HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-7-23, Page 3JULY 23, 1897 Town !lreotory. IrrnLVILL10 onunoix,—Sabbath Services at 11 a m and 7;0O p, m. Sunday Holum! let 2:30 p m. Rev. John Roes, B A, pastor, Sm. Jonn'a Oguacn,—Sabbath Sorvioes at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:80 p. m. 0ev,,Goo. J. Ahoy, Mourn, bent MomnoniwT Cnmou,—Sabbath Services M :^ 1 • ^ ,d 7:90 p m, Huntley, School ab 2:30 p in. Rev. S. J. Allin pastor, R,LIAN OA'rnomo QYJO1100,--Sabbatlh Servioo third Son•lay in every month, at 10:30 a m. Rev Joaapb Kennedy, priest. SALVATION A1111111,--Servioo at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and 3 p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'olook, at the barraoko, ODn 1 oorons' I4o0014 every Thursday evening, in Graham's block, MABONIO LODGE Tneoday at or before full moon in Garfield bleak. A 0 fl W Loney on the 3rd Friday evening of each month, in Bias. bill's block. o 0 F LODGE 2nd and last Tuesday evenings of each month, in Blashill'a blook. I 0 13','2nc1 and last Friday in Odd Fellows' hall, L 0 L let Monday in every month in Orange Hall. Sons of SCO'T'LAND, 181 and 8rd Tues. days of eaoh mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. Lome, 2nd rind 411: Tues. daya of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall. Oanediau Order of Chosen Friends, lsb and 3rd Mondays of eaoh month iu Blue - hill's Hell. A 0 F, 1st and 3rd Mondaya of eaoh month in Odd Fellow's Hall. Gone Cher,,:, 2nd end 4th Friday even- ings in Blasnill's Tial. POST 01z'ICn.-0ff1ce hones from 8 a. At to 0:30 p. m. idose:'):cc' INmrrrurn,—Library in Halmos' block, will be open from 8 to 8 o'clock p. 1 Wednesdays Vadtoada 't sand 3.30 to 6 Y and O to 8 Saturdays. Mica Minnie Mo - Naughton, Librarian, Town Cooxcai ,—W. H. :Kerr, Remo ; Geo. Beaker, Geo. Thomson, R. Lea. tbordale and R, G. Wilson, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Holly, Treasurer ; 1t. Megaton, Assessor and J. T. Rose, Clolleetor. Board meets the 1st Monday iu each month. Stumm BOARD.—A. Koenig, (chair- man,) D. C. Ross, J. G. Skene, Jae. Teraina!, A. Coasley and F. Van. stone. Sec.•Troas., le. Z. Ross. Meotiugs 2nd Friday evening in each month. Pun= SanooL TEAmrERs,-3. H. Oam• Bron, Principal, Leon Jackson, blies Downey and Miss Ritchie. Boxier on GE:amt.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and Wm. Jowitt. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer. 1].atirr, :t'IIE BROWNIES. TM Brownies have Come to town— The Brownies have come to town— The stovepipe's lost, The kitoben wood's most, The house is quite upside down. The carpets just carefully ripped, Won't fit the same floor when they're whipped, The hammer and tacks, And even the axe, Into Pomo corner have slipped. The door bell's broke, tts olooks are wrong, The longs are short and the shorts are long, The cake's too light and the stove won't draw, The cream won't freeze and the foe won't thaw. What now ? Do I see you frown ? And do you think me a clown ? We're house cleaning now, And that is jest how The Brownies have Dome to town. THE GOSSIP. Who is it down the street will trot With pane so fast it makes her hot, While dinner's half cooked in the pot 2 The gossip. Who to her neighbor's house will gd, Wishing all their doings to know, Her broad being only half cooked dough ? The gossip, Who'll softly linger 'round a door, Her stook of news to snake mush more, While none too clean's her kitchen floor ? The gossip. Who throngh a window blind will peer Should no observer be too near, While 10 her pantry's something queer ? The gossip, Who'll'soale a ladder up au high Or at a crevice place her eye, While in her butter's many a fly ? The gossip. Who never yet was known to fail In making up a wondrous tale, While in her pantry stands that pail ? The gossip. YA'I1ION.L SONGS 0A' `'111G WORLD. Canada—"Tile Maple Leaf Forever." England—"God BONO the Queen." Scotland—"Snobs Who, Iiae." United States -"America," "Hail Col- umbia," or "Star Spangled Banner." The reader may take big choice,. France—"La Marsaillaise," Germany --"Watch on the Rhine" ,Italy—"Song of Garibaldi" and "Roy, a1 Starch aid Fanfare." Poland–."Poland's Nob Yet Dead iu Slavery," Russia—"Lord God, Protect the Czar," China --"The