HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-7-2, Page 8tememeteresteeeseaselestaeseerneerreetai
and all kinds of Magazines et
Tlc'nt110nll'e & Deere Sto o
The Wrestler of Philippi !
Have you read it ? Only 5o, at
Dettt1 nail's Drug & Book Store
Jubilee Stamps,
All kinds of Postage Stamps for sale at
Dettdtunli s I)rllg & Boole Stara
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician and Bookseller,
N. E. --Stere closes at 8 o'clock.
e0VTnens EXTENSION W. G. & B.
Trains reeve Brussels Station, North -
and South, as follows:
GOING Sorra, Goma Non'rr2.
1'4xpreae .:1n a.m. 11Th L1 • •n, 1,,m
land a:ls a.m. l Express ..,...lu:01 p.nt
on Colts+
A chiefs amano ye takfn' notes,
An' faith he'll preut it.
TEori• 8shiog pet),
Tuts is a Great Dominion,
COMP 00 Brussels an the 12th.
40 enters gets Ton POST to 1808.
Commie meeting next Monday avenin',
Wo hope to sae Brussels footballers w, i
at Wroxster.
Messes, CLEGG & Detias shipped a cm
of begs from Brussels last week.
Tun flag staff and weather vane"hove
been replaced on the Queen's Hotel,
Postmen= boors on Dominion 1)'s'
will be 8 to 9 a.m., 2 to 3 and 6 to 6 :0
n. m.
Norrrnxo like a wedding or a fire to r t-
trtot a crowd. A.e usual the fait sex erre
in the majority.
13,000 pounds of wool to Philedelpbie. Inst
week. The same firm also forwarded a
ear of oats.
NEST Atenday the PrimneyExami•i•
ation will begin. 12 pupils belonging to
Brussels school will write. We wi:eh
them success,
BOAT, AaatamoNo treated us to the
first fruits of his strawberry patch on
Wednesday. Tbey were of the "Yum 1
Yum I" variety.
Thee District Lodge of the I. 0. 0. F.
was held in Wingham on Wednesday.
Brussels Lodge was represented by P. N.
0, Martin, Wilson and Smith. D. D. G.
M. McKay also attended.
Ur she goes, THE POST subscription
list. Are on a paid up snbseriber, dear
reader ? Do you borrow the paper every
week and let other people pay for h ?
40 cente gets it until 1898,
ENTtttNCE AND LEAVIxo,-62 candidates
were writing on the Entrance Examine
Mien to the High School this week at I
Brussels and 22 et the Leaving Exam.
"Principal lileEwan, of Bluevale, and Miss
Robertson, of Wingham, are presiding.
The papers were fairly difacult.
CEMETERY NOTICE.—All persons fixing
rip their owe plots in Brussels cemetery
are required to remove Faoir cEllr•,TERY, all
grass, weeds, eta., that they take from
the plots, :le throwing swill on other per-
son's plots is strictly prohibited. Also
el) persons using watering cans, pafle,
eta., are required to leave them at pump
and full of water. Bx Ontem OF CE1IE-
We'ru lloxons,—We have a great deal of
pleasure in stating than 'IL M. Dickson,
formerly of Brussels, who has been a
student of the Detroit College of Law,
has graduated with Honors and is now an
LL.B. We congratulate Mr. Dickson on
his success and hie many old friends here
wish him brilliant success in the practice
of his profession. Mr. Dickson re'ponded
re the Toast "Canada" et the College
Banquet and we warrant the land of the
Maple Leaf did not Buffer at his hands.
Eitouaatox.—The fourth annual exam.
tion of the Independent Order of Forex.
tare will be run from Tinoordine, end
intermediate points, to Sarnia on Satur-
day, July 8, 1807, and return on Monday,
July 5, Fare from Belgrave $1,60. Train
leaves at 7.15 a, m. Passengers from
Kincardine, Ripley, Lucknow and White.
ohuroh well tante the regular morning
to Wingbam. A special train will leave
Winitlham at 7 a, in, and arrive in Sarnia
at 12:30 p. m, noon). Returning the
special train will leave Sarnia at 0 p. m.
ou Monday, July 5, and wilt run through
go Kitiuerdine.
