The Brussels Post, 1897-6-18, Page 8slS Jubilee Day.. Ve ('halite Apsortnient of FLAGS From 1e. each up, for Jubilee • Day. 'Be ready to show your C0101's 011 that day. Firecrackers. We. hare n freall supply of Fire- 21•ttei(el's for Jubilee Day. Cele- brate Jubilee Day. G. A. Deadman, Diuggist, Optician and Bookseller, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. soOTREEN ESTENS000 W. G. &13. Trains ',',tee Brussels Station, North and South. -o follows: Gowwn 8oT T'1. 00ING NORTH, xprese ... _. ,ac a.m,I1fail ,.......... 2:05 p.m tined ........ eat tam, , Express .10:01 p.m Nicer Tuesday will be a public, holiday 10 humor of the (1lnoen, Toe merry'!;') round moved to l+oeforth on Wednesday of this week to tulle in Jubilee Day. 1!11:11.11 your eye 09x0 for burylara, There are a lot of them on the warpath tbis noon. LAnuE quantities M wool coming to 13ruesois, Top market !ries paid either in rash or trade, A. Conan' disposed of another Cleve• land bieyelis loot week, the pnrnha0,0 being Win. Forsyth, Morris. Tar, Fife and Drum Baud played at the Presbyterian garden party at D. Me- C'nnt e, 1ValtaI, brat Friday evening. 50:E1T', 111 04010100, parva for Tuts Pose for the balance of 1897. Do you want the uewe 7 If so, subscribe at once. Stnum Bt'!:neas has purllhnsed the house and Int on Turubeoy street, Brus- eels, Irani Frank LeUon, of Chatham, formerly of Brue.ele. EAsr Huron Patron Convention will meet in Bruesele Town Hall, this (Friday) afternoon, to nominate a candidate for the. Leant Legislature. Toe town Band has been ening throngh their foo1)i"s this week on poradeprepat'a• tory to Jubilee Day work in Seaforth. They have purchased new white coats and navy ]due naps and will look quite swell in their new bib and tucker. MARRIEn.-Wednesday afternoon Will. Lowe and Miss Annie Pawson, both of Grey township, were united in marriage at Melville manse by Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A. The bride - was attended by Mies Emily Dalton, while Wm. Pawson sur• pm'ted the gronin, Many good wishes accompany Mr. and Mrs. LOWS as they embark on the matrimonial sea, TUnanAT evening while Peter McQ narrie MS working in hie garden about the well with a pick axe the implement caught ou Bt .O I it 1 �!i C'IU S v�'11�,rJ r l (Aetna line and in the rebound struck M , McQnarrie a, violent blow on the head laying him out for a mingle or two. A 1< chle':'s among ye takin' notes, pick -axe is a bad thing to comb your hair An faith he'll prent it. Salami:Ear.IEs. JrmLEr Day is a Bank holiday. Pena. euhonls close on June 30th. New tx. T. R. time table may be found an tbis page. Boor. Hnorensoo out a field of rye 1,st week for green feed. Messes. BAnr.En & VA.YaTOoE shipped a ear of live hogs on Tuesday. "Rena" won 1st money in the 2,20 trot in Port Huron this week. SCHEDULE of Conviotione for past quarter may be read in this issue. DON'T tie horses to shade trees. Er„r- wise common sense and save you,: elf trouble. MESSRS, CLEGG & DAMES ehip'ied another ear of cattle from Brussels during the past week. Tan senior base ball team will ernes bats with the Mitchell nine, ,t Seaforth on Jubilee Day. WEDDINGS have been so numerous tide week that it is beyond oar power to Im- port them all this issue. Bnussens Electric Light Go. want 200 aorde of 4 foot cordwood for use next Fall. See advt. in this issue. BRUSSELS Postoffice hours next Tues- day, Jubilee day, will be from 8 to 9 a. m. ; 2.30 to 3.30 and 0 to 6:30 p. m. WHATEVER you may forget, keep the /act in view that the 12th of July is to ao celebrated in Brussels on a mammoth scale. THE Clerk of the Weather and Robt. Henderson have worked a great oom- llination on the street watering this sea- son in Brussels. JUBILEE garden party at Hsury 'Money's. 5'h line, Morris, on the evening at June 2oeh, under the auspices of Brus• osis Ep.vortih League, Watch out for particulars next week. A SNEAK thief appropriated a keg of fish from the front of James Bnllantyne's armory last Monday night. Mr. B. says if be wili 181000 the empty keg he will utve him another full one. Jae. Maaare and wife and -las. Ballan- tyrie and wife drove over to Seaforth on 'Wednesday and witnessed the Laoroose match between Seaforth and Berlin. The result was a tie, after a most -excit- ing contest. Coster r.T.