HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-6-18, Page 3JUNE 18, 1897
Town Dirootoyi.
MeevxLLur ODunou,—Sabbath Services
at 11 a m and 7:00 p, m, Sunday Soh
at 2;30 p m. Rev. John Rose, 13
Ste. Jon's CDuaoxx.—Sabbath Seryl°
et 11 a tn and 7 p m. Sunday Soh
of 2130 p. m, Rev. A. H. Griffin, inn
MS'ritonxs'' Cimitom—Sabbath Services
at 10:30 a m and 7:00 p In. Sunday
Sohool at 2:80 0 m, Rev. S. J. 4.ilin,
ROMAN CATnoLro Clionoll,.-Sebba
Service third Sunday in every month,
10;80 a ea, Bev J000ph Ienno1
SALVATION a ,Aaaxx: '
S tyles at 7 and
a m and 3 and p m on Sunday an
every evening in the week at 8 o'olook,
the barracks.
Opo Fsxnowo' Lonna every Thursd
evening, in Graham's blook.
MAsosue Loren Tuesday at or beloe
full moon, in Garfield block,
A. 0 V W Loon on the 8r
Friday evening of each month, in Bla
hill's block,
0 0 F LOLen 2nd and last Tuesaa
evenings of each month, in Blaehill'
I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Oa
Fellows' Hall.
L O L let Monday in every month
in Orange hall,
SONS OF SCOTLAND, let and 3rd Tres
Tint he said the fame wes hateful, an'
he gnessed hes have to go.
I know tiler's big temptation fora young.
col ober in the Wept,
A Bat age to resieb,
An' when he left I warned him o
ea into
ever wnitin snares
art That Ile like hidden serpents in lifo'o
pathway everywheree,
13 .
But Bill he promised faithful to be keer-
fnl an allowed
He'd build a reputation *ran make us
mighty proud,
til Bub it weenie as how my oouneel sort o'
at faded from hie mind,
Y, An now the boy's in trouble of the
• very wnstest kind.
UM letters acme so seldom Wet I Borne.
at h0vi sort of 'knowad
That Billy was a.travellin' on a mighty
arooky road,
Y But never once hung/tied he would bow
emy head in shame,
An' in the dust he'd wailer his of
daddy's honored name.
d He writes from out in Denver, end the
s• story's mighty short ;
Y 1 can't just tell his mother ; it'd orneh
s her poor of heart I
An' so I reckoned, parson, you might
break the news to her—
d Bill's in the Legislator' but be doesn't
say what fur.
days of each month, in Odd Follows' SOME M07'HER'S BOY,
K. 0. T. 11, Lone, 2nd and 4th Tues. Tune --"Into a Tent Where a Gypsy
days of Mal month, in Odd Fellow'e Bail. Boy Lay."
Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, 1st Soft baby Zips aro pressing her face
and 3M
rd onays of each month in Blas•
hill's Hall.
A 0 F, 1st and Brd Mondays of each
month in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Hoorn Omen, and and 4th Friday oven•
ings in Blashill's Hall.
Pose' 0FI'rne.—Office hour's from 8 a.
m. to 0:30 p. m.
MECHANICS' IN9TITDir.—Library in
Holmes' block, will be open from 0 to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 5
and 0 to 8 Saturdays. Mies Minnie Mo•
Naughton, Librarian.
TOWN COUNCIL. -14. H, herr, Reeve ;
Geo. 13aeker, Geo. Thomson, It Lea,
tlrerdale and R. G. Wilson, Ooaucillors ;
F. fe, Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; P. Ilingeton, Assessor and J.
T. Rose, Collector. Board meete the let
Monday in each month.
SCHOOL BoAitn.—A. Koenig, (ohair-
man,) D. 0. Mode, .7. G. Skene, Jae.
Turnbull, A. Coraley and F. Van.
atone. Seo.-Treas., R. R. Rose.
Meetings and Friday evening in each
Punric Sanoo= TnaoH>;ua.—J. H, Cam.
eron, Principal, Leon Jackson, Miss
Downey and Mise Ritchie.
Boum or HUM:TD,—Reeve Herr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and Wm.
Jewitt. Dr. MoNaugbton, Medioal
Health Officer.
loetttii .
