HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-6-25, Page 5JuNF, ` +$, 18117
a, it, u a,j11,4 x'
Minh form, ream Thou. McQueen, On hyla Wrout. --•Pun cornmeal°
n, wile lir,wrrtnwn C
events, viz., a Wadding, oil Monday after.
0000 of lad week, when a very larva
company of reltttivna Anil friends neeembl.
ed to witness the tyingof the matrimonial
an- J r)aid mold in North Dakota ; Angus, bow betcveen 14lfse Monte, the worthy
iu Michigan , Eliza died in Suotltnd n daughter of the host asci Ina, A., Lamont,
the few yearn ago 1 Mrs, D, MoQuarrie and a well known young farmer of the 0th
day John in Grey tnwnehip, Mr, MoIntoah.
in had been bothered far the past 25" yearn
se• with rlteemetism but had only been laid
the aside for about 18 menthe. His leanings
the were to the Baptist denomination an0 fn
100 palatine he WAS an ardent Liberal. Three
by of hio,brothere aro well known and welt-
er to•do physicians fn the Ofd ()pantry, Dr,
se, Alex., at Kensington' Square, London ;
nd Dr. Daniel, ab Norfolkshire ; end Dr,
&p, Angus, in Chesterfield, England. The
ng funeral took place on Wednesday forenoon
no and was largely attended. Rev. D. B.
ea McRae conducted an appropriate service,
klrs.lelolntosh, in her deolining years,
is deeply sympathized with in bee
bereavement, ae we11 tie the other mem-
S' Dare,
of the family,
this place Ur, anDare, lileintosh non- arn1ll
t0eof.101111uTa„„tet, 14tH 01
us resi• i The pia in in Boenirtn'e buchu by the
Mooed to reside until about 0 yearn ago, th • Hem of one of those interact'
Our Orangemen will celebrate the lath
of July ab Brussels.
Molfillop was well represented at S
forth on Jubilee clay.
A naw brink barn Was to sea on
farm of Adam Dolle nn Wednea
afternoon of last week. Tho befitting
95x50 feet and were 011 a ties atone ba
mens. Mende. Elliott it Reeds 100
framing nd Semen & Molntoeh
mason work. There were upwards of
men at the bee, Sides were chosen
Jno. 1lndd0 and Jae, Smith, the form
winniug• The building will be finish
with all the lobed improvements to
conveniences, such tie oetnent floors,
:Cee was served in the orchard, 75 nitti
down at the first table. Were were
less than seven IOtrs. Dodds at the b
that day.
•y d0olded to retire and moved
to (ranbrook, where they invaded in is
comforhable hntne, Phu children are
living and one demented, viz, :--Alexander
1WA•ci Tec CANA..
Everythaug pigtail to a great clay
sport here on Dominion Day,
Jubilee pionioe were fanhlonable de
ing the early part of the week.
The 0. 1', 1t. are re -ballasting their
road between this station and Wingham.
John Snheeland of the Gore District
Muted Fire Ins, Oo„ was in town the
early part of the week.
C. W. Andrews, sohool teacher, of
Kent County, is at present visiting his
brother at the 0, P. R. station.
Rev. Mr. hloKibben is leaving the
Methodist paetorate here and will be
euooceded by the Rev, lhltr. Kennedy.
A nuinber of our young men wheeled
to Seaforth on the 22nd to see the
Jubilee sport. Daylight next day
witnessed the return of a few wbo stayed
for the concert.
r- B1oeev'ra o,. ranged that evening among other young
Walter Rutherford in on the eiok list. people, of which particulars will be given
Mr, Skilling, of Teeewater, was iu town later,
lest week,
Mrs. I7inlrner spent Friday visiting at
Mrs, J. Sellers, Morrie, •a test.
The garden party at Robt, Leathorn's semi cloaca next Wednesday for toe
last Tuesday evening was a deolded goo- holidays,
nets, Council meeting hare on Saturday of
Mr. and Mrs, McKee and Miss Lizzie, next week.
of Behnoo, spent Monday at John Ethel cont gaits a delegation to At.
Robertson's.wood on Jubilee Day.
