HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-7-2, Page 4TEE BRUSSELS POST JULY 2.197
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New Advertisements,
Looel---G. R. Bing,
Lcaals—r. 0. Richards.
Strayed --John Stewart.
Harness --I. 0. Richards,
Soaps —Ross C Halliday.
Pink Pills -1)r. Williams,
Bargains—J. Forgeeen & Go.
Meade—Kerney & McCracken.
Harvest Excursions—G, T. B.
hammock Cradle—jamas Fox.
Legal—Posy Publishing House,
Daily Papers—G. A. Deadman.
Some People—MaKinnou & Co.
Notioe to Creditors—G, 1?. Blair,
This is the Place—Alex. Straohan.
�vl.e 3x1tsstls Vzst.
FIRIDAY, JULY 2, 1897.
TnraeDtx was the thirtieth anniversary
of the Coufederation of the Provinces and
the formation of the Dominion of Can-
ada. The years hare brought a good
many changes, but we believe they have
been largely for the best. Confederation
may net have been a panacea for all the
ills of life, but it has given an impetus to
business, and we believe has been an im-
portant factor in improvements and in•
crease in trade. We may also assert that
in outer respects we would have been far
behind our present position and our peo-
ple would have grown up with narrow
views accustomed to isolation, and with
their horizon bounded by the narrow
limits of the province. Now 0 Canadian
knows that he belongs to a country whish
rests on both great weever, He knows
Bat he can traverse the continent from
Halifax to Victoria without touching any
other soil but that of Canada ; that he
can remove from here to a point 3,000
miles distant and still remain a Comedian
and under the same flag which floats over
bim here. All these things lead to a
higher National life and to nobler aspir-
ations than it is possible to feel among a
people who are small and insignificant
and without hope of auy increase of
growth. Confederation we regard now
as firmly established as the union of the
United States. It can never be broken
np unless the people of Canada in some
moment of madness conclude to change
their allegiance and join that Nation
which has been the life•loug enemy of
Great Britain. But such a oontiugenoy
is too remote and too improbable to be
taken seriously into consideration. We
firmly believe the present Confederation
is but the prelude to a much greater one
which will embrace the whole British
Empire, and that fifty years hence, when
Imperial Federation is accomplished and
when the people are celebrating its anni-
versary, its enemies will be as thoroughly
silenced and as contemptible as the
enemies of the Canadian Confederation
lei:eao w cel .
A deck etre measuring 10 inches long
and 8 inches around the centre may be
seek at Alr. Fish's egg packing warehouse, ,
Main street.
A masonic Jubilee service was held in
Christ church at 3 o'olorlc on Sunday, nt
wbicb the brethren of Bernard Lodge A.
F. & A. 11I., attended in a body.
Jacob Walter, of Krotz & Walter, mer.
chants, left on a trip to Spokane, Wash-
ington, and other points in the West.
He will be away about three months.
Mr. Maurer, son of Rev. Air, Maurer, of
Wallace, acoompanied him.
Miss M. Lilian McKee, wholhas been
attending the Ontario Ladies' College,
Whitby, for the past ten years, has
graduated in Oratory, taking her M. E.
degree. She and her sister, Aliso McKee,
intend spending the Summer at Muskoka
and Stoney Lake.
The amalgamation of Court lelapleton
0. 0. F. with Court Royal Oak took place
June 18111, pod the following officers were
elected :—C. R., C. Deitrich ; V. 0. R.,
R. Willoughby ; Chap., J. Murkle ; Con.
duotor, J. Milburn ; Rec. Sea., G. Butt ;
Fin, Seo., R. T. Kemp ; Treas., J. Gebel ;
S. W„ F. Tank ; J. W. 3. Strong ; S. B.,
J. Phillipa ; J. B., P. Colombo,
At an early hour on Thursday morning
of last week, J. J. Foster, D. D, S., and
Miss 011ie Nichol, youngest daugbter of
the late Dr. Nichol, were united in mar-
riage at the family residence, Wallace
street. The happy couple left by the
morning train on a trip down the St.
