HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-6-25, Page 7;TUNE 25, 1997 r NEIL IN � frJl�4 VISE VERY LATEST PROM Ala, THE WORLD OVER. lntereeting items About Our Own Country, Great Britain, the United States, nue AU Parte of theGlobe, Condensed and Assorisd for llasY RosiiIng, CANADA. Brantford will spend $5,000 on mar- ket improvements. Mir, S. A. Mitchell, of Kingston won ? a $500 fellowship at. the John$ Hop- kins Lcniversity, Baltimore. Ren'. Dr. George of, St, Louis, Mo., has been appointed Principal of the Ciusgreg'ntional College, Montreal. The report of the Minister o2 Justice for the year ending June, 1899, shows an increase of 0 1-2 per cent. in the number of ponitootdary convicts, The Montreal C'IL'y Hall and itsclin- tents were seized by 1>;tiliffs toaatisfy a claim of $12,000 costs in connection with appropriatilma. The lYtnnipog Council has passed a resolution heartily, approving the plan for organizing Lho Victorian Order of Nurses. Lady Aberdeen leas received a cable- gram from Sir Donald Smith, donating $5,000 to the fund for the Victorian Or- lier of Nurse s, and offering another $5,000 as soot; as $100,000 have been con- tributed in donations oC from $1,000 to $5,000 each, 1 CLIJ;AT BRITAIN. ' L'% vet•;; eulogistic review of the pro: gross „f Canada by the Marquis of Lor•, has bean published in London, lT. dy Charles boss has been :-ranted a di% tar 'e from her husband, Sir Char- les Beery Roos, and the counter -suit alms been dismissed.• • Lit is stated that the Queen was so much affected recently by the singing of "The Wearing of the Green" at Windsor Castle that she wept. lie is said that the Queen Intends to confer an honorary Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath on M. Hanotaux, the French Minister oC Foreign Af- fairs: it is again asserted that Great Britain has become ,possessed oC Dalagoa Bay, and that she is preparing, avhen the ,proper time comes, to assert her own- ership. ofTa long larticlel Gonathe in usiness the arse nd political outlook in America, says that Mr. McKinley is a distinct failure, and has proved himself more of a party pol- itician than a President. The Daily Graphic published an in- terview with Sir Donald Smith in Lon- don on Wednesday, in which the Caua- dian High Commissioner expresses the opinion that the union of Newfound- land with Canada is bound to comp. UNITED STATES. Prof, kelvin G. Clark, Lhe noted tele- - scope manufacturer, is dead at Cam- bridge, Mass. The et -lapping -post has been intro - dared at Lexington, Ky., Cor the pun- ishment of bicycle thieves. Joseph Richardson, the eccentric mil- lionaire, said to be word' $20,000,000 died at New York on. Thursday. ale output of coal in the United States during the year 1596 was 190,- 639,959 tons, valued at $195,557,619. The Universal Postal Congress just closed at Washington will hold its next sextennial conference in Rome in 1903. ,A branch oC the Frencb'Canadian Or- ganization Society was formed in Ma.n- ohest•er, N. H., on Thursday, with the object of enabling French-Canadians to return to the Dominion. • • Dr. John Lewis Smith is the patri- arch of Methodism in Indiana, and has written, in h$s eighLyesecond year, a book of 450 pages, containing.anecdotos of pioneer preachers and (.heir charges in the West, together with o, treatise on Indiana Methodism. . • A Brooklyn, N. Y., man recently snor- ed so hideously in a tenement house that a three-year-old child who heard the noise mus frightened into convulsions, which ended fatally, and now the auth- orities want to know whether the man is criminally responsible for the child's death. President McKinley has finished his note to Spain presenting the ultima- tum of the United States on the Cuban question. The note alleges that Spain has lost control of Chiba, that Spain hes failed and is impotent to protect the lives and property of American citizens, and that she has failed to comply with her treaty obligations. Bishop Thompson, at the Diocese Council in Jackson, Mass„ paid this tribute to the late Bishop A. Cleve- land Comae "For living, for genius, for pure lofty life, 'tor plain living and high thinking,' for loyalty to the pur- est idealist I venture to say no man in the history of our country ever excel- led Bishop Ooxe." lAccording to tlhie reports of the New York commercial agencies there is an appreciable improvement in the gen- eral trade ,situation, a distinction which, while moderate, is