HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-6-18, Page 7JUNE 18, 1597
The Ohio Supreme Cour. has declared
(' T�i r� ' L. Lhe law uncansl.it ¶I' al w'liich last
JI (U CI II�U �1L p tt•o la acenpted the Toa•rrns systal t of
recardiatg land LULles
The Yrineess TroubeLzkoy, formerly
TtIEVERY LATEST FROM ALL THE Amelia ]trues Chanter, author of "The
Quick and Llie Datileed, is mpatlant iu a
WORLD OVER. private sonttariunt at 1?hihtdelphia.
Interesting items About Our Own Country,,
Great Britain, the United States, and
All Parteot the Globe, Condensed and
Assorted for Easy Reading.
An Indian boy met death in Jasper
i` Pass by falling from a tree, which over -
precipice to the rocks and !co
200 feet below.
Israel Gravelte was fined $1U and
s cost b 'Jtecorder Cham n. ne, of Hull,
s Y p 1i
• on the
��PPee'ryp@g c'',aorta
674�.Wednesdayfor swearing � on b
The Diana sailed from Halifax on
j Thursday with the expedition sent out
1 to inquire into the possibilities of the
't Hudson bay route.
Hamilton Sons of Scotland will light
a bonfire on the mountain brow on the
night of June 22nd, and will carry the
fiery cross in honor of her Majesty's
Sir Richard Cartwright is a busy
man at present. Ile is Minister of
Trade and Commerce, Acting Minister
of Militia, Acting President of the
Council, and Acting Premier.
There is a block of business in the
Supreme Court, many of the Judges
being unable to sit on cases with whieb
they were connected before being ap-
pointed Judges.
Mr, W. Malson Macpberson has been
eleeted President o( the 'ullolsonsl3nnk
to succeed the late bfr. J. II. 13.. Mat-
son. •
The Winnipeg City Councit has made
a grant. of 410,000 towards a fund to
he raised for the erection of a wing to
the hospital to be known as the Vic-
toria wing. '
Joseph Maloney of Grantham Town-
ship is in the St. Catharines hospital
suffering from a gunshot wound in-
flicted by his father in a quarrel. The
father bas been arrested.
Mr. W.A. Craig, B.A„ a graduate of
Queen's University, and a well-known
figure around Kingston, Ont., dropped
dead on Friday in a yard at the rear
of the St. Lawrence hotel, in that city.
John Mile, an assistant engineer at
the Ameriuin Rattan Company's fac-
tory in Toronto, was fatally scalded and
dhoked on Sunday morning, by allow -
leg in mistake some cold water to runt
oe hot ashes. ,
On Friday night the Grand Trunk
railway department of the Y.M.C.A. of
Toronto formally opened their splen-
did new building, which has been fit-
ted up by the G.T.R. General Manager
Hays was present.
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Mrs. Llisha If. Fulton, wife of Man-
ager Fulton of the Consumers' Cord-
age Company, has entered suit against
the Montront Park and Island Railway
Company for 450,000 damages tor in-
The jury in the ease of Mrs. Fisher
of St, Catharines, who was found
drowned in a cistern a week ago, re-
turned a verdict this afternoon of found
drowned. The ltusband was discharg-
ed from custody.
The list of Jubilee honours to be
recommended by the Premier is not
yet completed, but it is said the list
will include Lieutenant -Governor Kirk-
patrick, Hon. A. S. Hardy and Chief
Justice Taylor of Winnipeg.
Mx, J. I.I. R. Melson's will w•es pro-
bated at Montreal, and disposes of an
estate of about 42,100,000, divided among
relatives and friends, also a number of
bequests to public institutions, includ-
ing 3100,000 to McGill University.
The Landon City Council passed a
by-law providing for the annexation
to the city of the Village of London
West. The people of the village will
vote an it, and if it is carried the wan
icipalities will become united on Decem-
ber 20 next.
Premier Greenway in an interview
at Winnipeg expressed his conviction
that the Winnipeg & Duluth Rahway
could be made to paynand that con-
siderable American traffic, would be di-
verted to Canadian territory 'hy its
comet ruction.
Harry i lamiltcn', a fifteen -year-old
son of Ald. Hamilton of Guelph, was
presented on Monday with a parchment
certificate of the Ecyal 'Humane Asso-
ciation for bravery in saving, the life
of a lad named Potter Ohristie, who
went through the ice.
