HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-7-23, Page 1Vol, 26. No, 2. � ,,.., .. ..,,,_... .„w=omen. ru , BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1897 W, H. KERR, Prop, rR mm°tea - o..olm .a...a. ..wmoa..:,.:.... ... .....mw. hto... ,,m:a ,�.d... ., BATTLE OF THE BOYNE, mad. extensive preparations, as they ex. more bmainm-!lira that they than naval, ter of Mr, Sinelair, About 2 weeks be. tion to pia•nie parties. The hotel itself limited the brethren of tiro whole County for In port were the "Empress of China," fore Mrs. Sinelair died she took ill with !e built on the heights overlooking the Feople We Mu) w. of !levet would be present, and notwith. the "Charmer," from Victoria ; the peens in bowels' and the doctor was seat town to tbellest amid the most charming sbaudieg the feet that at the annual "Joan," front Minima • the ',Rupee," for and he got there about 3 in the morn• scenery, where every faoitity 34 Afforded r� ..,yj' '� • County meeting they unanimously ddeice,ice, 'from China 1 the ",Danube,' from Coast log. The Sunday night before elle died for exaureioniets and pio-ni0 ertiee, I Roy retell is V10131ng al Blu°vale. Geo. McKay has been on the 8e1[ Her1G 9o, 1897. ed to come t0 Lunen, and all necessary Ledo ; the three mon•of•war and it very she took i1l again about 5 p. m. She had have found the people very kind, and our Jae. O'Leary was in town last Saute railway arrangements wore made to 0011• large sailing vessel anchored out in the fairly good health. div uncle went for own °burgh people Imo given 11fr. Steele day, vey them here, still about btvo•tlfirde of harbor ; a number of freight boats, some Dr. at fi.30, On following Tuesday an. and myself a very hearty welcome, Alex. McKelvey is holidaying at Clif- ano the brethren to the North saw fit to go half dozen hied up at Moodyvillo, anroes other sink spell came on, being well on fart!, elsewhere. 'lige are sorry to sae the djs. the !arbor ; ferry boats and no end to Monday. I wont to bed about 1 o'eloek Yuury, 1°I.111/se Lizzie Holmes is again ea the !low the 1)0) 11'us Celebrated, trIel of liiddnl ph out awe free Huron ➢brei 3 O'Coxnmt SUMS. 1 Y yachts, sail and row boats, The "Nara- Taesday a, m. I think she we Bleeping Tli Rectory, Port Stanley July 30611, "fel' list, Cotulty, but we wish all to understand moo," from Australia, tante in that after. when I went to bed. Was away from Fred. Loth has gone to Berlin for his CelebratioThe n orond f the Howee 12thof triot which bars of the Orclare no errfrom Clinton and other of the alrnent mem. noon eadytmngntlic nteight." e added to the grandeur home nti lyabeut 12,80 o'n the clock. . et ee home(0(3 t,l)fJlt('YI t' 11 +i vacation. Northern towns always seemed to have a k, Was home 0n lI ll. J to. Ifendall is hems for a holiday was held in Gorrie on Monday was equal --R, R. Wednesnay when my step -mother took from Toronto, to any held in the Matelot for many goodly following upon other oc0asione, stoke She vomited on Monday but not iSfuitlaud Preeb Mise Mabel Roth, of Listows!, is visit - years. The gathering was the moat bat that influence plainly was not direob- HONORABLY ACQUITTED. oil Wednesday. Complained of pains in at Wingham. Presbytery met on Tuesday ing Gertie /illiax. orderly cue we have ever witnessed. The 0d this time in behalf of Leman. British the boweh, Leather gob horns about 10.- In the Irish Presbyterian ohuroh elle Dirs. A. Gond and chiWreu are visiting weather was all that could be desired, fair play is all we ask. — — 80, my stepmother crying about 9.80. average age of rniniaters Ie 70 year's, relatives in Morrie. Although last week was excessively hot, anile hjeleee cher OVER TUB (;IDLY Or She &sited 119 to raise her up, wbieln we Regular monthly service was held in J. T„ D. O. Thos, and Georgie Rosa a cold wave etrU(k this section on San. 1'91a LA'PB; MILS.l1111:[6 81:Ver 1ltt, did, Suni Miss a9Iijnourdine, What a Brussel Saw !!7 the R. C. ohuotl, Brunsela last Sabbath day whish cooled the atmoephera. Mon - the -- - Dr. McNaughton, sworn, said :—Along morning, ' Mise Jean Wilson, milliner, of Elora, Clay morning came a !belle foggy bat thatsoon the rr est, C ATH EY