JUeIr,EE GARDEN PARTY,—Monday even-
ing a Jubilee Garden Party under the
auspices of the Epworth League, was
held on the lawn int County Oounoillor
Mconey's, 5th line, Alorrie. Notwith•
standing the unfavorable .appearance of
the weather a goodly number attended
and a pleasant time was spent by all
.present. The program consisted of the
2oilowiug :--MHslo by the Fife and Drum
Bund ; chorus, "The Maple Leaf ;" re,
,citation, "True Bachelor's Xmas," by
'Clara Mooney ; song and encnre with
banjo accompaniment, H, L. Jackson ;
•quartettes, "Vioterla'e Jubilee"tend "The
Land of the Maple," by dirs. E. B.
Creighton, Miss Minnie Moore, N. B,
Gerry and W. H. Kerr ; reading, Barrist•
er Blair ; recitation, "Canada," Hattie
Downing ; violin solo, II. L. Jackson ;
natation, "Grand Pearn," Minnie
Mooney ; reading, Mie • Minnie Me.
Naughton ; natation , by Dr. Rivers ;
National Anthem. Mise Lizzie Ferguson,
,representing Queen Victoria, thrown and
all, presided with efficiency and grace.
3Lefreshmente were provided in the shape
of bread, butter and coffee, ice cream,
:fruits, Dandies, &o. Some of the boys
got milk, too. An Art gallery, under the
direction of Mies Moore, attracted a good
many visitors, Groes proceeds about
$86.00. A vote of thank sees heartily
,riven to Mr. and Mire. Mooney and family
in granting the e'o
for theft kindness,me E
f h r
their peemisee and their hospitality t0
OMB to Brttseele on the 12th.
Ttta, fife and Dram Band play well,
Telt alnowers of rain ou \VetLlesdtty will
do good.
A cutitnetar in the shape of to hen egg
woe shown us thin week. It only measur-
ed l3x35 inches,
Two narry'•go•rotud went through town
en route L r Wroxeter where it rune on
1?omiui„n Day,
A tote of salt was need last week along
the sidewalke en Turuberry street to dee.
troy weeds and grana.
THE brill, s of the Methodist church purr
poem serving a hot dinner in the school
room of the ohurch on July 12th. Supper
will Oleo be provided.
',LUMP Was quite a jolly company of
lads and lasses in town this week attend.
ing the l:etrtunee and Leaving Examin-
ations. We hope they till .lid well.
A Roxat.p fire Engine was teeter' at
Hanover lost week. The Ronald is a
daddy and no town nntkes a mistake
when they want the best fire protection
by purchasing ir.
Gu' n Cow.—Geo. Crooks, Queen street,
has disposed- of a tine Jersey cow and
heifer calf to ,Ino. L. Aitken, of (lndenich.
The cow gives 42 poende of milk a day,
it being milked three times,
Tee Vohtnteers, Co. No. 5, Brussels,
left last Monday afternoon for camp at
London. 'They will be away for 12 days,
and are under the Captaincy of R. S.
Hays, Banister, of Seitforth.
Teen= AHEAlf,—The Reeve has been
handed the names of several lade who
have been destroying ebede trees, robbing
bird's nests and in other ways violating
the few. Constable Wright has been
naked to assure the culprits if an immedi-
ate stop is not put to this shabby worst.
FoeT BALL,—The following is the sober
Jule of the various Foot Ball teams in
ennnso'tion with the Maitland Assooia•
Won. Lost. To Play.
Wingham 4 1 8
Brussels 2 1 5
Wroxeter 3 2
Atwood 3 8 2
Listowel 1 0 1
Wroxeter defeated Listowel last Satur-
day by a score of 1 to 0.
Coosa Eamu:am.—Last Monday evening
the semi-annual election of officers in
connection with Court Eclipse, A. 0. F.,
No. 8410, Brussels, was held, with the
following results :—
II. James, Past Chief Ranger ;
re. Sample, Chief Ranger ;
W. Haiste, Sub. -Chief Ranger ;
D. Frain, Treasurer ;
J. Duncan, Secretary ;
H. Mooney, S. Woodward ;
Bert Gerry, J. Woodward ;
F. Loth, S. Beadle ;
J. Thomson, J. Beadle ;
Dr. McNaughton, Plvye.