.alt a meeting of the Hamilton, Ont.,
branch of the kings Daughters on.
Monday, it was decided to sever con-
nection with the International Associa-
tion, whose headquarters are in New
York city, and a new organization call-
ed the Canadian Independent Order of
King's Daughters, has been formed.
The convict, Gahan, who forged
Hon. IL R. Dobell's mune on a check
for 3150 recently, was sentenced by
Judge Chaveau in the Quebec Police
Court to ten years in penitentiary. Ga-
llen was recently released from peni-
tentiaryt where he was serving a term
for vitriol throwing.
Rumours are current in Paris ofser-
tous dissensions in the Mello Cabinet.
President Faure will leave Paris on
the 25th of July to visit the Czar in St.
Pet ersburg.
The sea armistice was signed in Ath-
ens on Saturday by the Tut'kisb and
Greek delegates.
The King of Siam, who is naw la
Rome, is on his way to England to at-
tend the jubilee ceremonies.
The Cape Legislative Assesnbly has
unaniimously adopted a proposal to con-
tribute towards the maintenance of the
Imperial navy.
Jftflan bas ordered a battleship of
eleven thousand tons burden to be built
on the Clyde. She will be a dupllcaLe
of the British ship Jupiter.
St is likely that the SlpanishCabinet
crisis will be arranged by calling Gen-
eral Weyler from. Cuba and Senor Cas-
tillo remaining in office.
It is the prevalent opinion in Cen-
stantinaple that Germany is playing a
bold game in order to force Buena to
openly declare either for or against
The Chinese -Belgium railway con-
tract was signed May 30. Under its
terms the railway from Katy Kau to
Paot!'ngi-Fu is to be completed in 1901
The Berlin public were excluded from
the groat spring parade on the Temple -
hot on Tuesday, and in consequence the
Emperor was hooted on his way to the
The acquittal of Fierr von Tausch, the
former chief of the Berlin secretpoliti-
cal police, amounts to the defeat of
Baron von Bieborstein, the Minister tor
Foreign Affairs
The Greeks are greatly encouraged by
a rumour that a navy contractor has
received wn order to provision the Brit-
ish fleet of forty men-of-war to be con-
centrated at Phalerum.
The town of Ballyhooly, twelve miles
from Salisbury, Matabeleland, is sur-
rounded by armed natives, and much
fear of an uprising in that part of
British Africa is felt.
A requiem mass as celebrated on
Friday in the Catholic churcb in Ath-
ens for the repose of the souls of foreign
volunteers killed during the war with
Herr von Tausch, the former chief of
the Berlin secret political police, who
has been on trial for nearly two weeks,
charged with prejury, high treason, and
forgery, was acquttted on Friday.
The trouble still continues in the
Spanish Cabinet. 11 is said that the
Duke of Mandan, the Spanish Ambas-
sador to Paris, will be recalled to take
the place of the Duke of 'retina, the
Minister of Foreign Affairs.
The Czar and Czarina, attended a re-
quiem mass on Sunday at the Imperial
church of Peterhof, in memory of the
terrible panic in Moscow a year ago,
when several thousand persons were
crushed to death.
"Did I ever Couto ae1o85 any queer
characters?" smilingly exclaimed the old
sergeant, repeating my query. "I be-
lieve you, my tad! If you want to hear
stories of human monstro,.slLies and un-
canny beings, you need go no ferthr
ex than the nearest policeman, 'Why,
bless you, any man Who Luis had a year
of •night duty in the streeLs of the
Modern Babylon, could tell you hair
raising yarns of hideous dwarfs, and
deformed creatures, ' ourt:ail'd of their
fair proportion,' who shun the light of
day and prowl about in the early hours
of the morning. And yet, one of the
ugliest men 1 eves met in the whole
course of my constabulary experience
turned out a regular hero. You'd like
the yarn? Well, push the tobacco pouch
this way, Kitty ; and you shall have it.
" His surname I never learned, and
his station in life was not very high,
far he was but a humble scavenger.
The fust night I clapped eyes upon him,
though it must be nearly ten years
ago, is indelibly stamped on my mem-
ory. I was walking my lonely beat
when I saw a flickering light some dis-
tance ahead itt the roadway, which told
me the scavengers were at their night-
ly duties, and the prospect of a chat
to relieve the monotonous round. being
far from unpleasing, I strolled towards
the light.