decidedly marked. Favourable reports as to the wheat and rotten have exercised a beneficial influence, which has been added to by considerable bulging of American necessities. There has been an increase et nearly six per cent. in t'be cotton acreage of all the States, but the cotton market is weaker. Some Southern cotton mills are limiting pro- duction Some woollen mills aro ar- ranging for an enlarged output, and have purchased heavily. The boot and shoe industry is active, and orders are growing space. G19NEB,A.L•. • It is officially declared that the bu- bonic plague exists in Jeddah, The Czarina has given birth to a daughter. It is announced that the Turks have committed serionrs excesses in Epirus and in 'tie vicinity oC Larissa. It is believed by many good juidges at Athens that ereece way yet have tbfight Sox her very existence. The belief is generally entertained in Havana that Captain -General Weyler will be immediately recalled from Cnfpa. Reports from Mexico City state that Oxaca and the isilimns oC Mehucentopeo had earthquake eleooks on Sunday last- ing 40 seconds. ibffieial statistics show a deficit of a million marks Oat !the Battle canal during the past year. • The Czar and Czariina are understood to be greatly disappointed because their second child is also a daughter. She will be nnmecl Vitiate, An -attempt was merle to assassinate President. Inure at Paris while an his way to the races. A bomb was ex- ploded elose to his carriage. , 1 iPit shareholders of the Suez Canal ,s.T.r1®t.ob Company have decided to erect alieroin stave to tete memory of the Count de Lesseps. the engineer of the canal, . TM ,91adrid I erald° announces that nogotlOLicns for it treaty ca! eornnlerce between' Spain and the United States have reached an advanced stage, I1err Mhuser, the inventor of the well -lemmas rifle bearlpg his name, 11,18 snbmitted to the Gerlman War Ofldes a now mechanism, that is applicable to pistols and carbines. ,In the Davis will case aL Han Fran- cisco, Cal„ the other day it wassllow+n that the ashes of the deceased million- aire aro being held for debt, whileheirs are wriggling over the property. An oxpvd,iticei 1s being fitted out to punish the turbutent natives wbn teem:berously attacked a British force in; the Tochi Valley, on the North In- dian frontier, liliarperor William is earnestly press- ing his naval scheme, and will not be satisfied until the German navy is on aro equal fasting with the French and Russian navies. Mt is repos'lod, from Rome that the Jucdiaiary Council, now considering the Bank of Naples scandals, has rejected Signor Crispi's demand to be tried by the Senate, and will dirept that he bo 1proselauted. A. Spanish Captain and two lieuten- ants wore tried by court-martial inT.,a Cabana fortress and sentenced to be shot for cowardice in having surrend- tared the Government forts at Cashorro, in eastern Ombra, to the rebels. The Hawaiian Government has re- fused to renew the ooneession to Z. S. Spalding for laying a cable from San Francisco to HHonolulu, and it is thought the Hawaiian Islands may form a link La the Canadian -Austral- ian system. Dr. James Martineau who the other clay celebrated his ninety-second birth- day, is one of the very few living au- thors whose literary activity dates from the beginning of the '(riatorian reign. Dr. Martineau published his first book "The Rationale of Religious Enquiry," in 1857. The Pope has sent to Queen Regent Christina of Spain a splendid rosary, consisting of a gold chain set altern- ately with diamonds, rubies, and em- eralds as beetle. The gtit is aecom--• panted by a letter oonveying the Papal benediction and essn•essing admiration of her Majesty's courage and wisdom in the late Ministerial mists. , WAS FULL OF NICOTINE. Physicians Removed Two Onneusol•it from a tiwehling on Bir. Heeler's .11111. One of the most curious and inex- plicable cases known in medicine and surgery, says the Chicago Times -Her- ald, is that of Peter Meeker, the keep- er of a grocery store at 405 West Lake street. ate is more than fifty-five years of age and is the possessor of a magnifito asix monthsent agohehad beenU one of the healthiest of men. Be'was vigorous and enjoyed athletic sports. There was nono more robust looking. Be was up o' mornings by the break of day and had au appetite at breakfast time that would have done credit to an army mule driver. Along in February, however, he be- gan to niece. His spirits fell. He did not laugh as was his wont. His appetite was a dismal failure: The only thing that he seompd, to enjoy was his pipe of tobacco and. his rocking chair. These were his constant coma pani:ons. He could not sleep. Hie friends advised the family to call in a doctor. He protested. Along about the first of March a rising .having the resemblance of acar- buncle etppeared on his right band at its juncture anteriorly with the arm just over the radial artery. 