The Brussels Post, 1897-6-18, Page 44TILE BRUSSELS POST
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New Advertisements. June Sessions..
Locale D. Ewan,
Loual 1. Thompson.
Tea—MeKinnou (Jo.
Local --J. w, Anderson.
Pink Pills -Dr. iVillinms.
Dress Goole --J. 0. Skene.
Many:Vim—Rose cC UsUld ty,
Local Peel' Publishing House.
Jubilee Flags G. A, Deadman.
Wood Wanted—Electric: Light Co.
Notice to Cel ,,tors—Dr. l ellelvey,
Schedule of Convictions --•Its Lewia.
r.,• 1.1 (IS
Ct.bc i3r.11552 s it fi1
leILI D.rt 1', JUNE 18, 1597,
Court of Revision.
No small amount of interest was stir-
red up over the Brussole Court of Revis-
ion, held on Monday of last week and
adjourned to Monday evening of this
week. There were 115 appeals. Some
half dost•,, or more of them were omitted
by Aeee. oar and other assessments were
found by the Council to he so much out
of proportion with others that they decid.
ed to go over the whole roll and level it
goodup as far as uite a few did a
deal of possible. '
icking and imputed reputed alleorts
of motives for this general revision, but
in Ole face of all this the Court of Revis-
ion went through with their work on
what they eonsidered to be right, and we
believe the changes will give general satis-
faeti"), The, total assessment will he
825,I,U higher properties more
evenly belnneed thou they have
been for years ; and we hope to see the
local rete take a con-iderable drop tine
year. The first evening of the Court
Conneillor Thomson was absent and last
Monday Councillor Wilson's chair was
vacant. Long sessions were held each
evening se as to push the work through.
Changes were made as follows ;—
Garfield block, reduced from 500 to X4.500
Joe, I1 tidick's store, from 3,000 to 2,500
Mahler's Evaporator, " 1,000 to 500
T. Wallace's lot, Turn -
berry St. (omitted) . , 100
Dr. Helm ' stores 6,300
I . Armstr0ug, from 250 to 350
J. S 1'. Ameut, Queen tit,
from 300 to 400
and their factory property, now ex -
ono, assessed at „3,'U0 for school
Wm. Armstrong, (omit-
Geo. Birt, £tom 000 to r
Jne. Broadfoot 700 to 9
H. Dennis, shop 800 to 0
residence 700 to 0
W. Bla.,hill, stores 1.200 to 1,
" residence ,500 to G
personal 150 to 2
B. Cochrane, lot 200 to 3
A. Coni., house and lots 550 to 7
personal 150 to 3
Geo. Cardiff, personal
E. C. D,.uford, residence, .1,500 to 1,7
personal 200 to 3
D. Ewan, real estate 1,000 to 1,5
T. Parrett., real estate2,100 to 2,2
N.V. Gerry, real estate 450 t0 5
N. B. Gerry, real estate500 to G
Gerry Bros„ peceoual 8
B. Gerry, personal 2;000 to 3,0
Estate Geo. Hayeroft,real, 100
The June session of the peace for the
county of Huron opened on Tuesday of
last week at 1 o'clock, p, m., Isis Honor
,fudge Maeson, presiding,
The following gentlemen were sworn
in Re a grand jury and addressed by the
judge ;—Joseph Beck, Saltier('; John E
Cooly, Dashwood ; Peter Z'is let,
Colborne ; W. B. fisher, Colborne
Thos. Henderson, Hallett Thos. Lovell,
Tntobetry ; 1''nt, Move Uiuevalo ;
Jahn Aleueios, jr., Wawateda , John Mc-
Gee, Bayfield ; Robt. McAlli•ter, Grey ;
Henry McNaught, Grey; Wm. Weir,
Hawick. Joseph Beck was chosen fore.
There were no criminal cases, the
record showing only six civil. two to be
tried by jury and four without, the fol-
lowing being the jury eases :—
Stanley vs. Grummett. —An action to
recover a town lot in Clinton, 1;. Gaul.
pion for p1ff ; Garrote and Proudfoot for
Postlethetvafte vs. Beacom, an notion
for illegal distress. Cameron, Holt and
Holmee for p112 ; R. C. Hays for deft.
On the court opening both these cases
were adjourned to the fall terns.
The fleet case called was Staten vs.
O'Neil --an action to compel delivery of a
promissory note. P. Holt and L. H.
Dickson appearing for pluiutiff, and R.
H. Collins for defendant. Judgment wtts
given for plaiutiff without costa,
The Carswell Co. vs. Dancey.—An
action on account, was settled out of
Cameron vs, Elliott —Au action 00 a
bill of costs, wee settled by the parties to
the action.