ImenenteL Fere.—We have received a
copy of the Prize List for the great Vic-
torian -Era Exposition and Industrial
Fair, wbich is to be held at Toronto, from
the 30th August to the llth September
next. It promises to exceed in magus.
tude and attractiveness all previous ex.
hibitione held in Canada. Among the
special features to be provided will be a
duplicate of the principal features of the
great Jubilee procession in London, Eng.
laud, of the 22nd of June, all the tui.
forms, costumes and properties being
brought from England for the purpose at
an enormous cost. Anyoue desiring a
copy of the Prize List can prootre one
by dropping a post card to the Manager,
El. J. Hill, Torouto.
FOR THF. HoLln-ixe.—Transposition.v.—
Fill the first blank with a word, and the
following blanks with the satne word
transposed.—'0. E. 0.
His faithful-- brings water cold
And . --hie burning brow,
The healing — from forests old
He seeks in — below,
And thus re — his tender care,
The love the faithful — doth bear.
By grammar's laws I am both verb and
My business is to work ; on idleness I
(Main I seen to move on busy water ;
On land I'm fixed, but that's no matter.
Heaviest tasks I'm ue'er afraid to try ;
My plank though slow you'll not deny.
One noted boxer took my useful name ;
Of course you know that he was game.
MATRIuoxt,L,—St. Jobn's church, Bras•
sale, was the magnetic point ou Wednes•
day forenoon, at 11 o'Wloolf, the 000asion
being the marriage et Rev. H. D. Steele,
of Port Stanley, to Miss ]Vinnie, the
estimable daughter of J. M. O'Connor,
Prinooes street, Brussels. While the
melodious strains of Meudelebon'e Wed.
ding March were ewellinn out from the
organ under the torch at Mise Houghton,
organist of St. Paul's ahuroh, Wingham,
the wedding party took their places.
Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins, of Seaforth,
was the oflictating clergyman. The
bride, who wore a most becoming gray
travelling costume, with bat to matuh,
and gaveled to beautiful baguet of oream
roses and maiden's hair ferns, had Misses
Norma Vanetone and Hazel Johnston as
maids of honor. The girls looped sweet
in their white moeliu dresses and eaoh
carried baguets, Rev. G. D. ' Abey, in.
cumbout of St. John's church, was
groomsman. Ahead of the bridal party
went little Freda Vanstons and Fannie
Taylor, snob with pretty blue dresses and
white snn•bounets, as flower girls, satin•
tering bogaete in the aisle, J. M. 0'•
Connor gave the bride away and Russell
Taylor performed the duties of usher.
After the service and customary eon.
grntolations, Leghon:0in Wedding March
was played as the party left the chnech.
Au informal luncheon was provided at
the residence of W. F. Vanetnne, Maple
street, where the epaaioas dining room
was tastily denorated with flowers, and
the well emend tables neatly adorned, in
addition, to bearing their burden of the
beat of the season, Mrs. Steele was the
renipient of a large number of useful and
valuable wedding gifts, She Will be
greatly miesed in St. John's °hunch,
where she has cbeadd:Illy, regularly end
elfieiently performed the onerous duties
of organist, and leader in the church
ohoir, Sabbath school and Young People's
Society, teacher in the S, S., Reoording
Secretary of rho Womans' Auxiliary,
President of the Mission Band, 'to. Rev
Mr. Steele and bride left in the afternoon
Oil a wedding trip Westward, intending
to spend a part of the time at Grand
Bend before proceeding to their new
home at Port Stanley, They carry with
them the good wishes of many friends
for prosperity and happiness, in which
THE POST very heartily joins. We omit-
ted to state that the oliurch WAS* neatly
with flu
a dP tants
a floral
bell being suspended in the chance[ antler
whioh the 'natio words were spoken.
BRUSSELS Methodist ahnrolr oltoir sang
et a Garden Party in Ortuthnnok last Fri-
day evening. II, L. and Mee. Jackson
ooittrtbntecl several instrumental seleo.
tione in their natal competent style.
BRE Norrs.--.0. A. D,tadnhntt reports
fair prospeete foe a good honey yield with
plenty of swarms. The largest number
in one clay has been fifteen. He has now
over'340 =lades or upwards of 5,000,000
little worker's,
Busl Tress Locals.
Beeeert of one dusters et cost. L 0..
