HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-6-25, Page 4New Advertisements, hire,(Dr.)Tamlyn has a partial pack.
age of pins, the balaooe of which wee
used by the Queen on the day of her
LOoal--Jae,Welker. coronation, 113r+,'xamlyn'e father was a
Loonl—\V. J. McCracken. merchant at the time of the coronation
PinkPilis—Dr, \Pilliams. and had supplied the royal bnueehold
Strayed -Alex, eleLauoblin. with certain goods among wlrieh were
Paris Green—G. A. Deadman, these ingenteuely made pins, A part of (:ail cs<ij.1 n N ct see w,
Wool market—:YSeIftnnnn ea Co. the package had been retained by him ----
Bull for servioe---G, A. Desdmttn, and given to hie daughter 00 an heirloom. Iloratio Drayoap was run over by a
W. J, Chapman, of W Ingham, and H. Grand Trim's engine at Belleville and
The members of the Canadian Risley
teem were inspected at Montreal by
Major Mascot, of Hamilton,
The by law to grant $25,000 to the
elevator company s'ae parried by a
majority of 781 at Kingston,
At Portage la Prairie Henry Brigham
shot his sister-in.lew, Priscilla Ball, and
then shot himself, dying inetantly.
A farmer named David Martens was
struck by lightning and killed dieing a
heavy rainstorm at Winkler, Manitoba.
Mgr- Merry del Val, the Papal delegate
has returned from Winnipeg, and will
probably leave Canada for borne before
Abner S. Cook died at Niagara Fells
South, at the age of 80 years. Hie wife
survives him, to whom he was married
64 years ago.
The rejeotion of the bill in the House
to inoorporate pilots has;caused a strike
in that body, and ocean vessels to and
from Montreal are having great diiiionity
in getting through.
During the pubiio demonstration in
Ottawa Lord Aberdeen road the message
received from the Queen, and his reply to
it. The feature at the capital was the
electric illumination.
There has been no eastern mail receiv-
ed at Vancouver or through trains s]nee
The frost on Sunday night was rather Friday. The difficulty is between Banff
slight in title neighborhood and did no and Anthracite. Bow River is very high,
very great damage. The weather genet. washing away bridges and portions of the
ally is rather pool for the month of June. track•
Mott, wifliam Mullools entertained the
•, •., rrn.,,ear
tom -. irsifuwFM3002,21r"r”':r.T. ec
pink careered imitations, againet which
the pnblio le warned. The genuine pink
Pille eau be hail ()My in boxes, the wrap.
per wound wlrieh boars the full trade
mark "Dr. williame' Pink Pille for Pale
People," Ref me all ()there.
Teacher tvantod- Ales. Buchanan,
Shingles for sole—Ronald fire Engine
Cbe Y)riT5selz.
FRII)1AY, RINE 25, 1897,
ArTER the dire calamities fore.
shadowed over t11,1 Manitoba School ques-
tion the matter stays a0itled and even Mgr.
Merry dol Val officially, it is said, asks to
have all opposition to the school settle.
ment dropped and to have the Public
Schools accepted by the minority. This
roam Laurier evidently bears the olive
branch of peace.
Tun L' ]berals of South Huron did a
wise thing he re -nominating M. Y. Mc-
Lean, M, P. P., as their candidate for the
coming election to the Legislature. Mr.
McLean is a hard worker and has render. the Torouto University, is spending a few
ded services of great value to the cause of o11l a at Sir tforde internis entering a law
Liberalism through the medium of his Ou Wednesday evening Miss Clara
newspaper. He should have a good maj- Hewitt, of the Ind line, was united in
ority even 0 he is opposed by the strong- marriage to Geo. Demi-mix, of \Viugbsm,
est Conservative in the riding.
P., of Ripley, have bright prospects of
becoming etch men, owing to the death of
an uncle said to lie worth 635,000. The
brothers are lighting the claim in Denver.
W. J. falls heir to the bulk of the money,
bat Barry was not entirely ignored. He
expects to receive ealitalent to make ltim
independent. W. J. left for Denver and
will endeavor to get a settlement.
Tro^evie e der, e.
