HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-7-23, Page 65 be ?russ.C1s Vzst v --66 ernideHBn-- ' EVERY FRIDAY tMORNING (111 trine for the early malls) at t"Pllo Post" Steam Pub1I01111g) 1i011se, TOMIMMaT ST,, BunsenLe, ONT. Teem Oa' SuBS0 1?TIO2i. One dollar a on tlietaddr se label. dig -denoted by 1110 ditto AnvonmeI to BA'0BS.—The followingrates Will be charged to those who advertise by theyear:— snaez e 1 xis i e hM I s mo One Column 60000 690.00 520.00 Half soon l0.0it Quarter " 20.00 lea 6.10 enghtb 12 0e _-,Hee GAO 611g11± oento oleo lino lor 11,01 insertion, and tbree cents per line for earth subsequentiu- sertion. Ml advertisements measured as Nonpareil -12 lines to the inch, Business Cards, eight lines and under, 86 per Rennin. Advertisements without specific direo- oss,lesoted until forbid, and Instructions to change or discontinue ten advertisement must be left at the flaunting of eaof ch week This is inot mperative. em 7.uasday fes. SI. ia'.103CUR,, natter end Proprietor, istritt ECtO5. dlxde.ter. Several from Here took in Buffalo Bill's Wad West Show at Loudon. Bert. Gidley loft last week for Detroit, where he has secured a situation as a night operator at the Union station. sb me M. Ica fa rine rl Reeve of U o T.Y F has purchaattl Mr. Allan's cottage koro and will shortly !novo his family to town. A. ettlaelde bziritt;i1i4 to Elliott, of Stephen, and another belong- ing to Mrs. John Gould were overcome by the heat and died. At an early bone some unknown parties gained an entrance to D. Spicer's reef. dance, Main street, by means of a rear window, and after ransacking the premia• es set fire to the millinery goods of Miss Morgan. Mr. Spicer, who was sleeping up stairs, was awakened by the moll of smoke and hurried down just in time to prevent what might have resulted in a serious blaze. Several hats and a quan- tity of other goods were destroyed, as well as a quantity of goods stolen. Damage by fire fully covered by inear- ence. G' orrice. The Vidette is holidaying this weep. R. Graham, of the llth con., raised the frame of a large straw shed. John Burwell, of Port Burwell, is the guest of his uncle, Rev. C. R. Gunne. Miss Lucy Keine, teacher, of Minlo, is epending her vacation at her home here. R. L. Wilton, of the 9tb eon., had strawberries in his garden, some of which measured over 0 inches in circumference. Miss Mabel Campbell returned home from Niagara Palle, Out., where she has been attending the Collegiate for the past six months. Geo. W. Perkins was called to Toronto to fill a position for a couple of months in the jewellery establishment of Eyrie Bros., Yonge St. Miss Mary A. Mutob, President of the E. L. of 0, E., went to Toronto last week as a delegate to the International Ep. worth League Convention. Rev. J. S. Fisher extended his journey from NaseagaWeya to Toronto, to be in attendance at the International Epworth League Convention as a representative of the E. L. of C. E. here. Rev. 0. C. Keine, who is supplying at thiNile, addressed the E. L. of C. E., taking ug the topic, "Truman longings and their satisfaction." He threw nut many instructive and useful suggestions in League work. Sete .1ortli. The Presbyterian Sunday School will meet in the morning at 9 30 during the Summer menthe. Fall wheat in extra good on moot farms and promises 0. good crop if nothing happens to destroy it. D. D. Wilson last week shipped a oar of fresh eggs to Trail, a mining camp in British Colombia near Ragland, Geo. Grnmmitt, of the 7th con. of Tuokersmitb, had two fingers of his right hand taken off by a cutting machine. Dr. F. A. Scott, nephew of Dr. Scott, of this town, hes been appointed House Surgeon at Toronto General Hospital for one year. The vital statistics registered with town clerk Elliott for the six months ending Jaly 1st were t—Births 19 ; mar. ringers 111 deaths, 15. Thee. Steplleue and family, late of the Queen's hotel, removed from here on Wednesday of last week to Berlin, where they will in future reside. Mr. Stepbene nae been a resident of 5eaforal for over thirty years. James B. Govenlock, of Neepawa, kfau., aon.in•law of Robert Leotherland, of Tuokcrsmith, writes on July let as follows :—.We had a very dry Spring, no rain for over five weeks, but about the middle of June we had a nice rein, with plenty sines then. Crops look good, wheat starting to head nut. This Donn• try is improving very fast, new bnildings going np in every direction. I built a barn myself 52x00 feet, with a 9.foot stone wall, all