19 seem- ed, as if it MIGB!r BE ERYSIPELAS, so Dr. J. W. Wild thought. At all events the sore was treated. as sue'h. Weeks wont along and the patient grew worse instead of better. Poul- tices were applied. but they acted as irritants. Silenker was finally com- pelled to go to bed. There be lay ,n a hemi -somnolent state for days. Medicines did not revive him, nor los tions allay the throbbing pain caused by the gradually growing sore on his arm. It eventually grew darker and harder and more sensitive. The man grew more nervous until he was almost on the verge of delirium. More medi- cal talent was consulted. The rising did not show signs of ripening. It was agreed to apply the lance, and this was done. The diseased part was then: of the sire of a walnut, almost es hard and just as blank. The gris- tle was penetrated, and in the syno- vial sac was found more than• two ounc- es of dark, molasses -like looking fluid. It bad a sickening smell that pene- trated the. entire house. Upon exam- ination it was discovered to be nicotine —nicotine almost as poisonous as that found at the bottom of a much used tobacco pipe. The wound was there mighty drained and antiseptics applied. The blackish looking fluid was preserv- ed and tested, But fetal traces of blood matter were discovered, but the nico- tine, in all of its deadly .effects, was plainly apparent. Fifteen drops giv- en to a oat resealed in THE CUT' S DEATH. ' Within twenty-four hours Mr. Mon.- ker• began to improve. A week after- ward he was about his Magness. He has now regained bis former vigor. But he despises tobacco in all its forms. cannot bear to smell its fumes. A Pipeis more nauseating than asa- foetida. It is revolting to all his nerves, and he believes that wore he to attempt to use it in any form again it would throw him intoe paroxysms, He is the best cured tobacco, user that ever lived, and is gaining flesh since his rescue at the rate of a half pound a day. Still be sells the weed, rout in doing so ha gives le word of warning to each of his purchasers. He had been using it incessantlyfor moue than thirty years in all its various forms' There is te great diversity of opinion among physicians as to the/ genuineness of the fluid taken from the sae. Some contend that it meat have passed through the heart in order to have found lodgement over the radial art- ery (. rt-ery(, and that, of course, a drop or so of nicotine would paralyze that organ of c instant; death. But d. and c u a a Mr. bleaker, his friends and his cleators de- olaro that it is nicotine. ' 1f it tent, then what is it/m they ask. GETTING ACQUAINTED, First Puncher --Who' made you plug the short -horn tender of through the ear, Tex/ Second Puncher—He asked me what caliber o' gun 1, , korried, an I jest showed im in a friendly way," 1 AN APPR•CCIATED SCHOOLBOY. Parent—Hew dict you got along with Your geography lesson to -day, Johhnye phllnl—BBully)! 10110 teacher eras so pleased that she had me stay after wheel and repeat it all over again only just to hat. THE BR,TJSSELS POST, WE SWALLOW ANIMALS. THOUSAND LIVING CREA'Ell t:1 IN EVERY GLASS OF WATER. Sone Iixlenordlllilr*' Shapes-- Sou' 111011 Very Iarreetons eni1 011108 EVIII bit Mar. venous .4.14'''1•—Diol They Are Ludo* 11'h111nlllr• It is a popular fallacy that each drop of water we drink is Leeming with more or less pernicious germs, and that every time a thirsty man consumes :1, glass of nature's beverage ho runs the risk of engulfing a choice and varied as- sortment of typhoid bacilli, scarlet fever mierococol, and other unspeak- able monstrosities. The idea is all wrong of course, but there is some truth in it—that sort of half truth that is ofttimes worse than no truth at all. That there are nacre -organisms in the purest water is perfectly true, Even distilled water Is not quite free from them, But they are mostly quite harmless, good natured little chaps, with no more malice, so to speak, in their composition than a two -months - old .baby, In all there have