The Brussels Post, 1897-6-25, Page 1Vol. 24. No. 80. CHARGED W/TH FRAUD. A eensationml trial is prontived 02 t1 result of three arrests made in the little town of Blyth Thurday morning of last week, the oltargo being conspiracy to defraud et'etlltel's, After au hrvestigetion of several months int() a failure which took place ill Nov- ember ovember of last year, S. Jossop hie wife, j1£ileaila Jossop, and Mrs. John 11Me1$lroy were arrested by Detective Petrick 1Ief. formai am 1 conveyed to Gadorioh jail, whore they will bo brought before the Police lragistrata ou the charge of coo. spiracy to defraud elle crecline% of Milesia Jeoeop, The warrants were iss11ec1 by Police Magistrate Seeger, of Goderieh, acting under iuserttetiotis from Crown Attorney Lewis. There are a largo numbs' of witnesses to be called, and the trial promises to ho decidedly in- terostiug, CaEnlTOlta 81 I'Ii'IQI1a. The history of the Investigation hits its curious features. Mrs. 13.1ilcaia Jessup, trading nuclei: the name of Jessop & Co., 8100 a general store et Blyth. Jessup him- self had previously been in business 00 his own account, but had failed, and the bueiuess was taken over by his wife. She also assigned is November last, and the estate was in such a bad condition that the creditors became auspicious that everything was not right. They thougbt that there should be more goods in sight than the statement showed, and there were rumors also that the firm had been cutting prices extensively. A abort time 111081008 to the failure Jossop oncleavored to purchase heavily ]u Toronto, but oven then scale local wholesale houses refused to sell him, although Hamilton houses were willing to give him credit. AL the filar meeting of creditors, hold at the office of lliohard Tow, Toronto, the de- signee, the assets were shown to be only $1,174.06, while the liabilities then known amounted to $11,650.711. The following is the abatement presented at the meeting : .Teems. Cash on band $ 11 05 Stock -Groceries 485 88 Valises and Trunks 20 55 Gloves 122 13 Hats and caps 41 80 Boots curt shoes 217 48 Crockery and glassware ..........921 50 Fiat twee 32 05 Book accounts :- Good 4 75 Doubtful 17 43 Bad 01 25 Total 1 174 58 1,1,113I1. 1)118, Amos, Holden A: Co., Toronto $ 154 90 Datvsot,3 Co„ Toronto Tho Eby Mute Co, (Ltd.) R. II. Greene & Co Gowans, Dont S Co S.1.aJ.Galt W. B. Hamilton Son & Co John Macdonald & Co McKellar & Dallas John Sloan & Go W. II. Smith Sunlight Soap Co Toronto Biscuit Co J. Taylor & Go John Lennox & Co„ Hamilton J. 0. Taylor ("cermet], Bekerb & Co., London London Catsup Co W. J. Reid ,31 Co Miluo, Spittal & Co John Everleigh & Co., Montreal J. G. Wilson & Co„ Montreal ., T. Clearline, Brookville J. Hall R' Co,, Brockville J. A. Sr M, Cote, St, IHyacinthe Snell Bros., Exeter 10 50 8'3 27 1811 83 124 21 I11 71 125 10 5080 58 79 344 35 20 00 20 25 88 30 81 40 440 02 245 02 135 50 10 58 174 85 02 12 70 40 80 05 109 10 47 25 047 68 77 50 Total $8,050 75 This did nob include all the limlxilitiea, however, as the following firms bad not Med their olaitns ;--Halmltou Fruit Ex - ohmage. Hamilton ; A. Mountjoy, Lon- don; Walter Thompson, London; Brant- ford Soap Works, .Brantford ; W. Patter- son d3 Son, Brantford ; W. Weniob & Oo., Georgetown ; Warner Bros., Georgetown ; T, R, T. Case, Seaforth ; Walter Thonlp. sou, Seaforth ; Arnold Bros, Anton ; Berlin Brush Co., Berlin ; Port Dover Vinegar Works ; W. G. Perrin, Clinton. Those claims will bring the total rip to $4,240,10, showing an actual defioiouoy of $ 8,074.14. A IUOOtla81'UI, semen, When it was ilunlly deoided to investi- gate the failure, Detective PatrickIleffo8. non, who had previously brought) to a successful couoluaiou the Bradley,Cleske conspiracy ease, was given charge of the matter, and for the peat four months 11as been quietly working on the case. The affair reached a climax Thursday, when Detective Heffernan, acting under 8earali warrants, searched rho rosideooe of Mrs. John MoEh'oy, Jeasop's mothe8113-law, and the residence of Jessop & Go. Mo- Elroy's house is situated at lot 18, con, 8, Township of Morris. A lot of the goods were in the original packages. At Jessop'a place, in Blyth, other goods were also discovered. The merchandise com- prises dry goods, , blantota, dross o ods,boots hosiery, shawls, glassware, china, silverware, gloves, furs, carpets, lamps, liuons and abet; aetiol os. In feat there were o1i11i fent to store a sample room at the Queen's Hotel at Blyth. 