finished on June 1st, and my neatest neighbor, Jamee Dark, for. merly of Grey township, is to ridge a big barn tomorrow. Everybody is in good epirite and contented in our distriot any. way. 1 am thinning turnips now, which puts me in mind of boyish times in Huron. We had tt visit recently from Geo. Sproat and Wm. Murray, two for. mer Tuokoremith boys. We are always glad to see people from the old county, which is alwaye dear to us and will never be forgotten." The jubilee celebration managing 6Ammitte timet in the council thorn. on Tuesday evening of last week for the purpose of windingnp the affairs in con- nection with the ate celebration. The result, financially, is very satisfactory. The total receipts amounted to 111.481.18, and are made up as follows: Private contributions of citizens, $326.50 ; town grant, 81.00 ; sale of booths, 880 ; sale of badges, 841.701 reoeipte at recreation grounds in afternoon, 8646,06 ; receipts at recreation grounds in the evening, $120.80 ; receipts of contort, $107.62. The expenses amoanted to $922.88, hay ing a balance of 1344.60, There are, how- ever, a few dollars still to add to the ex. pence fund, but there will bo a surplus of at least 4520 when everything is paid, A meeting of the members of the general committee will be held in the oounoll room on the evening of Friday, July 23rd, at 8 o'alook, for the purpose of reee0ving the report of the managing committee, and determining in what manner the. surplus shall be used. Three different sobemoe are proposed : 1st, to purchase a town cloak ane 1100e 10 erected un inn tower of the town hall ; 2nd, to purobaes the recreation grounie, and deed the property to the town 1 3rd, to purchase and ereat a fountain in Vlatoeia equate, plant slower bade therein ; erect a new grand stand, and Have it made a place of beauty in the centre of the tocvu. Thoredey, Aug. 5th, has been pro - chanted Clinton's Cade Holiday. W. Cudmoro, the well-known hey and cattle dealer, has ehipped nearly 300 oars of clay during the past season. The shoe stores novo all agreed to close during the Summer months et G o'clock every evening except Saturday. A certain man in town who is awaken. ed every morning at 4 o'clock by the orowing and oaollling of his neighbor'; ohfckons,says that he is going to have the chickens arrested under the statute that forbids the use of fowl language. A croquet match Wee played on the lawn of Walter Manning on Monday of last week between Exeter and Clinton players. Messrs. Broderick and Ander- son represented Exeter ; Messrs. Arm- strong, Bruce, Hoover and Taylor, Clinton, though, of course, they did not play 4 against 2 ; Exeter, however, sue. seeded in winning four out of 6 games. Among the shipments of cattle last week were two cars by E. Watson ; 2 cars by S. Smith ; 2 ears by 3. Hearn, and 3 oars of export cattle byJohn Jhn Mo• Milian, of Mallett ; this bet ellipment •+,++erre^rl 7;; head of ahniea entitle, 16 among them being unusually fine ; they were raised by Johu McLean, Tucker. smith. Nine of the 13 averaged 1,577 pounds each ; three of them, 1,300 each, and one steer, only 22 months old, weigh- ed 1,055 pounds. Robert McMillan ac. companied the shipment. The Messrs. McMillan still have on their farm 125 head of export cattle. ACCIDENTS.—While Charlie Reynolds won olimbing through a wire fence the other day be cut himself so severely ea to necessitate the services of a doctor in sewing up the injuries. --Nellie Holmes was patting a dog on the head, when the dog resented her friendship by inserting his teeth in her hand. --While a daugh- ter of Thos. Rodaway was playing with a hay -fork rope the other day, her hand got caught in the pulley, and one finger Mg token off.—Mr. Jarvis, at Stapleton, lost the end or his finger in some maohin- ery.--E. Lawrence bad his thumb torn in a saw in the Doherty Organ Factory. .