HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-6-25, Page 88 11 TRE BRUSSELS POST amateaacatergweareseetvetweessaseesralenetzenieweemseretneenteameatezentezatienzsmweasegrametawaierammertemarenniumeiniememsmitsrivessat 2.5 Gt1s1 per Pound., G uanly ,t e . Pure AND SIRE DEATII TO POTATOBUGS G, A. Deadman, Drug ist, l etinien and Bookseller, BRAND 'RANK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. O. & B. Trains /etre Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GOING SovTH, GoINa NOETII. Express .:,t; a.m.' Mail •05 p.nl timed......... "1: a.m. Express ......145)1 pan � n o a1 ttvi `Wfctns. A chiel'o among ye takin' notes, Au' fails: he'll prem it. ntlaluT is interfering with the erre. pent of the pear crop. Bennis:mu BLUE was in Goderioli i:.•,t Wednesday on business. Plume schools close on Wednesday o1 next weak for the Summer holidoys. BauaeErsFoot Ball team is headii'g for 1st place in the Maitlaud League, JA.s. Fox's advt. came to hand too I . to !Jr this issue. See his Willie Wiuhfe hammooke. Messes, Beaker & Vanstone shipped 3 oars of oats and 8 cars of hay to Tornr.to during the past week. A Peranni l,N, Convention for 'he Proviuce of Outario will be held in To. route on July 13th and 14th. BRUSSELS Foot Ball team will plee a Leagae match with Wroxeter onDomit„un Day. The game will be played at Wroxeter. A tiEnrrso of the Execul79 of E :et Huron Conservative Aesoaia'iou will be held at Gniton's Hotel, Wroxeter, on Dominion Day, at 10,30 a. nt. LAST Friday afternoon was the date an• ;lemma for the Patron Nominating Con- vention brit coving to the small attendanne the business was postponed to some later date. Ur she goee, THE Posy subscription list. Are yon a paid up subscriber, dear reader ? Do you borrow the paper every week and let other people pay for it ? 40 cents gets it until 1803. Mas. Muxeo WALLACE wishes to return he best thanks to the little folk who so kindly gave her the proceeds of their "concert.” The money was utilized toward the purchase of a cook stove. Bnusseme was almost deserted on Jabi. tee day, the people gofugin large numbers • to Seaforth. Another noutiugent visited ' .Atwood and eaw our boys win the foot bell metal/ against the strong club belong - tug to that village. CEMETERY NOTICE: -A11 persons fixing up their own plots in Brussels cemetery are required to remove noel cE11ETERY, all grass, woade, ate., that they take from the plots, 00 throwing such on other per - eon's plata is strictly prohibited. Also all pereous using watering cans, pails, 010., are required to leave then at pump gild full of water. Br ORDER or CEME- TERY CONnrl TEE, Excunaloxs.-Harvest Esoursione will 1!e run to Alanitoba and Northwest on Tueed'ty next 23th inst., July 6th and July 20th. Return tickets fie far as 1004fna, 32r.00 ; Moosejew and Yorkton, $30.00 ; Prince Albert and Calgary, 385.00, and Red Deer and Edmonton, 340 00. Tickets good to return on Aug. 58 ; Sept. 4 and Sept. 18th respectively. 1. Sraacr..tN arranged two Jubilee show windows last week. The first contained a portrait of the Queen, surrounded by red, white and blue bunting, In the other were cute of Sir Charles Tupper bearing the words "Let Her reign." Alongside of him was the Right Hon, Sir Wilfrid Laurier with a card, "Let ber rain" while overhead was suspended a large umbrella. It was a taking device. DIED.-Abont 10 a, m. on Wednesday, Winnie Parker, the bright, 6 year old adopted daughter of Mrs. Barbara Strachan passed away from time after a brief illness thruugh which she was moat tenderly cared far. Winuie never fully recovered from an attack of la grippe and gradually faded away, despite all that meld be done for her. She was a general favorite among her young companions who will inters her greatly. The funeral takes place on Fridey et 10 o'clock, ser• viae being held at 9.80 a.m. QUEEN VfeooniA'e Meseaog,-On Jnbiles Day, in common with all the other oitiee and towns the Reeve of Brussels reoeived re Dopy of the following melange from the Lieut. Governor of Ontario :-By com- mand of his Honor the Lieutenant Gov• char of Ontario, these are to make known that the following message has been re; eeived from her most Gracious Majesty the Queen ; "Buckingham Palace, "London, June 22, 1897. "The G'vernor.Geoeral of Canada, Oh - terse, 11.07 a. m. "From my heart I thank fay beloved people, may God bless them. "(Signed) VICTtt I;IA R, & To which bia Exoellen' . the Governor- General sent the follotvib_. reply ; "Ottawa, 6.12 a. m., 11.12 Greenwich time. "To the Queen, London : "The Queen'e most gracious and touch. ing message this moment received, shall be immediately make known to yodr Majesty's people throughout the Domin- ion, and will stir afresh hearts already full on this memorable day. We offer the glad tribute of loyal devotion and affectionate homage. God save and bless the Queen. "(Signed) ABERDEEN, "Govern or• G eneral." LAST week W. G. Collins or;;anieed Council of Chosen Friends at Mar'!(dale.. A at•sna:t: of interesting ertielet] on the Q'teeu'o Jubilee may be read en the inside Magee of Tut: Pon this week, "Qr:a,N VneioltiA" is eNpeeted to visit the Garden Party at Councillor 111ooney's Morrie, next Monday evening. Go and see her, 1'1e F. T. A. atwrusts sang at the Por - esters concert at Atwood au Tuesday evening tuna aegaitted himself in hie usual brilliant style. J1;uca \V.u,aoa, medulla builder, die. ported of a Rue wagg0netto to 13eattie's livery, Bruesele, Met tveolc. It Is n very comfortable conveyance, Doormoa Day will come on Thursday of next week, Tins POST will be published a day earlier and we would ask atie Oor- reepoodenla and advertisers to bear Ude in mind. Dos'r forget the Garden Party at Oo, Conniillnr Mooney's, Olorrie, next Mon- day evening. Conveyances will leave THE Pear Publishing House from 7 0'. olock. A first ohms program, jimmy's Pusreen S•rasu'e.-3200 worth of Jubllre postage stamps wore pat on sole at Brussels poetoflioe last Saturday and they sold at a lively rate, both ae k•gpsakee and for use. A gentleman in New York Bent a 36.00 bill to Posta-meter Farrow, asking him to send etamps to that value as souvenirs of the Jubilee. THE Bruesele contingent of the 33rd Battalion will leave for camp at London on Monday, Capt. Hays was in town on Wednesday completing arrangements for No, 5 and he will have about 35 or 40 men under his command. Twelve days will be spent in camp. Privates reoeive 50 Dents per day in addition to beard and travelling expenses. Goon Corrs -Quite a little is being said this Season in reference to good foals but here is a short list, bred by A. iimnig's well known stallion, "Gueteer," that will he hard to beat in this locality. They are owned by Wm. Bird, con. 12, Grey ; Jae. Elliott, con. 8, Grey ; Rioh, S. Armstrong, oon. 3, Morrie ; James Turnbull, Walton ; and Jno. Bennett, eon. 18, Grey. FOOT BALL. -The following is the eche. dule of the various Foot Ball teams in einoention with the Maitland Associe. tion : Won. Lost. To Play. Wingham4 1 3 Brussels 2 1 6 Wroxeter 2 2 4 Atwood 3 8 2 Listowel 1 6 2 Listowel defeated Wingham on Jubilee Day by a score of 2 to 0. Eisenson ro GUELPH. -A. urge orowd took in the excursion to the Ontario Ex. pet-in:mutat Farm on Monday morning of this week. The excursion was run under the auspices of the Tnrnberry Agrionl- beral Society mei the train was in obarge of Conductor Wilson while Engineer Hamilton pulled the throttle. Nine coaches filled to overflowing were attach• ed when the train left Brussels, the pas- sengers being enumerated as follows ;- From Kincardine, 30 ; Ripley, 62 ; Lock - now, 03 ; Whitechurch, 74 ; Wingbarn, 230 ; Biuevale,107 • Brussels, 104 ; a total of 738. At Ethel 120 more were added and another good increase at At wood brought the total well up to 1,000. The fare was 31.00 from Brussels, good for two days. An enjoyable time was spent. Wilt Yor. DE THERE, -A Diamond Jubilee Garden party under the auspices of the Epworth League of C. E., will be held of the grounds of Co. Councillor Mooney, 5th line of Morris, on