See hero, any little fellow,
I've something for your ear ;
When mother says, "The wood -box
Is empty quite, I fear,"
Don't wait for her to ask you
To fill 11 up with wood,
But fill It without asking,
And she will say, "That's good I"
And when she nays that to you
I ]snow you will be Bled,
Beonuee ib means she's proud of
Her helpful little lad.
When father comes home weary
0f long, hard bait of day,
'Twill give you both real pleasure
le you to biro oan say,
"The chores are all done, father."
I know kis eyes will shine,
And he will smile a thank•you
Tbab means, "'Obis lad of mine
Is helpful, trusty, willing—
God bless the little man I"
Love father, boy, and Mother,
And help them all yon oan.
Only a little boy, my friends,
Bat I'll do the best I can ;
For by and by, in the coming years,
1 mean to be a man.
Not something that wears a one and hat,
Kid gloves, and curling hair,
Whose only ambition seems to be
To dram with the neatest Dare.
Not something that oarriee between his
A cigar or pipe of clay,
And Beeps the article in full blast
A dozen times a clay.
Not something that digs and delves so
But is poor as poverty still
While a goodly part of his hard•earned
Gose into the drink•eeller's till.
Bub a man—an honest, whole -soiled
Brave•hearted, kind and true ;
Who is always found in the foremost
Whenever there's tvorlt to do.
How, boys, be wise, Join hande with me,
There ie work enough for tis all ;
And by and by'in the strife we shall fill
The planes of those who fall.
And lab ns resolve in childhood's years
To bo faithful in all things, and then
We may each fill an honored station in
If we should live to he men.
I've got a letter, parson, from my eon
away out West,
An' my of heart is heavy tie an anvil
in my breast,
1'o think the boy whose fettle' I bad One
so proudly planned,
Should wander from the path o' right
an come to such an sad 1
I told him when he left ne, only titres
ehorb years ago,
Ilea find himeelf a•plownn in a mighty
areoked row --
n'o'd miss his father's oo0neels, an' hie
mother's prayers, toe,
Soft baby arms give a gentle embrace ;
Pure as the angels who dwell in God's
Sheltered by mother's love rests he to•
Some mother's boy, some mother's boy -
011 how she loves him 1 her life's orown-
ing Soy
Dreams of hie future, afl joyous and
bright •
Sonia rnotber'e boy's In safe keeping to
Swiftly—how swiftly !--to manhood he's
grown ;
Now she is weeping and praying alone,
For out in the world, with a legalized
Some mother's boy is in clanger to -night,
Some mother's boy, eomo mother's boy,
Drifting away from (tome -love and joy,
Drifting away from Gocl and from right—
Some mother's boy is drifting to -night.
Deep are the farrows, and' white is her
Aged less by time than by sorrow and
oars ;
Pitying nugele weep over the sight,
For—oh my God 1—he's a drunkard to.
Some mother's boy, some mother's boy,
In the grasp of a monster that lives to
Wretched, forsaken, a stranger to joy,
Sinful and erring ; still some mother's
Wanderer, yet there remaiuetin a Friend,
Tender, unfailing, and true to life's end ;
Then why longer friendless and desolate
Wbou Jesus the Saviour is calling thea
Weary one, come ; lonely one, Dome ;
Jesus stands waiting to welcome yon
And up in the mansions of glary end joy,
There's pardon and pease for each
wandering boy.
A middle egad man with what appeared
to be a load on his mind, visited an arctic
steamer and seemed interested in what
he saw,
"I say," he said to the officer on dcok,
"I'd like to go on the next expedition."
"It's awfully cold up there," remarked
the officer discouragingly."
"I don't care about that."
"You'd have very little to eat and
might have to starve."
"That wouldn't he pleasant," said the
"I should any not," returned the officer,
"and you might be eaten by your com-
"Is that so ? Thab would be dietinotly
"And then," continued the racer, "yon
Wouldn't see your wife for three years
and possibly longer. You know you can't
take her with you."
"Well," returned the gentleman, after
a long pause,, "I think you San put me
down ou your hooks. Your last argument
raptured me."
Occaeionally there domes a retnit:ie.
once of the runaway darky which ehnws
not only hie humor, but his irrepressible
Iobging for the boon of freedom. Before
the war there armee into the pub.
So 000m of n hotel in Canada, hour the
frontier, one day a bright.looking negro,
s'pose you're a runaway slave," said
0110 of tits then in the room, looking
eharply at the new'oomer. Feeling that
he was pretty well away from bondage,
the Barky responded in the affirmative.