Geo. Ile we, real estate....1,300 to 2,000
Dr, Iialbtleisch, income 500
T. Kelly, personal
A. J. Lowry, real estate 350 to 400
S. W. Laird, real estate 1,200 to 1,400
D. A. Lowry. real estate1,0(10 to, 1,200
Thos. Maxwell, personal125 to 200
Dr. McNaughton, income 300
A. M. McKay, real estate 350 to 450
D. C. Ross, real, (omitted) 100
Jas. Stratton, Queen's
Hefei, (omitted) 5,000
H. R. Smile, real estate . ,1,000 to 1,200
W. J, McCracken, real
esteta 1000 to 1,200
Geo, Thomson, real estate, 1,000 to 1,300
J. C. Tuck, personal 200
J. D. Warwick, real estate 550 to 050
Jas. Walker, real estate 400 to G00
shop 300 to 400
Jim. Wynn, shops 700 to 800
11. Williams, residence 400 to 500
shop 250 to 400
, R. G. Wilson, personal 000
Ino, Mooney, assessed fox Orange Hall
'1950. struck off as property Is assess
ed to Geo. Cardiff.
Jno. Ferguson, personal 800 to 1,000
J. J. Gilpin, real estate 650 to 750
personal .,100
J, T. Ross, store 000 t0 700
personal 100
Jas. Oliver, real estate650 to 800
I. C. Richards, store ,800 to 900
" residence,:500 to 700
tr personal..,, 100 to 750
R.15. Ross, real estate450 to 550
Wtn. II tom mill —.2,500 to 0,000
J. B. Stretton, two dwell,
in;;a 000 to
Joe. Menzies, per enol
S. T. Plum, real estate •. 250 to
J. 11. Smith, real estate „ 500 to
0. 0ilbax, personal 200 to
A. Stewart, real estate,
II, Bente, real estate,
Catharine Wilbee, real es-
Wm, Thompson, real estate
Samuel Burgess, real,
(omitted) ,,, 200
5, Donaldson, personal 100 to 250
Jno,'Vinceut, personal100
P. Watson, personal 100
Dominion Savings Co,
real estate 1 200 to 1,000
Alex, Ellie, real estate. .. .2,300 to 2,650
Mre. Bell, real estate,
(omitted) 250
D. Ronald, personal1,000
Mr, Thomas, real estate8,000
The following persons wore struck off
as 1f.1'., being non-rosidenes;•—S. and
Jas. Burgos, T. E. and T. Coleman, W.
Crawford, B. and B. Driver, S. I slick,
P. Ferguson, Dr. Holmes, II. Holmes, J.
7, eckie, II, Mooney, T. 5toL alehlin, W.
Norton, 7. and J. Putland, W. Proudfoot,
Robb. Boas, A. Reid, J. Roddiok, J. Scott,
Rev, T. 0. Sanderson, C. R. Vanstone,
la. G. Vincent, and T. Collins.
Doge wore struck off for ,lino, McAxtor
and Geo. Edwards,
WKI,\r aP.1C,
Robinson vs. Johnston. --An action on
a promissory note, lasted all the morning,
and at its conclusion judgment was giveu
for plaintiff for 00540 and costs, R. Van -
stone for plff. ; Buchan for deft.
The following is the presentation of
the grand jury :
MAY IS PLSAsu Tom I3otcon
The grand jury of our Lady the Queen
mentioned for the present sittings of the
general sessions of the peace, beg to con-
gratulate Your Honor and the county
that, in this the year of Her Most
Gracious Majesty's Diamond Jubilee,
(and whose reign we fervently pray may
long continued) no criminals are in
jail awaiting trial.
We have visited the jail and found it
well kept and in goad repair, buil wish to
particularly point out that a proper
system of sewerage should he put in
operation without delay as a precaution
against the outbreak of an epfcletnic.
We found confined in the jail three
prisoners under sentence for short terms
for trivial offences, one vagrant, one on
remand, one awaiting removal to the
penitentiary, and one committed as in-
sane. The latter has beau awaiting re-
moval to proper quarters for over a year
and we feel that such should, if possible,
be done at once.
As the uufortauate inmates of .the
House of Refuge are so helpless and are
gathered from all quarters of the meaty
w0 feel that some means should be pro-
vided to allow of grand juries visiting
that institution.
We beg to express our thanks for your
kind and lucid explanation of our duties,
and also to the county attorney for his
courtesy and assistance.
All of which is respectfully submitted,
The address of the House of Commons
eongratulatiog IIer Majesty peon the at.
leinment of Int diamond jubilee had been
despatched to London in a handsome
gasket made from Canadian wood, Can-
adian stone and Canadian gold.
SWEDE BECK, foreman.
Court House, Goderich, June 0th, 1007.
011, led WM11'111115111 Yte Sinnlaeb, Nall•
sea and vent ltin g"('onsllUat102, I1end•
lichee still 01111'1 5)1,1. retei lig 91.1/11/.
tones Followed.