Mseenaro.tran,—A very pretty wedding G.nnmx P,urrx,--A. garden party will be
tools plasm oil the 28rd of Jeno at the held on the parsonage grounds, Attendee,
residence of John Bargees, when his June 28th. Tea served from 5 to 7 o'clock.
daughter, Mies Maggie, woe united in There will also be a good program. Dome
marriage to Wm. Fraser, of the let line and have a gond time,
of Morris, in the presence of some ninety A Garden Party is in prospect, likely to
guests. The bride wore a very becoming materialize the beginning of next week.
costume of grey lustre and carded is The ladies of the I1500bodiet church are
handsome baguet, The marriage took discueeing it, and antler their supervision
plane on the lawn, under a beautiful arab, it is sure to be a menace, Proceeds will be
Mies Maggie Fraser, sister of the groom, for parsonage improvements,
eon, Rev."), 13. Mellott, of Ora nbrools,
woe the otlteiatiog alorgyman, Mies
Lamont was bridoemnld and Neil lYlo-
Taggttrt groomsman. An the Geisha
party took their planus for the car
upon the lawn Mies Soliolea play
wedding maroh, There was a
useful and rich profusion of w
elite, evidencing the favor in whi
bride was held. A sumptuous repo
served to the 200 geode, the well
tables being e06 upon the lawn,
evniug was joyously spent in
music, dancing, &a. Jno. Lamo
Wm. Mason played the pipes. M
Mre. Lamont have begun houeek
on their owe n000uut with the beet
es of a hoot of relatives and frien
which Tim Pacer joins heartily,
said soveral other marriages we
eau na11ait1L 11 011 aeoonnt of so army
pin hies about that time and 14011 of time
to prepare for it.
• A. pie.nia under the management of Jnhneton's hunday galeal, and the I'ttblia
school, No, 10, will be held in W. J,
Johneton'e secede, nn Joly 1st. Ml are
invited to attend an tt good time is ex.
Don't forgot Button's public wheal pia
nia in Wm, 'Rey lor'e grove au Satnrrllty,
Games, savings, refreshments and pro-
ed the Bemiring.l mice cream, lse an t �Summci ttdrinikls
varied, and fruit will also be sold on the ground,
eddieg Last Sabbath Rev, le. A, Show preach.
011 the ed the conoluding discotrsee of his three
st wee years' pastorate. Ilie many friends
laden wieb himself and Mrs. Shaw great silo.
The eons, Ileldrnitsv. their new
Oaten d owilllabor
preaoI blt e
nt and introductory sermon next Sabb.,th. Be
r. and comes well recommended.
caping Jubilee Day paeeed away very tame,
wish- Some went to Seaforth, some to Clinton
Tt is statute inborn o goodly number went to
re Aa- the pio-nia in Win, MuCraoken's bush,
duh line. Swinging seemed to be the
principal sport. Foot ball and base ball
were played, The muaio was good, Mr.
Moore had an organ on the ground. A
eocial hop carne off at night.
A pio.nio will be given on the school
ground of S. S. No. 4, Morrie, on July let,
It will begin about 4 o'clock in the after.
noon, when games of all kinds will be
participated in. There will be two foot.
ball aonteete, one between Shine's school
and S. S, No. 4„ and another between the
3rd line of Morrie and No, 4. A baseball
match will also be played between the
boys of the Gth line of Morrie and those
of the Ord, 4th and 5th. In the evening
an excellent concert consisting of vocal
and inetrnmental music, drilla, dialogues,
tableaux, em. will be given, Tea will be
eerved between 0 and 7 o'clock. A silver
oolleotiou will be taken up on the ground
to defray expenses. All are weloome.
Don't forget your basket.
A Fort Qu'Appelle Frenchman named
Callarneau tried to swim morose the
lake while temporarily Mecum. He was
de In others to pl u't
.A t`tv eres(t.
W. G. Iugile Iost a valuable heifer the
other day. It put ata head through the
fence to feed and got obol1od to death be-
fore it was noticed,
Newry factory shipped 220 cheese
Monday, beim; last half of May make.
They were botwitt by Geo. Brill, of
Guelph, at 811/100. per lb.
A meeting of Dimmers of the Elma
Fire luenranne (lompany was held at
Atwood oil Tuesday the let of June,
Members were all present except Me.
McAllister and Mr. Grieve, Applica-
tions for insurance were received and
excepted amounting to 1388,000. A claim
was preeented by Innes Grey, Britton,
for a cow killed by Iigbtuing. On motion
made and carried the chain was adjusted
at 523. On motion made and carried
David Grieve, of Mornington, was ap•
pointed (Reactor, pro tem, in place of
Innes Grieve who was unavoidably absent.