-The plan of the reserved =eats for the Diamond Jubilee concert, in Seaforth, on June 22nd, will open with a math on Saturday morning at Fear's Drug Store, Seaforth. Orders by tele- phone or snail will be promptly attended an. Tiokete for concert will admit to are moths free. 1'ne, building for the use of the electrio light plant will be proceeded with in a abort time. It will stand on one of the vacant lots on Turnberry street, near the iron bridge. Mr. Green has planed his order for new boiler and engine, 70 and 13 h. p., respectively. The Reliance Co. will supply the dynamos fur aro and luoandescent plants. Tars Itibm Suns Us. -A eubeoriber in Manitoba writes as follows and cheers us gyp :-DEAR SIn,-I receive your paper every Tuesday and look for it just as regularly es the day comes, to get the home neva. Would not like to do with.. Tmi Bxttsnls Posr, Please find 811- alosed $1.00, as payment for THE POST for, the coming year, to the name above. We have had an A 1 Spring in Manitoba, and the wether here is something grand. Farmers are through seeding and the crops are loolsing well. ltiy business is still increasing every month. I rsoeived part of one of the ears of Balt shipped by Coleman Bros., of Brussels and Seaforth, and would' -ay that I like it very much. Itis so white, fine and strong that the enters -ins who have seen it like the salt very well, I retail it at 82.25 per bbl. here 01 Balmoral, 8 miles from a station. Iam yours, J. A. F. Toe Grand Trunk Railway System will shortly have ready for distribution et handsome Diamond Jnbilee Souvenir. The design da one of the finest produc• tionsofthe Lithographer's art, and is emblematical of the Glory of the British Empire, Canada the Premier Colony, end Canada'e great Railway, It contains pictures of the Queen, Tho Prince of Wales, the Duke of Y rk and Prinoe &Ibert Edward. At the t •p of the design 1s a radiant star, in the centre of which are the letters "LX,” and on either side 110this 18 a Union Jack suitably draped. Beneath is the Goat of Arms of Canada, and miniature views of the tie* Viotoria Jubilee Bridge, Montreal, end the new Single Arch Steel Bridge, Niagara Falls. Between the two bridges is a small trade mark Of the system. The deinaud for the souvenirs will undoubtedly be greater than the eupply, and it has been decided to distribute them to the Company's patron in the order in which applioatione wee received, tvith, worse than a wagon wheel, and we are glad Alan. escaped so fortunately. Lawn TENNIS. -Last Saturday after. noon four members of Wingham Tennis Olub, Messrs. Bsstedo, McLeod, Griffin and Clark played a friendly match with Brnesels club on the grounds of Messrs. Sinclair and Ross. The score was as follows :-Rase and Stewart beat Bastedo and McLeod, 3-0, 6 8, 6 2 ; Ross beat Bastedo, 6.4, 7-5 ; Stewart bent McLeod, 13.1, 6.4 ; Cameron and Sinclair beat Griffin and Clark, 6.1, 6.3; Cameron beat Orifdin, 6.8, 7.5 ; Sinclair beat Clark, 6-1, 6 3. Brussels won the whole six events. A return match will be played in Wing - ham in the near future. Fool BALL. -In the Foot Ball matches last Saturday, Maitland League series, Wingham beat Wroxeter, at the latter place, by 3 to 0. Atwood won from Lis- towel 0n the home grounds by a sone of 3 to 2. Listowel is to play Wingham, at the last mentioned town, on Saturday of this week, and on the 22nd inst. Brussels plays in Atwood with the club of that village and Wingham kicks at Listowel. The following is the standing of the teams :- Won. Lost. To Play. Wingham 3 0 5 Atwood 3 2 3 Wroxeter 2 2 4 Brussels 1 1 0 Listowel 0 