HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-7-2, Page 2a
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bpok:B gs a. Then turning tan 1)rum- Ill
I. • CHAPTER VII, ley sv'icl: ,her utast dignified air, she co
Left alone, Miss PrImby mechanically said,: 'You forget, sir, that . have
reverted to her embroidery; but it is not Ye y il gbue"nee pat 1s to Y `'0s' 00
to be feared that her doing so was errsal a.,,
little better than a pretence. Sbe bevin
t It is my Painful duty to info"'"' you, ht
her underlip very bard to help her nra"am, that the Baron
dered this fkernoon in his rt
'in controlling her uarvoms emotion owl grounds at I3eaulieub" Pt
which she bad much ado not to give „Murdered 1 'Me Baron von Rosen- tl
way to berg!" exclaimed both We ladies in w
True to her promise, Clara eras not a breath, t
more than a few minutes away. When "O aunty, that •was a capital hit of p,
she cavae back she Laokad paler than makehel(uve on, your part l' thought t(
Clara to herself. Them, after a pauso' w
before, but her eyes were extraordhn- to Drumley: f'We are excessively aI
arilp bright and luminous. shacked, sir, at your tidings. The Baron w
"Is he sale, ClaraG Oh, tell me that highly ,este ned both isitor at the rby eMY husband und was q'
he is safel" and myself, Still, you must excuse me a
"I ,hope and trust so; more than that for saying that I fail to set+ t sets Il A
I cannot say. T,hte police may arrive wwy this dreadful tragedy 001131
at any moment. You must try to self with very
Brooke." for at
it's a vary disagreeable thing
. look brave and unconcerned, aunty, me to have to break it to You, ma'am; 11
dear. YOU need act speak unless you but the fact is that Mr. Brooke is sus- h.
like, but leave everyth}ng to me:" petted of having slot the Baran, The wt
"Very wve11, dear. T know that I evidence p against him is very' strong,
and -and, in fact, I Mold a wtirrant for o
shall be too nervous to say a word.- his arrest -
But what are you gokng to tell the "A wurrant-for-tbo arrest of -my so
husband 1 You must be dreaming -or- w
police?" lir"— d'
'I am going to deceive tram: But oh, 'Not at all, ma'am.' As I said before, n
aunty, aunty, surely in such a cause the evidence against Mr. Brooke -etc- e:
I soba!! be forgiven (" cumstantial, of course -is very strong. T
t head If you would like to see rho doca-
Suddenly 3YlargerY's unkemp mean"— a
was protruded through the archway. 111 will tape your word for it. -My r
"They've come, mum," she said in a husband the murderer cif the Baran T
stage whisper.- „They've stuck. three von Rosenberg 1 Imvpossible I There is n
men in front of the house and two at same incomprehensible mistake some -s
the back." I hope so, with all my heart," ens- Y
Mrs. Brooke nodded, and the bead veered the superintendent drily, "Still h
vanished. I have my duty to perform :'
,,Now, aunt," said Clara, "let us both "Of course. I don't blame you for to
try to look as Lf nothing was the mat- erre moment. 1 only say there is a t,
grievous mistake some -where. You wish f
ter." So saying she sat down to the to go over the house -1 think that is i
piano and began to play a waltz in a what 1 understood you to imply?"
By your leave, ma'am.'
minor key. Without another word,,Mrs• Brooke I1
Presently in came Bunce, looking rang tha bell; then, crossing the room a
very white and scared, carrying a with her owYn hands, she draw aside the I
salver with a card on, it. pportkare that shrouded the archway; and b
v fastmed it back by means of a silver n
Mrs. Brooke took the card and read I chain. The hall beyond was now light -
aloud: ' "Mr. J, DrumleY, Supertatea- ed up by three or IcRr lamps wv'11101 11
dent of Police "-What can he want &heti a chastened radiance over the
here at this flour of the evening?" Sa me. More lamps lighted up the g
she said. -"You had better sbaW him !krone The portraits
male and female, Seem- seem- d und a
in, Bunce." And with that she re- I ed o have re'Ured further into the soil- g
homed her playhng• lode of their frames, as though the e
She ceased playaag, howvever, when lamplight were distasteful to them. i
i The leaves of the tropical plants mass- n
the portiere was pushed aside and two ; ed here and there shone glossy green;
men came forward, one a little in I in Lhac softened sheen the belmets and 10
advance of the other. I cuirasses of the men-at-arms who kelPt t
fronted tt•aand ward the foot of the
staircircns(ligleamed 1Jke burnished silver. 1;
As Mrs. Brooke, rose and con
them, the first =oil made a stiff mili- "Bunce," said Mrs. Brooke, when t
tary bow, while the second carried a cru- that Functionary • responded to the o
ple of fingers in his furehm . honour o ttaakesummona light andlsho wl he these gentleood - k
'Too what may I attribute the hone men over the whole of the house. You oe
of this visit Z" asked Clara in her most will allow them to enter every room e
gracious tones. without exception that they may wish
Both the man were evidently disco"- to examine. Nothing must be ksl S
back from them." She made a little v
petted. This pale beauLJfu�l apparition how to Mr. Druncley, as dismissing him
,vJth its great shining eS was soma- and his companion, and then composed- a
tiling they abed not expected to meet. Iy" Hag me,1the room.