—Jae. Miller, of town, who has been in rather poor health of late, while going into the garden one day last week fell, striking his face 0u a plebe o2 stovowood, and cut both upper and lower lip com. pletely through, making it necessary to have several stitebee put in. He is doing nicely, and will soon be around again. Goode rick. The root crops up this way want more rain. The sewer works contractors are still on the amen. The prize lists for the G. N. W. Exhi• bition are now ready. Rev. Jas. T. LeGear and family, of Scales Mound, 111,, are visiting in town. Rev. Jas. A. Anderson visited Tiverton to officiate at the marriage of his sister. Upon good authority it is stated that Ogilvie has offered to sell out the Big Mill for 450,000. What a snap for the C. P. R. to make an entry into Goderioh. G. M. Elliott commenced shipping oherriee last week. He shipped six thousand baskets of fruit last year, but he does not expeot half that quantity this year. The formal opening of the Attrill re• eort took place Monday afternoon and evening, under the auspices of the Mayor and Town Council and the Citiz•me' committee. Rig Honor Judge Johnston, wife and children, came down from the Sault por steamer Gamow. on Wednesday of last week and will spend a maple of weeks visiting friends. Just as the detachment left behind in London to pack up was finishing the work, Quartermaster Beck stepped into a hole and twisted his foot, the result being a bad ankle sprain. Be Walt carried to the tenet on a stretcher, and from it by the same conveyance, and is now doing well. Elizabeth McConnell, wife of G. C. Robertson, for many years it resident of Goderioh, died in Chicago on July 5th, aged 54 years. The deceased lady was well known in Goderioh and left many friends when she started for Chicago, all of whore will regretfully hear of her de- cease. Work is progressing rapidly on the re. modelling of Knox ohurolt. The galleries are all in and the oarpeoter work nearly finished. The scaffolding is up in the interior for the painting and decorating, and there is every prospect that the building will be ready by the time called for in Anguet. The Signal Faye ;--On Friday and Saturday the beech in front of the bads. ing bonen was crowded with girls and boys bathing, and the young people had a good time, On Friday from the pier we counted 32 in the water at once and on Saturday 17. It will be seen by this that the councillors who voted against the sidewalk, to keep people from bathing near the teeter works crib, were on use wrong Vault. With the assistance of A. bleb. Aslan, of the (lateens' committee, a much need• ed industry was added to tho town, Tile want of a capable and improved flouring and gristing mill nae long been admitted, and now we are to have one in every re- spect up to date, and in competent and enterprising hands. The owner is Nicholas Deitrich, of Waterloo oonnty. The site purohased is the two lots near the G. T. R. station, formerly the site of the Heron sett block. The contract for the building was let to Bergman e6 Rhynes, and for the engine and boiler to A. S. Ohrystal, and work is to 0001010009 at once and bo pushed with ail haste. The mill at present will have 50 barrels per day equity, bat be capable of ad• dition as may he found necessary, and the machinery will be the Beast and best for both roller process flour and gristing. THE BRUSSELS POST The Warden's committee met Wednes- day of last week, at the oell of the Ward- en, to disouee matters in connection with the recent accident at the County bridge near Clinton. Edward Heidman, who was sunt up from Exeter rooently on a charge of 00. saultfng hie wife and wee released by the judge on suepencled sentence, was olsarg• ed, before Polios Magistrate 'Seager with assaulting a constable in the exeoution of his duty. It appeared from the evidence that the constable, thinking Heldman wws gulag 10 a;;atu usaault his wife, ap- prehended him and in the struggle got a blow wbioh he said Heldman inflicted with a knife. The ease wan considerably mixed and after lecturing both constable and defendant the T. AI. dismissed the 00)80. The confirmation service at St. Peter's Sunday afternoon of Iasi week was large. ly attended and most impressive. Bishop O'Connor was assisted by Revs. Fre. West and Dixon, and the class numbered 20 candidates. Rio Lordship, in asking the ouetomary questions, made a clear and simple explanation of the prinoiplee taught by the church, and gave sound and commendable advice on the benefits and graces flowing from a religious life, His words, if followed up by the children, should give then much happiness through their lives. A10 the boys in the class were pledged to abetsinfrons intoxicating drink till they should reach 21. yeare of age. Judge and Mrs. Doyle acted ae sponsors fur the children as they received their first oommnnion and the ohoir enng most impressively "Colne, Holy Moat." Before couoloding the service, the Bishop praised the congregation for what they had already accomplished iu their new church, and exhorted thein to eoetlntod faithfulness, and sacrifices for the House of God. Polectleeviele. Oliver