Monday, June 28th. In addition to the following excellent program the Art Loan Associ- ation intend making an exhibit of over a hundred views. The Amusement Com- mittee cviil have in charge Several old- time games, and tbo Fife and Drum Band will contribute their best selections toward the evening's enjoyment. Instru- mental, Mr, and Misses Smith ; chorus. "Maple Leaf" ; quartette, "The Land of the Maple," Mrs. Creighton, Bliss Moore and Mailers. Gerry and Kerr ; rending, G. F. Blair ; eelo, Mise Wilson ; recite. tion, Minnie Mooney ; solo, Mise Lottie Hill ; reading, Mles MoNaughtol ; quartette, "The Queen's Jubilee," ; reci• ration, Clara Mooney ; instrumental, Mr. and Miseee Smith. Rigs will leave THE Pon Publishing House at 7, 7.30 and 8, p. in. Admission to grounds 10 cents. ANOTHER WIN POE Bnuse.Ers.-Jubilee Day Brussels Foot Ball Club played a League match will Atwood and won a signal victory, the so0re being 8 to 0. It wag a stubbornly contested game and only ter Armstrong's excellent work fie goal keeper, the score would not have been as good for Brneeele. The visitors got one goal in the let half time and the t'emaininf two toward .the close of the match. Bruesele hue second place in the standing of the League having won 2 and lost 1. The following is the list of players of the respective teams ;- BereaML9. POSITION. ATwooD, Armstrong ....,... Goal R. Hamilton Sample B,toks J ,.. Hamilton Lew. Jackson,1 1 Stewart Clenuau l ( Moiu tyro Sillars .. } Rooke i Wynn Danford) 1. Geo. Anderson Loon Jnokson ., Centro Forge sou GerrgCorrin } R. Wing •� Dodos 1 Crauetou Thomeou ... G. Andet•eon Bitable( L. \Vntg { Petrie Peroy \Nilson, Listowel, Referee It would be well for the Atwood people to find out what decent treatment toward visitors is and then work at ft, as there is evidently plenty of room. Horst 00 REFUGE NOTES, -New 10. mates are arriving every week. The latest arrivals aro Pater Jordan from Seaforth ; Arthur Walieeley from Gone• rich jail ; Ellen Wanrlby from Wingleans, making a total of 74 inmates in the House et present ; 52 males and 22 females. The teen's sleeping wards are so full that they aro compelled to put some of the stronger men to Bleep in the hospital ward. -Jas. Ray, jr,, from Waw. anoeh, is dangeronely ill, with no hopes of recovery: The following remarke of the Ritral Dean Hodgins, of Seafortb, are to be found in the visitors' boolt ; "I have visited the House for the fret time, and was munh pleased with its olenn and comfortable appearance. I have visited other such institutions, and in none have I seen everything in eneh perfect order. The inmatoe all appear to be very happy and to be treated with kindness by Mr. and Mrs, French and their aesistanti "-cl fete days since while the membere of the County Counoil visited the House, Dr. Rollins, of Exeter, stated that in the course of hie professional career he bad visited a good many hospitals and cher- itable inetitrtione, but in none had he ever found the inmates more Carefully looked after or the promisee snore sdrup. ulously clean, A eoortc'rr event of intereet will be the marriage of Rev. Air, Steele, of Pe't l Stanley, to Nis', Minnie (1'0.01001, of lirueoale, on Wednesday forenoon of next week. The nementony will be performed ' in St. Johne ohnrah at 10:30 o'clock. CRAv1•:LI.INn CONTRACTS. -The vatione oontracte for gravelling on the road North and South of Brneeele will be lot by pub. iio au0tiau et the Qneeu'e Hotel, 13rne- Bala, on Sntnrday afternoon of this week at 4 p. m„ by peeve Stt'aoltan, of Grey, and Reeve ]cowman, of Afnrrie. Tnis 12Th. -Bills aro out annOuneing the big time expected oil ,July 1215 in Brussels. The speakers will be W. H. Kerr, who ns Reeve will addreee words of welcome ; Rev. W. W. Leech, of White - (thumb ; Rev. Mr. Lowe, of Wingham Rev. John Ross, 13. A., of Brussels ; Dr. Freeborn, of Clinton ; Thos. Iltagwood, M. P.P. for North Perth, and ethers, Visit- ing lodges from Wellington, North Perth, Huron and Bruce tlountioe aro expected. A League Foot Ball rnat011 