NATURAL CAUSES. with Dr. Mc7iDlv¢y I °Xanlined the grgaue Th9 great Endeavor Convention in San Is home for her vacation. down through a 4e3 tvork of fleecy aand old Sol oes ,�iled On the morningof all healthy texaof anbn the heat Sinclair. on wl111 and ni ueax� est wee attended by 80,000 young visiting ng Iiae Lizzie ies Jennie iBample Walkerton, is in a manner that mate every one happy, a lu610 elo4iivo�l horn Weineres wore (800 s' to 7th, Hammel, wifof Peter rSinclair, 14th MIA a oai0arooue deposit. The abdomen• The new law prohibiting gambling le Mise ltilla Hunter ie vIaiting Miss Our citizens were early astir preparing , con. Grey, died quite suddenly and un- al organs appeared healthy. On coming Ittontena, makes playing cards for prices Marion Moore, Trowbridge. for the visitors. L. 0. L. No. 815 from now a resident of Vancouver, B. 0.:-- expoobeclly and was buried on the follow- to pelvis found large quantity of blood at 8001x1 getheri838 001awful. Miss L. Ma°keen of in:maim is visit- Teeswater with a goodly number of "While many 0f the towns and cities ing Fridayat Cranbrook cemetery.Ow, and found an extra uterine pregnancy. The whole membership or the Presby- ing her sister, Hire. John Long, friends were the Bret 6o arrive, coming an in the Eastern Provinces celebrated too fog to the eculiarity of her molsells The wall bad given way and was broken terian ahur°h im Japan is note 10,588. Charlieldlinx fe on the Mole int, being the 6:00 train. Diamond Jubilee right royally, i6 was aol death, 00ttple0 with the Web that her down. The laterite wee in healthy 00n- Last year 579 adult converts were added. dangerously ill from pneumonia, About 9 o'clock the various lodges of ta16011 little or ns' notice of In this city, life was insurer!, lead to certaiu rumours diction. Aetna was about G weeks old. 'There is a strong effort being made to Mee. J. A. l relgbton 0.106006 home on our own District began to arrive and that is in a publics way. Ilowovor, the being oiroulated a8 to the possible eel- Canso o£ death, hemorrhage, cause by have a distinct reOoguition of God in the Monriny from a visit to Toronto. about 0:80 all had 501 in their appear- Birthday of the Dominion was fittingly plc moot of unfair moods in hastetin shook. Attended deceased and was twice new nou8tirutian of Federated Australia. Min (vesica Gillespie, of Seaforth, was ones and formed np on der. Perkins' hill celebrated here by giving a splendid pro- !icer death. 11Tr. Siu°lair heard soma Q1 there and believe the symptoms ,n her A eyuopsis of the Snbba6h school lea- visiting Brussels Mende this week, to welcome their visitors from Harriston gram of sports wbiell lasted two days, these stories, and actin on the advice of illness was doe to what w@ found in post Bqn Ig gjVeq 311 eAOh issue of Tnz Poli, Courtney Gilpin and Miss Match,r'e. of who arrived shortly before 10 o'clock. July let and 2ncl. The program on Do- friends and desiring to prove himself p@n%e of death and the bloortern bo exist. The od was evidencture was e We h0pe it will prove helpful to S. S. Gerrie, no.Tenlinhwile rpt at sJ.ou, J. Godes. HAyrrplrocoeeiou as the formed the with! the (Melon nlDay Was on,opened by yformi forming Blear of any such malicious not, wrote ' 1y there before death. workers. visited relatives in this locality last week. under the gnfes Ba of t e e dare- grand p ocessiof the oft headed Paraded the Dr. Witt. Holmes, Coroner, of Ooderich, Dr. McKelvey, suarn, said be Oorrobor- The Paris Star•Transoipt of last week Robt. Armstrong oombined business - monies, Bro. Diokeon, mashed down Band from the streets of the city h a erluso," asking him to hold an inves33168, on and oleo! Dr, MoN'0(1,., 0n'S evidence. contained the following note of interest to and pleasure in a trip to Toronto this r P ascertain the true stain of very Pregnancy had eat in outside of the the young people of Brussels :—Bynoe week. i S i0t°ria street to the Orange Hnll where also some 600 F °blue jackets" fromtheInquests rare becoming a vary rare oQ• ❑taros, that had ruptured and death Wilson will occupy the p' Min Nellie Price, of Gln°oe, is renew - they were dismissed, same boat. These, aloe with PY pulpit of