No. 1110nc and long clear bacon at
Ifeneess of all kinds cheaper than over,
I. 0. Richards.
\Vh: repair boots and shote cheep and
neat, 1. 0. Richards,
LILACS kid glove found on the 411t of
Gray. Ark At Trot POST,
BooEa and shoes, largo stook and low
prices at 1. C. Richard's.
Scust:xen doors complete for 51,00,
McKay k Co., Brussels,
to D. Ewan buggy and you will
save money. Prices sway down.
FDF sale cheap, four Betts of second
hand single harness. I. C. Richards.
Mextront patent flour, the best thee nen
be had, at Rose' flour and feed mills.
EVERY fanner should see the now
horse peke at McKay & Co's. Brussels.
D. EWAN's Buggies are taking the lead,
For neatness and durability they can't be
A FUMY -CLASS special line of work
menufeatnred at Jae. Walker's shop, He
gives tiptop value to every customer,
BUootts, Wagons and Carts always on
hand. I run my own business.
D. Ewan, Blacksmith, Brussels.
Tint late improvements in Ross' Plane
mill has planed their flour away ahead
of all others. Everybudy is delighted
with it.
THE two lightest boogies ever Sold in
Brussels were purchased recently from
Jas. Walker, the well known carriage
maker, by George Bast and Robt.
Thompson, Of Brussels,
Eau's Clover Root, the great Blood.
Purifier gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation.
25 as, 60 ate and $1.00. Sold by James
Z'ox, Druggist, Brttseele.
Snn,ou's care is sold on a guarantee.
It cures incipient oonsemption. It is
the best cough cure. Only one Dort a
1 dose. 25 abs., 60 ars. and $1.00. Sold by
Jane i'^s, p'rnggist, Brussels.
\\'AN'TLh-,1i'n5 N acute CASH. Tub
butter 13 (tents. Anil bert4we pay just
what we advertise, though stories are Cir•
ouleted to the contrary, I buy batter,
eggs and wool—highest prices oasis or
trade. G. E. Leese, Wingham.
CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
Cal., says :—"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good." Price 50
cents. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Bens.
balance of the season 1 purpose booming
the carriage business in every line and
will sell riga from $5 to $10 better than
they can be purchased elsewhere. Bag.
mise, wagons, carts. new and second -band
are inaluded. I mean business as a
trial will prove. Don't spend a dollar in
either new work or repairs before con.
suiting me and getting my flgnres. Yon
will nave money and I know it. Call in,
Jae. Werner:, carriage matter, Brussels.
WANTED.—Agents for "Queen Victoria,
Her Reign and Diamond J•nbilee."
Overflowing with latest and richest
piotares. Contains the endorsed hi.
ography of Her Majesty, with authsntio
history of her remarkable reign, and full
amount of the Diamond Jubilee. Only
$1.50. Big book. Tremendous demand.
Bonanza for agents. Commission 60 per
cent. Credit given. Freight paid.
Outfit free, Duty paid. Write quick for
outfit and territory. The Dominion
Company, Dept. 7, 355 Dearborn St.,
Chicago, 40.8
mem,VSSESa$ Dt4.A1Z. =TE,
Fall Wheat............ 05 00
Spring wheat 80
Barley, 22 25
Peas 88 39
Peas (large) 40 55
Cate 20 23.
Batter, tube and rolls .., 10 11
Eggs per dozen ... 7; 8
Flour per barrel 4 00 4 50
Potatoes (per bag) 26
Hay per ton. 0 00 7 00
Hides trimmed 0 te5
Hides rough. 0 7
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00
Sheep skins, eaoh 40 GO
Lamb skins eaoh 16 40
Hoge, Live 5 00 13 15
Dressed flogs 5 20 5 80
Wool 18 19
CHEESE Menxgrs,—Liverpool, June 28,
—American. finest white, dell, at 425 08 ;
do colored, 42e 00, Montreal—Cheese, 80
to 9o. Butter—Townehipe, 18o to 16o
western, 10o to 12o. New York—Butter
very firm ; western creamer,, llo to 15o ;
do, faobory, 75c to 105 ; Elgins, leo ;
imitation creamery, 05 to 125 ; etate
dairy, loo to 14c ; do, creamery, Ito to
15c. Cheese quiet ; state largo, 75o t0 80 ;
small, 7:.ic to 75' ; part spinae, 40 to 65o ;
full skims, 25o to 3c.