4 4 OIATn0roxatr,,-The following will be of interest to the people of Brussels :- Married in Regina on the 24th of May, in the Methodist church, by Rev. T. 0. Budbonan, Miss Fannie E. Montgomery, of Brussels, sister to Mrs. W. F. Van - stone, to T. E. Argue, of Medicine Hat, The bride was beautifully dressed in cream silk trimmed with pearls, the veil being naught up by a beautiful cluster of brilliants. The bride was given away by her nephew, Garfield Vanelone, Immedi• ately after the ceremony the happy couple left for their home in Medicine Hat accompanied by the good wishes of their friends. The wedding pressuts were numerous end costly. THE Pon voices the sentiments of the many friends of the bride here in wishing her and her husband many happy, prosperous years. No FAVORITxeac,-I1 has been stated that the members of the Court of Bovie• ion were very good at putting up other people's assessments but forgot to attend to their own. To show that the members of the Council Board are paying their fair share we subjoin their assessments for the careful consideration of fault finders : W. H. Kerr, residence 5650 ; personal, 81.000 ; total 51,650. George Thomson, store, 81,800 ; residence, 51,- 300 ; personal, $1,000 ; total 54,10e. 11. Leathsrdale, store, 82,500 ; residence end adjoining houses, 82,500 ; personal $1,000 ; total 56,000. Geo. Baeker, store, 5050 ; residence 5950 ; vacant lot, 61001 personal $100 ; total 52,100. R. G. Wilton, house, 5650 ; lob 6150 ; personal, 8500 ; total 51,500. The above makee a grand total of 815,150 among five men, and no member will objeot to a compari- son with bis neighbor on the matter, STRUCK IT RICH. -The Mena (Arkansas) Daily News says of Fred. Tait, a former Brueaelite and a nephew of Jobn Tait'e, Brussels :-A Inky strike was made last Sunday by F. W. Tait, of this oily, while out taking a walk up the side of Rich Mountain, three miles from town. Ile noticed a peouliar ledge of rock extending up out of the ground a couple of feet at an angle of about 70 degrees, and upon breaking off pieces ho teas satisfied that it contained some kind of mineral. He brought a number of specimens to town and old miners pronounce them rich gold bearing quarte. It so aroused Mr. Tait of his discovery that he sent specimens to an assayer and received the returns by Thursday's mail. The assay was beyond all expectations and has set the people wild with excitement. The assay of one specimen Showed 542 in gold and 69 in silver per tan of ore ; annther. run $28 in gold and 814 in eilver. The lead is from 18 inehee to 8 feet in width, and Dan be traced several hundred feet along the aide of the mountain. There is nota mining olaim anywhere near this one but what has been taken, lir. Tait was beaeiged with miners, who wished to go into partnership with him and go to work putting down a shaft. Many of the alleged rich dint:we in made in the mountains hero after a thorough test were found to contain too email an amount of mineral to pay for working. It is to be hoped bloat this Mat discovery will prove valuable, me the surface in. dioetione show, es it would prove tt bonanza, nob only to its owners, but to the entire city and community. Like other [rode we world want a thoroagh teat made before putting money into any. thing of the kind, TAE BRU88.E1La ,Nu8T One thanke are due to the Durham Celebration Committee for program of Dominion Day epode and eonplimeutary prase badge, A, II, lt'n'zv:rrtnon, formerly of 13rtts. sole, has opened up a general store bus!