World's Delight." Japan--"Ji'on So ICa." Alexioo—"Mexioanas, al Grito do Guerra." Spain-1111ymue de Ritgo," Egypt—"Salaam Ilffiodina." Taricey—"Our God, Our God, Save to Vs Oar Sultan." Judge Joseph Amable Berthelot one of the oldest judges in Montreal, is dead. The License Aot, 01I1.0058 'MAT CALM INTO r'0r10E ON 'Ella must or JUDY. Change') tltat were made lejthe Liquor License AM during the last session of the Legislature oatne into force on Ju let, and those ali'eotad will be interoste in knowing all about the now law, W'(non shore, There is onlyy ono change of en Loper; ..114; tri 11.0 11:1411:1C101%.: ', 1',;1'• shopo Ifitlle^to the arpal)est quantity they were allowed to sell was three halt. pints, but the new act permits them to sell hall a pint, provided it is an unbralc- en package, and is wholly removed anti taken away from the premises before consumption. Haves 01 CDO0I00. TEE BRUSSELS POST •,m.,-:��.w,....rw�.,,,TrnR,s,+e�w.,h�.,,w,r..,M,,.,,,�eq�R„ The'f,)uoen takes groat interest in the 1 fancily Waterlog and the incident') in the careers of her nest dlstingaiehed aub. (sots, and has a wonderful memory for aIlosor h s been B Aunty a now Mafdthe fff g1� ue Ilnuor has been sat ut )ler ease by kl". "f Te kindly manner iu which her neat The Only OneTA 10 R NG ! ly mistress has asked altar the health of 1I1•r d 1 relatives. floc Majesty also Motes In her memory the records of good work done by the Bolt/lora, sailors, clergy, diploma Gate, e politicians and philanthropists of her kin iiom a habit cal i t g lel has ,,. � r ! s alta n on• No safe or other disposal of intoxioat. ing liquor will be allowed in liaenaed places after 11 p. ne. in oiling and towns, and after 10 p, in, in townships, villages or unorganized districts. Bub this raga• latien has no ')treat on the probibitiou of selling after 7 p. m. on Saturday and all day Sunnay, fu which rowel) the law remains jest as it was before. TIM TILI1t 01 OPENING. Hotel bars may not be open before 0 a. In, on ouch day except on Sunday, nor will any intoxicating liquor whether sold or not, be permitted to be drunk in a hotel except by the persons apsoified above, between 11 p. in, (10 p. m, outside cities and towns) and (1a, m. on week days, or between 7 p. m. Saturday and 0 a. m. Monday. SUBDUING 3I0001111. The regulations covering the Bele of liq- uor to minors have been made more stringent. A minor is defiled as a per. son of either sex under 31 years of age. The person found supplying liquor to any such, as well as filo license holder, will be liable to ha lined not less than .010 nor morn than ^1110 for oaal, oft'.nco. This, however, dans not apply Po wlhoro liquor is sold to a person under 21 year0 of ago, itLa n the written order GPL:' sB aro nt of gaurdian. furthermore, minors must Hol be al- lowed to loiter in or about bar rooms or other rooms where liquor is dispensed, and of any person apparently under 21 years of age, unaccompanied by a parent or guardian, and is not a resident or bona• tido lodger or boarder on the pretnisoa, is permitted to hang around, without good and sal icient reason, the license holder and the young person are each liable to a penalty of not less than 02 00r more than 210 and aorts. The prohibition of the sale to minora ie made applicable also to clubs. 000010LLATION 01 LICENSES, In every case of the conviction of the Moons° holder for an offence of which he ie o"gnizant or at which be connives, tate convicting magistrate or court must cer- tify the finding in writing to the Board of License Commissioners. Aud after three melt certificates, wbatber the offences are the same or different in character, so long as they were on differ. cut days, it is made compulsory on the board by resolution to cancel and revoke g the license, and for three years the 0 licensee is disqualified from obtaining or holding any farther or obber license an - der the Act. d 1in0T15I4"r1ONC 00 DB000IBTa, h 51.504 111.010I1M ':ab 0:111 1'18104 155..544. fur some vaaant Milos or appointment. And it at these times any privileged advioer has veetnred to question the wisdom of the Royal oboioe, the Queen has always been able to give convincing reasons for her opinions. A. distinguished general wits moo greatly atm* by her minute acquaintance with the various incidents of the military weer of au obscure lieutenant, "I believe, ma'am, that you know more of the army than Ido." The Queen smiled and the lieutenant was promoted. (GIVE US UOUDii'teal)$. We aro oonvinoed that before perman- ent improvement can be made in our general road system, it will be necessary bo adopt more practical methods of road making than those which are now in vogue. 