Rogers and his men are hard at e hill and filling work cutting down the g u s i the approach to the bridge on the 01h con. jtt>.t weet of here. We have been told that Erie Martin, who lives on the boundary, near Moles. worth, ie trying to start a perfume factory --at least he was trying to catch a little atnimal in the field which por. fnmed his clothes for him. Alfred Morton met with a very painful accident. It seems that he was trying to put the box onto a Wagon when the box Blipped and jammed his right bend be• tween the bolestor, tilting the knuckle off one finger and bursting his hand open across the palm. 0n Sunday afternoon, July 11t11, the members of the L. 0 L. and 0. Y. B. Lodges of this place 4000r0IM hod by a large number of the brethren from New. bridge, Lakelet, Orange Hili and Gorrie assembled et the Orange Hall and from thence they marched in a body to the Presbyterian church where they listened to a most magnificent and instructive ser. mon preached by the pastor, Rev. A. B. Dobson. The day being cool the church was crowded to the doors and a large number had to atop outside altogether. The reverend gentleman took his text from the 14th verse of the 17th chapter of Revelations, and compared the revelation of the angel to St. John on the Isle of Patten, with the assumptions of Roman Catholicism. The oolleation, which amounted 10 411, was given to Mr. Deb. son. The 0. Y. B. boys Were tete first on the scene on the 12th and ,.iter holding a meeting they untrel01 to the station where they took the early renin to Mount Forrest. The Oraugemee left for Gerrie about nine o'clock, havi•,g to drive to Gerrie, 110 special train tetoing been se- cured. Both of the Socienes report hay. ing spent a most enjoyable day. The 0. Y. B. boys arrived home by the late train and notwithstanding the exhausting trip —formed into lino and marched to their hall. The boys deserve great credit for the manner in which they aonduoted themselves. They were especially for- tunate in securing the 410 prize for the largest lodge in the 0. Y. B. prooeseion and would have seoured the 05 prize for the hest uniform had not the judges been adverse to awarding the same lodge both prizes. POLITICAL. Soon after the new Liberal tariff was made public, W. C. MoDonald, the big millionaire tobacco manufacturer, closed down his factory and attributed ft all to the change in the tariff. Mr. MoDonald soon discovered that his bluff would not work and last week the factory resumed operations. J. P. Whitney, who spoke in the Opera Nouse, Ottawa, on Tuesday night of last week, left for home nest day. He lies finished his torr for the present, but will start out again in November. In his ad- dress at Ottawa Mr. Whitney said "that if the elections were to come on now he had a good show to win," But the ele)• tans are nob coming now, and before they do his arguments will bo knocked higher than a kite. The annonnoement that Sir Douala Smith (or Lord Glencoe, if ise finally olsooses to elt in the House of Leeds with Hutt title) will probably remain as high commselonor for Canada in Great Bri. this, has been received with mach pine. are by the large majority of Ilse Canadian people. d.0 one tune it was stated that when Sir Donald was made a peer he would resign the post of representative of Canada in the motherland, but Sir Wilfrid Laurier's resent declaration shows that a change docs not necesearily follow,. The Dominion Government has decided to keep all the work on the Crow's Nest Paas line for Canadians by enforcing the Alien Labor Law in Manitoba, trio Terri. tories and British Columbia, and to col. lett duty from all portions who bring in goods for working on railways, which have in the past come in as settler's effects, free. Agents to enforce tho Alien Labor Lew will be appointed at Winni- peg, Roseland and Lethbridge. In addi- tion, the Oanailian Pacific's agent, err. Ranee, nae promised to employ only Canadians, !Chis display of firmness may bo relied upon to drive into Uncle Sam's head the idea that he cannot for. ever Wok Canada and got no blow in re. tut•n. This Dominion has tired of turn• fag the other cheek. Over 300 Indiana ate picking rasp. berries at Stoney Creek, near Hamilton. lOan1tOTIIAL.