• nese in 1Iarriaton. We expect Ab, will land in Brussels yet, as be is working this rosy. LAST Sabbath morning six head of cattle were impotla>dnd for straying on the (1, T. 11. pr 0)1800. The statute pro- hibits stook from running et large within a half mile of a railway, so owners need not look very far as to the law on the matter. LAST Saturday afternoon the Directors of the Bast llnronn and Grey Branch Agricnitural Societies met ab the Town 11x11, 13rnssols, and revised the prize list for the o stniog Fall Fair, A good pro• gram of attractions will be announced shortly. Co. R.e'1'E Hunren,-The County rate will be higher tide year than it was in 11190, partly owing to a dela last year. The rote this year will be la mills on the (Inllar on an equalized assessment of 532,235,031. Last year the Atte 0000 1 mill on the dollar. Sennett on Juana; DAY —T. Thomp- son Will run a special double rig to Sea - forth next Tuesday, leaving Brussels at 0.30 a. m„ en as to be in time for the opening of the program at 0 o'oloak, Speak in good time for a seat. Single fare for return trip. A PATENT gasoline lamp exploded in the home of Mrs. T. Mo0rae Mooday evening damaging the oonteute of the ro"m. It was a close nail. Tha inmates were fortunately absent at the rims end there- by escaped injury, as the lire had about died ont when discovered. BAIN interfered with the Bicycle Club run last Friday evening, although there was a large torn out of ladies and gentle. glen. The tandem was taken to Oran - brook, 5 miles, in 18 minutes, by J. Ferguson and 0. Urgnhart, the first lame they rode it. Look out for record break- ing. Some mean individual, a close relotive to the fellow who smashes windows, chip- ped off the anthem of a number of bricks in the front of Conuoillor Leatherdale'e block hast Sunday night. If correct in- formation Dan be obtained he will be made sweat for H. Such wanton de- struction is despicably mean. Bitumens Wos.-A return Tennis match was played on 1118 concis of Messrs. Bowles and Hanson, Wingham, on Wed- nesday afternoon, between four of the home rail) 'old a like number from Brus- sels. rite ,tai tors won both doubles and divided h„core in the elegies. Following was the some; -Roos and Stewart beat Griffin and Bastedo, 64, 6.3 ; Cam- eron and iinolair beat Bowles and A'In• Lead, 8 6, 6 3 ; Griffin beat Cameron, 6 4, 7 5 ; Bastedo beat Ross, 0 7, 3.6, 0.1 ; Stewart beat Bowles, 6.2, 0.4 ; Sinclair beat McLeod, 6 3, 6.0. Brussels was represented by Messrs. Rosa, Stewart, Cameron and Sinclair. A match will shortly be played with Listowel. How TRAINS ItuB Now. -Last Monday a change took place in the time table on the W. G. & 13., and by it Conductors Quirk and Fitzgerald have come bask to this line. The trains from Kincardine leave Brussels at 7.16 and 9,45 each morning, the letter oarrying treigbt. No train after 9.45 a. m• from the North. From the East the first train up will leave here at 2,05 p. m., and will Garry mail, express, and do the freight work. The night train gets here at 10:01, mak. ing connection with Toronto and Guelph train at Palmerston. This schedule is an improvement on the last one, but has a most serious and very inconvenient drawback, in that there is no aonneution with the London, Huron and Bruce, the train on the latter arriving an hour after the departure of the mixed for Brussels. Passengers from Clinton, Godoriob, (the County town) Blyth, crit., are practically out old, as the trip cannot be made in a day by rail, unless they go mend by Stratford and Listowel, In the attempt of the G. T. 11. to frame a time card they have not made a spoon even if they spoiled the horn. The idea of keeping passengers and express poking along at every station while shunting is being done is not an up to -date way of running a railroad, especially tubera es few trains are used as on the W. G. & B. Local passenger tratlio is praebioally shut off, unless yon take your night nap along and tell your wife you will be home lomor• TOW. Business Locals. SCREENED doors complete for 51.00. MnHay & Go., Brussels. BUT a D. Ewan buggy and you will save money. Priem away down. MANITOBA patent flour, the best that can be had, at Ross' flour and feed mills. EVERY farmer should see the new horse poke at MiIiay & Co's, Brussels. D. EwAN's Buggies are taking the lead. For neatness and durability they can't be beat. A eIssT•cr,Ass opeoial line of work manufactured tut Jas. Walker's shop. He gives tiptop value to every customer, Bettors, Wagons and Carts always on hand. I run my own business. D. Ewan, Blacksmith, Brussels, THE late improvements in Ross' Flour mill has planed their flour away ahead of all others. Everybody is delighted with it. Woovrin: -Egge 10 cants. 