been discovered in ordinary unfiltered city water about fifteen hundred species, and an aver- age sized tumbler of drinking water will contain frow five hundred to one thousand. Jlut do not, be alarmed and proceed to forswear "Adam's ale" for some more potent beverage. They are so infini- tely tinny that if it were possible for a man to drink all the water that ran through his tap in a %reek he would not have consulmea more than ONE EUNDIREDTH PART of an ounce of foreign matter. One of the most common organisms found in water is the amoeba. It; is one ob the lowest Corals of animal life, being nothing more than a piece of jelly. Amoebae are quite as nutritious is gelatine, and when it is refloated that it would take about fifty millions to make a decent sized pudding, no one need shudder it he unconsciously drink a couple to a glass of water. Another wild looking but perfectly harmless little beast is thel sua animal- cule. It is also jellylike, and the formi- dable spices are softer than the finest down. The Infusoria are among the prettiest as well as the smallest of all micro- organisms. They average about ono two-, thousandth of an inch in' diameter, and an army corps of them would find no difficulty in drilling on tbo point of a needle. They make good, infinitesimal fish food. Perhaps the most pleasing creetcures yet discovered to the %vo.ter we drink, and the kind most calculated to shake the fin•mness of even the stanchest of teetotalers, is the oyclops. It Is a member of the great family of crustacea, to which lobsters and shrimps and crabs belong, and is ex- actly like them in shape. Among the microeeopto plants found in ordinary drinking water are many very BEAUTIFUL FORMS. One of the commonest is Lhe desmicl, which is exactly like 0. tiny cabbage. It is probable, too, that in proportion to its size it is quite as. nutritious. The diatoms are another very com- mon class of water ltlaut, and present an endless variety of forms. Some of them glide slowly to and fro tike fairy boats, others are in chains, and many Live together in colonies. They all have glass cases, beautifully marked. In fact, they are mere minulte specks or jelly with the thinnest of glass walls, and are warranted not to scratch. The only really dangerous classes of of plants to be found, Ln drinking water belong to the bacteria. Mauy of these, however, are not at all harmful They live and thrive and flourish in our bodies, just as they do in their native element, but we feel no ill offer's. But once let the typhoid germ, or the diphtheria bacillus, or the still more deadly plant that is responsible for cholera, find lodgment in our sys- toms, and we have inadvertently ad- mitted a poison produning agent which not all the medical skill will be able, to ellm.inate until ie has run its course. DIDN'T MOVE HIM. Well, did the boss give you a raise? No. Not even when you told hien you had ,grown gray in his service/ No. Gave me the name of a good hair -dye. YOU ARE A VICTIM9 Medical statistics ,prove that eighty out of every hundred are Lainted with Catarrh. Are you one Of the eighty/ Foul breath, ,Traitns over the eyes, drop- ping in the throat and headaches,, de- note it. Have you these symptoms? Dr, ,Agnew's Catarrhal Powder never dis- appoints In a pare. 1 • t "For yeeasilevas axlitien of chronic catarrh. Shad trued all kinds of cures and had been treated by numbers of physioians, but no curet Wars effected until ,I had precured and used Dr. Agnew's CPowder.tarrhal Powder. The first cypplioatioin gave me almost in- stant relief, and In au incredibly short tiuw J. was absolutely oared from this distressing, and disgusting malady." James Headley, Dundee, Y. Sold by G. A. Deadman. • SOMETHING LIKE A TEA PARTY The Trend tar Feer of Morel lirilaln in it Bu Mole. His Grace, the Duke of Norbolk,K,G., Earl Marshal of England, Postmaster- General, and it is hard to say the holder of how many other offices of dietinetion, including that of Mayor of the city of Sheffield, has made hie year of office memorable by giving probably the largest entertainment on record, On Friday, May Slat, her Majesty the Queen visited Sheffield in order to apon the new city hall—a building, by the way most urgently needed—and was most loyally and enthusiastically re- ceived. The school children of the city took ,part in the reception, being: mass- ed'various scants on the line of route. After the Queen's departure the children and teachers, numbering