11 will be ueoessary to interest the Provincial Government more thor• oughly in the matter and awaken them to the necessity of a more judioioaa ex- penditure of toad monies. In Ontario, a Province noted for ire 9brsbobes of good roads end for its rapid decrease of bad ones, the Government ' appoint an instructor in road making, whose duty it is to furnish the district pathmasters with instraotions as to how roads in each !entity should be treated bo effect moat permanent improvement. It eau readily be seen how a thoroughly competent men in emit a position can exert a ttanhondons influenza t:ward1 tbo betterment of existing ') ')').ido se,IP the Province mode eehool o t hoeti. OIlIEIt la to teach formers and farmers' mora' 00119 scientific; nt1710 orohardfng and general farming, it also needs a 8013ool to instruct these same farmers and farmer')' sons in tbo scientific principles of road making, so that their crops may be the more easily pondingly enhanced in value. The one marketed, and their propelling oorres. is as necessary as the other, and they era more closely related to each other than is generally recognized. We were ready to believe that pathmastere thronghout the country would enlist in this goorl roads movement and study and adopt the ideas of progressive road builders, but the greater portion of the work done this Spring hag been on the old, old lines, under which 0'Ir road eystem has been growing steadily worse and worse. Killed On The Railway. Friday evening, Jnly Otto, the terrible news spread through Wingbam that George Moffat had beau struck and killed by the late train on the 0. P. R. while oing home from a committee meeting E the Turnberry Agricultural Soolety. Mr. Moffat, who was the President of the Society, had attended a meeting of the irectors on that evening, and had hasten. d the business through, remarking thet e was in n harry to get home. In going anis he took the short ant along the 0. P. R. track (49 the train was pulling out cont the station. He started to cross the ridge ae the 'train came close behind. he engineer reversed the lever and blew he whistle, but the train could not be topped in time. At first Mr. Moffitt was aiding on 1110 left aide of the bridge, here, if be had stood 013 the edge, there as room for the train to pass, but he vldently thought there was more room n the right side, and miscalculating the The above are important changes whioh L affect hotel men and the keepers of Urine shops, but there is another that applies to druggists. In future no druggist will be b1 allowed to sell intoxicating liquor except T under a bonafide prescription, duly signed t by a legally qualified practitioner, which e will have to bo recorded in a book to be w produced at any for the inspection w of the license aommissioners or inspector. w The quantity a druggist may sell is limited 10 six ounces at one time, • o distance of the approaching train, at - Crisp and Casual. to to When on a long jouruey Sir Henry et Irving takes with him hie own lea. It 1y is of a fins Chinese variety. 1h The Queen of Saxony maintains three tw physicians whose sole duty is to attend de the eilntents of the suffering and distres- hi sed poor. be The Duke of Aberaoru is the only et Peer, with the exception of Lord Gera- no tool, who oujoys distinob peerages in the vl three kingdoms, th The widowed gneeu of Naples ie the tr only female knight of the Russian Order in of St. George, an honor conferred solely we for gallantry under fire. an The Empreee of Anstria has the finest wa head of hair of any Royal lady iu Europe. wh Avery day it is brushed through, while a spa special lotion ie employed, Seven hal brushes aro used one after the other, and ver the operation takes two hours. thu The Prince of Wales has taken to bav• fro ing Lis prepared speeches wribten by a aft typist on small sheets of paper, each eon• U. tafniug