"Well, we're glad enough you've got
away ; but you don't seem to look very
poor. Have good olothae down South ?"
"Snitingly, sab ; same clothes as my
"But you got a good many thrashing,oh?"
' Nebber had a .whipping in my life,
waver thrashed l Well, but I omenyon don't always get enough to eat, do
yon ?"
"Always had enough, gammen ; anebbet
went hungry."
"What I" said the psrsisteat inierroga,
tor. "Good olotbes, no punishment,
plenty to en? Now jueb think of it," he
said, addressing a group al loSugere,
"Thio fellow has left a position where be
enjoys all these privilegoe, for an neer-
"Gemen," replied the clarity, "all Peegot to say easpeoths' detn privilages is, dat
if any one ob you wautg to avail hieselfm
ob 'em de situation astill open 1"
Some people aro constantly troubled
with pimples and boils, especially about
the face and nook, The beat remedy ie a
thorough o0nrse of Ayers' Sarsaparilla,
which eapele MMI (remora t1ro0gh the
proper channels, and oo makes the skin
become soft, healthy and fair.
11E811 AND 7YIi.RP, St Mersa Argue e • The move of the 1 !
n n Ir ea meeting p tae y-TAIL}}"�YRING rue r(gUt direLUnn. They Will puG a U,v- ._.
law in for0o that, after hiarnh let, 180H,
Mutability ie a balky bottle,
Contempt will kill au injury sooner
than revenge.
One menet gob nut of his pine without
usurping someone sloe.
Frugality and prudeucoare unimpeaeh•
able guardian of liberty.
A. rolling atone gathers no moss,' and
an empty barrel soon goes to ebaVeS
Do all the good you San in the world
nit make as little reelect about it as pos-
Mont of the shadows that owes our
path through life are paused by standing•
i our own 1
v light.
Tho bust way for a man or woman to
be somebody
is bo I e
clo something earnest.
I6 est
y and persistently.
The difforenae between a somnambelfst
and a messenger boy is trifling. One
walks in his sleep and the other sleeps in
hia walk,
A great part of the happiness in life
consists not in fighting battles, but in
avoiding'tltem. A mnoterly retreat is in
itself a victory.
Bavaria's r'epreeentative at Queen Vic-
toria's celebration will be Prins Rupre-
altt, eldest son and heir of Arcbduohers
Maria Theresa of Modena•Este, who, ea.
cording to the Legitimist I8alendar,
should by rights be in Victoria's plane.
At Joplin, oto., a drunken man fell
down a mine shaft seventy foot on a Bat.
nrdtty and lay there nearly twenty-four
bouts before he wee discovered. Beyond
a few slight bruises he was not hurt. On
the following Moadey another miner,
sober, fell seventy feet down a shaft at
the same place and died in half an hour.
town rnnneil t t] • histin
t to twee ori the whee'a of ell wagons,
drttye, end other vehicles owned by reef•
, dents of the town osrrying Made of 2,000
pounds and up to 8,500 tbs. shall be not
lose time 3k inoses wide, and th0eecerry-
inyl lends aver 8,600 Ibe, shall be not lase
than 4. imams wide. I
� f we a aro ever
going 0: have better roads the wagons
carrylsg heavy Joads muss have Wide hires.
'11w above action is taken on theassnmp• 1
+(001 that each muniolpelity has the right
to regulate this mutter within its own
nd s Now v if ecus molt sellae was
taken by tnwnahip cnuuoils and fix some
date uft ,
t xahinh the narrow
road. 1+
aaGtii '
t' •
be a
their townships, the qiistip nt oouldteasily
be settled. No doubt eomo unprogressive
chronic grumblers would make an ado
about the great expense and s° forth, but
o0oe get the by law ml the books and it
is not likely that it will ever be changed.
Bayonets were invented in 1170.
Salt in whitewash makes it shone.
Torpedoes wore invented in 1777.
Salmon takes font hours to digest.
A pint of water weighs close upon 1 Ib,
The electric light was invented in 187.4.
One mattan
c lift with both hnds, 230
Coffee was introduced into England in
The Niagara Snsponsion Bridge oos
1810. was first rliseovered in California
Minnesota, has for a nickname the
„Gopher State."
Paper rails aro now used on some rail-
A raven has been known to live a
hundred years.