Itt I ain't half -inclined to I
"You are hlrs, ,Brooke, X suppose, "Hang me, if I ain't half inclined a
Ma'am?" said the first man after an to Wink she's humbugging ins, after u
awkward pause• all," said Mr. Drumley o himself as
he followed the marjordomo
Clara sallied assent. Ob, the stow% exquisite :toriare of the w'
"I am SupertnLeadeat Drumley at i half-hour that followvled, which seemed, I
the Kung's Harold police, and this is indeed to lengthen itself out to several a
inks t
one of my sergeants. But our ohvsl' I of itswithoTo ut this day,
whhere t
ness is with Mr. Brooke, and not with she Ivan seated she could see straight 3
YOU, ma'am." I across the hall to the staircase beyond;
„Quite so, But I hope Your errand no nus could go till or coma down with, i
is not au unpleasant one I" lout her cognizance.
"Clara, dear, I had no idea you had
"I am sorry o say it is a very un- half so much nerve," Said Miss Primby
pleasant one." in a whisper. 1
the nature of it?" "Don't speak to me, aunty, please,"
"SIf Y I ask I s
"Ii you w-ui excuse me, ma'am, I , shoe whispered beak, "or I shall break
down." Then to herself: Will this I
would rather nut enter into portico- torture never come to an end I" I
lar&. -at least not just now, As I It did cone to an end by-and-by. 'Mr.
said before, our business is with Mr. bun aley an came his
i ly don, the ededcase ]
Brooke May 1 oak whether ne 1s at They were met in the hall by two
h,ne?" other men who had Searched the
•'IIs is not at home," answered Clara. ; ground -floor and callers. It was evident
"It is a pity you did not arrive It that in both cases their porquisitiom
little earlier." She consulted her Ilad been unsuccessful.
,watch, "My husband left home about A minute or two later in marched the
ty m'nutes "Phe
His in- sergeant. Isis journey o the station
tertian volt n walk across We fields to had been equally fruitless of results,
Woodberry Station and catch the up- except in so far as setting the tele
train to London." graph to work was concerned.
The two men stared at each other Mrs. Brooke went forward to the
for a moment or .two and then began group where they stood in the centre of
to talk In eager whispers. Marti, who Lba hall. Neil?" she said interroga-
,,was close by the piano, turned over a tively, and with a faint simile. "Have
leaf of music and struck a cord or two I you succeeded in finding Mr. Brookel"
in, an mbsentralhaded way. I "No, ma'am,. 1 am bound to Say that
1. In rushed Margery panting once we have not"
more, and to all appearance breathless. "I hope you -have not forgotten what
She "wade believe not to see the two I told you ,when you first asked
constables. "0 mum," she cried, what I for %in,, Inas the quiet reply, But.
do you think? He let me carry his can I not offer you a 1Lttle "efreshment
bag all the way through the park, and after your arduous duties?"
at the gate he gave me a bright newMr. Drumley laughed the laugh of
sixpence. I wanted to carry J to the disodml:iture. 'I think not, Mrs.
station; but he wouldn't lot sae. I .Brooke -much obliged to You, till Like
wvish he bad -he'd got morn a mile same. -Come, lads •t !L's alio use wasting
to walk. But a naw silver sixpence 1 our time here any longer. -Mrs. Brooke
0 crumbs I" 'Margery ended with, one ma'am, I had it very disagreeable duty
at bar most eldritch and uncanny to perform; I trust you will hear me
laughs, The sergeant of Police, who out with. as little annoyance to you
was rather a nervous man, jumped in as possible,"
iiia shoes; be bad never heard anything 'You havo been,' most conside¢•ate,
like ft before, 1VIr. Drttmley and my thanks are due
For a moment Mrs. Brooke stared to you."
at the girl to bland' astonishment; A minute later the men were gone.
then a look flashed from Margery, %)lien fibs, Brooke rang the ball and
eyes into here and she understood. ordered all the lamps lw the hall ex-
"Ot whom are You &peakfang, girl?" cert omie t CLIC distinguished;ithat the
a&ked Drl I sternly. but served, as were, o make " 0 for i I didn't sea you, sir. -Why darkness visible, No sooner was this
vivo should I b, speaking of but Mus- done and the servant gone, than Maa -
t,r or I" gory one more put in an appearance' -
"She refers to my husband, Mr. Ger- They're gone, mum, every hnan-jack
old l3raoke," remarked Clara. of 'eon; and ain't bluster Drummlo in
a rare wvax 'cos be couldn't find Mus-
The two men retired down the room ter Goril t"
a little way attd talked in low tones.