Frani Le Sareiois, Sorel, Quo„
Dyspepsia, and kindred disorders of the
digestive organs are becoming alarmingly
prevalent among the people of all oiasses,
and it is safe to say that there aro few ills
afflicting utaulriud r
productive of more m 1i a
real misery ,into indigestion, It is said
teutt ed in hand,
and a good lent camon go0 aj ezty;'s
hauls in hand, Hall the statement coutafns
more truth than has been generally ad-
mitted. It may be safely said ,Herefore,
that the medimue that will ocredyspepsia �laanond 3"u<bliee,
is a blessing to mankind, a promoter of
human happiness, whose good work can•
not be too widely known. Such i.Qthe TUeSday U ne 22, 1897
opinion of Mrs. P. Lnssier, of Sorel, ue.
and it is because g Bottum tickets will bo issued between all
stations in Canada at
Turn: 15, 1897
FOAM, FOB 81-0,V101?,,—THEUndersigned will keep for 8010100 on
Lot 55, Cot 0,Noris, the thorn' bred Im-
proved write Yerhshiro Hoar 'Bolodtod,"
bled fmin S ( Brothour's swee ,stakes sow
nt (.hl i,;',1 air, Terms, Oa to be paid
t entwine wit privilege of to -
/melee if o, o,•ssax•y pedigree may ho soots
ou 0451)eel",u.
130130. TiC1i0L,
of this that she ave the
following statement to a representative
of Le Sorelois. "For some time past,"
she said "I Itad been suffering from a
.malady that at first I could not define,
hue which proved to be a sovere attack of
dyspepsia. After each meal I felt a sen-
sation of over fullness, even when I had
eaten most sparingly. This feeling was
aceomponied by severe pains in the region
of the stomach, and frequently by nausea
aatd sometimes vomiting, Constipation
followed, which added to my misery. In
the interval I suffered from fever and
slight headache and became generally in.
disposed. At times the pain in the
stomach was less severe, 111y appetite
was leaving me, I had no taste for any.
thing and at this stage my son, Alfred,
assistant manager of "Le Sorelnis," urged
me to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, at the
same time urging me to read an article
in that paps); which related to the cure of
a person similarly afflicted. I was skep-
tical and did not behove the pills would
help me, but a few days later I re -read
the article and decided that, I world try
this medicine and I have 010011 reason to
be glad that I did so. I took a couple of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills after each meal
and little by little perceived that my di-
gestion was becoming more easy. I con-
tinued the 000 of the pills for a little
more than a month, aid have pleasure in
stating that my cure is complete. At
my age (Ob years) ono groatly appreciates
being able to enjoy one's meals, and I
bless the day I began to use Dr.1Vi11iams'
Pink Pills, and I heartily recommend
them to other sufferers.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure indiges-
tion, rheumatism, neuralgia, locomotor
ataxia, St. Vitus' dance, nervous head-
ache and prostration, diseases of the
blood, emit as scrofula, chronic erysipelas
and restores pale and sallow complexions
to the glow of health. They are a specific
for all the troubles peculiar to the female
sex, and in men cure all cases arising
from worry, overwork or excesses. Sold
by all chemists and by Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont., at 50o
per box, or six boxes for 52.50. There
are imitation pills colored pink, against
which the public aro warned. The
genuine pills are put up in boxes, 4he
wrapper around which bears thatch trade
mark, "Dr. Williams' fink Pills for Pale Agent for Parker's Dye
People." Take nothing , lee. n
Foresters' p1o•nie next Tuesday.
The bricklayers are pushing the Bal-
lantyne store no.
R. B. Hamilton treated the members
of the Epworth League to fee cream.
Farmers' excursion to the Guelph
Model Farm Thursday, Jane 17th.
90 cents from Atwood.
Mrs, Henry Zieman had the misfor.
tone to stip in the woodshed and fall over
a washtub, fracturing three ribs in ber
left side.
The contract for carrying tits mails
between the post office end G. T. R.
station has been let to John G. Robert.
son for the current year at a fraotion less
than Air. Gordon got. Mr. Gordon gat
052 per annum. The °entreat for carry-
ing the mails between Donegal and At.
wood has been let to a Mr. Ball, of
Donegal, for the current year, ea that
Andy Boohanan's familiar figure will bo
missed in this service.
Our veteran postmaster, Donald
Gordon, has been postmaster of Atwood
for 21 years, ever since there was a post -
elfin here. During all these years not
one registered letter went estray through
his neglect or error. Some years ago a
letter addressed to a person in Massa.
ohnsette,11. S. A., want estray, but it
was given to the wrong party over there
by the postmaster, so that Mr, Gordon
'vas in no 05(00 to blame, Snob a uuique
record is highly commendable, and is
worthy the special notice of the Post-
oflioe Department.