1VIr. JBssop had purchased a ticket for To. ionto on Tuesday last, but returned to Blyth, and bo, with his wifo and Mrs, Mo. Elroy, was arrested Friday morning. The Mc.Elroy's own three large faring hi the no1'gbboabood of Blyth. J. R. Shaw, of Smellie lit Shaw, Toronto, will conduct the trial 00 behalf of the creditors. Other goods 0,8e supposed to be missing, and it le thought 111ab these may have been carted actress the country to Wing - ham and shipped from there to Manitoba. A pertnit will be asked of the Canadian Nellie officials to examine the books at Wingham Tho preliminary examination of S. Joeeop, his Wife, Nitrate, Jeesop, and his meth08.13) laty, Mrs. John McElroy) will coma up before the Police Magistrate at BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1897 prisoners were bought before Pollee Magietratn Seeger Saturday, nod rub. milted to bail in bonds of $2,000 earth, 1'ltu 110111ng will conuneteo at I1 o'clock. LIQUOR 31 EN MEET, The fnurtlt annual meeting of the Ontario Licenoo-holders' pt'oteetive As- 500i0tien met at Hamilton on ,lane 17th,. About 15,0 lelegatee were present, Mayor Colguliouu delivered an ea:Woes of %vol. mane t-., the delegates. The country, cousirlered, was better off with liberty get a glass "f beet' than without t privilege. T1, trade 0115 legalized the Legislature, and some of the b Imeinese: mer of the country wore e gaged in it. In hie opinion the tempo ante people were often more intomper in their language than the liquor mon their trade. Solioitor Moorman, in returning than for the assooiation, ss,id that while tl trade had differed from the attacks the temperance ;people, he believed the efforts were now 3.0021 a10(1, As thin Low, stood, 7 per cent. of the 0oantt mostly fnnnties, were trying to die1a3e 03 per cent. lIe pointed out that to co ry out prohibition would oast .$10,000,00 mud necessitate a yearly tax of $2.00 hoed fur every man, women and child 1 the oountry. The only merge ooneietsn with justice would be the pnecha05 ev.ry liquor besinees in the Dominion. The treasurer's repeat showed that claims had been pail lull a largo surpin remained in the treasury, Diamond Jubilee Celebration Sea forth, ray, D Ilugllie, 5, Kelly, A. Haggle, %/] S' l okert and D. Shaul.= ; Captain, '1h My1011. Ifullett-J, Bart', R. Dunlop, Weymouth, W. Brigham, W. Snell a M. Mainus ; Captain, It. 111oM1i1 1837. ti. s vs Seaforth-A.. Curtis, If. 111', 011esney, r" !Stephens, d. Stapleton, T. Ryon and Irelland. Soal'ortlt went in to fill vacancy caas04 by the eb;onl° of a Sta ley township team, The biggest attraetiou of t110 day NV the foot Bali match between the w known "110rens," of Seafortb, and a snaked team from Detroit, Windsor, ES. 880 and Oltathaln. The 3118111/8 weren't ill it, although the individual play of many of their slab wee good, but they lacked the combination of the home team, who scored 3 grade to 0 and many very cloth calls for move. The following were the players :- f,1:n a,an'rn. 00Tae0T. Murray noel Fourth R1lrtat Back, {"•"' McPherson 01c181nlev (touring T, A. daciceou ,,. l rf %Levens Wilson j. Baths . Wales 15. Jackson ..:..) 111 (tautbler 'Mason Centre J/ McDonald II t;� u t It. Wing { Anderson Morrison.......,. l (lots Bethune .......,. L• wing Bonnier Lyouv I(, Jackson, Referee. We doubt if the team stands in Can- ada to -clay that can vanquish the "Herons." Although many of the play- ers are only growing boys, they play with the precision and cak:elation of foot- ball veterans. Turnor Bros., of Toronto, gave a splen- did and unique exhibition of fancy and Week bicycle riding and separately and jointly showed their ability to handle the silent steed with an ease and expol'tness that sets at rest the opinion of so many that the bike is an "unruly