I afm't ser sure that this is anthiid Drum ingwvbeyn one o[ bad thgirl
lmen in armour
imor, than a clever dodge, ser
ley 11 "enol that the gent wa want isn't at the foot of the staircase stopped
still somewwbere. HOIVsVeic, You had down fromhus awl erg tepl U k me swv tt
take oink
l9mson ,with you and ly forward. Margery
rte had
lv, of n she terror, for n
eve s
a, r
of err
r cry Y
s ala
as bard a 9
n in the secret.
gome b The Laudon train will bo been
Cama before You
Beth to workk and post oadOU But Cup hispviso¢anti claspedbhirs
can set the gap
Make whatever enquiries ninth(' d� riedtin a vaisee obo-ted whGiithe nano
thank, necessary. Yau v, g
Mures, y ?' -Tit, sergeant nodded. -"Of tion ha little pWhile, myrdarling, per
course You've gate bear in mend that"For
lin may be disguised, 1)o the best you chance only for a little while," ,vete thl
can, and then hurry 'book. -Send $I e- mournful response
cox to mo. I'll have the house thor -----
oughlyr searched VA -Ala You are away,' C11iAPTLYR VIII,
0ATale matt saluted and wNent; and pre"
As Simteax appeared in his Stand, tlo enface a1 houean�sEanding mitsyolwr
I�. drow a little, neurer 11?.r&, In one f the north-westorl
Hroo,e,. "Without wishtn',, in the sub suburbs London, and tiv, Limo i.
�' leant, =&,am, W doubt will You have themorluin of the day after tine mor
I cyto arottt Mr. Brooke's departure,
I aoa r. Br %t my duty to der of the tom von itosanitarg, TW
ln, staid, peopis are seated at breakfast -Georg
i ae_rch hoyp unls'ea.rinra wvis halclhng CrofiCnrantl bus-MwJfeiBtephanie.l?IIo�
- ,
after that date to make an offer I3eeeltle}^ Towers and till the ('slates deeistons or 1 lei's iiia Sven, toohtveloll ' lic+a.iur ,flern i cal" •L . a " tr.uv;." and heart o Madeauilscleperlaimingto it, intduiing a rent-rolL been p(votect till vision,, !('tool vimrun-,LbIot',alijelElsu,,lott1�xcelbIII,(,„pe[t Mu'n fromdA 1,( t,.,min v a leTyr t 5 r 14 4 1vh o close d u v rd a ht Lust� au nix t ous,,n I, Stu ( P,f r It r',•Lr tel ieen Ly nocca (, an of ebeendulyueoagted. And, rnLrutU, al>s(tlulely oma -Cu me-i•omlireuax- nbauvt ('telly eustngeatr' hese} choly U,1tt, i y 1
3 ex -queen► of the 1.11luto Ecol(' was vousI Alt, what a su^oeC ravengom]no vision or bears a bol o votes. ].rofessar the Ivorlit euataieC lPn converted. title
lir au(uM 6uktable vein for a man will be I" Ratnsav, with a beauty or imagination, ationdud. tine eagerly laid hold of tho
:e Georgy Qoroftun than Clara Brooke "Yes; I altonld tbialc it would be ra- t.lutt reminds one of Professor Plural)- grDat trutUs obey vialheard; all ad Geo_
.tld osslbly have been, Cher Woo to live at a grand Place like, suggesis t'lint the main of Mace- pel LruLb to her oww vaso. Alntty, peo-
t2r. Crofton presented a somewhat Beachley Towers and !love an l"ent"o denial 'was Luke, " Lite bOlavgd physi- pie bold moral umbrellas over liteir f
AY appearance this morning; there at six thousand it wear,; answered Mrs. olam.'" Whi1D this theory is "incapuble beads by when to save tksemse,ves from
Los awvnrnlaok about h seycsurid131% Crofton quietly, So, it iliks cousin of pa either proof or disproof" It throws Life showery ant con,vactton and gran(',
Ad wvus scarcely as steady as iC might yours is really guilty, let us hope for light on the relationahtp at these two and t!>Dpu ovale% tie droppings Of th+i I
.ve, been. His breakfast consistod of our own sakes List? he will be duly men, lint! it is not wlLhout sanatuaty biting poured out over Wa)ir
tumbler at brandy -and -soda and a caught and hanged." sonic substantial reasons for a basis, mloigh;bora. Tlus is all wrong ''here
rsk: it was his usual matutbaal qre� Crofton turned to 41te table, and 1. 'Phe 1)lirels, is really 'a ('('fief" ani b( )to gena l6 oC from, wion t wtth-
st. Mrs, Craton, wvha iv8n n having pooled out nearly halt a Lumbi" iisaat," iliuttgh norther too Authorized out closed uatlalling It
to th»
,oaB persons who are ahvsys blessed or of brandy, lie dranile it off at a Version nor the Ravksed Version fad!- words at. God, whotber wrUtoau in the
ith a hearty appetite,having lilt- d"aug,it. Txoliem,nb batt so far un- cities this -n 'plhr(aso wvhich would loll- Holy Scriptures o> wvhisporea d[-
ised of her cutlet and her egg, nl;aS nerved him that the glass rattled again- ':ale that the roan avers personally xeCLIY to the heart, Let as theretare