between lirnsnele and Wroxeter will be played on Victoria Park in the forenoon, Brass and reed BALMS will dieoouree music dur- ing the day and the town will wear its best looks with flogs, banners, arches and other de0oretioua. Ample provision will be made to supply all with meals, the hotel enuonm odation being supplemented by the Methodist church, Salvation Army and private parties, Doe't fail to Dome to Bruesols on the 120h, as we ex- pect to sec the biggest crowd ever witness• ell in town, Be one of the number. RecnrrmN To REV. Mn. AMT. -Thurs- day evening of last weak a goodly com- pany aesetobled in the eohool room of St. John's church to welcome Rev. Mr. Abey, the new incumbent. The room Wee neatly decorated with flowers, flags, pic- tures, &o., aid all were made welcome by the reoeptiot committee. An interesting program was presented, the various num- bers being interspersed by social chat, as follows ;-Nationel Anthem ; recitation, Mies Ida Blaehill ; solo, Miss Nellie Campbell ; reading, Postmaster Farrow ; solo, Mrs. Harry James; organ solo, Miss O'Connor ; reading, Mies Edith East- man ; addreee, Rev. Mr, Abey ; song, "Maple Leaf," by Miss N. Campbell and Mrs. H. James, Rev. Mc. Abey and W. James. An excellent lunch was served losing the evening. The company seper- ated shortly after 10 o'olook, atter haviug spent an enjoyable evening fu getting acquainted with their new pastor and batter acquainted with one another. THE Posr extends a cordial welcome to Rev, Mr. Ahoy in heooniig a resident of Brus- sels'•, ! :r' wish him abundant sooceae hi hie war:•, PASSED Oven THE RIs'En.-Tuesday of last weelt John Sl,aee, father of John 0, Stone, Brussels, diad at his hone in Essex, Essex Co., at the advanced age of 80 years, after 0 brief illness of a week from neuralgic of the heart. Deceased was born in Banffshire, Scotland, and for 92 years was head gardener for the Earl of Fife. 64 years ago he was united in the holy estate of matrimony to Mies Mary Kerr, of Huntley, and came to Can- ada in the year 1855. During their 40 years and °pwards in this country they resided near Campbellford for 14 years ; near Toronto for 8 years and then re- moved to Tileonburg and afterward to Eeoex. Ile had been a very hearty man and was most highly respected and es- teemed by all who knew him. Deceased was an Elder in the Presbyterian church for many years and was a Liberal in politica, In addition to his widow six children snrviv0, viz.: -Mrs, Gelpie, To• ronto; John G., Brussels ; Mre. Robin• Belleville elleville ; Mrs, May, Eases. ; Mre. Jno. Alexander, Toronto ; and Jas, D., Wankeega.n, lliohigon. The funeral took place on Thursday. Mr. Skene went to Essex to see his father and left on Mon- day previous to his decease ae he appear- ed to be considerably better, JUnnLEE SEnvtonns.-Last Sabbath speci- al reference was made in the various churches in Brussels to the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria, At Melville olrurah Rev. Jno. Ross took as hie text Psalm 81 and 29th varse, "Many daugh- ters have done virtuously but than excel - lest them all," He noted the lead- ing fetn.tnrea in the marvellous growth and expansion of the British Empire and pointed 000 the following ohafaoteristic qualities of Queen Victoria worthy of following :-(1) Simplicity, in dregs, residence, &a. ; (9) Industry, as a stn - dent, in her honeehold, and in the affairs of State ; (3) Honesty ; (4) Serioua„ese ; (0) Loving heartedness, to her mother, Prince Consort, her children, the Queen Dowager and to her servants and attend- ants ; (0) Purity -Victoria the Good ; (7) Piety. In the evening the reverend gentleman grade the same discourse in the Methodist church, by special request. Mrs. E. B. Creighton, Miss Minnie Moore, N. 13, Gerry and W. H. Kerr sang a quartette, 'Q,1een Victoria's Jubilee." Special reference was made to the Jubilee ceremony in the Methodist Sabbath eohool in the afternoon. Excellent read. ing were given by Mise Minnie Moore and Miss Norton ; B. Gerry gave a time- ly