the currants, but Coroner Holmes decided resulted from shook. W°ul'1 say eat h tor being °bare next Sunday, the pas- ing old frienclehipe in Brussels and lo. iOShne.pa t 1:30 (03180pLasb along John bands, ooroagvs,lunteer tulesupoa'°a bran 3a1 that ono was necessary in this case, after the symptoms during her illness would being absent at the International Con. aaWill P forheeenoon the his w b rumours. Tlteerey war. be accused by what we found in our ex- vention of Epworth Leaguers in Toronto, Will, Stewart, of Mount Forest, is street to St. Stephen's scree to Edward then north procession, after welch to "blue jackets" far moon o£ this week S Escott Iris war. amination. There may have been a Co. Sabbath School and Christina En- making a holiday visit with relatives and along Wellington 006883 to Edward arrest ;vont through sone Splendid drill work, rant and Constable F. S. Scott teas hand.cleaver Union Convention in Clinton on friends. then west along Edward street to the the whole company moving with the ac- ed summons' for jurymen, witnesses, 010„ series was ruptures. I believe the trouble Methodist °burgh corner, then South Emmy of a single man, to assemble (b Beek's Hall, Crnnbrools, at found concluded theto sones death. gram- 24911 and 26th. Splendid pro. B Gerry intends taking a business and along Albert serest t0 the Publie school, In the afternoon a program of athletic 4 o'clock p. m. of the day aforesaid. This 0101090 90 evidence. 70r. gram. Evaxy member 10 either of Ghe near future. to the Northwest in the then along James to Victoria ebreet, then sports, fancy drilla, $c., was given in the When 11110 hoor strived bite followingHolmes addressed the Jury, briefly re- above cha a departments ehonid be near future. along Victoria street to Mill street to Parlc, (leo yacht and rowingraces on the _ viewing the evidence and explaining the there to take part. Dr. Meldrum, of Was, A. McKenzie, of Chatham, is en - Maitland Park to the speaking. The harbor. The !anter were v17131 cresting, Alex Stewart, A. Reymann,yV V. Granule, medical testimony particularly. The St. Paul, Min., Provinoinl Secretary Day joying a couple of weeks vacation in and P gseeand other speakers of note will be there. arbnnd Brussels. prom:801ep was well managed by Bro, a number of upsets adding somewhat to R. Leatherdale, J, J. itchll, T. Fletoh•P rotors were asked bo retire and the P John Montgomery, Director of Care• the amusemoub. or, R. Williams, N. F. Gerry, J. Hewitt, ease was handed over to the Jurymeo, Talk the Convention up in your Sabbath Thge. ROM, wife and son, and Dein monies for the 0. Y. B's, and D. D. of tic few notes on our visit to the British Jas. Cameron, Wesley Welker and who were unanimous in finding a verdict School and Young People's Society. Glenn, of za eeley, Are holidaying at D. 0„ Bro. Dickson, mu -of -wan "Empeeieuse" may be in- A. McNair. W. H. Kerr was in eonfotenily with the evidence addutere Rev. Air. Abey, the new incumbent of Ross', Elizabeth street. After arriving at the park District Mas. toreshiug to some of your readers. This Chosen foreman, and being sworn, by the medical men That we believafter e the St. e° to of John's t1 ancon re terta ine8 the yoang 0(Dare. ,, Mre11S. ToPwas lum h isireturnediher ter, Bra, W. J. Greer, called the multi. boat is known as the flag ship, that is the the Coroner briefly addressed the P P g t the real- tads to order and read a telegram from one the Admiral shays 00, He 08081808 Jury, outlining their dnhioo, deceased Hannah Sinclair came to her demos of J. C. Tuck, Turnberry street, on to her home at Preston. Bro. A. H. Musgrove, of `Vingham, who the orders from hentgnarhers and the The body of the 000008ed Hannah death by the rupture of a blood vessel, Tuesday evening, Games of various Mrs. T. H. Webber and litre eons bad been auuounoed as ohairmao, stating officers ou the two autism "Pheasant" Barker Sinclair, widoh had been digin- caused by an extra uterine pregnancy, kinds, vocal and instrumental music, Fran and Albert, of London, are visit- ilt"t he oonld nob be present on account and "While Swan receive orders from tetrad and the coffin lace. ne the sheds The Coroner thanked the