Meeting adjourned till the first Tuesday
in Jnly next,
J, A. McBain has disposed of his tailor.
ing business to Mr. Zienlin, of Preston,
brother of II, 'Lipman, tinsmith, Atwood.
The new proprietor has already taken
posee89100 and has movori his family
into the home vacated by Alex. Peebles.
As we hoar nothing bat good reports of
him we have no doubt he will do a good
Matinees. He bee had considerable ex-
perieece, which eounls hi every busingee,
eepeoielly in the tailoring trade. We
regret Mr. 1lleBaia'e decision to retire
from business here, which was precipi-
tated by ill health.
tiA'illaw Ag1i.
Jae. Calder was elected Presideub of
the Oliristi,n Endeavor for the ensuing
Six months,
Mies Mary Ritehie who has spent
Some time In Page City, Dakota, return-
ed borne last week.
Our village was nearly deserted on
Tuesday, most of the pleasure seekers
going to Atwood and some to the pio-nio
at No, 1.
Rev, Dr, Ferguson will preach in the
Presbyterian uheech here next Sabbath
morning anti probably at Ethel in the
Mrs, J. Lang Ind a rnnacvay last week.
Fortunately she escaped witbonb serious
Navy, the rig, however, wan broken
Mee Jennie McNair and 111iei Annie
Slemmon wheeled to Seaforth for the
Jubilee. While bbere tbev were the
guests of Mrs. Garrow, of IIarporhey.
A Garden Party, under the auspices of
the Oranbrook Epworth League, will be
held this (Friday) evening on the lawn of
A. McDonald. A. good program of muaio,
reoitatioue, ren 1iegs, &o., will he render-
ed. Brnesele choir are expoated, also H.
L. Jaolseon, together with Reeds. Messrs,
' McRae, Walker, Trimble, Stewart,
Knight and W. 13. herr, who will assist
with the program. Tea served from
8.80 to 8 o'olock, Admission 10 and 15
Cents. A hearty weloome to all.
At the Met meeting of the Epworth
League the following vegulation was
moved, seconded and carried :•--"That
we, the cambers of rho Oranbrook Ep-
worth League, lean with sorrow that we
ere abort to part with oar j nnioe pastor,
Rev. Mr. Trimble, and would asps him to
accept aur einem and heartfelt thanks
for his earnest work among us" Mr.
Trimble replied, thanking the tnemboee
for their kindnees to him. Ile leaves on
Monday for bia new appointment.
W.xmnno BI,r.Ls,—Wednesday evening
of last week, at 0 p. m„ the servings of
Rev. D. B. McRae were called into
requisition at the residence of A. flay.
mann, on which oo°aeion his only and
highly esboemed daughter, Mise Maggie,
was joined in the beetle of wedlook to
Allan Cameron,
gentleman of tlia iee plaknown
ne. Therewyoung
about 85 guests present. Beautiful, use-
ful and numerous were the wedding
permute and many the kind wishes ex.
pressed foe a happy and prosperous fut-
ure to Mr. Cameron and bride. After an
elegant wedding supper the evening was
en,joyadlo passed, Me. and Mee. Comer•
on book a short wedding trip Eaetivard
and hove now begun housekeeping in dile
Village on their own apo0nnt. May their
joys be many,
Oma',—Leet Sabbath, about noon, the
spirit of Jelin McIntosh, an old and well
known reofden%, took ibis flight, Elie
death wag not nnexpooted, as ho had boon
hovering clone to the borderland for some
time, end as he was past 70 years of age
there was little that oonld bo Clone to
prolong life. Dooenod was born near
the pass of Killixrnnitie, Peethohire, Soot -
land, end along with hie wife, who wag
Mies Elizabeth McIntosh, to whom he,
was united fn marriage about 50 years
!Igo, came to ()nada in 1852, They lived
at Harpurhey, near Seaforth, foe three
years, wheu•they moved to Grey town -
slut,, purchasing lot 12, con, 7, then a
d A01119
played the wedduug march. Supper was BEAUTIFUL Juin WRDDINa,—The North -
ed in
y C.
eerved on the lawn and a very pleasant side Gazette, of June 5111, publish
time was spent after which the bride and Detroit, gives the following inters
lgroom returned to their home on the 1st account of a wedding in which the b
ine. The presents were very handsome groom was a former well known resi
and valuable. We with the young couple of this locality :—Ab the home of hie,
many years of happiness and Pros' Mrs. Jas, Reid, 713 Pingree avenue,
perity, Frederick John Laird WAS united in
nage to Miss Jessie Helena, their el
'waltoxu. daughter, Wednesday evening.