TORONTO, Ont., Juno 28.—Offerings of
grain on the local market are fain. Prices
are flan. Cars of red and white are (pot.
ed at 085o to 6Oo, middle freights ; No. 1
Manitoba hard wheat is quoted at 74o to
750, afloat Fort William No. 1 hard
Goderich is quoted at 7750 t;o 78c. Flour
firm ; cars of straight roller quoted at
$8,25 to $8,80, west. Mill feed slow;
shorts quoted at $8.50, and beau at $7.50
west. Barley quiet ; No. 1 is quoted at
SU,: No, 2 at 200 and feed at 22c to 23o
ontsido. Corn dull oars of yellow west
quoted ab 285o to 24o, Oats quiet ; oars
of mixed quoted at 218, anti white at 22o
west, Peas steady ; care middle freights
are quoted at 415c and north and west at
lliogonnere Quo„ Jane 28,—There were
about 000 head of hotohmmg' cattle, 150
calves, 600 sheep and lambs and 60 store
hogs and email pigs offered at the East
End Abbatoir today, Tho bntahers
were peesent in large numbers, anti trado
WAS good, with firm prices for the best
cattle, but half -fatted "grassers" were
not very suitable and brought lower
prioee. 4. few superior shipping steers
were sold at from 45e) to 45o pot' lb. The
best butcher's eate brought from 4
c to
go ditto ; pretty good stock from 85e to
to 40 do., Anil the Ieau and 8alf.fatbed
Jal,y 2, 18D7
taut ,atxrt�ogrcnwat a'aat n swnw--.eii
AS'T K OF C4J ,,I.D.j,
SEIST.dS37..,S0=== 1?7IN.
(Seven Million Dollars) 57,000,000
CAPITAL (Agthorized) • . - $2,000,000
Age/Wain all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, lllauitolut, Mttiitrd States ,L1 England.
'fiTr,nh°IS2I'' S DedeV0,40.
A Genera4 Banking Business Traneaoted. Fanners' Notes Di0Dounbed.
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all pointe,
Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards from dab Of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
Every facility afforded Customers living at a disbauoe.
animals sold at from 2e to 3o per lb.
There was an active demand for good
calves, and Mr, iioitrassa paid $42 for six
superior wars. Common calves eold at
from $2.50 to $5 molt. Shippers aro
paying about 8*c per pound for good
large sheep. Lambe sell at from $2 to
a little over $11.00 caclt. Fat hogs sell et
from 6e t0 65o per penal. Store ]logs
sell at from $5 to $7,50 eaoh, anti the
small pigs at from 51,26 to $3.26 each.
SatrTli,—In Lower Wingham, on Friday,
18th inst., the wife of Mr, Mortimer
Smith, of twin sous.
— saw xa�zan,
STEF.Lu—O'CoyNon. — At St. John's
oburoh, Brussels, on Wetiuesday,
Joao 30t1, by Rev. Rural Dean
Hodgins, of Ssnforth, Rev, H, D.
Steele, of Port Stanley, to Mies
Minnie, daughter of Mr. J. 111. 0'•
Connor, of Brussels.
Rton.—$ tame—At the Manse, Wroxeter,
by Rev, R. S. Anderson, on Tuesday,
June 22nd, Alr•, John Raby to Mies
Elizabeth Small, both of Wingham.
Saone—Yorxe.—At the Methodist church,
Blyth, on Tune 25rd, by Rev, W.
Rigsby, assisted by Rev. J. S. Fisher,
Mr. W. W. Sloan, of Toronto, to
Miss Edith Gertrude, only daughter
of Mr. N. El. Young, of Blyth.
PF.PFEa—RbAE.—Ia Listowel, on Monday,
Juno 21st, by the Rev. W. Cooper,
Miss Janet Rae, of Listowel, to 111r.
\V311inm J. Pepper, of Shedden.
PiNxlxeh'ON—CARDlt'F.—At the residence
of the bride's mother, on June 28rd,
by Rev. Mr. Aboy, Mr. Walter Pen-
uingtmn to Mies Maggie, eldest
daughter of Mrs, Thee, Cardiff, both
of Grey.