" The man was en the opposite side
of the rubbish heap as I approached,
shoveling steadily away, and by the
faint glimmer of the gluttering candle
I perceived that he was humpbacked.
Stealing up noiselessly in my goloshes,
I suddenly greeted him with a cheery
' What ho I' Somewhat startled, he rais-
ed his face, and as he ddid so I flushed
my bull's-eye right in his eyes.
"' Jehosophat I' I murmured, Inward-
ly, and for a moment I could do no
mare than stare at his truly repulsive
" Clean-shaven, save for a strag-
gling beard. that hung from his chin,
hook nosed and beetle-browed, with a
mouth which had been twisted sideways
in some unaccountable manner, his
ghoulish appearance was intensified by
the darkness that surrounded the halm
of light in which his face was framed,
giving him an expression truly diaboli-
iabolical. With a, grin that can only be de-
ecribed as hideous, he returned my
greeting, displaying his teeth, which
were discolored and irregular. Efts
speech was an inarticulate mumhle,and
most difficult to follow.
"In conversation he laconically in-
formed me that he had only been set
on the previous week, and that ac-
counted for my never having previous-
ly met with him. I gathered from his
mates, who were inclined Lo shun him
on account of his far from prepossess-
ing appearance, tbat he had been nick-
named ironically, ' .Beauliful Bob," and
by such appellation was ha generally
known, More than that they could not
tell me. He lived his own life and
made no friends. I was destined, how-
ever, to meet him an many subsequent
occasions, and how I eventually learn-
Fladja Miohalis, as chief of the Cretan
insurgents, has issued a proclamation
calling upon the Cretans to elect aGen-
eral Assembly to resume their ordinary
everyday relations, and to respect the
lives and property of the Mussulmans.
The Spanish Premier, Senor Canvas
del Castillo, has tendered to the Queen
Regent the resignation of the Cabinet
owung to the difficulty the Ministers ex-
perience in carrying on the Government
to view of the Parliamentary situation
caused by the recusal of the Liberals
Lo take part in the deliberations of
Lhe Cortes. The resignation was ac-
The new Japanese loan was subscrib-
ed several tire.; over in London.
Mr. Chamberlain states that Belgium
nod Germany haveprotested against
British goods entering Canada at a
lower tariff. , I
at is reported. that fhb Dublin alder-
men at their coming meeting will elect
Mr. John Eledmond, the Parnellite
leader, itord Mayor of Dublin.
Among the jubilee proposals the re-
naming of Groat Ba'itain hes been sug-
gested. The two names offered es suer
stitutes are Wiseland and Enwlscolia.
The Queen's abstention from visiting
Ireland is said to be the result of the re -
fusel of Dublin in the sixties) to grant a
site in Phoenix park for a monument to
the late Prince Consort.
Mr. Stead makes a very bitter at-
tack upon Mr. Chuanberlain for with-
holding, as he asserts, information from
the Committee of Enquiry that would
have shown an anticipatory knowledge
of the Jameson raid,
A resolution calling upon the Irish
to abstain from taking part in the dia-
mond. jubilee of Queen Victoria Was car-
ried at the annual meeting of the Irish
Na.t.ional League of Great Britain, held
at Manehes e l
Tho son of the Bev. George Brooks,
otherwise known as the ' Prince of
Begging Letter Writers," whose doings
were exposed in the columns of 'truth,
attempted to horsewhip Mr. Labou-
chere, M.P„ the editer,ln London.
Mr, Chamberlain stated in the Imper-
ial Rouse of Commons on Tuesday that
the Canadian Government was fully
satisfied of the competency of the firm
of Petersen, Tait and Co. to carry out
their engagements for the fast Atlantic
A Eew• ➢hirngrn pbs May Prove Werth
Tho refining of sugar was invented
in Antwerp in the 10th century.
Gibbon says that sugeir was first
brought from a15ra to Europe A. D.
The seaport and lake towns ot the
United States have a population of
over 10,000,000
IIandpainted shirt fronts are consid-
ered quite dressy by many of theLon-
don fops.
Last year, in Suffield, Conn., 1,250
acres were devoted to the culture of
tobacoo, and the yield averaged 3250
per aore.
Chinese male infants, when they are
a month old, have their heads shaved.
A banquet is usually a part of the cere-
The profit on an industrious and well-
managed hen, says a Kansas farmer,
averages two and one-tenth cents per
day, all the year round.