11 Dente cash for ohniee tub butter. We are now buying eggs, butter and wool. Highest prates, Cub or trade. G. E. Rise, Wingham. THE two lightest buggies ever sold in Brussels were purchased recently from Jas. Walker, the well llndwn carriage maker, by George Best and Robs. Thompson, of Brussels. Suntan plpo and ease lost in Bonnie, between the Queen's Rotel and Hawk street. The finder will he rewarded by leaving it at Tetra PORT Publishing HOuee at once, SHxhou'e cure is sold o1 a guarantee, It ones incipient consumption, 51 ie the best cough cure. Only one Dent a dose, 25 ore., 50 ets. and 51.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says :-"Shiloh'e Catarrh Remedy is the 'net medicine I have ever found that tvould do me any good." Priori 50 cents. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, ]true. eels. BAnGAxN Ontinnn,-That eligible half dote 131 situate en the Southern portion of Turnberry street, Brussele, will be die• posed of below coat. Very easy terms. Write for partfnulars to Jong Irsiteneaves, 174 Queen st. West, Toronto, ST 1NDr4R.D B0'LXE 0 ' Cs1X,4D4 o5'sas.msx mamE- . aespea. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ASSETS, • (Seven Million Dalian) 57,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorieeli) - - .. - 52,000,000 Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States 10 England, egdnta4"Wg266' e'fl alif4r„f4. A General Banking Business Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drafts Issued and Collections matte on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on depoeits of 51.00 and upwarde from dat of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPECIAL AsivmorION GIVEN TO THIS COLLECTION OF FAtitrens' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Customers living at dietanoe. J. A, STEWAIiT MANAGER. .KARL'S Clove' Root, the great Blood. Purifier gives freshness and electrum to the complexion and ogres oonetipittion. 25 eta, 50 ole and 51.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels, WANTED, -Agents fur "Quevtl Vinboria, Her Reign and. Diamond Stabilise.” Overflowing with latest and richest pictures, Oontaine the endorsed bi- ography of Her itlejesty, with authentic history of her remarkable reign, and fell account of the Diamond 3111.i1eo, Only 51.50. Big book, Tremendous defraud. Bonanza for ugeuts. COMM iasion 50 per not. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free, Duty paid. Write gndek for outfit and territory. '1'be Dominion Company, Dept, 7, 350 Dearborn St., Chfoegn, 111.8 Doull1n ACTING FORCE PUIIr.--J. W. Anderson is still here putties in iia cele brated Double Acting p'o'oe Pumps, Ile guarantees entire satisfaction to every porobaser, for wells any depth, or quick sand wells, Any one wishing to see them working call at Beattie's Livery ; Williams & San's Livery ; 16. Bryan's , John Ounningbam'e ; Janne Dunoan's ; Joseph Gass', lienfryn. These pumps have no sucker or stuffing box nnrl will never freeze. I will be here for' ra few days yet. Call and 888 the or address J. W. Anderson, Aylmer West, Ont. Tun CYCLISTS' Jusxr,o:E.