Lawrence, Upon their return Mr, and
Mrs. Footer will take up 111010 residonoe
on Dodd street.
Vit Inoriaan'e.
Wingham races July 214 and 22nc1.
Thomas Woodcock has rye whioh
measures 6 feet 2 inches.
Dr. Chisholm is able to be around and
attend to bis duties again. The looter
had been very ill for a week.
Norman Farquharson oaptu red a small
tarantula on a buuoh of bananas and has
it on exhibition in a fruit jar.
Winghane Company Volunteers went
into camp al London on Monday. Capt.
Willie me had ohargo of the boys.
Rev, D. Perrie and G. McIntyre, who
bad been in attendance at the General
Assembly, Winnipeg, arrived borne on
Thursday night of last week.
Jnninns Der.—Jubilee Day in the early
stages passed off comparatively quietly.
With the exception of the ubiquitous
email boy and his fire °rankers there was
no stir in the town until the Sone of
Sootland martialled their troops in the
evening. The sporting clubs were nearly
all out of town, and with
fishing parties, private and public
pie -nice and sports of different kinds in
all the surrounding towns, our town put
on a kind of a Sabbatical appearance.
On the hill, opposite T. A, Mills' property
the Sons of Scotia were busy getting
thinge in readinesefor the evening. At
7 o'olook Camp Caledonia assembled at
their rooms, and, headed, by the pipore,
marohed up Johne street to the place of
rendezvous. A platform bad been pre-
pared and the following short but
nreritorioue program was gone through e
Selection On pipes by Dave McDonald ;
„God save the Queen," by the audience,
led by W. G. Cline ; Address, Rev, Jae,
Hamilton ; 13011k, bliss Stewart ; recite.
tion, Master John 'Hurray ; eoug, "The
llighhtndman'e Toast," S. 0, Brown ;
address, Arch, Hislop, of Grey ; song,
Mr. Fyfe; reeittttion, Master Duncan
11InGilliviny; song, "tbe Maple Leaf,"
G. W. Cline ; address, Mr, elnegrovc ;
address, M. Grassy. The program Wooed'
by all ainging God Save the tjueou and
Auld Laug Syne. The match was thou
toadied to the pyramid of barrels and
boxes by Jae. Cochrane and soon thein
wee presented a moat beautiful spectacle,
The Sons of Sootlond are to be 000grata,
hated on the amines at the bonfire demon•
etCatiou as are also those who went t0 00
=oh trouble in decorating so artistic/LI.
ly their places of bueine0s and their
Robs. Watson, office buy for John
Ritchie, received a blow on the nasal
appendage while paying ball which
fractured the bones thereof,
Dr. Crandall, of Clifford, was offered
$1C8 for the foal of Belle Rose, and sired
by Occult, The mare was formerly the
property of A. Roe, of this town.
There died in Hamilton, on Monday,
June 31st., Aire. Maty Andrus, relict of
the Tate Cremes Andrus, who was
formerly a harness maker in Wingharn.
Mrs. Andrus was a sister to Mrs. John
Green, of Lower Wingltam. The body
was brought to Wingharn for burial ou
Wednesday accompanied by a son of the
deceased, and the funeral took place
Leone the G. T. R. station, the services
being conducted Gifford,
Ph, D. Ala Andrus died iu Wingbatn
on the 31st of December, 1884.
13 lee .
M:trniaioxi:u, —A popular society event
took place in the Methodist ohurob,
Blyth, on Wednesday morning of lost
week, when Miss Edith Gertrude, only
daughter of ex•leeeve N. H. Young, was
united iu marriage to Wm. W. Sloan, son
of Dr. Stain, of Toronto, formerly of
Blyth. The ceremony was performed by
Rev. Walter Rigsby, pastor of the church,
assisted by Rev. J. S. Fisher, of Gerrie.
The church was beautifully decorated for
the occasion, and every available seat was
ooaupied previous to the time fixed for
the oeremony, when the bride was con-
ducted to the altar by her father, The
s were hiss Lnusie Spading,
00021,1 of the bride, and Mise Maggie
Mitchell, of Toronto, while little Gracie
Hess, niece of the groom, was a pretty
maid of honor. The groam was attended
by Herbert S. Young, of Toronto, brother
of the bride, and A. S. Dickson, of Blyth.