The mistake of a Chicago druggist, in
substituting carbolic aoid for some
harmless medicine in an eye -wash, caus-
ed a child to lose the sight of one of
its eyes
With one hand, Frank Butler, of 'Wa-
terville, Maine, recently lifted aweight
of one thpasand pounds. He asserts that
no other man in the State can equal
this feat of strength
The introduction of fancy boxes far
candies was due to the demand on the
part of custom's for holiday, birthday
and festival presents in neat and at-
tractive packages.
The collection of postage stamps which
ranks third in the woad is owned by
F. W. Ayer, of Bangor, lefe. Ho recent-
ly sold a single stamp of the Hawaii=
issue of 1801 for thirty-five hundred dol-
A. man of considerable weight in Ok-
lahoma is Colonel P. 0. Bucker. For
years ho has norried off the premium
as the fat man at every Territorial fair.
l•Ie weighs four hundred and ninety-sev-
en pounds
Wm. Johnson, of Richmond, Va•,
while fishing, tell overboard, and imme-
diately sank out of sight, When his
companions raised the seine, a long
time afterward, Johnson's body was
found entangled in the twine.
It is said George Gould with go 'to
England to live, i. I 1 i,, i
Ono of the trains on the Southeastern
Railway, ;England, running between
London and Hastings, comprises six
)passenger cars, w1»olt were built in
Troy, N. Y, The entrances are at
the ends, and they are lighted by else
A pistol dropped from the pocket of
e pious colored gentleman while he was
on his knees in Sprayer, in a church in
Crystal Springs, Ark, Complaint rvfis
made against hiin for carrying comical -
ed weapons' and a fine was the re-
33u1.eher-1. need a boy about your
size and will give you twelve shillings
a week.
13oy -W111 Ihave a ehenee to rise?
Butcher—Yes; I want you to be ]sere
held roughly by the collar, I was am-
azed to see (ears in his eyes. A groan
burst Proal his bloodless lips, and de-
jeeteclly his bead .eenlf on his breast.
At the Thames Police. Court, the
maglel. ale, after 'bearing the evidence
discharged 1111. hunchback with an ad-
monition, and ' i" lash Charley,' was sent
back to the Dartmoor to work out his
unfinished term. There he was classed
as an utter incorrigible, and about
twelve menthe afterwards was killed
by one of the warders while endeavor-
ing to escape. No doubt you read of
the effete' in the papers.
"Coming out of the court, after the
hearing of the wise, 1 came across Bob
who was silently slinking away, loom-
pllmented 11im on his acquittal, and
added a word of good -matured advice
that he would in future steer clear of
oilier people's quarrels and curb his
hasty temper.
Man t" he cried, gazing at me with
glistening eyes, his cadaverous face
twitching spasmodically with suppress-
ed passion, '1 would kill him like a rag.
You cannot understand!' and he shuf-
fled nastily away.
Shure it's this way wid Bed, dor-
lint,' garrulously exclaimed one of the
women who hung about the purlieus of
the court, and whose Mee ryas indica-
tive of bei Hibernian extraction. 'Afore
he had the accident what changed him
into what yez see hire, he was as dac-
i nt a bhoy, bedad, as yez'd wish to mate
an' 1nian an' Poll, yez'll understband,
was coortin', ,Ile was in good werrk,
an 'was seven' up betoimes for the bits
o' furniture. Thin, one day, we lariat
as he'd been took to the 'ospital, an'
was only likely to come out feet beret.
Dhurin' the weeks be was Bulgaria' be-
twixt life and death, Flash Charley,
bad tees to the dirtily. blackgarrd, Item
along with his promises and blarney,
an' Poll, belm' a giggling young col -
keen, was took, as yez might say, wid
him, an' they went and got wed on
tth,e quiet. When pore Bob kem out
at last, the wreck yez see him, he found
his ould ewateheart losbt to him fox
ever. Since thin he's buried himself,
intoirely, am' no one sees bine at all.
Pore Bob l He's good-hewrted for all his
ugly mu
his given was the reason for his
uncontrollable outbreak. It was little
wander that the sight of the villain
who had robbed him of his love ill-
treating her ite such a brutal fashion
had maddened him. He would have
been less than mortal had he failed to
punish such a blackguard.
