HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-7-2, Page 1MVrym,a'.p.rvn.ill ii,BON m4...44,..Mwnarn1•1•01 n,nne,w
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Vol 24.No. X1..""4.. .4�,...,,..�..mP..:..aa44�.� M
i:b. .,, :�: w ..4� �.. « 50,4„ zw 4�: .4 ... ,;-,. JULY Y 1897 ,.
JUBILEE DAY AT ATWOOD �pEvao,a• .44,4., a,, ,q
W H. , SRR, Drop
Tho Future of Canada• ""."
yearn elm had been a to telt°[ of the Pte, (;'11 unt,it unl.lteS.
Canada is not a grunt pewee, but the byterian Sabbath seb°°t and for the Bliss Anna M. Gordon, of Ori Seville,
It is estimated that npwerde of 3,000 have delved problems in Clutton and - greater part of Limb time had charge of Rev. Jno, Ferguavn D.is visiting M.
her Winters,
Mrs, (Rey, Paul,
people met in Atwood on 7'negclay of lash Mato that great Native have failed to BY u,sv, tai, HT7rt scan n. the infant Blass in the school, and many Cranbrook and rU., preached at Mrs, Wtalre. elf Richards,
i cart ,s v' ' '
}vocic to join in 0110 'Jubilee sustiviti°s, salvo, lrlsh Cntltolics and Protestants 1, 1 pen Unmet lima L stand again in of the ant alt nle,nbere cE the gongre ti• Rev, T n Ethel last Sabbath. her gouain, Burs. T, C. Jticharl 1 iortm C.
witch [sole the farm of a bilee a ti vatf0, tole in almost unbroken peace tc this fancy whom a few month, ago I stood tit tifu reprised Etch• early fnsrr este from talcs T. W. Llvseus, of 1+ordwia0, will J. IL Cameron J110. . is, BrE.
tamer tO auspice, of Courts er plead% live ;Y ; bet hunbroke at !hie tnonlent, feet, ee the entreat Ufa lofty Ionthzll of hei', •Chis work Penned ono of the chief cburolboth PerviOn in the 1Slethodiet Danford, A. CoualP and17.1411, E. Q,
(111rl'r tett) and Atwood, to )toand Independent and ender lila very shailoty of the throne, Glte Rooky Mountains, B hhld mi rase pleusuro, of her life, Buil on being laid one of' the us el, next Sabbath. Ila is teak in the Bicycle meet rho e, Stewed
Order n!' Foresters, it apes -ewe they aro preparing to btcher the monutaht tango, beyond whluh the among moat foremostweey Chathamon
aside it lona nen of hal lceenestr regrets ethe younger men in tUerCunfer9 tttl4lrs, morning
They of \V ed [Ilett,
The proc+eeaings opened at 1.30 p. m, mush n4ltet'• Wore it net far the selOslt sou was shaking toward the Western sea, [lint she was deprived from attending each, and Miss Anute left oq
with a I'otaatero' parade, headed by firebeach tthde who wish to alnico rueley, or bedded
nd u thought of the vast treasures am• upon her beloved Sunday school otnatt. Rev, W. T. whei'aTuesday nz0rniug for Welbwood 7
tl'shal Fovea, in the ftt!e regalia of at seethe veto% or obtain popularity, or Odd a in those rooky Iaetuo sea which She had algin been tl'BAellrar 01 the Subs ( lelf' if TIthe A. [lilt where seem
will spend the
Royal ]i'ureste', The pzrocassiou formed senna or oto';, L', by fanning the embers of theeelug
inane Of human eaterprise would one bath gohooI fora great many yeal•e, She Ai.t't117 h next annual ;sermon to the A. F. Lit They 5.J. a boat froth we S llxlc o
at the Obwu Hall, thorn lett abort 400 traditional hate, C 0tholins and Protest. cls bring 1t Sabbath oate 11 a. m., in R. Mrs. S. J. Allhi and familySound.