Charles Sheriff, of Toronto, and W. W.
Taman, of Blyth, anted as nsbere. The
bride looked charming in white silk with
veil and carried a baguet of white roses,
Aliso Sperling was elegantly dressed in
bine silk and carried yellow roses ; while
Miss Mitchell wore a pretty pink organdie
muslin with boquet of pink roses. The
ceremony was witnessed by a very large
number of invited guests. The wedding
party passed ant of the uhuroh to the
strains of Meudelahon's wedding march
played by Miss Annie Gray. A reception
was bald at Oakleigh, the family resi-
dence, and where a wedding breakfast was
served, after which the happy couple left
on a tour to Detroit and Chicago.
Among the many elegant and costly
presents was a beaetiful silver tea service
/rem the members and adherents of the
Methodist church, of which the bride has
been organist for a unmbor of years.
There were many guests from a distance,
among whom we noticed :—Dr. and Mrs.
Sloan, parents of the groom ; Mr. and
Aire, E. G. Hess, Brantford ; Mr. and
Airs, F. G. Sperling, Wingham ; Mr. and
Mrs. W. M. Gray, Seaforth, and Mrs.
Thomas Gibson, Wroxeter.
That lir. {vlltianis, fitter ''ells (nee
'When Other Medicines Pail—\that.
They Move (lone tut' Others They will
Mo for Yon.
No remedy of modern Hines has offorecl
more, or stronger proof of its sterling
merit them has Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills.
The cures are nob those of people of
foreign lauds, but from all parts of our
own country, and the statements made
are easily verified by everyone in the
vicinity in which the cures reported Doom,
When such proof as this is offered doubt
must cease, and the medicine must be
awarded the palm of superiority over all
others. Every snail brings letters from.
grateful people in all parts of Canada,
who have been cured by the use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, sometimes after
years of illness and after other medicines
had failed, and it is the words of gratitude
epolcou by sufferers thus restored to health
that has created the enormous demand
this medicine has. The following fetter
is but a fair sample of hundreds constant-
ly being received :—
The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co,
Ditut Snce.—I have great p1000000 hl.
bearing testimony to the medicinal value
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, ns a blood
purifier and health restorer. For ten
years I was a victim to a complication of
troubles, beginning with pingoy and fol-
lowed by rheumatism and bronchitis, My
physicians told me the trouble had become
chronic, and that every winter I would
I either have bo house myself np or go to a
wanner climate. Two years ago I was
confieed to my bed and room fromPebru-
are, until May, under the doctor's care.
One day while reading of the cures
wrought by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, I determined to try thdm, and I
found a cure at last in thio splendid medi-
cine. I used a dozen boxes of the pills,
and I have never boon better in my
life than I am now, and I have not been
troubled in any way with my old ann.
plaints since I discontinued the use of the
Pink Pills. As I have already stated I
was a sufferer for years, and during that
period spent a small fortune in doctor's
medicine and drugs, only to find in the
and bhat Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a000nn•
plishod what all obhcr medicines failed to
do. 'When my friends tithe know how
often I was lard aside with illness asked
MO what curod mo I stn nlways happy to
say Dr, Williams' Pink Pills.
Yours gratefully,
Mao, 3. A, McKim,
Mr. and Mrs. McKim are among the
best known and most esteemed residents
of Cataraqui, Ont„ Mr, McKim has boon
a travelling salesman for pianoes and
i organs in the diebriot in which he resides
' for upwards of twouty6ve years,
I 'What stronger proof than the above
can bo had for the claim that Dr. Wil.
linins' fink Pills cure when all other
utodiciues fail '1 If you are ailing give
tide greet nialieill0 tt fair trial and the
result will not disappoint you. The
public aro oautiouodl against vumeraos
punk colored imitations, Insist upon
taking nothing but the packages which
bear the full trade mark "Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People,"
Freddy Ballard, aged 4 yearn, son of
Jason Ballard, of Mongitup Valley, Sul.
liven county, is dying of blood' poisoning
from an injury received while playing
"snap the whip" with neighboring
children. Ile 66500 the emallesb boy, and
was placed at thte end of the line, The
cords and tissues of bis arm were torn
loose and his shoulder joint pulled apart
so that blood poisoning set in. Dr. Slate,
his physioia0, says be will die.