>w leaning back in an casY"Clik'sr' st We teeth as he drank. knatvm to Patel. 2, The Inference that pay the more earnest hoed to the Lhings
('ding a green and gold parralceot ".But what could possibly induce a early commentators drew that a Ma- which we have heard.,' 111lear, and your
it tiny lumps of aabatr, and shpP1 man in Mr. Brooke's position to commit melonian wouild be recognized • by Iris souls shall live." 1Vhose health the Lord
: her chocolate Nyebeteu time&. 'As such crimeZ" asked Staphanfe pre- dress IS now nladerstood to be in part opened, 'Lb'o ;word of God is effective
as attired in a loos( morning map" sently. mkstaken. It is true that generally in proportion as it is blessed by the
)r of quilted pal( Plea actin, with a %.',,bat's more than lye know at pre- each nation had a dress of its own null Spht'lL of God, The Lord will open every,
lantity of soft It" round her throat, sent; we must well; for further partie- a. elist'imiat typo of covintenance,'" but man's hentrt if he be welcome to do so,
ltd looked exceedingly' itsoulars.-By the way, I wander who and ail this timt'e the Idacedontas were aux- but; God always respects man's free
Stepb, 1 think I bac( told you be- what the murdered man Was? The nous to be regei ded as Greeks and would will. Observe that it was not first of
ora, said Air. era[tun .. a rumbling Baron von Rosenberg they call him"• I dress acaard,mg-y. So in all probah,t- till heQ intellect that was opened. The
one, "that 1 dealt care to havo any' never heard the name before." lit), the certain as
in the vision thoughts of the Ina4t," to use u,Bi-
Your old circus a, 1n,, noes call "I knew the Baron von Rosenberg was lkhiowat to Pawl as a Macedonian- ble plilvase, are Lire items which deter -
k9 upon you here f thought you some Yeaxs o -in, Paris," answered 3. Notice also the first occurrence of the urine oux moral character. The world
rd broken of fthe uounacLton for good Stephanie tivith just a truce of height- Pronoun "we" in the next verse, the of physical beauty with which Iva axe
hen you because my wife:' (ned color in her cheeks. "He was a earliest intimation of Luke's presence, surrounded is AhD pproduct of the
"Que voulez-vous, cher enfant Z" ens- man between forty and fifty years old, 4. Lastly, there is a Strong• connection ,th�ou;ghts of God'smimd. So our earth-
"' Stepkh Ivf thaut the ]east trace and said to ire very rich. -1 never laced of Luke with Philippi. Those four tea- lite in its highest and noblest phases
. temper. 'You introduoo me to no Irian• Indeed, I may say that I bad sons co¢Wbine to make, its believe that conies within the realm of the thoughts
risty ;you seu•ccly ever take ata any" every reason to hate him. And nolo he "Paul immediately on coming to Trow of astir mind, and our spiritual• life ks
here ; four or five times d wee you is dead I Coast bien�'est Cres bken,'" came into close Companionship • 1k iL11 live kat our heart. Am open Bible for
un't get home till Past midnight -this Lbs, hracedo'nian Like, and that in vis- the teachdir chid an open heart for the
(To be Continued.) g scholar are indispensable.
!owning lc was three o'clock when you _ ions of Lila night ho beheld him beckon -
up -stairs as uiet. as a burglar, ing lam onward to his own country." 15. And when she was baptized. Just
That would you
hava4" �+ SUNDAY SCHOOL. -Ramsey. Prayed !elan. The Rev sed tt{s soon 'as she believed she made a
George Crofton moved uneasily in inhs • Version besoeckiing him•" Comb over public profession of her fuibh in the
lair, but did not reply. Besides," — Into Macedonia, and help us. ' The un- Ivey appointed by God. !Arid hes house- ,
:sumed his wife, "it was only dear old INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JULY 4, uttered cry of sorrow-strra'ke . and sin- )mid. We cannot tell, for we are not
uphrosyne Smith who came to sea sick ,h'umaiiity thrills every heart that told, of what this household consisted.
,s. She looks eighteau when she is "- bas been touched by Christ "It is if ye `hove judged me to be faithful
n the cordo, but she's thirty-four if' First. c'naveres aft Furope." Acts Mo 0•15 death, to the Church, and death to the to the Lord, which they had done, as
is's a day. love known bar for five Goiden •Text, Psnatit 119: 1110. Christian, either act to bear this Inas evidenced by their baptizing her.