Nest Sabbath morningthe union re- Rev Marcus Scott, assisted by the
view of the Inst gnarter's abbath sohool Dr. Thom pates of Ellett,
Hamilton, Ont„
lessons will be held in Duff's church, Rev, 1:;, Gates Elletb, pettormecl
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist orkmony, The before
church will bold a Garden Party on Fri- took their pieces b° a
a beautiful b
day, July 0th, on the Parsonage lawn, of palma extending quite to the Emig
Seaforth Brass Band will aid in the pro- girls bearing
the wermarch ushered in two
a 1
grain, rin, baskets of flowers, folio
Last Friday evening the members of by the bride and groom attended b
Rupp, of S6, Themes, Out„ as 5x00
the Epworth League assembled at the
Methodist Parsonage anal spent a social man' Bliss Jennie Reid, as bri000n
evening with their retiring pastor, Rev, and the .misses Nome Stfeumetz, ltl
J. P. Weatman, and enjoyed a most leas-
Wilson, Graacie Symington, and L
p Andrews, as mauls of honor, and
ant time, Refreshments were provided bride's parents. Only the immedi
from well
young people.ell Thelreverendets ngentleman bthe friends were present at tate ceremo
has mode many friends here and bears butt the many beautiful preente atter
with him the best wishes of all for his the regard in which the bride and groom
future prosperity both in college and in are held. Atter most hearty oongraanl-
hie future pastoral chargee. anions the dicing room was visited and
A aongrogation that filled all the avail, the good cheer was shared by all ; not
able apace eeeembled in the Methodist only by those already present, Uutfrlet
rhrhumb last Sabbath afternoon to bear invited to the reception came and 0,0,4en 6
the closing sermon of Rev. Mr, West- 11a1 more than two hundred had made
man's pastorate. His text was Famineglad the occasion by their presence and
122, and 7111 verse, "Peace be within thy yougrabulatiooe, Dr, Laird ie the physician wbo bas but receecenier
walls, &o.” Appropriate reference was young
made to the Queen's Jubilee also to located fn the Northside, having 510(101000(1of
church affairs on Walton circuit. e1r, bbis Spring from itheng Detroit School of
Wessman bas done thorough good work Medtat.ne. In seaming Miss Reid for bis
during the past year and has mads a good wife he gains a 'helper and life partner
name for himself both as preacher and h of all the traits Dr. 110.1 Mrs, Laof
irt noble meat
pastor. Ile left for his home in Granton cod. d will be at
this week but during July will supply home, 70 Pingree avenue, after June
Blyth Methodist pulpit for throe Sab• 15611,
baths. There will be no preaching ser.
vice in the Methodist oharoh here nest
Sabbath but on the suoeeeding Sunday
the new pastor, Rev. Mr. Tiffin, will
preach his inaugural sermons,
a3 r e ec-.
Another wedding or so still remains on
the program.
Quito a number attended the Model
Farm exouraion on Monday.
Jas, Sinolair'had a wood bee and dance
last Friday, An enjoyable time was
The new kitaben and woodshed at B.
Laing's residence, 5611 eon,, is about
Grey Township Oounoil wail meet for
the transaction of business co Satardav
of next week at the Township Hall, Ethel.
Jas. T. Dodds had a rib broken at the
Brosaels—Atwood foot ball =toll on
Jubilee Day by the vigorous chocking of
an Abwoodian,
Mee. B. 0. Ogden nd son, of Pitts-
burg, Peunsylvauin, accompanied Mise
Martha Laing home last week and will
visit iu this locality foe is few months in
the hope of improving her health. Miss
Laing has been away for about a year.
Last Monday evening as Elias Dickson
and wife, 12th•oon., were leaving home to
go 60 Brussels thou team took fright at a
parasol and ran away. Mr. and Mrs.