We notice James MaRae is making an
addition to his cider mtll for the a000m-
modation of the pubiio.
A few of our moat euterptising citizens
took advantage of the cheap rates to the
Model Farm on Monday,
Dr. Raymond Code, of Toronto, is
spending a few days with his cousins,
etre. Tboa. Tughen, and E. and W. Hal.
Milliard Code has hie windmill ereoted
and in working order. He intends thing
it for chopping, straw nutting, watering
purposes, etc.
Geo. Bray, wheehas been studying at
Hev. Taos, B. n. tt00NE should win in
North Perth Local Legislature contest as
his reputation ie too well known to re-
quire any introduction to the electors.
He has been a foremost man both in and
out of the Provincial House. If the fact
of A. 1:1% ;McLaren being a cheese buyer
was such a boom in hie musing for Do-
minion Parliament we assume what was
sauce for Oho goose will sow be sauce Lor
the gander. Mr.Ballautyne in the cheese i fully formed an influential Local Board
io Listowel for the company.
Icing. I 8lre. :fames, wife of the rooter of
Christ Church, left last week on a trip to
Tar. little Icick.up by the Senate, be. England, where she will spend two or
cause they have au Opposition majority, three months visiting her parents.
against Government measures was au ill- The C. P. It. Ageny in town has been
timed move, we think, and shows a very rya
appointed to look after end John Livintha� nterests
illiberal spirit, They may be thankful of the road in town and vicinity.
that they have their job for life or their In the matter of appeal of J. G. Hay
wallsing ticket would probably be handed to the County Judge against hie 000900-
elate. What nod is the 'rent for new walk proposed to be built
them at an early g on the West side of Dodd and Argyle
Senate anyhow ? We believe it is a use- streets, the decision of the Court of
less body that could be easily dispensed Revision has been oontrrmed, and tenders
with without loss to the Dern/Moo and will be immedint,ly calla.' for.
Charles Newbigging, brother of Mrs,
the sooner the better.
James Armstrong, of this town, died on
the let of Jane in Edinburgh, Scotland,
after a few days illness with inflammation
of the longs, aged 33 years. Deceased
resided in Canada for some time, and re-
turned to the old land a few years ago.
Ile leaves a wife and two children.
Lebec Australian visitor, Sir Frederick Sargood
Wool is Doming in at a rate of about at dinner at the Ridean Olub, Ottawa.
3,000 Iba, a da • at the Listowel Woollen others
Oliver at, Sir Henri Joland
otherrss of thee Cabinet were present..
Mills. John Freeman, an old resident of St.
The Lletowel Driving Pstic Association Thomao, was crossing a railway bridge
have deoided to give a Summer meet on North of the city, when an express train
the 27th and 28th days of July, came along and one of the coaches :Arndt
The Oanadien Savings Loan and Build- a basket in his hand. He was thrown to
Ong Association of Toronto, has success- the creek below and instantly killed.
Novell in the history of the world,
probably, has there been such a generous
and enthusiastic outburst of patriotism
and loyalty displayed to or in connection
with the reign of auy Sovereign es that
accorded to Her Majesty Queen Victoria
in convection with the Diamond Jubilee
celebrations throughout the length and
breadth of the British Empire. The
pulpit and press ; the rich and the poor ;
the old and the young ; all creeds and
classes have vied with each other in a
desire to do honor to the best of Queens,
and we don't wonder that as "God Save
the Qneen" has belted the globe in a
circle of song that Her Majesty should
have her heart stirred to send her best
wishes to her millions of loyal subjects.
A. Young Daighter or David Mellirray, of
O'crgue,tbe Victim—Iles SnirereO the Sheep shins, each
Jsost Intense Agony—Doctors failed to Lamb skins each
help tier. hogs, Live
Mrs. Alexander, of lot 18, con. 11,
Downie, Avoubauk, who was attacked by
a bull some time ago when she was dtiv.
ing some cattle home, died of her injuries
on the 14th inst. It was hoped at first,
that her injuries, though severe, were
not likely to be fatal, but she was unable
to rally Iron the shook and died as
stated. Deep sympathy is felt for Mr.
Mills and for the other relatives of the
deceased in their bereavement. J. 1M.