McLna r.—In Seitforth, on Friday, June
25th, 1807, Margaret E. McLean,
aged 61 years.
Coates —In Blyth, on June 12th, Olive
Irene, infant daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Joseph Combs, aged 1 year and
1 month.
Coeennntxx.—In Londesboro', on Tune
11t3, Mr. George Coclterline, aged 66
years end 0 months.
Ma meat ,—In Grey, on June 1811t,
Ellen McLennan, aged 85 years.
Wee:rem—In Listowel, on June 10th,
Margaret, fourth daughter of John
E. Walter, aged 25 years and 10
FIeIm,vn, July 0th.-19arn stock, imple.
ments and household furniture. Lot 15,
eon. 7, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 p. m,
Thos. Taylor, prop. F. S. Scott, apo.
Pint mortgage, farm eooutiby. Apply
tet THE POST Publishing House, Brussels,
cost of service of my 500
registered Jersey Bull is now 91 for grades.
Get the boat, G. A. DEADMAN,
Sale uith 03 dere lot, Geod oieboro,
ftoneoee, 05, Will be arid at a bargain.
Apply to Tnn Poem Publishing House.
Cordwood, wanted by Brussels
Electric Light O0., to be delivered before
Fun. For further infer matron apply at THE
POST Publishing House, Brussels,
)J of the undersigned, Lot 18, Con. 35,
Grey, on or about July 22nd. A ewe and
three Iambs. Tho owner is requested to
prove prop a rty, pay expellees and take them
away. 301m STEWART,
51.8 Cranbroo k, P. 0.
of tit e undersi ined,lot 30, con.4, Morris,
on or about June 1511), a yearling heifer, rod
in color. Tlie owner is requested to prove
property, pay expenses end tante her
away. ALEX. 15 oLAUGHLIN,
50 4 Bre i sols P.O.
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 10 Cou. 11, dray, a wall bred Jersey
Bull, sperms, 81.00 to bo paid at the time of
0r1'300 with privilege et returning if neces-
484 Proprietor.
1 CATIONS will be rooaived by the under-
signed up to Saturday evobing, July 8rd, for
a teacher holding n gild or 81•rl class oortid-
cate to tench in U. 9. 9, Na 12, ehe99 and
111 oXillop, for the hale vee of 1007. puttee to
begin alter SummerYacation. Anplioants
to state a Mary, experience and enclose
teetimonhals. ALES, 137JGHANAN,
50.2 Secretary, Walton P.O.
oLBs O'arinere and Builders in gen-
et•mh Ic purchasing sows Douglas Fir for
our Hook end Ladder Truces we Lave been
obliged to got in sotto llriticb Columbia
Clear Rod Cedar Shh,gloe in order teen out
our oar. As Ole 1e out of our lino of busi-
ness we will sell these er cosy and offer then
at 133.46 per thousand, ]'Soso shingles are
Brat quality, 110 hotter can be bbagbt end the
are simply offering them at this pride in or-
der tb t i81ONAL3) 11021135 ENGINE•
160 mires of gond tam lend at
i apngneod,iwiilies tNom Winnipeg, le offer-
fon gale atow mine, The property to
'Norrth Hest I Sea,1e,'ewp,11,Rauge 4, Emit,
nit it bouts on the premises and some
breaking dote. L'or 01111artloulaie ae to
prlee, 01015, &a, write Or aptly to
131,4100 or W. 83,1{76101(,
2041 I3ruene's, Ont,
DBnstaw on has several good Farms for
sale mail to rout, tntey terms, in Towusbips
of Morris and Groy. F 8, SOOTT,Bruesela
001) 1''A11M FOR SALE
near itruoeele. Great bardatn, Lot 7,
iell dlebtiombarl, wrateel, sUllofo m xoir
dairy funning, Possesslou given next
Margit, with privilege of thani''all plowing.
Apply to W. 13, Ii.ER1t, Posa Publishing
L ouIIOUeo
do,nl3rWort.nsaals,ol' to THOMAS HIEIt1TAG.E,
MUM:0NEn Offers his eligible 01 acre
intron for role, being South part of Lot 5,
Cou. 1'1, Grey. All 'ender oultivatlon, well
watered and wall fenced. There is a good
ono110 the 13011861, bank
li been,
ao spieuilidi stone
quarry loom which a good revenue is really,.
ed, Only 121.1 utiles from Brussels, Terme
to further particulars Oa t0
JOIt MITCRELL, Proprietor,
Otto Brunelle P. 0.