-The Wheeling Gazette, Canada's bright and breezy jourual, devoted to cyclists and the cycle trade, will publish on June 18th a hand- some Jobilee Number, having special reference to the Queen's Jubilee celebra- tion and the Canadian Wheelman's As- sociation "meet" at Chatham on July lat. The number will be in colors and profusely illustrated, inolnding este of all Canada's prominent wbeelmeu, and the r'eadiag matter will 0o)8ist largely of con. tributions from welbknown writ ere in eyeing and patriotic circles. Besidee this there will be the usual race and Club chat ; also 0080111 and interesting items for ladies and gentlemen who wheel. The pnblivation will be a work of art, and will be a souvenir of the important events. This special number own be oh rained by eubsoribing for the paper, which is only 50 cents per annum, or single oopies will be forwarded at 15 cents each. As the issue is limited, it will be ueoessary to send your subsorip• tion or order et once to the publishers, The Stewart Publishing Co„ Toronto. MOMBST Cmorie.-Io flims, on Jane 10th, the wife of Mr, F. J. Curtis of a SOIL Ponrnit.-In Grey, on June 10th, the wife of Mr. Hugh Porter of a son. CPIIER.-In Listowel, on the 1st lost., the wife of Mr. D. Other of a dough. ler. DAVM,-Iu Listowel, on the 1st inst., tbo wife of Mr, Arthur Davy of a son. ltI rr,.a,-In Morris, an June 10th the wife of Mr, Robert Miller of n son,. M0n0AN-Fon,L—On Jima 15t11, at the residence of the bride's father, Ethel, by Rev, Sas. Walker, Air, George Morgan, of New Durham, to Mise Lena Fogel, of Ethel. Anson-MoNrnoonnr.-In Regina, N. W. T., ou piny 24'1), by Rev. T. 0. Buchanan, Mr. T. 1:. Argue, of Medicine Hat, to Miss Faursio E: Montgomery, of Brussels. LAatoNT-MOTAGGAltT:-At tha residence of the bride's father, on June 1011), by Rev, D. B. McRae, Mr. John A. Lamont, to BURS Maggie, eldest 'daughter of Mr. John McTaggart, all of Grey. CAatneoe-RAYNANN,-At the home of the bride, Cranhrook, on June 16th, by Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr, Allan Gam. eros to Mies Maggie, daughter of Mr. A. Reymann, all of Granbrook. Lowe - Panora -At Melville Manse, Brussels, on Wednesday, June 161h, by Rev. John Bose, B. A:, Mr. Wm. Lowe to Mies Annie Pawson, both of Grey township. xxavect. Snxsxs—At Ransom, North Dakota, on May 81st, Thomas Spiels, and 77 years, 10 months and, 19 days, DO0GLAS.-I0 Walton, on Juno 14th, lobe, Wm. Douglao, aged 67 yenfe and 8 months, CBMT.T i r ro 1✓,r-‘'r.'�vR.10T15, Fall Wheat 65 66 Spring wheat 80 Barley 20 Peas - -37 Peas (large) 54 Gate 19 Butter, tube and rolls ... 9 Egge per dozen ,., 7 Flour per barrel 4 00 4 50 Potatoes (per bag) 26 llay pet ton 7 00 8 00 Hides trimmed 5 5} Hides zonal) 6 7 Salt per 1)b1., retail 1 00 00 Sheep skins, noir ..... 40 60 Lamb shine each 15 40 Hoge, Live - 4 80 5 00 Dreseod Hoge 5 20 5 80 Wool 17 18 21 58 55 20 10 • THE PEOPLE'S CDLUMNi I)RIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— Pint mortgage, farm security. Apply at MIR POST Publishing Konno, Brussels, fr� OORDS OF FOUR FOOT Woo ''cordwood, wantod by 1315188010 Electric Light Go., to lin dellvurod before Fall. Per further informablonapply at Tara Po8T Pub tebiug B01110, Brussels. 'MULL FOR SERVICE,—THE Lot 10,1nO u.g11,t(Ireyy l keep bre,1 JGixnv Buil. Terms, tiU,0n to be pail at rho time of service with privilege of rotnrnin518 nines - sari'. - THOS, DAVIG80N,r 88.0 Proprietor, (YOMFORTABLE HOUSE FOR v Bale with t sore lot. Good cistern, fernaan, &o, Will be sold at a bargain, Apply to TSE Poem Publishing House, Volunteer's Attention The linnets Volmlteor Company will go into ensu) on June 20th next, Allmon wish- ing to join may do so by applying to if P. IILAIIj,Lient„ Brttssoln, or to l0, S. DAYS, Cap twin. Seaforth. ,TUNE; 18, 1897 WILD'. ELEVATE YOUR SYSTEM THA1"S WHAT OUR Beef, Ve ine and Iron Will do for yon. It's a well known feat that HA a blood building tonic) there is 130 one element in mod10in0 of tnnro value than Iron, the effect of which ie to strengthen awl restore the retl corpuscles of the blood and is peculiarly adapted to those pale, bloodless nuu,.I dans that we s0 often see in the feoblu and drbi!itabod, and fen see iu females eiEdi from 110110008 depression, lose of blood, gator, weakness, hatable, ate. The gentle stimulant of puce Sherry REALE ATE. Wine and the nourishing properties of oonoentrated Soluble Beef nmkee it most I1ARIIIS P015 SALE.