Anchor Wire Fencing
1 have the Agency for the above
Galvanized Steel Wire Fencing,
manufactured at Stratford, and
ala prepared to build it for either
farm or village use on Reasonable
terms. Samples of the fence
may be seen at J. C. Tuck's res-
idence, Brussels, or A. Currie's
lot, 5th line, Morris. Guaran-
teed to give satisfaction. 1 also
supply Wire Gates for farm or
aif 1
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine a11(1 Cedar
Brussels Planing 1iIi11s
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for all
]rinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
J. & P. AMENT,
Always the .Lowest.
Strictly One Price,
10 pieces 44 inch all wool French Dress Serge in Brown, Navy, Blue, 'Myrtle, Green, Cardinal
and Grenat, quick sellers at 40e, reduced to 29c.
2 pieces only, Black Sioillian, makes a very handsome Skirt to wear with Shirt Waist, note width
58 inches, special at 49c.
5 pieces Fancy Plaid Dress Goods that have boon selling this season at GOc, all reduced to 480.
15 pieces Pure Wool, 80 inch Dress Serge, in all shades and black, regular price 25c, reduced
to 21c.-
25 pieces best 80 inch Flannelette, regular price 7c, reduced to 5c.
15 pieces best 30 inch Cotton Shirting, warranted fast colors, at 1110.
2 pieces only, 18 inches, Linen Towelling, worth 7c, reduced to 5c.
3 pieces only, 24 inch, Fine Pure Linen Towelling, worth 121c, reduced to 9e.
10 pairs Flannelette Blankets, full 10/4 size, special price 090 per pair.
12 pairs Fine and Heavy Flannelette Blankets, extra large size, worth regular $1.25, reduced to
90e. per pair.
1 piece only, GO inch Bleached Table Linen, 'worth regular 65c, special price 45c.
1 piece only, 64 inch Fine Damask Table Linen (all pure Linen) regular price 45c, reduced to 35c.
3 pieces only, extra heavy Cottouade, worth 'regular 25c, reduced to 20c.
20 pieces Heavy Factory Cotton worth regular Ge, reduced to 4ac.
Put our Advertising to the Test.
ti. trl
The Biggest Bargains ever given in Brussels
are now being offered by us.
A tip-top Lauudriecl Shirt, with 2 collars and
cuffs, fast colors, all sizes, well worth $1.00, only
You can't make a mistake in purchasing these goods.
This season is backward for Straw Goods owing
to cool weather so we PUT DOWN the price to clear
out the stock. Here is a sample :—
Regular $1.00 Hats only
• 35
You will bo surprised to see the Quality and Style of those
Hats at the prices quoted.
We have all the New and Proper things for the
Hot Weather,
Clothiers and Furnishers,
HIS 13
Er eu, 0:000410.00.)' 11--r'r
Muslins, Lawns, Pique Prints and
Light Dress lllaterials suitable for hot weather.
Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts,
Collars, Ties, &c,
Straw Hats, Felt Hats, Boots,
Shoes and Slippers,
A First-class and Fresh
Stock of General Groceries.
July Fashion Sheets and Standard Patterns to hand, 111e Best
and Cheapest hi Canada. Give us a call.
50,000 LBS. WANTED,
T am prepared to pay the highest Cash Price for the
above quantity, delivered at Grain Storehouse No. 1, or if
farmers prefer 2 gilts per lb. more in trade. Parties wish-
ing to trade out their Wool can do so at
With whom T have arranged,
Owing to the owning high cluty unposed by the Dingley tariff
in the 'United States, 'Farmers would consult their interests by
marketing their Wool early, so dealers can ship promptly there be-
fore the duty takes effect.
R. G RA HAl M,