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The Brussels Post, 1897-6-25, Page 6
c bt ?it3ntsotxs Vose 1108886111118 EVERY FRIDAY (MORNING (in time for the early mails) at "Tile Post" St01nu Publishing lfouse, Ton0nnnua ST., Bnus$8ne, ONm, Timone eV p Rir00008, 008 dollar a Year, 011921on %paid is denoted byitlieodate on the address label. ADVnallsInn HATns.—The following rates b 1 Y 111 b0 charged to Meow) wile advertise the year:— Mien I I 1 o mw d. 1 a inn One ()Wiliam 50000 $aa.O0 020.00 Halt 0600 20.00 12.00 Quarter n 20.00 12A0 8,00 Eighth " -�_ .1200 6.00 6A0 Eight emote per line for first insertion, and three cents per line for eaolt aubsequeut in. 88rtl00. All advertisements measured as Nonpareil -12 lime to the iuoh. Business Cares, eight lines and under, Be per 80011131, Advertisements without specific direc- tions, will be inserted until forbid, and deemed accordingly. fn811'netlOns t0 ellange Or discontinue an advertisement must be left at the counting of room each Tos This is later than imperative. Tuesday imperative. W. I3. i.<LIiB., Editoo and Proprietor, Canada Under Queen Victoria. The trade Of the Dominion has ad- vanced by leaps and bounde,th0 imports for the limit year being valued at X.23,- 000,000, as oonhpered with ;014,700,000 in 1808, and probably about 41,000,000 in 1887, while the exports were 4:24,200,000 last year, as against 418,500,000 In 1808, and 42,400,000 in the year of the Queen's 008800ion, Viewed from an imperial standpoint, the colouies and Canada were bound to the mother country by a slen- der thread, and if the results he bad et9ted had sprung from 9 union so unigne and novel, what might not be expected from a union of material interests and of hearts—unity for OOmmer08 9112 de- fence, unity whish would give the differ. 0110 parte of the Empire n vaioo fu all matters connected with its well being. THE VICTORIAN AGE. THE BRUSSELS about half the extent of European Res- ide." The area now totals something like 10,000,000 square miles, and nearly every fourth person on earth "owes al- legiance, directly or indirectly, to the Queen," Opining to the condition of the people, the advance is, when meneured by the movie of the past, nothing Short of tnir101110110.. Railroado, in the modern some of the term, are the prodoOte of this reign, Iu 1844, we are told that a third.olaes railway ride from Londdh to Exeter tools' sixteen hours and a half. Steamships, too, developed into useful- ness since the Queen's 80000810n, The Sirius and the Great Western 000800d the Atlantic in 1886. It took the Sirius eighteen days to travel from 0orit to Now York. The reoord now is ueariug live days. Tolegraphi,lg, cabling, cheap pott- age, are all Victorian, to say nothing of the wonders of these lard days, in which the human vo)08 may be stored up in a box or carried a0ro80 a 0011tinent, in which eleotrioity pulls loads and lights houses and streets, in ivhioh disease is tracked to its lurking plaoe and killed. Some very suggestive figurer are given, too, bearing on the flnauoial position of the people. "Paupers in England and Wales numbered, ip 1880, 1,187,000, an¢ in 1842, 1,429,000, but now only 800,000 ; with a population nearly doubled there are only two paupers for every throe at the Qeeen'e accession." Tbo convict population in 1883 was 50,000 ; in 1893 it had fallen to 4,845 prisoners', and about 2,000 ticket -of -leave men. As for oda cation, the first annual grant in Britain for that purpose was made in 1830, and amounted to $150,000. Now the grant totals $45,000,000. "In 1850 one child out of every 80 people was at cahoot, bub one person out of every 20 was a pauper, and one out of every 700 was a erhmin8L In 1890 one child out of every eight was at school, but only One pollen out of every 30 was a pauper, and only one per- son out of every 2,400 was committed for trial," In the face of such figures who dare taut of the clogeneraoy of the times 7 It is only by imagining 00rtain features' of a past age imbedded amidst modern con- ditions that a plausible case is sometimes made out for them. In such parte of the world as have been caught in the sweep of what we call European civilization, the uonditiou of man has been immense- ly bettered in the last half century. If any injury has been done us as a race, it is doe to the fact that science has been so kind—has snrrouuded us with so many of her good gifts that we are ant off from nature and her streams of vital- ity. But if this be true, it is our own fault, and constitutes an abuse of genu- ine benefits. The time will come, too, when we sbal) learn better. Any age of rapid change or advance must bring forth to host of fresh