ears, and many It little kindness she • PRACTICAL. NOTES. unconscious cry of heatthendom and Come into my house. To found achurah
as done me. And, than, although, of abandoned hCrlstendom, or, having !,here and to establish intimate friend-
mrse, I sbnll never want to go back Parse G. New wilion thay had gone ,heard it, not to heed it." fuddle. 5face^ ly fellowship wvith its inmates. She con-
) the old life, I must sty that I like throughout Pterygia. A midland ills- donia, at this timet, had TheisswloniM strained us. Her first motive, doubt-
) bear about it now, and again and as its capital. ,This provinoa sLretched less, was that of Christian hospitality,
trir•t. of Asia ;!Limon, not far from: An- so lovilagly produced wherever Christ
) know how everybody is getting on. ¢cross the great pe'n'insula north of
an you wonder at it, now that you tioch of Pisid . 'Its lioundaries are un- Greece. an early Greek histor'y't it (ilk- reigns. .Another reason, however, may
,ave me so much aloma8" ch
It int -luded two of "the seven ,pears as the house of barbarians,�later be Clint these good men, free of charge,
"Par all that, Staph, I'wish You uhurches of As,ke," Laodleon, tend Teven us the seat of the kingiipml of I:hLli&v, might propagate the Gospel fn the city.
ould break off the connection." Then, Alexander the Great made it the centre Ulp to this time this avangeWts had
iter a pause: ,11 know that ofLate Lira, and also, the church of Colosse, of the avorld's Sower. It continued in- Probably supported 'themselves by {
have seemed to neglect You a little;, to whir% eleven or twelve years later fluential among the nations of the their w'oxk. Paul Iva know was a
at if I have done so, it has been as ( Paul wxo.te all epi'stIs. And the region earth until absorbed by !tome. Later tentmaker, and Luks was a physictri. i
such for your sake as my ow -a." it was the centre, or near to it, at the Dr. C. S. Rnisi¢vsom ver beautifully en -
"Alt, yes. I know: cards cards, al- of Galatia. This phi ase. has generally Eastern em�slxe, mlid later still of t.ho Y a
lays tetras," been understood to refer to Ulle great emakr, of Lisle Turks; it may at this version: Live evidences aC Lydia's can-
t , version: I. An open 2vearY:' 2. An ap-
1Vbat would you b&ve?-as a cer- tableland nortlieas , of Phrygiai„ 0, rough writing be roughly defined Its Turkey en knind. 6• An open mouth!. •1. An open
tin Person sometimes says. I know a district without trees, peopled by the in Euros,(. i hand. 5. An open house. 3
the about cards; I know nothing 10. After lie had seem the vision, tan -
bout anything else that will bring Ga'latae. It bad lverm overrun and set- mediatelty Nj,p. ,Waaivored to go. No- i
rist to the mill, I bought my expert- Ueell)y Gauls (kindred to the Gaels and tire, the change in the &Pronoan;-"he HIND00 HYPOTISM
nee in the dearest of all schools, and Celts of Europe) lit the earlier part of had seen;" ")vis endeavored." lilt has
: I try to profit by It, who shall blame Lire third century before Christ. Their been supposed Lhait Fatal's setvere ill-
is?"ness, Gal. 4. 13.15, may have led to his Slakes a;ltan neileve a inaselra c'ea3nrerO
"Which means, that you are, teacb Ilitstory was turbulent. Twenty-five hntimupy at this tune with the physi- vision,•
ig others to buy their experience in years -before the Chr:stitVit era the clan Luke. "lrmmediately" is charac-
ne same way." ltomaxts formed Lina province of Gala_ teristio; like trill Loan wino have made Puring the course of the Indian mut-
"\VhY not?" he ansvered with a history,
Panel acted with tlhe utmost my I made the acquaintance of one of
Lugh. ,,It hs a law of tine universe till, which irtrlurlrcl, not only the regi- &Pror"Ptitude. to Eaideavored to go" these gentleman of India, who tried to
hat one set of creatures should prey on in'babited by the Gauls, but Lycao- dvolnts to the efforts they made to instruetmehow to perform these tricks
n another. Iwas very nice packing for nia also, and parts of Plirytgia. and Pis-
secure handAmuletaC travel, fent neer( says a writer. He said it was all im-
he kites once on a time; peau I amt a not at hand in those ancient days tilt
fte myself. The lam of meteml)sy- It . ,Paul 'bus berm supposed W have ,nate• Seaeolo fur a ship inay have con- agination on tat( part of the spectators,
hosis Ln such cases I-..& very curious traveled at this time over this province sumed days. Assuredly gathering. The us he simply, willed that they should
verb hes the sense, says Dr. Farrar,
n -_..,
don't know wbrat you mean when and founded the churches to "bleb ail- of doming twat conclusion from ,Put-
Put- hes 'hos( things. Yet I in common
ertvnrd he n rote "Gmlati ons,"• The Oil make use of such outlandish ting things side by sido. Paul watch- with Western nations was too animal
-ords, said Stephanie with a pout. outl:me .of his jouru.y; as usually giv- ed the intimations of Providence (is well ized, sensual and materialized by flesh -
So much the better; learned wo- on on maps, Lock diim to the towns of as listened to the messalges of theSpir- eating and consumption of alcohol to
it. The if,ord had milled us fan lie
hen are an abomination!' Arcyra and Tuc:mm in trine middle of retain or acce tan 'tee) spirtualteach-
At this junctura a servant brought ,preach illi(' gospel unto them, That is, p y' I ,
" the maiming papers. Crofton eeiz- tdils table -lama. ,14trlier oommenta- unto the tiYlaceldrotnians. Paul aster ing.