Jury for social chat, refreshments, eta., were ro• ing Mrs. J. J. Gilpin. of having to attend the funeral of a hint. The "Elnperfeese" is a very old at the Presbyterian church, was then blaelr prompt finding and dismissed them vided and a vary pleasant time was Miss Lulu Hemphill, of Wroxeter, is brgtbor Workmen who has been killed by bent, but is 81111 listed first-class. When viewed. Dr. McNaughton 11'a9 appointed about 7.30 o'Olo°k p, m, enjoyed by a11. Miss Tuck left nothing making a holiday visit with Miss eiebel the night express on Friday. Be ghee we got on board the found many of the by the Coroner to oonducb the post Mr. Sineiair was lemitily congratulated undone that would add to the comfort Hayeroft, Yen street. called Pae6 County Maser, Bro. H. Per. "boye" going around ite their baro feet. P on the outcome of the investigation, and pleasure of the numerous guests. Miss Edith Inman, of Guelph, is en. kine, who in a few well obosen remarke Theyare a folie lot of fellows, one came m°rem McKelvey08 ass and the Jury George rd which entirely Meliorate. himself and The verysodden death of Rev Fr. joving a well earned vacation with re}a- weloomed the Orangemen to Gorrie, es• forwrd and kind! offered to show us Dr, tn of g associate. ConstableauBirt family from any blame in the sad event, lives and friends fit Brusssle, q ;vas polio charge as agaiand the as 00383 which book plan at to 1(1 r 00(01 Mrs. A. Corrie, sr., has been confined pe°icily those from Teeswater and through the boat. He has charge of a 9. Jury repaired to the Hall again to hear aS noted last weak, tvae duo to ineeraal to bed with pleurisy at her borne. Mrs. Ha (18300, and also the Band who had moll gnu, of tvbioh there are two on the the evideuge, which was as follows :— B1'eezy Port Stanley. hemorrhage, the second attack in a abort Jno. Currie, of Seaforth is waiting on her. been engaged with the undsrotandieg main dealt, one forward and one aft ; Wesley Walker, oudertalcer, Brussels, time. The reverend gentleman, feeling George and Willie Whitesidee, of Sea. that 0 special babe would be provided, they will shoot 8 miles, the ball weighs swore that he attended to the burial of unwell, he gone down for e. reef and to Rev. C. W. Ooeele then evoke for about 360 lbs, each and oharge aoste$160. They the late Mrs, Peter Sinclair. Embalmed To the Latter or Ton Posen : visit Fr. Dixon, at Kingsbridge. He died forth, of ' ,3..le pg their Holidays at 30 mianloe on the aims, objects and ori• also shoot shells which can be timed to the body by }ejecting fluid into bout Date Sul,—Since my last letter, we through the night of Wednesday, as he their nnole s, Alex. McLennan, Jobe St. gin of the Order, and the address was explode When they have gone the distance longe. Used about 1 pint in each lung. have Advanced another segs in the jour- was found dead on Thursday morning. Dirs. W. F. 08 ext e and daughters pronounced by many to be the best ad. desired. On this deck also there areaoatotrenow have gone on an extended visit with dress of the kind they had ever heard. number of guns which shoot 8 and G stomach.cteG ofluidpifrom Jae. Fox, nay palish work in this rom(ntote initiated The remains wererji eeremeter on Friday friends at Southampton, Walkerton and into p morning at Sin B g y The Grand Maser or the Orange Youelsewh Young pound charges (altogether there aro 20 of druggist, Brussels. The bottle need had After spending some ten days at Grand Rev. Mr. Kellington, who occupied the ivlre. Anere,derson and children, of Lind. Britone, Bro. A. Spottou, 13. A.., then this size in different parts ofgthe boat.) beeeen uoed for filled purpose and he. 6 ee Park. hwegtook train at Exeter at pulpit of the Methodist church, Brussels, say, are visiting her m"ther.in-law, Mrs, took the eland, Alr. Spottgn is the only Thou there aro 4. mats firing ons with 5 p e y ed by Mr. Fox. I p.reaching London in little over an last Sabbath, will preach in elle same Thos. Anderson, Elizabeth street, 'Bros. son of the Late John Spotton, of Orange barrels each ; the five bert•018 are die- dressed the deceased and placed her in hour. The L, E. a 33. R. runs several a tureh next Sabbath. Be has completed