g Y 6 h light to the tolvough was a mentally
; g woman, both physically and John's starch, Thane°le. Rev. Mr, Abey to Iia ileld where willgo
in lieu in the following order : nuts would live tnge0her as tho best of furoste on the Western slopes, vast OuongU msntslly ; eho had a firm and an abiding will supply Rev. ifr. 4tu1Y'a pulpit at theyY 7 ° with Rev. air, Allzn
Jae, Adair, Grand Marshal, neighbors in Ontario, Wo have solved to supply the marlibts of EUO world ; of faith iu her Redeemer and abler was Thnrnd+lto; p will tweed shows the month of Jnl Sir,
lVut, Mauu, 17ipbr, the Malan problem in the Northweett, the t:onuug fleherics with food enpply for more happy than when, in her own un• Itsv, John bier uson, D.D, ivill once 4113 hur b l,ofWiltonimprovement. ll,is
Cur dusky wards are well Oared for and a continent, and fertile valleys where ostentatious way, she was employed in the pulpit of 14ielvflie church Hast Sal, Jas. Turnbull, o£ X Turnbull, is
Tho Atwood Brass Bari, many of them will soon be fairly welt
millions would yet find a home. Boforo advancing her Master'e cause and in aid• bath morning, and will give a di laid up with a Lune h• 7,
F. E. McCormick, High Secretary, I. 0, oivilizecl, We solved the Church and b ygaretched Ilio rolling foothills, and Ong and enlightening Izor follows, and on "The Fulfllmont of the Tin aa0usae broken several ysara 0.80 The
ui y Vas
I'., and C. II, Merry001d, High State problem in Ontario, We heel two beyond those Otto distant plain, but more particularly the young, Iter mem. Gentiles." This is a subject to which since.
l'ulublllt more or less trouble ever
Auditor, in a endings, established and endowed chnrehos not whore the
linea°d on'ifbly onward to Dry will be long and afleotionetely cher. Dr. Ferguson hag given special attention, Jas, '1
Court Atwood, 1 NI. 78$ L O. F. long age ; ,low NO have endowed
o and nobody whore the A0lnuti0 seep lrbaks an oar leberl, not atone by her relatives, to whet and ole exposition of it is sure to bo lar (nark, of SeA[nrth, formerly of
Court lit AO cod, T. U. P., ➢IOgktou, wants one. 10 may take a hundred years Eastern roast, and I thought of the she ileo much endeared, but to a vary interesting, y Brussels, has been dee weio, ly ill with
Court Ethel, I. U. F. to bring about the sumo state of affairs in splendid harbours and rich liaise/lee and targe circle of Prisnda. The funeral took Rev. J. Ross preached last Sabbath be will soon
of. the ed ol0. We good
Court Listowel, I. U. F.
England, The Presbyterians of the • Do- mineral wealth of Nova Scotia, the fertile place on Monday last, In ageordance morning from St, John's Gospel, 18th bewillConn be restored to his nsuai good
atomisers from other Atwood Societies, minion solved the unionproblom eighteen euros of l?tines Edward Island, the piuo with the expressed svislte of the enporin• charter and 30th verse. He showed that h,
Citizens. yeas ago. It may take problem a ghteen forests of New :Brnnuwfok, the commerce tondelt end teeeeere of the Sabbath the disciples lied to stet' after the Seel- Misels 2u;rause, oorms y a teacher in
Tho route of marc[[ was restricted rare to unite the resbytriaus of Scot. of (n01ao, Ilio agricultural wealth and school, the public aorvicea wore held in one had ane from earth(1) Brussels 1 ublec School, is here this walk
somewhat owing to the l0tenoss of the laud, The feet to we have don° some gt'Owh,g manufadar0s of Ontario ; of our the church, 13u1, previous to that, titers world's sake ; (3) For their wn salvo a giving lectures to the ladles on the Viavi
llolu. good wont iu Gannda, and if our. people Inoglity lakes, those highway° of con- was a rch, , the hence, conducted re (3) To witness for Christ ; (#) To labor Odd Fellow's pal $lie meetings are held in the
.tr}vaun VS. uity„ens, would OuItivaLe the National spore[ and
mono that link together the Bad and Dr. Bial)o°old, and which was partioipnt• for Christ, "Israel in Peril" was the Principal Hall• ,
At 2 p. nl, the football ental[ between act with a iv to Ol a degree of opinions in Otto West ; and than again my eye rested ed in by numerous Mende. At the OOpiu in the cronies, p Cameron o attention
1 Sl spend -
the above .00110 was amen, and after 1, pal with
a might l dmuchegree
110100 Can•
upon the varied panorama of hill and
church the 5°1510 and choir platform At the Methodist Sabbath Sobool Son- and the Sommer . 110 io in Manitoba
hours play, the 00000o1 was declared 8 to pal 1 reolytst'ian, vain and distant Plein spread out at my
were appropriately draped for the edeas• day afternoon instead of Otto usual Quart. far Woo Nh00thO cost. Rocky
lnturl$ going as
in favor if lube o• Percy Wilson, of - feet. Par as the eye could retta11 there ion. The full choir, with James Scott as grly Review 001 open session woo held, toast, perhaps to thCast
lona no sign of hexene habitation, and no Aet'r 000antains at
1'fasogl, officiated as referee andgave BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL. leader, and OO, a Ewing as ordeals[, were In addition to hymn$, excellent aught 0 F. S. o 1 and W. H. Loa attend
sound of human activities broke the still-
attendance, and the Children in the were given by &Iia, Mimlie McNaughton the funeral of Bliss E, MaLeaued
general malefaction. Throughout file �_ naso ; but as though [coli in the Pesci•
alarm taught by the deceased were ,hated and T. Farrow ; inheraating addresses by forth on Monday match our boys didn't appear to got Unities of the filberts I stood intently
500. in the front psoas, In the nervine Dr. Rev. R. Paul and Dr. Rivera ; and a ed lad was a a' at Sea•
warmed up to their work, although the Sami-anneal Promotion Examinations 6ay afternoon. The degeae-
g of the L'rnsesia Public School : listening lilts ono who Bold lues assisted by Rev. Mr, beautiful solo Jenna Knows," bygIstat to M. Y. McLean, M,
ball was kept perilously near the Brusselo iv Bond, pugtor of the Methodist almrdb, L. B, Creighton. There was a large at. and a Editor
r of the Huron Expositor,
goal much of the time. The Brussels 17romotod to Class IIeard from far rho mailed tread and by Rev, of 7the e, Methoincudist
of tendauce.goodly portion of her life had been
toys were in splendid trim and put tip aa Nva Cnmetau Jennie Moore ..., Of millions y00 to be- Si, Thomas' Olparob. The oharuh was Lest Sabbath Rev. R. Paul preaoUhd a spent in the office of that paper.