The human body contains 1} gallons of
Each inhabitant in England uses :10
bricks a year.
The Mount Denis tunnel is 30,810 feet
A tumbler, as a rule, contains ton
ounces of ligaid.
Britain will probably construe& a rail.
rend t0 India.
Each person in England requires ten
pounds of soap a year.
The first balloon ascent was made in
France in 1788.
The death rate in rho army is now but
6.62 per 1,000.
Loudon Bridge was the first bridge
eonsbruuted of stone.
Nutmeg grated into a glees of sherry
often cures neuralgia.
The sandwich men of London are esti.
mated to number 15,000.
Turkey's entire navy is to be re•con-
strnoted by a British firm.
The planet Jepiter is 470,000,000 miles
distant from the earth.
It talces 18 times more strength to walk
upstairs +ban downstairs.
In 1860 there were nearly 4,000,000
slaves in the United States.
Manufactured ice on be bought in
Macon, Georgia, for 25 cents per 100 lbs.
A number of British and American
capitalists have offered to buy Ouba,
About £100,250,000 worth of timber is
oonsuwed annually in Europe.
Over 15,000 taus of wire are mane•
featured into pills manually in England.
The British torpedo boat Express is
expected to make 83 knots an hour.
Watermelons were shipped from Ox-
ford, Fla., daring the last week in May.
The Ruesians are not great meat eaters.
They only each consume 48 ponds of
meat in the year.
Celery coffee is a new drink. It is
said to edcl renewed strength to brain and
Ame•erica has 2,000 miles of telegraph
wire, enough to reach 40 times around
the globe.
Mieroseopists say thab the strongest
microscopes do not, probably, reveal the
lowest stages of animal life.
The Queen of Sweden belongs to the
Salvation Army and sometimes weave
its eharacteriatio garb in public.
Professor Falba, of :Vienna, announces
at the world will 001115 in collision with
comet on November 15th, 1000.
One•eiglltiotb part of a Binge' share fu
o New River Company sold for 610,-
0, equivalent to something like $500,-
0 for a full share.
In idexioo City "firet•olnss American
titer, made by an expert," is advertised
50 and 60 cense per pound, at whole -
le and retail respectively.
Li Hung Maim, the Ohineeestatesman,
of humble origin. Me father was an
noranb wood.ehopper and his motherant her girlhood as a seevaut,
A Canadian note says that a sailor feil
feet from the rigging to the cloak of
o steamship Bannockburn at Port
lhousie, and jumped up unhurt.
A double wedding on horseback took
0s out in Arlene Inst week. The
oma were cowboys, and the 0eremony
s witnessed by 200 persons, all mount.,
Correctness as to the sex of bile ohild
in a ew0rnstatement was held to be inn.
material by a Justice of the Queen's
Bouch recently on a motion to gnaeh an
affiliation order,
The consumption of horse 0nis donkey
$esti as human'food, appears to be largely
on Ole inoreaee in Paris, Last year 80,•
000 horses alone were thus disposed of in
the French oapitai.
One of the candidates for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy at ,lona was 77
years of age, Di is fnterestiug to learn
that he passed hie examination 10 a ecttis•
factory manner,
At a reeenb orab•oating contest at
Savin Roulc, Connection, ten voting 1nieln
devoured 800 °Cabe in lees than bwo
hours. It must b0 added that the
authority for stroll assertion is the Con.
ne0tiout papers.
The Postale° Depattmtnt at Ottawa
are now bay sending out jubilee stamps
to distant pointe in the Dominion,
1 .fit Ga .ichardson
Ori prepared to slo all kinds of
work in his line,
Good Workmanship and
Any Amount of Dloney to toitt
on Farm or Village Pro«
perty at
6 &Ce ,. 6' Pay Cod., .
� , lrelG*,
Straight Loans with pifivilege o.'fl
repaying wlwHn required.
Apply to
Good Flts Quaranteod, i
made for $4 and upwards,
tR"Skop over Ale/ own n's Store.
v'Ssveral years ago, while in Fort
Snelling, Minn., I caught a severe
cold, attended with a terrible cough,
that allowed me no rest day or
night. The doctors after exhaust-
ing their remedies, pronounced my
case hopeless, say-
ing they could oto no
more for me. At
this time a bottle of
Cherry Pectoralwas
sent to me by a
friend who urged
me to take it, which
I did, an f soon after I was greatly
relieved, and in a short time was
completely cured. I have never had
much of a cough since that time,
and I firmly believe Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral saved my life." —W. H.