difficulties and new evils whiolh "the common sense of most" will in time overcome. A boy may cut him- self with hie first knife, but that does not mate a knife a bad thing or render it desirable that the lad should always be kept knifelese. The speed at which we are progressing turns the marvels of one year into the commonplaces of the next. We are no longer very much surprised at anything. Reality is perpetually tripping on the heels of the moat agile imagination. The novelist who would have trapped his villian six months ago by photographing proofs of his guilt, thr'wgh nu opaque substance, would have brei, credited with a daring fanny, but he would have barely "arrived" before the man of science. It would be bravado to day 1,, declare any- thing impossible, short of a revision of the multiplication table. One cannot be sure of what man has not yet done until he has seen his evening paper. What an age to sit in the, whispering gallery of the world and listen to the news 1 The name of the first great Britiah Queen, Badig, or Boadicea, bore the same significance, we are told, its that of the lust, British history is therefore from victory to viotory. In the records of the early history of the world the ages of men are represented as growing continu- ally less. Now they seem to be growing longer, The reign of the late Pope note the longest in the whole record, sed that of the present Queen of Euglaud has just become the longest in English history, oc in almost any hieiory. Louis XIV. of France, who ascended the throne at the age of five, reigned aeveuty-two years. George III., the Queen's grandfather, who reigned fifty-nine yams and ninety-eix days, the same that Queen Victoria has now a0complilhed, wail, for a great part of the time with which he is credited incompetent to exercise the royal lune - tion. The Queen, on the 000trary, has been eminently competent fa every month of her reign, and has ex880190d as potent a sway as any other monarch could have done in her plane. Few of bar subjects except in regions more recently added to her rapidlygrowing realm remember any other allegiance but hers. The Victorian era has been the greatest the world ever saw, omitting always that from which we count one days, which was marked by the the enpreme divine event to which the whole creation moves, At the beginning of the Queen's reign the world was made up of people un- known to each other, despising and ab. horriug each other. To -day they are well. known to thrall other, and each finds the other to be bone of its bone and flesh of its flesh. Thin ie the most essential char. aeteristio of all the stupendous changes that have been going on during the past sixty years, and which have made, as it were, it new heaven and a new earth, with the happy promise of still great and still more x0081008102 changes for the better in the near future. The growth of the Queen's Empire, which has fete happy parallels in history, has not only kept up with the startling progress of the world, but has been the soul of that progress. In the internal enjoyment' of progress and in invention the United States has kept pace with Great Britain —has, indeed, in many things oatstepped her—but in the progress of the world she has through her trade system taken a minor part, excepting always in the greatest of all proylress.developing activi- ties, that of Christian missions, in which she has taken bar full share. At the 11e - ginning of the Qaeen's reign the English language was one of the minor languages of the earth in point of number of those who spoke it. Now it is the ruling tongue of the world and Is rapidly gaining on ell others. At the beginning of the Qaeen'8 reign most of the world was impenetrable to the voice of the Gospel ; now the Gos- pelis preached in every nation under heaven. Then it took a month for the. government to hear from Canada and three or four months from India ; now it taken as many anomie. The railway, the elagraph and the telephone and the other Western marvels are knocking ever more imperatively at the closed door s of anci- ent civilizations and piercing through the wastes of barbarism, carrying with them everywhere wonder and conviction and submission of soul ; for no pride aid no ignorance can stand up in their presence and deolare that these do not mark a superior civilization. Happy above all monarchs is Queen Victoria—happy in her great family gathered around her today et Balmoral and in her offspring sitting on many thrones. Happy is she in the great fam- ily of nations over whom she presides, I and whose hearts beat proudly and lov- ingly et the mention of bur motherly name. Not the golden prime of good Haman