stiff worn Their goal keeper is a dandy Bertha Rosa Mamie McKay .... The first low dash of 5000°0 where yet well fitted by sympathising friends, and memorial sermon in the Methodist
and deserved the en compliments paid him, Elsie Carry
George Roes Shall roll the tenon sea." the :services throughout 10000 most fm• church, having reference to the decease Addis iolla� l p0 _�tt-
cid lass of this match gives 111Atwood Lavisa Siur,Eair .... LeslieTurnbull-, preserve. At the conclusion el the 0000- of Louie M. Biatby. IIie test was Prov, L al l,v eWS.
little or no chance for first place i° the Gorda StiltEwaI?°ggar Deadman "Ill faudy'g ear I hear lite lowing of ire, the children were permitted t0 view 14111 chapter and 32nd verse. Rev, D. B. Qnira a number
League series. Jennie Dolt 1 of Roach cattle from Otte hillsides, Otto [tum 0£ fn- the Fees of their beloved teacher for the Matins, of Crnnbroak, kindly ofimotated in spend llomiuion of Bogeoolites will
Thu football gat° receipts netted R35 Argo Ross , . , Finlay Soncl dnetry from a hundred towusand villages, last time and many others who had not the evening and gave a s leudid disaau Uooar '
and had not a largo nnmbor escaped the ArgoVera. Bm tett Jamas 60010 Bloomfield.. 011, merry silent of ahilarau 0010ruiug been at the hones availed themselves of oni "COttseoratiotl," basing Lfs Dae At Wroxeter.
eye of the gate keeper the receipts would Fernio at're 1%rank Hiller
p rse HEALTH illustrated Health
from school, and in the distance the this opportunity been
taking a r 00 0110 look on Exodus 23rd chapter and 20th vase, y, Jai 2nd i
have doubles s amount Such Remaining in class ;
thundering tread of the Eton horse as ho of her who had been Pn,niliar to them so blies Hill erns the „Hol retnarkg Tnik to Indica will he given at 3 p, m, on
Iiovi y u the Odd Cana inn
ctenaUeatiug is not so easily providccl
Victories Madill] .. Walter Scott speeds swiftly across the plain, As I long and who was alike reepeeted by all. evening service with good aff at at the Hall,
leader Company,s auspices of The Canadian
against in a large open field. Willies Ilenderson.,
looked again the whole 00000 was trona• The remains were interred i° the Tamil The Corner stone of the nolo Trinity Sub'eat:- "
figured. Everywhere y" lady
Miss E. Brads 0
nrarn v r, vs. axwoon, promoted to Class V. : Y quiet homesteads plot in the Illaitiendbauk cemetery, Church at Mitchell was laid on Thursday above mentioned 'Universal
Agave Pad talkOh
What is known as the second &OMR, RUSSO1.1110W1 dottethe d the plains dna nestles among the of lash week by Very Rev. George M. Tuesday afternoon in the same Hall.