The incident bad nearly faded from
my memory, when one afternoon some
eighteen months afterward, happening
to bo off duty, having been incapacit-
ated for a time by a bullet in the left
shoulder, presented to me by Dan Fel-
oney, the housebreaker, I was strolling
over my old beat, when to my surprise
I saw ' Beautiful Bob' come out of the
court where he Paved.
' The roadway was being. repaired at
the time, and ss the roller traveled up
and down a carowd of children danced
around it, running backward and for-
wards before it, as the daring little
beggars will. Suddenly a startled cry
brake from the lips of the driver as
lie hurriedly turned off steam. One of
the children, a tiny surly -headed fel-
low, in running before, had slipped
right, es it seemed, under the very
wheels of the ponderous machine. There
was n heartrending shriek from a wo-
man who was walking by my side, and
she gripped my arm convulsively as she
screamed, wildly. " Oh, good heavens!
My child 1'
The engine was traveling down a
slight decline at the time, and it seem-
ed to me from where I stood that the
child must inevitably be crushed; but
in less time than it takes me to relate,
the hunchback, who must have seen
the child fall, dashed forward and
snatcb,ed him up as it were from the
very jaws of death. Even as the stag-
gered away, the front of the machine
caught him and sent the child flying
from his arms, and himself on to the
ground. Bre he could drag his ungain-
ly body away, one of the heavy front
rollers 'had passed over his foot.
Springing forward I dragged him with
en almost superhuman effort into saf-
ety. His right foot was completely
smashed—but though the agony must
have been intense he bore it with an
heroic manliness I had never before
witnessed; nay, he actually smiled, and
as I bent down to render 'him first aid
I caught his drawn-out whisper, 'Pol-
ed his story came about in this way:
"Some months after first seeing hint,
my beat was altered for a time to one
of the shadiest districts of the 11. Dlv-
ision. It was at the time of the ' flip-
per' scare, and I, amongst others, was
told off for special duty. I was put
on a place where the night policemen
never ventured except in pairs. It was
simply one vast honeycomb of pestil-
ential slums, the retreat of most of
the worst characters who preyed on
the community, the headquarters of
burglars, pickpockets, and criminals, a
veritable hot bed of orime ; and we, who
paraded it, knew that we literally car-
ried our lives in our hs•nds,
"One Saturday night my mate and
myself were standing on the corner
of one of tate darksome streets that
led off from the main thoroughfare.
The flaming gin palace of the corner
was disgorging its crowd of more or
less besotted tramps, and regular top-
ens, and we were anticipating the cus-
tomary weak end disturbance' nor were
we disappointed, for suddenly a halt -
drunken ltlaekguard, whom I knew as
'Flash Charley,' a ,notorious burglar,
reeled through the swinging doors with
a shower of horrible curses. He was a
ticket -of -learn, and I had received spe-
cial orders to watch him carefully.
Hardly 71 ad he reached the street when
a starved -looking woman, with a child
held to tar breast, advanced towards
him and besought him piteously to coma
home without creating a disturbance,
' For e moment the drunken ruffian
regarded her savagely, then raising his
clenahod fist, without a word he de-
liberately struck her to the ground,
and brLually commenced to kick her
half -unconscious body, I strode for-
ward, but ere I reached the curbstone,
with a fearful howl of execration am
ungainly creature sprang at the man
and, clutchisg- him by the throat, dash-
ed his fist over and over again into the
bully's face.
)tushing forward, my mate andmy-
self strove to separate them, and after
a severe struggle succeeded in drag-
ging tato maddened assailant from the
body of the burglar. Ile was foaming
at the mouth Like some wild animal,
and wilib a start I recognized him as
' Beautiful Bob,' tate hunchback. His
fury was terrible to witness. Again and
again he endeavored to break from my
grasp and hurl himself upon the brut-
al coward whom my mate was assisting
to lois feet.
"' Come, Bob l' I remonstrated, as I
grappled with him, and dexterously
Slipped the derbies on his wrists, 'calm
down, or I shall have to hurt you.
"Curse shim 1' he exclaimed, and his
ELngoi's opened and closed convulsively,
'I'll kill him! Ho struck my girl—my
Polly,' Thee, as the woman staggered
to her feet he quieted down, and turn-
ed to her appealingly with outstretch-
ed arms,
"The rtoman was dazed, but she
seemed to awaken to her surroundings
as the inspector arrived on the seene,
and after listening to my hurried ex-
fplenation, ordered us to march forward.