no less than 03,000, 'aero entertained at the expense of the Mayor, his Grace of Norfolk, Each chtld was also given a medal in honor of the event, Itching, Burning Skin-Biseases Cured for 35 Cents, Das'Agnew's Ointment relieves in one day and cures 'tetter, salt rheum, pile, scald head, eczema, barbers' itch, ul- cers, blotches and all eruptions of the skin. It is soothing and quieting and acts like magic in the cure of all baby humors 1 SJ routs. Sold by G. A. Deadman. Try to ca -operate cheerfully in ar- ranging the faintly expenses, and sharp equally. In any Necessary self -denials AN OUTBREAK IN INDIA, • VERY SERIOUS STATE OF AFFAIRS ON THE AFGHAN FRONTIER.. ,'hark on a OitnilinlY minted natter, Mellish Troops hooted -- A Ilisush•ans Iq!lrcui--ollluers and seances silted. A despatch received at Bombay from Simla, the residence of the Indian Gov- ernment officiate during the heated Periods of the yiisr, announces serious trouble on the northern frontier and Lbs massacre of a number of British of - fivers and naLlve soldiers In the Gov- ernment employ. J"rom the parL'ueulars obtainable at present it seems that two guns belonging to a Booibay mounted battery, escorted by 300 men belong- ing to the first regiment of Sikhs end to the first Punjab infantry, were treacherously attacked in the 'Sochi Valley by a large force of hostile na- tives. The first report said that Colonel Bunny, two officers and 25 privates lied been killed and that three officers and twenty-five men had been wounded. Later reports, however, seen' to indi- cate that the affair is more than a mere conflhu with warlike natives and that the notorious Mullah of Poi ndabis a the bottom of the trouble. It seems that a political officer, Mr. McGee, was visiting Shirani with an escort of troops when he was attacked at Matzo by vastly superior forces. The British lumps were compelled to retreat and were followed bur several miles by overwhelming numbers of....the enemy. The fighting was desperate. All the Brill -sit oilicers were severely wounded. Captain Browne of the first Sikhs, a son oL Lhe late lir James Browne, and Lietuenant Crookshank of the Royal Artillery were killed and Surgeon Big- ginson, Lieutenant Higginson of the first Sikhs, and Lieutenant Seaton- Brossue of the Punjab infantry were wounded, The second despatch does net men- tion the death of Colonel .Bunny, but from the fact that it says that Colonel Gray from Miranshan, has tltken over the command of the British forces en- gagead it is inferred that Colonel Bun- ny is also among the dead, as at first announced. (Sethi Valley lues north and on the road to C'buzni and Waziristan. St has been controlled by the British sinbe Lho delimitation of the Indo -Afghan frontier. The triibes there have always been tcrbulent, and anxiety is felt lest the other tribes rise against the Brit- ish. Later—The notes of the disaster on the frontier of British Jndia has been officially confirmed. The London Times' correspondent aL Simla says :—Mr. McGee was sent to fix the site of a now outpost at Sherani and to recover th'e fine unposed on local tribesmen for past misconduct. The trogtis, after this attack, retired towards Dattakhela, sustaining a run- ning fight for four miles, as the Waziris were in such strength it was impossible to do mora than act on the, defensive. Two companies of native infantry sent from JJattakhela, rein- forced the party, which brought in its guns safely. No reason is yet givenfor this sudden outbreak; but the ;garrison int h' reinforced the .Loc t Valley will bo re n Diced pending, a decision as to punitive opera= Lions. The present garrison consists oe two regiments of native infantry, one mountain battery and a squadron of cavalry. A Bombay correspondent says: A punitive expedition will be fitted out from Rawalpindi. It is expected that severe fighting will follow and that another Chitral will be enacted. Un- fortunately the great frontier General, Sir 'Wiliam Lockhart, is no won leavein Germany, while Sir William Palmer, the General commanding the British forces on the Afghan frontier, is on leave. Ln England. A Cod -Sent Blessing. Mr. B. F. 1Vood, of Easton, Pa., was a great sufferer from organic heart disease. Ile never ea:peoted to be well again, but Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart was his good angel, and he lives to -day to tell ii to others, hear, him; "I was for fifteen years a great suf- ferer from heart