of Atwood and Listowel, played a match Gee ee 7,i11iar .... Reggie
Leattlhrclu[e ole the air, la hundred totiesersPir¢shl�lit-
Y F3el Bo . �• Innen, D.D., dean of Huron, in the BURGLAR attempted to gain entrance to
Time -
immediately after the League ,hatch, Addie Bird Florence Thomson toted in the rays of the setting sun, while e Stara ex ran Bee. -Ort Tuesday presence of a large baugragatiou, The McKay t$ Co'o. hardware stare on Tues-
reeulting in favor of Atwood 1y two goals Glary Clark Normaul'orees,.,, golden fields of ripening grain tilled up
aveumg the home of Sr.tl. and Mrs. Henry
auotoO of the deanery were present, and day night, through a
to one, Alva Walker
John Mooney
the inter -spaces and waved in the passing Toll, in East lVnwa Toll was one of an, assisted in the service, which was of an Chisels belongings to S. side ,7uclison's
IN TIM. anon. Aileen Soot]; said in passing usual activity, Mrs. Toll went to the bed• impressive nature. Addresses were given blacksmith shop were tonna, with which
Jennie Armstrong here rers;a Dominion stretching from sea to room to prepare the bed for retiring, and by the dean, the ee°tor, Rev, J. T. Berrie ; the impudent nightprowler was
Ere the football match was over the Lnlii Danford
speaking in the grove commenced. The
Remaining in eines-NUtio. Bea, dna from the rivet to the ands of Olt° while iu the not of raising o00 Of the pH -
mayor of church,
ell, Isaao Hord, and to pry up the Bash, end 000ps 11 Otto
speaker's of the afternoon were : Promoted t0 Jit 2nd : earth, with the garnered esperienoo of lows, her hand toud0 0 something cold others. The ahnrah, which will be hand.
also scattered about. The steps on the
Frank E. McCormick, High Secretary, Arlie lleaiitlnn011ie Mooney
the centuries behind 11, with no fetters of and slimy, She gave a bream and rush-
when finished, O ig upor0 built of window sash were broken. An attempt
I. O. I ., St. Thomas ; Thos, al'1Lgwoud, Annie i1TD(vnarrio, . lemma Colvin , , , past pluses to cramp its euergms or hill. ed from the room. Toll procured a lamp ranite base, and red brick superstructure,
was also mode at A. C°usley's bicycle
M. P. P., Poole ; Dr. D. A. Kidd, At- Thurso, Meadows ,. Seale Lindsey dor its development, with no outside and went to investigate the trouble. To and will aceammodnte 350 people. store.
wood, and the chairman, 0. II. Murry- Winnie Meadows
.. Harry BmelieL3 ge of its enakssuoia oo ted and apparently oflte bed wag a tOBLIMP/LLB t Y. P. S. 0. E. --The follow. Toa Markdale SEaOdard Saye : Waal.
jealousies ready t taus neighba welly
Osla, High Auditor I. 0. F. James Kerr Grigg McLennan , , weakness, or avaricious neighbour covet- g g enjoy g is the list of came bearers and nein- G• Cotbns, Grnua Organizer for the
The speaker of the day was Mr, Me- Berh. Ilfngston„ . , Harold Richards ons of its wealth. Starting thug in the nn n sun berth. He instantly sly secured tt mittens iu connection with Melville boec a an Order of Chosen Friends las
Cormiglc, the high Sbototaty of the High Ortih 1Vilboo Isla Flabt career of empire, with unfettered filets stick knocked it out of bed and killed it. 0huroh Young People's Society for the been in our village for a couple of weeks,
Conn of thin district. He is a very Corti° Boss
and a hearty "Godspeed" front the gleet Lswasn common settee snake three feet coming Bis mouths ;-Hon. President, and as a result a Council bas been organ-
lileasiug, logical speaker, and set forth RemniaiO in Blass 1 sisterhood of nations, surely nothingHow the reptile managed to get Rev. 3, Ross, B. A. ; President, G. P. ized. Mr. Collins is a gentleman and in -
short of persistent follyu into the !mime and Shen into the ut being
Blair ; Vio caret ry,nt, Miss J. Raga ; defatigablo worker, otherwise the planting
Otte aims, objects and accomplishments of Annie Oakley Dottie Blag1f11 .... 1 or deliberate and afterwards on the lad without being Recording e-Preary, John Ferguson ; of a°others. The
would have hese
the I. 0, le, iu a forcible way, easily WM- Fred. Lindsay wickedness eau mar the future of its 7,gtioed is a m getCorrea n g• q out °f
Prete°dad by those within hearing of his Promoted to Sr. and : 11Opos' the bedroom mystery,
5000 Crossing the
p ndin Seerehnry, Miss Marythe question. Tha feet eke tbiefreas
voice. Ile was given a royal saint by Roes ; Treasurer, alias Ritchie; Prayer• s°giety taken into its ranks the ladies ae
his brother sons gi en B. IIO¢dereou ,.381 KaOo McDougall 263 room occupied by Bir, nod Mrs. Toll all meeting committee -Mrs. R. K, Roes, A. well as gentleman goes far in making it
Mr. Otter 1'nond's absence was mach
Addle Lntt .,,,300 MaggiCAmenG..250 :Sealer thecocaine. Another theory t that it may
Pd. McKay, Miss Lizzie Rose ; Look -ant popular.
regretted, its he is always an acceptable
Linda Colvin ..281 B. Rioharsaou..250 DltArtt os alrss aIct aux.-After an ilk
telt crawled up the sine of the haute and °Ommittee-G. A. Deadman, Mrs.