eels, this week. H111, and ie without doubt one of the ria- charged at woe and eau be repeatd very the main, Recognize the body as that of trains n day to ao0ommodate the numerous three years of his probation and will go Last Monday Station Agent Kendall bug young men of the County. Ile out quickly, there being two hoppers 0f Hannah Sinclair. tourists and travellers, who weneretheir to Victoria University, Toronto, in resumed hie duties at the G. T. R. after abort an excellent address on Recent of cartridges above 8ael1 gnu, and all barrels Peter Shu°lair, sworn, said :—Am the way daily to the fashionable resort of 0o60ber to complete his 000188. He is an enforced absence of several months whet threatened to be a shower. are re -loaded at Enloe by means of a lever. huehand of deceased. Three weeks be. Port Stanley to enjoy the Goal breeeee Of an under.gradaatenow. ibIr.Kolliugton's through a disabled leg. Bev. 0, R. Gonne, M. A., was then It takes two men to manage 0110 of those fore she died she took ill with vomiting Lake Erie. SOato@ly a day passes with. discourses on Sabbath were interesting The Misses Sora and Ella Code have called on, who, like the previous speaker, five barrel11 alis, fl10n the ing k below ch willre and pain in bowels. Sent for Dr. elle- out seeing thousands of pleasure -seekers and 1 e did not forget that the weather gone home to Trowbridge for a while out his eddres0 in two and ave one hall 8 6.iuch g gNaughton at once. He staid about 8 from London St. Thomas, and other was warm ant therefore coked the of it but the half that was delivered was shoot 5 miles and can be placed to shoot hours and administered medicine and she points North, 'Best and West ;—some to good things into small 0ompn88. owing to theMi poor Health of the former, an excellent address in itself and was de. in any direction instantly ; on this dock went to sleep. Mediofne administered as take up their abode for the season either We Fred bet r, of a speedy was very. livered in that gentleman's eloquent and also are 6 teepee tubes, some Btetional' plum o> Rev. Joos 1 th says cls, Webster, of England, was nberry P n. much so and see Saturday rshe m their awn o teases or in rooted hens- Rev. ph n Hoog of July 15tH gays 1—e street, uncle, James Oliver, Ttornollow forcible aryls'. Rave. hfeesxs. Dobson othore may be placed iu any position. 00 mnoh that the Saturday befog she snouts, and others to Beek some ahadp Rev. Jahn Hough died last evening at the street, Brussel°, He intends ba follow and Coffin ;het followed but owing to the The torlgiedoes are fu the 811050o oleo sat-• died she was able to go to Brussels. The nook where they may pool themselves in family residence, Norfolk street, at the farming and will mune a praoti0al course close proximity of the storm neither moth algae: and each has a p following Sunday evening she took bad the waters of Lake Erie. age of 67, Ile had a bad atta°ls of grippe iu agriculture ab Woodstock. gentlemen entered into the addresses ta°hed connected with a compressed air spin with same symptoms as before and I was most agreeably surprised on some year0 ago which left bio with His Miss Mary Oliver, who bas been e° they had evidently prepared for the oc- motor. inside. They are forced through I again sent for doctor. He left same remelting our destination to find that Port heart seriously 0ffeoted. He was taken seriously and dangerously ill in Winni. elision, but judging tram the few remarks the tubes by compressed air tubo the medioino as before and ebe got consider- Staley was not the "miserable little down in January last, and though -he hes pee, has alightly improved in health, made by those gentlemen, we feel safe In tvabar when the motor is set in action, ably better. Tuesday night ells took places represented by some who have rallied at times he has been gradually which improvement we truot will soon enyiog that the shower was the moans of and the torpedo is thus sent through the bad and 3 gave medicine left by doctor, never, been bele—but that, while the Wakening, until he sank into ninon- result in couvalesoenoe. (beating the audionee out of two of tbs water with lightning speed until it shrikes