—THE UN- neusxaNEn has several good Vann for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morrie and drew, F 8. BOOTT,Rruessle GOOD FARAI FOR SALE uear Brussels. Great bargain, Lot 7, Con. 0, Grey township, Good buildings and orchard, well watered, suitable for mixed or dairy farming, Possession given next March, with privilege of doing Fall plowing. House, to se l0 i to THHOMAS.1111,1111 Aon Loudon West. ANITOBA LAND 1'O15 SALE. -100 1101'OS of good farm land at Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer- ed for sale at slow prion, The property 15 North East } Some, Two. 11, tdang° 4, Last, There is a house 01, Ole promises and some breaking done. Por fill particulars as to Price, title, tee.,mate 01' amity 1n G. F. BLAIR or W. 1I, HERR, 2Q-tf Brussels, Ont. T'ARi8t FOR SALE—THE UN- nEReIGNED re'ero his eligible 04 earn farm fur tale, being South part of Lot 5, Con. 13, Grey. All under cultivation, well watered and well fenced. There is a good stolen house, bu111( hare, orchard, wells, &0„ on the premie00. Also a splendid atone Quarry 11'o111 ;which a good revenue is realiz- reasonable. nly 21 miles further from particulars Tories to prion, &o„apply to JOIN MITCHELL, Proprietor, 35-tf Brussels P. 0. pi Amu 1'OR SALE. -150 ACRES Consisting of the South :i and South t of the North 6 of Lot 30, Con 2, Nast Wawa - nosh. This is an excellent stock Perin, being well supplied with good spring water. Itis situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A largo pert of it is under grass, Buildings and fences aro in a fair state of repair. Easy terms of payment will be given. For all informntioe apply to 11.1f G, E. BLAZE, 13ael'ister, Brussels. Q PLENDID FAR11t FOR SALE. k..J That excellent farm, Lot 15, Con. 0, Township of Grey, 100 nitres, 1111101 be sold at ono in order to elm estate of downed own - or. Tho lob is nearly all cleared, with good bnildinga, mole water supply, large or- chard, 19 miles from Cranbrook 13 under good cultivation and is a very desirable pro- perttl'Sudeod. Apply to RIORARD 1MlIT- Cl2BLL, brussels P. O.; JOAN MITCHELL, on the)remises' or A. IIUNTElt, Brussels, Dated Sept. 10th, 11300. FARM IFR SALE.—THE rERsxGNEn offers his farm of one hundred nom for sale, being Lot 11, don, 5, iv the Township of Grey, mut 5 exiles from the Village of 13ruesols, There ars over 80 acres oloarel and the farm is in a good State of cultivation with good fences, also a good frame house and two barns and other ont- buildings, Good orchard and a neva r -fain ug spring on the farm. Possession can be had lege oflsplaaw ng onn ofarm u inlith the tho Fall.P For f uriher Farticnlars apply to ANGUB SHAW, 47-tt Brussels 1. 0. VETERINARY. - 1gr' D. WARWICK, CY • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated axdmnlo lot a oom- potent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry, Oat is proinptiy at- tended to. Ofioo sed Iadrmary-L'our doors north of bridge •Purnboi'ry at., Brasse,e. AUCTIONEERS. (,FORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct od on reasonable berme, Farlue mud farm stook a enoolatty, Orders left ab Tun POST Publishing House,Br'aeaols, or eautto Walton P.O., will receive prompt attention, S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- i ♦ NEB, wit) sail for better prices, to bettor men in ens time and lose a1)alian than any Giber Auctioneer in East Enron o1 he won't °barge anything, Dates and orders can always be arranged at this °Moe or by paraonal application. CAPT. J. ST13ETTON, • Who has had 25 years experience as an Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing to ill health, has again'tal,ou out license and is prepared to ooutiuot sales at reasonable terms. Stawfaotlen guaranteed, Dates may be arranged at TUE Posr Publiabing House. JAS. STIdpi'1°1bN, 13-11 Anetloneor, Notice to Creditors. IN THE ESTATE OF JOHIN ELL/OTT, DECEASED. Ail persons having any 010.im against the estate of John