Wateou, of St. Marys, was a brother of
deceased. The funeral took place on
Wednesday of last week and was largely
Fall wheat
Spring wheat
Peas (large)
Butter, tubs and rolls ...
Eggs per dozen ...
Flour per barrel
Potatoes (per bag) .,
Ilay per ton 6 00 00
Hides trimmed 5 1t
Hides xongh G
Salt per bbl., retail, 1 00 00
40 00
15 40
5 00 5 25
Dressed Hogs 5 20 5 80
Wool 18 19
(15 00
22 25
87 38
40 55
20 00
0 10
4 00 4 60
From the Fergus News -Record,
Nearly every person in this section is
acquainted with David McIfardy, the
popular leader of St. Andrew's church
olloir, Fergus. Our reporter called upon
Mr. MaHardy at his home in Upper
I31.1rti,. Niobol recently, and from hien and his
estimable wife a tale of terrible suffering
was elicited, suffering that has brought a
once exceptionally strong and healthy
child to the verge of the grave, The
subject of the sketch, Lena 11IoHardy, is
fourteen years of age, and her parents
say she has not grown any since her
illness began, some two years and a -half
ago. Her terrible suffering dates from
the time of her vaccination in June 1894,
and what she has since uudergoue has
aroused the deepest sympathy of all the
friends of the f amily. In conversation
with Mr. eiaHardy and his wife, the fol-
lowing facts were elicited :—"Two years
ago last June," said the father "Lena was
vaccinated by a doctor in Fergus. The
arm was very sore and swollen all Sum-
mer, and became so bad that it was a
mass of sores from the shoulder to the
tiVfn :ii ttrn. elbow. In October 1894 a largo lump
appeared on her back over one of her
A foot -bridge will be put over the race lenge, Tho doctor who vocei 16ted her
in Lower Wingharn. treated her all that Summer, calling very
Frances street has been graded from frequently, but the medicine he gave her
one end to the other, did no good and elle was growing weaker
The London Tanning Co, have decided and weaker, Wheu the lump broke out
not to close their works I. ere. on her back another doctor was consnttecl,
S. Gracey sold one of his hearses last who said she was in a very bad abate of
week to a Ripley undertaker. health. Her constitution appeared to bo
Itobt. hlclndea to visiting 11Irs, completely undermined, and her appetite
(Dr.) Dean, of Detroit, for a few weeks, had completely failed, :Cite last doctor
The rind macbiue purchased by the called iu gave 0000 outward applicatiol8
town council is proving itself a good and lanced the gathering, but it did not
article, give the patient any benefit. Nine such
Mies Houghton ie busily preparing for gatheriuge have appeared since that
an entertainment entitled "The Carnival time, but each treks and disappeared of
lie own accord, only however,- to bo fol-
lowed by another, The child became
verp puny, and little or uo food would
remain on her stomach, At night she
would fairly rave with the pain of her
The Blyth brass band tools in the
Jubilee festivities at Clinton.
A• A. Taylor, an old resident of Blytb,
is now travelling for a Montreal house.
Miss 111. ItioGeachie, who has been
visiting Blyth friends for some time, bas
returned to her home at Elder's Mille,
York scanty.
Mrs. Geo. McGowan and Mrs, Wm.
Richmond have gone to spend a month
visiting friends in Guelph and poiuts in
Halton county.
Business is booming this season at the
Blyth cheese factory. Hodgen, it Son
of Montreal, have purchased the May
make et a tents per pound. This sale,
together with the sales made to Blyth
merchants, brings the total revenue of
the factory for May up to 6838.04.
of Nations,
Many of our townspeople are improv-
ing their properties by taking away the
front fetters,
The animal I. O. F. monster excursion
to Sarnia and Detroit will be held en arm and back, and consequently her
Satnrd.ty, Jnly 3, trouble wns aggravator by loss of sleep,
A. It e was in Hamilton attending a Shn had the best o£ attendance but to
no avail and elm was slowly but surely
Waking. I.o'riourls advised a treatment
with the. Williams' fink Pills, and as a
last resort they were tried. To the stir,
pries of both parents and Mende Lena
began to improve won after beginning
the use of. the pills, nor appetite rotten•
ed, she became stronger and her general
health mach improved. The sora have
nob yet left her back and arm, but her
coustituticu is being so very mach
improved nncler the treatment with Dr.