in the form of a tablet, giving her two of town is not large as compered with many soi0unsneee a clay or two ago and passed Chris. Grimoldby and bride arrived finest Change addressee ever delivered, some object, when it explodes witli ter- them, She went to sleep at 12 o'clock, watering plane in the neighboring States, away last night. Mr. Elough was the in town Thursday evening from Toronto, The vast 131311 5 thenjoined and amid Aliodwo ith a e. The "Binpe whichgoespais right She held my hand at bedside until 4 a, the Benne Was moat diversified and ro- eldest son of the late James Bough, who Long life and prosperity to them is the g g in. next morning, when elle awoke quite mantle. It is 8 very old sebllemeub as held the honorable position of township wish Of To Pose. Mrs. Grimoldby was chewer or Riog pits' wm, and Queen bad coming tthoo home, toward off torpedoes refreshed. Some of the medicine intend- one may gather from the mopnmente and and town clerk, then Deputy Olerk of the Mies Diary McKinley, of Alton. gained shelter when a gentle shower set q' ed as physio did not operate and I went ancient.looking tombotoeee in Christ's Crown and clerk of the County 00urt in A. R. Smith, of Smith cb McLaren, left g On the main clock there is a vary large to Brussels on Wednesday morning to church cemetery, We noticed one of a this pity for many years, dying several on Tuesday of this week On a holiday trip In which lasted for Over an .hour when it and Rowena search light and just back secure eyeing° and more tablets. The Colonel in the 13riti811 army, who was years ago at the age of 88. John Hough to ktanitoba in the hope of bettering his Moine away. of i6 is a round house about 8 fed in di- pills were administered on Tuesday and born in the latter part of the 18311 °eutury was born at Beeston -on -Humber, Eng. health. Geo. Rogers, or,, will eke hie About 7:80, the rigs whi(h brought the ameter and high enough for a man to gave her no nnedioin0 after 12 Tuesday and died 80n0 sixty years ago. The land, and oame to this country with his plane in the store during His abaeece. Beed, the JIarristol Orangemen and stand upright. The wall is of steel and night. She was dead when T got' borne, there itself is over fifty yams old, but parents when a boy, arriving in Guelph We wish Mr. Smith a pleasant tri. Orange Young Britons drew u in front 8 inches thick, the roof is 00110 shaped. about 10 o'clock a. m. My two daughters, the 11130ri0r has A bright °hooey aspect, in 1835. He attended whet here And P of the Albion hotel, and amid loud and When iu notion a men is etationel iu this Fannie and Harriet, and her 1)1008, 7 with the moat modern paws and n alien- learned the printing tinsinees with John hearty ehosrafrom their Gerrie brethren, house and from it can steer the b°tth, (1110 years of age, were there when she died. col to correspond, with a beautiful me- Smith on the Advertieet•. He eubse. The Canadian Power Company has they started on their homeward journey. boat can he steered from 6 different She had just the three attach. Appear. morial window that reminds one of some que0tiy worked in the Toronto Guardian begun work on its proposed power canal nm n3Yriyl m. places) signal the engineer, speak to any ed b0 enjoy good health. She owned two English Cathedral, Ther@ is else a pipe and other ol3ees. On attaininghis man. at N10gata Felis. ' Iiay$e1d Had a big day o l the 12th. part of the boat, flee any of the gime (by houses at Henfryn, valued at about $,160.. organ at wlijeh Mre. Captain Price has Hood, he decided to study for te Mebhe- Samuel J. P'ox way nominated by the 77arlq!uthe morning 1131on began to electricity) bosh draws nearly and aim he $0 feet 001o tubes. water. 