Diokeou and ohildeen were thrown
out bob were not seriously in-
jured. It was feared at )Orsi that hire,
Diakeon was not likely to reoover but we
nee pleased to hoar that sbe is getting
along nicely now.
nnav DAATn.—The very suasion
of Mrs. Duncan Molnnis is a severe shook
to her many friends in (hie township.
She woe apparently in good health until
Monday night when elm was taken end.
denly ill, she died before medical aid
could her. Heart dfe0aae is supposed to
have been the cause, She was an earliest
Ohrietian, a amoebae of Knox ohneoh,
Oranbeook ; a kind neighbor and affec•
tfonabo mother and wife, Mr. Melnnio
hoe the sympathy of all in this ead
bereavomenb. The funeral took plasm
Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Mr, ltloitae
offioiatiug. Two children aro left
brim,—We regret to report the doodle
of Louie, fourth daughter of Thos. and
Olivia Bialby, 11111 cons who reseed away
on Wednesday night, in her 1.5th year,
She bad boen i11 with by)lboid feVer which
along with other °ompli°etione resulted
in her demise. Louie was a bright, in -
!diligent girl who promised to excel as a
pupil of the public sohool and was beloved
by all wbo knew her. The funeral balsas
place Friday afternoon al 2,80 &'clank,
eervioe at 2. Interment at Mineola
ogmotety. 1F1r, and Mrs. Biolby and
family are deeply sympathized with in
thole bereavement, A memorial eerviae
will be bell in l3rueeele Methodist remelt
next Sabbath moelling.
Bice A•rase.
Mrs. Hanna is very low.
frost on Monday morning of this week.
Mrs. Thos, Miller is ftp with a stiff
Win. Forsyth spent Sunday on bhe 7th
J. Brown, of Blyth, Sundayod in
Mrs. Boyd, of Luoknore, is visiting at
John Robb's jr,
Mr. and Mrs. Michie visited in Turn.
berry this week.
J•, Forsyth and Miss McCall spent Sun-
day in McKillop.
Wat. Davidson, of Belmore, Sundayed
at John I11eVety'e, let con,
Crops look fairly well but on low lands
tbey are badly drowned out.
Hurrah for the garden party on else
20e11 e6 C. Wheeler's, 4611 line.
W. Riggs, of Bawmanville, is visiting
his uncle, Robt. Sonoh, 3rd line.
Frank Mo0ptcheon jr. has purchased a
now Massey 000900 and horse mice,
Sanders Frain, of Smith's Fallg, is
Visiting his sister, Mee. Sharp, 5th line.
Peter Hill, of Manitoba, is at present
visiting relatives and friends on the lab
Clarden party at Rabb, blathers, let
eon., this Friday evening. All are in.
Mr, and hlrs. Ashton and G. 0. Ibsen
were visiting at Goo. Johuatou's, last
Quito a number of our farmers took in
the excursion to the Model Farm on
A wedding in Bluer/isle this week, at
Which happy event the 1st, will furnish
the groom.
• Robb. Gibern, Sanhfno, has stemmed
with Wm. Amos to go threshing when the
season opals.
George Johnston and wife spent a couple
of days of this week visiting relntivoe and
friends in Palmerston,
Geo. Peacock and wife emit Jubilee
day in Turnberry, vieiting their daegotsr,
hlrs, Joseph Breckenridge,
Geo, Button, wife and child spent Sun-
day at the homy of their grind -parents,
G. H, and Dim ltuttan, lob eon.
W. Ball and wife, of Grey, and Goorge
Eaktnier and wife, of Jamestown, event
Sunday at Lewis Jewitt's, 2nd line.
Quito a number of ,y0110g Indite] and
getltiemen took hi the trip to the Modal
Them! on Monday, and report an enjoy-
Next Sabbath evening Rev. Mr, Mosel
will preach his farewell sermon in john -
don's ohnroh. Isis eucoossor, Ikev. D.
Regime will take do palpib on the foliose.
ing Sabbath.
Poor .Bann.—A foot boll game was
played on Jubilee day between the boyo
of Shine's sohool and those of No. 4,
Morris, The gaco resulted two to one in
favor of No, 4, Morrie. It svae a Wee
game and was well conteeted, It takes
the No. 4 boys to do thorn up,
A One-horse Wagon, suitable for
milk hauling, nearly new.