Wibh a scream she recognized her hus-
band, for in such, 1eIlation stood the
bombe who had ill-treated her, and, wo-
manlike, rushed forward, declaring by-
ste. ricall e ii that we should not tak,m,
"Tho bedraggled exeetures stattHng
about endeavoured to dissuade her, and
at last they led her away. Chancing to
lock at the face of the male whom I
vc OF
Are Find Upon South Am
can Nervine.
r e •
1 DI5
Qeyol�J Doubt the Greatest Medica rY'
of the Age..
A Discovery, Based on Scientific Principles. that
Renders Failure impossible.
" The crowd lyroke away, and the wo-
man, tears glistening in her eyes, knelt
down at his side with the terrified lad
her arms. Taking the threadbare
shawl from heir shoulders, she slipped
it tenderly beneath his head.
Bob,' she cried, sobs choking her
utterance ' any brave Bob! Ilow can I
thank you?"
A smile lit up his twisted features,
as 'he raised his hand and lovingly
stroked her hair.
Polly,' he murmured, jerkedly,and
his eyes were illumined with a look of
love; ' it's nothing. I shall soon be out
of the hospital, and then, will you give
me the right to look after little Joey
and yourself—always?"
"For answer the woman bent down,
and kissed his pallid face."
The old seagea.nt stretched forth his
hand to replenish his pipe. Kitty, who
loud been sitting on a footstool at his
feet, antieipattn:g bis wish, lit a spill
itt the glowing fire and applied it to
the bowl.
And the sequel ,father?' she quer-
" Is as you would have it, my pet,"
he murmured, complacently. "Soon af-
ter be was discharged from the hospit-
al, where his extraordinary appearance
bad aroused the interest of some influ-
ential visitor, Bob was placed in the
position of night watchinan at a large
manufactory, and then his life's dream
was fulfilled, for he married his early
love. Steady he always was,and though
he had to reckon a crippled foot am-
ongst his oLbea list of personal disad-
vantages, the managed to gather round
his wife one of the most cotnfortable
homes you could wish to see. So you
see, my lac),' he continued, " it is Ut-
terly fallacious to judge a lean by his
plitvsiognomy. Your Adonnis may be a
scoundrel at heart, and the plainest
corporeal casket may eftimes contain
the gem of greatest price --it aoblesoul,.
as was exemplified in the case of 'Beau-
tiful Bob.'"
' inti
en the matter of good health tempor-
1171n0 measures, while possibly success-
ful for the moment, can never be last -
In,. Those 1n poor health soon ]drew
whether the remedy they are using
Is simply a passing Incident In their ex-
perience, bracing them up for the day,
or something that is getting at the
seat of tate disease and is surely and
permanently restoring.
The eyes of the world are literally
fixed on South American Nervine, They
are not viewing it as a nine -days' won-
der, but critical and experienced men
have been studying this medicine for
'sears, with the one result—they have
found that its claim of perfect curs
tie° quilitles cannot be gainsaid.
The great discoverer of this medicine
was passe<serl of the knowledge that the
seat of all disease is the nerve centres,
situated at the base of the brain. In
this belief he had the best scientists
and medical men of the world
occupying exactly the same pre-
mises. Indeed, the ordinary lay-
men recognized this principle
long ago. Everyone knows that
rot disease er Injury affect this part of
the human system and death is almost
certain. 'Injure the spinal cord, which
Is the medium of these nerve cen-
tres, and paralysis is sure to follow.
Here is the first principle. The treu-
000711 1100M 001011,
A We lost by heart disease when
prompt measures
e lThiis not to said on,eeait.
from heart disease only, but of tens of
thousands. If the symptoms that warn
one of heart trouble are not heeded,
the outcome is almost sure to he sore
oils. )When one is fortunate enough t.o
be acquainted with the merits of Dr.
Agnew s Cure for the Heart in 05 per
cent, of cases disaster is averted. This
medicine will positively give relief in
half an hour's time, and taken with
some little degree of perseverance radi-
cally cures. If your heart palpitates
flutters, or tires out easily, and you
value, life, Ipso this remedy. ,
tlold by G. A. Deadtnin. "•,• 1
Vie with medical treatment usu-
ally, and with nearly all medicines, is
that they aim simply to treat the organ
that may be diseased, South American
Nervine passes by the organs, and im-
mediately applies its curative powers
to the nerve centres, from which the
organs of the body receive their supply'
of nerve fluid. The nerve centres'
healed, and of necessity the organ
which has shown the outward evidence
only of derangement is healed. Indi-
gestion, nervousness.. impoverished
blood, liver complaint, all owe their
origin to a derangement of the nerve
centres. Thousands bear testimony,
that they have been cured of these
troubles, even when they have become,
so desperate as to bailie the skill of,
the most eminent physicians, because,
South American Nervine has gone to
headquarters and cured there.
