull 1s now 81 for grades. Get the best. G. A, 13EADMAN. CONIFORTABLE HOUSE FOR Selo with 13 acre 1ot. Good oioto'n, furnace, to Tota 1081iPublisbing housbargain. JERSEY BULL FOR SER- v10E,-The cost of service of my fine registered Jersey bell is only 81,00 to lento /or grad88, JAMBS BURGESS, 1.4 Brnes0le. fOO CORDS of FOUR FOOT Cordwood, wanted by Brussels Eleairie Light 0o., to be 801198red before Fall. For further information apply ab THE FOOT Publiehing House, Brussels, 7RAYB D FROM THE PREM. Inns of the u ndnr8l nod Lot 0, 00 8.0, g sow. on y about Jtno 15th h Chester her white sow. Any information lolVOC. to harrenov arywill bethanktanyrecei ed. HENRY ATWOOD. 1 w 1-4 L �'i WE STRAYED ON THE tpromises of the a ado0le Oen, 11, Grey, 011 or about gime 15. Lot 10id, Thd own - 09 i8 requested to prove property, pay 9x' pon2.4 and taltober11)0. away. Oraobrook. PRAYED ON THE PREMISES e_e of the undersigned, Lot 13, Con, 15, Grev, on or about) June 38(1(1, A ewe HOG three lambs. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and lake them awnv. JOHN STEWART, 518 Oranbroo it, P. 0. FARM TO RENT. -THE UN- tll.nsr8Nlsn offers bar 100 1810 ful'nl, being Lot 31, Con, 14 Grey, (the Oliver home. stead) to rent for a term of years. Posses- sion to bo given next Spring with privilege of 111111 910wiltg and ' sowing wheat, bbl' terms and pnrtieulars amply on the promises (0 MRS. 4V. OLIVI R, 1.4 kioncriell, P. 0, REAL ESTATE. r'1AR11S FOR SALE,-THETTN- DEnglCnrnDBOB 00l0lal.good farms far sale and to lent, easy tame, in Townships of Morrie and Grey. E 8. S(1 OTT, Brussels ("1OOD FARM EOR SALE near Brussels. Groat bargain, Lot 7, Con. O, Gley township. Gond building8 and orahlti'd, welt watered, suitable for mixed 0r dairy farming. Possession giyen next )larch, with oriv11800 0f doing Fall plowing, Apply to W. H. 10E1818, Peer Publishing 1101180, Brussels,or to THOMAS HERITAGE, London West, ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. -100 sores of good farm land at Springfield, 8 miles from 1Vluuipog, is offer- ed for sale at aloes price. The property is North East i Soo, 10, Twp. 11, Range 4, East. There le a house on the promises cull some breaking done. For full ;aartieulers as to Price, title, &e„write or apply to G. V. BLAIR or W.13, HEBBB, 20-tf Brussels, Out. FARM FOR SALE -THE UN= DER800NED offers his eligible 04 (lore form for tale, being South part of Lot 5, Oen. 12, Grey. All under aultivat1on,well watered and well fenced. There is a good 'hrBesIoasle.]800n the house, barn, o mpo1 stone quarry iron which to good revenue is realiz- ed. Only 81 miles from Brussels. Terms reasonable. Por further particular's as to Price, &0.. apply to JOHN MITOIIELL, Proprietor, 35-tt Brussels P. 0. �ARt1i FOR SALE. -150 ACRES Consisting of the Routh t and South of the North d of Lot 30, 000 3, (east Wawa - nosh. Tbie ie an excellent stock farm ,boiug well supplied with good spring water. It is situated about 5 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A large part of it is under grass. Buildings and (00008 are in a fair state 0f revs)'. Easy terms of payment will be given. Forall (01ormnti90 apply to 11-tf G. F. 13LAI11, Barrister, Brussels, Q'1 PLENDID FARM FOR SALE. 1, That excellent farm, Lot 15, Con. 9, Township of Grey,100 acres, must be sold at once in order to close estate of deceased own- er. The lot is nearly all clearer)', with good buildings, ample water 0npp1y, large or- chard, 15 miles from Cranbroolr, is ander good cultivation and is a very desirable pro- perty indeed. Apply to RICHA1RD a1tIT- CH1:LL, Brussels P. O. ; .7011N I+(TTO7ELL, on the promisee ; or A. HUNTER, Brussels. Dated Sept. 1310, 1800. 111A1331 FOR SALE. -THE UN- DEnernxi:D offers 1188 farm of one hundred aera0 for sale, being Lot 11, Oou, 5,in the Township of Grey, and 5 miles from the Vilinge of Brussels, There aro over 30 acres cleared and the farm is iu a good state of cultivation with good fences, also a good frame house and two barns aud other out- buildings, Good orchard and a novae -failing spring on the farm. Possession eau be had on the 1s) clay of March., MG, with the privi- lege of plowing on farm in the Fa1!. For further particulars apply to ANGUS SHAW, 47-81 Brussels P. 0, VETERINARY. D. WARWICK, to • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is Prepared to treat all diseases of donseetieated animate in cola• potent manner. Pa'tocalar attention paid to veterinary, dentistry, Galls 00001141y at- tended to. veterinary, aha infrmary-Poll' dome north of bridge 'per eborry 01,, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. f y EORGE KIRKBY, � Lieeeued Auctioneer. Sales oonduot cal on 1'easouable terms, Pa'me and farm etooko,eeoelalty. Or2oce left et THE PDST PublI shhrg Hon se, 13 re sole, or sent to Walton P.0,, will reeoive prompt attention, •.�p.