d one of them, a sporting journal, tars were fond of tracing Collie traits .tafned first'that tate Lord had not call- Ths most exciting performance
bell the"outer across the table, in Cale faults scared by Paul in his ed him to preaph the Gospel at that that he gave for my amusement was
to was sleep in, the mysteries of the 'time in ,Aaia or in B"W5•nia, and, like
itest odds, when it low Cry from his epistle But later scibah'rship has ad- an impetuous Current, he flows through the converting of a bamboo stick into
rife caused him to glance sharply at vaned quite another theory, which the first rhantaol that opens. , a native servant, NvIve waited at Labe
or. What's up now, Steph?" he ask- now, bids fair to be, gEnera'lly accepted. 11. Loosing from. "Setting sail." We and supplied our wants, �AfterwarS-
?d. "1t would be a libel to say You had 2Fe who carefully reads the Epistle to came wilth a straight course. "We sell- in his absence -I tried it on and to my
ouched the rouge -pot this morning, ad before the Ivied.'" Saunothracia. An surprise the same hnan was before me,
ecause there isn't a bit of color to thick Galatians must notice, especially in Jtslamd of t,oe Aegean Sea. NeUpolis. The asking for lnstrue,tzons. 1 directed him
our cheeks,)' Gal. 4. 13, that Paul seems have game seaport of PUtlippi, m Macedonia. The to fill the mattes nn ins veranda with.
"What is the name of that Pince Io i
n to Galatin for tike purpose of recovariy jouamey from Txoas to Neapolis was water from the well in, the compound.
he country where your uncle used to sixty -live miles long. Ne"Pans Js the This he proceeded to do. ,When he had
We?" she asked. from a severe illness, and it is argued same word as ' Na fes," It means the
"Beecltley Towers,..." that be. could not have ventured for p felled them all to Ills,ovehowever,
I request -
"And the name of that cousin to whom seine as Newtown, Dr. ones o calls no hem to atop. en on stolidly
took no
such n purpose into so barbarous and aCtenLiurn to Ile importunes of this natio of me and went on stolidly bring -
'our uncle left his property 7' journey to the subsequent history of the
p rough a region as northern Galatia; Ing in the water until, in nay excited
"Gerald IIroalcD-(cnlound hemi -But world. When civilization
carried the alow would, a sasmed was Lhe bung-
vhy do you ask?" furthermore, w•a have via account of the arms and the civikiziaCion oC Greece iu-
.Mor sole reply she handed him the founding oil any cdou,rch,es in that loo- o the heart of Asia; when Caesar land- oleo would ho washed away.
p Y g :Minding that I could not arrest or
newspaper, markir a certain Pas- ality. Telae lacer VIEW u that Paul and ed on the shores of Bui'tmin; even when stop his movememLso he passing Lhrough
age as she did so. 1f Mrs. Crofton was Columbus discovered a new wvorid, tlw ma as Lilo h e did not exist, I draw
startled by something which caught his compamfone cion(' to Perga,nvhth the event was of less importance than the my sword and lay an watt fur lion. Mak-
er eye in the paper, •hor feelings were view of evangelizing the next place on axrfvhl of Pawl mt Neapolis. ing a slash, 1 apparently out him In
is nothing in ei ar"son with those of their route, and that suddenly the plan 112. Thema to Phillippi. A distance of twain, when lot there were two men
ter hush ind as his keen glance took euglnt or Le.n miles. ,Ilse Toad Lruut one Was altered and tiUey passed over the bringing in the water, neither of whom
A ,the purport of the paragraph in towu to the other was a busy one could I restrain or Prevent from doing
Iuestion. It Ives in filet, little more Pamphyhitan lowlands and the Pisidian \V.hich is the chief city of LhaL part of I
:lues" a paragraph in the form of a brief mountain lands to Antioch. Ibis in- Maaedania. It had ween founded by
s0I was completely esti of my depth,
telegram, forwarded at a late hour by terprets the phrase "regiion of Phry- Lha great Phillip. In what sense it was when I heard a quiet laugh behind me,
a country correspondent. thus Chief city oC that part of Alacedonia and on turnip I found "t Ivas m in -
What the public were told in the tele- gin aRul Galatia" to Include, a Country it is }Hard to say. The Revised Version g Y
;ram was that the Baron von Rosen- more southerly and healthful them- that makes it the first of the district; it .adatrator, who held up his right !rand
burg had been found in his grounds, marked off cm our mat )s. The towns of may simply mean that Philippi was the and the two men , istuppeared, We stick
shat Lhrangh elle heart, about seven 1 first city w'hnch the apostle and his resuming its place in the veranda, and
O'clock in the evening; that tsLrong Noxih Gnlntia lay for apart, acct Li"e"n companion reached after crossing the to crown all there was not the slightest
circumstantial evidence pointed to the wwexe few Greeks and Jews there, The •hills from Neapolis; it mktw meals tha=t sign of any water havinbeen brought;
Supposition that Mr. Gerald Brooke. a IvIrole story as told in Acts kind alluded lit was the chlor city of the district; In. I excitedly appealedg to him for an
near neighbor of the Baron, was the ,but the director meaning of the &Phrase explanation. IIa said that he had been
LID J,n the,,epistles seems to 'favor 'WIlat resent all the time, having ,villed that
murderer; that he had disappeared in,- intimates such an a cesive (piirtmlity p
mediately after the perpetration of the is now, known as tone South Galatfan ,for. the city as a ,native inaghtt have In, should be Invisible to me and that `'
Crime, and that altho h he was still dbe.ory. This thaory is strongly mahn- had fair lit. A Colony. Revised Versiuhy, C should Imagine omyself a see and du
"Itwhat I thought had tauten place.