EVERY business man lied clam should
speaker. Edna Pugh ....271 C. Williantaon..250 118$8 Of cis wastes, Mias Margmret E. Blo. through the bedroom window, which baa Wiigon, Mee. Tufts ; 11lleaionary Commit- make up hie mind b° do life share fn da•
7 hos. Aing}voos, M, P. P., mane n Ivnu Johustou..255 LZ. Siuelnir „, , 255 Lean, only surviving sinter oP Bl. Y, Il[q- been open during the day, It took Mrs. tee -Mie$ Nellie Ross, Min Maggie Mc-
their respe°five premises On tits
brief speech, eulogistic of Ghe (?aabu's Remitting in doss :peaaef
Lean, M. P. P., of the Expositor, pAseed Toll several nays to recover from the LOuohliu, J. Fox • Social °°emit tee- 12th• IF Body taken a hand Bru01
brief 050 s reign, and ice good ]Hints DE Goo, Finn .,,,232 L,Edwal'ds ....108 brother,
away at the rbside°°e of her fright recoiled. Mica Mary Ross, 4V. J. Stewart, Mies eels will look gay to the hUousaude of
His address was listened to Grace Finn , , •.134 0, Blashill f letter, to Ssaforth, on Friday i after
evening a departure,
of PARTY.-TheJn23rd,
evening before Cunningham ; Flower committee -Misses visitors expected. 0000 Get randy in good
with clots attention. Promoted t° Jr, 3rd : of loot week, a few mi¢utae after cis q'. the dhpacture, Jttne 28rd, oP the Rev. E. Sarah Forbes, Maggie McDougall, Kate time. The committee will have a supply
Dr. Kidd also alluded to the clock. Early in Maruti last bliss Mo- A. Shaw and wife for their new Hold of Blenziea ; Prof. HAwkinn Choir Lender . of flags, ;Ga., for decoration1fiio0purposes
progress Lucy Colvin ,, 387 Jenill0 Wulker..203 Lean oemmenoed to be troubled by a labour, Bayfield,' a number of friends Organists, Ales. Rosa and Mies J. Ma• which can can be had at fire[ cos
Of lila British Empire ander 'Victoria, Mildred Scott ..880 Charlie Barrie.. 201
cough, but being well in other reapea00 from the 13ee Bol appointment met at
Atter ; Oolleabdrs-J. B. Doa oblin, J, greens will n supplied 0• Ever.
and esteemed f0 an honor to ben subject, SadieMnswe11..335 Elsie Wilton ,.230 fora time she paid but little attention to the parsonage and made the following T. DOdde ; Ushers, G. A. Deadman, G. airing them for the same ruts to all da•
a citizen Of an empire upon which 01,0 Q. MCQLaOlcon..807 Q. HSllgttton....280 it, As ft failed to yield t0 ordinary presentation (two upholstered chairs) and F. Blair,purpose. Ap-
snu Havoc sets. Ile also paid a tribute to Ruby Plum , , , .302 treatment she was uttimntel y d rand the accompanying 0ddraae :-) ply early to B. Gerry,
Independent00oavforeetry• His remarks
Remaining in class ; on t° desist from her ordinaryydut ea and T'D Mr. and Mrs. Sl w.- Rannr" won 1st money at Jaaken,
were well received•
M. antai tor... ala P. Leatheramle 228 rennin indo0ra for a few das [oliowitthe people We Talk, About. Mich., Inst meek in the 20 Class and «nd
Chairman 1V[orrylitlkl, in his usual Roy Pugh 207 r1• fortttorl . ,206 hope that teat might suable her to fully ourmidst affords us o graceful our ort ami Y is visiting at Hen- i0 the free-for-all, taking two heats In the
happy style, made a good speech and put J. Thomson 248 Mary Rose ....150 recover. 0000 ind of improving,however, ty for expressing t° you the kindly feel- Mrs Geo. Halliday latter, In the first race he went a mile
everybody in good humor, C. II, is a Jennie Burgess 238 Jnr. Miller 0sbe00 00'. Ill pp sail• g-
in «.10 his mark, Rodkatvay" took
hest on au occasion of this Mud, May Ken 385 Harry fiuu became more troublesome, steer and her b neo inga which we entertain toward you. fo P.