Airas0hid, nor the era of August- us bore any comparison with hers. Nor is the least dory of the present age the full assurance that is in the mind of all that is not to pass away like the good days that are remembered, but, inspired, only a little as yet, with a spiritual force then unknown, it is only thelbeginning of far better things. We no doubt see un- numbered signs of what is spoken of flippantly as "fin de ideate" dooadence ; but ere pay no heed to the prophets of evil who see in those signs the marks of conquering forces. We know that there are always ebbs and flows, Wo know that the more vigorona the life in the physical organism the more effete matter is developed and throve off, and we look with Bare and certain hope to a day which will look on the present as but the duels of morning. But it will not then be the kingdom of Victoria, but the kingdom of Iiia who is to receive the heathen for His inheritance and the uttermost parte of the earth as Hie posseeaion ; the forces that will bring it aboat will not be steam and eleotrioity, but the Divine Spirit, an- oorded away in the hearts of men. A writer in the Edinbuegh Bsview charges down upon the pessimists of the day with a clear -toned song of triumph over the aohievemeuts of the Victorian reign. He begins by telling of the mar- vellous gro reth of the British Empire. 313 India, in Egypt, in Africa, in Australia, bettered conditions of life have grown up here under the shadow of the flag ; and there i0 no guarantee that they would have reached these 000020ies had the flag never been planted there. Canada, as we know it, has praoticaliy come into being daring the reign of Victoria, The Edinburgh Review writer pointe out that the population of the United 0ingd0m has inoreased during the pros' int reign by one•half, while the addition of territory to the Empire bee been tre- mendous, "Two hundred and seventy - live thousand square ranee have been added—a territory larger than Auetria— in India ; 80,000 square miles—a specie as vast as Great Britain—in the rest of Aida; 800,000 square miles—a region es large as Germany—in Smith Africa, and is East Attlee 1,000,000 square miles—or The sixtieth anniversary of our Qneeu'e coronation furnishes a few excellent op- portunities for measuring our national progress. When the Queen ascended the throne iu 1437 Canada wee the Beat of a good deal of political disaffection, 101101 resulted in serious outbreaks of rebellion. British North America was a group of separate and, in large degree, nnsympa- tlletio provinces, each with its indepen- dent legislature, having little intercour00 or trade with each other. Oar came were few and small, i11•paved, ilt.lighted, with few buildings of any arohitectural pretensions. Roads were few and poor, and interprovincial communication was difficult and, at the breaking up of the *Muter, almost impassable. Canada was a giant without bones. Since then our magnificent railway system, from Cape Breton to Vancouver, conne022 the tide waters of the Atlantic with those of the Pacific, and forme one of the strongest links of the Queen's Highway from Great Britain to her pos- 0e0010118 in the remotest East. The scat- tered provinces Have become a great Do- mf0i0n, controlling half a continent, with the largest and best wheat prodcc- fag area, and offering the best opportuni- ties for civilized settlement in the world. Its internal navigation, by means of its splendid canal system, lakes and rivers, present possibilities for the vast enlarge- ment of its commerce. Its resources of the mine, the forest and the field, its deep sea and inshore fisheries, have been great- ly developed and give promise of still greater expansion in the future. Its educational institutions, magnificently housed and equipped, have won name and fame in distant lands. Canada forms about two-fifths of the far'extended Brit. ish Empire and is thoroughly devoted to its sovereign and to British connection. The outlook of its future is not surpassed by that of any other portion of the Queen's dominions. The Marquis of Lorne, 51. P., presided recently over a meeting of the foreign and colonial section of the Society of Arts, when Joseph G. Calmer read a paper on "The progress of the Dominion of Canada during the sixty years of Her Majesty's reign." Mr. Colmer, in opening his lecture, remarked that though the large majority of Canadians bad never seen bar Majority the Queen, they had had visite from her obildren and nrandohildren, and they retained a grateful recollection of the kindness and consideration of Prinoees Louise during the yearn when the Mar- quis of Lorna was filling so suooesefnlly the position of