00. Also an I000Iauoa policy for $1,000 officiated for many years without fee or diet ministry, and attended Victoria Ool• West Victoria Conservatives for the pone in from all directions. mimeo and The the caws earline 6a0c the engines, in the Confederation Life Association, reward, 0880 the satisfaction of working lege, Oobourg. His Ern station was at L8ggI8 111 v8 Assembly. Bayfield brass bands received the 1°dges ma eritee, et. g , , taken out last November. Waa not aware for the Master. Clinton in 1864, and than followed 36 Joseph Coate, a deal[ !land on the and visitors and esoored them to their g , with slues through wheel of the policy until after we were mar- During the menthe of July and August years faithful and euoaeesful ministerial steamer Cermone, slid into the venter various quarters. At 1,80 a grand pro- who ere Igen bion is pa00031 up to the docks ried. She thought it was for $1,600. the aotamnnity is ell astir with Sunday labor at Peal, Mitchell, Howiak, Brute, at Wiudear and was drowned. °essien was formed on Olen Gregor g passages through Don't know what means the had. 1 school pi°•nio0 and other pldaeurable en. eels, Teeswater, Wyoming, Mount The fire hall and Town Hall at Graven. Squire by Marshall Parke, of Stanley, the boat are provll provided �ithewa 80 t1tghb knowofit note f $150, on which $440 was terteinmeute, while two steamboats are Brydgee, Rookw3od, Millbank, Trow- 110388 were destroyed by fire, with a lot headed by 1. C. M. Todd and District lis paid, c another of $50. She told me going to and fro continually between Port bride, Clifford Gleoallan Gerrie, of hose and other apparatus, headed Master Rothwell. Thou followed the able. it can he shut off from the rest of of them. Was married on Nov. 15th. Stanley and Cleveland, U, S., with Londesboro' and Nasse awe m takinga At Bryson Judge Gill sentenced Logia Oliuten Band ; L. 0, L. 145 and Hand ; the boat. She bas more money but don't know moonlight 80°urnions on the lake for the superannuated relation gin 1891. Atter Nez to imprisonment for life for shoot. I.O. L. 189 and band ;the modern out There ere on board a maohino shop, where it 10. She did not say anything benefit of 011000 who can spare only a au extended visit to old stations, he ing with intent to kir[ John GYrwin. highly L. 1reciaeb fife and drum band general store, proviBiou storehouse, 010. about money before marriage. I knew couple Of days from beelines °ores. AI- ammo to Guelph 4 or 5 years ago, at the While J. W. Duncan and Herman from Varna ; L. 0. L. 805 and baud ; L. Those apprenticing themselves to a bee for about a year before marriage, though there are four first -elan hotels time of his father's death, and has averGhent were engaged hauling an old pump, 0. lea. 88$ and band ; Bayfield brass band; men•Of-war have to nervy 12 ,years. They She and one daughter did net get along and numerous private cottages and ea- since resided here. Though a man of out of it well at Lakeside the slippery log 1086 and band ; L. O. L. 24 and Bayfield got 26 a cents each day at firsts itha slight very well together. Policy was made oommodaton for transient boardere, it is matinee diepositon, lir, Ootlg11 lead a slipped On the 0hain until it 0 500k the Orange Young Britons. The imposing ten Vance 0116 site. There provided0 a !Boots! payableith ao Sto ilnolair, sworn .—Am atop. difficult (to get i acoommodanion without vein of humor which rendered !lie Doe- next joint which gave the windless snob procession proceeded down Main street,P , N sop paying much as $25 pee mouth for a 53000ion quite entertainithg es well as a jerk that it flew around with lightning amen past the River Hotel, bvee` the for the aids and a jail for the law break• daughter of demised mud was present) tarnished cottage. Stich is the sanitary instructive. He wee well posted in meds• epet. One of the Handley it Mr, giver to Jewett's beautiful rove, where ars. Petty offences aro puliehed by the when she died. Ceram home on Monday condition of Port Stanley that there is eine, end was able to be of much assist. Ghent on the arm and broke it above life. ,'rvo i to addressee were delivered by of •ablers er mach baying go on nitheir !times and and she was eiok, P1188dey morning, at scarcely enwngh work for one medi0a1 awe On hie Oir0mit0, tepeoialiy in earlier wrist, Mr. Duncan also got a blow on the Chairman Tod., W. G. Slufhh Jas. Con- 4 0 °!eels, father went to Brussels an. praotitloner. hand breaking two of hi8 fingers. The engines are ver otvorfulyears. Nota few times, in the Winter, molly, John 00x, Rev. Me. Graham andy powerful, two set, decanted took bad about 8 ° clock. She There ere three