disease, had smoth- ering spells, palpitation, pain in left side and swelled ankles. Twenty physicians treated me, but I got no eehof. I used Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, One dose relieved me in - aide of 80 minates. Several bottles cured me." • Sold by G. A. Deadman. PLAYING WITH THE CLOCK. Ia mamma's home, there was a large clock whtob struck on a coiled wire. There was no instrument of any kind in the pause. Mamma was a very lit- tle girl, and she would often get up vary close to the face of the clock and try to see the little Mad move, but she was always disappointed. One day leer mother and father were away and she was alone with her sister. Manama was always the leader of every- thing, and she wanted some music. So she got a little stick, opened the fuse of the clock and began to play on the wires on which the clock struck. She did not stole the pendulum, and after she had played for some time, she hit it with her stick, which knocked it down. Then the clock began to go very fast; mamma said an hour was only as long as five minutes. She w'as very frightened a,nd thought ate had broken It. She ran across to the next ]louse and got Mr. Bleak to come and fix it. IOe laiughed when ho heard what mamma had been doing. When hear mother and father came home it was all right, but mamma never played with the clock agate.—Latera Irwin. THE CZAR'S SUPERSTITIONS. h Czar oa Russia is said to bevary superstitious, and to have great con- [idenee in relics. IIe we495 a ring in which he believes is embedded a piece 04 She trite cross, It WAS originally one of ltie treasures of the Vatican, and was presented to an ancestor of the Czar for diplomatic reasons. The value which the Czar Bots upon the ring, witl, the embedded relic is shown by tare following fact:. Some years ago the Czar was travel lig from d'L. I eters- burg to iill`ascona lne suddenly discov- ered that he had. eorgottenthe ring. !limo train vws st. pped lenoledIately and a special anessenger Sent flying bathon an express enggine far it, Nor would the Czar allow the train, to move until sateral liottrs afterward, idpe messent ger eeturli'ed With the ring. , , vAttrip?i wt'' .\ 4 p\fv.JOItNW.B LL., .6.1).a 6LTAN , Oroi; James A. Bell, of Beaverton, Ont., brother of the Rev. John wesu'y hell, B.D., prostrated by nervous headaches A victim of the trouble for seeeral years. South American Nervine effected a complete ,cure. In their own particular field few men are beter known than the Rev. John Wesley Bell, B.D., and bis brother Mr. James A. Bell. The former eau uta re- cognized by his thoueands of friends all over the country es the popular and able missionary superintendent of the Royal Tempters of Temperance. Among the _^0,000 members of this order in Ontario his counsel is sought on all sorts of 0e- eesions. On the public platform he is one of the strong u,en of the day, nettling against the evils of intemperance. hgaally well known is Mr. Bell In other provinces of the Dominion, having been for years a member of the Manitoba Methodist Conferees} and part of this (Me %vas stationed in Winnipeg. Rio brother, lir. ,Tonics A. Bell, is a mghly respected resident of Beaverton, Tonere his influence, though perhaps more air- cumscribed than that of his eminent brother, is none the lens effective and productive of enol. Of recent years,li,'w- ever. the working ability of ilir, James A. Bell lens been sadly marred by severe attacks of nervous headache, aecotn- panied by indigestion, Who can do tit work when this tremble takes hold of them and especially when it becomes ebrouic, as was, seemingly, the case with Mr. Bell? The trouble reached seen in- tensity that last June he was,complete- ly prostrated. In this condition a friend recommended South American Nervine. Ready to try anything and everything, though he thought he had covered the list of proprietary medicines, he secured a bottle of this great discovery. d second bottle of the medicine was taken and the work was done. Hlmploying his own language: "Two bottles of South American Nervine immediately aelieyed ley headaches and have bunt up mT system in a wonderful manner." Let ns not deprecate the good our clergymen and social reformers are doing In the world, but how ill -fitted they would be' for their work were it not the relief that South American Nervine brings to themwhen physical ills overtake them, and when the system, as ars stilt et hard, earnest and conttnuens