Elliott, lata of the Township of Grey, Comity of 1 111011 Yeomam daooaeod, are regnh'od to Me pm:tie:dare of the ammo to dho undersigned, 0,18 of the Executors of said deceased, 00 or before the nth day of July, 1807, after whit% date the manta will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, haying reference only to the claims of which notice than then have boon noel. wed, and after Allah dietrlhution the Racoon. tors will not be responsible for any part of the assets of the estate, to any Down of whose claim they shall not have roe8lvod due notloe. ALEX, M0I(0LVIBY, M,1), 40-8 Bunter, Bennis, P, 0, Dated Juno 10th, 1007. valuable and agreeable uonrislinlent. Try It, Sold Duly AT = 3QZ's Drag Store. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, a Solicitor and Oonvoyanoor. Collec- tions made. OJnoe-Vausteno's 131000, Brno • sole. 01-300 •' • 81. SINCLATR, Solid torl,�Oonveyanur ,No bort' Pub- lic, &e, Onioe-Vanetore'o 131oets,1 (loot north of Central Rotel. Private Funds to LOa11. 19f�G. CAMERON, G. j9 (Formerly of Cameron, Bolt -& Cameron,) Barrister and Ito !toil or, Gedor'ioh, Out. 011iee-Bamilton lit., Opposite 001 - borne Hotel, F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, 030, (fete of Gamow & Proudfo0Pa Oaloe, Gotlerich,l Wilco over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. d7 MEDICAL CARD. T M. ARMSTRONG, 11.3). EY l'hyslo(an, Surgeon, Aecouole•, eta, Graduate of Toronto University Medical Vacuity. Member of College of Physiolans and Surgeons,Ont, 01'1••rros-Next door to MODonald & os,. Walton Out. J. A. M'NAUGHT©N, M, D., 0. 14I., Trinity University, Follow Trin- ity Medical College, 1iowher College of Phy- eieiane and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate oftheRoyal Golloge Of l'hysielans and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh, I.-- Telephone No.14, Hasidinoe, Mill 81., Brussels. DR. F. H. KAL3Fa EI8CH, PHYSICIAN, Sono=CN AND ACC0ni1IEUR, SUCCESSOR TO OR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. 1st Class Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties 0f Trinity (Porontob Queen's (ICiugaton), and of Trinity Medical Oollego.; Fellow of Trinity Medical Oolfege and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. /•oat Graduate Oourse in Detroit mid Chicago 1838. 8peeia1 attrutton paid to dis- eases of Lye, Blur, Nose and 'Throat, and die. eases of Women. f Oousulnatiou is 10ng• Iish and German. Telephone at residence. BUSINESS CARDS. i^ I3. Mo0ttA01LEN, Iaeurer ofMarriage Lleenaoo, erne at bit Gr000ry, Tnrnboiny street, Brussels. D• N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist' Shop -Next door south of A. MI. Molay & Co's hardware store. L' adio e'and o1lihirens hail' cutting a speolalty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank takes Deposita from 31A0 to 81,050 and allowe 8 per cent. interest, 1', !'ARROW, 87.3m Postmaster. ROBERT GUNN.NGHAM 1Nenn4010)0, - FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHE14 issue! of Marriage Licenses, 0105I00 AT JEWELRY STORE. taallo Witness Required. T. FLETCIIER, Brussels LEX. J[IUNTTI1R, clerk of rho Fourth Division dour 00, Ruron. Conveyancer, Notary Pnblie Land, Loan and Iuanrenee Agent. Funds invested and to loan, Oolloetitne made 0illoe in. Graham's Stook, Bruseele Tilos. A. HAWKINS, _L 07111 give lessons to pupils either on piano or t stole u'aViocaallessens also gine. 'Feu years oxperlonee in taaohhlg. Terms moderate, Anoint Odor of Vnitsd Workmen. This old and pros)o'0ts Fraternal Assoc ebionnunoborin8 850,000 memb8(8 are pre eentin to theptrlthe their popular and 000n- omtcnl rates to Worthy mon, all the Vey low rate of about 58.00 per (61,000 pep annum. The n Worimen” Promptly Pay ]death Maims and 'expect n largo increase to its 010001)048 now that those American Lino Companies don't seem satisfactory to Gan- adieus, 11013T.Al0M8TRON0 M.W.; SV, 31. 1311101 Recorder; J, A, O1tEIGBT011,3inanelor,