Scott end wife Suudayed at Sea• another horse driven byss "Bine Bell,"
Moss Horn, of Lllna, gave a capibmt Promoted to T28 3rd :
was this 000 ease that it was detlmhd int rq po'ooi ioli your have il}vnysthe
ndeep n R. Roach won 1st
recitation, which was beadily apptatuled• advisable t° cull in medical aid, A fasted in us, the genuine enthusiasm you
Mims Mary Roach is visiting at Sea.
and 2nd in two races, 'Dick" as be is
IS was 50011 on toward evening when Joseph Good ..54, Merton Howe ..408 advisable
examination00onl00011001 the toot have thrown int°.your work, an euthyai• forth. familiarly called, had great leek. Maple
the Pio uickors dispei'sbd for theft homes,
Willie Amort „510 Nora Kendall , , 406Mrs. T. Fletcher is on the side list with Leaf' started in a class of 15 horses but
soma of thole remupnigg for Ala Roes 504 Pearl Kith 400 that one lung was 00010llaly Affected, and nam whish Urs alien proved nu 100510. a felon, g tbougl Ue pacga aa good teen Ue did not
Stewart Scott 487 Cheerio Boll„ „402 that her Cees was indeed serious. From ation to us, and the kindly and patient Mieo Carrie H1 gstou spent Sunday i° get Oke Cmsil. The tarsen are At ]lint,
rtta CONCERT, P. wo t Sokeu. ,477 Robb. McKenzie 401
that time alto donlined very rapidly, and way In whish you have borne with our Bluevale. 10 00. this week whore a three days' meet
It was held on the Town Hall,. ander 111. McCracken
Oroo hliu 463 Roy Ainley „307 for the past titres weeks was a severe waywatdueas• We have been helped Jn°li Gre}var is home from Pn merstou is on.
the auspices of the football The Lottie Km*Moll ., 444 Fera Danford ..387 aofferer. It as just Bis weeks from the more than words one express by your °u a visit' IIrsax. As J. J. Bail was driving Mre.
Halt wap nicely filled, and at 8 o'clock Earl Beeker...,488 A. Crozier , , .889 day that etre gave U work Until the end life and n0¢ver0atlon for
ea, and shall Will, Stewart f0 away to Chatham to S. J. Alhn and Co.Goan Name from the
Lhe 1 ottrtnan, J. A. Made, introduced Lucille Rosa., „428 Violet Cooper ..38fl came. So soon as she became aware of over he grateful [bat fur three years we the ill, to meet, garden party at o, children
Moons 'e
Oho chairman program o a neat rodec e : Eva InDB000 428 Harry C open „987 her disease she had little expectation of ware fortunate and privileged to enjoy ioo Peebles his of AtxvOod, was visiting loot frigho earu,ng, hie ooney a an
I e f olio iog nota, Messrs, Campbell Ea Phaeton . , 428 Geo. y Wa ....397 recovery, and during the last days of her theb blsssiug. Yon have left a track of Miss s Don this week, tuck fright nays upon Moue 's and
l solo, t,GMasers.
• song, frank nston.418 Geo.
Colvin .383 illness she frequently esprsseed a desire light behind "widening to the ocean of Min: 0u and ort stand her holidays at Is flash sideways upset the rig as nit
Prof.Sto a ;solo, ; . Cooksntal, ng, Franke Wilson417 Mabel Jones010)0 „881 to be relieved from the sufferings Of thio eternity" and have set the echoes ting- Burlington And Toronto. as flash, p Theeionly pe the ogagpautg re
Prof. T. A.oh � solo, lilies Elsie talIll,Mi ; Harry Smit ,,418 life that she might enjoy the pleasure of mg In many hearts. It line been a soul T. A. parental
roof spent a few data ender Mr road, wonly persons injured were
song, 1roP. T, A. Hawkins; instrumental Remaining in alas,; the life t come. Sbe MS well prepared regeneration to meet peraon0lly one of the m rental roof Ol Port Albert. bruised,
B, a dear arm and shoulder was
sgb, ea. T. Campbell and Stewart l Steps Forsythe the a30 frauaha0olliva. • „ for the great °hanks and her departure God's own, The Lies of friendship form. lime Mny Pathan, ttolitaevale, is herikne gad .Barbara Moaecaulveyg t o hurt
sole, Mise Mitchell ; solo, Thos. Myrtle oroythr 880 ARM 000 from this life was peaceful and e00y, he ed daring your re0idenoe among ns are visiting a In Mrs. Sto ted of °bl her elan urn Of the linea caught on n e
o,M ; Belleslogl G80, chemic ; song, Prof.Myti l Grouter 880 Bob. Bergen she seemed 10 slip away, the vital spark enduring. We will not soon forget your Mr. and MJ. Stealer, Of Ronald.
etre where and was the t. rse into ugg fen d
Castillo Hawliog: ; chorus, Mango Bello Mari, McKay ,.320 g having fled almost imperceptibly. Prior genero00, self•eanrifieing eorvios, not the guests Roach
if J. h and ora. Ronald, where ie far caught. The buggy
and Mina Pelton, Arnett, KalUtieisah, to her last illness she had been a remark- only to us, but to any whom it was in R. RHah was telae for a few days this harness Buffered to quite an extent a It:
Elsie Klum Mrs, J. A. MoBain,and P00000001 to Sr, 8rc1. Peas marks, ably strong, healthy woman, as het' your power to render serving. It is with week, He loft oh Monday for fleet, Mich.