addreee, and the school sang a Jubilee ode that appears cm page 3 of this issue. The churches were decorated with flow- ers, maple boughs, flags and portraits of Her Majesty. Business Locals. No. 1 flour and long chute bacon at AInOrnoken's, SCREENED doors complete for 81.00. Molfay & Oo., Bruesele. BUY e D Ewan buggy and you will save money, Prices away down. MANITooa patent flour, the beat that can be had, at Rose' flour and feed mills. EvitnY farmer ehould see the new horee poke at )Vishay & Oo's. Brussels. D. Ew.tN'e Buggies are taking the lead. For neatness and durability they can't be beat, A FinaT.m,Ae9 special line of work manufactured at 5es. Walker'e shop. He gives tiptop value to every customer. Buootes, Wagons and Carte olweye ou band. I run my own business, D. Ewan, Blaollemith, Brusaole. Tis late improvements in Rose' Flour mill has plated their flour away ahead of all others. Everybody is delighted with 5. THE two lightest baggies ever Bold in Brussels were purehaeed recently from Jae. Walker, the well known carriage maker, by George Best and Robt. Thompson, of Brussels. Stemma pipe and ease lost in Briesets, between the Queen's Ilotel and Hawk street, The finder will bo rewarded by leaving it at THE POST Publishing €loueo at once. S.T,2N.DLL1?.D BeIXE OF C 1)1rt uta, :CST 4TTOS-S-T-.-'.a7 2,w7m. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ASSET i,• (Sevou Million Dollars) 37,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) • • 32,000,000 Apettoles in all principal points in Ontario, Qurbec, 31anilnba, Tref 1rd Stn tee 4 Engiattd, }}a l`+fa'II%ri nfraza ,I9•e2X&iii• A Gattar;tl Baulting Busilleae Transaoted, Farmers' Notes Disoountnd. Drafte leaned and Co11eo0ione made on all pointe, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed ou deposits of 31,00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE COLLECTION OE Jj'Antl191te' SALE NOM, Every faoility afforded Customers living at a distance. J. A. STEWART Mermeon. m,a.boa*,sinnr:wu�nwtmaeoeex�.•ssymuvm,m,nr.:mvxrea+awrnee.s,an+,em.am•,aerie„�w,�.m�mn„e,,,,,u•.�,e,�,.q HAM'S Clover Root, the great Bloocl- Puritier gives freshness anti oloarneas to the complexion and cures oonetipation.. 25 cls, 50 cite and 31.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brneeele. Snaou'a cure is sold on a guarantee, It mires iueipieut ooneutnptiou, It is the best cough cure, Only one cant a dose. 25 ars„ 50 ote. and 01,00. Sold by James Pox, Drnggiet, Brussels. CAPTAIN Sweeney, D. S. A., San Diego, Cal„ Saye :-"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 conte, Sold by Sas. Fox. druggist, Brae - eels. Gorxo To Rosu Bustxrtee,--,For the balance of the Beason I purpoee booming the carriage bneineee in ovary line and will sell rigs from 35 to 310 better titan they can be purchased elsewhere. Bug- gies, wagons, carte. new and aeeond-hand are included. I mean business as a trial will prove. Don't spend a dollar in either new work or repairs before con- sulting me end getting my figures. Yon will cave money and I know it. Call in. SAS. WALMMn, carriage metier, Brussels. WANTED. -Agents for "Queen Victoria, Her Reign and Diamond Jubilee.” Overflowing with latest and richest pictures. Contains the endorsed bi- ography of Her llnjeety, with authentic) history of her remarkable reign, and full account of the Dlamnnd Jubilee. Only 31.50. 131g book. Tremendous demand, Bonanza for ageute. Commission 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid' Outfit free. Duty paid. Write quick for outfit and territory. The Dominion Company, Dept. 7, 350 Dearborn Ste Chiang°. 49 8 �70R71. . Bnowx.-In Grey, on the llth inst., the wife of lir. J. 11. Brown of a eon. M°Leuemax.-In Gerrie, 0n Juno 19tH. the wife of Air. Nelson McLaughlin of a son. ALEx.CNner.-In Elma, on the 1315 fust., the wife of Mr. Andrew Alexander of a son. RErn.-Iu Tnrnberry, on June 18113, the wile of Mr. John Reid of a daughter. MoPHEnsos.-In Wingham, on June 15th, the wife of Mr, Duncan McPherson of a daughter. McDoxnrm-Homurn.