Governor•General. Pro- oeeding to describe the position of Can- ada as 1t was in the year of her Majesty's accession, he observed that in 1887 there wee no Dominion of Canada at all. Brit- ish North America comprised the Pray - incise of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Lower and Upper Canada. They were separate and distinct provinces and treated one another almost as independent communities. There was little or no communication between them except by water and by road, and the best of the roads in those days were somewhat indifferent. There were only fourteen miles of rail in the who's of Canada at that time, The provinces were largely governed from Downing street, and the expenses of the civil and military establishments were shared by the United Kingdom. Agita- tion and disaffection resulted and led to rebellions in 1837 and 1888 in Upper and Lower Canada. Out of this trouble, how- ever, good eventually came, for represent- ative 8114 responsible government were inaugnr8tecl in the Waders in 1841, in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in 1848, and in Prince Edward Island in 1851, and the foundations were thus laid of the great confederation which now unites ander one Government the whole of Brit- ish North America, North of the United Stones, except our oldest colony of New- foundland. The lecturer next went on to refer to some of the principal events in the his- tory of Canada during the period under review, notably to the commencement of the Grand Trunk Railway in 1852, to the arrival of the first ocean steamer al Quebec in the following year, and to the laying of the Atlantic cable between England and Nova Scotia in 1808. The gold discoveries iu British Columbia and NMI Scotia, the enecessful progress of the movement in favor of Confederation and the subsequent transfer to the Dom- inion of the Hudson Bay territory, were also briefly touched upon, while, with regard to the 000828uotfon in more resent years Of the Canadian Paoifio Railway, Mr, Cnlmor remarked that the line had made the Dominion, and had laid the foundation of a grand future for the country, the importance of which even now oouid not bo foreseen. At the pros- ont time there were 16,000 miles of rail• way in operation in the Dominion, there was a through waterway from the end of LakeSuperior to the Atlantic—a distance of 2,000 miles entirely through British territory—tbe largest seagoing steamers traded regularly to and freer! Canadian ports and the telegraph was found in a1• meet every settlement in the country. POST .Thiara 8 1407 THE CYNIC'S LANGUAGE OF GIFTS. Te the 1fadtl00 Toast Co„ Loudon, Cut. eontlemen,—Wo getguioker and bettor results from using Tiro,Madden's Yeast than any Biber m Iwra used, and highly recommend it. DEAN BROS., Makers THE MADDEN YEAST 00., London. Wanted—An Idea Who pan think or some simple thins to patent? Protect your Mown they a�ny bring you wealth Write TORN WEDD1tnn02N S 00, Patent Attor- neys Washington, D, O., for their 81,800 prize OHer and lief et two hundred inventions wanted. A valise—Please travel. A bouquet—Try to imitate these. A necktie—Your own taste is execrable. A piece of jewelry—You are painfully plain. A ohair—Yon should stay at home more tban you do. A out -glass bottle—I think you know a good thing when yon see it. A purse—Better Dare should be taken of what little money you have. A book of poems —Your nature Mande sadly in need of softening. A smoking.jaoket—Your clothes smell dreadfully of tobacco. A fountain pen—You should cultivate more carefully a spirit of Christianity. A waste -paper basket—You should throw away more of your work, A book of prose—I wish to pat you to Boole trouble. You will take thio out and dust it whenever I am announced to call. Sufferer , Bred 4'1:very season, from the time 1 was two years old, I suffered dread- fully from erysipelas, which kept growing worse until my hands were almost useless. Tho bonds softened so that they would bend, and several of my fingers aro now crooked from this cause. 0n. my hand I carry largo scars, which, but for AYER'S Sarsaparilla, would be sores, provided I was alive and able to carry anything. Eight bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla cured me, so that I have had no return of the disease for more than twenty years. The first bottle seemed to reach the spot and a persistent use of it has perfected the cure."— 0. 