—Ones. J. Booth, Olive. wood, Cal., eaye t—"! have need A.yer's Pills in my family for several years, and have always found them most effectual in the relief of ailments arising from a disordered stomach, torpid liver, and constipated bowels. Weil Salisiid ith yes a r Vigor. "Nearly forty years ago, after some weeks of sickness, my noir turned gray, .1 began using Ayer's !lair Vigor, and was so well sobbs- lied 5 11'l 1 h results that I have never t t any other kind of dross. lug, It requires only nli occasional appli- cation Of AYER'S. !lair Vigor to keep my hair of good color, to remove dandruff, to Ileal itching humors, and prevent the hair from fulling out, i never hesi- tate to recommend h•'':r's medicines tompfriends;"—�3rs..1 ,hl.IIA101lr, Avoca, Nebr. To keep out. the Flies and be Comfortable y01't must have #t j ScreiiPooraa �11AA�i Sch1een It Pays to Bay the Best that is mope. Order your Doors from us and set the 13est Screen Door on the market. Prepared by Dr. J.O. Ayer & Co., Lowell,1110,,. rake Ayer's Sarsaparilla for the Complexion, To the Madden Yeast Co., London, Out. Oentl,mon,—Wo got,iqehclror and hotter results from using iia. Madden's Yonst than any ether we have used, and htahly recommend it, ABA\ 511:05., nakera THE MADDEN YEAST M. London. Wanted—An idea Who Baa think G or 00000 Pbnplo 10108 to wealth Protect yy•our Ideas: the, nosy bring you t Atteh W0100 ashin gton, BOIrt & CO.,atent Atter. nom Washington, m. O., rot their 81,000 prtzo oROo and list or two hundred inventions wonted. Jew Harnene Shop. D. FRAIN has opened a Har- ness Shop in the building North of the Leckie Block, Brussels, Where he is prepared to turn out Light and Heavy Harness and attend promptly to repairing. Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips, 1Cc., kept in stock. CARRIAGE TRIMMING. I em prepared to attend to all orders for Ottrriage Trimming, Repairing, tee. Good work and Moderate charges. Do Frame Brussels. An Agreeable Laxative and NIORVEI TONIC Sold by Druggists or sent by Mail. 20c., 600. and $1,00 per puokage. Samples free. The 'favorite TOOTH POWDER for the Teeth and Breath, 2.50. Sold by JAS. IIOE, Drnsslst, Brussels. Wanted—An idea Who can think: or some oatnt Proteol year blown her_ may bring you wealth. novaeWengnn.O1011h01aitou one soflwo nut0Wed u09004401,0tSr us wanted. 2�t CIY Ilf.�`1F'�5 a! THE ORIGINAL KIOSK"( PILL TIHE°tllit it 1tw ONLY drat g:�4 tcr,� KI ONEY•LIVER Pius HILLS 0 �ti_L T, Dawson, Mann Per Standard Bank, llred• ford, Ont., says, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are a grand medicine for the Kidneys and .Liver. W. P, CAaataa, ir5 S1 Catd St„ Toronto, re. liresenting Montreal Stn, says, Chase's Pills act ke mogis for the relief of hend.uclle, bilious attack and con+'apnt,an. .'1 everywhere, or by mail rte re.ccipt'Y prole, to 0fl0±Alv'S0P1, DATES ,Rt. en. .,5 .e''Alle 12, 10309)2, our i toy. H E C OD, 115 BN�9PR151P:111PH :� 011.111P FP0Ii wit, sJ � p g./.11 �.�L� .nJ � t{ � Wo have got nearly through marking our Spring Goods and wonlcl like you to call and inspect our stock and compare prices. Wo think we can say without any exaggeration that we are in a position to show one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks that it has been your privilege to see within the COUNTY. In Dress Goods and Trimmings NV show a range that will delight the hearts of the Ladies. Please don't buy until you see our stock, not that we wish t0 insist on you buying from us but our stock will give you an idea of what is going to be worn this Spring. Our _.,mens we imported direct through Agents from the Brookfield Linen Co., Belfast, Ireland, which enables us to sell then at prices much be- low regular prices. LACES and EMBROIDERIES are one of the leading features with us this season. In Ready-to-wear Clothing we lead aU1Competitors. Our Men's Snits at $3.00 must be seen to be appreciated. OUR DESIRE is to make this store to the County of Huron what the T. Eaton Co. is to Toronto. Any who haven't as yet favored us with a call we would like to specially invite them to do so, and I think we will be able to make them permanent customers. Grocery Department. Our Grocery Department is uncle): the direction of Iver. Jas. Purcell, and he will be pleased to show you through that department. P. S.—Our Advertising Agent, Prof. Golding, a colored gentle- man, will probably call on you 1n the course of a week or two with Literature which will pay you well to peruse carefully. 9 Importer, Seaforth. Establishea 1871, 1 54 tx m ,y Oo y vi ,chi in' m to w e. rnvs Ir ell 0. t51 0 -4 I2-4 t l` r A.L 3 0 o P. 0 0 o e, o The 'Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and fullginfor- motion furnished on application. , *sty °G '. ISA 1, Agent, Irussels.