Oonaistiug of the South } and South 03
of the North t of Lot 58, Con 2, ]fast Wawa -
nosh. Thio is an exooilent stook harm, being
well supplied with good spring water. Itis
situated about 8 miles from the thriving Til-
lage Cf Blyth. A largo part of it fa under
grass, Buildings and fences aro in a fair
state of repair. Easy tet'nis of payment will
be given. For all information apply to
11-tf CO, F. B LAIR, Barrister, Brussels,
1. That excellent farm, Lot 15, Con. 0,
Township of G roy,100 noes, must be sold at
once in order to close estate of deceased own-
er. The lot is nearly all cleared, with good
bnlidinga, ample wider supply, largo or-
chard, 33 miles from Crenbroolt is under
good cultivation and is a veru desirable pro-
perty tudeed. Apply to RICHARD MIT-
on the promises' of A. BUNTER, Brussels.
Dated Sept, 10th, 1x00,
DEneIOxED offers hie farm of one
hundred cards for solo, being Lot 11, Cou.
5, in the Township of Grey, aid 5 miles from
rho \Tillage of Brussels, There are over 80
acres cleared and rho farm is in a good state
of aeltivatiou with good fences, also a good
frond house and two barna and other out-
buildings. Good orchard and a noer•feiliug
spring on the form, Possession can be had
on the 1st day of March, I808, with tho privi-
lege of plowing on farm in the Fall. For
further pan'tioulars apply to
47-tf Brussels P. 0.
• Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College. le prepared to treat all
diseases of domeotia tted animals in a com-
petent manner, Particular attention paid
to veterinary d entistry. Oalls promptly at-
tended to. OOlce and Infirmary—Four doors
north of bridge •rurnborry et., Brussels.
('1 EO18 +' KI.RKBY,
!, t Licensed Auctioneer, Sales conduct
ed on reasonable tornna. Farms and farm
stock aepeotalty, Orders hill at Will Poen
Publishing Houee,Bressols,or 00ntte Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention,
• • EBB, w3D sell for better prions, 00
better men in ass time and teas charges
than any other Anotioveer in East Huron
or he won't charge anything. states and
o rders can always be arranged ut this oiflao
or by personal application.
Who has bad -2S years experience as an
Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing to ill
health, hos again taken out license and 3s
prepared to Conduct sales at reasonable
tonne. Satpafaotion guaranteed. Dates may
bo arrungocl at Title Posy Publishing noun.
3.18. STItETTON,
18-tf Auctioneer,
Notice to Creditors.
Allpersona having any claim against the
estate of John Elliott, late of the Srowushin
of Grey, County of Fluron,Yeouian, deceased,
aro required to Ole particulars of the same
to the undersigned, one of the Executors of
said deceased, on of before the arch clay of
Jiily,1507, after which date the estate will bo
distributed among the parses entitled
thereto, having reference only to alto claims
Of wbiuli nation shall theuhave been recei-
ved, and atter such distribution the Exoou.
tors will not bo responsible for any part of
the assets of the estate, to 10103 person of
whose claim they shall not have reeoevod
due notice. ALEX, 010RiLV18Y, M.0,
40.8 Exeoutor, Brussole, P. 0.
Dated Juno 10th, 1807,
In the Surrogate Coquet of
the County or Karon.
try. of Holton, FAM1I0111, DEOE,tsEn.
Notice is hereby gives pursuant to Revised
Statutes of Ontario, 1887, Chap. 110, Keo, 80,
that all creditors and other personshaving
claims against the estato of tho above
named John McIntosh, denoted, who died
on or about the 19th day of June, A,1).1897,.
aro required to send by lost prepaid or to
deliver to G. P. Blair, of ttto Village of lama,
sole, Solicitor for James a, Mc1aunhlin and
William Cannot, Fomenters of the will of
the d000asod1 on or before the 19111 day of
July se, D., 1897, full particulars of their
donna and the nature Of ilio securities (if
any) held by them. And that tho Bard
Executors Will after the oafd 10th stay of
July, A. D. 3807, proceed to distribute the
estate of the said deceased am egat the
parties entitled thereto haying ropttrd only
to the maims of whiolt the said lvxooutnrs
shell then nave had notice and that they
Will net bo liable for the said aseets or any
part thereof to ally Porton or persons of
-when olefin they shall not hays netioo as
above regulred, G. 1', BEALS
Dated ai l.?rueeola otiiisol9 bt day oe sII'Suno,
A, D. net
Hammock arad1e.