at large, the police had tittle doubt they t tinted by thre iltev. W. J , d4IoulLan, in isi Rnning oniony.' Sea '40t•ientk l- In order to prove It he asked me to :�
would Succeed in arresting'. him in the is)iw;," dntga AUL, Certain datyS. 1.'ossibly
course of the next few hours. urs article on this subject Were Sar- the days between their ar`ival and the step cut into the compound and dfr-
For a while, speech seempd power- bidden of the Holy Gbost Lu preach Sabbath, eatoil my attention to a huge cavern,
less to express a tithe of what o the Lhe word Lau As'in, 0orbLdd,em, perhaps, 13, On the Sabbath. If our supposition rent I knew was r of
before. is
Crofton felt when the words I ('"trod a number o4 Ilugo elephants 11
telegram had ,burned themselves Into lay- what mv. now call "i'r'uvidEnoE;" or ,L11e last aenban,le, lie corawt this and camels issued from it in a continu- i1
lilt brain. What a sea of confl.ictin perhaps by° a tiireot message of the wvas ,tile litat aalYbath after,.Laul's ar- ous stream, yet I could not touch one ;I
emotions surged round Ills heart as his tlnly' i3eltost to .t h„ evawgehats. "Asia" rival in iallippu, 11e weal out at the of them. They apparently passed over
snl¢'d drank gin We full purport of the wan it .province. lioreterIng the Aegean city. ]tavised Version, " We "vent forth me as though X dud not exist. He again
message tint.! all the possibilities therein tied, Lod included thio :mailler Provinces withuuC the gale." By u, riverside, raised his !land, and the elver" and an-
impliedl NVhtat a vintage of the fu- of Alysmr Lydla, Load 1 - uric, 1.h�e. ques- ,vhere prayer ,was wont to be made, 'mals disa,pppeared, and there was no In -
Lure it opened out I tion why the evangelists were forutd- There was a "Place of prayor," wheth- dication oc an exodus of any hind,
"A little rouge, mom (hor,, would kin- their to preacmi the Gospel Jul Asia 'is �r a !building or tout• lice lie not know. -
prove your complexion, said his wits w'e'll answ'iexed, by Dr. Cowles ',llhe he ,sews, oI whom "tot many' Seem to
at Length., who bud been watching him lord hudmairy ttliustlt. but. one Paul." .have dwelt in ]'h,ili,ppl, were fund of A FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT.
curiously out of her half-whinIBIL eyes, No oilleir man w.as So Well adapted to estnblisnit>b* Cheir pltues of 'wurshfp
"[f ore were to judge by Your boats hntrodntCe• Cane Gospel to the great tvaar .to a sLrca,m, laDuause e•E the for- Rvploaauii urn not.+)' Miller -One 1¢ttn acatl
you might have committed the crime thought -Renters of bhe riga. Philippi, mal kiblutNVe it down, with their Da olid 'TATO Molly 1a3ared,
�gg At,vams, Corinth, iRolino, all lay out worship. We sat clu•tvn, dna spoke uu-
yoursolE," to the woanen. .Dr, ,Lindsay explains A de pa,behlfaom6ufCalo ser
!Her words seemed to rouse him, glebe tNt. forbidden cuc.le. Other nneit Y d a 3'a: -e1 tYr-
"Stephanie the day of my revenge G Could and did very 'thoroughly sp)c+ad the exlmaraa of rutin by the recent do- rible aecidilla't, Ivihiiedi,wlll result in the
dawning ni; last!" He ground out the cltrs Gospel thortn g'JnouL Asia;' .rout erste m[ Claudius, banishing maieJenvs
words itotween his set teeth, "This was destined to fill out Llhia great flow- Irma Roman colonies. ''uut always dealla or ani anon! and th„ dtsfigura- i
Gerald Brooke -this well -beloved. cousin or of hds life in, blue great European sought the ucqua,fntanoe of tine devout from of Inv( ot,uers, ]st•I:p&leailed in Lhe
Pews first on his entrances into it city, eint3•ine"rbolm oft khia Mxoozol house, nit
uE mime -is the man who came 1Potwesrt dnp'ita�s. Toe first Christian olnurnh in I,ur �
my uncle and me and defrauded me out 9, AEtCr they were come Ln Alysfn, 1;` 1� ('oils anis, Stneoa streets, on Wednoe-
of my inheritance." 1. nrovineei on. the Aegean; part of was founded by menti of It women .1
And the man -",be robhe(1 you of the Asia. alssattied,, !'lean+tuedt, Ila Oe
d(ra. r I ening, i t t ! day l mandng a -,out 0 o'clocllc. An in,-
woman you levee!, whom you hoped Sired. {ro go 3mtu Bi'tlinyania. A provinRa 1•i• ,Lydut. irJer slaty is told in this nnemisn natetr Leib(' in one at 11ho bod-
y P and the loll r, verses. ,She was a ere burst and hurledi't'ha reel-lilot coals
woman, you loved, whom you hoped one of Asht M,inar, on little Shore of iha ael[or of Purl that is of the '1:yrinn
day to make your wife:' Black Sea, B,ut t,00 5p'Irft sof- S p'e, in laic heal of the fuannco trve"ti the bed -
How do you know that?" he gasp- fea'eci tdieint not. (Revised Vet- S.nxrple dyes, and of gaols /!Yeti Jos of chrea mart.