brute." The closing item on 6111 afternoon's program was a relay rano, iu whish foto: boys from one eohool were supposed to carry a message, each taking it once round the ria and delivering it to his fellow until four trips had been made. There was a large utlmber of entries and the prize winners were '-1st, Esenond- villa school ; 2nd, S. S. No, 2, Tucker. smith ; 8rd, Seaforth Public school ; 4th, Shillinglaw's 0011001. A grand concert was held in Cardno's Opera Hall in the evening, when a tip-top program was presented ruder the dire°. tion of W. H. Willis and Mise Grace Mo- Fanl. At the Recreation grounds a foot- ball match wa0 played by eleotrio light and the clay's work completed by a dis- play of fireworks. 1897. Pile weather, 1'l21.le1) Program, itlg Crowd.. he The 00611 anniversary of the reign of to Victoria, the beet of Queens, was royally he celebrated in Seaforth on Tumidity and by the success attending it was all that the est most sanguine could hath hoped for. n- Neither Ulna nor expense were spared in e- prep.tring for the celebration and Its a (1e result six splendid evergreen arches, in prufnsel,y decorated with 111011oes, bunt. fug, portraits, ineaudeeeent lamps, drag Its were built. The Town hall was docked le in a somewhat similar' style, 0ltilo the of heftiness places anti 1'oaid0nces loul1eel gay Ir iu their holiday attire. yes Bub to bo orthodox we must say some - , thing about the weather. .ft was a royal to day, with just enough of ear to bo fairly r. ootnfortable awl barring the almost 0, smothering dust the drive to and from a Seaforth leas a most onjoyable one. u Whoever arranged with old Me. Probs. t made a good job of it. of Shortly after !) o'clock the fire alarm snug its heavy base song in devolino II fashion and soon the hose reels wore taken s to the Park, where au exilibitiOn was given by the firemen. The best of leek did not attend this display as no less than three or foto' leaks wore sprung in the hose. It was interesting, however, especially to those unaccustomed to fire c1 brigados, a Next came the procession, made 0p of the Seaforth, Bayfield and Brussels , Bands, volunteers, Boys' Brigade, town and visiting Councils, school children in uuifor'm, Queen Victoria and body guard, whose chariot was drawn by four horses, 1 societies, Daemon, Sc. The start wa8 made at the old market square and after parading several. streets marched to the Recreation grounds, It was a pretty sight, the bright uniforms contrasting with the pure white, and wins well ar- ranged throughout. The procession fol- lowed the cinder path ou rho grounds, when the 001310t'a and children formed up on the sward. The speakers of the day occupied chairs on the large platform and the choir found comfortable seats on the grand stand, all awaiting the coning of the Queen, who, in the person of Mrs. E. McFmul, was well represented both as to appearance and °est ate. As she and her attendant', the Prince of Wales, (W. D. Bright) tools their places upon all evergreen trimmed platform the cheers were about as 0n. tbnsiastio as if the Royal Lady of Windsor Castle hal arrived. The choir and Band lead in the grand old Doxology, "Praise G•od from Whom all blessings flow," after wbiolt Rev, Dr. McDonald offered a moat appropriate prayer. "God Save the Queen" teas sung and Mayor Scott delivered a nicely worded addross of welcome. Before taking his seat 11e formally introduced Sergeant Herbort, who witnessed the ooro0a1ion of Her Majesty (30 years ago. A cheer went up for the veteran, who offered a few remarks mud took his seat. Short, patriotic addresses followed by Rev. Mr. Hodgins, Rev. Fr. Kelly, Rev. Dr. McDonald and Rev. lir. Musgrave, delivered with considerable fervor and frequently interrupted by rounds of ap- plause. 'The Maple Leaf" was sung and this interesting part of rho program brought to a conclusion by the Benedic- tion. It was a happy blending of patriot- ism and religion nob often noticeable in the public oelebrations of (his or any odder laud. A cal 81310 io class of girls, numbering 32, all neatly method in white, gave a splendid exhibition of fancy drill on the platform, Ruder the direction of Jas. Robb, It was well done and both the. girls and their instructor deserved the approval they rewind, Verrone ),irises wore offered by the Committee 10 connection with the pro- cession. 