An Elegant Present,
IVe have at last been able in get tl s
proper kind of Bfemnnook for the little
foils. See our
Willis Winkio Baby Hammock,
They are stronily woven—well cord'
ed and fitted for banging.
Oau be hung =nee the eernee of a
room or on a verandah.
The Side protectors keep Baby from
falling out.
They are a perfect comfort for Baby
in hot weather.
We bare thous in various calors.
Don't forgot the *lame—
The Willie Winkle,
A7 -- -
Fox's Drug Stere.,
P. S.—Store closes every night at 8
o'clock. Satnrday nights exoepted.
s Solicitor and Cony eyeliner, ColIec.
Lions made. Otiteo—Vanetone's Block, Bruer
eels. 21-3m
e Senator, Conveyancer ,NotaryPub-
tio, &a. OSico—Vaostone's Block, 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
iv• C O41L1i:,
(FormAierly ofONsant erne, Holt
Cameron,) Barrister and Sodotie', Ondcrioh,
Out. ODice-Slatuiltou Ht., Opposite Col-
borne Motel,
• Solicitor, 00. (into of finitely &
Praudfoot's Citron, Godoriob,) Olaoo over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels,
,honey to Loan. 47
l'hysiaiau, Surgeon, Aecoucher, etc,
Graduate of Toronto University Metrical
Faculty. Member of College of Physicians
and Surgeons tut, °reams—Next door to
McDonald & doe Walton out,
M. D., O. 11L, Trlulty Untyortity, Follow Trin-
ity Medical College, Member College of Rlhy-
sioians and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the
Royal College of 1'hy'sielans and Lioentia to
of Midwifery, Ediebut"5h. i.01'elophou9
040.14. Itosidonee, 001118 ., 13L'rtso01s.
1st Claes Heuer Graduate of the Universi-
ties of Trinity (Toronto), Quoeh's (liaugeton),
and of Trinity Medical 00110 0; Follow of
Trinity Medical Gallego and member of the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar-
io, Poet Graduate 0o111138 it, Detroit and
Ohioago,1500, Special attention paid to dis-
eases of lye, Dar, Nose and Throat, and dis-
easosof Woman, 1'Oousultatton in Eng-
lish and German. Telephone at residence.
atbVi IaeursrolAIarriageLleensoe. ()Moe
is Grocery, rurnborry street, Brussels,
Tonoarial Artist. Shop—Next door
south of 4. Of, hie Keyes Oo'e hardware store.
Ladiee'and ebiidrone hair outtieg a speoialty
Savings Bank takes Deposita from
91.00 to 91,000 and allows Si per soot.
Interest. 'P. FA311tOW,
87.8n Postmaster.
Issue, of Marriage Licenses,
I "No Witness Required.
T. FLETOHDR, Brussels
Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour
do, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land, Loon and Iruiitl'ttnee Agent, Fuude
invested and to loan. Oollootione outdo
()Aloe in Graham's Slock, Brussels
Will give leasoea to pupils either on
piau0 or organ, at his memo Room, opposite
the pest•oLlice, Brussels. \rpoman tenons also
given. Wen years experience in toaehleg.
Warns Moderato,
Ancient Orior of Il'nitad Workman,.
This old and proaperoua Fratenlal Asooe
salon numbering 800,000 members aro pre
senting to the public their popular end oaon-
orn3ent rates to worthy men, at the ve'y low
roto of about 98,00 Por 9.1,000 the amlam.
The Wonlamen" 1"roarge I they Death
Chinos and expect a ]urge increase to rte
members 50010 that those R adtana,
to hos0Om niea dont seematiefantorY0an•
1(0181'. Alt
MST$ONM,W.; W. 11. ifAltl(
Recorder ; J, A,O1tBiGkTON, Financier.