The Presbytery of Stratford held a
pro re nate meeting at Knox church,
Stratford, Wednesday of last week to
oonsider and dispose of a °all from the
Presbyterian congregations of Atwood
and Illonktou to Rev, P. A. McLeod, B.
A., 13, D•, of Sonya, Presbytery of
Lindsay. Among those present were ;—
Revs. Dr. Hamilton, iuotherwell ;. W. A.
Bradley, Mitchell ; SR Cooper, Lista.
,vel ; E. F. Smith, Granton ; M. L.
Leitch, W. M. Moliibbon and E. W.
Panton, Stratford ;• Elders, James Cal.
lin and D. Forbes, North Easthope ;- and
John Dickson, Atwood. P. J. Ranter, of
Ridgetown, was present as a correspond•
ing member. In the absence of Rev.
Aft, Foremen, Moderator, Rev, Mr. Me,
Laeblin, of Harrington, was appointed
to the chair and constituted the court.
Rev, W, Cooper submitted the call. It
was eigned by 267 members of Atwood
and 48 members of Monkton uongre a -
tion, and by 13 adherents from the
former and 19 from the latter oongrega•
tion, The salary guaranteed was 1)1,000,
paid quarterly, and a free manse, John
Dickson and George Inglis, elders, 0175ar.
ed as commissioners from Atwood and
llionkton rsepeotively,in support of the
call whiob, they sad, was virtually
unanimous, Mr. Cooper's action in
moderating this call teas approved, Rev.
Dr. Hamilton moved, seconded by 11, W.
Panton, that the call be sustained as a
regular gospel call and forwarded to Rev.
Air, RaLsed, This was eaarsiod• Mr,
Cooper was appointed to represent the
Presbytery in yeoman tine this oall before
the Presbytery of Lindsay, Further ar-
rangements wore left over nut!! the
regular meeting on July 15011.
Single First-class are
Good going Mon(1ay, Juno 218t, and
Tuesday, June 22nd, 1807. Returning
leaving destination not later than Wed.
nseday, June 23rd, 1897.
'pull information at (5. T. It. station.
G. T. R. Agent, Brussels,
Summer -41D,,
The undersigned carries a well
assorted stock of seasonable Dress
Goods that find favor -with the
ladies. Special values. A full
line of other clry goods always on
OUR Grocery
is constantly supplied with the
lines and the satisfaction given
to our customers is the best proof
of the quality and price.
AT :(''15(1
for Cash of in Exchange for Goods.
We have Flannels, Blankets, Tweeds, Sheetiugs, Yarns,
Underwear, Carpets, etc.
Special attention given to Custom Work, such as Card-
ing, Spinning, Weaving, Fulling and Dyeing.
Satisfaction Guaranteed, -
We have the following varieties of the choicest and
most reliable Turnip Seeds we can buy, viz :
Hall's Westbury,
Sutton's Champion,
East Lothian,
Royal Norfolk,
Bkirving's Improved,
Garter's Imperial,
Sharp's Improved,
Bruce's Selected East Lothian,
Green Top and White Swede,
Also grey Stone Turnip Seed.
Give us a call for the Best.___
We will still continue to sell
the above articles
^d�I �V /i j l
while the Bankrupt Stock
lasts which will not be much
longer at the rate they are
going off.
Goole and. secure
the Bargains
while they last.
The National Roller Mill has been
thoroughly overhauled and refitted and
is in a position to turn out First-class
Floursecond to none 111 Ontario.
Manitoba• Wheat used in gristing and
for the local trade,
Patronize home manufacture and be
sure of getting satisfaction.
Wheat bought,
Flour, Bran, Shorts, Chop, &o., al-
ways on hand and sold at reasonable prices.
Give me a call.
c u<er wvn.77 m=ua<ccmmzsmm-mievm rxu,amw,msm,amarea»n wool
50,000 LBS. WANTED.
1 am prepared to pay the highest Cash Price for the
above quantity, delivered at Grain Storehouse No. 1, or if
farmers prefer 2 cents per lb, more in trade. Parties wish-
ing to trade out their Wool can do so at
with whole 1 have arranged,
Owing to the coming high duty imposed by the Dingley tariff
in the United States, Farmers would consult their interests by
Marketing their Wool early, so dealers eat ship promptly there be-
fore the duty takes effect.
R. GRAHAM, JE3��•�� S
Lbs. of
0 *03003
HIGHEST OA$$Ii PR.ICB that can possibly be paid or in ex-
changing Wool for: goods a few cents per lb. extra, will be paid and
guarantee to sell goods at Cash Prices.
BE.A.D'XMAT I+I 0L,OfTHING.—A11 styles and sizes in Men's
and Boys' Suits. Special value this season in oux own make of
ore disposing
Befof your wool call on
' is oO , IISTO WEL5