1st for best uniform and march. ug, S. S. No. 5, Tnekersmith, T. Doig mother ; 2nd, Egmondvillo, W. H. Baker earths' ; Brd, No. 0 Il'I•o >;illop, Miss Hays caches Largest number of pupils from ne school in procession, No. 2 Tuckee- mith, T. N. Forsyth teacher. Although miles distant 45 scholars were present. It was a happy hit the uniting of the ural and town pupils, The sport in the afternoon opened with 10 mile handicap bicycle road race, 011ieh was won by a Mitchell man. It es a dusty trip and those taking part °rued all they got. A base ball match sante next between russets and Mitchell, but owing to the me limit arranged by the Committee my four innings weld be played, which es unsatisfactory to both clubs, Mitch - 1 had 5 innings and Brussels 4 when mpire • Hays called time, the score ending 4 to 8 in favor of the former, 1 was a sharp, clean game and was just +coming real interesting when it had to o, J. Brett made lade a P home 0 run ie tlr e ud innings, s batting the 0 1 g b01 0 ' g pot the encs, Spoto will not allow ns to par- eulogize so av0 give the soon naU581aAe. 0(1210111., R. 8lretton, Ob 0 3 Balser, 0 1 3 Ourrie,11 1 1 Davidson,lb d 1 Roes, ib 0 1 11fh1eneao 0,s,,, 0 8 Minoan, 0b 0 2 'Broderick, 8b ,,, 0 2 (terry, of 0 2 'Watt or 38108ain, et 0 2 Cale, 2b 0 2 T3a11ipay, 0.0 1 1 Barkley, rf 1 1 1 0 Gaffney, of ...,.... 1 1 0 1 Brown, p 0 2 $ ,l2 4 lu Boors by innings,- 1 2 0 4 8 Brussels 1 2 0 0 0-3, Mitob oil 1 9 0 0 0 1, Art old time number was introduced in the shape of a Tug of War, its tallish Tnokorantith was victorious, defeating Mcliillop, Ilullett null Seafoet11, Tho various trams wore made up of the fol. loving 0 tblWarts :-Tuohersmith-(foo. Kycld, ]3, Chesney, G, Stewart, G, Dale, sorb byot and W. Chain Allan, n. IVToICiilojorel captain.. JL1131Lisi'; 11GN0R.S. !'Tor Majesty has graciously approve of the bestowal of the followinghonorsi commotion with the Diamond Jubilee ; Go Sir Douala A. Smith, D. 0. 111. 0. a peerage. On Hon. Wilfrid Laurier, menmborshfl of Her Majesty's Privy Council and Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michas and S6. George. On Sir Oliver Mowat, K. C. M. G., on Sir Richard Cartwright, K. C. 11:1, G., the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. On the Lieutenant -Governor of On. ratio, cu IIor,, II. L. Davies, Minister of Marino and fisheries, on Seandfot';? Fleeting, 0. 11I, G., bps ordor of K. 0. M. 0. On Chief Jestieo Taylor of Manitobo, on Clef Jnstico Tait, of Quebec, on Hun. John H. Hagerty, ox•Chief Justice of Ontario, a knighthood. On the following gentlemen the Com- panlon0hip of the Order of St. Michael and St. George ; 5'. 53.1. Courtney, Deputy Minister of Vinanos ; J, Lorne McDou- gall, Auditor -Gauen,' ; Lieut,.Ool. Wil- liam White, Deputy Postmaster-Geuer- al ; Louie Freehe1te, Sir Donald Smith's elevation to the peerage confirms the report of his pros- pective retirement from the High Gom• missionorsbip at a vory early date. Sir Richard Cartwright will succeed him in London. Immediately Sir Wilfrid returus to Canada there will be a reconstruction of the Cabinet, consequent upon Sir Rich- ard's removal to London, The Depart- ment of Trade and Conmerce will be emerged into Flumes mud fell play given bo the Ministers of Customs and Inland Romano. The A. 0. Q, 1Y. in Ontario 1Y111 nun Their Own :OMB'. John Milne, Plast Grand Master Work. man, when asked about the difficulty, between the Grand Lodge of the A. 0. U. W. in Ontario and the Supremo Lodge in the United. States, said ;-"The Ontario Lodge has been paying for a number of years largo sums into the general relief fund to meet the heavy death rates of *he Southern and more uulealbhy slates. This has boon objected to fora long time. At the ]net Supreme Lodge in Buffalo a change was made in the shale of fees to be collected, giving Ontario no ohanoe to get baokany portion of the money