The eyes of the world have not been
disappointed In the inquiry into the sue -
cess of South American •Nervine. Peo-
ple marvel, it is true, at Its wonderful
medical qualities, but they know be-
yond all question that it does every-
; thing that Is claimed for it. It stands
alone as tyre one great certain curium
remedy of the nineteenth oendury. Why,
should anyone suffer distress and sick-
ness while this remedy is practleallT,
at their hands ?
Sold by Deadman & McCQ11
Almost every family hes its old, trust-
ed physician.
All of theta depend on what he says.
They are billets when he pronounces
totem so. They have dyspepsia when be
says the word. They get consumption
at his bidding. They make their wills,
and name their pall -bearers, when he
says they bare got to shuffle off. That
is all very well.
Let the old family doctor flourish. He
has earned the right ta, and if now and
t11en he makes a mistake, and admin-
isters arsenic instead of Rochelle salts,
and outs off a leg or an arm when there
is no necessity for It, Im must not be
condemned, but we must respect him
for the. good be has done.
Young doctors are always coining to
Now, a man cannot help being young.
It is a Pratt Which time will remedy,
if we only wait patiently.
And a young dootor is worthy of our
regard, if he knows enough not to pre-
tend to know too much. Very few are
wise enough to be willing to pass for
just wbet they are.
You are sick, and cyou conclude that
every one mast have a chance to learn.
So you sand for the young doctor.
He comes in Juste, With his head well
1rp. his medicine -case in his pocket, an
ominous -looking block sietohel in his
hand, and a general air of keep-every-
He flings off his hart and coat, looks
aL hieneele itt the giass, rubs bis hand
through his hair to give h'umself an in-
tellectual look,snips a leaf off your ger-
anium and smells rt, and inquires brisk-
%Nat can we do for you to-
day ?"
You oegien to tell h,Lm how you are
and bow you were taken, but he sil-
ences you, and gives you the imP'ros-
cion that lie can diagnose your efIne
without knowing anything you can tell
He feels your pulse, and listens
to your Heart, end looks at your tongue,
and ask you if you wear liver -pads, and
vita year grandmother died of., and
trent he tells you what you may ex-
You aro to a clatigarnus, nay, critical
condition. It is lucky you sent for him
just as you did. No live man has studi-
ed that peculiar class of disorders more
thoroughly than he has, If it be within
the power of any mortal man to save
you, he is that man,
You begin to feel weak in the knee%
end you remember that company is cone -
in next week, and that have got
to bake cake for the Odd ,allows' sap-
per, and—arid—you feebly, tell him that
you thought it was only influenza; you
hadn't any idea
"A flattering disease, madam " tits
says, with dignity. Carries its thous-
ands into the grave yearly. The medic-
al faculty not posted on it, but S have
made it a specialty.
Then he deals out a little medicine,
telts you to feel confidence in bun, says
that the other doctor in the town is
a quack, and owes his popularity to this
affection he displays in kissing the lit-
tle children of his patients, ever time
he ea11s, asking with the assumption of
great ggood nature, "Alit is thus my lit-
tle (lax lug!" and then hunts for a cl'easd
spot to kiss, if the child's face chances
to be dirty. Mks, your physician says,
is one of the tricks of the quack doctor;
and be wonders why people will risk
their lives in the bands of such asham,
And when your physician goes away,
you feel ae if an incubus was lifted from,
your soul; auld you tell your husband
when he comes in about it, and be
laughs, and says the young man is It
fool, and recommends you to soak your
feet and take some peppermint tea, Hus-
bands are apt be bo unsatmpatihetic.
When the yenng' doctor's bill comes
in, you find thutt his charges are in'te
ratio with what he thinks he knows,
but yen are thankful that you are al;.aor
and pay it without a murmur,
Last year about $31,000,000 worth 00
tobacco was smoked. in Spain—an aver'
Age of $1,80 per head, , ,