-On Tuesday, Sone 15th, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. James Hamil• ton, Mr. Thomas T. MoDolald, of Wingbnm, to Miss Mary 5., daughter of Mr. W. Homuth, of Ternberr'y. 11'nasr-E-Bunonsa.-it the residence of the bride's father, Bloevale, on June 23rd, by Rev. Alr, Wast, Mr, William Fraser, of Morris, to Miss Maggie danghter of Mr. John Burgess. Analexnoae-Cetn'nonr„ - Iu Grey, on June 28rd, by Rev, D. B. MoRae, Mr. George Arrnetrong to Miss Mnry J. M, Campbell, all of Grey lownehip. 0T0to. MoINTosn.-In Cranbrook, ou Sunday, June 20th, John McIntosh, aged 70 years, SIMNE.-In Essex, on Jnne 1601,, Jolm Skeue, aged 80 years. PAntenn,-In Brussels, on Wednesday, June 23rd, 1897, Winnifred Parker, aged 6 years. ierenin, In Kalispell, Montana, on Jona 9th, Jesse, yonngest eon of G. W. Wilbee, formerly of Grey, aged 11 months. BIELer.-In Grey, on WVedueeday, June 28rd, 1897, Louise Maud, fourth daughter of Thomas and Olivia Dielby, aged 14 years, 10 months and 18 days. McINNes In Grey, on June 21st, Jean, etta, beloved wife of Dnnoun Melo- nes, aged 39 years. KEeN.-Ie Howiok, on Suns 17111, Ada, beloved wife of John Keen aged 29 yeare. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. DRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. - First mortgago, farm seourtty. Apply at TH13 POST PublIeldug House, Brussels, JERSEY BULL FOR SE.R– vooE,-•The cost of service of my flue roglaterad Jersey Bull 15110w 81 001 grades. Get the bet G. A. DEADMAN 200 CORDS OF FOUR FOOT Cordwood, wanted by Brussels Eleotrio night Co., to be delivered before Pall. For further information apply at THE Joss Publishing House, Bruesele. QTRAYED ON THE PREMISES of the nnderei ened,lot B0, son, 4, Morrie on or about June 10011, a yearling heifer, red in color. The owner ie reanimate -1 to prove property, pay 001)00595 and taste her away, ALEX, MoLAU01•ILIN, 60 4 Brussels P. 0, rTiEAOHER WANTED. -APPLI- CATIONS will be received by the under - Signed up to Saturday evening, July Ord, for a teacher holding a 'find. or 3rd class oertih• eats to touch in U. S. 8, No, 12, Grey and McKillop, for the balance of 18117. Duties to begin after SummoryaOatlol, Applicants to state salary, experience and e0olo0o teetimontale. 16111, IIUC RANAN, 50.2 Secretary, Walton 1, 0. RITISH COLUMBIA. SHIN- axes, -Farmers and Builders in gen- eral, In purehaeing some Douglas lie for our Rook and Ladder Traelte we have boon obliged to get In aome 53rltieh Columbia Clear Red cedar Shingles in order to 011 out our ear. As tide le out of our lino of beide mese we will still these AT 00051 and offer them 0033.40 per thousand. These shingles are first quality, no bettor eau be boughtand we aro simply offering them et thie prion in or - dor to dispose'of them qqulakly, i4ONAL» gnus ENGINE WORKS, Ilruseole, BULL FOR SPRV1OE.—THE uudeleignea w111 keep for cervico on Lot 10 Con. 11, Grey, a well bred Jersey Bull, iTorlue, 41.00 to be paid at the time or. 00 1100 with privilege of retarnbl g if nacos. nary. THOS. DAVIDSON, 98.1 Proprietor, COMFORTABLE IIOUSE FOR Sole with' . acre lot. Good cistern, furnace, &e. Will be sold at 0 bargain, Apply to Tntt PosT Publishing House. Volunteer's Attention The Br:maws Voluuteor company will go into 0,00 nn June 313111 next, All men st•inh• ing to join may do no by applying to (t. 0. BLAIIR., Lleut„ Brussels, or to It. 8. HAYS, Captain. Seaforth. REAL ESTATE. T1A.RMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- nEneONEn nae eave,'el gond 11011550.tor sale asita rout, easy torm0, in Pownallipe 01 Atorrle and Grey. 11' S. SO0TT,Brneeele GOOD FARM FOR SALE near Brussels. Great bargain, Lot 7, Con. 0, Grey township. Geed buildings :full orchard, well watered, suitable for mtxotl or dairy farming. POssessioll given next March, with privilege 0£ doing Fall plowing. Apply to \V. 11. 7(1411n, Poe Publishing ltonee,Bruesals,o' to THOMAS HER11'AGE, London West. ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. -160 acres of good farm land at Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer- ed for sale at it low price, The property IS North 'Gast l Son, 10, Twp. 11, Range 4, East. There le a house of the premises and some breaking done. Per full partioulare as to price, title, &o., wri to or apply to G. F. 11LAIR or 'W. H. ]c]01t13, 20-11 Brussels, Out, FARM FOR SALE -THE UN- nrneIONEn offers hie eligible 04 item farm for sole, being South part of Lot e, Con, 19, Grey, 0.11 under oultivation, well watered and well fenced. There is n good stone bonen, bank barn, orenard, wells, &c„ on the premises. Also a splendid stone quarry from which a good revenue is realis- ed. Only 24 miles from Bruesele. Terme reasonable, Tor further particulars as to price, &a., appy- to JOHNV MI'.CO.HELL, Proprietor, 15-00 Brussels P 0 T'A1M FOR SALE. -160 ACRES Consisting of the South I Mud Sontb 0 of the North 0 of Lot 86, Oon 2, .keel Wawa - nosh. This is an excellent etoolc farm, being well supplied with goo d spring water. It to situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A large part of 10 is under grass. Buildings and fences are in a fair state Of 1•outdr. Easy terms of payment will bo given. For 011 iuformatlolr apply to 11-tf G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels, QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. kJ That excellent farm, lint 15, Con. 0, Township of Gray, 100 nares, must be 0051 at 01100 in order t0 Close estate of deceased own- er. The lot is nearly all cleared, with good buildings, ample water dimply, large or- chard, 13 miles from Cranbroolt is under good cultivation and is a very desirable pro- perty indeed. Apply to RICHARD 11IT- OHELL, Brussels P. 0.; JOHN MITCHELL, on the premises; or A. HUNTER, Brnssele, Dated Sept. 191.1.1, 1500. p;1ABPI110B SALE.—THE UN– ���� DERSIGNED oilers his farm of ono hundred °oras for stile, being Lot 11, Oon. 6, in the Township of Grey, and G miles front the Village of Brussels. There are over 80 aces °leered and the farm is in a good state of aultivattou with good fencesalso a good frame house and two barns aid other out- buildings. Good orolrard and a never -ailing spring ou the farm, Possession can be had on the 1st day of Unroll, 1608, with the privi- lege of plowing ON farm ii the Fall, b'or further particulars apply to ANGUS W, 47.01 BrueSHAsols P. 0. VETERINARY. T. D. WARWICK, 8l • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner. Pertnoular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls proms fly at- tended to. Office and Iudrmary-Four doors north of bridge Tnrnberry se., Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. (Z_EOLtGE KIRKBY, Vt LioeneedAuctioneer, Sales oonduat ad on reasonable terms, Padua and farm stock M specialty. Orders left at Tun Poem Publiehins Hoo ee, Bru noels, or milium Wal ton P. 0., will receive prompt attention, 1• S. SOOTT AS AN AUOTION- i • Nen, will sell for bettor prlees, to bettor anon in see time and less chargee than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't °barge anything, 1latee and orders can always be arranged et this oiToe or by personal applioatl on. G'tAPT. J. STRETTON, Who has had 25 years experience fie an Auctioneer, but who had to quit owingto ill health, has again talion out license and i5 prepared to eonduat sales at reasonable tonne. Sattefaetion oaarautood, Datee may be arranged at Ton POST Pebllehiuq Rouse. JAS. 5018E'2T014, 13-tf Auctioneer. Notice to Creditors. IN THE ESTATE al' Josh ELLIOTT, DECEASED. All persons having any claim agelnat elm estate of John Elliott, late of tate Township of Grey, County ofHuron ,Yeoman deemed, aro required to file particulars of rho same to the undersigned, ono of the Reamttors of said deceased, on or before the 111th clay: of duly, new, after whie'o date the estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having referenda only 0o the claims of widen notion Shall then have beenreeoi- ved, and atter each distribution the Exoou- tors will not be responsible foe any part of Ms masts of the oatato, to any parson 0I Whose claim they