paid. The Grand Lodge farmed a resolution to separate thomselvee from tlto Supreme Lodge as far as financial interests were Concerned, and to morielized the Supreme Lodge, lately in 0e0sion at Milwaukee, to this effeot, and asking that fraternal re. lotions be retained. They did Inst even grant this latter routed, brit if they won't 0etario eau run bee own shop. No legal oonplieabio0e can arise, as we have every au)hority in our own incorporation act. The Order across the border may kiok, bub we havekopt faith with them iu every. thing. We have paid out to them about $260,000 over and above what we have drawn, and that Weald sow make a good start for a reserve fund for ourselves, The order in Ontario numbers nearly 80,. 000. The Supremo Lodge has nob left the door open for the return of the Ontario brauob, should 16 de60rmi05 later to come book to the fold. The special committee appointed to consider the ease reported to the Supreme 0m Lodge against granting p uttn the g g g g request of the Oatafio members to bo re• lioved from financial obligations, The report opened the way for a spirited (Ifs - cession. The Ontario side was chant. pionod by Representative Iewoocl, who made a strong plea for rho petition pre- sented by tbo Ontario members, Mr, In - wood's remarks 000npied the Inoiuing session, and the matter wont over until the afternoon, when it was taken up again, In the end the roped of rho committee was entwined by a docisfvo vote. Whou the vote was announced Ontario's repreeentabivse arose and took leave of the Supreme Lodge, 0075(ing their 0cnueobien with that body, Boproeeltative Totten, who ;Tette last, said he hoped there would bo an expros0ion from the Supreme Lodge to the effect that if the Coterie Grand Lodge should tater desire to return it would be always welcomed, Mr. Totten said ho was morale the members in 00. ratio would be glad to receive such as- surance. His words Were rooeived in silentio, and no move was made to cathode Godorrc t on Friday of this week. The to his 80311(083., s fl I r a N e B ti 0 w el U st I b st 2 f ti Brawn, o Grower, p, J. on trrl an, lonraum Letter From Guatemala, Written by a Former llru',srlile. The flowers of the North are prettier 1Y, than those, of the t0opice and 111180 a a lighter line. Yon have in your gardens n- ()r hoose plants most all of our common pretty kinds, usually we see them only in an their wild stem, 1Vo have one flower• ell hero that I think you have not seen as it grim; an a species of palm tree, and is not es remarkable for beauty as for size, The bad, when opened, is from 4 to 0 foot in length and largo urine are ever a feet in diameter in the centre and taper gracefully to n point at emelt end and are a load for a than to marry. The hnelc is a brown, hard woody thing, full of deep rrea000, and looks as if it had been made at genie planing mill, These people have alto habit of hanging the bade up in the eltnroltee before Easter Sunday and leav- ing them tltoro to open out and exp0e0 to public view their hundreds of tiny - white flowers. They are also said to fill the room with a very ploasant odor. Each large bed contains hundreds of sinall beeches of flowers, L. regard to yeah (Destine about bread fruit. It grows 011 a tree that muolt resembles a0 apple or cherry tree, but is m0011 larger, The 1rnit hangs front the larger limbs in close proximity to the trunk, and sometimes to the trunk itself, It is common 00011511 to some parts of Central America but I have only seen some two or throe trees here and hardly over hear it spoken of. Some two or three months ago I made up my mind that I would eat at least a piece of bread fruit out of cariosity, so I requested a little Indian mall clerk acquaintance of !nine to bring me one from town. When he gave it to me ho laughed and said I wouldn't like it. That evening I invited several of my acquaintances bo my room to help eat my new purchase, all of them being as ignorant about bread fruit as mysoli excepting one, and he was going to pilot the rest and show us the parts we should eat. It was all a miserable failure as the fruit seemed almost like a big