0. DAVId, Wi autom a, 14 is. THE ONLY WORLD'S FAIR Sarsaparilla AYER'S PILLS Promote (land Digestiork Whiteto ti Line. ROYAL 01A[L, S'1'GA115111P4, Between New York and Liverpool, via Queenstown, every Wednesday, AB the 4taamare of this line Garry only a etriatly limited number in 2110 10I11Wr and 80,00813 020(9, accommodations, intending passengers are reminded that an early ap- plication for berths is necessary at 11118. sea- son. Por plans, rates, oto., apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. An Agreeable Laxative and NIIRV19 TONIC. Sold by Druggists or sent by rail. 26o., 20o. and 81.00'908 package. Samples free. The Favorite TOOTN POWDER for the Teeth and13reatn. 230- O► 0 Sold by JAS. SOK, ltrn8B0B8, Brussels. 11111t011MLSOt1td91i11hli)llt/i Lid1111E1110 ea Great offer (2v+ OF -•®D The London E Free PreSSta 1 a 13 4 1 ® TIIE-stZES ++ +++ 1_ Tho Free Pressdesiring to greatly _ inits subscription 1106 11111)808 the following great offer to the farmers and stockman of Cauada whereby sub- k- scribers to Weekly Free Tress w,11 get k- -tea One Year's Paper Free. kr ra • The 1rr0o Press hes made arrange- fr menta with Lilo Veterinary Science Publishing Co.for a number of ooptos of 111I b "Th Veterinary S a e r ooh, o Science," u the price of which is $2.00. This book trouts Easy and in plain language tho Anatomy, Diseases and Treatment of 4 nohnesti1 Animals and Poultry, also ems taini ng a full description of Medicine and Receipts, so that ovary farmer can bn his own veterinary. i o®® Fid 2.00 Tho Weekly Froo Press and Farm and home for one year (price $1.00) and C a copy of the veterinary Science (price .182.001. Both will be mailed to any ad• al'OBBllP pp on mho receipt of Two Dollars. Do not mine this chance. Wo cannot Our object jo sol 8 ng know n r indefinitely.0sec Ons'medinmakingi8h silos an immediate might t which a loss liberal offer might Pail to attract. Ile - member, by sending $2.00 for mho book You get the Weekly 10000 P0008 and harm and Nome ONE YEAR FREE. Agents wanted everywhere. Address r all communications to the Free Press Printing 00., London, Ont, L ORTITRWRITPRI 7UW fvtvl PITTY1.T Tanis 0120=21185PIELLIPOPIE70=1407MSEEMUTTigginnEMITMISIME To keep out the Flies and bo Comfortable you must have Scree: Doors :illL(] Screells It Pays to Buy the Best that is made. Order your Doors from us and get the Best Screen Door on the market. Wanted—An idea )fleononelmple thing to patents Protect your ideas; they may bring you wealth, Write y , Washington, aJOHN'10010 D DID 0 , 00)1 thole 01,80Patent prize otter std list of two hundred Inventions wanted. D 0 THE ©RIDINAL KIDNEY PILL CHASE'S V SS 7AA�• OVEO 0 lionesi (mit tor ��E P�il1lE No have got nearly through marking our Spring Goods and would like you to call and inspect our stock and compare prices. We think we can say without any exaggeration that we a1 -e in a position to show ono of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks that it has been your privilege to see within the COUNTY. In cess Goods and Trimmings we show a range that will delight the hearts of the Ladies. Please don't buy until you see our stock, not that wo wish to insist on you buying from us but our stock will give you an idea of what is going to be worn this Spring. u a Linens we imported direct through Agents from the Brookfield Linen Co., Belfast, Ireland, which enables us to sell them at prices much be- low regular prices. LACES and EMBROIDERIES aro one of the leading features with uslthis season. In Ready -to• wear Clothing we lead all Competitors. 0111 Men's Suits at $8.00 must bo seen to be appreciated. - OUR DESIRE is to make`this store to the County of Iluron what the T. Eaton Co. is to Toronto. Any who haven't as yet favored us with a call we would like to specially invite them to do so, and I think we will be able to makelthem permanent customers. Grocery Department. Our Grocery Department is under the direction of Mr. Jas. Purcell, le ed to 1 and he will bop as showyou through t to gh that cepartment. P. S.—Our Advertising Agent, Prof. Golding, a colored gentle- man, will probably call on you in the course of a week or two with Literature which will pay you well to peruse carefully. 88 Importer, Seaforth. KIDNEY -Mtn t0 THE ONLY KIDNEY•LIVER PILLS 0 FILLS T. Daw.on, Manager Standard Bank, Brat. ford, Ont„ .era, 0h/01e s ffiidnoy.Llver Pills a0* grand medicine for the Kidneys and Liver. W. 9, CAaeua, yrs McCaul St., Toronto, re. presenting Montreal Star, says, Chase's Pill* act like magic for the relief of leen .ache, b)lioue atlaok and cons,lpat1on. :j everywbcrc, 00 by mail ilon k rocdpt f 90100, to 001186808, BATES & 00. .:.5 wy'nAnh Os' 1000810. 0386 Establishes G a m e1 no Re ca Fc m t3 ern 4fis'o'n ca g1 PP 0 E O o o� �om 00 o O The Policy Contract issued by thlsAssociation is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infer., Wturtkv,t1914 narttion furnished on application. W, 11.EMS, Agent, Brussels*