WArn, s Quimby Av., Lowell, Mass.
Cherry rrt)ectora
Highest Awards at World's Fair.
AYESI'S PILLS cure Indigestion and Headache
I with to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that I have per-
ch/teed the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will he found reedy to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No better Pump in the market.
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after. ,
l Orders taken for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterns.
'OMM? Gzeen,
c, ytia•
Certain in its olxeots mud never enema,
need proofs below,
next" Oce o,o,`Idoudorson Co., in., hyb, ^„4,'tt.
Dr.s.J.tra lieu b0.
Dear see -t'10 , 000,1 m0 ono or 70110 noose
1100100 and ohitao, Ianvonsudngrono dont oryea0
wonderfuemvm Ce. 010, 0001 oueaesa, la le a
ail wonderful medicine. I new had a mato that bad
keep a b t le on h and see bottles 00,01105 0, I
keep a borne m0 hand all tbatnno,
YOI,ra truly, CICS. Powers
Dr. n,.0. I...Art.CO, 00:110x, 110., Apr. a'ee,
ICOtIdu esllinvIm oaarts 111118 mu 1, lest ce o, 1
think It tim scat Lhllment 1 ,vet lend. IfO,r to-
nt0xdoud anrh,00.1n00,1'61111.1111 0ne k"ted
two ,Hobo Sparine, Hove 1'l. 0nntondrd it to
=geeor m7 rrlonde,vh” 00v lau1a ploaoed 011/1
nod keep it. 1Ospoetfu11V
8.11, i%iy, R 0. DDx ars,
ror Salo by 1n Dru1Rlata or aldlreas
Dr. Ix. J. If.Eir..72dL.Y. C0.7Z1'4.41'1
0NosflUeaH FALLS VT.
iiritisl>t Columbia
Red. Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing [ills
Aleo Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notioe.
Estimates Furnished for ail
kinds of Buildings. Workman.
skip and Material Guaranteed,
Nvill make
an well Mals
of YO'U 1
010001 r105VOse Tne A95VE
/20011.9010 80010 1851015.
n0, ,
aailling Memory Nightl7 Emasleoo1oos , 000,0,50,
Lor960m; impotency, ate., 0a0eed by peat 055000'
5180, vigor and slue to shrunken oraaue, and
quickly but surely restorer, Losr 1010aooa In old
0r vouag. Use PIC000 and you 1,1115,110 ottani
and bapny ely se Boot by mss In plata wrapper
and securely erocke from oboe males, Sassy
foaled Is, Vest rocket. 5 rrrv, VI. a to 8050,, ala
009 ye, Sand m01107 m saber ordinary or raa0,100,
ect tetter, Addruoe alt lettere m 1, ¢ke leT, PE502taq
retaken wooasroox, 01.10 daont for fan D
minioDan ori Canada.
n_*rr 6rrn.^,s.• +;'P,St 12 6':, EIZZE'�i6
A. Hunter,
Division Cortrt Clerk, Basses&t,
D. FIRAIN has opened a Har-
ness Shop in 1110 building Nortlr
of the Leckie Block, Brussels,
where 110 is prepared to turn out
Light and Heavy Harness and
attend promptly to repairing.
Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips,
&c., kept in stook.
I am prepared to attend to all orders far
Carriage Trimming. Repairing, ego.
Good work and :,federate charges.
A Frain, Brussels.
flGr Stu!?y
ystez r Renovator
The undersigned has open-
ed up a Butcher Shop in the
Where he willkeep$eonst-ant-
ly on hand it supply of the I For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
i I31ood, Dysl'epsia, S:aep!eesuese, Pelpita-
Best bleats Procurable, sold tion of the Heart, LivooComplaint,Neor-
at reasonable prices. A share
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con.
eumpttoe, Gall Slants, Jaundice, Sidney
of public patxonage solicited. a U ' D' v
--0x1 CTii; 5 ---
bleat delivered to all Darts J. M. 11ScLEOD,
of the town.
en rulary tresses, end'
Itus' Dance,
Female Irregularities end General i'De-
Prep. and 3lauufaaturec.
Sold by:•las. Fox. let neater, Erusaels.
4, 6 and Balls