tth 'hem. f%ie T •rine �d a •oat
wv L t'
3� y y train
On , be Injured mx, lir •-En in lir
„ Jesus," y Ill D e
-bent Spirit
oC U g
to you "t,v,
id a syllable Sion," Pd. l never ser Y ph
Ythe h man amts and Sl odes o
It.,, oak route remained span to Paul- tan oug Y i 15homns Smith' Eilil)ext fCrltdEr, an as -
0111c, . ,,It
ned to sea green and cl:eei
"It matters not how I know it, so the seacoast and L, I'tyrap L od of he blanc .ht awns ono of Lhe most highly fireman 11,1nh l ,land fames Martin, a
lan'g as X do know it, she answered ara Ju dou'lit Eta U, the me,thcxl of the valued roducts of amuiemt 'handicraft CJrI... I .I'�h) lobir . ",, fatally ithaTta-
lookimg hint steadily in the face as sit(
did so, and beginning to tap her toaLl
with her long pointed nails,
"Well, whoever told you, Will yon n'
mare than the truth. I dict love. Clar;
Oumby, and t Moped to make her in,
wise, But all that was past and gen
Iong Wore I met you."
She did not repPly, but only went at
tap�pping her tact the more.
`Puttitng aside my own feelings to
L wards Brooke," wont on Crofton pec
that one"who
man could Possons ibly do toatt
prohibition, ]lilt its reason, arrange as In, all tountrios Co ba clothed in bur.
10 must ILL the timie 'havo seemed to
Paul, stun theatteep clear, %`los reanot,e j le ons t4!sins o was wealth,
an . bigh�
nests of lBithynia unit Lhe large ,, rubor
of fmporCattt cit[Ds iu proconsular 'Asia Ishabl, with dnaathy for any but cover-
Would have served to Past =1k
Lhe ev- -Via dyed ms and wid',vi 1gxilnusto iN 'dyes. °m cur ost-
aegelization 0l 141'rope heel .1 and .lust ly was itl, at this time that la pound of
visiLed them of wool double, dyer Svcs wvorthi :370,
B. ,And they passing' "by A•14ysia tame l $
blown to .Ikons• ,,passing by" sne.ans Lydie, was a nativt, of ThyaLJra, an
not remaining o.r preanWO19 in it,, Trona Asiatic city, Got], rosy" °n it mysteri-
was a Gkraek tiNvii "about lour miles nus way Surely when: his SgP'rlt re -
Out, pdrt at w,hiolt the i nerchant vessels vents his apostles preaching, the Gas-
running betwre:n Aiaredonia; and ASin, t;el in 117htyathxel, and sends lh;euu to a
.Manor harbored, "They" 'CamEdowvn'" l;uropean. city whera the. lust hospi-
Le it -)('talose it ,vtts on tlir,'(Vol rndgt i,able heart they meal: has come .from
la',nit attd they !till hien ,joarrieyin'g I;hyatira, WILIc1h. , Worshipped, God,
1111 the. In& lands. The lumber (it'1'rous lihlvs eicPrcoSStod, shan,tt c1 nt Lydon.Gvn
may still ba traced, nob a Jieweas; it is only used n e
d. ,\ vision appeared, to Paul its the tilnswho had foirsaknn idolatry. Beard
zti'ght. Tic41, astonishing tlegrea the 'its. Gloat stress is laid ilii Live 13th'( on
Though it cost from 25 to 50 per oent.
more to build no merchant vessel in
Brant(' than in England, according to
rho Vicomte d'Avensl, Franco still
builds her own ships,