380 ; was a miraculous ezoape as blare were 5
Elsie Mes$rs. Smith and Cocks ; solo, aline fbeen riends cannot remember of her having a feeling of deep regret that we eontem• Mrs, S. Drewe, of London, is visiting children in the rig at the time.
Mise Struthers null OockonpUe111' deal° BBatt'iuette Pearl Mc310lwott 875 PCL q Celina
o(1s 348 day by illness eel to Ottlisshouse
PLIOLc even for one plate the loge we will suetui¢ in your re.
her Parente, Robb. Atmstco°g and wife. Boomers °x THE 121.11,-Thegem Com '
Albert Thomas is vieitin i0 oom le0inmlttee
an was 61 navel, Our 00 ors and cod [lichee 00 gr'tt, Rev. Mr, Thomas', otatiou otga allougtrer arrangements in ex -
B. W W. Lieuau anebt, Misuse Tilumli llelie Zilliax omminiug in eines Fronk Oliver ..342
yearsofllnmfslea,wiu tithe 1 County of s
with yonyont have been
new field of labor to
Forest. tionage Qelebra-
and Pelton ; song, Prof, T. A. Hitwlcinn, slit in Brueaels 0¢ Monday, Duty 12th.
ex -
Tho entertainment concluded with a GertieMelsotn 205 Geo. Thomson 350 Waterloo, near the village of Ayr. Early
we do that what will be eulrJose gvtil bean Maggie, daughter of John SOotb, Queen Lady Tree Blue, Orange Young Britons,
langhiug farce, on which R. B. Hamilton WtlltC Haycrof0 278 in life she qualified herself for a teacher. groat gain to the people with whore your street, lee been ou the atOk list with Orangeman and many cit ars are and
incl lVm. Hamilton played the loading Promoted t° Jr. 4th. Datta marks, 41«: 9he [ilea became e taught for a time
teabhelr town
of Galt.
r future for a time will be idantihod. We
L. Wellington,
from Bruce, 1Inron, Perth and
parts. The puns pl the he lea of Idaro Promoted
.,r40 . a Am0010 ,,130 Y tenet thee your future will be as full of MaFaal and grand Donaldson,r, of good grog, aeoompg dreled by .panda, A
certain oThe were at tvery humorous. May Simms ,,,,540 Leslie Kerr ....488 tangles she embed,
ned in the continued
s usefulness es has attended your labors John o0r are visiting Mrs. J. Donaldson, good program words addrf w on lefrom
Poio Hagensw of Brussels, 0,a M RSimms .,475 Lavie Ker ..488 And there are now many he prof Done Isere, and that the anm0 geueroa0, whole. lin . Bo4. Reev t Karr,ng lowd by Rev. from
ver £f. Rawls Impression se this his created a Alevh.li rd r „476 Chas, Mttotrde 427 the there ab, occupying hearted service will he 00 fully apprem• alts, l: pert Dnd her of de art, is to Leech Karr, followed v. W. W.
appearance here as an entertainer. His
Ella ,Dao or , .450 Ella ,Ken:Bio 410 Mons in life, onowhpeeoeived Ltoaot a est• ,ted. As a alight recognition of Iliacs very, poor health and her friends are gutta Leach, of lVhiteahurch ;Rev, W. LOwq
instrumentals en the piano were fine, Aimee Taylor . ,458 B, McKelvey , •412 training from her in the Ayr oboe/. things and At Otto same time 00 ainemeut° nnatoua stet[[ her. of Wingham ; Rev. John Rose, B.A.,
{vhile his vocal nimbus were scarcely Aitnoo 07100. , 451 W. Roach 412 About [want . y g Y ol, of one neatened 001100 of our tndebthd• J' A. and E. B. Creighton took a trip Brussels ; Thos. MAgwood, M,P,P•, North
[egg meritorious.iyowl"Thu Cnrtaiu Lecture"scarcely
y three ears ago she retired cess to you, we ask you to Aeoepo these across the country to Grautou this week Perth ; Dr. freeborn, Clinton, and others.