-e-� S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. L • min, will 0011 for better prtees, to better leen, in ass time and less charges than any other Auctioneer in Dan Huron or he won't allure° anything. Dates and orders eon always bo arranged at thin 00100 or by personaleppileation. J•ur,r 23, 1897 eleleitASSECCIralniteirAteennIMMII PARFI9 GIVE L STRICTLY PURE L'NOL1SII PARIS GREEN AT 250. PER LB. ALSO Davis' Fly Felts, Wilson's (1 Pads, Shoo Fly Poison, Tanglefoot, Insect Powder, AT F 's Drug Eton. P. S. -Store closes every might at 8 o'clock. Saturday nighte excepted. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. T4L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Conveyancer. Callao - Mons matte. Office-Vaeotono'o Block, Brus- sels, 21-3m CAPTCAPT. J. STRETTON, . Who bee bed 85 years expeI'ionee 110 an Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing to 111 health,11ae again taken out license awl is preparedto eonduet stiles at reaeonabla terms, Sat(efaetiou guaranteed. Bathe may. b0arranged at THE P08T Publishing House. JAS. ST1;ET'1Oli, 13.11 Auctioneer, VOTERS' LIST, - 1897. Municipality of the Township of Grey, Country of Huron. Notice is beroby given that I have trans- mitted. or delivered to the parsons mention od in Snotion 5 and a of the Ontario Voters' List Ad, 1890,the oopi88 required b Bail Sections to be so tral8nntt00 or dol{vyorod,. the list mato ursuant to said Act c efc u all f a appearing by the la t Re e( pare as 19 s via b Ae- finamm101tbB oteai(I Municipality to bo' l to vote in ]nand Municipality at oleo - Gene for members the Legislative Ae• ombl and atllfuniol al Elections an that 8 d Y p said list wail 12th posted up a, my o01e8 e. Ethel 1 on til 12th da ot Jltl Ito o Yy, 3807, and re• mains chore for inspection. eo }list and, if anyoohedo upon to a 1' (1(1 o the Bair) list, and, it any am to tisk or 111 other errors aro totted therein, to inks immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrootod norarding to rate, Al,1SPENCL, Clerk, Dated the 18th day of July, 18077, NATWT M. SINOLAIR, • 8or, Couvoyanoer ,Notary Pub- lic, &e, Oille OOico-Vaustneo's Bleak, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Feuds to Loan, C. CAMERON, (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Caularon,) Barrister and Sotici tor, Gaderieh, Out. 011leo-llao3llton 8t., Oppoeito Col- borne lintel. f't F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Vf Solicitor, &a. (Into of Garroiv & Prondfoot'e Mice, Goderioh.) Office over Gillies & Smith's 13 auk, l3russol0, Mouey to Loan, 47 MEDICAL CARDS. T M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Ph ysiaian, Surgeon, Aecouober, eta, Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Summits, Ont. Orme-Next door to McDonald & Oo„ (Vahan Out. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M.D., 0. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin- ity Medical Oollege, Member College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh. 101'Telophone No.14. lteeirtyeoae, Mili8t„ Breese is, DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH PHYSIC/AN, SURGEON AND ACCOUCHIIU3;, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM. BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. let Class Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Megaton), and of Trinity Medical Oollage; Peilow of Trinity Medical College and. member of the Oollego of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Post Graduate Conroe in Detroit and (Mileage, 1800. Special attention paid to dis- eases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and dis- easesof Women, is'Oon ee1(utiov iu Eng- lish and Gorman. Telephone at residence. BUSINESS CAROL H. MoORAOKEN, T Y • IssurerofO(arriageldeensoe. office at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels. i� N. BARRETT, e 31• Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door south of A. M, McKay & 0o'e hardware store. Ladies' and ohildreus hair cutting a epeoialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savloge Bank tapes Deposita irons 81.00 to 81,000 and allows 8 per (mut. interest, 1', FARROW, 07.5m Pootmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 100URANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER Issuer of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE AT JEWELRY STORE, 10"No Witness Required, T. PLETCHER, Brussels A LEX. HUNTER, 11. Mork of the Fourth 0101113! Dour L0, Huron,, Land Insurance Notary Public Land, Loan and Iveurnuoe Agtnt. Ponds Invested and to loan. Collections made Onleo in Graham's 13 kick, Bimmes18 THOS. A. HAWIKIN S, 17111 give lessons to unpile 'either on piano or organ, at his Music Room, opposite the post•o111eo, Brussels, Vocal leoeone else RIM. Ten years 8xperiono0ill teaching, !Forms moderato, Ancient liar of Vnitod workman, This old and prospermia Fraternal Assoc Mien numbering 850,000 members aro pro feintingto the bila their it ,) tar 9883' IOW W p 1 1 a n owicnfraie to worthy 1 e wo y uon000 1e vMimes, rata " %shall% 88.00 par 51,000 per :Mimes, The McMullen" Prontytly ray (Death tinkle and expert! a largo in rease to its members now that 111889 Amerlean Lino Companies don't seem) ga)18faetery to Can - 13011'T, AttMSTRONG 11)18.7. ; w.10. REAR R0aor29rl1 A,c1REIG1ITON,Finanoibo, ba wn 81x 1'a 1 1101 13r ori 801 abi r hie 11 Be tot cry ant 8111 btu ant 1)e we apt