ohunk of soft glue. The follow who know bread fruit said I had been beaten and given a poor article, so w0 fired it out of doors. A week later I asked my nigger fireman if he had ever eaten bread frail. He said not here but he had in Virginia, and that he liked it. I told hint about my experience and he seemed to think it queer and asked mo how I bac! it cooked. I seta, cooked 1 Why S hadn't 11 cooked at all. Do they cook bread fruit? He said, 0 1 yes boss, I reolt0n Slab was what was troablin' dab dm thing ; might as well try to eat raw potatoes. I have not had one cooked yet but expect to one of these days. This is the commencement of our rainy or Winter season, and it rains almost every clay, usually in the afternoons. Times are not as good iu this Re ublio as they were when I first came. Many of the industries are closing their doors and reduoing their forces. Nearly all Government publio works have been stopped end many of the soldiers and other Government employees have not been paid for mouths. A few days ago the President, iu behalf of the Govern. meet, made a forced loan on the banks of the Republic for 1} million dollars and there seems to be considerable dissatis. faction about it among som0of the people. It now takes about three paper dollars to buy one gold dollar, E. STrroIao. Santa Lucia Guatemala, May 23rd, 1807, Tito POST (000100. Yoe did it proud Seeforth, The Boys' Brigade marched like veterans. Jubilee neckties, badges and buttons were thick. Tan POET gets there, even if in our native modesty we have to say so. To0lceremitb rope pullers are dandies. "Anohoe" Kydd understands hie business. If Seaforth doesn't pay Brussels a return visit with a big crowd some day, look out for war. Richard Stevens was there with his Spring costume and as merry a "BIaok your boots" as ever. The committee blundered is curtailing the base ball matoh to one hour' thereby only allowing 4} innings. Pipers Ballantyne wad Stewart, of Braesels,' played in the procession for the Sons of Scotland, and did it genua'. The crowd was variously estimated from 4,000 to 5,000, the largest company ever assembled on the Recreation grounds. It tool( four horses to pull the Band out to Seaforth. For live weight they ninth be a dead weight. It may have been the new clothes. The hose reel drawn by Beeman, with its load of flowers, upon which three little maidens were seated, attracted al good deal of attention. Brussels, Bayfield and Seaforth Brass Bands supplied bbe instrumental m0si0 for the day. May we be allowed to state that the former oar'ried off the palm. Brussels Connell was represented by Reeve Herr and Committers Beaker, Lsatberdltle and Wilson. Reeve Mot. risme, of ilfoliillop, rode with tbom i❑ the prooessi00. Bicyoliets who witnessed the perfor- mance of Turner Bros. have come to the oouolueion that they have moon to learn yet before they can measure up to the Toronto lads. The "Surma" play foot ball about as naturally and easily as a man would sit down and eat his diuuer. We think, after experience, that) football is a trifle harder or the shins. We wends): whore the Reception Com- mittee was on Jubilee Day 7 They epi. denbly forgot they bad iasned speoial invitations at the guests were allowed to paddle their own o5noe, Reality was establised oonoerning the mythical Sooisby goat by having a healthy 5330015/50 of a "butter" caged and planed on the A. F. C A. M. arch. The Maso(0 0f Seaforth must surely give. the "Grand Bumper Degree." Bow would it be note if every eitize11 who has boasted of his patriotism and hurrahed o' f ! the Queen would t Q a down g and work fpr the 1e tvalfnr0 of this part of the noblest empire the Dun ever shown upon 7 One way to do this is to pay your debts and subsoribe for Toe Pose. The wife of Sc 00100 Wlrito, ex•IT.P.3,, died at Windsor. Alex. Molnteo was buried under a cul- vert at 00ynge and killed. Patrick Lynch, aged 88, foil into a creek at Chatham while drunk and was drowned, The Royal Victoria Hospital was deli. Dated at Barrie in commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee. The norner•stone of the Central Metllo. dist