Was the Captivating TItOnumber of [lion all, 10' tOd b0' Entrance Clare, Pass
from the tsa°hing profession and came to chairs as a small token of our esteem, and Visited relatiteo, Special trains end special return doeste.
judging its warm reception, markt, 475: Settforth to reside with her brother and We regret that the pleasant rotation. Mies 1eenle Srugla1 ]Opt on Tuesday Take a holiday on the 12th and vigil
Another gentleman new to au Atwood :Russell Taylor 742 N. Vaustone 512 has been a member of itis household aver ship$ that have existed between Its are on a vi4b to friends in Manitoba, She Brussels.
anciieuaq was Mr. Kiernan, mummer to 5, Luay Sinclair : ,710 Davos Watt . , ,,657 since. For he hes heouthllig 5000 itv�l twenty.one years to bo savored, but we truer that your will be absent several weeks. Gnavar, Qoarnne
A. let:so wn in the Kiera n, Mildness tore. John Sin la 110 David' 'Nett
,.500 p pn assistant in 0000000 1n the future may be such as Tilos. Bloomfield arrived home from noon Beeves Strachan and
He gang ia solo ttoOah nt onus dness hero. John Clo say,, .044 ArOh tortes ,.600 the business and editorial management of your abilities merit. Signed in behalf of England on Saturday l01lloer he had Gra and suit Bowman, of
lifeenngSaEeol agavocalist of exceptional Cl rkeAllin,,,.045 M yFoo'bo 405g Y ci Morris, respectively, and
let con.
the Expositor,npand not a little of the the League and oougregation : Bone with a c, of Tg wont of tarsen. tracts for gravelling e : and South of
movie He was rapturously °iutored. Gedr is Moss ..607 Willie Good € „475 01100000 and popularity which her attend. Rouanr Owittw, rmo Deakin, of Toronto, a wall known Brusaeig, as faiinws
e Watton, to
[Viol Zito Atw will prove a cochlea ad lost• Janes Foetid ...577 Edith Walltor „4707 ed that journal during all [liege years, Earner Bruaselite, was renewing old W. Maunders at
1 J Buchanan ..577 EdiOli all o was due to her industry, ears and natural Rev. lOto, Shaw male aam tot euiba friendships in town and locality 24 emote per yard 0 ;
tion to AS{vood's array of ;busked talent, eptttnde for °awe er est , Shaw
and Itty Shia week, dppusit amnia,
$, Rf0Bru s, to o Maunders,880,
The other eoitlilentors bo the program Remaining in Class ; has And cast's in life, fettling reply ih behalf of 14Lra. SUaty and R. , Wilson, will represent BruL St, at the Ol 17 cents, r30 ; DT 5 oe
ration in their well known enviable repo• Brine Scobh ....471 P. Thomson, .,,87g Nit°rover her lot has leen oast in life, himself. Lodge, A. F, to A. Bt„ Brusasl8, at the Ohne. Pollard at 35 aenSs O eon, to
the ai a the musical not, elm had the fa0ulty of at0raoting and re. Grand Lodge to meet shortly at Brantford,0OoT North, $40, to S. MoS adder at80 /lemmas
Pito Order was excellent The roc0ea0 Dr. Japer, n tattling many feet and warm friends. The Royal Soddy of Canada wag meet. Mrs, Sarah Bandon, an aunt to Thos. from p dente ;
Y graduate of Queens Thin was :Wittingly manifested during lug at Halifax, Curry, of Breathitt, died elatedly • Chem otol cents
North, $80,Wal t° an Ma.
over aha above all expenseen0bte $10,00, University, Kingston, was drowned at her recent brief but severe Meese, by the The Irli teal, aged 78 CA ly Mont. 7iouill at 80 aeuts ; from I)unontl 11fo•
a handsome sale to the aradob of the club. Clayton; N. Y. t11aLd Hones et Cgrr°l, ata,„ K years. She was a tatty of LauOlthn's Roth, 820, to Walter Toni!!
Thin with the gats receipts eare it a total 1ttb Peter N.Y.Wilkinson, an cfgUtyysavOld n oo o bl nq [rasa received oonemening was week by lightningand Alert, Nelson wealth, tat 80 distil • r , °til
Lo °ago the atr:aiu on the olub'n 1lnanoos. termer, walked into the lake at oav oldp. [vett as the mnh from tlnarbnre, as 01 Brandon, rvlto [vas iu the lienee, had TI• Finn, wit° tae been baker at Odle- Welter Yeah. t A.1 °tenth g gravel
to to
towee-Atwood fetes vire and lked i himself. Y Y 00to of friends Moet of lite clothing torn off and wag oilier 0 000h to a for at 8! cents. Work to e.
in and around Sgaforth, for ever twenty badly burned,
his attgntfou So farming oaat}ael5Oli01inn of donee a ore Ang.Roblet anti grd Alex. dla