Willians' :Oink Pills that hoc parents are
looking far a complete cure. 1Ir. and
14Ire, lefollarcly thank Pink Pills for the
preeont improved condition of their
child, as they have elate her more good
than the scares of bottles of dootor's
medicine which she tools.
Dr, Williams' Pink Pille are a blood
charter having been obtained the follow• builder and nerve restorer. They slip.
ing gentlemen were ,looted directors 1--• ply the blood with its life and health.
Win. Clegg, A, Young, Geo, Crefkehank, givieg proportion, thus driving disease ,
Wm, Oruikehank, W. J. Henderson, from 010435,801n, There aro numerems
nlectim1 of the 'Licensed \'icittallereAo•
sociatinn of Ontario,
Mayor Morton fined a town bicyclist
$1 and ,qo-,ts for riding cm the sidewalk.
The next tine will be considerably en.
The „rand stand at the race trach is
nearing vempletiotl. The stand ]e eighty
feet lone., covered, and will seat seven
hundred re opl0.
A little daughter of Emezialt 'Wylie, of
Lower Town, fell into the mill -race.
Harry Ansley happened along and caught
her as she nee to the eunlooe. In falling
in the little one 131t her head on some.
thing and made quite a gaeh, from which
the blood flexed profusely.
A general meeting of the shareholders
of the eVio ban Farmers' Flax Co, wag
held in the Council Chamber. The
ethers steady to strong ; suite, 'lorkera,
$3.51 ; light an., 63.073 ; mixed packer's,
63.173 to 611.50 ' heavy and Inotliume,
63.45 ; roughs, 63 to 63.15 ; stags, 62,25
to 63.50. bhuep ttud iambs—bbnr ours
through, nine on sale, mat•lcet dull, but
about steady ; fair to good yearling lambs
63,10 to 64 ; culla to fair, 62,70 to 63.20 ;
suits to goad mixed sheep, $2.15 to 68,56 ;
wotiorf, 63.85 to 61 ; exports, 611.86 to
',MUT ,,v, lune 93, ---Wheat, spring 65
43 00 ee 3 ; red winter, es stock, No, 1,
Cal. lie 101 .1 to lis 11d ; 00011 new, 28 Od ;
peas, 1• '.l ; pork, 50140d ; lard, 22s 01 ;
tallow, 10; ed ; baoon heavy, 1.o., 2es 6d ;
do., 115111, 0.0., 27s Od., cheese, white 668
111 ; do„ colored, 56e Ott.
Anvnnes IN WltllATPnomima.—Wboat
has receded l0 05 omits per bushel, which
le a low average for thls cereal. How-
ever, according to the letoet reports, there
is a deliaioney of 22,000,000 bushels in the
visible supply in Canada and the United
States. In the great mill centres of the
West the elevators are short in supply,
and little doubt ie felt than an edvanao in
prices will take place shortly. The spring
wheat crop is what buyers and speculators
are looking to. lo wheat circles, how-
ever, there is no doubt ovary bushel will
be bought ab present prices, as oampared
with other food products, the present
prides are out of proportion. The United
States Drop is not oertain as yet. India,
is reported poor, Argautino la doubtful,
Russia fair, but not certain, There is no
doubt, aocordiug to present appearances,
wheat will be higher than 66 cents a
CnEnoE ltfanEars, — Belleville, Ont.,
June 22.—Thirty-ono footoriee boarded
2,250 white and 850 colored cheese here
today. Sales -500 white and 250 colored,
at Seo ; 655 white at 8 7.16o ; 60 white at
830. New York, June 22.—Butter quiet ;
western creamery, 110 to 15o ; do factory,
The to 121a ; State dairy, 10e to 14o ; do
nreamery, lis to 15c. Cheese steady ;
large State, Seo to 811) ; small fanoy, The
to 8o ; part skims, 40 to Geo ; full skims,
23o to 80.