titian not have reoelved due notice, ALISX, M,It15LVEY, M.D. 40.1 Exoottter, Brussels, P. 0, Dated June 1001,, 1807, JUNE 25, 1897 WILL ELEV ATE YOUR SysTEM THAT'S WIIAT 01311 Beef, Wine and iron Will 30 for you. It's a tyol l ]mown feat that as n blood building tonic there is n0 one clement in medicine of more value than Iron, the effect of whiuh is to etrotigthen and restore the red corpneoles of the blood fwd is pecnliarl,t• adapted to those pale, bloodless cumuli Hens that Wo so ofteu see in the feeble and debt 'Bitted, antl•oepeoially in females euflorine from nervous depression, Ions of blood, palor, weakness, fainting, ,Or, The gentle stimulant of pore Sherry Wino airs the nourishing prepertiee of concentrated Soluble Beef makes a most valuable and agreeable nourishment. Try It, , Sold only AT_ Fox's Drug Store. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. -Ap L. TAYLOR, BARP.ISTER, .Aare Solicitor trod Cony oyanoler. Oollea- tions made. 011ice-Vauetono'a Bloat, Brie - eels. 31-3m 1' • M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Conveyaoeen ,Notary Pub - lie, &a. 011loo-Vanstore'e Moak, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. M• G. CAMERON, (1,...,3, of Cameren, Holt & Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor,GoderIch, Ont. Onloe-Hamilton St., Opposite 001 - borne Hotel. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow & Proudfoot'e Office, Onderleh.) 011lce over Gillies & Smith's Banit,Brueaols. Money to Loan, 4'r MEDICAL CARDS. T• M. ARMSTRONG Physician, enrgnon, Aceoucher, etc. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of Collage of 'Physicians and Surgeons, Out. Orman -Nest door to McDonald & Go., Walton out. J. A. M'NALIGHTON, M. D., 0. M., Trinity University, Fallow Trin- ity Mediae! Oollege, Member College of Pily- eloiane and Surgoeea, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh. r Tetephoeo 40,14. Reaideuoe, Mill 81., Brussels. DR. F. H. KALDFLEJSCH, PHYSICIAN, 10001505 AND eccoucntra,. SUCCESSOR ro DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. 1st cress Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston), and ofTrinity Medical College; Fellow of Trinity Medical College and member of the College of P)rysioiane and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Post Graduate Com•ao fu Detroit and Chicago,1000, Specht) attention paid to dis- eases of Nye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and dia. eases of Women. 1:. 0onsnitatton in Bug- ileh and German. Telephone at residence. BUSINESS (U.UWS. INT H. PlaGRACKEN, IeeurorofllarrlageLiceueas, Cib a at ble Grocery, Tnrnberry Street. Bruesele. N. BARRETT, southTonsorial Artist. Shop -Nest door MA, M, McKay & Co's hardware store, Ladies'aud ohildrena hair outtiug a epooialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings hank takes Deposita trona 31.00 to 31,100 and ullnwe a(, Por cant. interest, T. ilA131tOW, 37.805 Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INenuul40E, FIRE AND MARINE.. GUELPH, T. FLETCHER IdsQe1 of Marriage Licenses, 0b'SIos AT JEWELRY STORE. 1No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels A LEX. HUNTF,I0,, ti Clerk of this Fourth Matinee Cour 00. Reran. conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested ani to loan. Collections made 011100 in Graham's Block, Brussels THOS. A. HAWKINS, Will give lessons to pnplle either 0u piano or organ, at Nis Muelo Room, opposite the post -Mho., Brussels. Vocal lessons also glvou. Tau years experience in teaching. !germs mmrlorate Ancient Order of Visited Workmen, Thin old and praspe'oue.1raternal Aeeoe ation numbering850,000 members are pro Mintier; to thopblle their popular and anon omioal rates to worthy Hien, at the very low rate of about .18,00 par 81,008 per annum. (Che ' Worknlo0" ll'A•onglf.iy ray 0141801* (Alums and expect a purge inerease to las members now that those American Line Companies don't seem oatlafao0ory to Oan- edi ns.- BOBT, AIDISTRONG h W.OIg, W, IC SIM ao Rorder;tlRAtGiiTON,linano('or,