about 100 words, been whioh his tot Royal Highness reads at a very vapid rata—too fast, in faot, for any steno- grapher accurately to Teoord, Theodor Monnnsen, the famous Ger• (nen historian, who will be 80 next year, believes that the pursuit of literature, particularly the study of history, aan- tributes to longevity. lis tbinke that Leopold von Retake, who died in his 01st year, attained the average age of the historian. The nominal head of the Swiss Gov. rmnent is semewhlit of an anomaly. As n official he baa no ex•ofllolo rank in the rmy, aannob exorcise a veto or pardon a ritninal. He has no cams iu bis gift, and never chooses Lis associates fit the federal Council, As an individual be menet doolare war or detornliie the nanoial policy of his country, Rosa Bonham, though site ie ,past 70, ponds a long and busy day at her easel. hobography ie her only recreation, lase bolter la so crowded with artiabio treas. roe as to be, in an adtnirer's phrase, trite a "private Louvre" It contains any complete and incomplete works of or brush, some of which are said to be s good as the productions of her earlier ears. The late Jay Gould had his faults, bub e never forgot a friend. He was once, bile a young man, taken ill in a New grimy town and an old lady tirerenureed m through hie illness. 115 never for. tit, always inquired atter Lie bone. anbress, and on every occasion remind. her substantially of her kindness. nae else made up her mind to visit a ughter iu a distant tvostemt town. A tv days before the day appointed she as surprised to receive an envelope ton. Ming patties all the way there and back, e never found out how Air. Gould Med of her intended trip. 'noted g to moss over, bs With in, he was JAS. /t S. •ALKE R of to go bo be clear of the train, he was U .A.. WALKER rack ou the Left hip, killing him instant - and throwing him off the bridge into Carriage dialer, Brussels. e water. Hie left. leg was broken in 0 planes, lefb arm broken, right shoul- r dislooated, one thumb broken, left p badly lacerated, two soalp wounds, sides internal injuries, The brain was opped and backed up to tite scene of the cident, and a number of people in the amity, who lad been brought out by e loud and prolonged whistling of the ran, assisted the trainmen in recover. g the body (which floated) from the ter. The body was placed on the train d taken hack to the station, and after'- rds to S. Gracey's undertaking store, ere it lay until the coroner's jury M- ated the remains. An inquest was 11 on Saturday at one o'cicak, altcl a diet of accidental death was given, e exonerating tbo railway company m blame. The funeral on Mouday eruoon coag largely attended, the A. 0, W„ of whish he was n member, at- r Orders laiden for the Digging of y 1 Wells and Cisterns, I1ev. William Copp, whose f Wa3 a physician for over fifty y In New Jerse3 and who hf spent many years preparing fo practice of medicine, but gl I310(01 dy entered t1Jn.luius)Nory a M. L. Church, writes: "I am to testify that I I lead analyzed all sarsaparilla limp tions known in trade, but AYER7S is the only one tither I G. Richardson GSOn :Salt: •3, ksli I Is prepared to do all kinds of he work in Ilia line. 1'). O,"� Id/, ,r.>, r i, , .Lu u0✓ il'o r.inanohi and d Good fits Guaranteed. tav0 the ' L,ATEST STYLES, `l a Suits made for $4 and Upwards. C—Shop oyer ,MMe1o1'ran's Store. of MONE71'. TO LOAN. them that I could recommend as a bloocl_puriiler, I have given away hundreds of bottles of it, as I consider it the safest as well as the best to be had."—Wm. Corp, Pastor 11I.10, Church, Jac)ison, Dlinn, IRE ONLY WORLD'S FAIR When in clotrht, ask forAyer's P1115 British Columbia Iced Cedar Shingles AND. Idorell Shore Pi1l0 and Cedar FOR SALE AT TIM Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on baud or made to order at Short Notice, Ilsbimates Furnished for all kinds of Bufkliugs. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed, J. & P. AME NT , .TCR THIS SHOE TEIRRE'S MONEY IN IT FOR YOU. --o--• FO, SALE, A One-horse Wagon, suitable for milk hauling, nearly new. 2 Second-hand 2 seated Buggies, and a number of S,eeond- band Single Buggies in good shape. 0 a a fi P a u '1 ta h y 1t bi go f ed 0 da fe w to 8h le BRUSSELS Pi QIP ORKS. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have pur, chased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs ab moderate prices. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at P. scorn shop will be promptly 10011531 after. Mr, Moffat was an llinglishman by birth, a metnher of the liethodieb church and in politica a staunch Reformer. He WOO 000 of Oa early settlers fu Turn - berry, and always tools a warm interest in agr8 ioultnral matters. Ile was Presi• dent of the Turnberry Agricultural So- ciety, in whose service he was untiring in his efforts. .Ile leaven a wife and two children --the oldest, John, by his first wife, and one by his second wife, svho note mourns his loss. The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved family in this time of sorrow, "Have tried others, lint like Ayer's best," is the abatement made over and over again by those who testify to the benefit derived front the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Disease NOM had a great• er enemy than Ude powerful blood -puri• her. It mattes the weak strong. London Advortene :----"Sir Oliver Mow- at may oe may not go to Government House, Toronto, 0e the et0C0eeaor of tdeut,•Gov. Kirkpatrick, wboee term ex- pired Some time gime, end who has ex- pressed a desire to bo relieved of 011ie') at an early date. It is largely a matter of the veteran statesman's own choice. He has wollcee for his country long and faithfully. He has given his aid to es. tablfab a strong ministry at Ottawa, and if he were now to see fit to accept the position of reprosetit:ttive of iter Majesty in his native province, which he served so well for half a lite time, it would be a far more inappropriate mending off of a meet suooeasful eareet• as a leader among men, This much can he Said with pro. priety at tike atage. The 8elooblon of a new Lientsnant•Governor will not take piece till the return from the old aenotry et the premier, and lie is net expected till the end of August." Amt: green. MILL STREET, - BRUSSELS, Any Amount of Money to Loan on Parra or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to 'A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Bru38el8. NEW ui�u�[ �Vip peA.n. F011 SEILVIC3.•--THE. Undersigned will keep for servbo ole Lot 20, f'on. a, Unrris the tboro' bred itti- peeved White Yorkshire Poor "Belooted," Dred froru J 19.13retbagr s eweepabat,os sow at Cbioa{lo Nair. Trains, kl ou to be paid at the time of servtoo 1,410 privilege Of I4l- furning if neeaesary Ped ii;ine may Ile8000001 application, White to Lite. DOTAL iLtli, RZ'fi til if Bottvaen New York a"•1 i.iv,rpaal, vte Queenstown, every l'✓ietemeay. atrletly limited nuu0t number JIB ei:eapram . and mom, Cem1 a0a0D,alna:at'. 415, intendJng paesongars aro remia,0ed that nn 5,0017 0p. inioubiou for berths 19 necessary at this gas. eon, For plane, rates, etc., apply to W. H. Kerr, Anent, Bruesele. '1 uJos Will snake a well man. of TOD' P1C030 PRQat^Its VW 1,1140E B1wsLTe 114 YOUR UUEEg9, 100», 8 ar11nl cures M01aa y, MatN errt+''9 Det olss 010oo ,si. g Y"m1oaaaR,a p55455' 510,', v 1 Ilnpa5') (1 9[0., CBGLEd ar p'.It 09, 105 ' given vigor sad else to :pees deo. i, 005 x010505. (' rer30013o :pees& in old or young. L'aa PTpb»2 =ne you 8Jp gravy rEMag Hari haDGr apqaala. :•:at b9 rl ii'1s pate 10.58,00 and as 4 ve ?ei; l S: 10 CD -p a. 10 . 1 carr!'. P v t 1:1 t .. •r r- .1 n 700 7 10808 1 t y. Pana R.n cr1a ran ar17, 101, ' ,a 2. e. to T. Tt tO e n. _'>ffx t Ca,ta rs, ON.'., ,4ltrat tar the Do- M CLE O I Y , The undersigned has open- System �+ a eve ed up a Butcher Shop in the SMILD BEIM BEM, where he will keep constant- ly on hand 'a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. so U �r°�;2nL ;.3 r.".cCCafa. Meat delivered to all Darts --AND 01:10101 --- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak nod impoverished Blood, Dyepepsio, Siae :?senesa,'Paipite- tion of the Heart, LIv,, L'ilhlnlafnt,Near. algia, Loss of Memory. Lrinehitis, Oon. gumption, Gail Stones. 4 ..audio'), Kidney and Urinary Di=enses, Sr. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities au1 C4eneral De. bflity. LABORATORY, O(OdERlCii, ONTr r J. 111. II1CLEOD, Prop. and :lianufaoturem of the town. Sold b3''das, Fes, Dcur,gfst, itrmsoeis, 6 and 8 Bawls AT THE oz �,t�, . A ; ox ANT)E N OT' A GA?E