Peoestnnt . planes of owing to impassable roods; he found no 8Bedey morning about three o'olook Smith. Rev, Bro, twin Screws. All the machinery, on board ate her breakfast about 7.30, saying she menhir!, the I7plecopef, Methodist and ex exam. congregation to minister to, but to con- the stiore and dwelling belonging to J. F. is duplicated, but is stored away end was hungry. She ate it eltting up in Presbyeriou, beards% a very small and gregation ever attended and Mr, Hough Goldthorpe, Salefnrd, was totally de - whet can be reel is painted the same bed: It eonsiotod of a slice of toast end unpretention81t. C. church. There is al. felled them, even if he had to roll 10 otroyed by fire, Ala° a bTa°168mith shop The demonstration et Deno On July color ELS bile part lei the chip in which it a cup of tea. She said abet 8 elm wit& so a puhlie library and free reading room, (punter of a mile over the snow, es he omurned by George Bradford. Owing to 1211 190,0 a pronounced su°°°08, About is placed. ed my father wee at Home. About 9 she wheh, I understand, are well patronized. once did in order to meet his appoint. the rapidity of the flames Mr. Goldthorpe 2,000 Ouau�etoso ae%Enabled from differ. A visit to a man•of•war is interesting tools (wittily bad with palm! in her bowolo There sire x110 a good Public school and meet. He wee ever most deeplyPointer. saved very little of his effete. Insured ant }arts of the country, headed by the and fnatt•uotive and any one wllo has bho and I sent the niece for erre. Taylor, my Town Hail. I min seareely envoy to ested in the work of hie ahoroh, H° was in the Petit Mutual for$1,200. Parkhill Braes Band, end several iii° °ppoetanity of visiting one should net aunt, but elle couldn't come. Thee S you an adequate deseraptien' Of 11e many married to a dam hter of the late Jacob Bradford $200 m the same cottony. Mr ea drum bands. 'Tho 5110eo8810n ex. miss 1t. One would 11090 t0 spend (880138 Sent for my eiater Jeesie, who lives with groups of Summer ooetagos teat dot the Smith, a fermee,gnear Columbus Ont, ' tended about throe -quartets of a Mile in inspecting ono of these boats In order to grandfather. She and uncle James came ehore8.ttf the lake et this point, sue as , N. Mille, n named of Tilbury Centre, length, and upon the whole no finer loop- become acquainted With its 97011d01fn1 but demand wits dead When they got "Rusti°o," "31883 Orsbard B00011 " Ther Fla emai alas some 10 rule ago, who has (io named As postmaster of the ing assembly over trod the streets of any c0nstruotion, which is so 00tnpl018 In there. Myself and Meter were there "Cheetnub Grove," "Erie Best," and Mont remain three sous—names, of 6Ouee of id Mllls,l0 is a nephew of mar.ha village. The °lbwd was addressed after every detail. We afterwards went to see when she died. Did not give her any. numerous other p 111°80 not t° seals 301)0, 00 Lousy, of San three dam oo, and rigid vii vt lwo. la, of Loudon, , and Y „ „ P p o. John, Granton ; and three .aiighterec. tied nn Ottnw( lady, who is at present dinner by Rev. Mr., Ford, of Laden, Rqv. the onion "White Swan", and "Phoebe thing during the hour anis a half the Was Liberty Hill, on which n London eye. Mrs. Dr. McMichael, IVfr. Gabe*, of Blrt, and others, and Bette' The ltbate are splendidly equipped e° ill before her death, She aid not ask dictate has fureiehed ample rovi8 on for n 1, Mrs, I, Q. was (11 her mother there. The position throughout not one word was spoken aild very powekful, bet do not convene for anything, She was sitting u in bod. rest, reoreetion and enjoyment to Dr, S Coleman, no. Alberta, and Mrs. Wos Mabe vacant for°ugh irsd d and is „ g Ppar• h r. Swann,flintily Toronto.1The distant mem. Worth Tile f°preen hundred dollen a whi0h would eve offense to the meet with the "]3mpokieuao for size, oto, I had not bean home for about 8 menthe, manenh or transient visitors, here of the famii Had beenover 8eneitive. burh0t015 and °!tine hte1 !had The harbor of Van000Ver'looked a little Pttrriot Sinelair, esvorn u.. Atn a laugh. The Eraser Heights i9 a great antra°, y this year, Tho lets 10110003 of the elm re. year 6o bid their father good-bye. cowed eighteen hundred dollars,