2 Soconcl-hand 2 seated Buggies,
and a number of Second-
hand Single Buggies in good
Carriage Maker, Brussels.
Anchor Vire Fencing.
I have the agency for the above
Galvanized Steol Wire Fencing,
manufactured at Stratford, and
am prepared to build it for either
farm or village use on Reasonable
terms. Samples of the fence
may be seen at J. 0. Tuck's res-
idence, Brussels, or A. Cur`ie's
lot, 5th line, Morris. Guaran-
teed to give satisfaction. 1 also
supply Wire Gates for faros or
The undersigned are pre-
pared to pay the Highest
Cash Price for any quantity
of good fleece wool.
Fele:{er 86 Velnstone,
Are You a -o
If yon require a Wheel you should
aall on the uudereigued, Aa opted
of the foot ant we do the business
we append the sales already mads
this season :
Rev, 3, Rade,
T. Dodds,
Gse,'Thomson, Gente' E. it D'
J, H. Cameron,
Juo. Snaith, NEW BARNES
W. D. Conley,
A. heifer,
B, Minter,
Mise 1013. Meadows,
J, A. Stewart, •• OLPIV.BLAN.D
D. Straohan,
J. Ilamiltou,
J. Kellingtou, SECOND
A. McKay, BAND
0, McKay, WHEELS
L. W0001'1e01,
3, Brown,
,zero y+•s 7" 'IL7a:F+4"w•k x'iste?'4ik 0,ausg" „'"""^•' •
l if
t ,
OPPOSOPPOSITION is the life of trade. There are three buyers on this :market this
and higher prices are being paid here thou in an oti.or piece in the
oaunty. We aro not buying wool, but we have made arraugemente with Balton
Bros., who buy the moat of the wool hate, to accept their orders from p•maans w110
want to exchange their wool for goods. We got a great snap from a w0alen 110111 up
North, whish bad a steels made up to exchange for wool, but owing r; a failure of e
Private Bank they had to shut down, and we bought what we required of their cloche
at sixty (tenth on tho dollar, and we now offer first.olase goods at
Prices Like These :
Yarn in two and three ply worth 500, for 40o. a Ib.
Spada( line Yarn In Grey, Binds, White, Iced, and Grey ami Mite mixed at
50o, e. lb.
Wool Tweed worth 110a, for 33o. An extra heavy make and emu to give
A Line of Wool Sheeting (white) very epeeiai, at 80e,
A flue Line of Blankets, etc,
Wo are showing extra value iu Cottonnde at 20e, and 23e,
Bleached Cotton, 87 inches wide, worth 80. for Co,
Wool Tweed worth 130o. for 40e.
Fine Tweed worth 75c. for 50c.
Fine Tweed worth 131 for 75o.
All Wool Flannel, checked, 25o.
Speoial Line of Outten Bose worth 20e, a pair, 2 pairs for 23e.
"Nothing is Cheap that isn't good."
• Have Eyes, but see r.ot
Have Ears, but hear not!
Use your senses and concentrate your ;-iu'ntal
faculties in buying your Clothing. Give
OUP lieu' Spr'inl line your most
careful scrutiny.
WILL .'i`.... ,7�t'r'� YES'
a,�® 4 Y
The most thoroughly made and artistic pro-
duction of lien's, Boys' and Children's Dress -Up
Clothing that we ever before conceived.
a •
The most favorable commendations and trib-
utes of praise from patrons who have given our
Clothing a trial and Who have looked to us for the
Np�tl F�"tit"
t5il y,�s4 j,. ( ENT
Will discover the moderate prices for super-
ior 'work.
Call in and look carefully through our unequalled
stock. of Neckwear, Cuffs, Collars, Suspenders,
Fancy Shirts, Hosiery and Underwear.
1 s),saren _..a_._.._.. mnwuv,servxa.1rrs 0.1:ar 1:14=ecrmuscmwnermxxmas,mu
Lbs. of
`\ •x.0°1" urx, ".�`" '....r)•
HIGIIES'T CASH PRICE that can possibly be raid c,r it ex-
chamging Wool for goods a few cents per lb. extra twill be raid and
guarantee to sell goods at Cash Prices,
BLADWAI]d CLOTHING.—All styles and sizes in D'en's
and Boys' Snits. Special value this season in our o)-wu make of
Before disposing of your wool call on
. alacgion, fitSTOWiit,