work, breaks down. Nervine treats the system as the wise reformer treats thea, evils he is battling against It strikes at the root of the trouble. All lis. ease comes from disorganization of the nerve centers, This is a neientitic fact. Nervine at once works on these nerve centers; gives to them health and vig- or; and then there courses through the system strong, healthy, lite -maintaining • blood, and .nervous troubles of every variety ars things 01 the past. ,1 Sold by Deadman & McColl TONS HAMMERED INTO TEETH. I minions el•Gold Carried to the Jaws of the ,tmurllulll People. "I cannot form a very accurate idea of the amount of gold used in gold leaf and gold foil in this country," said a Philadelphia manufacturer of goldlea2 and gold foil. "Gold foil is used almost entirely by dentists in filling teeth; gold leaf Ls used in gilding, bookbind- ing andoporations of that sort, besides the show that is made of acres and acres of gilded signs, spread before the publio in one way and another. "The quantity of gold used in gold leaf is at least twice as great as that used in foil., Lr (0.100 of the fact that Lho leaf is so mach thinner than the foil. A skilled mast can bummer out twenty ounces ba gold fell in a day, While it will take him a week to make two ounces of gold leaf, because it is so much thinner. This work has always been done by hand, probably alwayswUt be. ri. single thickness of gold foil such as dentists use—to the ordinary ob- server that seems thin enough in all conscience—will metke an enure book of gold deaf." HOW MANY HAVE IT, Sixty per cent. of the people in large cities !mean, or nearly all, their fill- ings of gold. Practically all patrons of dentistry have the fillings in at least their brant teeth of this costly material. There are people 8o barbarous and of such magnificent nerve that they have entirely sound teeth bored out only that they may bate gold fillings in- sorted forurel ornamental purposes. p Y There are dentists in its big prisons, and have been for the last twenty (,r thirty years. At all the dental schools where young dentists are educated, poor patients aro received whose teeth FOR TWEl4 -SEVEN Y.EARS. DUN BAKIN POWDER THLE COOK'S BEST F'RJE EST SALE IN CANAOM,, and chit' or from parted lips of smiling beauty. HOW mum1T IS WORTH. This is a big quantity of gold. It would make between fifteen and twenty, waggon loads, at a ton a load. It would melt up into four cubes each two feet in width, depth and height. Or, if moulded into one gi antic tooth, one of the three pronged fellows that growl. so when removed from their accustom- ed places, that tooth wound be ten feet high. A slenderer front tooth, twelve or thirteen feet high, could be built from the same gold. There mast be $50,000,000 or so of the yellow metal buried in the teeth of those who are gone where forceps cease from troubling and the jumping tooth is at rest. If any one wishes to make a fortune in a day, let hire Invent some material for filling teeth which shall bo plastic, which wilt harden quickly when used. which can be tinted yellowish or blue - i as the case maybe to sh,matchper- fectly the tooth upon 'iF•ltic ' 1 hit. is em- ployed, and wti,uhptrill be as durable as gold. No such inatorinl has ever been invented. NOTIEtNG ELSE SUITS. ere filed free of charge to give the There are various form of amalgam, oting doctors a chance to praoltica, gutta-percha and consent which are their art. In ono way and another, it is prob- able that something like 25,000,000 of the great American people are running around an their usual business with $100,000,000 tvorih of gala stowed away no,200,000,000 jagged little eaves alined painfully into their respective teeth With hooks end buzz sates and jiggers of one sort and another, worked by Loot -lathe and by hand—pounded in with little trip hammers, robbed off with sand -paper, and gleaming bright thrcogh the stubble of unshaven hpe used extensively, but the amalgam turns black almost as soon as it is used, and white cement and gutta-percha, almost without exception, aro of only temporary usefulness. For that mutter. if any one could in. vent some method of malting gold plas- tic, like amalgam and gutta-percha, he eould be sure of living in Easy Street for the rest of his days. One of itha great objections to the use of gold toil is the pain caused to the patient by the Meet and unpleasant process of woldt= the gold into tits cavity, leaf upon hag,„