church at St, Thomas, Was laid by Rev. A. E. Griffith. Charles Gny, a oondi,otor on the Hamilton Radial Railway, fell from a Oar, was rum over and died at the hospital from his injuries. Mrs. McDonald endeavored to got off a moving train ot1 the L. E. & D. R. R. at St. Thomas and fell under the wheels Which ant off one of her feet. CIfURCII C11Ii1334. "God Save the Queen" occupied the first place last Sabbath. St. John's Sabbatt, school will hold their annual pio.nia on Dominion Day, in Davidson's glove, Rev. R. Paul will preach in the MMeth°. dist eburoh next Sabbath moraine) end .Rev. D. B. McRae, of Ora0brook, fu the 080(1105. Rev, Jno. Ross, B. A., preached at Ethel last Saturday iu connection with the communion seryioes of the Presbyter. ran church. On Sabbath morning, July 1801, the Canadian Order.' of Foresters will attend Melville cherub, when Rev. Mr. Ross will preach to them, Rev. J. W. Robinson, of Trowbridge, was presented with an address and a well filled purse on the eve of hie departure from Trowbridge. On Sabbath, July 4th, Rev. W. T, Cluff, of Thorudnle, will presob the an. Huai sermon to the A. 1. 1 A. M., Brus- sels, in St. John's eburoh, at 11 a. m, Rev. Mr, Norton'e text last Sabbath horning in the Methodist church was Numbers, 28rd chapter and 80th verse, from which he preoohed a gooddieoouree, Spaniel services -known as forty knots devotion -were held in the R. 0. church here on Sabbath, Monday and Tuesday forenoon. Rev. Fr. McCabe oandeuted the services, whish were largely attended. His Lordship the Bishop of Heron left lasteo w k for England, where he will at. tents theLan sbathn• Pa Angltcnn oolfer- +nae, He bas appointed the Very Rev. Dean Innes to setae his commiaeiety to administer the Affairs of the disease during his absence, His Lordship expects to be absent until September. Esv. F. J. Oaten etatheed5 Rev. 17. A. Shaw ab 13elgeave. He woe married to Mies Eva Loe05, of Brendon, (formerly of Gorrie,).when be labored on rho min. sten field In !Manitoba. Four yenta ago ho was transferred to the London Confer- ence, and bee spent the last two yams at "breezy Baylleld." Ho is au acceptable wordier and we wish him suceee8 in bis new .field, W. H. KERR, Prop, -- .ram...wa.w,r.,;„n,�cN„�nai?iaw.aaw>ewi�,,.uem,.,.K..i Rev. 11rr. Aboy preached his inaugural dia0uursos as incumbent of St, John's ohorolr, Brnsoels, list 553111- th under moat favorable anspic,0. IIs text in the morning was 81. Julie's Gospel, 10111 ohapter and 30th verse. Hpeni,(l refer. mese wee made to the Queen's .jubilee, In the evening "Christ ie all" ev110 the toplo of an hltereabing diecourie, The pulpit was classed with !lags, beautiful oat roses were in evi:lellre and a portrait Of the Queen occupied a conspicuous position, Rev. Mr. Abey's sermons were highly appreciated. Ata meeting of the committee of the Huron Augliaa'1 lay worker+, held in London, arrangements were made for a oonferenoo of Sunday school and lay workers iu Lotman c')01melloiog 055. 27)1) and hating three days, Amongst those who have consenter! to read papers are the Bishops of Niagara and Toronto, Bishop Sullivan, Rev. A. II. Baldwin, S. 11. Blake, M. 0. Hayic•s, Q. G„ J. H. Morgan, (Barrie), and !Vire Cross, (Toronto). It le also hoped that Dean Carmicbeei, of Montreal ; Judge 111o. Donald, of Belleville ; Gen. Trowbridge, of Detroit, and others will 0-'nseat to take part. The Bishop of Huron will preside at all meetings. The young men ordained to the Angli. Can clergy at Christ Choral, Toronto, Sunday 13th inst., have received appoint- ments, as follows :-Rev. G. J. Abey, to Breese/6 ; Rev. P. Dobson, to Merlin and Tilbury ; Rev. E. W. Crawford, to Tees - water ; Rev, U. H. Taricock, to the curacy of St, Jamas' Charob, Stratford. Itev, Sames Ferrier, of Dundalk, has been appointed to Bismarck and Rodney, and Rev. H. Caudell, to the Dundalk mission. The competition for elocution prizes took place Wednesday of last week at Cronyn Ball, and the first prize for reading and speaking teas awarded to Be.v11, H. Tancook, It was a gold medal, provided by Matthew Wilson, Q. C., of Chatham. The second prize, consisting of $20 worth of books, was awarded to Rev, G. J. Aboy, of Brussels. People We Talk About, Jos Hunter is home from Detroit. Miss Mary Ross is visibiog at Clinton. Miss May Turnbull is viei110g in Guelph. E. B. Creighton is visiting in town for a week, Mrs. J. A. Stewart spent Jubilee Day in Toronto, Jno. Simmons and family are visiting relatives at Wroxeter. Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., spent a few days in Port Elgin this week. N. F. Gerry and Geo. Halliday wheeled to London last Saturday. W. F. Scott attended Jubilee games at Leamington on Tuesday. Mrs. Storm, of Hamilton, is visiting Mrs. F. S. Scott, her sister, Miss Jean MoLanablin is holidaying with relatires at Hamilton, Miss Frank Patton has gone to Wood. stook to visit for a few weeks. Harold Creighton, of Guelph, spent Sunday under the parental roof. J. W. and Mrs. Yeo, of Holmesville, were visiting at 13. Gerry's last week, Miss Ethel Creighton arrived home from Parolee this week for her holidays. Mrs. Davies and twin daughters, of Obiselhurst, are visiting at Jas. Shaw's, Brussels, Mise Lollie Forbes, of Wingham, was visiting how aunt, Mrs. T. Maxwell, Brns- sels, last week. Miss Tburaa Gerry and &rise Lizzie Leatherdele spent several days with relatives and friends in Seaforth. Miss Nellie Ross and her neioe, Miss Mary Ross, are visiting relatives at Kin. sardine enjoying Lake Huron breezes. A. I. MOOWII, of Chatham, was renew- ing old friendships in Brnssola obis week. Ile is well pleased with his new home. Will. J. Stewart is enjoying bolidays with friends in Toronto and it is hinted that he ol00eionally dropsover to Hamilton. We regret to hear of the seriol0 illness of John Bird, Queen street. A oonsulta- tioa of dootors deoided 111181 the ease is a serious one. Mrs, T. MoGilliouddy and son, of To. ronto, are visiting nt'G, A. Deatiman's. Mrs. MoGilliouddy and Mrs. Deadman are sisters. Dr. Kneobtel and wife win sail for Canada on July 16th, the Dr, having completed his 'menial course in the best London medical Colleges, Mrs. S, Steelman and Miss Slsmmon purpose taking a pleaouro trip to Algoma where they will spend a portion of the Seamier with relatives and friends. Mrs. Wilson, of North Branch, Mich„ is visiting bar sister, Mrs. S. Pearson. Miss Irene Prat ick, of Wingbam, agreed. danahtee, is also visiting the same lady. Mrs. 0. E. Turnbull, of Guelph, who has been on the sink list, ie spending a few holidays in Brussels in the hope of gaining strength. Miss E. E. Kerr same home with bar. Next wook Mr's. Wilkinson leaves Erns. eels t join sin her li uaband f Jn Alberni Van. cooper. Ur. Wilkinsonill come oma part of the way to meet his wife, We wish her a We and pleasant trip to the Paoid°. Gladys, the four-year-old daughter of Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Hunt, formerly of Brussels, narrowly eeoaped theme injury, if not instant death, in a runaway nem. dent at Owosso recently. The little girl was left sitting in 1a baggy while the owner went into a fruit store. Some. thing startled the horse and away it went. A gentleman caught Gladys as the rig tens about to overturn, She is a grand danghtee of 3. M. O'Connor Brus. gels. Rev. D. Rogers, ffone St, Thomas die. Me. Tarte ammuneed hie intention ie trio*, is appointee! to our neighboring the Homes of Commons to visit England, village, 11111evale. He is nota stranger Frame and Belgium, with an engineer, in this locality, however, having travelled to examine harbor improvements with it the Gorrio, Brussels, Atwood and Dun. view to extending the Mentroal harbor. gannon eir00tts. He was also llnanoial The Ooneereativo majority in the Sen. secretary of the Listowel and Wingham ate has thrown out the bill for brie eaten, districts, Ha has a good record as a +ion of the Intercolonlal Railway to preaobor, and few superiors 100 a worker Montreal, and rife. Fielding has added a and manager on hie eiroults. With the 0a13cfent strut to the estimates to provide co-operation of his £look no doubt tee will foe the arrangement being continued till have good news from 1:3lnevale, .Parliament meets ega]u,