Lxvonroon, Jane 21.—Receipts to -day
were easy, and prices were a ebade better.
Canadian cattle fetched 533 per pound,
and States cattle 5ed per pound. Sheep
are unchanged.
To11o11'o STREET PnroEs, Jane 23.—Fall
wheat 70a to 71e ; goose, 61 ; barley, 28 ;
oats, 23 ; peas, 45 ; hey, $10 to 612 ;
dressed hugs, $6.60 to 60.75 ; butter, 10a ;
eggs, 0o, new laid.
Ear BsEwAno, N. 7., Jnne 22.—Cattle
—Receipts, 18 oars through ; eight on
sale ; market dull and slow, with no very
good stook here, bat eight loads of Can-
ada stockers left over ; veals scarce and
stronger ; extra, $5 to $6,75 ; common to
fair, 64 to 64.75. Hogs—Reoeipte, four
ears through, nine on sale, market fairly
active and a shade higher for Yorkers ;
Iludersignod will keep for sorvloe'on
Lot ea, Cull, 5, 0001 ie, the thaoo Urad im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Soleetetl,"
broil from 3,11. Bretbour's ewoepetakos sow
at Chicago Fair. Toms, 51.00 to he paid
at the time of entwine with privilege of re-
turning if necessary. Pedigree may bo seen
on ¢l,plluation, ItOl3T, NICHOL.
4 ajesty'e
Dimond Jubilee,
Tuesday, June 22, !897
ltoturu tickets will be issued between 011
stations in Canada at
BingIB First-class Fare
Good going Monday, June 21st, and
Tuesday, June 22nd, 1897. Retarniug
leaving destination not later than Wed-
nesday, June 23rd, 1897,
Frill information at G. T.11. station,
G. T. R. Agent, Brussels.
Summer r�
The undersigned carries a well
assorted stock of seasonable Dress
Goods that find favor with the
ladies. Special values. A full
line of other dry goods always on
J Well «iJ, 1b9 l
OUR Grocery
is constantly supplied with the
lines and the satisfaction given
to our customers is the best proof
of the quality and price.
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
AT Tull?
for Casio or in Exchange for Goods,
We have Flannels, Blankets, Tweeds, Slleetings, Yarns,
Underwear, Carpets, etc.
Special attention given to Custom Work, such. as Card-
ing, Spinning, 'Weaving, Fulling and Dyeing.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
em.¢a.a.•eesn.,�_�..,..w.e¢ev.a^rma131:011=^ ,.,...sm..u.�.rrbvr
We have the following varieties of the choicest and
most reliable Turnip Seeds we can buy, viz
Hall's Westbury,
Sutton's Champion,
East Lothian,
Royal Norfolk,
Skirving's Improved,
Carter's Imperial,
Sharp's Improved,
Bruce's Selected East Lothian,
Green Top and White Swede,
Also Grey Stone Turnip Seed.
Give us a cal! for the Best.,,
Baler ar,:moaairvae+oammtmaao.
.Y :. 00 'St
The National Roller Mill has been
thoroughly overhauled and refitted and
is in a position to turn out First-class
Flour, second to none in Ontario.
Manitoba Wheat used in gristing and
for the local trade.
Patronize home manufacture and be
sure of getting satisfaction.,
Wheat bought,
Flour, Bran, Shorts, Chop, &c., al-
ways on hand x1111 sold at reasonable prices.
Give me a call.
,:na.nv,o,mnemvaveuv,•.,--�- ,.resvvv,®.,v.Ma
i 00
We will still continue to sell
the above articles
while the Bankrupt Stock
lasts which will not bo much
longer at the rate they aro
, going off.
Come and secure
the Bargains
while they last,
50,000 LBS. WANTED.
1 am prepared to pay the highest Casio Price for the
above quantity, delivered at Grain Storehouse No. 1, or if
farmers prefer 2 cents per 1b. more in trade. Parties wish.
ing to trade out their Wool can do so at
With whom 1 have arranged,
Owing to the coming Vigil duty imposed by the Dingley tariff
in the United States, Fanners would consult their interests by
marketing their; Wool early, so dealers can ship promptly there be.
fore the duty fakes effect.
272R USS S